Союз МС-07 (№737) – Союз-ФГ – Байконур 1/5 – 17.12.2017 10:21 ДМВ

Автор zandr, 02.02.2017 20:11:24

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ЦитироватьIntl. Space Station‏Подлинная учетная запись @Space_Station 2 мин. назад

.@Astro_Kjell, who lived in space for 141 days, is in Kazakhstan waiting to greet the returning Expedition 55 crew today. #AskNASA https://www.nasa.gov/live 
ЦитироватьKjell Lindgren‏Подлинная учетная запись @astro_kjell 8 мин.8 минут назад

Beautiful day in Dzhezkazgan, Kazakhstan - standing by to deploy to the LZ to pick up @Astro_Maker @Astro_Kanai & @Anton_Astrey - on their way home from the @Space_Station!


Цитировать06/03/2018 14:30 Stephen Clark

Everything is on track for the landing of the Soyuz MS-07 spacecraft at 1240 GMT (8:40 a.m. EDT), with the start of the capsule's deorbit burn expected at 1147 GMT (7:47 a.m. EDT).

The deorbit burn is programmed to last four minutes and 40 seconds to slow the spacecraft's velocity by 286 mph, enough for the Soyuz to drop in altitude and be captured by Earth's atmosphere for re-entry.

Just before it falls into the atmosphere, the Soyuz spacecraft's three modules will separate at 1214 GMT (8:14 a.m. EDT). The orbital habitation and service modules will burn up during re-entry, while the landing section containing Anton Shkaplerov, Scott Tingle and Norishige Kanai is protected by a heat shield.

Altitude of the Soyuz spacecraft at module separation will be about 86 miles, or just shy of 140 kilometers.

The Soyuz spacecraft will reach the top of the discernable atmosphere at 1217 GMT (8:17 a.m. EDT). The crew members will experience maximum g-forces at 1223 GMT (8:23 a.m. EDT).

The Soyuz will issue the command to open parachutes at 1225 GMT (8:25 a.m. EDT), beginning a 15-minute descent to the steppes of Kazakhstan southeast of the town of Dzhezkazgan.

A set of so-called "soft landing rockets" will fire just above the ground to further cushion the impact of landing.


ЦитироватьWilliam Harwood‏ @cbs_spacenews 5 мин. назад

SoyuzMS07: Standing by the the Soyuz MS-07/53S deorbit burn; ignition expected at 7:47:24am; planned duration is 4 minutes 40 seconds, change in velocity is 286 mph; here is a timeline of events:


ЦитироватьWilliam Harwood‏ @cbs_spacenews 2 мин. назад

SoyuzMS07: Deorbit should be underway; awaiting confirmation

2 мин. назад

SoyuzMS07: Deorbit ignition confirmed



ЦитироватьРОСКОСМОС‏Подлинная учетная запись @roscosmos 1 мин. назад

#СоюзМС07: в 14:47 мск прошла команда на включение двигателя корабля на торможение. «Союз» уменьшил скорость, траектория корабля изменилась, и он начал входить в атмосферу Земли. Посадка в 15:40 мск.


ЦитироватьAnatoly Zak‏ @RussianSpaceWeb 45 сек.46 секунд назад

CONFIRMED: #SoyuzMS07 completes deorbiting maneuver initiating the reentry and landing process for #Exp55 crew.


ЦитироватьWilliam Harwood‏ @cbs_spacenews 3 мин. назад

SoyuzMS07: Deorbit burn complete; the Soyuz will now freefall for 25 minutes before hitting the top of the discernible atmosphere at 8:17am


ЦитироватьAnatoly Zak‏ @RussianSpaceWeb 2 мин.2 минуты назад

NASA: #SoyuzMS07 is on track for Descent Module separation at 8:14 a.m. EDT


ЦитироватьChris B - NSF‏ @NASASpaceflight 8 мин. назад

Soyuz MS-07 Deorbit Burn! Retrograde firing, 4 mins, 42 seconds of breaking to drop out of orbit. SKD firing (It's the engine Sandra Bullock couldn't get to work in "Gravity"  ;)  




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