Constellation и лунная программа НАСА

Автор ronatu, 31.07.2009 04:47:57

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Constellation и лунная программа НАСА[/size]

 :twisted:  :twisted:
Когда жизнь экзаменует - первыми сдают нервы.


ЦитироватьНа днях из неофициальных источников стало известно, что Конгресс США готов продлить сроки эксплуатации космических челноков -
Одумались таки империалисты...
Челноки вообще хоронить нельзя, не то что сворачивать
Вы совершенно правы, по той причине, что для построения любых амбициозных планов нужна ракета размерностью ~2000 тонн.
 Зачем для этого делать "специальный Ares" совершенно непонятно. :)
[color=#000000:7a9ea26d56]"В тот день, когда задрожат стерегущие дом, и согнутся мужи силы; и перестанут молоть мелющие, потому что их немного осталось; и помрачатся смотрящие в окно;"[/color]


Цитировать"Поздняк метаться"! Производство ряда компонентов уже свернуто, и похоже безвозвратно. Максимум, еще несколько лет эксплуатации - и на покой.
В своё время, когда программа СОИ была "светлым будущим космонавтики, Шаттл хотели модернизировать.

 Это совершенно логично, сперва делается грузовой вариант Шаттла, потом новый орбитальный корабль с жаропрочным корпусом (или элементами корпуса).
 Использовать те же самые SSME возвращаемые по известной капсульной схеме или вообще сделать возвращаемую третью ступень с двигателями.

 ИМХО это будет дешевле Ares-ов и обеспечит плавный переход от одного носителя к другому.

 А в перспективе сделать двухступенчатый полностью многоразовый водородник.
 Тем более, ИМХО, его в любом случае скоро закажет Пентагон.
[color=#000000:7a9ea26d56]"В тот день, когда задрожат стерегущие дом, и согнутся мужи силы; и перестанут молоть мелющие, потому что их немного осталось; и помрачатся смотрящие в окно;"[/color]


ЦитироватьОдумались таки империалисты...
Челноки вообще хоронить нельзя, не то что сворачивать
Это будет означать, что вопрос с похоронами пущен на самотек.
"One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." ©N.Armstrong
 "Let my people go!" ©L.Armstrong


Цитировать...таких как я используют!
Не горячитесь так! Ато вдруг люди подумают что вы гандон... ;) :)
1. Ангара - единственная в мире новая РН которая хуже старой (с) Старый Ламер
2. Назначение Роскосмоса - не летать в космос а выкачивать из бюджета деньги
3. У Маска ракета длиннее и толще чем у Роскосмоса
4. Чем мрачнее реальность тем ярче бред (с) Старый Ламер


Цитировать...таких как я используют!
Не горячитесь так! Ато вдруг люди подумают что вы гандон... ;) :)
Старый, вы, мягко говоря, невежливы. :)
[color=#000000:7a9ea26d56]"В тот день, когда задрожат стерегущие дом, и согнутся мужи силы; и перестанут молоть мелющие, потому что их немного осталось; и помрачатся смотрящие в окно;"[/color]

Вован Сидорыч

Цитировать...таких как я используют!
Не горячитесь так! Ато вдруг люди подумают что вы гандон... ;) :)
Старый, вы, мягко говоря, невежливы. :)
Да нет - обычный пошляк ;)
"Аргументы нужны вам, а не мне." (с)  Бродяга


NASA design reviews should not have been approved says report[/size]

ЦитироватьThe US Government Accountability Office says NASA should not have completed preliminary design reviews for its Constellation programme's vehicles because it did not have the data to allow it to meet planned delivery dates with confidence.

Neither the Orion crew exploration vehicle nor its Ares I crew launch vehicle should have progressed, says the GAO. In its September report on Constellation the GAO highlights NASA's decision to delay Orion's PDR from mid-2008 to third quarter 2009 and the fact that it closed the Ares I review, while deferring resolution of the launcher's thrust oscillation issue until the Constellation programme design milestone in March 2010.

Constellation has already slipped its first crew flight from September 2014 to March 2015 and has 192 identified risks that represent an additional $2.4 billion or more in costs to resolve. One such risk is thrust oscillation, which threatened to violently shake Orion and its crew on ascent.

NASA disagrees with GAO and says: "The Constellation programme and project preliminary design reviews fully comply with the NASA guidance. In every case, the review was declared successful by...independent reviewers."

Yet NASA's Constellation programme may never reach its own March 2010 milestone. Later this month President Barack Obama's review of US human spaceflight plans committee is expected to submit its full report on which NASA administrator Charles Bolden will base a new human spaceflight policy proposal by the end of the year.
"Truth needs no defence. No-one can take those footprints I made on the surface of the moon away from me."
  Eugene Cernan


White House Seeks to Restore Human Spaceflight Funding


By Amy Klamper

WASHINGTON — The White House has asked congressional appropriators to restore $670 million cut from NASA's nearly $4 billion budget request for human space exploration in a version of the 2010 Commerce, Justice, Science appropriations bill the House passed in June, according to congressional and administration sources.

In a September letter to leaders of the House and Senate appropriations commerce, justice, science subcommittees, White House science adviser John Holdren asked that the funding be restored in anticipation of a forthcoming presidential decision on NASA's manned spaceflight future, according to congressional sources. In addition, the White House asked Senate appropriators to stay flexible as the president awaits the findings of a 10-member panel tasked in May to reassess NASA's post-space shuttle space exploration plans, congressional and administration sources said.  The White House-appointed panel, led by former Lockheed Martin chief Norm Augustine, sent the White House and NASA a summary report Sept. 8 that laid out several alternatives to NASA's current Moon-focused Constellation program. The full report is not expected to be released until mid-October, NASA's spokesman for the panel, Robert "Doc" Mirelson, said Oct. 2.

All of the options put forward by the Augustine panel that permit NASA to send astronauts beyond low Earth orbit during the 2020s entail increasing the U.S. space agency's $18.6 billion annual budget by $3 billion in the years ahead.

Over the summer, Rep. Alan Mollohan (D-W.Va.) the chairman of the House Appropriations commerce, justice, science subcommittee, described the funding reduction the House made to NASA's $3.96 billion Exploration Systems Mission Directorate budget request for 2010 as a "time-out" in the budget process as lawmakers await a White House decision.

"Reductions from the budget request should not be viewed as a diminution of my support or that of the subcommittee in NASA's human spaceflight activities," Mollohan said in a June 4 statement.  Mollohan told Space News in June he expects the administration to deliver a "realistic and sustainable" cost estimate of NASA's human spaceflight program in time to amend the 2010 budget.

"We want very much for the funding to be an honest and realistic cost assessment," he said.

But with the Senate expected to vote on its version of the legislation the week of Oct. 5, time is running out. The U.S. government's 2010 budget year began Oct. 1. Congress passed a one-month continuing resolution Sept. 30 to keep federal agencies running through the end of October.

"Theoretically, [the administration] could do it any time before they pass the appropriation," one congressional source said. "But it's just that the clock is ticking."

The Augustine panel had been expected to release its final report by the end of September. Observers in Congress and the administration say the delay is likely due to Augustine's desire to firm up analyses underpinning alternatives to Constellation, the agency's current plan for replacing the space shuttle fleet with a system consisting of the Orion crew capsule and its Ares 1 launcher. The panel plans a public teleconference Oct. 8 to discuss scoring the options. The future of Ares 1 was thrown into doubt when the panel laid out several options for the future of human spaceflight that entailed canceling development of that shuttle-derived rocket and counting on commercial vehicles to carry astronauts into low Earth orbit.

Doug Stanley, the Georgia Institute of Technology engineer who led NASA's 2005 Exploration Systems Architecture Study that picked Ares 1 and the heavy-lift Ares 5 designs over competing approaches that relied on U.S. Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicles, said that while the Augustine panel's analysis provides useful budget and policy assessments of options for the future of manned spaceflight, the rapid pace of the review did not allow for a thorough analysis of cost, risk and schedule implications associated with those options.

"I really think we need to do a fairly detailed architecture study as a follow-on to what [the Augustine panel] has done," Stanley said during a Sept. 28 seminar on the Augustine report at the George Washington University Space Policy Institute here. "The purpose was not to do a detailed architecture study, it was to lay out and look at budget issues and policy issues we'd have to define."

Stanley said before the White and NASA can select a new space transportation architecture, they need to decide whether the shuttle will keep flying beyond 2010, whether the international space station will remain in orbit through 2020, where the United States wants to send its astronauts in the decades ahead, and define a general policy toward commercial and international transport of astronauts.

Once the White House embraces a direction for U.S. human spaceflight, Stanley said NASA should then be allowed to conduct a thorough architecture study to include apples-to-apples comparisons of the cost, safety and risk of the Augustine panel's options, as well as alternative scenarios the panel might not have considered. In addition, Stanley urged that NASA be allowed to determine the true cost and risk of commercial crew transport in low Earth orbit.

"There is a lot of work that needs to be done," he said.
Когда жизнь экзаменует - первыми сдают нервы.


WASHINGTON - The Review of U.S. Human Space Flight Plans Committee will hold a public teleconference on Thursday, Oct. 8, from approximately 1 to 2 p.m. EDT.

The only topic for discussion will be finalization of scoring of options the committee presented in their summary report on Sept. 8. This meeting will be held by teleconference only. The teleconference will be open to the public. The service limit is approximately 300 dial-in callers. Public participants will be in a listen-only mode.

The following numbers are available to hear the teleconference:

Toll-free number:          1-888-373-5705
Other number:               1-719-457-3840
Participant Passcode:     190078

The meeting must be held on this date for the committee's final report to support the time frame associated with the federal budget process. For this reason, it is not possible to accommodate the usual full public notice period. A notice in the Federal Register is expected to appear on or about Oct. 6.
Когда жизнь экзаменует - первыми сдают нервы.


03.10.2009 / 00:05   Школьники обеспечат водой лунную базу NASA

     Американское космическое агентство объявило конкурс среди школьников на лучший дизайн очистительной системы для воды. Об этом сообщается в пресс-релизе на сайте NASA.
      В рамках конкурса школьникам предлагается разработать и протестировать систему снижения расхода воды и ее переработки для будущей лунной станции. Схемы системы и результаты тестов должны быть представлены в NASA не позднее первого февраля 2010 года. Победители будут объявлены в мае этого же года.
      Работы принимаются от команд, куда входит не более шести школьников и одного учителя. Тройка победителей получит награды. Команда занявшая первое место отправится в оплаченное путешествие по объектам NASA, в частности, посетит космический центр Кеннеди во Флориде.
      NASA достаточно часто объявляет конкурсы среди школьников. Так, совсем недавно двенадцатилетняя Клара Ма выиграла конкурс за право дать имя марсоходу Mars Science Laboratory. Теперь аппарат называется Curiosity ("Любопытство"), пишет

Вот как надо науку двигать - сызмальства прививать!

А я, прочитав название, сразу представил себе бедных школьников в скафандрах, которые бегают с вёдрами от колонки на тёмном дне лунного кратера к базе на его валу, на пике солнечного света. :P
Вообще, исследовать солнечную систему автоматами - это примерно то же самое, что посылать робота вместо себя в фитнес, качаться.Зомби. Просто Зомби (с)
Многоразовость - это бяка (с) Дмитрий Инфан


The head of NASA's Constellation Program of rockets and a capsule that are supposed to return astronauts to the moon lashed out at President Barack Obama's space review committee in a scathing e-mail, calling the panel's findings speculative and in some cases just false.
Когда жизнь экзаменует - первыми сдают нервы.


According to the newspaper's report, Constellation Program manager Jeff Hanley told Houston's Johnson Space Center Director Michael Coats in a 3,376-word e-mail that the panel -- headed by former Lockheed Martin CEO Norm Augustine -- ignored "anything positive" about Constellation while making exaggerated claims about alternative systems.
Когда жизнь экзаменует - первыми сдают нервы.


U nowe/\ 6i0pokpaT Ha 6i0pokpaTa....

...."In the e-mail and telephone interviews Wednesday, Hanley said U.S. commercial launch services companies have not demonstrated the capacity to fly astronauts safely and reliably," the paper reported.

Hanley reportedly questioned whether companies like SpaceX , the aerospace startup founded by Internet tycoon Elon Musk, had the "intellectual capital to develop complex crew escape systems."

SpaceX is currently scheduled to launch the maiden flight of its flagship rocket, the Falcon 9 and Dragon capsule, from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in the next few months,

Hanley said it's unclear whether the U.S. government or a commercial crew transportation company would be legally liable for property damage or loss of life in the event of a Challenger- or Columbia-like disaster.

"How could NASA blindly 'trust' them to 'get it right' and then indemnify them for any loss of life?" Hanley was quoted as writing Coats. "There are significant legal issues here as well as technical and intellectual capability issues."

But commercial companies reject the liability argument, saying that there is already a formula in place that has been worked out with the government for when the companies deliver cargo to the space station. The formula established by NASA and the Federal Aviation Administration involves a combination of third-party insurance and government guarantees.

"That liability issue is a complete red herring," said one commercial company executive who was not authorized to speak publicly.
Когда жизнь экзаменует - первыми сдают нервы.


Hanley's impassioned defense of his program stands in stark contrast not just to the Augustine committee's preliminary findings but also to the most recent report by the investigative arm of the Congress, the Government Accountability Office.

The GAO said two weeks ago said that NASA has not made a convincing financial case — or even set a firm price — for Constellation. But the GAO report said problems with Constellation involve more than money. The bleak audit depicted a program dogged by technical woes, poor planning and questionable management decisions.
Когда жизнь экзаменует - первыми сдают нервы.


ЦитироватьBut the GAO report said problems with Constellation involve more than money. The bleak audit depicted a program dogged by technical woes, poor planning and questionable management decisions.

Будет жаль, если они не смогут преодолеть проблемы...
я так вижу
(my vision)


ЦитироватьBut the GAO report said problems with Constellation involve more than money. The bleak audit depicted a program dogged by technical woes, poor planning and questionable management decisions.

Будет жаль, если они не смогут преодолеть проблемы...

Hee ..... 6ygeT o4eHb xopowo u noy4uTe/\bHo. :wink:
Когда жизнь экзаменует - первыми сдают нервы.


Когда жизнь экзаменует - первыми сдают нервы.


А китайцы своих наградят орденами  8)
я так вижу
(my vision)


ЦитироватьBut the GAO report said problems with Constellation involve more than money. The bleak audit depicted a program dogged by technical woes, poor planning and questionable management decisions.

Будет жаль, если они не смогут преодолеть проблемы...

Hee ..... 6ygeT o4eHb xopowo u noy4uTe/\bHo. :wink:
ИМХО - они смогут. Будет очень поучительный вариант преодоления проблем. :D
Делай что должен и будь что будет