Союз МС-07 (№737) – Союз-ФГ – Байконур 1/5 – 17.12.2017 10:21 ДМВ

Автор zandr, 02.02.2017 20:11:24

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Цитировать ISS Updates‏ @ISS101 39 сек назад

L-70 Minutes: The #Soyuz FG guidance system is now undergoing activation for a checkout before flight software load.



Цитировать РОСКОСМОС‏Подлинная учетная запись @roscosmos 1 мин. назад

#СоюзМС07: готовность к пуску ракеты-носителя «Союз-ФГ» 1 час Старт запланирован в 10:21 мск. Прямая трансляция - http://online.roscosmos.ru/ .


Цитировать ISS Updates‏ @ISS101 2 мин назад

Recovery forces deployed along the #Soyuz ascent track report readiness at this time. Eleven recovery teams are deployed from Baikonur to the Pacific Ocean including naval assets to quickly recover the crew in the unlikely event of trouble on the way to orbit.


Цитировать ISS Updates‏ @ISS101 2 мин назад

Close out operations of the #Soyuz launch shroud and service structure are complete. The next major countdown milestone is the retraction of the service structure.


Цитировать ISS Updates‏ @ISS101 5 мин. назад

The crew is done with their pre-launch checklist. Now being entertained with some music fed through the comm loops. Every crew member can select a few tracks they want to hear to make the wait for liftoff a bit shorter. #Soyuz


Цитировать Spaceflight Now‏ @SpaceflightNow 42 сек назад

The gantry structure at the Soyuz launch pad in Kazakhstan is retracting away from the rocket into position for liftoff with a three-man crew at 0721 GMT (2:21am EST). Watch live: https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/12/16/soyuz-ms-07-mission-status-center/ ...


Цитировать ISS Updates‏ @ISS101 2 мин назад

L-37 Minutes: Comprehensive checks on the Entry Module are complete. Suit leak checks have shown nominal results. #Soyuz http://bit.ly/2Bw6GR8 


Цитировать РОСКОСМОС‏Подлинная учетная запись @roscosmos 2 мин. назад
#СоюзМС07: на стартовом комплексе завершается развод вертикальных колонн - http://online.roscosmos.ru . Готовность к пуску 30 минут/


Цитировать ISS Updates‏ @ISS101 2 мин назад

The SAS Launch System has been activated and is now in auto mode, configured to trigger an abort in case of a major anomaly. Launch Command Power is enabled. #Soyuz http://bit.ly/2Bw6GR8 




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