Dream Chaser - NASA коммерческий контракт с SpaceDev

Автор frigate, 02.02.2010 12:49:16

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Дмитрий Виницкий

А разве это не переднее шасси???


Передняя стойка должна быть симметрична. :roll:

Дмитрий Виницкий

не обязательно, имхо у Рафаля не вилка.
Тут, впрочем, всё-таки, вилка.

Кстати, на испытательных полетах сабжа используются шасси от от бессмертного F5E :)
А потом заменят на электропривод.


Вместо носовой стойки шасси всё же предполагается подпорка. Из линка zaitcev'а на пред.странице:

ЦитироватьWith a target a landing speed of 191 knots, Dream Chaser will touch down with its Main Landing Gear, before pitching the nose forward on to an inbuilt skid strip, as opposed to a Nose Landing Gear wheel.

Speaking of the rationale for opting to use a skid strip, SNC noted it is a simple, light, safe option. They also added that there had been some issues with the analysis of the performance of tires in the space environment and this eliminates one of the tires – with the other two tires easier to control than the nose wheel if there's a problem with one of them.

SNC noted they do not expect any crosswind limitations from the skid.
Подозреваю, что основное шасси будет с системой антизаноса :)


NASA Langley and Sierra Nevada's 5-year partnership - From HL-20 to Dream Chaser:

Engineers at NASA's Langley Research Center (LRC) have marked five years of collaboration with Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) as partners in the design and development of the Dream Chaser spaceplane and systems.

Birthed from the HL-20 lifting body vehicle, LRC and SNC's five year partnership has focused on the evolution and substantiation of the Dream Chaser orbital crew vehicle.

"We're thrilled to see our HL-20 design being advanced by Sierra Nevada and glad to have the chance to work with the company on the further development of its Dream Chaser," said Robbie Kerns, manager of the Commercial Space Projects Office at NASA Langley.

Added by Mark Sirangelo, Corporate Vice President and head of Sierra Nevada Space Systems, "NASA Langley has been an engaged and supportive partner since the beginning of our Dream Chaser Program. The Dream Chaser was born at NASA through the great work of the Langley Center. We would not be where we are without the talented NASA people, past and present, who have enabled our Dream Chaser vehicle to start its operational flight testing."


According to Mark Sirangelo, "The economics work out that it's not really advantageous to reuse it." This goes toward an explanation for why there is no body flap on the back of Dream Chaser, like there was on Shuttle, to protect Dream Chaser's docking adaptor.

Finally, while current operations are scheduled to begin in 2017, Sierra Nevada is confident that Dream Chaser could be ready to go sooner than that, as long as there is consistent funding provided by NASA.

Когда жизнь экзаменует - первыми сдают нервы.


Когда жизнь экзаменует - первыми сдают нервы.


Когда жизнь экзаменует - первыми сдают нервы.



Sierra Nevada Advances Commercial Spaceplane

By Frank Morring, Jr.
Source: Aviation Week & Space Technology

July 02, 2012

Frank Morring, Jr. Louisville, Colo.

Like some of its billionaire competitors in the race to build commercial vehicles to take humans to orbit, Sierra Nevada Corp. is taking advantage of its private-company status to build its Dream Chaser reusable spaceplane.

One of the first winners in NASA's effort to seed a commercial space transport industry with federal funds, the 2,200-strong company is leveraging its experience with aircraft modification and autonomous flight-control systems to develop a vehicle designed to carry seven crew to the International Space Station (ISS) atop an expendable launch vehicle, return to a runway landing virtually anywhere a Boeing 737 can land, and do it again as soon as another rocket is ready.

The company is owned by its management and plows a lot of the profits it makes on aircraft, small satellites and spacecraft components back into the business. The model has won it $125 million in Commercial Crew Development (CCDev) funding from NASA, matching that with almost the same in internal funds to push the Dream Chaser through preliminary design review and probably to a good shot at another infusion of NASA funds this summer. At that pace, operational flights could come as early as 2016, according to Mark Sirangelo, who pieced together the company's space division five years ago in a creative merger with his former business.

"Because we're private and because we don't have any outside investors or venture capitalists and no long-term debt, we're able to reinvest a lot of capital into the business," he said in an interview at the space division's newly remodeled facility in an office park here. "We carry about twice the industry average in R&D budget."

Sierra Nevada is not alone in that approach. SpaceX, initially bankrolled by dot.com entrepreneur Elon Musk, has already flown its Dragon commercial cargo capsule to the ISS with funds from NASA's Commercial Orbital Transportation Services program, and is another top contender for the next tranche of CCDev funding.

Amazon.com founder Jeff Bezos has set up Blue Origin to build an orbital crew vehicle that has also drawn CCDev funding.

Sirangelo believes the Dream Chaser will have advantages over the competition, which also includes the Boeing CST-100 capsule. Three companies working with NASA under unfunded Space Act agreements also are in the running.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


James Voss explains the Dream Chaser YOUTUBE 9:18 min
A veteran of five space flights, James S. Voss tells euronews scitech about the Dream Chaser project he's
in charge of as the Sierra Nevada Corporation's Space Exploration Systems vice president.

Mark Sirangelo: Dream Chaser lets NASA focus on bigger missions. YOUTUBE 7:16 min
Mark Sirangelo, Chairman of Sierra Nevada Corporation Space Systems, explains the strategic vision for the
Dream Chaser project in the exclusive interview with euronews scitech.
"Селена, луна. Селенгинск, старинный город в Сибири: город лунных ракет." Владимир Набоков


"Селена, луна. Селенгинск, старинный город в Сибири: город лунных ракет." Владимир Набоков


ЦитироватьSierra Nevada Hails NASA CCiCAP Award
Posted by Doug Messier on August 3, 2012, at 7:28 am

SPARKS, Nev., Aug., 3, 2012 (SNC PR) – Eren Ozmen, President of Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC), is pleased to announce that the company's Dream Chaser® Space System has been awarded $212.5 million as part of NASA's Commercial Crew Integrated Capability (CCiCap) Program. The 21 month contract will begin in August of 2012.
Mark Sirangelo, Corporate Vice President and head of SNC's Space Systems stated, "SNC, as the owner and prime contractor for the Dream Chaser Space System, on behalf of all of our industry, academic, and NASA Center teaming partners would like to thank NASA for showing the confidence in us and for all its efforts to maintain the vital Commercial Crew Program as part of its plan for the future of space transportation. We are very pleased to have been awarded this amount of funding as part of NASA's ongoing effort to create a commercial human transportation system to low Earth orbit. This award will allow our Program to continue to make great strides in the development of the Dream Chaser Space System. We want to express our appreciation to all of those that have provided great support in our efforts, including everyone within our organization and our terrific external team partners, the NASA personnel assigned to our efforts and throughout the NASA Centers and our federal, state, and local government representatives."

SNC has integrated the efforts of its powerful team of leading aerospace companies, academic institutions, and NASA Centers to significantly advance the development of the Dream Chaser orbital crew vehicle and the associated mission, ground, and crew systems, as well as launch vehicle integration. To date, the SNC team has completed 19 milestones; including a full system Preliminary Design Review and first captive carry flight, in addition to a significant number of additional tasks. The remaining milestone under the second round of NASA funding will be an Approach and Landing Test scheduled for later this year, mirroring the first flight test of the Space Shuttle Program. The full CCiCap Program will allow SNC to complete development of the Dream Chaser Space System and transport crews to space as early as 2016.

"We are pleased to be selected to continue development of the Dream Chaser Space System and proud that NASA is showing confidence in the SNC team's ability to develop our nation's next human spacecraft. Our team will continue to work with NASA to ensure that the Dream Chaser is a reliable and safe spacecraft to carry NASA astronauts to the International Space Station," said Jim Voss, Vice President of SNC's Space Exploration Systems and Dream Chaser Program Manager. "I believe we were chosen to continue the Dream Chaser Program because we have a great design, a great team, and have demonstrated, in cooperation with our NASA Partner, that we can develop a human spacecraft in a rapid and cost effective manner."

For information about Sierra Nevada Corporation's Space Systems, including images and video of the Dream Chaser Vehicle's Captive Carry Test, visit: www.SNCSpace.com. For more information on NASA's CCiCap Program, please visit: http://www.nasa.gov/home/hqnews/2012/aug/HQ_12-263_CCiCAP_Awards.html.

Уилбер Райт: "Признаюсь, в 1901-м я сказал своему брату Орвиллу, что человек не будет летать лет пятьдесят. А два года спустя мы сами взлетели".


То есть что-то типа БОРа/Клипера на РД-180 полетит с американской земли, а вот Клипер нет. Ну почему же? Я надеялся, что Клипер закрыли для публики и теперь допиливают секретно, как в добрые старые времена, в качестве ответа X-37.

Петр Зайцев

Мы не знаем, что и на чем полетит, и полетит ли. Им ведь половинный куш дали. Денег недостаточно даже довести до Critical Design Review. В лучшем случае пройдет пилотируемый сброс прототипа. Там, кажется, даже не прописано включение гибридников в полете.


ЦитироватьМы не знаем, что и на чем полетит, и полетит ли. Им ведь половинный куш дали. Денег недостаточно даже довести до Critical Design Review. В лучшем случае пройдет пилотируемый сброс прототипа. Там, кажется, даже не прописано включение гибридников в полете.
Ну, вообще во всех этих программах, как одно из ключевых требований, было предусмотрено, что участники программы самостоятельно финансируют свой проект как минимум на половину. НАСА им не обещало большего.

Вообще у меня такое впечатление, что SNC дали денег именно потому, что пока они единственные прорабатывают "крылатик". Это скорее финансирование оригинальной концепции пилотируемого корабля.

Уилбер Райт: "Признаюсь, в 1901-м я сказал своему брату Орвиллу, что человек не будет летать лет пятьдесят. А два года спустя мы сами взлетели".

Петр Зайцев

ЦитироватьВообще у меня такое впечатление, что SNC дали денег именно потому, что пока они единственные прорабатывают "крылатик". Это скорее финансирование оригинальной концепции пилотируемого корабля.
Тут и впечатления не надо, Эд Манго сделал об этом официальное заявление еще когда CCDev объявляли.


50 years to orbit: Dream Chaser's crazy Cold War backstory
The reusable mini-spaceplane is back from the dead—again—and prepping for space.
by Dave Klingler - Sep 7, 2012 1:00 am UTC
Очень интересная статья на английском языке.  :idea:
ЦитироватьEnding his NewSpace 2011 talk, (current SNC Space Systems Chairman) Mark Sirangelo added his own story to Dream Chaser's history. Several years ago, he visited Russia and met with three of the five Russian engineers from the BOR-4 program. Unaware until then that their little lapot lived on in another country, the engineers gave Sirangelo pictures of the P-3 surveillance plane, taken by the soldier on the trawler that recovered the BOR-4. Sirangelo made a promise to them that, when Dream Chaser was finished, he would put the names of the Russian team right next to those of the American teams. And he invited all of them to Dream Chaser's first launch.

"I got a note from the daughter of one of the guys who died since I went there," Sirangelo said, "and she said that one of the last things that he wanted to do was have her send me a letter reminding me of the promise I made to put his name on the Dream Chaser when we flew. And that's what I think the space industry's all about."
"Селена, луна. Селенгинск, старинный город в Сибири: город лунных ракет." Владимир Набоков


Sierra Nevada Corporation had a one-third scale mock-up Dream Chaser orbiter 3rd of November 2012 at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex.

Спасибо блоггеру Stephen C. Smith (штат Флорида)
"Селена, луна. Селенгинск, старинный город в Сибири: город лунных ракет." Владимир Набоков


Последняя фотка на надгробную плиту похожа.


My personal contribution about such matter (sorry for the English but my Russian is awful).