Книги по космонавтике

Автор kio7, 07.08.2008 11:22:12

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ЦитироватьА сколько там книги будут лежать?
Недолго. Месяц-два-три. Теоретически я, например, мог бы выслать Вам один или пару-тройку DVD с тем, что у меня есть в том числе и с тем, что я и не выкладывал из-за своей лени. Так как Вы в России - не вопрос.
Делай что должен и будь что будет


Обе книги Сыромятникова у меня есть. Я б и сам выложил, если б не проблема с авторскими правами.
Насчёт DVD  это мысль хорошая, но чисто личная. А я  просто хотел  знать, сколько живут ссылки.
P.S. Насчёт диска - пока не надо. Я просто не успеваю читать. Но в дальнейшем надеюсь будет лучше - время, трафик и проблема сетевой  информации.


Paolo Ulivi, David M. Harland "Robotic Exploration of the Solar System"
Praxis | 2007-10-23 | ISBN: 0387493263 | 600 pages | PDF | 15,6 MB

ЦитироватьPaolo Ulivi and David Harland provide in Robotic Exploration of the Solar System a detailed history of unmanned missions of exploration of our Solar System. As in their previous book Lunar Exploration, the subject will be treated wherever possible from an engineering and scientific standpoint. Technical descriptions of the spacecraft, of their mission designs and of instrumentations will be provided. Scientific results will be discussed in considerable depth, together with details of mission management.
The book will be comprehensive, covering missions and results from the 1950s until the present day, and some of the latest missions and their results will appear in a popular science book for the first time. The authors will also cover many unflown missions, providing an indication of the ideas that proved to be unfulfilled at the time but which may still be proven and useful in the future.
Just like Lunar Exploration, this book will use sources only recently made available on the Soviet space program, in addition to some obscure and rarely used references on the European space program. Unflown European projects of the 1960s and 1970s, a subject never before treated, will also be covered.

Paolo Ulivi, David M. Harland, "Robotic Exploration of the Solar System: Part II: Hiatus and Renewal, 1983-1996"
Praxis | 2008-11-25 | ISBN: 0387789049 | 550 pages | PDF | 17 MB

Paolo Ulivi and David Harland provide in "Robotic Exploration of the Solar System" a detailed history of unmanned missions of exploration of our Solar System As in their previous book Lunar Exploration, the subject will be treated wherever possible from an engineering and scientific standpoint. Technical descriptions of the spacecraft, of their mission designs and of instrumentations will be provided. Scientific results will be discussed in considerable depth, together with details of mission management.
The books will cover missions from the 1950s until the present day, and some of the latest missions and their results will appear in a popular science book for the first time. The authors will also cover many unflown projects, providing an indication of the ideas that proved to be unfulfilled at the time but which may still be proven and useful in the future.
Just like Lunar Exploration, these books will use sources only recently made available on the Soviet space program, in addition to some obscure and rarely used references on the European space program.
The project will deliver three volumes totaling over 1000 pages that will provide comprehensive coverage of the topic with thousands of references to the professional literature that should make it the 'first port of call' for people seeking information on the topic.


P.S. Третий том ("Modern era") издательство обещает в мае 2010 года
С уважением, Алексей Шапошников.

Дмитрий Виницкий

А как сам Паоло относится к выкладыванию книги?
Вы с ним связывались?


ЦитироватьА как сам Паоло относится к выкладыванию книги?
Вы с ним связывались?
Этот вопрос, ИМХО, стоит переадресовать на AvaxHome,, где собственно, и выложили с год тому назад электронные версии.
С уважением, Алексей Шапошников.

Дмитрий Виницкий

Отчего же ссылки ведут на файлопомойки, а не на сайт издательства?
Паоло тут присутствует собственной персоной. Это было трудно?


Robotic Exploration of the Solar System, Part 3: The Modern Era 1997-2009 (Springer Praxis Books / Space Exploration)

Product Details
    * Paperback: 450 pages
    * Publisher: Praxis; 1 edition (April 2010)
    * Language: English
    * ISBN-10: 0387096272
    * ISBN-13: 978-0387096278
Price $US 31.16 (Amazon)
ЦитироватьProduct Description
Paolo Ulivi and David Harland provide in Robotic Exploration of the Solar System a detailed history of unmanned missions of exploration of our Solar System As in their previous book Lunar Exploration, the subject will be treated wherever possible from an engineering and scientific standpoint. Technical descriptions of the spacecraft, of their mission designs and of instrumentation will be provided. Scientific results will be discussed in considerable depth, together with details of mission management.

The books will cover missions from the 1950s until the present day, and some of the latest missions and their results will appear in a popular science book for the first time. The authors will also cover many unflown projects, providing an indication of the ideas that proved to be unfulfilled at the time but which may still be proven and useful in the future.

Just like Lunar Exploration, these books will use sources only recently made available on the Soviet space program, in addition to some obscure and rarely used references on the European space program.

The project will deliver three volumes totaling over 1000 pages that will provide comprehensive coverage of the topic with thousands of references to the professional literature that should make it the 'first port of call' for people seeking information on the topic.
"Селена, луна. Селенгинск, старинный город в Сибири: город лунных ракет." Владимир Набоков


Lunar Exploration: Human Pioneers and Robotic Surveyors (Springer Praxis Books / Space Exploration) (Paperback).
By Paolo Ulivi, David M Harland

Product Details
    * Paperback: 360 pages
    * Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (March 5, 2004)
    * Language: English
    * ISBN-10: 185233746X
    * ISBN-13: 978-1852337469
Price   $US 35.44 (Amazon)
ЦитироватьProduct Description
Paolo Ulivi provides a well-paced, rapidly moving, balanced, even-handed account of lunar exploration as a popular history. He covers the unmanned programmes, e.g. Ranger, and other American probes in the late '50s and in the later chapters he looks at recent lunar exploration and future plans for the same. It's a book that will be perfect for an enthusiast or someone coming to the story for the first time, as it does not include excessive technical depth. Uniquely drawing on recently declassified documents, detail of Chinese lunar exploration projects is provided, as well as nuclear lunar weapons of the '50s developed by the super powers, Soviet Russia and the United States.
"Селена, луна. Селенгинск, старинный город в Сибири: город лунных ракет." Владимир Набоков


Думаю, что в качестве компенсации Паоло "не повредит" реклама двух его книг, которых нет в Сети.  8)
"Селена, луна. Селенгинск, старинный город в Сибири: город лунных ракет." Владимир Набоков


Soviet and Russian Lunar Exploration
Praxis | 2006-12-22 | ISBN: 0387218963 | 322 pages | PDF | 36,1 MB

ЦитироватьWhen, in July 1969, the Americans decisively beat the Soviet Union in the race to put an astronaut on the moon, this event had profound historical, scientific and political implications. This book tells the story of the Soviet and Russian lunar programme, from its origins to the reconsideration of a lunar programme in the present-day federal Russian space programme. Following Sputnik, the first Soviet lunar flights achieved the key goals of hitting, circling and photographing the moon in 1959. The Soviet Union planned to achieve the biggest prize of them all –the first person to land on the moon – and built all the key spaceships required to do so, such as a lunar orbiter and lander. Brian Harvey describes the techniques devised by the USSR for lunar landing, from the LK lunar module to the LOK lunar orbiter and tested versions in Earth orbit. He asks whether these systems would have worked and, examining how well they were tested, concludes that they would have: the Soviet Union lost the moon race for political, not technical reasons. Designs for moon bases were even drawn up. In the end, the Soviet Union ran an impressive series of robotic missions from 1968 to 1976 to circle the moon, map the far side, conduct scientific observations from orbit, recover samples and rove over the surface. The scientific haul from these missions is surveyed: what was actually learned about the moon, its rocks and the lunar environment, that will be useful for the present plans by the United States to return to the moon and for other countries, such as India and China, to conduct their own lunar exploration.

The book opens in Surgut, Siberia, in August 1976, with a largely forgotten event: the return to Earth after a three-day journey from the moon, under a single parachute, of the tiny Luna 24 cabin, with a core sample drilled deep into the Sea of Crises, a remarkable scientific and engineering achievement. It ends with an examination of projected missions, from plans to explore the far side and set up lunar observatories to the Luna Glob explorer of the 1990s. There is also discussion of lunar tourism, using a modernized version of the Zond spacecraft which flew around the moon from1968 to 1970.

Вообще-то название книги не соответсвует действительности: последняя советская
лунная миссия состоялась в 1976 году. :roll:
"Селена, луна. Селенгинск, старинный город в Сибири: город лунных ракет." Владимир Набоков


Вышла книга:  (В сети ПОКА нет).

Selling Peace: Inside the Soviet Conspiracy that Transformed the U.S. Space Program
by Jeffrey Manber
Apogee Books, 2009
softcover, 332 pp., illus.
ISBN 978-1-926592-08-4
US $28.95 (Амазон)

Обзор Jeff Foust The Space Review

Аудио запись интервью с автором The Space Show
ЦитироватьJeffrey Manber, Tuesday, 12-15-09 (49.10MB; ) -- Guest: Jeffrey Manber. Topics: Mir Space Station, Russian space capitalism, NASA, space commerce. Jeffrey Manber returned for this two part Space Show program to talk about his new Apogee book, "Selling Peace: Inside The Soviet Conspiracy That Transformed the U.S. Space Program." We started our first segment with Jeff telling us how he came to work for the Russian Space Agency. Not only is this story fascinating, its important background to the story of the Mir Space Station, MirCorp, and how what happened changed space for the best. This is a must listen to story. As you will hear, Jeff was there when Russia transformed from the Soviet Union to modern Russia and this included the shift to capitalism for just about everything, including space. Pay attention to the stark differences with the actions and attitudes of the Russians versus NASA. As we started the second and final segment, Jeff explained the title to the book. I'm sure you will agree after listening to Jeff, reading his book, and hearing this interview, that indeed the U.S. space program was transformed. Jeff goes into some of the major players and characters. You will hear him talk about former NASA Administrator Dan Goldin, Russian Yuri Semenov, Rick Tumlinson, Walt Anderson, Dennis Tito and others. I promise, you will have a new understanding of commercial space and the relationships that today dictate activities for the ISS, the Russians, and NASA. Later in this segment, Jeff was asked about advocacy rhetoric. He pointed out that there were three influences on space, advocacy, policy, and business, and that there were significant differences among all of them. This is a discussion you do not want to miss. We also talked about cultural differences and how important it is to understand the culture of those engaged in business with you. In particular, he told one story about the Walt Anderson $7 million phone call. Don't miss it, its a really good and very funny story. Toward the end of the program, Jeff talked about his current commercial space activities with Nanorack LLC, cubesats, and the ISS. As we concluded the interview, Jeff stressed that for the future, space programs must be commercial given what is happening economically around the world and in particular in the U.S. If you want to contact Jeffrey Manber with your comments and questions, visit www.sellingpeace.com. You can use the Contact link on the website or you can post to his blog. As always, you can send your message to Jeffrey through me at drspace@thespaceshow.com.
"Селена, луна. Селенгинск, старинный город в Сибири: город лунных ракет." Владимир Набоков


ЦитироватьКнига «Средства выведения космических аппаратов»[/size]

Сегодня получил через http://podarini.ru/ . Спасибо ребятам !
Книгу можно смело ставить в один ряд с МПК и ,,Космическими Крыльями,, !
может мы те кого коснулся тот (еще) энтузиазм...


Вышло новое издание книги (2009 год):
Future Spacecraft Propulsion Systems: Enabling Technologies for Space Exploration
(Springer Praxis Books / Astronautical Engineering)

9783540888130 (3540888136), Springer, 2009

Amazon $US $165.87
ЦитироватьIn this second edition of Future Spacecraft Propulsion Systems, the authors demonstrate the need to break free from the old established concepts of expendable rockets, using chemical propulsion, and to develop new breeds of launch vehicle capable of both launching payloads into orbit at a dramatically reduced cost and for sustained operations in low-Earth orbit. The next steps to establishing a permanent 'presence' in the Solar System beyond Earth are the commercialization of sustained operations on the Moon and the development of advanced nuclear or high-energy space propulsion systems for Solar System exploration out to the boundary of interstellar space.

In the future, high-energy particle research facilities may one day yield a very high-energy propulsion system that will take us to the nearby stars, or even beyond. Space is not quiet: it is a continuous series of nuclear explosions that provide the material for new star systems to form and provide the challenge to explore. This book provides an assessment of the industrial capability required to construct and operate the necessary spacecraft. Time and distance communication and control limitations impose robotic constraints. Space environments restrict human sustained presence and put high demands on electronic, control and materials systems.

This comprehensive and authoritative book puts spacecraft propulsion systems in perspective, from earth orbit launchers to astronomical/space exploration vehicles. It includes new material on fusion propulsion, new figures and updates and expands the information given in the first edition.
PDF  18.73 MB - кому надо, пишите в личный e-mail 8)
"Селена, луна. Селенгинск, старинный город в Сибири: город лунных ракет." Владимир Набоков


Europa The Ocean Moon: Search For An Alien Biosphere (Springer Praxis Books / Geophysical Sciences)

Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3540224505
edition 2005
395 pages
57.46 mb
ЦитироватьEuropa – The Ocean Moon tells the story of the Galileo spacecraft probe to Jupiter's moon, Europa. It provides a detailed description of the physical processes, including the dominating tidal forces that operate on Europa, and includes a comprehensive tour of Europa using images taken by Galileo's camera. The book reviews and evaluates the interpretative work carried out to date, providing a philosophical discussion of the scientific process of analyzing results and the pitfalls that accompany it. It also examines the astrobiological constraints on this possible biosphere, and implications for future research, exploration and planetary biological protection. Europa – The Ocean Moon provides a unique understanding of the Galileo images of Europa, discusses the theory of tidal processes that govern its icy ridged and disrupted surface, and examines in detail the physical setting that might sustain extra-terrestrial life in Europa's ocean and icy crust.
"Селена, луна. Селенгинск, старинный город в Сибири: город лунных ракет." Владимир Набоков


я не смог скачать книги Перельмана (стр.35 топика). То ли их там нет, то ли я не умею с этим файлообменником дружить (другие я скачал)


ЦитироватьКнигу можно смело ставить в один ряд с МПК и ,,Космическими Крыльями,,!

Книгу, в которой публикуют неправильную схему космодрома Капустин Яр, бездумно и без проверки взятую с сайта Марка Уэйда, я бы низачто не поставил в один ряд с "Мировой пилотируемой космонавтикой"! :(


ЦитироватьА сколько там книги будут лежать?
Книги могут лежать в файлообменниках годами, если они пользуются спросом. Обычно файлы, через 60-90 дней после последнего скачивания удаляются. Но если ссылки лежат открыто, как это сделано на нашем сайте, то по требованию правообладателей файл удаляется админом файлообменника, а админом сайта и сама запись. Обычно сами авторы этим не занимаются, а занимаются посредники и за немалый куш.
   Тот, кто хочет разместить здесь ссылки на книги, не облегчайте посредникам работу- Название и содержание книги размещайте как графический файл (картинка)  JPG, PNG, TIFF, вставленый в сообщение.
Ссылка так же не должна содержать прямого названия. Тогда ни один поисковик не найдет это сообщение, а на нашем сайте его увидят, те кому это надо.
"Пионер - всегда готов".


А что хорошего в том, что поисковик не найдёт?
Мы должны быть заинтересованы в обратном. И лишь возможная потеря денег автором и издательством может затормозить этот  процесс.
Вообще посредники и отловля ссылок - это область худ.литературы, бестселлеров.
Вообще и на этом сайте достаточно авторов и эти советы им могут не понравиться.


Эх, что-то ностальгия накатила... :D

П. Клушанцев Дом на орбите 1975


П. Клушанцев О чем рассказал телескоп 1972

Делай что должен и будь что будет


ЦитироватьКнигу можно смело ставить в один ряд с МПК и ,,Космическими Крыльями,,!

Книгу, в которой публикуют неправильную схему космодрома Капустин Яр, бездумно и без проверки взятую с сайта Марка Уэйда, я бы низачто не поставил в один ряд с "Мировой пилотируемой космонавтикой"! :(
Я писал с первого впечатления :wink: , блох начал вычитывать ес-но
позднее (ну мелочи типа ,,Сатурн-5,, выводит на 5  :!:  тонн больше,
чем Н-1 при практически том же стартовом весе - понятно, что опечатка :wink: , и думаю что это еще не все...).
Есть и другие претензии по графике, особенно содраной с Сети :wink:
но то , что в этом фолианте (серьезно тяжелом по весу) собраны
в одном месте практически ВСЕ НОСИТЕЛИ и Разгонные Блоки с ТТХ и
размерами, и фото - Впечатляет !!! )
Хотя вспоминая Бродягу с наездами на КК, то тут как раз Справочник
с Большой буквы :wink:
Похоже он ее еще не видел :lol:
Может я как моделист нашел то чего мне не хватало, т.е. размеры, вид и
т.д.  :wink:
может мы те кого коснулся тот (еще) энтузиазм...