
Автор Logan, 26.09.2005 22:43:46

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Цитироватьpkl пишет:
Ну, кислородно-гелиевая атмосфера не очень удобна - высокая теплопроводность, голос искажается.
Теплопроводность - да. Под водой неудобно ибо холодно. Не факт, что будет неудобно в венерианской атмосфере, где за бортом +40. А искажение голоса - вообще фигня которая никому не мешает...
И мы пошли за так, на четвертак, за ради бога
В обход и напролом и просто пылью по лучу...

Валерий Жилинский

Вернемся от венерических фантазий к Бигелоу.
ЦитироватьSuffredini believes that there is a robust market for a commercial space station. A study commissioned by Axiom Space concluded the addressable market for such a station could be as large as $37 billion between 2020 and 2030, combining various commercial and government uses.

Axiom Space's plans, though, could put it into conflict with Bigelow Aerospace. In April, Bigelow announced it had started discussions with NASA about installing one of its B330 expandable modules on the ISS as a precursor to its planned commercial space stations.

Bigelow already has a presence on the ISS with its Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (BEAM), a demonstration of expandable module technology developed under a NASA contract. BEAM arrived at the station on a commercial cargo flight in April and expanded to its full size in May, and will remain there for up to two years.

Suffredini noted that neither his company nor Bigelow have any deals yet with NASA to install modules. It's also unclear if the station could accommodate both companies' modules. "Ports are a precious resource," he said, referring to docking ports on the ISS. "NASA has to figure out how to deal with that."
Из этого сообщения мы узнаём о планах Бигелоу добавить к МКС коммерческий модуль, причём теперь в таких планах Бигелоу не одинок. Европейцы с Айрбас планируют в 2018 пристыковать к МКС внешнюю платформу для космических экспериментов, Бигелоу свой модуль ВА-330, и Суфредини свой.
Вот и экономическая база проектов прояснилась, предполагается поднять( тридцать семь) миллиардов между 2020 и 2030 годах, то есть по 3,7 миллиарда в год. Это уже деньги, достаточные Бигелоу для его отеля/бизнес центра...
Пора закупать попкорн. Становится всё интересатее.

Max Andriyahov

Валерий Жилинский, ждем заявление Роскосмоса "мы тоже будем строить раскладной модуль!!! В 2035 году..."


ЦитироватьMax Andriyahov пишет:
В 2035 году..."
После 2035 года... Если точнее...
И мы пошли за так, на четвертак, за ради бога
В обход и напролом и просто пылью по лучу...


Цитировать Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust 35 мин.35 минут назад
Q: could Bigelow module be added to Chinese station? Bigelow: won't reject it, but needs "significant caution" for ITAR etc. #ISSRDC

  Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust 38 мин.38 минут назад
And now, Bigelow trying to run the numbers on how many B2100 modules you need for a 500-person (!) space solar power facility... #ISSRDC
  Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust 41 мин.41 минуту назад
(Bigelow seems interested in LEO, Moon and Mars. Sorry, rest of the galaxy.) #ISSRDC
  Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust 43 мин.43 минуты назад
Audience question to Bigelow: where in the galaxy (?!) would you want to take your habitat? #ISSRDC

Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust 1 ч.1 час назад
Bigelow: we're on schedule to have two B330s ready for launch by 2020. #ISSRDC
  Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust 1 ч.1 час назад
Bigelow talking about B330's on ISS, and launching a B2100 on an SLS. "The potential of expendable systems is exciting." #ISSRDC
  Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust 1 ч.1 час назад
Robert Bigelow: can't think of a better metaphor for the ISS than as an incubator. Could play that role for a long time. #ISSRDC
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


ЦитироватьSalo пишет:
Bigelow seems interested in LEO, Moon and Mars. Sorry, rest of the galaxy.


Где-то обсуждали что будет через 2 года

ответ есть тут (там много картинок)


ЦитироватьNot the best angle, but here is the first unobstructed view of the BEAM deployed in high-res


ЦитироватьЭкипаж МКС протестировал работу нового раздвижного модуля BEAM
06:15 30.09.2016

ВАШИНГТОН, 30 сен – РИА Новости. Борт-инженер МКС астронавт НАСА Кейт Рубинс в четверг протестировала работу раздвижного модуля BEAM, сообщило ведомство.
 "Борт-инженер Кейт Рубинс сегодня во второй половине дня открыла и вошла внутрь раздвижного модуля компании Bigelow", — сообщило НАСА.
Астронавт Рубинс "установила временное оборудование для того, чтобы осуществить замеры нагрузок и вибраций, которые испытывает модуль". О результатах замеров и том, сколько времени Рубенс провела внутри экспериментального модуля, не сообщается.
Модуль BEAM был доставлен на МКС в начале апреля и затем с помощью воздуха раздвинут до своих рабочих размеров. Шестого июня экипаж совершил первый выход в него для забора образцов воздуха и снятия показаний датчиков.
Экспериментальный модуль будет оставаться на МКС в течение двух лет для испытания надежности раздвижной конструкции. Экипаж будет находиться в нем лишь периодически на короткие отрезки времени, по истечении двух лет модуль покинет станцию.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


Меня интересует, а какой там уровень радиации ?
Или в этом модуле космонавтов и астронавтов к качестве опытных мышей используют ?
Ростки правды похоронят империю лжи.


ЦитироватьLunatik-k пишет:
Меня интересует, а какой там уровень радиации ?
Или в этом модуле космонавтов и астронавтов к качестве опытных мышей используют ?
В модуле люди бывают раз в несколько месяцев. Скафанд лучше защищает от радиации?
Там стоит оборудование для измерения радиации которое требует смены датчиков и прочего https://www.nasa.gov/feature/beam-facts-figures-faqs

Фото в большом размере (может очень долго открывать) 1286.7KB (4928 х 2768 ) JAXA 2016/09/21


Цитировать Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  13 мин.13 минут назад
Bigelow: this has taken longer than expected. Asked in 2000 when would be in orbit; decided to play it safe and say 2015. #ISPCS2016
  Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  16 мин.16 минут назад  
Bigelow: we'll seek out best resources domestically for crew training. "They won't have to speak Russian." #ISPCS2016
  Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  18 мин.18 минут назад  
 Bigelow: we have sufficient money to build 2+ B330s, but not launch them. Look to use client revenue, or from investors. #ISPCS2016
  Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  21 мин.21 минуту назад  
Bigelow: will start talking with prospective clients and taking deposits from them for B330 module use in early 2018. #ISPCS2016
  Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  22 мин.22 минуты назад  
Bigelow: I've throttled company back & forth a few times because of transportation uncertainty. Counting on comm'l crew 2018-19 #ISPCS2016
  Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  23 мин.23 минуты назад  
Bigelow: we have a full-scale series of development prototypes that should allows to leave our mistakes on the ground. #ISPCS2016
  Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  28 мин.28 минут назад  
Bigelow: if companies like us are successful, NASA could save "boatloads" of money and continue research in LEO. #ISPCS2016
  Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  29 мин.29 минут назад  
Bigelow: XBASE concept adds B330 to ISS. Could later be detached, docked with ULA's ACES upper stage, flown to cislunar space #ISPCS2016
  Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  35 мин.35 минут назад  
Bigelow: 2 B330s docked together could allow for seven people: four customers, three Bigelow crew. #ISPCS2016
  Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  36 мин.36 минут назад  
Robert Bigelow, @BigelowSpace shows a B330 in orbit with a SpaceX Dragon docking; says Dragon "probably" the first in operation. #ISPCS2016
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


ЦитироватьCompanies pitch plans for commercial space station modules
by Jeff Foust — October 13, 2016
Robert Bigelow discusses Bigelow Aerospace's plans to complete two B330 modules by 2020 at the ISPCS conference Oct. 12. Credit: SpaceNews/Jeff Foust
LAS CRUCES, N.M. — A day after NASA indicated its willingness to proceed with plans to add a commercial module to the International Space Station, two companies provided updates on proposals to supply such a module.
In back-to-back presentations at the International Symposium for Personal and Commercial Spaceflight (ISPCS) here Oct. 12, Axiom Space and Bigelow Aerospace said they're proceeding with development of modules that could be added to the ISS as soon as 2020, depending on how NASA decides to sel ect a module to add to the station.
Bigelow Aerospace is moving ahead with plans announced earlier this year to have two of its B330 expandable modules ready for launch by 2020, with the option of installing one of them on the ISS. Robert Bigelow, chief executive of Bigelow Aerospace, said the company is currently working on a series of ground test articles that will allow the company to "leave our mistakes on the ground" prior to launching the B330 modules.
Bigelow has been working on expandable module technology for more than 15 years, but believes that the crew transportation systems needed to make commercial space stations viable are finally ready. "I have throttled my company back and fourth two or three times because of the transportation problem," he said. "This is the first time that I have ever really decided that it looks like it's close enough."
A key issue for both companies, either for commercial ISS modules or standalone space stations, is getting the modules launched. Baine said that the large size of the their module limits their launch options, and that the company is "notionally" considering SpaceX's Falcon Heavy to launch it.
Bigelow said it's planning to use the most powerful version of the Atlas 5 to launch its B330 modules, under an agreement his company announced with United Launch Alliance earlier this year. Bigelow said, though, that the company's funds currently only cover the development the B330 modules, and not their launch.
Bigelow said the company may pay for the launches through either revenue from customers for those modules, or by taking in new investors. "It could be countries, it could be large companies, it could be people who aren't even affiliated with the space world," he said of potential investors.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"

Валерий Жилинский

Интересно, что заказчиком второго будущего запуска у SpaceX в "Launch manifest" числится BIGELOW AEROSPACE. Что это за запуск и когда планируется, кто-то знает?

Дмитрий Инфан

ЦитироватьLunatik-k пишет:
Меня интересует, а какой там уровень радиации ?
Вряд ли он выше, чем в среднем по станции.


Картиночки отличающиеся размахом (были и с одним модулем) с 9th Wernher von Braun Memorial Symposium (October 25-27, 2016) 
Thursday 8am Session Part 2


Куда это модуль погнал на последней картинке? К Луне или в облет Марса?
И мы пошли за так, на четвертак, за ради бога
В обход и напролом и просто пылью по лучу...


Цитировать Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  2 мин.2 минуты назад
Bigelow: the "transportation vacuum" for LEO has been frustrating for me last 15 yrs; affected our company's development. #SpaceComExpo
  Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  5 мин.5 минут назад  
Bigelow doesn't really answer the question, talking about abstract graphs of technological and spiritual progress. #SpaceComExpo
  Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  6 мин.6 минут назад  
Audience Q: do you worry about being technically advanced, but also have a society of intolerance? [some audience applause] #SpaceComExpo
  Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  8 мин.8 минут назад  
Bigelow: "I would be happy to take any questions—Buzz, good morning!" #SpaceComExpo
  Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  11 мин.11 минут назад  
Bigelow shows a B330 in orbit docked to Dragon, since Dragon likely choice for the first comm'l missions offered to clients #SpaceComExpo
  Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  14 мин.14 минут назад  
Bigelow: next couple of years could shape future of human spaceflight for decades, as NASA transitions out of LEO. #SpaceComExpo
  Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  15 мин.15 минут назад  
Bigelow: new White House needs to make a real commitment to the nation's space future; focus on the Moon. #SpaceComExpo
  Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  18 мин.18 минут назад  
Bigelow: I propose that, starting in FY19, NASA's budget be at least 1% of overall federal budget. #SpaceComExpo [good luck with that...]
  Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  21 мин.21 минуту назад  
Robert Bigelow: Christmas arrived early for NASA and the US. It arrived on Nov. 8 [Election Day] #SpaceComExpo [hmmmm...]
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


Цитировать Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  3 мин.3 минуты назад
From Robert Bigelow to an investor panel that, we're told, is the conference's equivalent of Shark Tank. #SpaceComExpo
  Jeff Foust ‏@jeff_foust  5 мин.5 минут назад  
Well, that was an interesting talk. #SpaceComExpo
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


ЦитироватьAfter six months in orbit, that space inflatable habitat is holding up well
The module's developer, Robert Bigelow, sees a bright future for NASA under Trump.
 Eric Berger - 11/22/2016, 10:04 PM
A half-year has passed since astronauts aboard the International Space Station successfully inflated a new habitat, the Bigelow Expandable Activity Module, or BEAM. On Tuesday, the space agency provided an update on the commercial module's performance one-quarter of the way through a two-year experiment: so far, so good.
"BEAM is the first of its kind, so we're learning as we go, and this data will improve our structural and thermal models and analyses going forward," said Steve Munday, NASA's manager for the program. "Through the NASA sensor suites on board, our teams on the ground, and astronaut support on station, we're gaining extremely valuable data about the performance of expandable structures and habitats in space."
The promise of inflatable modules is that they offer a larger volume of living and working space in orbit than a conventional module with a rigid structure. Inflatables can be folded inside the limited diameter of a rocket fairing, and when BEAM was expanded earlier this year, it nearly doubled in length and increased by 40 percent in diameter. But neither NASA nor anyone else was likely to trust astronauts to this experimental technology without a full-scale test. The BEAM experiment, for which NASA has a $17.8 million contract with Bigelow Aerospace, will finally allow the space agency to fully test a concept it has been interested in since the 1990s.
Among the primary concerns with expandables are their durability, ability to protect inhabitants from radiation, and thermal properties. According to six months of data collected by the Distributed Impact Detection System on board the module, it has sustained no evidence of debris impacts. Additionally, radiation effects appear to be similar to conditions inside the station's existing rigid modules. Finally, the module has done a reasonably good job of maintaining a steady temperature.

Enlarge / Click to see an animation of the BEAM module's expansion, sped up.
Bigelow intends to develop expandable modules commercially, including potentially as "space hotels." NASA, too, is interested in the technology for exploration purposes. Bigelow has proposed a much larger 330-cubic-meter expandable module as an option for the space agency as it seeks to develop a deep space habitat near the Moon in the 2020s. It is among six concepts that NASA has chosen to fund for further development.
To this end, the founder of the company, Robert T. Bigelow, has called upon incoming President Trump to provide more funding for NASA that will support innovative ideas and economic development in space. "Christmas arrived early this year! For the United States, and as I do believe will be eventually proven, for NASA, Christmas arrived on November the 8th," he said during a speech in Houston last week, celebrating Trump's win.
Noting that NASA only receives about 0.5 percent of the federal budget, Bigelow argued that the struggling space agency deserved a larger piece of the pie, as he sees the US economy growing under Trump. "With President Trump in the White House we have a good chance of achieving real, sustained, economic growth of about 3.5 percent annually," he said. "This is in contrast to the anemic growth rate we have had of 1.8 percent over the last eight years. With this increase, the United States can easily afford NASA's 1 percent and even more."
Listing image by NASA

"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"