Новости ILS

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Цитировать  SATELITTE 2017: ILS AT BOOTH 1118

SATELLITE 2017 from March 6-9 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington, D.C., unites aerospace thought leaders, entrepreneurs, executives, engineers, end-users and enthusiasts together in one place for the largest and most important global satellite technology event of the year. For more than 35 years, SATELLITE has played a critical role in determining how satellites will shape the future of our world. The show welcomes a community of aerospace professionals from every market and field of study, hailing from more than 150 nations around the world. Visit ILS at Booth 1118!
Follow us on ILS Facebook, ILS Twitter, ILS Instagram, and ILS LinkedIn

DAY 1 HIGHLIGHTS: Coming soon!

ILS President Kirk Pysher to Speak at SATELLITE 2017

WHAT: Commercial Launch Service Executives General Session: Leading the Charge

WHEN: Wed. March 8| 4:15 PM - 5:30 PM | Room: 202

Executive leadership from some of the world's largest launch services gather on our annual launchers panel to discuss topics such as launch technology and new vehicles, how satellites are changing, commercial space travel, launch availability and flexibility, space exploration, international cooperation and political challenges. Open to all conference attendees.

For more information about the session, visit: SATELLITE 2017
Our Launch Vehicles

Proton Variants: Proton Medium and Proton Light Vehicles

ILS is now offering a modular line of 2-stage commercial launchers to address market and customer-driven demand for cost effective access to space for satellites in the 3-5 metric ton range. This launch vehicle product line—with the Proton Medium and the Proton Light—is derived directly from the flight-proven Proton Breeze M system. With the Proton Breeze M, the broader GEO satellite market is served with one family of vehicles.

 Read more: Proton Variants

The Angara 1.2 Launch Vehicle

ILS markets the Angara 1.2 launch service to global commercial and governmental marketplace for Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and Sun-Synchronous (SSO) missions. Commercial satellite operators, as well as Space Agencies around the world can now utilize the new capabilities of the latest launch vehicle developed by Khrunichev.
Read more: Angara 1.2 Launch Vehicle



Цитировать ILS‏ @ILSLaunch 18 ч. назад
Packing our stuff for SATELLITE 2017 on Monday! Pick up a poster, fact sheets, pins, stickers, and much more at Booth 1118! @SATELLITEDC


А в американском нет правила, позволяющего заменять  две слитные "e" на одно "i" ?
Я бы ввел :)
Я зуб даю за то что в первом пуске Ангары с Восточного полетит ГВМ Пингвина. © Старый
Если болит сердце за народные деньги - можно пойти в депутаты. © Neru - Старому


Цитировать ILS‏ @ILSLaunch 4 ч. назад
Some scenes from SATELLITE 2017 @SATELLITEDC. We're getting our booth together! #SATShow #satellite #aerospace


Цитировать  ILS‏ @ILSLaunch  21 ч.21 час назад
ILS will launch KOMPSAT-6 for Korea Aerospace Research Institute in 2020. #KARI visits #Khrunichev in #Moscow: http://bit.ly/2mvMXtv 
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"



ЦитироватьILS will launch the KOMPSAT-6 satellite in 2020 for Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) with the Angara 1.2 and it will be ILS's first commercial Angara launch. The newest Russian launch vehicle was designed and built by Khrunichev State Research and Space Production Center.
 On February 28, 2017, Khrunichev and KARI, based in Daejeon, South Korea, gathered at the Proton Business Hotel in Moscow to celebrate the 12 year jubilee of Russian-South Korean cooperation, "12 Years of LV Naro – Great Step Into Space".
 Signing a contract for the establishment of the South Korean space rocket complex with a rocket KSLV-1 took place on October 26, 2004. Thus began the joint development of the project on creation of the Korea Space Launch System (HSCC), KARI and Khrunichev.
 It was also attended by TsENKI and NGOs "Energomash". Completion of the project was marked by the successful launch from the Republic of Korea, the first Korean space launch vehicle KSLV-1 (CR "Naro" )  on January 30, 2013.
 Congratulations to our partners!
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


07.03.2017 16:30
   Центр им.М.В.Хруничева (ГКНПЦ им. М.В. Хруничева) и его дочерняя компания - International Launch Services (ILS), имеющая эксклюзивное право на маркетинг и коммерческую эксплуатацию семейства РН «Протон» – расширяют возможности реализации запусков космических аппаратов (КА) различного назначения за счет ввода в эксплуатацию модификаций ракеты-носителя (РН) «Протон», оснащенных крупногабаритным обтекателем диаметром пять метров.
   Пятиметровый обтекатель будет использоваться в составе РН «Протон-М» (с разгонным блоком «Бриз-М») и РН «Протон Средний» (двухступенчатой модификации среднего класса РН «Протон-М») для осуществления запусков в интересах коммерческих заказчиков. Запуски коммерческих КА с помощью РН «Протон-М» и «Протон Средний» с головным обтекателем пятиметрового диаметра станут возможными с первого квартала 2020 года.
   Пятиметровый обтекатель с увеличенной емкостью для размещения полезной нагрузки позволит выводить на расчетные орбиты новейшие крупногабаритные спутники широкополосной высокоскоростной связи и кластеры из двух космических аппаратов, а также осуществлять групповые запуски нескольких низкоорбитальных КА.
   Предложение нового обтекателя – ответ Центра им.М.В. Хруничева и ILS на потребности заказчиков, заинтересованных в создании дополнительных возможностей по выведению полезной нагрузки с учетом перспективных конструкций КА.
   В 2016 году Центр им.М.В.Хруничева завершил работы по определению конструкторско-технологического облика головного обтекателя увеличенного диаметра. На следующем этапе реализации программы предусмотрена детальная разработка проекта головного обтекателя диаметром 5 метров и базовой длиной 16,25 метров, выбранной с учетом потребностей коммерческих заказчиков. Новый обтекатель пройдет полную программу испытаний, в том числе аэродинамическое моделирование, статические, динамические прочностные и акустические испытания, испытания на раскрытие створок и сброс.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


Цитировать  Peter B. de Selding‏ @pbdes  1 ч.1 час назад
Here's @ILSLaunch comparitor on current Proton fairing & tomorrow's 5-m fairing.#SATShow
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


Цитировать ILS‏ @ILSLaunch 19 мин. назад

ILS announces the availability of a 5 meter diameter #payload fairing (PLF) for #Proton Breeze M and Proton Medium: http://bit.ly/2mfRA8l


WASHINGTON, D.C, March 7, 2017—International Launch Services (ILS) announces the availability of a 5 meter diameter payload fairing (PLF) for use with both the Proton Breeze M and Proton Medium launch systems for commercial launch services beginning in first quarter of 2020. The 5 meter PLF addresses the increased volume of today's larger satellites required to satisfy High-Throughput Satellite (HTS) broadband capacity demands, stacked satellite height requirements, and supports multiple satellites for efficient deployment of large LEO constellations.

Kirk Pysher, ILS President said, "The introduction of the 5 meter fairing is in direct response to our customers' request for additional payload envelope capability to accommodate their evolving spacecraft designs. The 5 meter fairing in combination with optimized mission designs and the performance flexibility provided by the Proton M and Proton Medium launch vehicles, allows ILS to provide our customers with innovative, cost effective launch solutions that maximizes their satellites expected operational lifetime."

"Khrunichev State Research and Production Center (Khrunichev) has successfully completed their planned 2016 feasibility study which focused on developing the required technologies and design needed to support the 5 meter PLF development. The next phase of the program has begun with the start of detailed design activities for a 5 meter PLF with a selected baseline length of 16.25 meters to envelope the projected commercial satellite market requirements while minimizing Proton vehicle impacts. The 5 meter PLF will undergo a rigorous test program including aerodynamic modeling, static and dynamic structural tests, PLF separation and jettison tests, and acoustic testing," said Jim Kramer, Vice President of Engineering and Mission Assurance.

The Proton Breeze M vehicle is the heritage, 3-stage heavy-lift vehicle, with over 410 missions to date since 1965. The two-stage Proton Medium vehicle will serve the medium class satellite range starting in 2018. Both launch vehicles are manufactured by Khrunichev.


Proton Medium Brochure - 3623373 B, 4 стр, выпуск February 2017


Proton-Breeze-M-Brochure.pdf - 4733900 B, 2 стр, выпуск February 2017


Angara12-Brochure.pdf - 4220454 B, 2 стр, выпуск February 2017


SAT2017-PressBriefing.pdf - 1661272 B, 11 стр, выпуск 7 March 2017


Цитировать ILS‏ @ILSLaunch 4 ч назад
SATELLITE 2017 DAY 2 -- ILS enjoying the afternoon at the Exhibit Hall. Come visit us at Booth 1118! #SATShow @SATELLITEDC #Satellite



Цитировать  Caleb Henry‏ @CHenry_SN  1 мин.1 минуту назад
ILS's @KirkPysher: new Proton 5-meter fairing means lower cost launch, plus enough volume to multi-manifest #smallsats for LEO. #satshow
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


Цитировать Caleb Henry‏ @CHenry_SN 2 мин. назад
ILS's Pysher: Proton return to flight still planned for April-May timeframe. Three commercial missions this year, four government. #satshow


Цитировать Karen Rose Monaghan‏ @krosemonaghan 8 мин назад
ILS @SATELLITEDC: the insurance community asked for more scrutiny and oversight and the quality system is doing exactly that. @ILSLaunch


Цитировать Karen Rose Monaghan‏ @krosemonaghan 16 мин. назад

ILS @SATELLITEDC: we plan 3 commercial missions this year with 7 total Proton missions to include the Federal program. @ILSLaunch