Dragon Crew v.2.0

Автор igorvs, 30.04.2014 07:08:57

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ЦитироватьSalo пишет:
Targeted Test Flight Dates:
 Boeing Orbital Flight Test (uncrewed): August 2018
 Boeing Crew Flight Test (crewed): November 2018
 SpaceX Demonstration Mission 1 (uncrewed): August 2018
 SpaceX Demonstration Mission 2 (crewed): December 2018
ЦитироватьSalo пишет:
до весны 2019 года начало регулярных пилотируемых полетов космических кораблей
А далее там замечания отсюда, но там даты на ноябрь 2017 года  ;)  
Годовой отчет по безопасности 

И лучше читать его чем "В нем перечислены изъяны в конструкции кораблей этих компаний, представляющие риск при доставке людей на орбиту Земли.....  Эксперты космического ведомства США заключили, что корабли SpaceX и Boeing, несмотря на годы испытаний и многочисленные успешные миссии, не будут соответствовать этому параметру в случае начала транспортировки людей на орбиту или Луну. "


ЦитироватьJeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust 9m ago

Musk: making great progress on Crew Dragon. "absolute priority" now; hope to fly crew by the end of the year.


ЦитироватьNASA's Continued Focus on Returning U.S. Human Spaceflight Launches

Stephanie Martin
Posted Feb 8, 2018 at 9:47 pm

NASA's Commercial Crew Program and private industry partners, Boeing and SpaceX, continue to develop the systems that will return human spaceflight to the United States. Both commercial partners are undertaking considerable amounts of testing in 2018 to prove space system designs and the ability to meet NASA's mission and safety requirement for regular crew flights to the International Space Station.

"The work Boeing and SpaceX are doing is incredible. They are manufacturing spaceflight hardware, performing really complicated testing and proving their systems to make sure we get it right." said Kathy Lueders, program manager NASA Commercial Crew Program. "Getting it right is the most important thing."
Both Boeing and SpaceX plan to fly test missions without crew to the space station prior to test flights with a crew onboard this year. After each company's test flights, NASA will work to certify the systems and begin post-certification crew rotation missions. The current flight schedules for commercial crew systems provide about six months of margin to begin regular, post-certification crew rotation missions to the International Space Station before contracted flights on Soyuz flights end in fall 2019.

As part of the agency's normal contingency planning, NASA is exploring multiple scenarios as the agency protects for potential schedule adjustments to ensure continued U.S. access to the space station. One option under consideration would extend the duration of upcoming flight tests with crew targeted for the end of 2018 on the Boeing CST-100 Starliner and SpaceX Crew Dragon. The flights could be extended longer than the current two weeks planned for test flights, and likely less than a six-month full-duration mission. The agency also is assessing whether there is a need to add another NASA crew member on the flight tests.

This would not the first time NASA has expanded the scope of test flights. NASA had SpaceX carry cargo on its commercial demonstration flight to the International Space Station in 2012, which was not part of the original agreement. This decision allowed NASA to ensure the crew aboard the space station had the equipment, food and other supplies needed on the station after the end of the agency's Space Shuttle Program.

As with all contingency plans, the options will receive a thorough review by the agency, including safety and engineering reviews. NASA will make a decision on these options within the next few months to begin training crews.


ЦитироватьMichael Baylor‏ @nextspaceflight 27 мин. назад

NASA photos of the Dragon 2 crew recovery training last month. NASA stated, "SpaceX completed a demonstration of their ability to recover the crew and capsule after a nominal water splashdown. This marks an important recovery milestone and joint test..."

26 мин. назад

"The timeline requirement from splashdown to crew egress onboard the ship is one hour, and the recovery team demonstrated that they can accomplish this operation under worst-case conditions in under 45 minutes. Further improvements are planned to shorten the recovery time..."


ЦитироватьChris G - NSF‏ @ChrisG_NSF 8 ч. назад

Interesting. Bob Cabana, @NASAKennedy Center Director, says current schedule is SpaceX/Boeing uncrewed test flights in August. #Boeing crew flight in November. #SpaceX crew flight in December this year. #CommercialCrew


ЦитироватьSpaceX teases Crew Dragon capsule and spacesuit details in new video

By Eric Ralph
Posted on March 18, 2018

Over the past few weeks, conference presentations given by SpaceX employees like Joy Dunn and Paul Wooster have kicked off with an upd ated intro reel including unseen slow-motion footage of Falcon Heavy and detailed looks at the company's spacesuit and Crew Dragon capsule.

Those in the habit of catching SpaceX launches live will be readily familiar with the company's intro reel – it's marked the start of live coverage for nearly every webcast in the past three or more years. The current intro reel has remained more or less unchanged since the first successful Falcon 9 booster recovery in December 2015, and this upd ated intro reel will be a breath of fresh air for what is still admittedly an amazing video. Still, it's hard to say "no" to slow-motion footage of Falcon Heavy.
Most recently shown at an MIT Media Lab conference during SpaceX Principal Mars Development Engineer Paul Wooster's presentation, the new reel has – somewhat unsurprisingly – been built around the incredibly successful inaugural Falcon Heavy launch, as well as some more recent footage of the company's Cargo Dragon docking with the International Space Station. Additional clips show what appears to be details of the finalized Crew Dragon – se t to debut in late 2018 – and a closeup of SpaceX's internally-designed spacesuit. Sticking out as the only truly unusual snippet, the end of the new reel features parts of the animation SpaceX released in 2016 during the debut of their Mars rocket, the Interplanetary Transport System (ITS), which has since been replaced with the similar but different BFR.

(video 1:21)

While entirely possible that the inclusion of ITS footage in an intro reel clearly updated since 2018 is intentional, it seems more likely that SpaceX has yet to publicize this new video partially because they don't yet have a similar animation featuring their updated Mars rocket and spaceship. CEO Elon Musk's recent comments on the encouraging progress being made with the design and construction of the first BFR prototype suggests that such an updated animation could be just around the corner, if not full-up teaser photos of the construction progress. Se t to begin suborbital hop testing as early as the first half of 2019 and orbital launches by end of 2020, SpaceX's Mars ambitions may still feel far away, but the tech that could make them real is already undergoing preliminary construction and testing.

Sooner still is SpaceX's upcoming debut of Crew Dragon, the spacecraft that will eventually both carry astronauts to the ISS and later replace Cargo Dragon. Initially intended to land near the launch pad on legs, akin to Falcon 9, SpaceX has since canceled that work, largely due to numerous delays that would have almost certainly been incurred in the process of NASA certification of such a new and unproven technology. Instead, Musk made it clear that SpaceX would instead put its time, energy, and money into the development of BFR and BFS, sidestepping NASA's sometimes-smothering and counterproductive paternalism for the time being.

(video 1:02)

Crew Dragon will instead be recovered after landing in the ocean, a disappointing concession that is at least partially cushioned by SpaceX's recent successes and growing expertise with the reuse of their similarly sea-recovered Cargo Dragons. While ocean-recovery certainly won't lend itself to ease of reuse quite as readily as powered landings, SpaceX will likely be able to significantly drop the cost of Crew Dragon launches in the future by efficiently refurbishing each recovered capsule. Less likely but still a possibility, the company could adopt something similar to the fairing-catcher Mr Steven – essentially a giant net aboard a highly-maneuverable boat – to recover Crew Dragon without submerging the spacecraft in saltwater. As of March 2018, at least according to NASA's Kennedy Space Center director, SpaceX is still on track to conduct its first uncrewed launch of Crew Dragon as early as August 2018, with the first crewed mission following in December 2018 if all goes well.

Astronaut Bob Behnken emerges from the hatch of a SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft in manufacturing at SpaceX's headquarters and factory in Hawthorne, CA. (SpaceX)

SpaceX's spacesuit is a critical component of their crewed spaceflight efforts, and has been designed and built in-house to ensure that astronauts can survive the emergency depressurization of a Crew Dragon capsule, evidenced by Musk's recent suggestions that senior suit engineers successfully survived stints in a vacuum chamber while wearing it. Thanks to the staggering success of Falcon Heavy and its iconic Starman and Tesla Roadster payload, SpaceX's spacesuit will undoubtedly be a badge of honor for all future astronauts who fly aboard Crew Dragon.

Starman gives one final farewell to Earth as he departs for deep space aboard Musk's Tesla Roadster. (SpaceX)


Цитироватьtnt22 пишет:
As of March 2018, at least according to NASA's Kennedy Space Center director, SpaceX is still on track to conduct its first uncrewed launch of Crew Dragon as early as August 2018, with the first crewed mission following in December 2018
предлагаю сделать ставки на событие :
Запуск капсулы Crew Dragon c людьми до 2 января 2019 года.
Успех не обязателен - достаточно оторваться от стартового стола !!!!!! 

Я ставлю 200 р против 100р  на исход  "такого не будет"
Тем кто верит в эти пошлые наглые масковы обещалки предлагаю заработать на вере в пилотируюмую программу Space X...2 к 1 это хороший гандикап, тем более не на успех ,а лишь на попытку.
роскосмос - сборище ворюг и бюрократов
одноразовый Ф9 - лучшая в мире ракета для вывода на ГПО.
ФХ бесперспективная связка дров.
КК Союз - лучший на долгие годы вперед.
Бочки стс-100,крю дрэгон,педерация,орион -
убогие бюрократические выкидыши


ЦитироватьEmre Kelly‏Подлинная учетная запись @EmreKelly 32 мин. назад

Updated commercial crew slide from KSC Director Cabana's presentation today; appears to be as expected. Uncrewed Boeing and SpaceX flights in August, crewed in November and December, respectively. More details in photo.


Цитировать Eric Berger‏Подлинная учетная запись @SciGuySpace
Commercial crew milestones as of the end of 2017.

   Eric Berger‏Подлинная учетная запись @SciGuySpace
SpaceX's first commercial crew demonstration vehicle (no crew) will be shipped to NASA in May for testing.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


ЦитироватьJeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust 4 ч. назад

Update slide on commercial crew from NASA's Kathy Lueders. No change in dates yet for either company, but dates "constantly under review."


ЦитироватьJeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust 3 ч. назад

SpaceX commercial crew update. Lueders said in-flight abort test still scheduled between the uncrewed and crewed flight tests.


ЦитироватьEric Berger‏Подлинная учетная запись @SciGuySpace 7 ч. назад

Update (as of January) on commercial crew tasks completed, and remaining.


Цитировать  Eric Berger‏Подлинная учетная запись @SciGuySpace
And here are the details on development of the first crew vehicle SpaceX will fly with astronauts, probably in about a year.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"

Astro Cat

Российские космонавты начнут полеты на кораблях Dragon 2 американской компании SpaceX после завершения их летных испытаний и сертификации НАСА, сообщили ТАСС в «Роскосмосе».
«Полеты космонавтов "Роскосмоса", также как и пилотируемые полеты вообще, на космическом корабле Dragon могут начаться только по завершении летных испытаний и сертификации НАСА», — заявили в госкорпорации.
Ранее РИА Новости со ссылкой на НАСА сообщило, что российского космонавта планируется включить в экипаж Dragon 2, который отправится к МКС (Международной космической станции) в ноябре 2019 года. Вместе с россиянином должны полететь трое членов экипажа из США.


ЦитироватьParachute Testing Lands Partners Closer to Crewed Flight Tests

Marie Lewis
Posted Mar 30, 2018 at 4:15 pm

At left, Boeing conducted the first in a series of parachute reliability tests its Starliner flight drogue and main parachute system Feb. 22, 2018, over Yuma Arizona. Photo Credit: NASA.
At right, SpaceX performed its fourteenth overall parachute test supporting Crew Dragon development March 4, 2018, over the Mojave Desert in Southern California. The test demonstrated an off-nominal, or abnormal, situation, deploying only one of the two drogue chutes and three of the four main parachutes. Photo credit: SpaceX

Crew safety is paramount in the return of human spaceflight launches from Florida's Space Coast, and the latest round of parachute testing is providing valuable data to help industry partners Boeing and SpaceX meet NASA's requirements for certification.
On March 4, SpaceX performed its 14th overall parachute test supporting Crew Dragon development. During this test, a C-130 aircraft transported the parachute test vehicle, designed to achieve the maximum speeds that Crew Dragon could experience on reentry, over the Mojave Desert in Southern California and dropped the spacecraft from an altitude of 25,000 feet. In February, the first in a series of reliability tests of the Boeing flight drogue and main parachute system was conducted by releasing a long, dart-shaped test vehicle from a C-17 aircraft over Yuma, Arizona. Both tests resulted in successful touchdowns of the parachute systems.

SpaceX will conduct its next parachute system test in the coming weeks in the California desert, and Boeing is scheduled for its third of five planned qualification tests of its parachute system in May. Both providers' parachute system qualification testing is scheduled to be completed by fall 2018. The partners are targeting the return of human spaceflight from Florida's Space Coast this year, and are currently scheduled to begin flight tests late this summer.


предлагаю сделать ставки на событие : 
Запуск капсулы Crew Dragon c людьми до 2 января 2019 года. 
Успех не обязателен - достаточно оторваться от стартового стола !!!!!! 

Я ставлю 200 р против 100р на исход "такого не будет" 
Тем кто верит в эти пошлые наглые масковы обещалки предлагаю заработать на вере в пилотируюмую программу Space X...2 к 1 это хороший гандикап, тем более не на успех ,а лишь на попытку.
роскосмос - сборище ворюг и бюрократов
одноразовый Ф9 - лучшая в мире ракета для вывода на ГПО.
ФХ бесперспективная связка дров.
КК Союз - лучший на долгие годы вперед.
Бочки стс-100,крю дрэгон,педерация,орион -
убогие бюрократические выкидыши


ЦитироватьChris B - NSF‏ @NASASpaceflight 5 мин. назад

FEATURE ARTICLE: SpaceX makes progress toward Commercial Crew debut -

https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2018/04/spacex-progress-commercial-crew-debut/ ...

- by Chris Gebhardt (@ChrisG_NSF)

(Nathan Koga (@kogavfx) render for NSF)

Astro Cat

Хм. Однако решено СБ стационарными делать. Наклеили на багажник и все!


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