РН Electron от новозеландской Rocket Lab

Автор Тангаж, 05.03.2015 17:53:41

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Цитировать Peter Beck @Peter_J_Beck 47 мин. назад

Spot the odd one out. S1 recovery booster.


Официально Rocket Lab пока об очередном, 14-м, пуске не объявляла, но с Махии с 12-го по 25-е августа запланирован пуск ежедневно с 01:05 до 07:36 UTC (последовательно: зона космодрома, зона падения 1-й ст РН, зона падения ГО)

ЦитироватьHYDROPAC 2334/20

DNC 06.
    0105Z TO 0736Z DAILY 12 THRU 25 AUG
    39-13.4S 177-51.0E, 39-12.0S 177-55.0E,
    39-25.0S 178-25.0E, 39-29.0S 178-22.0E,
    39-17.0S 177-49.0E.
2. CANCEL THIS MSG 250836Z AUG 20.//

Authority: CNW 170/20 062158Z AUG 20.

Date: 070804Z AUG 20
Cancel: 25083600 Aug 20

HYDROPAC 2333/20

DNC 06.
    0105Z TO 0736Z DAILY 12 THRU 25 AUG
    A. 40-48S 175-48W, 41-48S 171-30W,
        42-54S 171-54W, 41-42S 176-18W.
    B. 43-30S 163-30W, 44-18S 152-00W,
        45-30S 152-00W, 44-42S 163-54W.
2. CANCEL THIS MSG 250836Z AUG 20.//

Authority: NAVAREA XIV 131/20 062154Z AUG 20.

Date: 070759Z AUG 20
Cancel: 25083600 Aug 20


ЦитироватьRocket Lab готовится к попытке спасти первую ступень ракеты Electron
Компания Rocket Lab сообщила о том, что она готовится к намеченной на этот год попытке спасти первую ступень ракеты Electron. Для этого она успешно завершила бросковые испытания макетов и убедилась в надежности своей парашютной системы. Первая попытка спасти материальную часть намечена на 17 пуск ракеты, которая уже произведена и находится на хранении.
При этом в компании решили не задействовать для спасания ступени вертолет, а просто позволить ей опуститься на воду. После этого ступень будет доставлена на фабрику, где она будет подвергнута исследованию с целью определения объема работ по ее восстановлению.
Руководитель Rocket Lab также отметил, что поскольку его ракета является, по сравнению с Falcon-9, небольшой, то в компании приняли решение не использовать для посадки ракетные двигатели, а ограничиться парашютами и другими модификациями (компания нарастила возможности ракеты по выведению массы полезных нагрузок). В совокупности это приведет к тому, что в многоразовом варианте масса выводимой ракетой Electron нагрузки снизится  по сравнению с эксплуатируемым вариантом только на 15 кг (для Falcon-9 снижение составляет около 25 процентов).
Относительно ближайших планов руководитель компании отметил, что она готовится провести 14 пуск ракеты  (первый после июльской аварии). Также компания начала предлагать своим  потребителям возможности по использованию более крупного обтекателя, который позволяет Rocket Lab выводить нагрузки диаметром около 1.8 метра (сейчас нагрузки ограничены диаметром 1,2 метра), пишет Ecoruspace.


Цитировать Rocket Lab @RocketLab 8 ч. назад

LC-1B is taking shape beside LC-1A. Multiple pads = truly responsive launch capability. But also, that view 🙌.

7 ч. назад

And yes, it rained a LOT between these progress shots.


К #641

Согласно msi.nga.mil уведомления HYDROPAC 2333/20 и HYDROPAC 2334/20 отменены и удалены из перечня действующих.


Новые уведомления - воздухоплавателям. Закрываются зоны космодрома и зоны к востоку от космодрома


SFC - 13500FT AMSL, 26 AUG 02:35 2020 UNTIL 26 AUG 07:40 2020.
CREATED: 16 AUG 23:26 2020

REF AIP SUP 49/20.
SFC - FL999, 26 AUG 02:35 2020 UNTIL 26 AUG 07:40 2020.
CREATED: 16 AUG 23:33 2020


REF AIP SUP 49/20.
SFC - FL999, 26 AUG 02:35 2020 UNTIL 26 AUG 07:40 2020.
CREATED: 16 AUG 23:44 2020
Возможен пуск 26 августа с 02:35 до 07:40 UTC


ЦитироватьRocket Lab планирует запуск частной миссии к Венере!
Старт должен состояться в 2023 году. А ещё раньше — в 2021 году — должен состояться запуск миссии NASA, на сверхлёгкой ракете-носителе компании Electron (подробности об этой миссии мы уже рассказывали: vk.cc/ayq4xP )
«Я безумно люблю Венеру», — говорит исполнительный директор Rocket Lab Питер Бек (Peter Beck). «Я много работаю над тем, чтобы подготовить частную миссию к Венере в 2023 году».
Способность осуществлять межпланетные миссии появилась у Electron благодаря росту производительности с 225 до 300 кг на низкую орбиту, который произошёл за счёт прогресса в технологиях изготовления электробатарей (они используются для питания насосов обоих ступеней). А также благодаря разработке 3-й ступени ракеты, которая будет базироваться на их спутниковой платформе «Photon».
«Это открывает окно к Венере и окно для повторного использования [1-й ступени]» — говорит Бек. «Photon, который ещё не выполнил своё дебютный полёт, не будет спускаться в сернистую атмосферу Венеры в предстоящей миссии. Текущий план предполагает сброс в атмосферу одного или нескольких меньших аппаратов», — написал он в Твиттере.
«Конечно, нет никакой гарантии, что жизнь существует в венерианских облаках. Или что планируемая Rocket Lab миссия найдёт её, если она там есть. Но эта миссия может стать реальным переворотом в космических исследованиях, независимо от её научных результатов», — добавил Питер.
Примечательно, что в 2010 году вместе с зондом Акацуки к Венере запускался небольшой 20-килограммовый аппарат «Shin'en», который создавался коллаборацией японских университетов. Однако на следующий день после запуска с ним была потеряна связь. Так что отчасти это может стать уже не первой частной миссией к Венере, но вполне может стать первой успешной.
Ещё из новостей о Rocket Lab: в этом году фирма планировала провести 12 запусков, но пандемия помешала этим планам. Установка на 1-ю ступень парашютов для её спасения сократила полезную нагрузку на 15 кг. Обтекатель стоит порядка $20 тыс. и у них нет планов его спасать. Также они не планируют создавать более тяжёлую ракету-носитель, так как эти ниши рынка уже заняты другими компаниями. Логотип Rocket Lab может появиться в игре Kerbal Space Program.
«Обычно, если вы хотите выполнить научную миссию к Луне, вам нужно начинать выписывать чек на $50-100 млн», — говорит Бек. Но когда Photon выйдет на сцену, «за $10-20 млн вы реально сможете делать какую-нибудь хорошую науку: межпланетную или лунную. Вот что меня будоражит!».


Опубликованы новые уведомления мореплавателям на закрываемы зоды 14-го пуска РН

ЦитироватьHYDROPAC 2443/20

DNC 06.
    0105Z TO 0736Z DAILY 26 AUG THRU 08 SEP
        39-13.4S 177-51.0E, 39-12.0S 177-55.0E,
        39-25.0S 178-25.0E, 39-29.0S 178-22.0E,
        39-17.0S 177-49.0E.
2. CANCEL THIS MSG 080836Z SEP 20.//

Authority: CNW 173/20 202310Z AUG 20.

Date: 202325Z AUG 20
Cancel: 08083600 Sep 20

HYDROPAC 2442/20

DNC 06.
    0105Z TO 0736Z DAILY 26 AUG THRU 08 SEP
    A. 40-48S 175-48W, 41-48S 171-30W,
        42-54S 171-54W, 41-42S 176-18W.
    B. 43-30S 163-30W, 44-18S 152-00W,
        45-30S 152-00W, 44-42S 163-54W.
2. CANCEL THIS MSG 080836Z SEP 20.//

Authority: NAVAREA XIV 141/20 202300Z AUG 20.

Date: 202311Z AUG 20
Cancel: 08083600 Sep 20
Пусковой период с 26 августа по 8 сентября с.г. Пусковое окно без изменений - см. #641


Цитировать Morgan Bailey @MoreMorganB 14 ч. назад

I love watching LC-1B taking shape in these shots because as soon as it's finished you can bet on PHOTOS OF TWO ELECTRONS ON THE PAD NEXT TO EACH OTHER. YES.


Цитировать Rocket Lab @RocketLab 2 ч. назад

A sneak peek at our Maxwell dispensers lined up for a new mission in the coming weeks. These Maxwells will be integrated onto Electron's Kick Stage, and each CubeSat inside will be deployed to a precise and individual orbit. That's the beauty of rideshare on Electron.



ЦитироватьRocket Lab to Launch Dedicated Mission for European Space Technology Company OHB Group

Rocket Lab to Launch Dedicated Mission for European Space Technology Company OHB Group

Long Beach, California. August 25, 2020 – Rocket Lab has today announced that leading European space technology company OHB Group has signed a contract for a dedicated launch on an Electron rocket. The launch was procured through OHB Cosmos International Launch Service GmbH, the launch service division of the OHB Group.

The mission will launch a communications satellite for an OHB customer and is scheduled for lift-off in early 2021 from Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 on New Zealand's Māhia Peninsula. It is the first launch contract between Rocket Lab and OHB, one of Europe's leading space systems integrators which traditionally offers rideshare opportunities on large launch vehicles.

The mission will represent a rapid turnaround time of just six months between contract signing and launch. This streamlined path to launch, combined with Rocket Lab's ability to deliver payloads to precise and unique orbits, were key factors in OHB selecting Rocket Lab as the launch provider.

Peter Beck, Rocket Lab's founder and CEO, said the contract highlights the growing need that small satellite operators have for responsive, dedicated launch.

"As a respected leader in space, OHB Group has been providing access to orbit through rideshare opportunities and dedicated launches on medium and large size rockets for many years. We're excited to be enabling a new capability for OHB and its mission partners by delivering rapid turnaround, dedicated small satellite launch on Electron," said Beck. "Missions like this one put small satellite operators in the driver's seat, giving them control over their launch schedule and orbit, on their terms."

"OHB delivers an unmatched delivery time to its customer with this project. This would not have been possible without the impressive reactivity of Rocket Lab", said Lutz Bertling, Chief Strategy & Development Officer OHB Group. "For this mission, OHB COSMOS International Launch Service is not only providing the launch service procurement like for several previous OHB missions in the last 25 years. In the New Space Era we are leading this specific spacecraft, payload and mission development supported by OHB divisions in Sweden, Germany and Czech Republic ", said Indulis Kalnins,  OHB Cosmos Managing Director.

The OHB mission will be one of the first missions in a busy year of launch activity for Rocket Lab, with the company booked for launches every two weeks in 2021 across its two launch sites, Launch Complex 1 in New Zealand and Launch Complex 2 in Virginia.


ЦитироватьНовый контракт Rocket Lab
Компания Rocket Lab заключила контракт с немецкой OHB Group, которая законтрактовала выделенный пуск РН Electron. Датой пуска обозначено начало 2021 года. Место пуска – пусковой комплекс № 1 (Новая Зеландия). К особенностям контракта в Rocket Lab отнесли то, что между заключением контракта и пуском пройдет около шести месяцев.
Пуск в интересах OHB станет для компании Rocket Lab первым в 2021 году и подтверждает намерение компании выйти на темп – один пуск в две недели, пишет Ecoruspace.



ЦитироватьRocket Lab Successfully Deploys Satellite for Capella Space on 14th Mission

Rocket Lab Successfully Deploys Satellite for Capella Space on 14th Mission

31 August 2020 UTC – Rocket Lab, a space systems company and the global leader in dedicated small satellite launch, has successfully launched its 14th Electron mission and deployed a single microsatellite for Capella Space. The mission was Rocket Lab's fourth this year and takes the company's total number of satellites deployed to 54.

The 'I Can't Believe It's Not Optical' mission launched from Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 on New Zealand's Māhia Peninsula at 03:05 UTC, 31 August 2020. Electron successfully deployed a single microsatellite to a circular orbit at approximately 500 km for Capella Space. Capella's 100kg class Sequoia payload is the first synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite to deliver publicly available data from a mid-inclination orbit over the U.S., Middle East, Korea, Japan, Europe, South East Asia, and Africa, and is powered by technology that can detect sub-0.5 meter changes to the Earth's surface from space. As the first publicly available satellite in orbit as part of Capella Space's constellation, Sequoia will provide insights and data that can be used for security, agricultural and infrastructure monitoring, as well as disaster response and recovery. Today's dedicated mission for Capella Space also marks the successful return to flight for the Electron launch vehicle fewer than 9 weeks since the company experienced an anomaly on July 4th during its 13th launch.

Rocket Lab founder and CEO, Peter Beck, said: "Congratulations to the Capella Space team in this first step to building out a new constellation to provide important Earth observation data on-demand. Electron is the ideal launch vehicle for missions like this one, where the success of a foundational deployment relies heavily on a high level of control over orbit and schedule. I'm also immensely proud of the team, their hard work, and dedication in returning Electron to the pad safely and quickly as we get back to frequent launches with an even more reliable launch vehicle for our small satellite customers."

Rocket Lab has monthly launches scheduled for the remainder of 2020, including Rocket Lab's first attempt to recover an Electron first stage after launch. The first recovery mission is slated for Rocket Lab's 17th launch, scheduled for lift-off in Q4. Details about the customer and launch window for Rocket Lab's next Electron launch will be released shortly.


Цитата: zandr от 28.08.2020 00:15:29Пуск в интересах OHB станет для компании Rocket Lab первым в 2021 году и подтверждает намерение компании выйти на темп - один пуск в две недели, пишет Ecoruspace.
У них реально есть столько контрактов ? Если да то молодцы.


Цитировать Rocket Lab @RocketLab 12 мин. назад

Rocket Lab has been granted a Launch Operator License by @FAANews for Electron missions from LC-2! This is a major step toward the first Electron launches from U.S. soil.

 Rocket Lab @RocketLab 15 мин. назад

Our new #FAA Launch Operator License allows for multiple launches from LC-2 for the next 5 years without needing a new launch-specific license for every mission.

17 мин. назад

Simplified licensing enables streamlined access to space for U.S. government small sats. Across our 3 launch pads, Rocket Lab can support up to 130 launch opportunities every year.

17 мин. назад

Among our first Electron missions from LC-2 will be a mission to the Moon for @NASA in support of the agency's Artemis program. Learn more about this exciting mission here: https://go.nasa.gov/2QNK5Wd

18 мин. назад

A huge thanks to the teams at @NASA_Wallops and @VCSFA_MARS for their ongoing support at LC-2.


Сейчас была презентация:

Вкратце - рекламировали платформу/услугу Фотон - микроспутники и микроАМС из кубиков Лего + полный спектр услуг по запуску и сопровождению.
Россыпью движки HyperCurie (вонючка), звёздные датчики, антенны, камеры. СУ
Луна, Марс, Венера - и типа быстро и дёшево.
Выглядит примерно так:

«Всё что угодно за ваши деньги».




ЦитироватьRocket Lab Launches First In-house Designed & Built Photon Satellite

Rocket Lab Launches First In-house Designed & Built Photon Satellite

The mission is Rocket Lab's first full demonstration of an end-to-end mission service, encompassing satellite build, launch, and on-orbit operations

Long Beach, Calif. September 3, 2020. Space systems company Rocket Lab has launched its first in-house designed and built operational satellite, cementing the company's evolution from a launch provider to an end-to-end space solutions company that offers turnkey satellites and spacecraft components, launch, and on-orbit operations.

The satellite, named 'First Light', is the first spacecraft from Rocket Lab's family of configurable Photon satellites to be deployed to orbit. Launched as a technology demonstration, 'First Light' builds upon the existing capabilities of the Electron launch vehicle's Kick Stage with additional subsystems to enable long duration satellite operations. This pathfinding mission is an initial demonstration of the new power management, thermal control and attitude control subsystem capabilities. By testing these systems for an extended period on orbit, Rocket Lab is building up flight heritage for future Photon satellite missions planned to low Earth orbit, the Moon, and Venus.

'First Light' was deployed to orbit on Rocket Lab's 14th Electron mission, 'I Can't Believe It's Not Optical', which lifted-off from Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 in New Zealand on August 31, 2020. Approximately 60 minutes after lift-off, Electron deployed a 100 kg microsatellite for Capella Space, an action that would typically signal the successful completion of a standard Rocket Lab mission. However, shortly after deploying the customer payload, Rocket Lab conducted an entirely new operation for the first time: Rocket Lab engineers sent a command to transition the Kick Stage into Photon satellite mode. This action marked the first on-orbit demonstration of Rocket Lab's Photon satellite as a two-in-one spacecraft, first using it to complete its conventional launch vehicle function to deploy customer satellites, then transitioning into a satellite to continue a standalone mission.

"We started with launch and solved it, releasing small satellites from the time and orbit constraints experienced when flying on larger launch vehicles. Now we've simplified satellites too," said Rocket Lab's founder and CEO, Peter Beck. "Launching the first Photon mission marks a major turning point for space users – it's now easier to launch and operate a space mission than it has ever been. When our customers choose a launch-plus-spacecraft mission with Electron and Photon, they immediately eliminate the complexity, risk, and delays associated with having to build their own satellite hardware and procure a separate launch."

Designed for launch on Electron, as well as other launch vehicles, 'First Light' paves the way for future, high-energy variations of Photon designed for lunar and interplanetary missions, including the CAPSTONE mission to the Moon for NASA in early 2021. Lifting off from Launch Complex 2 in Virginia, Rocket Lab will use the Electron rocket and Photon Lunar spacecraft to launch NASA's Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment (CAPSTONE) CubeSat to Near Rectilinear Halo Orbit (NRHO), the same orbit planned for Artemis.

With the 'First Light' mission, Rocket Lab has completed its first full demonstration of its end-to-end mission services, encompassing mission design, component build and spacecraft assembly, integration and test (AIT), launch, ground segment, and on-orbit mission operation. The process of developing the first on-orbit Photon also enabled Rocket Lab to refine and streamline production and testing processes for higher volume Photon production to meet growing customer demand.

Rocket Lab recently opened a new headquarters and manufacturing complex in Long Beach, California, to accommodate streamlined, rapid production of Photons. The facility is also home to payload integration facilities for Photon missions, as well as a state-of-the-art mission operations center. The production complex is already home to extensive production lines delivering more than 130 Rutherford engines for the Electron launch vehicle every year, along with guidance and avionics hardware. In addition to expanding its manufacturing complex, Rocket Lab recently acquired Sinclair Interplanetary, a leading provider of high-quality, flight-proven satellite hardware, to strengthen the Rocket Lab Space Systems division. Sinclair Interplanetary products have become key features of the Photon satellite platforms, and Rocket Lab is also dedicating resources to grow Sinclair's already strong merchant spacecraft components business. The acquisition enables Sinclair Interplanetary to tap into Rocket Lab's resources, scale, manufacturing capability, and innovative technologies to make world-leading satellite hardware accessible to more customers.


К #654


ЦитироватьRocket Lab Granted FAA Launch Operator License for Missions from Launch Complex 2

The license enables multiple launches of the Electron launch vehicle from Rocket Lab Launch Complex 2 in Virginia to support frequent and responsive launch from U.S. soil

Long Beach, California. 01 September 2020 – Rocket Lab, a space systems company and global leader in dedicated small satellite launch, has been granted a five-year Launch Operator License by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for Electron missions from Rocket Lab Launch Complex 2.

The Launch Operator License allows for multiple launches of the Electron launch vehicle from Rocket Lab Launch Complex 2, eliminating the need to obtain individual, launch-specific licenses for every mission and helping to streamline the path to orbit and enable responsive space access from U.S. soil.

Located at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport within the NASA's Wallops Flight Facility on Wallops Island, Virginia, Launch Complex 2 has been designed to provide responsive launch capability to support for U.S. government missions. Between Launch Complex 2 in Virginia and Launch Complex 1 in New Zealand, Rocket Lab can support up to 130 launches each year across a range of orbital inclinations.

The FAA Launch Operator Licence is a major administrative milestone ahead of upcoming Electron launches, including a NASA mission to lunar orbit in support of Artemis, the Agency's program to return humans to the Moon. The Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment (CAPSTONE) mission will use Rocket Lab's Electron launch vehicle and Photon satellite platform to deploy to the same unique lunar near rectilinear halo orbit (NRHO) that is planned for NASA's future lunar outpost called Gateway. CAPSTONE intends to validate navigation technologies and verify the dynamics of this halo-shaped orbit to reduce risk for future spacecraft.

Rocket Lab founder and CEO, Peter Beck, says: "Having FAA Launch Operator Licenses for missions from both Rocket Lab launch complexes enables us to provide rapid, responsive launch capability for small satellite operators. With 14 missions already launched from LC-1, Electron is well established as the reliable, flight proven vehicle of choice for small sat missions spanning national security, science and exploration. With our upcoming missions from Launch Complex 2, we're ushering in an era of even more flexibility and launch availability for these important government missions."

Василий Ратников

Цитата: vissarion от 03.09.2020 21:22:25Луна, Марс, Венера - и типа быстро и дёшево.
интересно что быстрее произойдет. ))

эта штука на луну прилетит или луна-25 все же ?


Цитировать Rocket Lab @RocketLab 2 ч. назад

At least 10 satellites will be deployed on the same mission from this adaptor. Each satellite will be deployed to a precise and individual orbit. That's the beauty of Electron's Kick Stage.

Цитировать Peter Beck @Peter_J_Beck 2 ч. назад

I love our payload adaptors. This one will have a bunch of sats all around including a micro sat on the top. As always, beautiful workmanship by the team. (I have a real thing for precise equal spacing in cable ties).