Марс-Экспресс (Mars Express), первые результаты.

Автор Алексей Алексеевич Памятных, 20.01.2004 11:31:18

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ESA's Mars Express supports dramatic landing on Mars
25 July 2012
ЦитироватьOn 6 August, NASA's Mars Science Laboratory will make a spectacular landing to deliver the Curiosity rover to the Red Planet. ESA's Mars Express will track the mission's progress, recording crucial flight data right until 'wheels down' on the alien surface.
NASA's Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) is set to deliver the largest planetary rover ever flown onto the Red Planet's surface early in the morning of 6 August.

The landing in Gale Crater will mark the start of an ambitious exploration programme studying Mars' habitability, climate and geology and collecting data for a future human mission to the planet.

When the craft enters the atmosphere at almost 21 000 km/hr, it will begin 'seven minutes of terror', during which the sophisticated entry, descent and landing system decelerates the rover to less than 3.6 km/hour for a gentle landing.  

International fleet to support MSL landing
During descent, it will transmit a stream of data and two nearby NASA spacecraft – Mars Odyssey and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter – will track and relay the information from Curiosity.

At NASA's request, Mars Express, orbiting the planet since December 2003, will also be on duty for those critical seven minutes, relaying data that could later be crucial if anything goes wrong.
"We began optimising our orbit several months ago, so that Mars Express will have an orbit that is properly 'phased' and provides good visibility of MSL's planned trajectory," says Michel Denis, Mars Express Spacecraft Operations Manager.

Specialists at ESOC, ESA's Spacecraft Operations Centre, Darmstadt, Germany, have designed and tested a new pointing mode for Mars Express for its Lander Communications system to point toward MSL.
The instrument was originally intended for communicating with the Beagle lander on the martian surface in 2003.

Mars Express to record and relay signals from NASA
On 6 August, Mars Express will turn and start listening at 05:10. Confirmation of touchdown is expected directly via Odyssey at 05:31, and Mars Express will record MSL signal data between 05:10 and 05:38 (all times GMT and subject to change).

Once complete, Mars Express will slew again to point toward Earth and transmit the recorded data to ESOC via the Agency's 35 m-diameter deep-space antenna in New Norcia, Australia.

The data are expected around 06:40 GMT and will be immediately transmitted to NASA.
ESA's stations on standby
ESA's station network will also directly support the landing, standing by as 'hot back-up' to NASA's own deep-space network to receive data from 250 million km.

"NASA supported the arrival of Mars Express at Mars in 2003, and, in the past few years, we have relayed data from the rovers Spirit and Opportunity," says ESA's Manfred Warhaut, Head of Mission Operations.

"Mars Express also tracked the descent of NASA's Phoenix lander in 2008 and we routinely share our deep space networks.

"Technical and scientific cooperation at Mars between ESA and NASA is a long-standing and mutually beneficial activity that helps us both to reduce risk and increase the return of scientific results."


ESA spacecraft records crucial NASA signals from Mars
6 August 2012
ЦитироватьThis morning at 7:14 CEST, ESA's Mars Express acquired signals from NASA's Mars Science Laboratory as it delivered the car-sized Curiosity rover onto the Red planet's surface. ESA's New Norcia tracking station also picked up signals directly from the NASA mission, 248 million km away at Mars.
A key step was completed today in ESA's ongoing support to NASA's Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission. Signals recorded by Mars Express during MSL's entry and descent were successfully received at ESOC, ESA's European Space Operations Centre, Darmstadt, Germany.

The open-loop recording of radio Doppler and signal spectrum transmitted by the NASA mission were stored on Mars Express and then downloaded to Earth starting at 08:15 CEST.

Animation: Mars Express tracks NASA MSL

The recorded signals were transferred to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, for analysis immediately upon receipt at ESOC. Similar direct-to-Earth recordings made at ESA's New Norcia ground station in Australia were also sent to NASA.  
Curiosity's descent was also tracked by NASA's own Odyssey and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) spacecraft; confirmation of touchdown was provided by Odyssey directly to NASA at 07:31 CEST.
ESA welcomes new friend at Mars
"Congratulations to our NASA colleagues on a hugely successful landing," said Paolo Ferri, ESA's Head of Solar and Planetary Mission Operations. "The Mars Express team welcomes a new friend in the neighbourhood."

Mars Express picked up MSL signals about 10 minutes before it entered the atmosphere, travelling at 21 000 km/h, for its critical descent and landing phase.

"We tracked MSL for about 28 minutes then lost contact as expected just a few moments before Curiosity's touchdown in Gale Crater," said Michel Denis, Mars Express Spacecraft Operations Manager.

"NASA now have this valuable data and everyone here is delighted to have helped support Curiosity's arrival at Mars."
The signal recordings made by Mars Express and New Norcia station include information on MSL's velocity and direction. They record the sequential critical events during descent, including parachute deployment, heat shield separation and rover separation.

They will prove valuable to scientists as they reconstruct MSL's descent profile, helping to improve and refine models of the martian atmosphere and assess landing accuracy.

The signals recorded by Mars Express will be automatically downloaded two more times later today via New Norcia and ESA's Cebreros station, in Spain, to ensure redundancy.

ESA's first step in continuing Curiosity support
In the coming weeks, Mars Express and the operations team at ESOC will perform several data relay overflights during the first phases of Curiosity's mission on the surface of Mars.

Then, ESA will offer a standby capability to provide dedicated support at short notice, if requested by NASA, by relaying data from Curiosity to Earth.
This could become necessary if Odyssey or MRO were to experience any technical problems, for example.

ESA's tracking station network can support NASA missions, due in part to long-standing technical and operational cooperation between the two agencies.

"Supporting Curiosity is an excellent example of inter-agency cooperation not only on Earth but also in deep space," said Manfred Warhaut, ESA's Head of Mission Operations.

"No one likes going to Mars on their own; it takes cooperation and partnership to reduce risk and boost scientific return on investment."


аааа, я на фото слева весь в белом :)
Но к MEX оно, само собой, прямого отношения не имеет.


А что там про МАРСИС  слышно - открыл он залежи окияна Старого?

Жизнь - это падение в пропасть неизвестной глубины и заполненную туманом.


ЦитироватьА вот и правильные фото http://www.flickr.com/photos/esa_events/sets/72157630929803122/

Фото неправильное :cry:



ЦитироватьА что там не так?

Не читалась ссылка у меня. Теперь в порядке. Спасибо.


Fostering Curiosity: Mars Express relays rocky images

26 November 2012

For the first time, ESA's Mars orbiter has relayed scientific data from NASA's Curiosity rover on the Red Planet's surface. The data included detailed images of 'Rocknest3' and were received by ESA's deep-space antenna in Australia.
 It was a small but significant step in interplanetary cooperation between space agencies. Early on the morning of 6 October, ESA's Mars Express looked down as it orbited the planet, lining up its lander communication antenna to point at Curiosity far below on the surface.
For 15 minutes, the NASA rover transmitted scientific data up to the ESA satellite. A few hours later, Mars Express slewed to point its high-gain antenna toward Earth and began downlinking the precious information to the European Space Operations Centre in Darmstadt, Germany, via the Agency's 35 m-diameter antenna in New Norcia, Australia.  
The data were immediately made available to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California for processing and analysis, proving again that NASA's amazing new rover can talk with Europe's veteran Mars orbiter.


 ESA's Mars orbiter has also relayed data for NASA's other surface missions – Phoenix, Spirit and Opportunity – since 2004, and it relayed Curiosity's radio signal during its arrival at Mars last August. During the Curiosity mission, Mars Express is set to provide additional relay slots, while maintaining its own scientific observation programme, under an ESA-NASA support agreement.
It can also rapidly provide relay services in case of unavailability of NASA's own relay orbiter or if there is a problem on the rover itself.
 Interplanetary cooperation
 "ESA–NASA cooperation at Mars is a continuing success, and comes after both sides have worked diligently for a number of years to set technical and engineering standards to enable sharing data between spacecraft, networks and ground stations," says Mars Express Spacecraft Operations Manager Michel Denis.
"Exploring Mars is a huge challenge, and space agencies are working to boost cooperation and mutual support for current and upcoming missions. It's the way of the future."



ЦитироватьЕвропейский космический аппарат сделал отличное фото
    03 мая 2013 12:22:13
   Татьяна [iproject]

Европейский космический аппарат сделал отличное фото
КА "Марс-Экспресс" сфотографировал гору Олимп на Марсе с ее оползнями.

Гора "Олимп" была названа в честь мифической горы в Греции, где обитали Боги. Высота этой горы составляет более 26 километров. Это самая высокая гора в нашей Солнечной Системе. Вокруг потухшего вулкана видны четкие борозды от в прошлом излившейся раскаленной лавы и следы оползней.

Стереокамера высокого разрешения, установленная на борту космического аппарата "Марс-Экспресс", сфотографировала регион горы Олимпа на Марсе 23 января 2013 года. Камера смогла захватить отрезок 200 километров.

На марсианском Олимпе имеются довольно крутые склоны высотой до 7 километров по краям. По словам ученых, оползни на Марсе простираются на расстоянии от 50 до 300 километров.

Длина вулканической кальдеры Олимпа - 85 км, ширина - 60 км. Глубина кальдеры достигает 3 км благодаря наличию шести перекрывающихся вулканических кратеров. Для сравнения - у крупнейшего на Земле вулкана Мауна Лоа на Гавайских островах диаметр кратера составляет 6,5 км. Олимп занимает столь большую площадь, что его невозможно увидеть полностью с поверхности планеты (дистанция, необходимая для обозрения вулкана, столь велика, что он будет скрыт из-за кривизны поверхности). Поэтому полный профиль Олимпа можно увидеть только с воздуха или орбиты. Соответственно, если встать на самой высшей точке вулкана, то его склон уйдёт за горизонт.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


ЦитироватьESA's Mars Express Captures New Images of Sulci Gordii

May 2, 2013 by Staff

ESA's Mars Express imaged the Sulci Gordii region of Mars with its High Resolution Stereo Camera on 23 January 2013 (orbit 11531), with a ground resolution of about 31 m per pixel. Sulci Gordii lies at approximately 17°N / 234°E, about 200 km east of Olympus Mons. The feature is an 'aureole' deposit resulting fr om a massive landslide that sloughed away from the flanks of Olympus Mons in its distant past. The complex scene is dominated by a series of roughly parallel ridges and valleys (called sulci), with lava or water-carved channels in the southern most (left) portion of the image. Smooth, young volcanic lava flows overlay parts of the sulci. Credit: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Neukum)

ESA's Mars Express has captured new images of a region on Mars known as Sulci Gordii, which lies about 200 km east of Olympus Mons.

Giant landslides, lava flows and tectonic forces are behind this dynamic scene captured recently by ESA's Mars Express of a region scarred by the Solar System's largest volcano, Olympus Mons.

The image was taken on 23 January by the spacecraft's high-resolution stereo camera, and focuses on a region known as Sulci Gordii, which lies about 200 km east of Olympus Mons.

Sulci Gordii is an 'aureole' deposit – from the Latin for 'circle of light' – and is one of many that form a broken ring around the giant volcano, as hinted at in the context map.
Sulci Gordii on Mars

Sulci Gordii is one of many similar features that form a broken ring around the volcano, formed during giant collapse and landslide events on the flanks of Olympus Mons. Credit: NASA MGS MOLA Science Team

The aureoles tell the story of the catastrophic collapse of the lower flanks of Olympus Mons in its distant past. Today, it stands with steep cliff edges that rise 2 km above the surrounding plains.

The collapse was brought about by weakening in the rocks supporting the volcanic edifice, perhaps influenced by subsurface water. During the collapse, rocky debris slid down and out over hundreds of kilometers of the surrounding volcanic plains, giving rise to the rough-textured aureole seen today.

Similar avalanches of debris are also seen surrounding some volcanoes on Earth, including Mauna Loa in Hawaii, which, like Olympus Mons, is a smooth-sided 'shield' volcano built up from successive lava flows.

The smooth plains surrounding Sulci Gordii suggest that the massive landslide was later partially buried by lava flows. Indeed, faint outlines of ancient lava flows can be seen by zooming into the upper center-left portion of the lead high-resolution image.

This image focuses on a region on the western limb of Sulci Gordii (top center-right on the corresponding main image). It shows clearly in the foreground the near-parallel characteristic of the ridges and valleys that define geological features called sulci. Close inspection of the ridges reveals dark streaks along their faces, evidence of numerous small landslides of rocky and dusty debris. Sulci Gordii is an aureole deposit resulting from the dramatic collapse of the flank of Olympus Mons in its distant past. Credit: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Neukum)

The characteristic corrugated appearance of the 'sulci' – a geological term used to describe roughly parallel hills and valleys on Mars – likely resulted during the landslide as material slid away from the volcano and became compressed or pulled apart as it traveled across the surface. Over time, erosion of weaker material between the peaks accentuated this effect.

The corrugated effect is best seen in the close-up perspective views. Zooming in on these images reveals that the hills and ridges are also covered by fine wind-blown dust, and that many small-scale landslides have occurred down the sides of the valleys between them.

Similarly, on close inspection of the smooth plains, subtle ripples in the martian dust blanket can be seen. Here, thin undulating dunes have been whipped into shape by the prevailing wind.

This perspective view focuses on the southernmost portion of Sulci Gordii, which highlights jagged fractures and fault lines, as well as some sinuous channels that were likely widened by short-lived lava flows or water. In the foreground to the left, a channel can be seen that is abruptly truncated by a tectonic fault. Another channel in the center foreground has also clearly undergone a complex fracturing history. To the upper right, a few rocky blocks appear like islands in a sea of ancient lava plains, with the 'shoreline' at the top of the image part of the ridge and valley system of Sulci Gordii. Credit: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Neukum)

Numerous sinuous channels and jagged fracture networks also crisscross the scene, in particular at the southern (left) end of the main image and in close-up in the perspective view above. The channels range in length from around 50 km to 300 km and were probably widened by short-lived lava flows, or perhaps even by water.

An impressive sight on the left side of the perspective view is a sinuous channel that is suddenly truncated by a tectonic fault. Another channel running across the center foreground clearly has a complex fracturing history.

This color-coded overhead view is based on an ESA's Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera digital terrain model of the Sulci Gordii region of Mars, which lies about 200 km east of Olympus Mons. Credit: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Neukum)

In rougher terrain towards the south (top center-right of the main image), tectonic forces have torn apart the martian crust, most clearly visible in the color-coded topography map.

By studying complex regions like this – and by comparing them to similar examples here on Earth – planetary scientists learn more about the geological processes that dominated ancient Mars, when it was an active planet.

Just as on Earth, the scene at Sulci Gordii tells us that volcanoes can suffer dramatic collapses that transport vast quantities of material across hundreds of kilometres, wh ere it is subsequently sculpted by wind, water and tectonic forces.

Data from the nadir channel and one stereo channel of the High Resolution Stereo Camera on ESA's Mars Express have been combined to produce this anaglyph 3D image of Sulci Gordii that can be viewed using stereoscopic glasses with red–green or red–blue filters. Sulci Gordii is an aureole deposit resulting from the dramatic collapse of the flank of Olympus Mons in its distant past. Credit: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Neukum)

Source: European Space Agency

Images: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (G. Neukum); NASA MGS MOLA Science Team
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


10 лет!!!


27 May 2013

Media representatives are invited to a briefing at ESA's operations centre in Darmstadt, Germany on Monday 3 June, marking the tenth anniversary of the launch of ESA's Mars Express. The event will highlight the key scientific discoveries of the mission and will unveil a new mineral atlas that charts the geological history of Mars.

The role of the new atlas in the future of European Mars exploration will also be discussed.

Mars Express was launched on 2 June 2003 with a nominal mission lifetime of 687 days (1 martian year). Ten years later it is still monitoring all aspects of the martian environment, from the subsurface to the upper atmosphere and beyond to the planet's two tiny moons, providing an in-depth analysis of the history of Mars and taking stunning 3D images.

Media representatives wishing to attend the event are kindly requested to register at: http://www.esa.int/10yrsMEX

The briefing will be broadcast on www.esa.int


A decade of Mars Express observations at the Red Planet

Media Briefing, 3 June 2013

10:30      Doors open

11:00      Mars, a challenging target for human and robotic operations
               Thomas Reiter, ESA Director of Human Spaceflight and Operations

11:15      Europe as a key player in the exploration of Mars
               Alvaro Giménez, ESA Director of Science and Robotic Exploration

11:30      Scientific discoveries of Mars Express
               Olivier Witasse, ESA Mars Express project scientist

11:45        History of Mars encrypted in its minerals
                Jean-Pierre Bibring, Principal Investigator for the OMEGA instrument on Mars Express,
                IAS Orsay

12:00       Questions & answers
                Opportunities for individual interviews


For further information, please contact:
ESA Media Relations Office

Email: media@esa.int

Tel: +33 1 53 69 72 99

Fax: +33 1 53 69 76 90

Space Alien

Зонд "Марс-Экспресс" подберется к Фобосу на 45 км

Европейский зонд "Марс-Экспресс" в декабре 2013 года приблизится на рекордно близкое расстояние к спутнику Марса Фобосу — аппарат разминется с марсианской луной на расстоянии лишь в 45 километров, сообщил Альваро Хименес, директор Европейского космического агентства по науке и исследованиям с помощью автоматических аппаратов.

Нынешний рекорд по самому тесному сближению с Фобосом также принадлежит "Марс-Экспрессу", который в 2010 году пролетел в 67 километрах от спутника. Выступая на мероприятии, посвященном 10-летию запуска "Марс-Экспресса", Хименес сообщил, что в декабре аппарат пролетит в 45 километрах от него.


Space Alien

Ученые представили полный минералогический атлас Марса

Серию новых глобальных минералогических карт Марса, созданных на основе данных с зонда "Марс-Экспресс", представили ученые Европейского космического агентства (ЕКА), в понедельник, в день 10-летия с момента запуска этого исследовательского аппарата с космодрома Байконур.
Уникальный атлас содержит карты распределения минералов, сформировавшихся в присутствии воды, в результате работы вулканов и под действием выветривания. Благодаря этому ученые могут поставить геологические процессы на Марсе в глобальный контекст, понять, как формировался нынешний облик планеты.

"История Марса закодирована в минералах. Этот новый глобальный взгляд, который стал возможен благодаря долгожительству зонда "Марс-Экспресс", поможет нам открыть тайны 4,6 миллиарда лет эволюции планеты. Этот атлас поможет нам отыскать места для посадок будущих марсоходов и посадочных зондов, определить районы, потенциально интересные для высадки пилотируемых миссий", — отметил Альваро Хименес (Alvaro Gimenez), директор ЕКА по науке и исследованиям с помощью автоматических аппаратов.

Одна из карт иллюстрирует распределение гидратированных минералов, в частности, филлосиликатов, которые могут формироваться только в присутствии воды. Эти вещества присутствуют в основном на древних равнинах, которые сформировались более 4 миллиардов лет назад — это означает, что жидкая вода на поверхности планеты могла присутствовать только в первые сотни миллионов лет жизни планеты. И только в этот период на Марсе могла быть жизнь.

Кроме того, данные "Марс-Экспресса" помогли ученым определить районы, где встречаются вулканические по происхождению вещества — оливин и пироксен. Богатые оливином участки связаны с глобальным "магматическим потопом", который произошел около 3,7 миллиарда лет назад и был обусловлен тяжелой метеоритной бомбардировкой. Ученые также составили карту эрозийных процессов на Марсе.


che wi

Mars showcase

ЦитироватьFrom the highest volcano to the deepest canyon, from impact craters to ancient river beds and lava flows, this showcase of images from ESA's Mars Express takes you on an unforgettable journey across the Red Planet.

Mars Express was launched on 2 June 2003 and arrived at Mars six-and-a-half months later. It has since orbited the planet nearly 12 500 times, providing scientists with unprecedented images and data collected by its suite of scientific instruments.

The data have been used to create an almost global digital topographic model of the surface, providing a unique visualisation and enabling researchers to acquire new and surprising information about the evolution of the Red Planet.

The images in this movie were taken by the High Resolution Stereo Camera and the video was released by the DLR German Aerospace Center as part of the ten years of Mars Express celebrations in June 2013. The music has been created by Stephan Elgner of DLR's Mars Express planetary cartography team. DLR developed and is operating the stereo camera.


"Марс-Экспресс" "прощупал" гравитацию Фобоса

МОСКВА, 29 дек — РИА Новости. Европейский зонд "Марс-Экспресс" благополучно пролетел на рекордно близком расстоянии от Фобоса — всего лишь 45 километров, ученые зафиксировали изменения частоты радиосигнала под влиянием гравитации спутника, что поможет им узнать больше о его внутренней структуре, сообщает Европейское космическое агентство.
Прежний рекорд по самому тесному сближению с Фобосом также установил "Марс-Экспресс", который в 2010 году пролетел в 67 километрах от спутника. К предстоящему "свиданию" ученые начали готовиться еще летом. Уже тогда было понятно, что пролет рядом с Фобосом будет таким быстрым, что камеры "Марс-Экспресса" просто не успеют сделать снимки.
Однако у ученых появилась возможность с высокой точностью измерить гравитацию Фобоса: его притяжение должно было слегка изменить траекторию "Марс-Экспресса", из-за этого в радиосигнале с борта аппарата должны были возникнуть доплеровские искажения.
Как говорится в сообщении на сайте ЕКА, специалисты НАСА, получившие сигнал с "Марс-Экспресса" с помощью 70-метровой антенны в районе Мадрида, действительно зафиксировали доплеровские искажения в сигнале. Специалисты продолжают анализировать полученные данные.
Зонд "Марс-Экспресс" (Mars Express) был запущен с космодрома Байконур в июне 2003 года и достиг Марса 3 декабря 2003 года. Помимо исследования Марса аппарат собрал много данных о Фобосе, с которым он регулярно сближается.
