SVOM – CZ-2C – Сичан (XSLC) – 22.06.2024

Автор Liss, 22.02.2023 13:33:07

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Анонсирован запуск китайско-французского астрономического КА SVOM.
Дата и время названы. Ну и что, что через год?

中法合作研制的天文卫星天基多波段空间变源监视器 (SVOM) 的2台外方科学载荷:主载荷X射线天文望远镜 (MXT, 法/德/英, 图1-3)、X射线和伽玛射线相机 (ECLAIRs, 法, 图4-6),目前已经封装在运输箱中,即将在近日起运前往中国,以完成与SVOM卫星平台的总装测试工作。
[Two foreign payloads of the Sino-French astronomical satellite SVOM are about to be delivered to the Chinese side] Two foreign scientific payloads of the space-based multi-band space variable source monitor (SVOM) jointly developed by China and France: the main payload X-ray astronomical telescope (MXT, French/German/English, Figure 1-3), X-ray and gamma-ray cameras (ECLAIRs, French, Figure 4-6), are currently packaged in transport boxes and will be shipped to China in the near future to complete Final assembly test work with SVOM satellite platform.
SVOM的另2台载荷为中方研制的伽玛暴监视器 (GRM) 和光学望远镜 (VT, 图9),后者已于2月10日从西光所出厂交付。
The other two payloads of SVOM are the Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GRM) and Optical Telescope (VT, Figure 9) developed by China. The latter was delivered from Xiguang Institute on February 10.
SVOM was developed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and is mainly used to detect gamma-ray bursts. The star is the most important gamma-ray burst multi-band detection project after the US SWIFT mission. It has multi-band observation, fast maneuvering, flexible operation and ground follow-up observation. functions and features.
SVOM工作轨道为635km x 30°LEO,设计寿命3年,全重约930kg,载荷重450kg,目前计划于北京时间2023年12月31日12时许由长征二号丙火箭在西昌发射升空。(图源:CNES)
SVOM's working orbit is 635km x 30°LEO, with a design life of 3 years, a total weight of about 930kg, and a payload of 450kg. It is currently planned to be launched by the Long March 2C rocket in Xichang at 12 o'clock on December 31, 2023, Beijing time. (Source: CNES)
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ЦитироватьChina 'N Asia Spaceflight  @CNSpaceflight
The French components of SVOM: ECLAIRs wide-field telescope and MXT (Microchannel X-ray Telescope) will soon be delivered to China to integrate with the satellite which is planned for launch by the end of the year from Xichang by a Long March 2C.
(c) CNES

Цитировать 2:29
Chinese-French SVOM Satellite Launching in June: Gamma-Ray Bursts, Cosmic Evolution, Dark Energy
  CNSA Watcher - Archives
Official announcement, it has been confirmed that the Chinese-French SVOM astronomical satellite will be launched in June this year. The satellite, jointly developed by China and France, has completed all the development and environmental testing work. Experts from both countries have conducted a final evaluation of the satellite. After the launch, it will carry out tasks such as detecting gamma-ray bursts in the universe, studying cosmic evolution, and dark energy.

ЦитироватьCNSA Watcher  @CNSAWatcher
SVOM mission to space on June 22 with 4 main instruments from France and China, aiming for a 625km altitude orbit. Total weight 930kg.


ЦитироватьThe Sino-French SVOM mission (Space-based Multi-band Astronomical Variable Object Monitor) is scheduled to be launched at 15:00 on June 22 at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center

07:00 UTC
Кнопка "ВКЛ." просто давала сигнал к запуску с Марса. Кнопка "ВЫКЛ." вообще ни к чему не была подсоединена. Ее поставили на пульте по настоянию марсианских психологов, которые утверждали, что человек всегда чувствует себя спокойнее, имея дело с машинами, которые можно выключить