Curiosity MSL (Mars Science Laboratory) - Atlas V 541 - Canaveral SLC-41 - 26.11.2011

Автор Marmot, 11.02.2004 20:13:47

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Цитироватьзачем усложнять систему в целом добавляя механизм опускания груза на тросах?
Это другой вопрос, я на него не знаю ответа, могу только предполагать. Но Вы согласны, что никаких принципиальных проблем с посадкой на тросах нет?
Конечно нет принципиальных проблем, я и не ставил так вопрос, просто хотел понять почему NASA выбрало именно этот способ посадки и сомневался, что это лучший выбор
«Россия это окутанная тайной загадка внутри головоломки» У. Черчиль


ЦитироватьNovember 26, at 15:02 UTC. из
Стартовое окно 19:02 - 20:45 ЛМВ 26.11.11.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"

ЦитироватьAtlas/MSL launch timeline[/size]
Posted: November 16, 2011

T-00:02.7    Engine Start
The Russian-designed RD-180 main engine is ignited and undergoes checkout prior to launch.

T+00:01.1    Liftoff
The four strap-on solid rocket boosters are lit as the Atlas 5 vehicle, designated AV-028, lifts off and begins a vertical rise away from Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida.

T+03:52.5    Jettison SRBs
Having burned out of propellant approximately 20 seconds earlier, the spent solid rocket boosters are jettisoned to fall into the Atlantic Ocean. The separation event is staggered with two motors releasing first, then the others about 1.5 seconds later.

T+03:25    Nose Cone Jettison
The payload fairing that protected the MSL spacecraft during launch is separated once heating levels drop to predetermined limits after passage through the atmosphere.

T+03:31    Forward Load Reactor Jettison
The Forward Load Reactor deck that supported the payload fairing's structure to Centaur upper stage is released six seconds after the shroud's jettison.

T+04:21.5    Main Engine Cutoff
The RD-180 main engine completes its firing after consuming its kerosene and liquid oxygen fuel supply in the Atlas first stage.

T+04:27.5    Stage Separation
The Common Core Booster first stage of the Atlas 5 rocket separates from the Centaur upper stage. Over the next few seconds, the Centaur engine liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen systems are readied for ignition.

T+04:37.4    Centaur Ignition 1
The Centaur RL10 engine ignites for the first of two upper stage firings. This burn will inject the Centaur stage and Juno spacecraft into an initial parking orbit.

T+11:29.8    Centaur Cutoff 1
The Centaur engine shuts down after arriving in a planned elliptical parking orbit of 102 by 201 miles. The vehicle enters a 20-minute coast period before arriving at the required location in space for the second burn.

T+31:04.6    Centaur Ignition 2
The Centaur re-ignites to accelerate the payload out of Earth orbit from the parking altitude achieved earlier in the launch sequence.

T+39:05.0    Centaur Cutoff 2
At the conclusion of its second firing, the Centaur will have propelled the MSL spacecraft on an Earth escape trajectory to begin the 8.5-month journey to Mars.

T+42:47.7    Spacecraft Separation
NASA's Mars Science Laboratory with its Curiosity rover is released into orbit from the Centaur upper stage to complete the AV-028 launch.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


Forecast Still 70% "Go" For Saturday Launch
ЦитироватьThe launch team for NASA's Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) is enjoying a Thanksgiving Day off with no issues being worked that would prevent Saturday's scheduled launch.

The United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket with the MSL Curiosity rover is on schedule to be rolled out to Space Launch Complex-41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station at 8 a.m. EST Friday. Launch is set for 10:02 a.m. Saturday.

Today's forecast still shows a 70 percent chance of good weather at launch time.


Mobile science laboratory heading for Mars on Saturday
ЦитироватьKENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL--NASA's $2.5 billion Mars Science Laboratory rover, the most complex and scientifically powerful robotic spacecraft ever built to explore the surface of another world, is poised for launch Saturday on a high-stakes mission to look for organic compounds and signs of past or present habitability.

If all goes well, the nuclear-powered rover will reach the red planet next August, slamming into the thin martian atmosphere at some 13,200 mph for a nail-biting descent to the floor of 100-mile-wide crater dominated by a towering 3-mile-high central peak stacked with rocky layers of martian history.

The final stages of the entry, descent and landing sequence will be especially tense as the rover, dubbed Curiosity in a student naming contest, is gently lowered to the surface on cables suspended from a rocket-powered "sky crane" making its debut flight.

Too large to use airbags like those that cushioned NASA's Pathfinder, Spirit and Opportunity rovers, Curiosity will rely instead on landing rockets positioned above the rover, avoiding the challenge of coming up with a reliable way to get a one-ton vehicle off of an elevated, possibly tilted lander. Instead, Curiosity will be set down on its six 20-inch-wide wheels, ready to roll.

If it works.

An end-to-end flight test was not possible in Earth's gravity, forcing engineers to rely instead on exhaustive component testing, thousands of computer simulations and repeated in-house and independent reviews. Even so, engineers jokingly refer to the computer-controlled entry, descent and landing phase as "six minutes of terror."

"We have done a tremendous amount of entry, descent and landing reviews and tests," Peter Theisinger, the MSL project manager, told reporters earlier this month. "You can't do an end-to-end test because you can't land on Mars on the Earth. But you can do the tests in a piece-wise sense.

"So we have done deployments of the sky crane with test equipment and we have done surface contact testing. We have done radar testing on helicopters and F-18 jets ... to basically test all the components of the sky crane system. So we're confident we've done our due diligence."

Even so, Adam Steltzner, a senior EDL engineer at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., was only half joking in an earlier interview when he said "if you think about the number of lines of code, the number of circuit elements, number of mechanical fixtures and devices, it actually is completely terrifying."

Getting to Mars has never been easy. The United States has launched 18 missions to the red planet, chalking up 13 successes and five failures, including back-to-back disasters in 1999. The Russians have fared worse, launching nearly 20 missions with only two partial successes to date.

The Russians' latest effort, a $163 million mission designed to land on the martian moon Phobos and send a soil sample back to Earth for analysis, is stranded in low-Earth orbit because of a propulsion system malfunction shortly after launch Nov. 8.

"Mars really is the Bermuda Triangle of the solar system," said Colleen Hartman, assistant associate administrator of NASA's science mission directorate. "It's the 'death planet,' and the United States of America is the only nation in the world that has ever landed and driven robotic explorers on the surface of Mars. And now we're set to do it again."

By using sky crane technology and a new guidance system that allows the rover's flight computer to adjust the entry vehicle's flight path based on actual atmospheric conditions, mission planners were able to select the most scientifically interesting target -- Gale Crater -- from a list of four carefully considered candidates.

Starting on the floor of the vast crater and then slowly ascending the central peak through canyons and ravines visible in orbital photography, "we're basically reading the history of Mars' environmental evolution," said MSL project scientist John Grotzinger.

ЦитироватьHere is a timeline of major countdown milestones and ascent events (in EST; best viewed with fixed-width font):


T-06:20...03:02:00 AM...Countdown begins
T-04:55...04:27:00 AM...Start clearing vehicle assembly building area
T-04:20...05:02:00 AM...C-band tracking beacon testing
T-03:40...05:42:00 AM...S-band telemetry link checks
T-02:55...06:27:00 AM...Establish blast danger area roadblocks
T-02:20...07:02:00 AM...Weather briefing
T-02:15...07:07:00 AM...Clear the pad

T-02:00...07:22:00 AM...T-minus 2 hour hold (30 min) (Launch-2:40)
T-02:00...07:30:00 AM...NASA TV coverage begins
T-02:00...07:47:00 AM...Launch conductor briefing to team (L-2:15)
T-02:00...07:49:00 AM...Readiness poll for fueling (L-2:13)
T-02:00...07:52:00 AM...Resume countdown

T-01:50...08:02:00 AM...Centaur liquid oxygen transfer line chilldown
T-01:43...08:09:00 AM...Begin Centaur liquid oxygen loading
T-01:30...08:22:00 AM...Begin Atlas first stage liquid oxygen loading
T-01:25...08:27:00 AM...Centaur liquid hydrogen transfer line chilldown
T-01:10...08:42:00 AM...Centaur RL10 engine chilldown
T-01:02...08:50:00 AM...Begin Centaur liquid hydrogen loading
T-00:40...09:12:00 AM...Flight termination system final test
T-00:16...09:36:00 AM...RD-180 engine fuel fill sequence begins
T-00:10...09:42:00 AM...Weather briefing

T-00:04...09:48:00 AM...T-minus 4 minute hold (10 min)
T-00:04...09:49:00 AM...NASA launch manager readiness poll
T-00:04...09:56:00 AM...Spacecraft to internal power
T-00:04...09:58:00 AM...Resume countdown

T+MM:SS.................ASCENT EVENTS

T-00:02.7.10:01:57 AM...RD-180 engine ignition
T+00:00...10:02:00 AM...T-0 (engine ready)
T+00:01...10:02:01 AM...Liftoff
T+00:02...10:02:02 AM...Full thrust
T+00:05...10:02:05 AM...Begin pitch/yaw/roll maneuver
T+00:34...10:02:34 AM...Mach 1
T+00:46...10:02:46 AM...Maximum dynamic pressure
T+00:50...10:02:50 AM...Launch vehicle impact point off shore
T+01:52...10:03:52 AM...Solid rocket booster jettison
T+03:24...10:05:24 AM...Payload fairing jettison
T+03:47...10:05:47 AM...Begin 4.6 g-limiting
T+04:21...10:06:21 AM...Atlas booster engine cutoff (BECO)
T+04:27...10:06:27 AM...Atlas booster/Centaur separation
T+04:37...10:06:37 AM...Centaur first main engine start (MES1)
T+11:29...10:13:29 AM...Centaur first main engine cutoff (MECO1)
T+31:04...10:33:04 AM...Centaur second main engine start (MES2)
T+39:05...10:41:05 AM...Centaur second main engine cutoff (MECO2)
T+42:47...10:44:47 AM...Spacecraft separation
T+43:47...10:45:47 AM...MSL X-band transmitter on/warm up
T+48:47...10:50:47 AM...MSL telemetry transmission begins


ЦитироватьHere is a timeline of major countdown milestones and ascent events (in EST; best viewed with fixed-width font):


T+04:37...10:06:37 AM...Centaur first main engine start (MES1)
T+11:29...10:13:29 AM...Centaur first main engine cutoff (MECO1)
T+31:04...10:33:04 AM...Centaur second main engine start (MES2)
T+39:05...10:41:05 AM...Centaur second main engine cutoff (MECO2)
T+42:47...10:44:47 AM...Spacecraft separation
T+43:47...10:45:47 AM...MSL X-band transmitter on/warm up
T+48:47...10:50:47 AM...MSL telemetry transmission begins
48-мин суток ждать телеметрии.
Россия больше чем Плутон.


ЦитироватьT+MM:SS.................ASCENT EVENTS


T+42:47...10:44:47 AM...Spacecraft separation
T+43:47...10:45:47 AM...MSL X-band transmitter on/warm up
T+48:47...10:50:47 AM...MSL telemetry transmission begins




А прямая трансляция будет? И если да то где? Сейчас смотрю Наса канал онлайн, там глухо. А написано что запуск в 17.00 по МСК.
Извините за нубские вопросы.
Иногда, чтобы трезво взглянуть на вещи, нужно выпить.


ЦитироватьА прямая трансляция будет? И если да то где? Сейчас смотрю Наса канал онлайн, там глухо. А написано что запуск в 17.00 по МСК.
Извините за нубские вопросы.
Пуск не в 17.00, окно открывается в 19.02 мск.

Дмитрий Виницкий

Господа, вам не кажется, что 10 утра субботы во Флориде, это 18.00 в Москве? :wink:


Сегодня в начале двух своих уроков рассказал про предстоящий старт и показал 11-минутный ролик NASA про миссию MSL. Часть выпускного класса с большим интересом смотрел красивый ролик, а вот пятиклашки можно сказать сорвали всю оставшийся часть урока: кто полетит внутри марсохода? кто живет на Марсе? надо переселяться туда! что он там будет делать? некоторые даже забегали под впечатлением и тд и тп. Завидую им, они увидят репортаж с Марса.   :cry:
"...Я собираюсь насладиться поездкой по Марсу и буду вспоминать всех, кто мечтал о нем..." (c) А.Кларк

Дмитрий Виницкий

Ггыгыы, я думаю, в пятом классе я бы заставил вас покраснеть, а в 10-м, просто не стал бы разговаривать! :wink:
Увы, чем доступней информация, тем она менее ценна.


ЦитироватьГгыгыы, я думаю, в пятом классе я бы заставил вас покраснеть, а в 10-м, просто не стал бы разговаривать! :wink:
Увы, чем доступней информация, тем она менее ценна.
а мне пришлось бы поставить вопрос о педагогической запущенности Димы Виницкого   :wink:
"...Я собираюсь насладиться поездкой по Марсу и буду вспоминать всех, кто мечтал о нем..." (c) А.Кларк


ЦитироватьГоспода, вам не кажется, что 10 утра субботы во Флориде, это 18.00 в Москве? :wink:
Current time in New York

пятница 25 ноябрь 2011 г. 09:36:48 EST

А в Москве 18:36.

Дмитрий Виницкий

ЦитироватьFri, 25 Nov 2011 06:44:00 PM GMT+0400

The United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket with the NASA's Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Curiosity rover rolled out to Space Launch Complex-41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station around 8 a.m. EST Friday. Launch is set for 10:02 a.m. Saturday.

The launch team continues working towards liftoff of the Atlas V on Saturday, Nov. 26. No significant launch vehicle or spacecraft issues are being worked on the United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket or the MSL spacecraft, which includes the rover Curiosity.

Launch day weather remains favorable, with only a 30 percent chance of conditions prohibiting liftoff.


Когда жизнь экзаменует - первыми сдают нервы.


Когда жизнь экзаменует - первыми сдают нервы.


The weather forecast continues to call for a 70 percent chance of favorable conditions during Saturday morning's launch window.

The possibility of cumulus cloud constraints or a low-cloud ceiling below 6,000 feet are the only concerns.

The outlook at launch time includes scattered clouds at 3,500 and 30,000 feet, isolated showers in the area, good visibility, easterly winds of 18 to 22 knots and a temperature around 72 degrees F.

"High pressure over the peninsula with fair weather conditions and a stationary front south of the peninsula. Pressure gradient remains tight with on-shore breezy winds," Air Force meteorologists report.
Когда жизнь экзаменует - первыми сдают нервы.


Когда жизнь экзаменует - первыми сдают нервы.