Hispasat 36W-1 (Hispasat AG1) - Союз-СТБ/Фрегат-МТ (VS16) - Куру ELS - 28.01.2017 - 04:03:34

Автор Salo, 03.11.2016 21:51:00

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28.01.2017 04:38

   28 января 2017 года со стартовой площадки в Гвианском космическом центре (ГКЦ) в 04:03 мск успешно стартовала ракета-носитель (РН) «Союз-СТ-Б» с космической головной частью в составе разгонного блока «Фрегат-МТ» и европейского телекоммуникационного спутника Hispasat AG-1.
   Через 9 минут 22 секунды штатно прошло отделение разгонного блока и космического аппарата от третьей ступени ракеты-носителя. В соответствии с циклограммой полета двигательная установка российского разгонного блока была запущена для формирования целевой орбиты космического аппарата. Через 32 минуты после старта космический аппарат (КА) штатно отделился от разгонного блока «Фрегат-МТ» на геопереходной орбите.
   Впервые с космодрома ГКЦ в рамках пусковой кампании ракета-носитель серии «Союз-СТ» вывела спутник массой более 3 тонн на геопереходную орбиту. Также этот пуск стал первым пуском российской ракеты-носителя в программе 2017 года.
   Заказчиком пуска космического аппарата Hispasat AG-1 выступает испанская компания HISPASAT. КА Hispasat AG-1 производства компании OHB system GmbH предназначен для предоставления широкого спектра телекоммуникационных услуг (цифровое телевидение, высокоскоростной интернет, мобильная и фиксированная связь) для Европы, Канарских островов и Южной Америки.
   Гвианский космический центр - европейский космодром, расположенный вблизи города Куру во Французской Гвиане (департамент Франции в Южной Америки). Его расположение около экватора обеспечивает 15% преимущество по полезной нагрузке по сравнению с запусками в восточном направлении с американского космодрома на мысе Канаверал и 40% - при запусках с космодрома БАЙКОНУР. С начала 70-х годов прошлого века ГКЦ используется для запусков КА ракетами-носителями семейства «Ариан». Космодром используется в интересах совместных европейских космических программ.
   Российско-европейский проект «Союз» в Гвианском космическом центре» начался в 2003 году, когда на правительственном уровне было принято решение о запусках РН «Союз» с европейского космодрома во Французской Гвиане. В рамках принятых решений был подписан целый ряд межправительственных соглашений, которые заложили правовую основу для подписания контрактов на создание наземной инфраструктуры стартового комплекса «Союз», изготовление и отгрузку РН «Союз-СТ» и разгонных блоков «Фрегат» в Гвианский космический центр. В 2005 году началось строительство стартового комплекса для РН «Союз-СТ», в мае 2011 года состоялась официальная церемония передачи стартового комплекса Европейскому космическому агентству и эксплуатанту космодрома – компании «Арианэспас». Первый пуск РН «Союз-СТ» состоялся в октябре 2011 года. Ежегодно осуществляется 2-3 пуска как в интересах Европейского космического агентства, так и в интересах коммерческих компаний.



Цитировать РОСКОСМОС ‏@roscosmos 4 мин. назад
Первый пуск ракеты-носителя «Союз-СТ-Б» в 2017 году прошел успешно - http://www.roscosmos.ru/23175/ .


Теперь на своих на GEO...

Цитировать Jonathan McDowell ‏@planet4589 6 мин. назад
The S400 bipropellant thruster on Hispasat 36W-1 will now be used to raise orbit to GEO; xenon ion thrusters will be used for stationkeeping


Ждём увода РБ...
Цитировать Jonathan McDowell ‏@planet4589 40 сек. назад
The Fregat stage will make a depletion burn which is expected to lower its orbit slightly, but not cause immediate reentry.




Soyuz delivers! Arianespace's first 2017 mission opens a fast-paced year of launch activity


ЦитироватьSoyuz     January 27, 2017
 Soyuz delivers! Arianespace's first 2017 mission opens a fast-paced year of launch activity

 Arianespace began its busy 2017 launch schedule with a Soyuz mission tonight that marked multiple "firsts" in orbiting the Hispasat 36W-1 telecommunications satellite on a flight from the Spaceport.                        

Departing at the exact planned liftoff moment of 10:03:34 p.m. (local time in French Guiana), Soyuz flew a 32-minute profile to release its satellite passenger into geostationary transfer orbit (GTO) – the first mission that Arianespace's medium-lift Soyuz has performed for a GTO deployment while operating from the Spaceport.

Today's success was Soyuz' 16th launch from French Guiana since it began service at the Spaceport in 2011, and was designated Flight VS16 in Arianespace's launcher family numbering system. The workhorse Soyuz vehicle previously delivered payloads on Spaceport missions to circular Earth orbits, low-Earth orbits, Sun-Synchronous orbits, and an elliptical orbit for an Earth escape trajectory.

Europe's "SmallGEO" makes its debut
Another first on tonight's mission involved the Hispasat 36W-1 satellite itself, which is the initial spacecraft built using Europe's new "SmallGEO" platform.

Developed by Germany's OHB System AG under ESA's ARTES (Advanced Research in Telecommunications Systems) program, the SmallGEO platform line offers an entirely European solution in the smaller telecommunications satellite market. It benefits from faster production and testing processes, reduced costs and a broader range of design options.

Once at its orbital position at 36 deg. West, Hispasat 36W-1 will enable Spanish satellite communications operator Hispasat – a leader in the distribution of content in Spanish and Portuguese – to provide a wide range of telecommunications services in Europe, the Canary Islands and South America. Equipped with 20 Ku-band transponders and the additional capacity of three transponders in Ka band, Hispasat 36W-1 features the innovative RedSAT regenerative payload, along with an antenna equipped with a processor that allows onboard beam reconfiguration.

Hispasat 36W-1 had a liftoff mass of 3,210 kg., with Soyuz delivering an overall payload lift performance of 3,319 kg. on tonight's Flight VS16 mission.

A milestone mission for Hispasat and OHB System
With Flight VS16, Hispasat 36W-1 was the seventh satellite launched by Arianespace for Hispasat since 1992.

Hispasat 36W-1 was the 15th OHB System-built satellite lofted by Arianespace, with 11 more in Arianespace's order book for future launches.

Keeping up the launch pace in 2017
As the first Arianespace mission for 2017, Flight VS16 opens a busy launch manifest that targets up to 12 flights during the year, utilizing the medium-lift Soyuz, heavy-lift Ariane 5 and lightweight Vega. Of this total, six are planned between today and late April, underscoring Arianespace's reactivity in meeting its customers' launch requirements.

The next mission is scheduled for February 14, using an Ariane 5 to orbit two telecommunications satellite passengers. Designated Flight VA235 in Arianespace's numbering system, this launch will carry SKY-Brasil-1 for AT&T (DIRECTV) through its affiliate DIRECTV Latin America, along with Telkom 3S for Indonesia's Telkom.                       



Трансляция завершена, но миссия ещё не окончена...


Flight VS16: For Soyuz' first GTO launch fr om the Guiana Space Center, Arianespace successfully orbits Hispasat 36W-1


ЦитироватьSoyuz    January 27, 2017

 Flight VS16: For Soyuz' first GTO launch from the Guiana Space Center, Arianespace successfully orbits Hispasat 36W-1

 Arianespace has orbited the Hispasat 36W-1 telecommunications satellite for operator Hispasat. The launch took place on Friday, January 27, 2017 at 10:03 p.m. (local time) from the Guiana Space Center (CSG), Europe's Spaceport in French Guiana.                         

This was the first launch of the year for Arianespace, and also the first Soyuz launch into geostationary transfer orbit (GTO) from CSG.

Hispasat 36W-1 is the first satellite built using Europe's new SmallGEO geostationary platform, developed by OHB System AG of Germany within the scope of the European Space Agency's ARTES (Advanced Research in Telecommunications Systems) program.

With this latest mission, Arianespace continues to deploy its complete family of launchers to support Europe's innovative space solutions.

First Soyuz geostationary satellite launch from CSG is a success
Capable of launching small geostationary satellites, Soyuz complements the payload capacity of Ariane 5 from the Guiana Space Center. The ability to launch lighter satellites into geostationary transfer orbit (GTO), identified right from the start of the program, is now a reality with the launch of Hispasat 36W-1.

Arianespace has another Soyuz GTO launch scheduled in 2017, for the operator SES.

Through these missions, Arianespace clearly confirms the availability and versatility of its launcher family for the benefit of all customers.

A launch for the Spanish satellite communications operator Hispasat
Hispasat 36W-1 is the seventh satellite orbited by Arianespace since 1992 for Hispasat, the Spanish satellite communications operator and leading distributor of Spanish and Portuguese content.

Building on more than 25 years of experience, Hispasat has a strong presence in Iberia and Latin America, wh ere it is the fourth leading satellite operator. Hispasat deploys a fleet of satellites to distribute more than 1,250 television and radio channels, and also plays a key role in the Spanish space industry.

Once in its orbital position, Hispasat 36W-1 will provide a wide range of communications services for continental Europe, the Canary Islands and South America.

Hispasat satellites previously orbited by Arianespace:
  • 1992: Hispasat 1A
  • 1993: Hispasat 1B
  • 2009: Amazonas 2
  • 2010: Hispasat 1E
  • 2013: Amazonas 3
  • 2014: Amazonas 4A
Supporting ESA-driven European innovation in space
Hispasat 36W-1 is the first telecommunications satellite built using Europe's new SmallGEO geostationary platform. Developed by OHB System AG (Germany) under ESA's ARTES (Advanced Research in Telecommunications Systems) program, the SmallGEO platform offers satellite operators an all-European solution in the small telecom satellite market.

By design, it speeds up the production and testing processes, reducing costs and broadening the range of design options.

The satellite features the innovative RedSAT regenerative payload, plus an antenna equipped with a processor, to offer a superior quality signal, as well as fast beam reconfiguration in orbit for optimized utilization.

Arianespace and OHB System AG
Including Hispasat 36W-1, Arianespace has now launched 15 satellites built by OHB System AG, and has 11 more from this company in its order book:
  • 3 SmallGEO-based satellites: EDRS-C – MTG-I1 et MTG-S1,
  • 8 Galileo FOC (Full Operational Capability) satellites
Shortly after the announcement of the satellite's orbital injection, Stéphane Israël, Chairman and CEO of Arianespace, said: "With this successful first launch of the year, Arianespace is proud of being able to give Hispasat the benefits of our family of launchers, characterized by excellence and versatility. We are very honored by this mark of confidence from Hispasat, for whom we have already orbited seven satellites since 1992. Congratulations to OHB System AG, which built the Hispasat 36W-1 satellite, as well as the European Space Agency, a key partner in the development of the innovative SmallGEO platform. I would also like to thank the Russian space agency Roscosmos for their commitment to our partnership on the Soyuz launcher, which today carried out a first launch into geostationary transfer orbit from CSG. In addition, I would like to thank CNES/CSG, our ground segment companies and all staff at the space center, who continue to work alongside us for new successes. Lastly, congratulations to everybody at Arianespace for this first launch of the year, a success."

Hispasat 36W-1
  • The Hispasat 36W-1 satellite was built by OHB System AG in Bremen, Germany, using Europe's new Small GEO platform.
  • Its payload is composed of 20 Ku-band transponders and additional capacity provided by three Ka-band beams.
  • Once positioned at 36° West, Hispasat 36W-1 will cover Europe, the Canary Islands, and South America.
  • The satellite weighed 3,210 kg. at launch and offers a design life of 15 years.

About Arianespace
To use space for a better life on earth, Arianespace guarantees access to space transportation services and solutions for any type of satellite, commercial as well as institutional, into any orbit.

Since 1980, Arianespace has performed missions placing more than 540 satellites into orbit with its three launchers: Ariane, Soyuz and Vega.
 Arianespace is headquartered in Evry, France near Paris, and has a facility at the Guiana Space Center in French Guiana, plus local offices in Washington, D.C., Tokyo and Singapore.

Arianespace is a subsidiary of Airbus Safran Launchers, which holds 74% of its share capital; the balance is held by 17 other sharehold-ers from the European launcher industry.


Цитироватьtnt22 пишет:
Есть КП!!!
Точное время КП есть у кого-нибудь?
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


Формально по времени миссия вывода Hispasat 36W-1 на GTO завершена.
Space-track пока молчит - поди, рыжего птица гоняют, празднуют!..


Пресс-релиз Hispasat

Successful launch of the Hispasat 36W-1 satellite


ЦитироватьSuccessful launch of the Hispasat 36W-1 satellite
 January 28, 2017

Hispasat's new communications satellite, successfully launched by a Soyuz rocket fr om French Guiana, is now orbiting in space.
 The H36W-1 includes a pioneering RedSAT regenerative payload, enabling HISPASAT to use satellite power more smoothly and efficiently.
 This is the first mission of the new SmallGEO platform, which was developed by OHB System AG (Germany) together with the European Space Agency and HISPASAT.

Madrid, 28 January 2017. At 2:03 AM Spanish time, Hispasat successfully launched its tenth satellite, the Hispasat 36W-1 (H36W-1), fr om the European Spaceport of Kourou in French Guiana, aboard Arianespace's Soyuz launch vehicle.
Approximately 32 minutes after the rocket took off, the H36W-1 satellite separated from the launch vehicle, at which point the solar panels were started up and deployed. From that moment on, manoeuvres began to position the new satellite at the geostationary orbit point wh ere the test phase will be carried out to make sure it is working properly, and which is scheduled to last several weeks.
Carlos Espinós, the satellite operator's CEO, stated that "this new satellite is an important step in Hispasat's innovation strategy. Hispasat 36W-1 is not only the first mission of the new SmallGEO platform, but also incorporates an advanced regenerative payload that will provide the satellite with greater flexibility and signal quality thanks to its reconfigurable antenna and on-board processor, thus improving the telecommunications services it will provide to its clients. We are very satisfied with our collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA), which has allowed us to participate in a leading technological project to which they have added significant value with their knowledge and experience in the space sector."
The new satellite will provide coverage for South America and Europe, including the Canary Islands. It has a 15-year lifespan and will offer video contribution and cellular backhaul services, as well as company and broadband solutions. It is fitted with 20 transponders on the Ku band and additional capacity of up to 3 transponders on the Ka band, and has a launch mass of 3,200 kg.
The H36W-1satellite was built by the German company OHB System AG and is the first mission of the SmallGEO platform, developed by the German manufacturer together with the European Space Agency and HISPASAT. This platform allows for a substantial reduction in satellite mass thanks to the use of electric propulsion throughout the lifespan of the satellite.
In addition, the H36W-1 incorporates RedSAT, an advanced regenerative payload consisting of a novel active antenna with reconfigurable beams that, together with the on-board processor, will improve the efficiency and services offered by the satellite. The antenna can be controlled electronically from the Earth and reoriented at any point during the lifespan of the satellite, granting it the flexibility to adapt its coverage to mission changes that may occur after launch, while still in orbit.
The on-board processor is a further step in the evolution of satellites, which can greatly simplify network architecture by performing in space a part of the processing usually carried out on Earth. It can simultaneously process up to four 36 MHz transponders, correcting possible signal degradations and transmitting them without errors, leading to a more robust and higher quality communications system that enables signal reception with small-diameter antennas.
Investment in the project has amounted to more than 240 million euros, and it has received funding from the CDTI as well as significant involvement from the Spanish industrial sector:
• Airbus Defense and Space Spain: Reconfigurable DRA-ELSA active receiving antenna (RedSAT payload), two reflective, deployable antennas on the Ku band and one fixed antenna on the Ka band. Two deployment systems for the two deployable DAPM (Deployable Antenna Positioning Mechanism) antennas on the Ku band.
• Arquimea: Analogue and digital ASICs (Application-Specific Integrated Circuits) on the DRA-ELSA antenna.
• Celis: Development of the satellite IOT test bench.
• Crisa (subsidiary of Airbus): PCU (Power Control Unit) or satellite power regulator.
• Expace: NOC (Network Operation Centre) development of the RedSAT regenerative payload Earth system.
• GMV: Satellite control centre and flight dynamics systems.
• Iberespacio: Control units of the electric propulsion subsystem. LHP (Loop Heat Pipe) active cooling system for the DRA-ELSA antenna.
• Indra: Terrestrial segment of satellite control. Gateway of the RedSAT terrestrial segment.
• Tecnobit (Oesía Group): DRA-ELSA antenna control unit: ICU (Integrated Control Unit) and its PSU (Power Supply Unit).
• Thales Alenia Space Spain: Regenerative RedSAT on-board processor and associated terrestrial segment.
• Tryo Aerospace: LNA (Low-Noise Amplifier) and Down Converters (Frequency Converters) on the Ku and Ka frequency bands. Telemetry and telecommand (omni-directional and horn) antennas.
About HISPASAT Group
HISPASAT Group is comprised of companies that have a presence in Spain as well as in Latin America, wh ere its Brazilian affiliate HISPAMAR is based. The Group is a world leader in the distribution and broadcasting of Spanish and Portuguese content, and its satellite fleet is used by important direct-to-home television (DTH) and high-definition television (HDTV) digital platforms. HISPASAT also provides satellite broadband services and other added value solutions to governments, corporations and telecommunication operators in America, Europe and North Africa. HISPASAT is one of the world's largest companies in its sector in terms of revenue, and the main communications bridge between Europe and the Americas.


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Цитироватьtnt22 пишет:
Формально по времени миссия вывода Hispasat 36W-1 на GTO завершена.
Space-track пока молчит - поди, рыжего птица гоняют, празднуют!..
Цитировать Jonathan McDowell ‏@planet4589  3 ч.3 часа назад
Hispasat and Fregat-MT cataloged in 239 x 35593 km x 5.4 deg and 239 x 35638 km x 5.5 deg GTO orbits confirming successful launch
  Jonathan McDowell ‏@planet4589  7 ч.7 часов назад  
The Fregat stage will make a depletion burn which is expected to lower its orbit slightly, but not cause immediate reentry.
  Jonathan McDowell ‏@planet4589  7 ч.7 часов назад  
The S400 bipropellant thruster on Hispasat 36W-1 will now be used to raise orbit to GEO; xenon ion thrusters will be used for stationkeeping
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


ЦитироватьSalo пишет:
Точное время КП есть у кого-нибудь?
А то :)
Мы рысаки! (взято из подписи...)