SLS - space launch system (3-я попытка)

Автор Salo, 16.02.2012 10:25:55

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Цитировать Jeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust 19 мин. назад

That's it for the fall. Summary: NASA now plans to fly EM-1, without a crew, some time in 2019. Exact date TBD.

ЦитироватьMay 12, 2017
 NASA Affirms Plan for First Mission of SLS, Orion
In February, NASA began an effort looking at the feasibility of putting crew aboard the first integrated flight of the Space Launch System rocket and Orion spacecraft -- Exploration Mission-1, or EM-1.
After weighing the data and assessing all implications, the agency will continue pursuing the original
plan for the first launch, as a rigorous flight test of the integrated systems without crew. However,
engineers will apply insights gained from the effort to the first flight test and the integrated systems to
strengthen the long-term push to extend human presence deeper into the solar system.

NASA determined it is technically capable of launching crew on EM-1, but after evaluating cost, risk and technical factors in a project of this magnitude, it would be difficult to accommodate changes needed to add crew at this point in mission planning. The effort confirmed that the baseline plan to fly EM-1 without crew is still the best approach to enable humans to move sustainably beyond low Earth orbit.
"We appreciate the opportunity to evaluate the possibility of this crewed flight," said NASA acting Administrator Robert Lightfoot. "The bi-partisan support of Congress and the President for our efforts to send astronauts deeper into the solar system than we have ever gone before is valued and does not go unnoticed. Presidential support for space has been strong."

Exploration Mission-1 is the first in a broad series of exploration missions that will take humans to deep space, and eventually to Mars. It is designed to be a flight test of our entire system -- one that is challenging in itself and will offer the opportunity to better understand our capabilities and limitations and ultimately build confidence in our ability to safely send crew into deep space.

"We're considering additional ground testing of the heat shield prior to EM-1 as well as the possibility of advancing the ascent abort test for the Orion launch abort system based on findings from the study," said William Gerstenmaier, associate administrator for NASA's Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate. "Conducting these tests in advance of EM-1 would provide additional data that will advance our systems knowledge faster and possibly improve the robustness of the overall plan for sending humans into deep space."

As part of the assessment, NASA also reviewed the schedule for EM-1, including production schedules across the enterprise, anticipated budgets and appropriations, projected delivery of the European Service Module, first time production issues related to the core stage that is at the leading edge of new manufacturing, and the ongoing impact of the February tornado that directly affected the Michoud Assembly Facility in Louisiana. As a result of these factors, NASA will adjust the target launch date for the EM-1 mission to 2019, and will execute its normal process in the coming weeks to determine an official revised launch date.

NASA continues to keep each part of the enterprise – Orion, SLS, and ground systems – moving at their best possible pace toward the first integrated test mission. While components for EM-1 are being delivered, contractors can turn to the next phase of their work for the second flight, Exploration Mission-2, which will carry crew beyond the moon.

Flight hardware for SLS and Orion is currently in production for both the first and second missions, and progress continues across the country. The SLS engine section structural test hardware is currently aboard a barge on its way to the Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama for testing, a series of engine tests is taking place in Mississippi, and the Orion abort attitude control system was tested in Maryland. An abort motor for the launch abort system will soon be tested in Utah, and avionics systems for the Orion European Service Module have been integrated into the Orion testing laboratory near Denver. Meanwhile at the Kennedy Space Center, Orion's heat shield is being installed, and ground systems and software
continue development. In addition, deep space habitation and propulsion system development activities also are underway and life support and related technologies are being tested 250 miles above the Earth aboard the International Space Station now.

"We are building both systems and supporting infrastructure to ensure a sustained cadence of missions beginning with EM-1 and continuing thereafter," said Lightfoot.
"NASA will continue to work with the Administration and Congress as we move toward a crewed flight test on EM-2 and, right now, we are very focused on accomplishing the EM-1 flight test."

NASA continues to lead the way in sending humans into deep space beyond the moon through building a flexible, reusable and sustainable capability and infrastructure that will last multiple decades and support missions of increasing complexity. This infrastructure will be available for use by others both domestic and international as they want to join in the effort to advance human presence into the solar system. These systems create an incredible capability from which future generations will continue to benefit.
Last Updated: May 12, 2017
Editor: Kathryn Hambleton

ЦитироватьПервый тестовый полет сверхтяжелой ракеты-носителя SLS пройдет без экипажа
ВАШИНГТОН, 13 мая — РИА Новости. НАСА исключило возможность отправки астронавтов в первый же тестовый полет новой сверхтяжелой ракеты-носителя SLS (Space Launch System), старт которой переносится на 2019 год, сообщило ведомство в пятницу.
"НАСА обладает техническими возможностями отправки экипажа в ходе EM-1 (первый тестовый полет), но после оценки стоимости, риска и технических факторов в проекте такого масштаба на данном этапе его реализации было бы сложно обеспечить изменения, необходимые для добавления экипажа", — сообщило ведомство.
"Наши усилия подтвердили, что изначальный план полета без экипажа по-прежнему является лучшим подходом для обеспечения полетов человека за пределы низкой околоземной орбиты", — говорится в заявлении.
Ранее в феврале по рекомендации контрольно-бюджетного управления США НАСА приступило к изучению возможности отправки людей в космос уже в ходе первой, испытательной миссии строящейся американской сверхтяжелой ракеты-носителя SLS (Space Launch System) — на пилотируемом корабле Orion. Первоначально планировалось, что первый испытательный полет (сентябрь 2018 года) будет беспилотным, второй (2021) — с участием экипажа.
По обновленному графику, первый тестовый полет теперь состоится в 2019 году. В НАСА поясняют, что задержка вызвана "сроками производства, ожидаемым бюджетом, доставкой Европейского сервисного модуля, выявленных в ходе первичного произодства первой ступени (ракеты-носителя) проблем, а также последствий прошедшего в феврале торнадо, который непосредственно задел сборочный комплекс "Мишу" (Michoud Assembly Facility)".
"Учитывая все эти факторы, НАСА изменит планируемую дату старта на 2019 год", — сообщило ведомство. Уточненный график запуска будет согласован и утвержден позднее.


Во вчерашней статье на NSF есть прекрасное. Они сваривали водородные баки (два изделия) без прохождения всех проверок оборудования. В результате нашли брак в сварном шве, изделия придется переделывать. А нижний купол кислородного бака тупо уронили. Тоже на переделку.
законспирированный рептилоид


ЦитироватьNASA Space Launch System Teleconference, May 12, 2017


Опубликовано: 13 мая 2017 г.

On May 12, 2017, NASA held a teleconference to discuss the feasibility of placing astronauts on the first flight of the Space Launch System. NASA also announced that the first flight will be delayed into 2019.

Participants were:

Robert Lightfoot
Acting Administrator

William Gerstenmaier
Associate Administrator, Human Exploration and Operations
(P.S. - картинка - заставка, только звук)



Цитироватьtestest пишет:
Во вчерашней статье на NSF есть прекрасное. Они сваривали водородные баки (два изделия) без прохождения всех проверок оборудования. В результате нашли брак в сварном шве, изделия придется переделывать. А нижний купол кислородного бака тупо уронили. Тоже на переделку.
Это уже стало доброй традицией. После сборки сварочной машины обнаружили что забыли укрепить фундамент и ее перекосило. Пришлось разбирать, укреплять и собирать заново. :)


Цитировать NASA_SLS‏Подлинная учетная запись @NASA_SLS 6 ч. назад

Beautiful sunrise this morning from @NASA's barge Pegasus! The barge is delivering critical #NASASLS hardware to @NASA_Marshall for testing!

2 ч.2 часа назад

Media are invited to @NASA_Marshall tomorrow to see @NASA's barge Pegasus and #NASASLS test hardware! More: 


Цитировать Chris B - NSF‏ @NASASpaceflight 51 мин. назад

Another SLS RS-25 Static FIre at Stennis today. FM3 on E0528, new ECU (Engine Controller Unit) testing. Should be some form of live webcast.


Цитироватьtestest пишет:
Во вчерашней статье на NSF есть прекрасное. Они сваривали водородные баки (два изделия) без прохождения всех проверок оборудования. В результате нашли брак в сварном шве, изделия придется переделывать. А нижний купол кислородного бака тупо уронили. Тоже на переделку.
Мда-а, распиздяи не только у нас есть  :)


Цитировать NASA_SLS‏Подлинная учетная запись @NASA_SLS 1 ч. назад

It's here! @NASA's barge Pegasus delivered #NASASLS test hardware to @NASA_Marshall yesterday! Check out this great new video to the crew!
Добавка. Видео с ТыТрубы



это агенты маска стараются, чтобы дискредитировать идею слс.
пока слс взлетит, маск уже успеет слетать к луне, марсу, титану и астероидам


Цитировать NASA_SLS‏Подлинная учетная запись @NASA_SLS 37 мин. назад

Take a step inside @NASA's barge Pegasus with this great 360° video! The barge is designed for #NASASLS hardware! 



Цитировать Stennis Space Center‏Подлинная учетная запись @NASAStennis 30 мин. назад

Tune in for today's RS-25 test on Facebook Live targeted for 2:45pm CDT. Check back for status updates of the latest test time. #NASASLS

2:45pm CDT --> 19:45 UTC (22:45 ДМВ)


Цитировать Chris B - NSF‏ @NASASpaceflight 6 мин. назад

RS-25 test, Stennis, target T-0 - 3pm Central. Philip Sloss article next, with big props to Kim Henry at @NASA_Marshall for info help.




Цитировать Chris B - NSF‏ @NASASpaceflight 10 мин. назад

Really bad buffering reported by lots of people for RS-25 webcast. Feels like the dial up days, but still no ignition yet.

2 мин. назад

That's lagging too. They can land a man on the Moon in the 1960s, but they can't webcast properly in 2017.


Цитировать Chris B - NSF‏ @NASASpaceflight 2 мин. назад

Hold, as we've already guessed. Not sure if it's a scrub for the day.