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Approaches to Future Space Cooperation and Competition in a Globalizing World: Summary of a Workshop

Status: Available Now
Size: 68 pages, 8.5 x 11
Publication Year:2009
ISBN-10: 0-309-13996-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-309-13996-0
PDF Download (478 kB)

Table of Contents
Front Matter    i-xii    
Summary    1-5    
1 Background    6-6    
2 Opening Remarks    7-8    
3 Perspectives on Space Cooperation and Competition    9-12    
4 Opportunities and Challenges    13-17    
5 Concluding Observations    18-20    
Appendixes    21-22    
Appendix A: Statement of Task    23-23    
Appendix B: Workshop Agenda and Participants    24-28    
Appendix C: Biographies of the Planning Committee, Keynote Speakers, Moderators, and Panelists    29-37    
Appendix D: Opening Keynote: Scientific and Technological Cooperation and Competition in a Globalizing World    38-46    
Appendix E: Session 1 Keynote: Governmental Space Cooperation and Competition During and After the Cold War--Lessons Learned

Numerous countries and regions now have very active space programs, and the number is increasing. These maturing capabilities around the world create a plethora of potential partners for cooperative space endeavors, while at the same time heightening competitiveness in the international space arena.

This book summarizes a public workshop held in November 2008 for the purpose of reviewing past and present cooperation, coordination, and competition mechanisms for space and Earth science research and space exploration; identifying significant lessons learned; and discussing how those lessons could best be applied in the future, particularly in the areas of cooperation and collaboration.

Presentations and initial discussion focused on past and present experiences in international cooperation and competition to identify "lessons learned." Those lessons learned were then used as the starting point for subsequent discussions on the most effective ways for structuring future cooperation or coordination in space and Earth science research and space exploration. The goal of the workshop was not to develop a specific model for future cooperation or coordination, but rather to explore the advantages and disadvantages of various approaches and stimulate further deliberation on this important topic.

Authoring Organizations
    * Space Studies Board (SSB)
    * Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board (ASEB)
    * Engineering and Physical Sciences (DEPS)

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"Селена, луна. Селенгинск, старинный город в Сибири: город лунных ракет." Владимир Набоков


Is Quantum Mechanics Tried, True, Wildly Successful, and Wrong?
Tim Folger*

Antony Valentini, a theoretical physicist at Imperial College London and the co-author of a forthcoming book on the early history of quantum mechanics, believes that shortly after the theory's birth some 80 years ago, a cadre of influential scientists led quantum physics down a philosophical blind alley. As a result of that wrong turn, Valentini says, the field wound up burdened with paradoxical dualities, inexplicable long-distance connections between particles, and a pragmatic "shut up and calculate" mentality that stifled attempts to probe what it all means. But there is an alternative, Valentini says: a long-abandoned "road not taken" that could get physics back on track. And unlike other proposed remedies to quantum weirdness, he adds, there's a possible experiment to test whether this one is right.

Full story at http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/324/5934/1512?sa_campaign=Email/sntw/19-June-2009/10.1126/science.324_1512
Ответил со свойственной ему свирепостью (хотя и не преступая ни на дюйм границ учтивости). (C)  :)


ЦитироватьIs Quantum Mechanics Tried, True, Wildly Successful, and Wrong?
Tim Folger*

Antony Valentini, a theoretical physicist at Imperial College London and the co-author of a forthcoming book on the early history of quantum mechanics, believes that shortly after the theory's birth some 80 years ago, a cadre of influential scientists led quantum physics down a philosophical blind alley. As a result of that wrong turn, Valentini says, the field wound up burdened with paradoxical dualities, inexplicable long-distance connections between particles, and a pragmatic "shut up and calculate" mentality that stifled attempts to probe what it all means. But there is an alternative, Valentini says: a long-abandoned "road not taken" that could get physics back on track. And unlike other proposed remedies to quantum weirdness, he adds, there's a possible experiment to test whether this one is right.

Full story at http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/324/5934/1512?sa_campaign=Email/sntw/19-June-2009/10.1126/science.324_1512
Статья полностью и НАХАЛЯВУ 8)  :P  :lol: (хотя и не по теме)
"Селена, луна. Селенгинск, старинный город в Сибири: город лунных ракет." Владимир Набоков


Космодром Плесецк - Северный космодром России, 1 том

Издательство: Космодром "Плесецк"
Автор(ы): Под общей редакцией начальника космодрома «Плесецк» кандидата технических наук генераллейтенанта А.А.Башлакова
Название: Северный космодром России, 1 том
Язык: русский
Год издания: 2007
Количество страниц: 567
Формат: pdf (типографское качество)
Размер: 34.5 mb

Космодром Плесецк - Северный космодром России, 2 том

Издательство: Космодром "Плесецк"
Автор(ы): Под общей редакцией начальника космодрома «Плесецк» кандидата технических наук генераллейтенанта А.А.Башлакова
Название: Северный космодром России, 2 том
Язык: русский
Год издания: 2007
Количество страниц: 527
Формат: pdf (типографское качество)
Размер: 32.8 mb
"Селена, луна. Селенгинск, старинный город в Сибири: город лунных ракет." Владимир Набоков


Tourists in Space: A Practical Guide

 Erik Seedhouse "Tourists in Space: A Practical Guide"
Springer Praxis, March 2008 | ISBN: 0387746439 | PDF Format, 347 pages | English | 8 MB

Recent surveys have provided new and updated information into public insights of the nascent space tourism industry. Erik Seedhouse uniquely explores in detail the cutting-edge technologies, spacecraft capabilities, launch vehicles and the training that will define this commercial enterprise and also provides a manual for future suborbital and orbital private space explorers. This overview of the space tourism market is based upon choices the spaceflight participant must make, such as choice of agency, mode and spaceport. A detailed explanation is given of the medical requirements for spaceflight participants, with special reference to potential waiver criteria. Over half of the book is a comprehensive astronaut training/instructional manual that addresses each of the 15 subjects required for suborbital and orbital flight. A DVD with instructional lectures in the form of powerpoint slides might be included.
Following an Introduction examining the commercial potential for space tourism, Section 1 covers Suborbital Flight. Chapter 1 opens with a description and analysis of the significance of SpaceShipOne. Chapter 2 gives the Suborbital frontrunner profiles, mission architectures and technical aspects from launch to landing while the following chapter details the training and medical requirements for space tourists. Section 2 covers the same aspects for Orbital Flight, including a civilian astronaut training manual, enabling technologies, capabilities and personnel. A description is given of the anticipated on-orbit phases that will introduce the potential spaceflight participant or reader to the capsule, rendezvous, medical support, mission events and de-orbit phase. Section 3 gives a detailed assessment of the future of space tourism based on current technologies, commercial applications, military use and Lunar and Mars missions. Countries without space programs are also included.
Erik Seedhouse provides a much needed, well-rounded understanding of what promises to be the most dynamic, multi-faceted and exciting industry in the world. He shows how seemingly innocuous players are disproving long held beliefs about what can be achieved in space despite the inherent complexities, and why this industry may soon define the new norm in space travel.

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"Селена, луна. Селенгинск, старинный город в Сибири: город лунных ракет." Владимир Набоков


America's Future in Space: Aligning the Civil Space Program with National Needs

ISBN-10: 0-309-14036-6
PDF Download 1.8 Mb
2009 - 126 pages.

The U.S. civil space program should be aligned with widely acknowledged national challenges, says a new report from the National Research Council.  Aligning the program with pressing issues – environmental, economic, and strategic – is a national imperative, and will continue to grow in importance.  Coordination across federal agencies, combined with a competent technical work force, effective infrastructure, and investment in technology and innovation, would lay the foundation for a purposeful, strategic U.S. space program that would serve national interests.

In aligning civil space activities with national objectives, several priorities are clear, the report says.  Earth stewardship should be an important focus of future space activities, with NASA and NOAA leading the formation of an international satellite-observing system to monitor global climate change.  In addition, NASA should cooperate with other agencies and international partners to continue scientific exploration in space, seeking knowledge of the universe and searching for life beyond Earth.  The report also recommends revitalizing NASA's advanced technology development program by establishing a DARPA-like organization within NASA to support priority civil and commercial space programs, and development of "dual-use" space technologies, with both civil and defense applications.

International cooperation on space activities should allow the U.S. to exercise global strategic leadership, support U.S. foreign policy, and expand partnerships in science and space exploration, the report says.  NASA should also be actively pursuing human spaceflight, including missions beyond low-Earth orbit, and should use these ventures as an opportunity to collaborate with emerging economic powers.

The task of ensuring that U.S. space activities are aligned with national goals should be assigned by the president to senior executive-branch officials who can coordinate agencies and departments, identify gaps in policy coverage or resource allocation, and spot new opportunities where space endeavors may have the potential to help confront critical issues facing the nation.

The study was sponsored by the National Academies, which comprise the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, and National Research Council.  They are private, nonprofit institutions that provide science, technology, and health policy advice under a congressional charter.  The Research Council is the principal operating agency of the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering.

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"Селена, луна. Селенгинск, старинный город в Сибири: город лунных ракет." Владимир Набоков


"Truth needs no defence. No-one can take those footprints I made on the surface of the moon away from me."
  Eugene Cernan


Michel van Pelt, "Space Tethers and Space Elevators"
Springer, 2009 ISBN: 0387765557 230 pages PDF 3,4 MB

ЦитироватьThis detailed account of the possibilities of tethers in space, from very practical applications to (near) science fiction, gives an overview of the past, present and future of space tether development and presents the various concepts, ranging from those feasible in the near future to extremely innovative and challenging ideas. It shows how space tethers have already been used to stabilize spacecraft using tidal forces and to generate artificial gravity using a spinning system with a spacecraft connected to a counterweight via a cable. Tethers can also generate electricity by dragging spacecraft through the Earth's magnetosphere, as was attempted with partial success during two Space Shuttle missions. Using electrodynamic forces, conductive tethers can also accelerate or brake a spacecraft.

Probably the most exciting tether concept is the space elevator, consisting of an incredibly strong long cable that stretches from the Earth's surface into space. Solar powered "climber" machines, which are already under development, could use such a cable to haul cargo into orbit. The author also describes how space tethers can change the orbit of satellites, by effectively moving their center of gravity through the deployment of long cables. Tethers rotating at high speed can be used to accelerate or slow down spacecraft that briefly latch to them. In principle, such "momentum exchange" tethers can be used to fly a space probe from low Earth orbit all the way into orbit around Mars, without the need for rocket propulsion. A tether can also provide scientific information on the magnetosphere of the planet it's orbiting.

Michel van Pelt explains the principle of space tethers: what they are and how they can be used in space. He introduces non-technical space enthusiasts to the various possibilities of space tethers, the technological challenges, the potential benefits and their feasibility. He illustrates how, because of their inherent simplicity, space tethers have the potential to make space travel much cheaper, while ongoing advances in tether material technology may make even seemingly far-fetched ideas a reality in the not too distant future.
"Селена, луна. Селенгинск, старинный город в Сибири: город лунных ракет." Владимир Набоков


Michael E. O'Hanlon, "Neither Star Wars Nor Sanctuary: Constraining the Military Uses of Space"
Brookings Institution Press ISBN: 0815764561 2004 PDF |120 Pages 5,5 Mb

ЦитироватьSpace has been militarized for over four decades. Should it now be weaponized? This incisive and insightful book argues that it should not.
Since the cold war, space has come to harbor many tools of the tactical warfighter. Satellites have long been used to provide strategic communication, early warning of missile launch, and arms control verification. The U.S. armed forces increasingly use space assets to locate and strike targets on the battlefield. To date, though, no country deploys destructive weapons in space, for use against space or Earth targets, and no country possesses ground-based weapons designed explicitly to damage objects in space. The line between nonweaponization and weaponization is blurry, to be sure
"Селена, луна. Селенгинск, старинный город в Сибири: город лунных ракет." Владимир Набоков


Space Radiation Hazards and the Vision for Space Exploration: Report of a Workshop
National Academy Press ISBN 0309102642 2006 PDF 91 pages 2.85 MB

ЦитироватьFulfilling the President s Vision for Space Exploration (VSE) will require overcoming many challenges. Among these are the hazards of space radiation to crews traveling to the Moon and Mars. To explore these challenges in some depth and to examine ways to marshal research efforts to address them, NASA, NSF, and the NRC sponsored a workshop bringing together members of the space and planetary science, radiation physics, operations, and exploration engineering communities. The goals of the workshop were to increase understanding of the solar and space physics in the environment of Earth, the Moon, and Mars; to identify compelling relevant research goals; and discuss directions this research should take over the coming decade. This workshop report presents a discussion of radiation risks for the VSE, an assessment of specifying and predicting the space radiation environment, an analysis of operational strategies for space weather support, and a summary and conclusions of the workshop.
"Селена, луна. Селенгинск, старинный город в Сибири: город лунных ракет." Владимир Набоков


Joseph A. Angelo, "Space Technology"
Greenwood Press ISBN: 1573563358 2003 PDF 408 pages 1.3 MB

ЦитироватьSpace Technology, the first volume in the Sourcebooks in Modern Technology Series, is a ready-reference guide that provides nonspecialist users with current information about important developments in space technology and about the social, political, and technical impact of those developments on everyday life--now and in the future. The book includes a detailed history of the evolution of space technology; a discussion of both civilian and military applications of such technology; a chronology of major developments and discoveries; profiles of prominent scientists, politicians, popularizers, and institutions; explanations of key principles; discussion of the major impacts and implications of space technology; an examination of major issues surrounding the use of such technology; and predictions for possible future advances. Space Technology also offers a glossary of terms, a list of key associations, a list of print and electronic information resources, 40 illustrations, and an index.
"Селена, луна. Селенгинск, старинный город в Сибири: город лунных ракет." Владимир Набоков


The Space Shuttle (Pull Ahead Books) First Avenue Editions; 2007 ISBN: 0822564262 PDF 32 Pgs 3.77 mb

ЦитироватьRocket launching and space shuttle with special images inside of this book:
The countdown is almost finished!
The space shuttle is ready to take off!
Five, four, three, two, one!
Liftoff! The space shuttle is blasting
off! It is going on a new trip. A space
shuttle trip is called a mission.
"Селена, луна. Селенгинск, старинный город в Сибири: город лунных ракет." Владимир Набоков


Gregory L. Matloff, Les Johnson, C Bangs Living Off the Land in Space
Springer 2007 ISBN: 0387360549 250 pages PDF 21,8 MB

ЦитироватьHuman civilization has evolved to the point at which we can consider tapping space resources and expanding beyond Earth's atmosphere. The Introduction surveys possible motivations for large-scale human emigration to space. Since our early ancestors began to move out of Africa, humans have constantly expanded their range. Today, the pattern of human settlement extends from pole to pole. Humans regularly visit the upper troposphere and ocean floor and technology has enabled a few to even reside above the atmosphere in space stations.

For the next few millennia at least (barring breakthroughs), the human frontier will include the solar system and the nearest stars. Will it better to settle the Moon, Mars, or a nearby asteroid and what environments can we expect to find in the vicinity of nearby stars are questions that need to be answered if mankind is to migrate into space.

"Селена, луна. Селенгинск, старинный город в Сибири: город лунных ракет." Владимир Набоков


Humans in Outer Space - Interdisciplinary Odysseys (Studies in Space Policy)
Luca Codignola, Kai-Uwe Schrogl, Agnieszka Lukaszczyk, Nicolas Peter
Springer ISBN: 321187464X 2008 PDF (OCR) 246 pages 3.13 Mb

ЦитироватьThe space-faring nations are heading for the human exploration of the Moon, Mars and Near-Earth Objects. They might be soon prepared with regard to technology development. But they also need to benefit from the humanities (history, philosophy, anthropology), the arts as well as the social sciences (political science, economics, law) for mastering this immense endeavour.
The European Science Foundation (ESF), the European Space Agency (ESA), and the European Space Policy Institute (ESPI) have organised the first comprehensive trans-disciplinary dialogue on humans in outer space. It investigates the human quest for odysseys beyond Earth's atmosphere and reflects on the implications of the findings of extraterrestrial life.
The articles in this book present, for the first time, a comprehensive analysis by all relevant disciplines responding to the questions of how, why and with what goal humans explore outer space. More than twenty experts shed light on the thrilling perspectives space exploration provides for science, technology, politics and culture.
"Селена, луна. Селенгинск, старинный город в Сибири: город лунных ракет." Владимир Набоков


Mars Wars: The Rise and Fall of the Space Exploration Initiative
2007 ISBN: 978-0898715729 English 188 pages PDF 2.5 MB

ЦитироватьThe rise of Space Exploration Initiative (SEI) and its eventual demise represents one of the landmark episodes in the history of the American space program. The story of this failed initiative is one shaped by key protagonists and critical battles. It is a tale of organizational, cultural, and personal confrontation,

Skirmishes involved the Space Council versus NASA, the White House versus congressional appropriators, and the Johnson Space Center versus the rest of the space agency, all seeking control of the national space policy process. The demise of SEI was a classic example of a defective decision-making process that lacked adequate high-level policy guidance, failed to address critical fiscal constraints, developed inadequate programmatic alternatives, and garnered no congressional support.

Some space policy experts have argued that SEI was doomed to fail, due primarily to the immense budgetary pressures facing the nation during the early 1990's. This book argues, however, that the failure of the initiative was not predetermined but was instead the result of a deeply flawed policy process that failed to develop (or even consider) policy options that may have been politically acceptable given the existing political environment.
This is yet another FREE book, available here
"Селена, луна. Селенгинск, старинный город в Сибири: город лунных ракет." Владимир Набоков


Astropolitik: Classical Geopolitics in the Space Age
Routledge 2001 ISBN: 0714652008 224 pages PDF 3,8 MB

ЦитироватьThis volume identifies and evaluates the relationship between outer-space geography and geographic position (astrogeography), and the evolution of current and future military space strategy. In doing so, it explores five primary propositions. First, many classical geopolitical theories of military development are fully compatible with the realm of outer space. Second, how geographical position relates to new technology. Such evolution has developed through sea, rail and air power. Space power is the logical and apparent heir. Third, the special terrain of solar space dictates specific tactics and strategies for efficient exploitation of space resources. Fourth, the concept of space as a power base in classical, geopolitical thought will easily conform to the use of outer space as an ultimate national power base. Finally, a thorough understanding of the astromechanical and physical demarcations of outer space can prove useful to planners, and will prove critical to military strategists in the future. An optimum deployment of space assets will be essential on the current terrestrial and future-based battlefield.
"Селена, луна. Селенгинск, старинный город в Сибири: город лунных ракет." Владимир Набоков


A. M. Cruise, J. A. Bowles, T. J. Patrick, C. V. Goodall
Principles of Space Instrument Design
Cambridge University Press ISBN: 0521451647 1998 PDF 395 pages 7.15 MB

ЦитироватьScientific observations from space require instruments which can operate in the orbital environment. The skills needed to design such special instruments span many disciplines. This book aims to bring together the elements of the design process. It is, first, a manual for the newly graduated engineer or physicist involved with the design of instruments for a space project. Secondly the book is a text to support the increasing number of undergmduate and MSc courses which offer, as part of a degree in space science and technology, lecture courses in space engineering and management. To these ends, the book demands no more than the usual educational background required for such students.
"Селена, луна. Селенгинск, старинный город в Сибири: город лунных ракет." Владимир Набоков


New Frontiers in Solar System Exploration
Solar System Exploration Survey, National Research Council
2003 32 pages PDF Download 877.2 kB (Free)
"Селена, луна. Селенгинск, старинный город в Сибири: город лунных ракет." Владимир Набоков


Philip Baker The Story of Manned Space Stations
Springer Praxis, April 2007 ISBN : 0387307753 PDF Format, 183 pages 27.2 MB

ЦитироватьPhilip Baker charts the history of manned space stations from the very beginning in a logical, chronological order. He tells the story of the two major space powers starting out on their very separate programs, but slowly coming together through ASTP, Shuttle-Mir, and the ISS, and includes programs that rarely get mentioned - the US Manned Orbiting Laboratory, and the Soviet Almaz station, both military backed projects.
The Mir space station was one of the greatest human achievements in modern history, and a thorough telling of its story is essential to this book. During its life it grew and evolved into a truly international outpost, with visitors from all over the world taking advantage of the only permanent space station in orbit at that time.
This book will be the only one of its kind to tell the whole story of the manned space stations from both nations, from the very beginning, to the current ISS story, and to the possibilities beyond.
Each chapter of this book will contain interviews with many of the primary participants, including the astronauts, cosmonauts, designers, mission controllers, doctors and managers most directly involved in the flights. The author paints a vivid picture of two competing nations slowly coming together to form an alliance that is shaky and uncertain to begin with, but grows from fierce competition into solid collaboration.
"Селена, луна. Селенгинск, старинный город в Сибири: город лунных ракет." Владимир Набоков


A Place for One's Mat: China's Space Program, 1956–2003

Authors: Gregory Kulacki and Jeffrey G. Lewis
American Academy of Arts & Sciences
Download the Paper (325kb) FREE
"Селена, луна. Селенгинск, старинный город в Сибири: город лунных ракет." Владимир Набоков