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Автор Astrodrive, 31.01.2023 11:40:02

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Всем привет.

Я пытался подавать в университет на мастера инженера но мне отказали. Сказали что нужны референты и ссылки на похожие статьи.

Я буду подавать на другой факультет и мне больше не нужны мои черновики. Я написал две научные статьи и две научно фантастические статьи, все правда на английском и только черновики.

Я хочу послать мои статьи учёным из университетов и правительственных лабораторий. Но пока их не знаю. Пришлите мне емаил адреса учёных которые серьёзно занимаются НЛО если вы их знаете. Также хочу знать если есть серьёзние форумы по науке и космонавтики на английском.

Вобшем первые две статьи про НЛО и позитронные аномалии. Следующие две это научная фантастика о пришельцах чтобы их понять. Позитронные аномалии это всякая магия и использование людьми невидимых объектов и энергий.

Первая статья об НЛО написана после того как я увидел запись контакта с ними американскими пилотами. В 2022 году Пентагон опубликовал отчёт о НЛО вместе с записями. 171 случаев ещё не объяснены. "FLIR1", "GIMBAL", "GOFAST" это записи сделанные Термальными камерами с американских палубных истребителей.

В этих съёмках видно что НЛО очень быстро меняют высоту, очень быстро разгоняются до больших скоростей и не имеют никаких выхлопов. Видно только что в центре НЛО греется какой-то реактор. Я объясняю зто термоядерным реактором Сферомак (нет не Токамак), который использует газ Тритий. Система охлаждения использует пар чтобы крутитъ турбину, получает электричество и посылает ток через болъшую магнитную петлю из металла в форме цифры 8. Магнитная петля отталкивается от магнитного поля Земли и позволяет НЛО висеть в воздухе длительное время.

Дальше НЛО открывает микро дыры в пространстве, чтобы набраться нових частиц "тайчионов". "Тайчионы" отклюйчают все силы действующие на НЛО, гравитация и инерция больше не работают. НЛО движется с громадной скоростью без инерции, используя только ионные движки.

Когда надо убежать НЛО открывает дыру в пространстве и исчезает вообще. Затем НЛО летит в Гиперкосмосе на свою планету.

Вообщем много технических деталей.

Я прилагаю свою первую статью про физику НЛО. Если вам интересно могу приложить их все.

Читайте (... извините что статья только на английском, мой университет разговаривает только на английском).

Theory of Tachyon Bubble.

We would like to propose a theory of very fast "inertiless propulsion" after seeing the UFO videos where UFO accelerates extremely fast in any direction and easily reaches the earth's orbit. Observing such fast movement we came to conclusion that it is "inertiless propulsion". Meaning that UFO mass is cancelled by some unknown to us particle. Mass of the object gives it a property called inertia. Special Relativity equation says that inertia increases with the speed of the object, making it harder to accelerate further. Thus the only way to achieve very fast speed in very short time is to cancel the mass (or inertia) of the object.

It is speculated that the unknown particle creates a bubble around UFO, that cancels it's mass. When object is inside such "particle bubble" its mass becomes zero, allowing very fast speed of movement in any direction. Since mass creates inertia effect together with gravity effect we can speculate that "particle bubble" cancels force of gravity as well. Object inside "particle bubble" can move free of gravity and easily reach the earth's orbit. Even further this "particle bubble" allows object to reach a faster than light speed.
The "particle bubble" is made of particles that have mass. The theory of Special Relativity outrules faster than light travel for any particle with mass. The faster the object moves the larger it's mass becomes. Larger mass requires consumption of more and more fuel to move it. When speed of object (v) approaches speed of light (c), mass of object (m) approaches infinity. Infinitly large mass requires infinite fuel to move it. Which makes faster than light travel impossible for rocket propulsion.

Let's look at Special Relativity equation for "particle bubble" with initial mass m[0]

                      sqrt(1- v^2/c^2)

[] - explains the variable.
sqrt() - square root.

The only way to move faster than light is to have m[0] = i m.

i m[0] - imaginary mass, or mass (m) multiplied by imaginary unit (i).

Particle with only imaginary mass (i m[0]) can travel faster than light. Such theoretical particle exists in physics and it is called "tachyon".

We start with defining mass and charge of "tachyon" particle.
"Tachyon" = ( i m[0], charge=0);

Tachyon particles can form bubble around any moving or stationary object. From now on we look at the tachyon bubble as a whole (made up from multiple tachyon particles). We propose "tachyon bubble" equation that explains inertiless, gravity free and faster than light travel.

"Tachyon bubble" = (i m[1], i m[2], charge=0);

m[bubble] = m[object]  + i( i m[1]) + i m[2];

m[object] + i( i m[1]) = 0;

m[bubble] = i m[2];

We separated mass of "tachyon bubble" into i m[1] and i m[2]. After mass of object is canceled to 0 by i( i m[1]) only i m[2] mass of "tachyon bubble" remains. The object with mass 0 is inside "tachyon bubble" with mass i m[2]. Inertia and gravity forces do not apply to object with mass 0. Object is inside "tachyon bubble" with imaginary mass i m[2], together they can move faster than light according to Special Relativity equation above.
The first Law of Newton says that object can move with constant speed if no force is acting on it. If object has mass 0 then forces F[inertia] = 0 and F[gravity] = 0. Object does not expirience any force or acceleration.

Object velocity v[object] = const.

m = 0;

F[inertia] = m a = 0;
F[gravity] = 0;
v[object] = const;

Kinetic Energy law still applies to object moving with constant speed.

                      - i( i m[2]) v(object)^2
E[object] = --------------------------------;

                                2 E[object]
v[object] = sqrt(------------------------);

If energy of space ship or UFO is supplied by Ion Engines then
E[object] = E[ion engines]. Overall velocity equation of object (space ship) moving together with "tachyon bubble" is:

                             2 E[ion engines]
v[object] = sqrt(------------------------);

Tachyon particles "glue" to the object and form a bubble or a sphere like water molecules form sphere in zero gravity. UFO space ship is inside "tachyon bubble" and can move free from inertia and gravity. UFO receives kinetic energy either from "magnetic levitation coil" or "cold plasma pulsed ion engines".
"Magnetic levitation coil" is large superconductor loop in shape of number 8 that uses Earth's magnetic field to levitate. It is possible that superconductor is liquid mercury metal and electric current is supplied by fusion Spheromac reactor. UFO uses "magnetic levitation coil" for atmospheric flight. By tilting number 8 coil in different directions UFO can move in atmosphere without activating ion engines. Superheated number 8 superconductor can be seen inside UFO on infrared camera footage.

Spheromac fusion reactor uses Tritium and Deuterium gases as a fuel. Two reactions are possible.

1) Deuterium + Tritium -> He-4 + neutron + temperature and neutron's kinetic energy.
2) Tritium + Tritium -> He-4 + 2 neutrons + temperature and neutron's kinetic energy.

Tritium is received when Lithium mineral crystalls are erradiated by neutrons coming either from standard fission reactor or (Deuterium + Deuterium) Spheromac reactor. Spheromac is hidden deep undeground in coal mine to block fast neutron radiation by Carbon (coal) deposits. Carbon is usually used as moderator in fission reactors to stop neutrons. Deuterium is received from heavy water distilled from ocean water. Entire desert mining planets (mostly unpopulated) dig Lithium mineral crystalls from dried lakes Lithium salt deposits. The price on Lithium mineral crystalls determine the price of Tritium fusion fuel.

The fusion reaction (plus released neutrons) is boiling coolant water and steam is passed through electric generator to generate electricity. From time to time space ship has to vent off generated steam from coolant system and get more fresh water. It was reported that UFO sometimes land near lakes and rivers, probably for that purpose.

"Cold plasma pulsed ion engines" are pulse Ion Engines that use Gauss coils to eject cold plasma in short pulses. Cold plasma is not super heated thus such Ion Engine is hard to see with infrared camera. UFO uses Ion Engines to move to Earth's orbit, in space and in Hyperspace flight.
"Tachyon bubble" also has ability to "slide" in outer space and in Hyperspace dimension (explained later) with unnaturally high speed. Probably to the fact that outer space and Hyperspace are filled in different degree with tachyon field. Tachyon field is "tachyon membrane" that supplies tachyon particles for "tachyon bubble" (explained later). That allows us to modify equations for overall speed of object.

v[bubble in space] = k[space] v[object];
v[bubble in hyperspace] = k[hyperspace] v[object];

k[space] - speed increase coefficient in outer space.
k[hyperspace] - speed increase coefficient in hyperspace dimension.

v[bubble in space] > c[speed of light];
v[bubble in hyperspace] >> c[speed of light];

"Tachyon bubble" also provides shield effect. It acts like a membrane that stops incoming projectiles. UFO space ship can have "tachyon shield" of different strength around it. The faster the projectile moves the easier it is stopped by "tachyon shield". "Tachyon shield" can be penetrated by either slow moving projectile or by projectile pushed through with slow applied force.

E[shield] = k[shield] m[2];  similar to potential energy of spring E = k x;
k[shield] - shield coefficient.

E[shield] < E[kinetic energy of projectile] + E[energy of force push];

                    m ( v[const 1] - v[projectile] )^2                 F[of push] t[of push] v[const 2]
E[shield] < ----------------------------------------- +  -----------------------------------------;
                                                  2                                                          2

v[const 1] - velocity constant that makes fast projectiles less effective.
v[const 2] - velocity multiplier constant that converts force multiplied by time into kinetic energy.

The tachyon particles only exist in Hyperspace dimension. Due to that property we call Hyperspace a "tachyon membrane". "Tachyone membrane" is a flat two dimensional tachyon field that stretches across entire Universe. Tachyon particles are created from that "tachyon membrane". The space ship that enters "tachyon membrane" through "tachyon wormhole" can travel with extremely high speed. Speeds on magnitude of 10 light years per minute or even higher can be achieved. Speed on magnitude of 100 light years per minute allows long range flights that cross 20,000 light years distances between different Galactic arms. We speculate that nearest free space trade planet (with humans like us) is on different Galactic arm, 20,000 light years away. Only alien UFO space ships travel 20,000 light years away from space trade lane to observe Earth.

When UFO space ship travels through "tachyon membrane" or Hyperspace it is only guided by a gyroscope and an atomic clock. Gyroscope remembers direction of required star that was selected before jump into "tachyon membrane". Atmomic clock counts seconds, miliseconds and microseconds based on estimated distance to that star calculated before the jump. Space ship's speed in "tachyon membrane" is also known, Time = Distance / Speed. As Galaxy spins and distances beween stars slowly change, a space ship might exit "tachyon membrane" far from required planet. Space ship then has to fly with faster than light speed using "tachyon bubble" to required planet that is detected by ship's infrared telescope. There are no any stars or planets on "tachyon membrane", space ship just travels in straight line to required star guided by gyroscope. After a successful jump ship navigation computer is updated with new recalculated distance to required planet. All other ships eventually receive updated distance information. Such space lane that is constantly updated is called a trade lane.

UFO space ship can send a radio signal when travelling through "tachyon membrane" or inside a "tachyon bubble". Any other ship that is inside "tachyon membrane" or surrounded by "tachyon bubble" can receive this signal in a large radius (perhaps even 20,000 ligth years). The nature of this effect is still unknown. Perhaps all tachyons around space ship are quantum entangled with tachyons around other ships. Radio antenna on one space ship oscillates tachyons on all other ships as well (in radius of 20,000 light years). Such transmission is instant and can be received by all space ships and planets in that radius that use tachyons.

To receive tachyon particles for "tachyon bubble" or to open wormhole to "tachyon membrane" one needs a linear ion or positron accelerator. The idea is that linear beam of ions or positrons will punch through a membrane that separates our space and "tachyon membrane". The beam of positively charged (charge = +1) ions or positrons will make a hole in that separating membrane (charge = -1) and tachyon particles will come through that hole. We call that negativelly charged membrane a "leptonic membrane" since all leptons (like electrons) have charge = -1.

Note that one needs a linear ion accelerator and not a circular one. In circular ion accelerator vector of tangental velocity constantly changes. To punch a hole in leoptonic membrane ions have to fly in straight line for some time, opening hole at some distance in front of accelerator. It is speculated that only straight vector of velocity can reach parallel "leptonic membarne". Well, such is the geometry of "parallel membranes hypothesis". The wormhole opening experiment must be done by linear ion accelerator in long vacuum pipe. May be hole will be opened in 1 cm or 10 cm or 1 meter or even 10 meters distance from accelerator. We do not know yet.

Let us look at "parallel membranes hypothesis". We have 3 parrallel flat two dimensional membranes: our space membrane, "leptonic membrane" and "tachyon membrane". All three mebranes are at some distance (established by liner ion accelerator experiment) from each other. Because these membranes span entire universe we assume that Z-dimension exist only around stars and planets. So enire universe is flat. That explains the nature of Hyperspace. We live in local Z-dimension pocket on flat "our space membrane" and can enter into parallel flat "tachyon membrane" through a hole in "leptonic membrane".

______________      ________________tachyon membrane (charge = 0).                                                     
                     |    |                         tachyon particles leak into our space.
                     |    |
                     |    |
 _____________|      |_______________leptonic membrane (charge = -1).
                     |    |                         the hole we punched through.
                     |    |
                     | O |                        tachyon wormhole that we see.
__________________________________our space membrane (charge = 0).

The tachyon particles that "leak" into our space will form either spherical "tachyon bubble" or spherical "tachyon wormhole" that leads to "tachyon membrane" (or Hyperspace).

We use the term hole to describe a hole in "leptonic membrane" that we punched with ions. We use term "tachyon wormhole" to desribe a sphere made of tachyon particles that leaks through that hole. An observer in space ship will see a tachyon sphere that pops up from nowhere (from empty outer space).
The difference bewteen "tachyon bubble" and "tachyon wormhole" is a rate of ion bombardment. To maintain permanent "tachyon wormhole" the rate of ion bombardment must be high enough. The "leptonic membrane" must be hit with a high rate by ions to maintain a permanent hole (as it tries to close that hole). The "tachyon bubble" is formed from tachyons that come from "tachyon membrane" through fastly opened and closed micro "tachyon wormholes".

                                                  Q[total charge of ions]
R[ion bombardment rate] = -----------------------------------;
                                                    t[1 second time]

R[ion bombardment rate] > wormhole constant;
opens a permanent "tachyon wormhole" that leads to "tachyone membrane" or Hyperspace.

R[ion bombardment rate] < wormhole constant;
forms "tachyon bubble" from tachyons that leak from opened and closed micro "tachyon wormholes".

We can keep a hole in "leptonic membrane" (charge = -1) opened longer and make it larger by inserting a charged metal rod (charge = -1) into it. A negative charge pushes other negative charge away. A UFO space ship can have a negatively charged metal grid around it (by passing current) to open a hole of large enough size to pass through it. Any size space ships (small scouts and large cargo freighters) can use this trick to pass through a wormhole of required size.
To keep a hole in "leptonic membrane" opened we need:

F[to open] = F[to close];

                                                            Q[rod] Q[displaced leptonic membrane]
F[to open] = k[electrostatic field] -------------------------------------------------------;
                                                                                  r[of hole]^2

F[to close] = k[leptonic membrane] r[of hole];

Q[displaced leptonic membrane] = ------------------  Pi r[of hole]^2;
                                                             1 meter^2

r[of hole] - radius of hole opened in leptonic membrane.
Q[membrane]/1 meter^2 - charge of leptonic membrane per meter^2 has to be measured experimentally.

k[electrostatic field] - standard coefficient of electrostatic field. Leptonic membrane (as all leptons) follows standard laws of electrostatic field.
k[leptonic membrane] - coefficient of closure force. A closure force is exerted by leptonic membrane as it tries to return to normal low energy state.

We tried to explain briefly out theory of "tachyon bubble" that allows a UFO space ship to achive faster than light speed and travel without constrains of inertia and gravity. The details of "magnetic levitation coil" and "cold plasma pulsed ion engines" are skipped for the purpose to keep article shot. The details of fusion Spheromac reactor and its fuel are also skipped. The UFO space ship has complex technology that is based on physics that is only partially known on Earth. The nature of UFO navigators (aliens) and their realation to human race will be discussed in separate article. Here we can only say that humans freely populate other planets in our galaxy and it is assumed that Earth is located too far from common space trade lanes. It is highly possible that some distant space trade lanes are maintained only by UFO aliens. They act as observers in our remote part of space. That probably explains why sometimes we see UFO on Earth. UFOs are real technologically advanced space ships that obey laws of physics and can be detected by Radar and Infrared cameras. Our scientists should not lose hope that one day we will achive similar level of technology and travel to distant stars. Perhaps to meet other technologically advanced humans that were separated from us by long lasting Galactic crysis such as economical decline of core industrial planets and high prices on fusion (Tritium) fuel.
Я ухожу с этого форума по личным причинам. Спасибо всем за обсуждение интересных тем.


Попытаюсь объяснить что такое "позитронный космический корабль" или "эфирный космический корабль".

Тут я заметил народ интересуется "эфирной плазмой", поэтому решил приложить моё понимание феноменов "неизвестной материи" используемой некоторыми нечестными людьми.
Эти люди нам точно не скайжут где они эту "неизвестной материю" купили.

Извините что статья на английском. Коротко объясню на русском.

Вообшем есть некотораю расса транс-людей на планете где то 100 световых лет от нас. Они изучают "позитроны".
У них есть технология накачки "позитронов" радиомагнитным фазерным/мазерным излучением. Когда "позитрон" накапливает заряд больше чем плюс-один, например плюс-1.1 или плюс 1.2 и так далее, то "позитрон" не аннигилируется с электроном. Получается стабильный "позитронный газ" который медленно расспадается из за нестабильности заряженного "позитрона".

Потом эти транс-люди изпользуют этот "позитронный газ" и делают из него копии реальных объектов, каким-то образом копируя структуру реальных объектов с помощью фазерного/мазерного излучения.

После этого эти "позитронные объекты" доставляются сюда на Землю используя эффект "позитронной телепортации". Это когда "позитронный объект" телепортируется между "позитронной антенной" на их планете и "позитронной антенной" прикреплённой к ноге человека здесь на Земле.

Самое интересное это то, что телепортируется так же и "позитронная копия транс-человека" которая прикрепляет "позитронный объект" к человеку здесь на Земле, а потом телепортируется обратно на свою планету. Вставляется "позитронно металическая" игла в ухо человеку чтобы он слышал радио послания (или как их называют здесь "молитвы") от других людей с прикреплёнными "позитронными антеннами".

Всё было бы хоросшо только эта расса прикрепляет также и "позитронное оружие": типа "позитронных клинков", "мазерных лучевых пушек", "позитронных молотов", "позитронных обрезов", "позитронных електромагнитных пульс гранат". И потом эти вооружённые ребята начинают стрелять и бить друг друга этими "позитронными объектами". Наверное у них интеллек маленький чтобы понять, что транс-людям все равно.

Увидеть эти "позитронные объекты" можно только с помощью Радарной Видеокамеры, а услышать их радио сигналы можно только с помощью военной радио станции которая ищет сигналы противника по всему спектру радио частот.

Транс-люди секретно присылают время от времени на Землю маленькие "позитронные корабли" и забирают Никелевые слитки. Транс-людям нужен только Никель. У них всё на планете сделано из Никеля, в особенности синхротроны для получения "позитронов". Каждая "позитронная секта" ждёт на ферме когда прилетит этот маленький "позитронный корабль" и грузит на него Никель. Потом сектанты приезжают в город и начинают воевать против других сект.

Маленький "позитронный корабль" транс-людей изпользует так называемый "эфирный газ". Просто "позитронный газ" с копией молекулярной сруктуры реального эфира. Вдыхать его намного безопаснее чем любые другии "позитронные газы". Затем небольшие сопла используются для отталкивания корабля от "позитронного эфира". В результате получается без инерционное, без гравитационное передвижение. Этот корабль летит безо всякого Гиперкосмоса через обычный космос обратно на свою планету. Максимальная дистанция этотого "позитронного корабля" 200 световых лет.

Другие планеты (некоторые населены даже людьми) пользуют "тайчионные корабли" (уже написал статью на этот форум). Супер быстрый "тайчионный корабль" летит на дситанцию 20,000 световых лет.

Читай статью полную на английском (... извините что только на английском, я из англо говорящего университета).

Article below should be considered as Science Fiction by people who are hostile to free exchange of information. We tried to explain a scientific phenomenon without making advanced scientific experiments of super charging positrons in a lab.


Positron matter explained.


Here we explain the technology behind positron matter devices, also known as "Resonators". We do not have any physical proof, therefor you can consider this article as science fiction. The facts below are derived from real alien sightings that some people shared in word of mouth, because of fear of government enforcement agencies. It was known for years that governments of US and Australia try to suppress the truth. It is highly inconvenient for government to admit to the public that government military technology is a way behind the alien technology, and that is the case.

We start from the fact that some people witnessed the alien space ships or UFO landing in the farm area of Adelaide, South Australia. The ships were described by witnesses as small, 5 meters in diameter, silvery metal spheres, probably made of Nickel. Three small, 1.5 meters in high, humanoids came out of the ship, greeted the local farmers in English. Humanoids were very skinny, pale with thin arms and had fish scales covering their hands. They told the farmers that they are representatives of alien race and trade "resonance" technology in exchange for Nickel metal bars. The representatives of human religious faction (probably Anglican or protestant Christians) interested in purchasing the "resonance" came forward and said they have the Nickel bars in the car. Aliens asked them to put Nickel bars to their ship. Couple of humans came out of the car with a trolley and loaded the Nickel bars to the alien ship. All together 2,000 kilograms of Nickel bars were transferred. Aliens thanked the humans and said "the faith will be delivered as usual". Then they entered the ship, which powered up, hovered above the ground and then shot into the skies with high speed.

Humanoid aliens with fish scales on their arms are likely to be trans humans. The result of advanced genetic engineering, that takes generic humanoid genome and mixes it with some genes of natural creatures. In this case probably a tuna fish. Such genetic engineering allows to create very peaceful and obedient trans human races. Without a need to fight war, "fish" aliens dedicate their time to researching and developing positron technology.

Note: There are multiple trans human races. They are created by race of unknown genetic scientists to be non-aggressive and obedient. That race of genetic scientists identifies itself as "project genome" or "gnome". Meaning that long time ago they also genetically altered themselves, to become a first trans human race. References of humanoids called "gnomes" and "grey elves" were found in Viking religion manuscripts, 800 CE. While human race is not genetically altered, the question still remains: who was the first humanoid bi pedal race in Milky Way Galaxy? The first bi pedal humanoid race was not a trans human. It existed before the age of genetic trans human alterations. Original humanoid race was nomadic and travelled to the stars using Faster Than Lights spaceships. "Project genome" originates from that nomadic race we call "nomads". For some unknown reason "project genome" is not allowed to genetically alter human race, leaving us as "aggressive barbarians" of Milky Way Galaxy. Perhaps humans are used as simple military enforces and farmers on other planets, where they were brought and settled by "project genome". Humans were settled on Earth around 8,000 years ago, the earliest farming settlements were found by archeologists. The "aggressive barbarians" were using copper/bronze weapons manufactured locally without reliance on advanced scientific weapons of "project genome". Meaning planet Earth is lying too far from all Galactic trade routes. Enough of genetics and back to positron technology.

We try to understand the positron technology that is called "faith" and "resonance". The same technology also allows the alien ships to achieve faster than light travel. Let us start from the scientific fact that positron is anti-matter particle, with opposite charge of electron and similar mass. This particle can be received by scientific device called synchrotron. A circular particle accelerator that can be as big in diameter as Football field. The positrons received are stored in vacuum filled, magnetic bottle. Vacuum keeps positrons from touching air molecules of air around us and magnetic fields keep positrons from touching glass molecules of the bottle walls. If positron touches an electron of air molecule, both particles are destroyed, they completely annihilate each other and cause an emission of two Gamma rays. That means that human scientists can use Gamma ray detector to detect the presence of positrons. When some of alien created positron matter is present, while invisible, it slowly emits the positrons that annihilate with electrons in air molecules. So, we do have an empirical scientific way to detect invisible positron matter.

As we understand the positron is unnatural particle that can only be received in scientific laboratory. The "fish" aliens found a way to turn positrons that they receive on synchrotron into stable positron matter. They do it by "super charging" the positrons. Positron instead of being charged exactly +1 and annihilating with electron which is -1, is "supercharged" to +1.1, +1.2, or +1.3 charge and does not annihilate with electron. "Supercharging" is done by radiating normal positrons in magnetic bottle by maser beam of correct energy setting for correct amount of time. But aliens go even further in their science and somehow turn those supercharged positrons into unstable copy of real matter. They can receive "Ether" supercharged positron gas that is used in jets of their space ships. They can receive "Nickel" solid supercharged positron antenna that can transmit radio waves. Such solid positron matter antennas are invisible and when attached to human legs and ears can be used to transmit and receive pre-recorded radio messages. If normal radio antenna transmits radio waves by oscillating -1 charged electrons. Positron matter antenna transmits radio waves by oscillating +1 charged positrons. The definition of radio wave in physics books is "oscillation of charge on metal antenna", which can be either negative or positive charge.

The positron matter is unstable form of matter and slowly decays. Most supercharged positrons just disappear but small number of positrons return to their normal state and annihilate with electrons in air molecules. This results in Gamma Ray radiation that can be detected by Gamma Ray detectors. Natural rubber is known to destroy positron matter when coming in contact with it, due to amorphous nature of material.

So, positron is unnatural particle, that when "supercharged" and made into "Ether" gas can be used by spaceship jets. Spaceship jets release such positron gas and move much faster than light. In fact, the alien spaceships travel extremely fast. They cover around 120 light years in 1 hour, having speed of 2 light years per 1 minute. The explanation is that release of positron gas moves the bubble of space around the ship. The speed of the spaceship is still 0. When positron jets are switched off, the spaceship comes to complete stop, with 0 speed. Thus, the faster than light space flight is achieved without accelerating the ship itself, it is called "inertiless space bubble flight".

The "fish" aliens planet is located around 120-240 light years from Earth. The "fish" aliens use their positron jets spaceships to traffic Nickel metal bars between Earth and their planet. Once Nickel shipment arrives, aliens use teleportation to deliver "positron matter" from their planet to people on Earth. Teleportation happens when someone receives his "Resonator" or "faith".

"Fish" aliens also created "positron matter technicians". A positron copy of real person, that lives around 3 months before completely decaying. Those positron matter technicians teleport to Earth, plug "Resonator" into human right leg and right ear, and then teleport back to their planet.

Teleportation happens because "positron" devices have a property of being connected through another dimension we call hyperspace. We create a hyperspace link when we apply equal oscillation frequency to one "positron  antenna" here on Earth connected to the leg of human and one "positron antenna" on "Fish" alien planet. The hyperspace link exist while two "positron antennas" are oscillating. A "positron matter technician" can move by that link releasing small bursts of "positron gas" from pressurised "positron gas" container he wears on his back. Thus hyperspace link is used by "positron matter technician" to teleport on Earth, plug new (non degraded) "Resonator" into human, and teleport back to their planet.

"Positron matter" is very light and can withstand cold of inter planetary vacuum of hyperspace dimension. Thus "positron matter technicians" can safely travel though hyperspace. The travel through hyperspace link takes a few minutes. During the travel "positron matter technician" breathes air from the space bubble around him. The space bubble forms around a body when "positron matter technician" enters into hyperspace.

All "positron matter" slowly decays by itself and also when it touches normal matter. In one month or so, "Resonator" gets degraded and needs to be replaced. Human operator activates "radio prayer" that transmits "I need a new Resonator" to "Fish" aliens planet. When that "radio prayer" is received by aliens they teleport a "positron matter technician" with new "Resonator" to Earth. Upon arrival "positron matter technician" plugs new "Resonator" into human operator ear and leg, and then returns back to alien planet.

Sometimes human operator needs to give a new "Resonator" to a person without "Resonator". He activates "radio prayer" that transmits "I need Resonator for new person". When that "radio prayer" is received by aliens they send "positron technician" as well.

We know that "fish" aliens can turn "supercharged" positrons into copy of real matter. They usually turn them into "Nickel" like solid matter antennas called "Resonators". The positrons like electrons have almost no mass. These solid positron matter devices have also almost no weight. So far, we observed following positron matter devices:

1) "Resonators".
A solid positron matter antenna is attached to human leg.
Human also has positron magnetic tape player attached to the leg as well. A solid positron needle pierces ear auditory nerve and sends the electric/positronic current oscillations into ear nerve. Thus, radio signal, analogue encoded, is played directly into human ear nerve. Magnetic tape is recorded on alien planet from paper notes sent to them by human priests. Different religious groups play different radio tape messages. The whole point of "Resonator" device is to "convert" other "resonance" equipped priests with radio messages. "Conversion" currently means that one priest is paying money to another to be a member of his church group, so he can study theology from them. A solid positron needle piercing human ear nerve makes it possible to read sub-vocalized speech directly from ear nerve. So, a "Resonator" owner can use short sub-vocalised commands to rewind the positron tape to the prayer he wants to transmit, making "Resonator" an interactive device. "Resonator" owners are calling themselves "sublinguals", meaning they know how to use sub-vocalised speech to rewind the tape to correct prayer.

The problem with "Resonators" is that they are used to activate "radio prayers" of positron weapons. Such weapons shoot either radio maser beam or small pellets and needles. The "Resonator" equipped people are calling such positron matter weapons  "sublingual weapons". It means that "Resonator" owner can give short "sublingual" sub-vocalised command to activate positron matter weapon. They estimate the "prayer" strength in number of minutes, from 10 minutes to 2 minutes. It means that after transmission of weapon prayer, the weapon will be activated in X number of minutes. Thus, all people who received the prayer must run for their lifes as positron weapons sometimes can be deadly. The lethality of positron matter weapons is controlled by aliens. When they supercharge positrons, the stronger is the supercharge, the more lethal is the weapon. Very strong supercharged positron matter can harm humans by burning it straight through. The red burns appear on human body, sensitive internal organs can be easily damaged, especially the heart. Below is the list of positron matter weapons and damage they do. I am sure there are more weapon types then I mentioned.

"Resonators" are possible to detect when they are near a room's light bulb. When the room light bulb is starting to flicker it means that nearby "Resonator" is working. We also managed to detect "Resonator" attached to human leg by mining metal detector. When we scanned the right leg of our friend with metal detector it started bipping. His right ear (with positron needle) was bipping as well.

2) "Maser".
"Maser" in physics is high energy, high frequency electromagnetic radiation beam that is generated by releasing ionised particles of gas into large volume vacuum tube. Positron "Maser" works in exactly the same way. Positron "Ether" gas particles are released from the bottle into the larger volume vacuum tube. Such rapid release into larger volume causes positrons to lose energy by emitting "Maser" beam. This beam is harmless to human body except eyes. The "Masers" come in different strengths. The direct shot of strong "Maser" beam into eyes can lead to complete blindness, making "Maser" the most dangerous positron weapon of all. If your eyes are hurt from first weak "Maser" hit, we strongly recommend immediately to turn your back to the direction the "Maser" is firing from. This way you protect your eyes from multiple weak "Maser" hits, that also hurt a lot and damage your vision. Trust the author on this advice as he suffered a lot of pain and impairment from weak "Masers".

"Masers" cannot be detected until one is hit in the eyes. However, if room light is flickering, nearby "Resonator" is switched on, prepare for positron weapons attack. Turn back to the direction of nearby house where people are talking or to the usual direction where from "Maser" attacks are coming from.

3) "EMP grenade".
"EMP" in physics is powerful "Electro Magnetic Pulse" wave that is created by rapid negation of charge. When charge Q is negated to 0, it generates one powerful radio wave that carriers the energy of such negation. In physics the energy should always be present, it cannot be destroyed. The "EMP" radio wave originates at the point of charge negation and propagates as circle that becoming bigger and bigger in radius. As radius of "EMP" area is increasing, the strength and damage of "EMP" are dropping rapidly to 0. Thus "EMP" is only dangerous when released near you. "EMP" Energy = Q / (Pi x R^2), meaning "EMP" Energy = Q/Area of Circle.

"EMP" is generated when a bottle of positron "Ether" gas attached to human arm is thrown by spring into the target area. Positron gas bottle mechanism is then opens the bottle, allowing positrons rapidly escape. The charge of positron bottle drops from Q to 0, releasing "EMP".

"EMP" is not dangerous to human body, but strong "EMP" is dangerous to eye and ear nerves. The strong, sharp pain in the ear means you were hit by weak "EMP". Strong "EMP" switches all lights in a house for 2 to 5 seconds and makes your vision blurry.

The only advice is never stand close to metal objects, because "EMP" is bouncing back from large metal objects like refrigerator and bath tub. Such metal objects can focus otherwise far off "EMP" directly into your ears, creating sharp pain.

The detection of strong "EMP" is easy as its switches off room light bulb for 2 to 5 seconds. It can be scary during the night, if all lamps in the house are switched off for 5 seconds. That means strong "EMP" has hit the main electric switch board.

4) "Needles Springs".
The simple spring mechanism is throwing positron needles in your direction. Needles are only dangerous when hitting the eyes, ears and testicles. When hit first time, stop all conversations, turn your back in that direction and leave the area as fast as possible. "Nieedles Springs" shoot multiple times.

"Needles Springs" cannot be detected until they hit your body. The flashing room light bulb only detects the presence of "Resonator". So, turn your back to the side of usual attacks.

5) "Shotgun".
Similar to "Needle Springs" it shoots small pellets by pneumatic gas bottle. When hit first time immediately turn your back and leave the premises as fast as possible. "Shotgun" can shoot multiple times.

6) "Rapier Spring".
Similar to "Needles Springs" it shoots one large positron "Nickel" metal piece, the "Rapier". Supercharged "Rapier Spring" can stop human heart with direct hit. The sudden deaths were registered from heart attacks in young people and in aged people with healthy hearts. When stabbed once by "Rapier" immediately leave the premise. When travelling in public transport always sit behind people or travel with turned back to everyone in the carriage. Multiple "Rapiers" might be loaded so do not get hit second time.

Also hit in the eye is even more dangerous then hit in the heart, as it causes blindness. "Rapier" is the deadliest weapon after the "Maser".

7) "Rail Gun".
Similar to "Needles Springs" but has larger range and twice as more projectiles loaded. Probably it is using charged coils to accelerate magnetic iron needles. Turn your back and leave.

"Hammer" is only available to tradesmen and considered a pride of a family. Tradesmen never attack an innocent by stander. They only hit someone who offends them or offers them dishonest deal. "Hammer" is released by spring mechanism and is actually a cylinder of positron "Nickel" metal. The person hit is noticeable because he or she limps. Direct hit by "Hammer" damages the nerves in the leg's muscles, while the leg bone itself is not broken. The nerves damage slowly heals. In one year time the damage heals completely. Do not talk to tradesmen, do not insult them. While "Hammer" has only one charge, it is connected by metal wire to the hand and slowly returns back to the owner.

9) "Razors".
Small "positron Nickel" metal circle razors that are shot by springs. It is usually supercharged and leaves small cuts on victim's palms and arms. It is short range weapon but run like hell! Accidental hit into eye causes complete blindness. "Razors" have short range but are as deadly as "Rapier" due to possible hit in the eyes.

10) "PSI storm".
The people that have "Resonators" sometimes receive some scary transmissions from unknown people during the night. Those who transmit scary messages call themselves "Psions" and their transmissions "PSI storms".

The author never experienced "PSI storms" but noticed that other people became scared during nighttime and mentioned the name "PSI storm".

11) "Ether Gas bottle".
Strong supercharged "Ether Gas" sometimes is released by people who use public transport. The gas is rapidly released before the stop, then the gas bottle operator leaves the carriage at the stop. The "Ether Gas" is still left in the carriage, putting victims to sleep and eventually can stop their hearts. We saw the train stopped and ambulance removed unconsciousness sleeping woman from train carriage. We saw ambulances standing near bus stops.

If you need to use a train we suggest never sit close to group of young people, they might have "Ether Gas bottles". Always sit far away from all other passengers or stand close to carriage door and open it at every stop to ventilate the "Ether Gas". In the bus always open top ventilation hatch and sit near it. These tricks allow you to use public transport without being incapacitated or killed by "Ether Gas".

12) "Feed the Faith".
Sometimes my boss at work, alright guy and Christian elder, was saying "We sublinguals need to feed our faith". It took me some time to understand that they mean breathing small amounts of "Ether Gas". When person inhales small amount of "Ether Gas", he experiences relaxation, his heart bit slows down, he fills all his problems go away. Some "Resonators" come together with "Ether Gas bottles" that slowly release Ether Gas after "radio prayer". The main benefit of Ether Gas is it relaxes the heart, helping people with heart problems.

If someone has heart problem we recommend breathing in positronic "Ether Gas" to relax the heart. It's benefit was proven by elderly Christian priests and elders.

13) "Broadcast the conversation".
When you are having discussion with person who has "Resonator" do not say anything controversial. There is a chance that he is broadcasting everything you said to other people with "Resonators". "Resonator" device has a microphone attached to it, making it possible to detect and transmit normal conversation between two people. We estimate that "Resonator" antenna has a 300 meters radius of radio signal transmission. Be advised that everything you said to your friend could be broadcasted to everyone with "Resonator" in 300 meters radius area from you. It is normal for "Resonator" people to listen to private conversations. The person with "Resonator" switches it off when he is going to sleep. This is done by simple sub vocalised command "I am going to sleep". The "Resonator" is switched on in the morning by "I am ready to pray" sub vocalised command.

14) "Maser vision".
The question many people ask "How can I be attacked with maser if I am inside my house, and bad guys are in some other house?" The answer is "the bad guys are using positron matter attached to their eye retinas to detect maser radiation absorbed by water" and "the bad guys are using positron matter attached to their eye retinas to detect maser radiation reflected by all kind of metal things around". It is known scientific fact that maser radiation is absorbed by water. So if someone has a very weak maser bottle attached to their head, he can illuminate the area with weak maser radiation. Some maser radiation is absorbed by water in human body (humans are 80% water) and some maser radiation is reflected by metal objects around. Soft positron matter, probably latex rubber, is attached to human eye retinas, making it possible to detect reflected maser radiation. As humans absorb maser radiation they can be clearly seen as dark human shapes. So the owner of "Maser" connected to his arm can move his arm and aim his hit based on his "maser vision" of black shapes. Bingo! Now you know how you were hit.

"Maser vision" is an interesting effect. "Fish" aliens know hot to create "soft positron matter", probably positron latex rubber, put it into positron bottles, and then spray on human retinas. This "soft positron matter" detects weak maser radiation and then interacts with eye retina by small vibrations of positrons. Small vibrations of "soft positron matter" transmit electric signals to electricity sensitive eye retinas. The one is seeing non light based electric retina signals. This is very complex "fish" aliens technology.


"Maser vision. Secret military research. Do not tell anyone."
There were a rumors that some private military companies that offer their services for money, did experiment with "maser vision". They have given their soldiers "maser vision" by spraying "soft positron matter" onto their eye retinas. The "maser vision" soldiers could clearly see bright dots of light from distance of 200 meters, that were the reflection of weak maser radiation from enemy's assault rifles. Assault rifles are metal and reflect weak maser radiation very well. "Maser vision" troops have been abled to identify enemy targets hiding in the grass, behind the small trees and inside the brick houses. The only problem with "maser vision" is wet season in the jungles. When tropical rains wet all tree leaves in the jungles, the weak maser radiation was absorbed by water. That means that "maser vision" soldiers can only fight during the dry jungle days. Another problem was modern concrete city, that has large amount of metal frames inside the buildings. Metal frames as all metals reflect weak maser radiation and create large amount of fake targets. And the last problem is night combat that requires night vision. "Maser vision" soldiers cannot fight at night as they can see the bright dot but do not see the target itself.

The alternatives to "maser vision" are night vision devices and thermal infrared devices that are completely human technology. In wet jungles, in concrete city, at night and at longer then 200 meters ranges they perform better than "maser vision".

"Positron electricity brain stimulation. Secret military research. Do not tell anyone".
Private military companies also experimented with positron current battery sending the charge into soldier's brains. They attached the "positron Nickel" metal device on the soldier head and switched on positron current battery (similar to electron current but with opposite + charge). Soldier brain was stimulated by direct positron current, and soldier started aiming and shooting the rifle faster. Faster than normal soldier. The downside is that human brain becomes tired very fast by being stimulated with positron electricity. The stimulated soldier cannot operate for standard 8 hours shift, he becomes tired in one to two hours. For 8 hours and longer commando operations in jungles, the normal soldiers on salty meat rations are preferable. Note that commando operations can only be performed on pure salty meat and not on amphetamine added to the food. Amphetamine soldiers also get tired in one to two hours! We have to add that "brain stimulation technology" was created by "fish" aliens and was delivered to private military in exchange for Nickel metal bars. On "fish" aliens planet all technology is made of Nickel metal, and the alien money is Nickel metal bars. If you have Nickel metal bars you can get the "Resonator" technology!

"Detection of radio prayers".
We can construct real radio device that digitally scans all frequencies until it finds frequency of "radio prayer". Such device can be connected to ear speakers, and play "radio prayers" to person without "Resonator". The best part is that small dish antenna hidden in the pocket can scan other people if they transmit "radio prayers". The dish antenna only detects radio signal in front of it (90 degrees angle in front of antenna). When pointed to the person, small dish antenna can identify if the person transmits or does not transmit the "radio prayer".

"Detection of positron matter weapons".
We can use "Radar Imaging" concept to scan for presence of positron matter weapons. The Radar device connected to mobile phone can scan nearby people by variable frequency radio waves (3 millimeters - 2.5 centimeters wavelength). All "Resonators" are made of positron Nickel metal and reflect back the weak Radar signal. The reflected variable frequency Radar signal is detected by "Radar Imaging" AESA* antenna and is displayed on mobile phone screen. AESA "Radar Imaging" device has small 30 centimeters by 30 centimeters AESA antenna and electric battery. When plugged into mobile phone it provides visual information for the user. The detected positron matter "Resonators" and positron matter weapons will be displayed on mobile screen. We will see the pictures of positron matter that looks like black and white objects connected to human body. Police force can be equipped with such "Radar Imaging" digital cameras to scan people for presence of positron weapons. "Radar Imaging" digital cameras can be installed in train stations, shopping centers, schools and universities to detect positron matter weapons offenders. The "Radar Imaging" pictures allows police to detect large black and white objects connected to human hands, which means they are "pointed" positron matter weapons like "Masers" and "Rapiers".

*AESA is Actively Electronically Scanned Array.

We finish this article by noting that all positron technologies are created by "fish" aliens, and they need large amount of real Nickel metal to run their industries. This heavy reliance on Nickel metal proves that completely scientific method is used to create positron matter.
Я ухожу с этого форума по личным причинам. Спасибо всем за обсуждение интересных тем.


Цитата: Astrodrive от 31.01.2023 13:32:53я из англо говорящего университета
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В этой статье идёт полная фантастика как наши силы ПВО ведут секретную войну против "тайчионовых кораблей" пришельцев.

Эти пришельцы транс-люди под нзванием "Серые". Они наняты другими транс-людьми и злобными людьми с развитых планет чтобы захватить власть на Земле.

Потом две трети нашего молодого населения будут убиты и из их трупов будет сделана вакцина для омалаживания. Эта вакцина "теломеры-плюс" будет продана за большие деньги по всей рзавитой Галактике. Остальные не развитые планеты тоже будут убиты на вакцину, когда их население достигнет определённой цифры.

"Теломеры-плюс" действительно можно создать из клеточного энзима "Теломераза". "Теломераза" в больших количествах присутствует в "Стем клетках" в молодых людях.

Наши ПВО сбивают НЛО с помощью С-300. Супер ракета которую не берёт фазерная/мазерная пушка прищельцев. Американские ракеты СайдВаендеры с Инфракрасным наведением сбиваются одна  за другой.

Потом НЛО высаживает десант на Белый Дом и идёт битва против всей армии США. Пришельцы растреливают танки Абрамс с помощью Плазменных Автоматов. Плазма плавит метал брони танков.

А потом всякие детали какая расса чего хочет в этой Галактике.

Статья просто эксперимент чтобы понять психологию пришельцев сидящих на НЛО. Им точно нужна эта вакцина для омолаживания.

Читай дальше на английском (я пишу статьи на английском).

War on UFO explained.

The article below is Science Fiction. We simply tried to connect sightings of UFO spaceships that observe Earth and secret human sect that awaits arrival of life prolongation vaccine.
The UFO ships travel around 2,000 light years from some sort of temporary military base planet. Advanced UFO ships observe the Earth to know when "end of oil" crysis happens. During that time some third world countries will be invaded to create life prolongation vaccine out of their citizens.
All other facts are correct though. The guys who sent UFO here will come themselves at the end. Offering some humans relocation to new empty planet like Earth. And those guys are Industrial Human Corporations from far off Core Industrial Planets.


Alien transhuman races travel from other star systems, many light years away, to attack human cities on Earth. They have amazing space ships that can travel faster then light. Below is classified scenario which you will never see in the news.

Somewhere in US, 8:15 am. City's dwellers go to job. Military air force base nearby is operating radars, trying to detect enemy air planes. This time the dot on radar screen has appeared from nowhere, remained in the same place for 20 minutes and then completely disappeared. Military base has dispatched F-18 air plane to investigate the radar signal. F-18 reached the place in 30 minutes, and spent another 10 minutes flying in circle, looking for an intruder. Suddenly, the dot on radar appeared again, in the same location. F-18 turned and locked on target, 25 kilometers away from the plane. The target looked like a shiny metal dish, 15 meters radius, with some glass windows, hovering motionless 2 kilometers above the city. Military named the signal UFO, "Unidentified Flying Object". Unsure who is behind this hovering dish, military gave permission to destroy the target. F-18 turned around and fired anti air heat seeking missile Sidewinder. Missile locked on the center of the dish that was giving weak heat signal, enough for the missile to lock on. Missile shot to the target, destruction of UFO was eminent. Missile was 8 kilometers from the target on radar when UFO turned it's glassy cabin towards missile and shot "maser beam" cannon at the missile. 5 maser beams shot from UFO, three of them hit the missile. Missile's heat seeking detector was disrupted by maser beam hit. It's sensitive electronics was giving wrong signals to the missile, that could not fly to the target anymore and crashed. F-18 received the order from the base to attack the UFO with auto cannon. For that F-18 had to approach the UFO at one kilometer distance. From one kilometer distance F-18 could destroy UFO with bullets, as bullets could not be disrupted by maser beam. F-18 approached to the distance of 8 kilometers from UFO. UFO was still hoovering without moving. UFO shot "maser beam" cannon again. 5 shots, 4 of them hit the F-18. F-18 cock pit electronics has being disrupted: radio stopped working, TV screens flickered out, only manual plane controls were working. But the worst damage was to pilot's eye sight. He has gone completely blind on one eye and blurry on another. The pilot had no other option but turn the plane to the base, using manual controls. UFO was still hovering in one place, then suddenly it switched it's two petrolium turbine engines on the sides of dish. Petrolium turbines accelerated UFO but UFO was not travelling anywhere. UFO was accelerating to pass through wormhole. When UFO reached the speed of 30 meters per second, it opened wormhole directly in front of the dish. UFO flew into wormhole, white sphere that had 20 meters radius. Wormhole swallowed UFO and closed in 3 seconds. UFO was completely gone, radar dot disappeared from the base's radar screens. Military has dispatched helicopter with special forces search team to the area where UFO was hovering. They found an abondoned tent, car tracks, and tracks of UFO landing. It was found that UFO came by wormhole, was hovering to land, met some people on the gound and then was hovering again to open wormhole and disappear.

Imagine the situation below.
5 large 15 meter radius silver looking dishes teleport on top of US presidential White House. The UFOs immediately land and deploy 40 troops each. 200 transhumans squad kills all human guards and takes over White House. US president hides in metal panic room inside White House. It is not a problem for transhuman soldiers. UFO Grey soldiers wear silver uniforms and are armed with Plasma Rifles. Plasma Riffle shoots bolts of superheated gas at 2,000 degrees Celsium. These bolts can easily melt the walls of metal panic room where US president is hiding. Plasma Rifle's platinum ion-containment-rod and aluminium ion-chamber are overheated, so Greys spend some coolant, pressurised Xenon gas, after each shot. Xenon gas after cooling the rifle is used for the next shot as plasma bolt projectile. Using Plasma Rifles, Grey soldiers melt a large hole in metal wall and capture US president. They escort president to one of their UFO space ship. US military dispatches F-18 to engage UFOs. UFOs shoot their maser cannons and force F-18s to crash. On the ground, heavy Abrams M1 tanks approach. Grey soldiers open fire from Plasma Rifles and melt tank's cannons and trucks.  Some Grey soldiers are killed by tanks fire but tanks are disabled by plasma bolts and Greys are victorious.

President of US is imprisoned on Grey homeworld. US government must start negotiations with UFO. The objective is nuclear disarmament of US and ban on space weapon platforms development. UFO is afraid that humans will build a ring of space defence satellites. Missiles launched by space defence satellites can destroy UFO space ships when they enter low Earth orbit, around 400 kilometers and below. Nuclear warheards are threatening UFO ground teams. And large scale use of Nuclear weapons will render large amount of Earth's area uninhabitable. The UFO has a plans for human population and does not want its destruction. We will explain UFO plans later in this article.

Why the above situation did not happen?
Because US, Russia and China cities are defended by ground based SAM (Surface to Air Missiles) sites. We explain below. During the cold war between US and Soviet Union, radar guided missile technology was developed. Radar antennas were large and these missiles were big and bulky, and due to their size, they were deployed on the ground. Thus ground based SAM (Surface to Air Missiles) were deployed by Soviet Union to defend military bases against surprise air attacks from US. Instead of small size infrared guided missiles like Sidewinder carried by F-18, Soviet Union deployed ground batteries of big S-200 radar guided missiles. The large milimeter wavelength radar dish was stationed near each S-200 battery placement. Each SAM (3 radar guided missiles) was stationed on permanently placed turret that was connected to a radar dish near by.

US claimed that radar guided missiles are not accurate enough and switched to infrared guided missiles, deployed on F-18 fighter planes.
Soviet Union deployed large amount of radar guided SAMs, they were much cheaper then advanced fighter planes with very well trained pilots.
At the end of Cold War, 1990s, US deployed stealth planes, B-2 and F-117. Stealth planes were invisible to milimeter wavelength radars and thus to all Soviet SAMs. US airforce equipped with stealth planes claimed complete superiority over entire planet.

During the end of Cold War, 1990s, US and Soviet Union tested both types of missiles, but not on each other. Missiles were tested on UFO. Sudden UFO attack defeated US stealth planes armed with infared guided missiles. UFO could track stealth planes with infrared camera and attacked with maser cannons (high energy radio waves weapon). From the distance of 8 kilometers, UFO was disabling very sensitive sensors of infrared guided missiles and unshielded computer electronics on air planes. UFO was also half blinding the pilots. Only manual guidance of airplane was left for half blinded pilot to get away.

Hearing about defeat of US airforce, Soviet Union panicked and shot radar guided S-200 SAM at approaching UFO. Surprisingly it worked. UFO got hit by focused shrapnel warhead, exploded and crashed into the ground. Soviet engineers observed that UFO maser pulse creates an energy spike on radar antenna, that spike is easily absorbed by thick metal rods of radar antenna. Apparantly radar antenna is very thick compared to micron thick grid of infrared detector. Soviet engineers shielded all radar electronics by putting it into metal box, while radar antenna itself was thick enough to absorb multiple maser beam hits.

That was the first victory in the war against UFO. Soviet Union collapse in 1991 only increased the production rate of SAM sites. Russia was a new democratic country. Large amount of oil and gas sales financed the new state. Democratic president Vladimir Putin signed the secret order to manufacture new SAM type S-300. He allocated secret government funds to production of new radar guided missiles that could see US stealth planes.
The science was quite easy. 10% of any radio wave would be reflected sideways by stealth plane's plastic outer surface, 90% would be absorbed by radar absorbing material inside the plane. The larger 2 meter wavelength radio wave could be reflected from internal metal parts of B-2 stealth plane. 2 meter radio wave was passing through the radar absorbing material of stealth plane and was reflected back by internal metal frames and metal engines. New 2 meter wavelength SAM sites would need a new radar, with larger antenna to detect less powerfull 2 meter wavelength signal. Such radar was developed on new technology, AESA (Actively Electronically Scanned Array). It was called NEBO and could detect the B-2 stealth plane from distance of 70 kilometers. The secret order specified that each Russian city must be protected by at least 4 advanced S-300 SAM sites, each deployed in one direction around the city: norh, south, west and east. The development of S-300 took around 10 years, they were tested and ready in 2005. S-300 SAM could launch a missile at any non stealth air target from 200 kilometers distance and could launch a missile at stealth target from 70 kilometers distance. Russian air space around major cities was closed to all intrujions. War against UFO has intensified.

Following Russian success in war on UFO, US military developed their own ground based missile technology, THAAD (Tactical High Altitude Air Defence). It is also uses radar guided missiles with single high speed projectile unlike Russia's focused shrapnel warhead. It has less chance to hit but still can be used against UFO with great success. Now US can hit UFO without risking pilot's life.

Since 2005, multiple UFO attacks were detected around Russia by deployed S-300 sites, especially in Siberian cities. S-300 was shooting missiles at UFO, hitting them with large success rate. Military MI-8 cargo helicopters were deploying ground commandos to secure the UFO crash sites and to collect the debris. The dead bodies if UFO navigators were cremated, while UFO crash debris were stockpiled at secret military warehouses. New unknown to Earth science technologies were delivered to secret military labs. The list of UFO technologies was impressive: spherical tungsteen fusion reactors, magnetic levitation 8-shape coils, positron beam leptonic wormhole openers, maser beam cannons, positron beam leptonic hyperspace radios, positron gas jets. UFO Grey navigators that were still alive were interogated at secret military bases and later executed. They told military quite a story. But entire "war on UFO" operation was top secret. The military lied to public and to the democratic parlament. The public knew nothing.

The "war on UFO" was cruel. Military executed all alive UFO Grey navigators and the passengers of UFO. After interogations were complete, military shot and cremated all captured transhuman and human. The military said that they were protecting public from shock and mass histeria that revelation of attack from different star system would bring. It is true, but we also lost opportunity to start diplomatic process between Earth and star system 2,000 light years away where temporary UFO military base is.

The Earth scientists just started to understand UFO technologies. However to replicate a UFO space ship we need to fully understand UFO technology.
We can only hope that new technology called "ion engines" will work in hyperspace. Atomic cesium clock keeps time in nano seconds. Distance to other planetary system is measured in miliseconds. A small milisecond pulses of ion engines might create very accurate propulsion in hyperspace. Using milisecond ion engine pulses human space ship might travel accurately through hyperspace using gyroscopes. First, the position of star is detected by space ship telescope and the distance to the star is measured in miliseconds by atomic clock. Gyroscopes remember the position of star. Space ship enters hyperspace and travels using full ion pulse in direction remembered by gyroscope. When ship's atomic clock shows that ship arrived to alien star system, ship quits hyperspace. It detects the Grey planet using infrared telescope in normal space and then enters hyperspace again. Space ship travels very accurately through hyperspace inside star system using milisecond ion engine pulses, measured by atomic clock. Until it quits hyperspace at the planet's orbit. That is the theory. It will take anoher 20 years for human scientists to develop milisecond pulse ion engines with gyroscopes.

War on UFO intensifies. Instead of challenging US airforce, UFO decides to land ground teams outside large cities protected by THAAD. In Russia, UFO lands ground teams in small Siberian villages not protected by S-300. UFO teams are made of transhuman Grey soldiers. They land and scout area for presence of rural population, creating maps that show small human settlememts. UFO wants to create a sectret government in small rural communities. Government that does not want to fight UFO. Why does UFO care about human population?

UFO Grey soldiers use hyperspace radios to report back to their planet every week. We do not know exactly which planet UFO came from but Earth militaries interrogated Greys and know the coordinates of UFO home world.

The militaries of US and Russia develop a new way to locate Grey teams. Large radar antennas can be switched into passive detection mode. In this mode radar only receives all kind of radio waves from outside, without sending one of it's own. Every time Grey team switches on hyperspace radio, small oscillation is detected by passive radar. This is oscillation of leptonic hyperspace membrane itself. Passive radar can detect and pinpoint hyperspace oscillations from the distance of 60 kilometers. US and Russia militaries sent special forces in full Kevlar body armor, face protected riot helmets on APCs (Armored Personnel Carriers) to find and arrest Grey soldiers. The Grey fire Plasma rifles, easily melting through Kevlar, special forces fire back their machine guns. Most Greys are killed by machine guns fire, some are captured alive. Only ceramic plate inside Interceptor armored body vest can withstand temperature of Plasma bolts. The rest of Kevlar armor, including Kevlar helmets melts easily. Special forces suffer casualties to Grey Plasma bolts. APCs are disabled, the turret cannons and trucks are melted by Plasma bolts. Russian APC that does not have ceramic plates inside are melted directly through the hull. The war on UFO is cruel, militaries interrogate captured Greys, extract information, then execute the prisoners. Everything is hidden from the public; we know that killing aliens is against the Earth law. Like prisoners of war, captured Greys should have been put into secret prison before sending them away to their Grey populated planet. We again missed opportunity to establish diplomatic relationship with alien trans humans that live on other star system.

UFO does not give up after defeat of ground teams. They switch to propaganda of live style on different planet. Humans have an option to relocate to newly settled Gemini constellation planet. It is a new mixed human and transhuman colony where newcomers can work and raise their kids. The lifestyle is comparable to Earth. Except the new Gemini government does not lie to people. The whole point of life on Gemini is prolongation of life. That is done by administering injections of life prolongation vaccine, called "Telomeres plus". At the age of 45, humans have a choice to go to hospital and administer "Telomeres plus" vaccine. The vaccine really works, it can prolong human life with each injection. The problem is increased chance of cancer. That is what we understood.

Apparently, all living cells have a chain of telomeres attached to chromosomes. Every time cell divides, telomeres are sub structed from chromosomes, making sure that in case of cancer cell cannot divide indefinitely. Every cell hijacked by cancer and starting accelerated division, dies when telomeres run out. That is the principle. The humans age because of cancer defense mechanism. It is possible to add additional telomeres to cells using "Telomeres plus" vaccine. The vaccine just adds additional telomeres to every cell in human body. The situation is that telomeres adding enzyme telomerase can only be found in the body of another human. Healthy body cells divide unevenly, at the age of 70 years 50% of human cells have almost 0 years of telomeres left. 70-year-old man can become 40-year-old again only if he injects vaccine harvested from bone marrow of 30-year-old human, (70-30) years = 40 years. First, dead bodies of 30-year-old humans are frozen to 2 degrees Cesium so that telomeres are not damaged by ice crystals. Then bone marrow is sucked out of the human body. Bone marrow is frozen to 2 degrees Cesium and processed at advanced facility. Telomeres are added by Telomerase enzyme and extracted Telomerase enzyme from humans makes a life prolongation vaccine.

The Project Genome is a civilisation that existed for two million years. They are tall skinny humanoids and were mentioned in Vikings writings, 800 CE. They were called "gnomes" and "grey elves" by Vikings writers. Project Genome altered themselves genetically, making themselves smarter and more peaceful. Their scientific research is very advanced, and they build spaceships that travel through wormholes. Project genome have created transhuman Grey race, by removing and adding different genes to basic humanoid genome. Project Genome brought humans settlers (convicts from core industrial human planets) to Earth 8,000 years ago. 8,000 years old settlements were discovered by archeologists. It was also speculated that first human convicts (from core industrial human planets) were brought to Earth 125,000 years ago, in Palaeolithic period age. Earth is too far from trade lanes, and first human settlers had to live in copper/bronze age without any advanced technologies. It was speculated that original primitive human settlements were experiment in population growth. If human race can rapidly grow population in primitive conditions, they can be easily harvested without any large military landing force. That experiment eventually resulted in modern day society as new human settlers (convicts) have smuggled technology with them. We have to add that it is not allowed to genetically alter humans. Humans are a "barbarians" of the galaxy. They are used as militarised settlers and farmers on planets far from Galactic trade center. Copper and Iron age human planets train simplistic militaries and grow food. Human soldiers are hired to fight war for Project Genome bankers. Project Genome bankers stockpile precious metals and life prolongation vaccine.

Galactic trade center has developed industrial human planets that are protected from harvest by simple fission Plutonium nuclear bombs. However, due to ongoing economic crisis, high price of Tritium fuel and far off location of Earth (more than 20,000 light years) they cannot come here. It is also possible that core industrial planets will side against human convict population of Earth and for that will receive payment from Harvest Corporations (also run by humans on core industrial planets).

Project Genome and Industrial Human Corporations (IHC) spaceships use wormholes to travel through hyperspace. Their spaceships have atomic cesium clocks, that are Nano second accurate. They know exactly when to quit the hyperspace near the Earth and Gemini planets. Their ships are much larger than UFO ships and can transport 10,000 settlers each. Currently Project Genome, UFO and Industrial Human Corporations have a temporary military base on the planet 2,000 light years away. The oxygen rich planet at Gemini constellation star Pollux, around 34 light years away, will be the site of facility where high grade vaccine is manufactured from humans brought from Earth. More likely project Genome/IHC will offer relocation to rich population of Western countries to new planet in Gemini constellation. Project Genome/IHC needs trained experts to run economy of Gemini planet, to provide food and medical care to scientists that manufacture vaccine.

The Project Genome and Industrial Human Corporations (IHC) made decision to start manufacturing of "Telomeres plus" vaccine to stop overpopulation of Earth. Two third of human population (especially third world countries) will be harvested for vaccine. The remaining one third will pay money for this life prolongation vaccine. Only young people up to age 35 will be harvested, creating large, aged population. It is very weird solution to stop Earth over population. But this solution works, vaccine technology is proven.

Project Genome and Industrial Human Corporations standard way to end over population on the original home world is harvest of vaccine from surplus population. Project Genome/IHC want to do the same thing on Earth. Earth is a new over populated human home world. From their perspective it has to copy the Project Genome/IHC and end overpopulation by vaccine harvest. And Project Genome/IHC will make large money on selling life prolongation vaccine to the rest of Galaxy.

Direct critics of "Telomere plus" vaccine is increased probability of cancer. Some people do not mind aging if it stops the cancer. Any aged person injecting vaccine also increases the chance of cancer as every cell in the body can now divide longer. Perhaps it is better not to have cancer in the first place, rather than die when it appears in your young body. Currently Project Genome/Greys/IHC do not have cheap vaccine against cancer. It is rumored that vaccine against cancer is manufactured on remote planets out of whale and dolphin blood and bone marrow. White antibody cells are extracted into vaccine because water mammals have genetic antibody resistance to all types of cancer. Vaccine against cancer is very expensive.

Why UFO started a war against Earth democratic governments? The answer is money. Large amount of gold, platinum, aluminum, nickel is swapped for UFO services. In case that vaccine harvest will be successful on Earth, UFO will receive giant profits in precious and vital for UFO economics metals. Greys want to be rich. The vaccine will be sold on other planets to Project Genome/IHC customers and to the remaining population on Earth. UFO is payed for overseeing vaccine harvest and maintaining military control over Earth population. The nuclear weapons should be gone as nuclear pollution of land makes production of vaccine impossible because nuclear dust accumulates in human bodies, killing cells by radiation, polluting the harvested vaccine.

Currently the temporary military base of Project Genome/IHC and UFO is at planetary system around 2,000 light years away. The UFO space ships are travelling from there. For their services UFO receives their payment in precious metals and nickel.

Project Genome/IHC will train local human experts to harvest vaccine on Earth to create secret political support for harvest. The vaccine will be first secretly harvested in third world countries such as Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador from young people who die in car accidents. There are human sects that wait for Project Genome/IHC to start the secret harvest. Currently human sects are relocating to South America. There the vaccine for human sects will be secretly brought from Gemini planet. All around the world rich human capitalists will be buying vaccine on the black market.

The Project Genome/IHC strategy is to wait until "end of oil crisis" will happen. Most Earth militaries then will not be able to operate their tanks and airplanes due to complete lack of fuel. During that time Project Genome/IHC will secretly occupy the third world countries in Africa and South America. The vaccine harvest will start in secret from population of First World countries. News agencies will be bribed not to show people what happens in Africa and South America.

Thus war on UFO is explained. UFO waged war against Earth's democratic governments to establish secret UFO government that allows secret vaccine harvest in third world countries. Currently there is a shortage of vaccine on all populated planets in Galaxy. Earth customers have no easy access to vaccine as well, even on black market. Readers who want to experiment with black market vaccine should remember about increased chance of cancer.
Я ухожу с этого форума по личным причинам. Спасибо всем за обсуждение интересных тем.


В этой статье идёт серьёзная критика Теории Эволюции Дарвина. В данный момент нет объяснения вообще как появились первые биологические тела животных, которые потом стали мутировать от солнечной радиации.

Мы постулируем Био-Прото-Материю которай жила в прошлом на многих планетах в подземных вулканических озёрах. Эта материя вырастила все создания из Био-Прото-Пузырей растуших в подземных озёрах на разных планетах. Человек-Кочевник рождается, прорывает пузырь и его достаёт местное племя на сушу.

Био-Прото-Материя думает БиоХимическими реакциями. И каждая реакция записывается как ген в структуру растушего пузыря. 22,000 генов Человека-Кочевника это 22,000 БиоХимических реакций. 22,000 генов было создано за 22,000 лет.

Первая разумная раса это Кочевники. Они первые вылезли из этих пузырей на неизвестной планете. Кочевники человеко подобная раса и похожи на нас, поэтому мы их назвали Человек-Кочевник. Все остальные создания вылезли из пузырей на разных планетах. Динозавры вылезли здесь на Земле.

После этого Кочевники модифицировали свой геном чтобы создать транс-людей для технологического труда по поддержки торговых космических путей.

Люди были генетически созданы для агресии как солдаты-фермеры. Кочевники смешали свой геном с генами других животных и птиц (найденых на других планетах): львов, тигров, слонов, сов, медведей, волков, гиен, жирафов, орлов, ястребов, змей, лягушек и итд. Люди действительно получились агресивными и до сих пор ведут войны за территорию (как животные) по всей Галактике.

Транс-люди наоборот занимаются наукой, боятся войны, не агресивны и размножаются медленее чем люди.

Кочевники облетели всю Галактику 70 миллионов лет назад и подобрали все создания. Они обнаружили Динозавров на Земле и уничтожили их 66 милионов лет назад. Астероид был выведен на орбиту Земли вокруг Солнца с помощъю ионных двигателей. Удар Астероида в Землю создал Ядерную Зиму, уничтожил всех Динозавров и наклонил ось Земли (что создало периодическую Зиму).

Динозавры представляли супер угрозу всем Тропическим планетам Кочевников как размножающиеся Био-Оружие. Размножившись на других жарких планетах Динозавры съели бы всю армию Кочевников. С Земли Кочевники подобрали только маленьких ящериц и папаротники. Змеи и птицы были найдены на других планетах, а крокодилы это искусственная попытка генетически создать Био-Оружие из ящериц.

"Великий Век Расселения и Коммерции" начался 66 милионов лет назад, когда Кочевники разрешили всем созданным разумным расам заселять любые найденные планеты.

На земле мы так и не нашли 100 милиардов костей человеко-подобных обезъян. В Африке было найдено только 400 останков больших человеко-подобных обезъян.

Читай дальще на английском (я пищу статьи на английском).

Very brief Science Fiction article. We propose scenario where first humanoids got born on other planet from Vulcanic life form we call Bio-Proto-Matter. It was 70 million years ago. Humans got created later by adding genes of other natural creatures to basic humanoid genome. Planet Earth was found 66 million years ago and dinosaurs were destroyed by engineered asteroid impact.


Possible timeline:

First, we propose that extinction of dinosaurs was caused by original humanoid race in Mily Way galaxy, the nomads. That gives us a theoretical timeline: nomads appeared 70 million years ago. 66 million years ago they created "Great Age of Expansion and Commerce" and found Earth together with many other inhabitable planets. Earth was inhabitable by dinosaurs.

Dinasours were deadly predators that hunted in jungles. Dinasours were highly dangerous to humanoid settlers that wanted to colonise jungle planets. Nomads made a decision to completely wipe out the dinasour race. They used space ship to move asteroid from asteroid belt to Earth orbit and then they crashed asteroid into Earth.  Such powerful collison created condition of Nuclear Winter and destroyed all forms of dinasours on Earth. Today scientists confirm that asteroid hits did happen in Arizona and Greenland. The hits were powerful enough to tilt Earth rotation axis. That is why we having summer and winter seasons now. Before the impact Earth had only one season: summer and jungles covered large areas of Earth. 


Our critics of incomplete theory of Evolution:

We describe what we know of human evolution. We add dinasours, human-like monkeys, gigantic piles of their bones that are missing and weird Darwinism that made the observation that fish jumped out of water to become chicken and then become rat. Apparently Darwin theory is not completely proven by facts found on Earth. Scientists have not found yet the simple cells (simple life form) that gave life to all other life forms. Such life form would have ability to create DNA and geenes themselves.

Let's start from the big digit, 66 million years ago there were 100 billion dinasours. Well, we only found 100 remains, where are those piles of dinasours bones? They do not exist.

Now, after death of all dinasours human-like monkeys captured the planet. All 100 billion of them walk the Earth. Well, paleontologists found only 400 monkey corpses.

What about Darwin theory of Evolution? Did humans came from monkey, monkey came from rat, rat came from chicken, chicken came from fish, fish came from ameuba? Weird how long and complex this process is. Where is ameuba came from? The link to DNA forming cellular life form is missing!


Our theory of DNA forming cellular life form (or Bio-Proto-Matter):

Such life form was not found on Earth. Even Theory of Evolution is still incomplete without DNA forming life form.

Below is explanation of Bio-Proto-Matter theory. Relax, it is just science fiction.

All life in Milky Way Galaxy came from similar points of origin. Cooled down, vulcanic planets with large amount of drinking water lakes on surface and underground. Those planet we call Underground-Lakes for it's undeground lakes with openings in top rocks that provide light. Lakes have temperature of human body, 36.5 degrees Celsius. All minerals necessary for human body are present in vulcanic lakes. There is also presence of Platinum in lake's sand and rocks. Platinum acts as chemical catalyst. It means that small platinum cavities in rocks were original place where first Bio-Proto-Matter cells grew.

Then after appearing in lakes, Bio-Proto-Matter created the first intelegent race: nomadic humanoids we call nomads. Bio-Proto-Matter creates by first designing genotype cellular feature and then creating DNA code for it. Completely reversed process then human body does, not DNA to proteins but from Genotype Cell to DNA code. It uses vulcanic methane gas bubbling through the lake to create cellular proteins out of methane molecules.

On Earth, human genome was sequenced and human body was found to have 22,000 types of proteins. Bio-Proto-Matter can create 22,000 genes in 22,000 years. Nomads were slowly growing inside air supplying bubbles, growing to full adult size, then waking up, breaking the bubble tisues and climing out of shallow lakes. That is pretty much birth of first humanoids. New born adults would be educated by those who live near the lake. Small tribes of nomads live near the lakes. Each nomadic race is really a small tribe that lives near one particular lake. There are multiple tribal lakes, each giving birth to distinctly different nomads. Bio-Proto-Matter could be consumed as food. When dried and cooked it creates proteins and minerals rich bread, with every nutrient human body needs. Life near Bio-Proto-Matter lakes is easy, and nomads never wanted to leave. Nomads migrated to large areas outside when they found how to farm wheat and corn.

The first humanoids we call nomads got born around 70,000,000 years ago. They mastered Faster Then Light travel and settled multiple oxygen planets. The planets were seeded with plants and animals. After colonising other life bearing planets they discovered genetical engineering. Nomads used genetical engineering to create trans humans and us humans. It happened 66,000,000 years ago and trigered "Great Age of Space Expansion and Commerce".

We do not know how many million years ago human race was genetically created. The first race was nomadic humanoids we call "nomads". The trans human races were created by adding genome of other natural species to basic humanoid genome. Then trans humans removed all violent and dangerous geenes, becoming non violent, obidient and intelegent. Human genome is not altered. It means that basic humanoid genome was merged with genome of other natural species, but violent and  dangerous geens were not removed. Humans became agressive "barbarians" of the galaxy that fight wars between themselves. Humans settlers are used as soldiers and farmers. They can defend their settlements and farm for food. Humans maintain and defend resupply planets all around galaxy. Any nomad space ship can land on human planet and get resupplied with food and water.

Nomads outsourced duties to each new race. Trans human races became technologists, that could resupply nomad ship with fusion fuel (Tritium gas) and make the required repairs. Aggressive humans became mercenary soldiers. Humans could resupply nomad ship with new soldiers, food and water. Delegation of duties to other races became successful solution to maintaining trade routes through great vastness of space. Space commerce makes galaxy inter connected and all trade routes need resupply points. New races solved the problem with maintenance of large number of resupply points. Space commerce flows large.

There were millions different lakes on Undeground-Lakes planet. All species that live on Earth got created by Bio-Proto-Matter lakes. Each specie got born in their own lake. Mammals (like monkeys, elephants, tigers, lions, hyenas) climbed out of Bio Proto Matter lakes as well. Trees and all plant life forms got created in their corresponding lakes. Their seeds got propagated by birds all around the planet.

We used science fiction to escape the Darwin's theory of evultion that was not completely proven on Earth anyway. The original matter that created all evolving species was never discovered on Earth. Perhaps it was eaten by dinasour predators and became completely extinct on Earth. Dinasours lacked intelegence to understand that Bio-Proto-Matter must be preserved in vulcanic lakes and studied. Dinasours treated Bio-Proto-Matter simply as food source and in million years completely eaten it in all lakes.


Humanoid monkey remains found in Africa explained:

All sort of humanoid monkeys (for example Neandertals that existed 30,000 years ago) were created as genetical experiment. Trans human races were looking for ways to create cheap life prolongation vaccine from primitive humanoid species. The trans human space ships were bringing all kind of humanoid monkeys to Africa for the last 1,000,000 years. The experiment was a failure as humanoid monkeys did not built any large societties.

That was confirmed by paleontologists, large amount of humanoid monkeys bones were never discovered in Africa. Only 400 remains were found.

In comparison between 125,000 years ago (Palaeolithic period) to 8,000 years ago (Sumer civilisation) humans settlers (convicts from core industrial human planets) arrived to Earth. They were limited to bronze age technology but still created sprawling cities in Mesapotamia with complex agriculture, architecture and a large population. Human settlers (convicts) have brought a religion with them. One of the first religions was Zoroastrianism (10th or 6th century BCE). It might give us insight into the culure of first human convicts. First Zoroastrians defined concept of "holy immortals", probably visitors from core industrial planets. Humans ones more were proven superior settlers to all other races (including trans humans). That also means that bronze age humans became main targets of life prolongation vaccine manufactures.

Trans humans themselves grow population very slowly and do not participate much in commerce as humans do. Trans humans also lack strong soldiers.

All humanoid races of the galaxy came from one race we call nomads. Humanoid monkeys were half monkeys and half bi pedal walking humanoids. The high demand for life prolongation vaccine threatens all humanoid races.
Vaccine is harvested on all overpopulated planets, this is Galactic law.
Even trans human planets are targeted if overpopulated. Vaccine manufactures sell vaccine to anyone who has gold and platinum. Vaccine is used by all races: nomads, trans humans and humans. Galactic commerce flows so is vaccine.
Я ухожу с этого форума по личным причинам. Спасибо всем за обсуждение интересных тем.

Сергей Георгиевич Петропавловский

Это воскресные два фильма-ужастика практически про одно и тоже? Да интересно смотреть на звездолеты в которых бесконечные шестиугольные коридоры, само-собой субсветовые перелеты. В первом "хищники" собрались на Землю -ценой жизнь межрасовый экипаж сбил их, остались дамы.
Второй уже полет втайне престарелого богача за продлением жизни якобы чуть ли не к божествам  в окружении части роботов-андроидов. Тоже наткнулись на колонию "хищников", которые готовились лететь массово к Земле но вмешались чужие. В общем была драка -выжили дама и робот, которые решили лететь на платнету "хищников" и разобраться с ними.
1.Поддерживаю ВКС, Армию и Флот России!
2.Киселев (ЗиХ)- без РБ КВТК и водородной ступени Ангара не Ангара!
3.Без второго старта на "Восточном" "Луны-2034"  не будет!


это оценочное суждение


Цитата: Бертикъ от 31.01.2023 13:55:25
Цитата: Astrodrive от 31.01.2023 13:32:53я из англо говорящего университета
Почему то так и подумал...
Вот только не пойму - вот то, что Вы здесь выложили, это Вам преподают в университете? Или это - Ваша проба пера в жанре НФ? Или это результат опытов с чудо-травой?

Вопрос: когда вам в ухо вставляют "позитронную иглу" вы будете думать что это результат ваших молитв?

Открываю учебник по физике и читаю абзац:

"Вся материя, энергия и поля в нашей Вселенной были созданны в результате Большого Взрыва. ... В данный момент чтобы что-то создать нужно использовать энергию в виде добываемых ресурсов для плавки металла."

То есть до меня сразу доходит что кто-то создал эту "позитронную иглу" используя уголь, синхротроны и магнитные бутылки.

Реальная история (правда разговор был на английском):

Я встречаюсь с одним сектантом и спрашиваю "можно получить от вас прибор под названием Резонатор". Он отвечает "говорите молитвы и резонируюшие атомы сами приклеются к вашим рукам".
Я стразу говорю "Пока" и ухожу от этой секты.

Потом встречаю серьёзного Физика, спрашиваю его про Резонаторы и он мне рассказывает историю которую я напечатал в верху. Так же он говорит что по радио каналу Резонатора (это сделанные из позитронов: игла в ухе, антенна, магнитный проигрыватель и магнитная касета с молитвами) просто идёт тупая пропаганда либо Религии либо каких-то научных отморозков которые физики не знают, но молятся на атомную бомбу. "Вам этот Резонатор не нужен, особенно если будете работать в науке" - говорит мне этот физик. Я ему доверяю и в секты больше не лезу.

Мне просто интересно чего эти сектанты притворяются, что они не знают что грузят Никель на "позитронные космические корабли".

А так конечно отупление люмпен-пролетариата и глобальная религия есть одна из целей мирового капитализма. Спорить об этом не буду.
Я ухожу с этого форума по личным причинам. Спасибо всем за обсуждение интересных тем.


Цитата: Сергей Георгиевич Петропавловский от 31.01.2023 16:06:45Это воскресные два фильма-ужастика практически про одно и тоже? Да интересно смотреть на звездолеты в которых бесконечные шестиугольные коридоры, само-собой субсветовые перелеты. В первом "хищники" собрались на Землю -ценой жизнь межрасовый экипаж сбил их, остались дамы.
Второй уже полет втайне престарелого богача за продлением жизни якобы чуть ли не к божествам  в окружении части роботов-андроидов. Тоже наткнулись на колонию "хищников", которые готовились лететь массово к Земле но вмешались чужие. В общем была драка -выжили дама и робот, которые решили лететь на платнету "хищников" и разобраться с ними.

Уже смотрел "Прометей" и продолжение "Чужие: Ковенант".

Ридлей Скотт показывает отличную историю но не объясняет следующую деталь:

Кто или что создало самую первую рассу бледных гигантов? В самом начале "Прометея" один бледный гигант пъёт чёрную житкость, распадается на протеины и протеины падают в океан на нашей Земле. Так начинается эволюция на Земле сотни милионов лет назад.

Потом история понятна, бледные гиганты создают Био Оружие - это Чужие. Чужие освобождаются и убивают экипаж корабля гигантов, который несёт это Био Оружие на Землю.
Робот Андроид убивает целый город бледных гигантов, распыляя Био Оружие с этого найденного корабля. Андроид убивает даму пилота и везёт маленьких зародышей Чужих на новую человеческую планету.

В фильмах про Хищников никто не обьяснил кто создал Хищников, чтобы они убивали Чужих.

Так что вопрос кто создал людей, и кто или что создало создателей людей пока актуален.
Я ухожу с этого форума по личным причинам. Спасибо всем за обсуждение интересных тем.


Я ухожу с этого форума по личным причинам. Спасибо всем за обсуждение интересных тем.


Цитата: Astrodrive от 01.02.2023 16:19:08
Цитата: vlad7308 от 01.02.2023 03:21:20Можно грабить корованы
Пожалуйста объясните эту шутку.

ооо это старое
Погуглите фразу - сразу поймете. Объяснять долго.
это оценочное суждение


"Можно грабить корованы".

Проверил на гугле.

Эта игровая концепция опережает время. Вместе со спрайтовой графикой для удалённых деревъев.

Мне понравился не симметричный гэймплэй. Один игрок сидит в замке, а другой где-то в лесу.

Последняя впечатляющая стратегическая Fantasy игра в реальном времени была Warcraft 3. С начала у разработчиков была идея что отстроенная база даётся игроку с самого начала, и её можно чинить, но в финальной игре эту опцию убрали. После двадцатой игры два на два в интернет кафе мне просто надоело строить базу. В данный момент никто уже кроме Blizzard сделать такое качество гэймплэя как Warcraft 3 не может.

И такая же проблема - нет отстроенной базы с начала игры, преследует две самые лучшие научно фантастические RTS игры: Red Alert2 (Yuri's Revenge) и Generals Zero Hour.
Я ухожу с этого форума по личным причинам. Спасибо всем за обсуждение интересных тем.


Всем интересна тема Многомерной Вселенной, поэтому хочу добавить.

Мы берём и упрощаем задачу Многомерной Вселенной. Мы допускаем, что наше третье измерение существует только локально в зоне планет и звёзд, а на больших расстояниях от них становится двухмерным. Космический корабль несёт с собой пузырь трёхмерного космоса, но этот пузырь движется на плоском листе пространства (бумаги).

Измерения (x, y, z-local, t, d).

d - расстояние между мембранами;
z - локальное измерение которое мы упростили.

z = r, радиус сферы нашего локального трёхмерного пузыря в любом направлении.

Таким образом мы упращяем картину всей Вселенной в 3 параллельных листа: тёмная энергия (наш космос), лептоновая мембрана (создаёт все виды лептонов включая электрон) и такионная мембрана. Получается что Гиперкосмос это параллельная нашему космосу такионная мембрана. Скорее всего есть и другие параллельные мембраны, но в данном случае нам нам интересны лептоновая и такионная мембраны.

Получается всего 5 измерений.

Проверить это можно линейными ускорителями ионов и позитронов. Мы не знаем на сколько метров (или сантиметров) эти мембраны удалены друг от друга. Нужен только прямой вектор скорости (или направления) полёта ионов. По кругу гонять ионы безполезно, постоянно изменяющийся вектор скорости не создаёт линейный импульс, необходимый для пробивания параллельных мембран.

d = v(linear) t; - линейный вектор направления.
d, r - векторы направленны в одну и туже сторону;

Пучком ионов можно стрелять в любом направлении так как z = r, третье измерение это радиус сферы, который можно крутить в любом направлении. Вместе с ним крутится и d - вектор расстояния до параллельной лептоновой мембраны.

Все мембраны имеют энергию площади. Энергию нашего космоса (мембраны из Тёмной Энергии) я приравниваю к Еффекту Казимира и также (для проверки) к Космологической Постоянной Теории Общей Относительности.

Так как мы додускаем, что мембрана Тёмной Энергии двухмерна, то

E[dark energy membrane]/1 meter^2 = E[Casimir Effect in area]/Pi r[area of effect]^2 = Cosmological Constant.

В переходе от 3Д в 2Д, плотность энергии мы получаем когда делим Энергию не на радиус в кубе (для объёма сферы 4/3 Pi r[volume]^3), а на радиус в квадрате (для площади круга Pi r[area]^2). Может теперь уравнение выше сойдётся. У других учёных оно не сходится так как они делят на радиус в кубе, допуская трёхмерное пространство .

Почитайте так же мои формулы про "такионы" в верху. Они очень простые.
Я ухожу с этого форума по личным причинам. Спасибо всем за обсуждение интересных тем.


НЛО движется очень быстро через Гиперкосмос или "такионную мембрану". Там нет никаких звёзд и можно лететь просто по прямой линии в любую точку Галактики.

Нужен только гироскоп (для направления полёта) и атомные часы (чтобы мереть время полёта), а расстояние между звёзд измеряется параллаксом и вводится в навигационный компьютер НЛО до полёта.
Я ухожу с этого форума по личным причинам. Спасибо всем за обсуждение интересных тем.


Наша планета уже построила CERN - круговой Большой Хадронновый Сталкиватель. У него очень большая энергия. На нём нашли Бозон Хиггса. И всё, найти частицу тяжелее Бозона Хиггса, мощность Сталкивателя не позволяет. Нужно строить ещё более большое кольцо для нового Сталкивателя, но некоторые учёные предсказывают что он ничего не найдёт, так как после Бозона Хиггса идёт отсутствие частиц до очень большой массы. Даже самое большое кольцо нового Сталкивателя ничего не найдёт.

Мы предлагаем построить небольшой Линейный Ускоритель на 250 метров. Это вакуумная труба длинной 250 метров в которой разгоняются ионы и позитроны. Нам нужно проверить гипотезу открытия пространственной дыры в чистом вакууме с помощью фокусированного ионного (или позитронного) пучка с большой энергией. Если дыра откроется даже на микро секунды мы её сфотографируем с помощью камеры и подтвердим Теорию Параллельных Мембран (теорию параллельных пространств).

Затем мы проанализируем частицы проникающие в наш Космос через Дыру с помощю всех стандартных детекторов которые существуют на Большом Хадронnовом Сталкивателе. Найдём новые частицы не появляющиеся на детекторах Большого Хадронового Сталкивателя из за их новых свойств как "вымышленная анти инерциональная масса". Причём эти частицы будут скапливаться в большом количестве в вакуумной трубе и мы сможем померить свойства их макро структуры. Так как Галилео проверял макро структуру гравитационного поля кидая вниз большие шары, сделанные из большого количества атомов. Найдём новые макро эффекты погружая макро объекты в скопление этих частиц: типа анти инерции (движение в любом направлении без инерции) и силовогo щитa.

Мы просто пытаемся создать и протестировать линейный ионный пучок, которым НЛО открывает Дыру в нашем пространстве. Это наш главный постулат. Такая вот теория.
Я ухожу с этого форума по личным причинам. Спасибо всем за обсуждение интересных тем.


Здесь можно выкладывать свое НФ творчество в виде постов или ссылок на произведения. Не стесняйтесь!

Тема для обсуждения НЛО (официоз, заявления Пентагона и т.п.),  стоит завести отдельно, а, вот, заявления всяких медиумов, ченнелеров, тонко чувствующих Ноосферу и Астрал на форуме не нужны совсем, на мой взгляд. Это материал для эзотерических форумов.
"Мы не осмеливаемся на многие вещи, потому что они тяжелые, но тяжелые, потому что мы не осмеливаемся сделать их." Сенека
Если вы думаете, что на что-то способны, вы правы; если думаете, что у вас ничего не получится - вы тоже правы. © Генри Форд


Кто-то, когда-то в Советском Союзе сбил НЛО с помощью радарной ракеты S-200. После этого выташили трупы Серых Пришельцев, магнитно-левитирующую петлю в виде цифры-8 и Вольфрамовый Термоядерный Реактор. Всё было документированно на плёнке КГБ. Я этой плёнки не видел, но слышал про неё в деталях намного позже после развала Союза. На ней даже было показано детальное вскрытие трупа пришельца. Обычный гено модифицированный транс-человек. Всё это рассказывал мне один из физиков преподавателей университета где я учился, он был не из Союза и университет был Западный.

Потом мне рассказывали как НЛО сбивало истребители F-18 у Американцев. Советский Союз тоже терял МиГи -29. Американцы зачем то уничтожили все свои плёнки. Типичная практика ЦРУ, чтобы не очернять ушедшего в отставку директора. Советские плёнки остались у ФСБ, но они это будут отрицать. Оказывается мы не должны знать о НЛО что бы наш народ не поднял восстание и не присягнул на верность пришельцам у которых есть Вакцина Омоложения. Вот такая ситуация. В Америке точно такая же ситуация. Посколько Советских плёнок у нас нет, мы занимаемся Научной Фантастикой и додумываем самостоятельно кто такие эти пришельцы и какая у них технология используя последние видео снятые Американскими пилотами и выложенные в Интернет.

В 2022 году Пентагон опубликовал отчёт о НЛО вместе с записями. 171 случаев ещё не объяснены. "FLIR1", "GIMBAL", "GOFAST" это записи сделанные Термальными камерами с американских палубных истребителей. Видно что действительно летает НЛО.

В этих съёмках видно что НЛО очень быстро меняют высоту, очень быстро разгоняются до больших скоростей и не имеют никаких выхлопов. Видно только что в центре НЛО греется какой-то реактор. Я объясняю зто Термоядерным Реактором, который использует газ Тритий. Система охлаждения использует пар чтобы крутитъ турбину, получает электричество и посылает большой ток через болъшую магнитную петлю из металла в форме цифры 8. Магнитная петля отталкивается от магнитного поля Земли и позволяет НЛО висеть в воздухе длительное время.

Дальше НЛО открывает микро дыры в пространстве, чтобы набраться новых частиц "такионов". "Такионы" отклюйчают все силы действующие на НЛО, гравитация и инерция больше не работают. НЛО движется с громадной скоростью без инерции, используя только ионные движки.

Когда надо убежать НЛО открывает дыру в пространстве и исчезает вообще. Затем НЛО летит в Гиперкосмосе на свою планету.

Я ухожу с этого форума по личным причинам. Спасибо всем за обсуждение интересных тем.


Интересно, мне рассказывали что в 60-ые была собрана конференция из физиков Штатов и Союза. Тема была НЛО и полёты на другие звёзды.

Военные обеих стран сбили несколько тарелок НЛО и им была нужна теория откуда и как эти тарелки прилетают.
Всем приглащённым были показаны видео плёнки где военные собирают обломки НЛО и находят трупы Грэй (Серых) навигаторов. Так же были показанны съёмки экранов радаров и разговоров пилотов с базой, когда самолёты гнались за тарелкой.

Учёные из Союза предложили две теории путешествия быстрее света. Эти две теории в данный момент исчезли, а могли быть полностью забыты и уничтожены.

Первая теория это "Теория Абсолютного Вакуума". Допускается, что обычный вакуум это относительный вакуум. Абсолютного вакуума нет. Он был только в момент расширения Вселенной, и в данный момент граница Вселенной находится очень далеко от нас. Космический корабль несёт с собой полый алюминиевый конус, присоеденённый к кораблю сзади. Корабль так же несёт радарную антенну-тарелку. Вот такая конфигурация >--)-.

Радарная антенна-тарелка посылает сфокусированные радио волны внутрь конуса. Внутри конуса, эта радио волна определённой расчитанной частоты отталкивает относительный ваккум на 10 сантиметров от конуса. В этом промежутке получается абсолютный вакуум. Относительный вакуум сзади конуса пытается закрыть этот промежуток и толкает корабль вперёд. Получается что сзади корабля образуется относительнай вакуумная волна (как волна в море) и несёт корабль вперёд быстрее скорости света. Относительная вакуумная волна не имеет массы и не описывается Теорией Специальной Относительности.

Вторая теория это "Теория Торсионного Поля". Существует некое Торсионное Поле, точно такое же как предлагаемое Эфирное Поле. Торсионное Поле получается раскручеванием центрифуги. Космический корабль несёт большую центрифугу. Вот такая конфигурация ---=-->. При быстром врашение этой центрифуги получается Торсионное Поле и Торсионная Сила направленная по оси центрифуги. Дальше для сохранения энергии, вакуум пытается противодействовать Торсионной Силе и увеличивает давление сзади корабля. Более большая Вакуумная Волна образуется сзади корабля и он летит быстрее скорости света.

Отличные потерянные Теории. Дальше на конференции в 60-ые, американская команда предложила корабль использующий анти-материю. Протоны и Анти-Протоны (которые хранят в магнитной бутылке) сталкиваются сзади корабля. Потом получаемая гамма радиация бьётся в стенку из стали позади корабля и толкает корабль. Корабль разгоняется до около световой скорости. Американцы предположили, что пришельцы замораживают себя на время полёта. Советская команда сказала, что это анабиозный сон, когда пришелец спит по 5 дней с пониженным потреблением пищи и ест раз в пять дней. Для этого нужны непонятные химические препараты, пониженное содержание воздуха и повышенная концентрация углекислого газа. Заморозить человеческое тело нельзя так как образовавщиеся кристаллы льда убивают клетки и рвут молекулы ДНК.

Позже Теория "корабля на антиматерии" превратилась в теорию Орион. Где корабль движется взрывая маленьки ядерные бомбы позади корабля. Гамма радиация бьёт в большую стальную стенку сзади и толкает корабль.

Американцы так же предположили, что у НЛО есть база где-то на Марсе. Там межзвёздные корабли садятся и разгружаются. Там на Марсе строятся маленькие тарелки НЛО, которые потом запускаются на Землю.

В реальности, спутники с камерами не нашли баз Грэев (Серых) на Марсе. Получается что две первые Теории о полёте быстрее скорости света были правы.

Жалко что мы потеряли эти Теории.
Я ухожу с этого форума по личным причинам. Спасибо всем за обсуждение интересных тем.