Вопросы о Лунных Кораблях 11Ф94

Автор David Lee Rickman, 19.08.2011 15:48:48

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David Lee Rickman

The next big question I have concerns the Doppler Radar System designed for soft landing of the Lunniy korabl.

The system used is a variation of the Planeta used on the Luna Landers:

I have been trying to locate the signal receiving aerial for this system. This is the aerial used on the Luna Landers:

I've come to the conclusion that I can not find the aerial on the LK because there were no aerials of this type attached to any of the remaining LK. In fact, the Planeta is also absent on all of the remaining LK. The LK at Orevo has a size mockup attached, but that's as close as it gets. The Planeta Doppler radar does appear on some of the LK drawings, but the aerial is not to be found.

The question now is, "Where would this aerial have been placed?"


David L. Rickman
549 Caribou Road
Asheville, NC 28803

David Lee Rickman

There is yet another piece missing from the remaining Lunniy Korabl. The arrows on this photo point to the locations where something was previously attached:

The are located in the front and back. It also appears that there might have been two objects in each place. There is a triangle of holes, but inside of that there is are additional holes in a square shape.

Could this have been where visual targets were located?

Best Regards,

David L. Rickman
549 Caribou road
Asheville, NC  28803


ЦитироватьThe system used is a variation of the Planeta used on the Luna Landers:

I have been trying to locate the signal receiving aerial for this system.
Одна антена излучающая а вторая - приёмная. Этот доплеровский радар аналогичен применяемым в авиации, например в вертолётах Ми-8.
1. Ангара - единственная в мире новая РН которая хуже старой (с) Старый Ламер
2. Назначение Роскосмоса - не летать в космос а выкачивать из бюджета деньги
3. У Маска ракета длиннее и толще чем у Роскосмоса
4. Чем мрачнее реальность тем ярче бред (с) Старый Ламер

David Lee Rickman

ЦитироватьThe system used is a variation of the Planeta used on the Luna Landers:

I have been trying to locate the signal receiving aerial for this system.

Одна антена излучающая а вторая - приёмная. Этот доплеровский радар аналогичен применяемым в авиации, например в вертолётах Ми-8.

Thank you for this input, but I must ask: Is this an educated guess or do you know this to be factual?

Best Regards,

David L. Rickman
549 Caribou Road
Asheville, NC  28803


ЦитироватьThank you for this input, but I must ask: Is this an educated guess or do you know this to be factual?
Длительное время имел отношение к авиационным доплеровским радарам.
1. Ангара - единственная в мире новая РН которая хуже старой (с) Старый Ламер
2. Назначение Роскосмоса - не летать в космос а выкачивать из бюджета деньги
3. У Маска ракета длиннее и толще чем у Роскосмоса
4. Чем мрачнее реальность тем ярче бред (с) Старый Ламер

David Lee Rickman

ЦитироватьThere is yet another piece missing from the remaining Lunniy Korabl. The arrows on this photo point to the locations where something was previously attached:

The are located in the front and back. It also appears that there might have been two objects in each place. There is a triangle of holes, but inside of that there is are additional holes in a square shape.

I may have found part of the answer in this quote from В.М.Филин. Воспоминания о Лунном корабле:

"Установили специальные дециметровые антенны «морковки», а в качестве антенны метрового диапазона использовалась кольцевая щель между радиатором и стыковочным узлом."

Unfortunately, if there were antennae placed here they don't show up in any diagrams or photographs.


David L. Rickman
549 Caribou Road
Asheville, NC 2 28803

David Lee Rickman

Can anyone tell me the purpose of these objects? They are placed Fore and Aft on the radiator:

Could these be a part of the approach antenna system? There are two of these listed (Port and Starboard) but could these also be a part of that system?

Best Regards,

David L. Rickman
549 Caribou Rd.
Asheville, NC 28803

David Lee Rickman

ЦитироватьCan anyone tell me the purpose of these objects? They are placed Fore and Aft on the radiator:

Could these be a part of the approach antenna system? There are two of these listed (Port and Starboard) but could these also be a part of that system?

There is only one approach antenna available. This is located on the starboard side of the LK at Orevo:

This appears to be quite different from the two antennae located on the radiator.

Hmmmm, indeed.

David L. Rickman
549 Caribou Rd.
Asheville, NC 28803

m-s Gelezniak

Девид, а как вам вариант что это две лампы (оптическая мишень) системы стыковки.
Шли бы Вы все на Марс, что ли...

David Lee Rickman

ЦитироватьДевид, а как вам вариант что это две лампы (оптическая мишень) системы стыковки.

Excellent! Thank you.

Are the red caps part of these lights, or are they covers that would be removed before flight?

Thanks again!

David L. Rickman
549 Caribou Road
Asheville, NC 28803

David Lee Rickman

Respected Forum Members,

I now understand that the pilot of the LOK would look out of the blister window of the Orbital Module and dock with the LK using the Orientation Beacon (9) as a guide. Just below and to the rear of the Orientation Beacon are the Alignment Sensors (10).

There are only two LK which have the Alignment Sensors in place;

the LK at Orevo ...

... and the LK at Mozhaisky.

These appear to be similar, but since the LK is passive during docking what is the purpose of the Alignment Sensors?

Best Regards,

David L. Rickman
549 Caribou Road
Asheville, NC 28803

David Lee Rickman

Олег. На трубках цветовая маркировка газа (жидкости).

There are many such pipes on the interior and exterior of these LK. Where can I find a chart that displays the Piping Color Codes used in Russia (or the Soviet Union, if these have changed).

Thank you in advance,

David L. Rickman
549 Caribou Road
Asheville, NC  28803



Красным - серебряный провод метровой антенны.

Дмитрий Виницкий

А по морской маркировке трубопроводов с жидкостью, выходит
вода для тушения, орошения (не системы ли циркуляции терморегулирования?) и питьевая вода.


m-s Gelezniak

ЦитироватьD.Vinitski пишет:
 А по морской маркировке трубопроводов с жидкостью, выходит
вода для тушения, орошения (не системы ли циркуляции терморегулирования?) и питьевая вода.

Дим, отраслевые стандарты посмотри, авиапромовские например. До 69 года :lol:
Шли бы Вы все на Марс, что ли...

Дмитрий Виницкий


David Lee Rickman


Красным - серебряный провод метровой антенны.

Interesting guess, but no. This is the tubing in the radiator. As far as I can tell these antennae (based on the description) would be in the areas pointed out by the blue arrows:

Something was present here on the remaining LK, and this would place these antenna in the annular area between the radiator and the docking plate.

Best regards,

David L. Rickman
549 Caribou Road
Asheville, NC  28803

David Lee Rickman


Thank you,! I understand, now. Absolutely fascinating!!!

This is one of the benefits of taking on this project. I am learning (with help) about so many concepts and technologies I didn't even know existed.


You have my gratitude for your help,

David L. Rickman
549 Caribou Road
Asheville, NC  28803