Dragon v2 (SpX-DM2) – Falcon 9 (B1058.1) – Kennedy LC-39A – 27.05.2020, 20:32 UTC

Автор zandr, 11.02.2020 23:04:30

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Цитата: pkl от 31.05.2020 01:17:28Понимаете, чудачества не должны мешать делу. Если Маск и Трамп побреют головы и/или покрасят их в зелёный цвет, то это не произведёт особого эффекта. Ну, может, люди пожмут плечами и повертят пальцем у виска... У нас же, к сожалению, одни чудачества без результатов по делу. Это дико бесит.
И Трамп, и Маск своими чудачествами вызывали огромные скачки на бирже на миллиарды долларов. А первый еще и дипломатические скандалы. Это не может не мешать их делу.

Дмитрий З.

Начинается послепусковая пресс-конференция на NASA TV


There are four lights


Обновление от НОРАД - сабж приподнялся повыше

45623 / 2020-033A : 212 x 323 km x 51.624°, 89.85 min, 2020-05-30 20:24:38


Новое название - Капсула "Эндевор".
There are four lights


The trampoline is working, сказал Илон Маск на пресс-конференции :)


Цитата: max_schmurz от 31.05.2020 01:57:58The trampoline is working, сказал Илон Маск на пресс-конференции :)

Не прошло и 10 лет


Официоз от KSC

Цитата: undefinedLaunch America! SpaceX Falcon 9 with Crew Dragon Lifts Off on Demo-2 Mission to Space Station

NASA's Kennedy Space Center

30 мая 2020 г.



Цитата: undefinedCrew Dragon Separates from SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket, Sets Course for International Space Station

NASA's Kennedy Space Center

30 мая 2020 г.




Цитата: azvoz от 31.05.2020 01:59:25
Цитата: max_schmurz от 31.05.2020 01:57:58The trampoline is working, сказал Илон Маск на пресс-конференции :)

Не прошло и 10 лет
Не прошло. Кому-то за последние десятилетия удалось достичь подобного результата быстрее?


Цитата: undefined Spaceflight Now @SpaceflightNow 19 мин. назад

NASA astronauts Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken have named their Dragon capsule"Endeavour" after the NASA space shuttle.

Hurley and Behnken both flew in space for their first missions on the shuttle Endeavour.


Цитировать05/31/2020 02:07 Stephen Clark

Hurley and Behnken will now participate in a pre-planned private medical conference with a flight surgeon, then have some off-duty time before heading to bed around 8:45 p.m. EDT (0045 GMT).


Цитата: mind22 от 31.05.2020 01:25:12И Трамп, и Маск своими чудачествами вызывали огромные скачки на бирже на миллиарды долларов. А первый еще и дипломатические скандалы. Это не может не мешать их делу.
А Вам не приходило в голову, что это никакие не чудачества, а продуманные действия? И что они не мешают, а наоборот, помогают делу?
Вообще, исследовать солнечную систему автоматами - это примерно то же самое, что посылать робота вместо себя в фитнес, качаться.Зомби. Просто Зомби (с)
Многоразовость - это бяка (с) Дмитрий Инфан


Цитата: opinion от 31.05.2020 01:40:49
Началась трансляция с Дракона
Блин, народ, вы как хотите, а мне жутко стало: вот просто ощутил, что они в этой оболочке /не такой уж и просторной/, а за ней вокруг - пустота. В футболках. Почему-то от видео с Союзов и Шаттлов такое ощущение не возникало. Даже от Аполлонов такое ощущение не возникало. Там всё как то более надёжно выглядело. А тут буквально хрупкость ощущается.
Вообще, исследовать солнечную систему автоматами - это примерно то же самое, что посылать робота вместо себя в фитнес, качаться.Зомби. Просто Зомби (с)
Многоразовость - это бяка (с) Дмитрий Инфан


Цитата: pkl от 31.05.2020 02:55:46В футболках. Почему-то от видео с Союзов и Шаттлов такое ощущение не возникало. Даже от Аполлонов такое ощущение не возникало.
По крайней мере у них есть какие-никакие скафандры. У Добровольского, Волкова и Пацаева кроме спортивных костюмов-треников не было ничего. Вот где жутко.
Three, two, one, ignition, and liftoff !

Охотник утки, пьющий водки !

Это ещё не сверхтяж, но уже и не супертяж.© Д.О.Р.


Цитата: pkl от 31.05.2020 02:55:46
Цитата: opinion от 31.05.2020 01:40:49
Началась трансляция с Дракона
Блин, народу, вы как хотите, а мне жутко стало: вот просто ощутил, что они в этой оболочке /не такой уж и просторной/, а за ней вокруг - пустота. В футболках. Почему-то от видео с Союзов и Шаттлов такое ощущение не возникало. Даже от Аполлонов такое ощущение не возникало. Там всё как то более надёжно выглядело. А тут буквально хрупкость ощущается.
Один в один теже мысли... Особенно когда возле люка терлись...

наверное это от того, что совсем внутри пусто... Союзы забиты всяким разным под завязку, аполлоны попросторней но тож куча всего, шаттлы (помню только как верхняя палуба выглядит) вообще везде аппаратуры прям адский ад... А тут только несколько мониторов и кресел (кстати есть инфа что они с собой везут? Ну не совсем жеж пустые полетели ?!).
И скафандры в кадр не попали, куда они их дели?  еда вроде у них есть, а систем хранения не увидел.


Цитата: azvoz от 31.05.2020 01:59:25
Цитата: max_schmurz от 31.05.2020 01:57:58The trampoline is working, сказал Илон Маск на пресс-конференции :)

Не прошло и 10 лет
Если верить Вики - то сегодня (то бишь вчера) ровно 6 лет.
ЦитироватьВпервые корабль представлен 30 мая 2014 года Илоном Маском
Three, two, one, ignition, and liftoff !

Охотник утки, пьющий водки !

Это ещё не сверхтяж, но уже и не супертяж.© Д.О.Р.



Цитата: undefinedNASA's SpaceX Demo-2 Launch: 'A Great Day for America'

Anna Heiney
Posted May 30, 2020 at 8:26 pm

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carrying the company's Crew Dragon spacecraft is launched from Launch Complex 39A on NASA's SpaceX Demo-2 mission to the International Space Station with NASA astronauts Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley onboard, Saturday, May 30, 2020, at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Photo credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls

The SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carrying NASA astronauts Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley aboard the company's Crew Dragon spacecraft launched from Kennedy Space Center's historic Launch Pad 39A at 3:22 p.m. EDT. NASA's SpaceX Demo-2 mission to the International Space Station is a critical final flight test of the SpaceX crew transportation system.

Today's launch also marks the start of the commercial crew era of U.S. human spaceflight.

NASA astronauts Douglas Hurley (left) and Robert Behnken wave as they exit the Neil A. Armstrong Operations and Checkout Building at the agency's Kennedy Space Center in Florida on May 30, 2020, in preparation for transport to Launch Complex 39A ahead of embarking on NASA's SpaceX Demo-2 mission. Photo credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett

"What a great day for NASA, what a great day for SpaceX, and what a great day for the United States of America," said NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine. "It's been nine years since we've launched American astronauts on American rockets from American soil, and now we have done it again."

"I'd like to just acknowledge the incredible work of the people at SpaceX and NASA and everyone who created this technology – what has culminated in this incredible launch today, getting astronauts back to orbit after almost a decade," said Elon Musk, SpaceX chief engineer. "We need to bring them back safely, and we need to repeat these missions and have this be a regular occurrence. There's a lot of work to do."

The countdown proceeded smoothly throughout the day, with the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket and Crew Dragon spacecraft in good health and the astronauts ready to fly. The wild card – weather — was out of the teams' control. Today's liftoff was the mission's second launch attempt; the first try, on Wednesday, May 27, ended up rescheduled due to unfavorable weather conditions.

At first, today appeared to be setting up with the same issues: rain, electricity in the atmosphere, cumulus clouds.

"We looked at the weather. It didn't look great, but we looked at the different options that were out there, and we realized how important it was to step through this carefully, weigh the readiness of the hardware and very carefully assess the situation, and be able to clear the gates and milestones along the way," said Kathy Lueders, manager of NASA's Commercial Crew Program.

Late in the countdown, Launch Weather Officer Mike McAleenan with the U.S. Air Force 45th Weather Squadron reported conditions were "go." The remaining countdown milestones ticked by quickly, and at 3:22 p.m. EDT, the Falcon 9's nine Merlin engines ignited. NASA's SpaceX Demo-2 mission was underway.

The Falcon 9 and Crew Dragon performed well on the climb to orbit, and the spacecraft separated from the rocket on time, about 12 minutes into the flight.

"Dragon, chief engineer on Dragon-to-Ground," SpaceX Chief Engineer Bala Ramamurthy called up to the crew following Crew Dragon spacecraft separation. "Bob, Doug, on behalf of the entire launch team, thanks for flying with Falcon 9 today. We hope you enjoyed the ride and wish you a great mission."

Behnken replied, "Thanks, Bala. Congratulations to you and the entire team on the first human ride for Falcon 9. And it was incredible. Appreciate all the hard work and thanks for the great ride to space."

"Proud of you guys and the rest of the team," Hurley added. "Thank you so much for what you've done for us today, putting America back into low-Earth orbit from the Florida coast."

Having arrived in orbit, Crew Dragon began a 19-hour pursuit of the station, beginning with a phase burn and the mission's first manual flight test.

"Bob and Doug are already up there accomplishing a lot of the goals of our test mission," Lueders said. "They got to do their far-field [manual flight] demonstrations. They got to feel what it's like to use the touchscreens in zero-G. They got to check out all the different parts of the system and liberate their zero-G indicator."

Crew Dragon will perform a series of phasing maneuvers to gradually approach and autonomously dock with the International Space Station on Sunday, May 31, at approximately 10:29 a.m. EDT.

After a successful docking, hatches between the two spacecraft will be opened at about 12:45 p.m. Crew members Douglas Hurley and Robert Behnken will be welcomed aboard the International Space Station and become members of the Expedition 63 crew. Behnken and Hurley will perform tests on Crew Dragon in addition to conducting research and other tasks with the space station crew.

"Today onboard the [station], the three crew members, Chris Cassidy, Ivan Vagner and Anatoly Ivanishin, are getting ready to have their additional crewmates onboard," said Kirk Shireman, manager of NASA's International Space Station Program. "I know they're very, very excited. There's lots of work to be done on ISS and I know Bob and Doug, together with the folks on orbit, are really ready to get busy."

Behnken and Hurley spent years training and taking part in the development of the SpaceX crew transportation system prior to today's launch.

"I have never seen a crew so calm and focused leading up to a launch as these two were," said NASA Chief Astronaut Pat Forrester, who has lived with the Demo-2 crew in quarantine inside Kennedy Astronaut Crew Quarters for the past several days. Forrester acknowledged their training and experience certainly played a role in their demeanor, but he believes their calmness also derived from confidence in the teams.

"I really think it's a demonstration of the trust they had both in the NASA team and the SpaceX team to get them safely to orbit," he said.

Demo-2 is SpaceX's final test flight to validate its crew transportation system, including the Crew Dragon, Falcon 9, launch pad and operations capabilities. During the mission, the crew and SpaceX mission controllers will verify the performance of the spacecraft's environmental control system, displays and control system, maneuvering thrusters, autonomous docking capability, and more.

The Crew Dragon being used for this flight test can stay in orbit about 110 days, and the specific mission duration will be determined once on station based on the readiness of the next commercial crew launch. The operational Crew Dragon spacecraft will be capable of staying in orbit for at least 210 days as a NASA requirement.

At the conclusion of the mission, Behnken and Hurley will board Crew Dragon, which will then autonomously undock, depart the space station, and re-enter Earth's atmosphere. Upon splashdown off Florida's Atlantic coast, the crew will be picked up by the SpaceX recovery ship and returned to the dock at Cape Canaveral.

"I am so grateful and proud of our NASA and SpaceX team," Lueders said. "We're going to stay vigilant until we bring them safely home."

Keep up with mission milestones as they unfold on NASA's International Space Station Blog at https://blogs.nasa.gov/spacestation.

NASA's Commercial Crew Program is working with SpaceX and Boeing to design, build, test and operate safe, reliable and cost-effective human transportation systems to low-Earth orbit. Both companies are focused on test missions, including abort system demonstrations and crew flight tests, ahead of regularly flying crew missions to the space station. Both companies' crewed flights will be the first times in history NASA has sent astronauts to space on systems owned, built, tested and operated by private companies.


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Когда жизнь экзаменует - первыми сдают нервы.


Цитата: undefinedTour from Space: Inside the SpaceX Crew Dragon Spacecraft on Its Way to the Space Station


30 мая 2020 г.

