План космических пусков Arianespace

Автор Salo, 27.04.2009 16:21:41

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Лучше бы в качестве времени запуска ATV-2 указать 21:51:02 UTC.


"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


Цитировать31 August - Galileo-IOV (2 sats) - Soyuz-STB/Fregat
1 September - LARES & 9 Cubesats - Vega (qualification flight)

Улыбнуло.  :D  Два дебютных  пуска  с разницей в день.


ЦитироватьRick Howard, JWST program director, said Feb. 14 that the additional money is not likely to materialize, and that JWST's launch date could slip well into 2016 as a result.
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ЦитироватьЕвропа вложит около 500 млн евро в исследования экзопланет[/size]

(19:26) 25.02.2011

Европейское космическое агентство сегодня поддержало новую космическую миссию стоимостью 400 млн британских фунтов, направленную на исследования планет, расположенных за пределами Солнечной Системы. Руководить данным проектом будет Университетский колледж в Лондоне. Главной задачей проекта является поиск планет, похожих на Землю, где могла бы быть жизнь.

В рамках проекта планируется создать и вывести на околоземную орбиту новый космический 1,2-метровый телескоп Echo (Exoplanet Characterisation Observatory), который будет поставлять данные для более чем сотни европейских научных организаций. Новинка сможет проводить спектроскопический анализ атмосферы потенциальных экзопланет, размеры которых варьируются от газовых гигантов, сопоставимых с Юпитером, до небольших планет, похожих на нашу.

Ожидается, что телескоп должен быть запущен на орбиту в 2020-2022 годах. В ЕКА говорят, что аппарат, во-первых, займется поиском планет в так называемых обитаемых зонах, а во-вторых, будет исследовать атмосферу таких планет. В задачу аппарата войдет поиск ключевых биомаркеров, которые присутствуют на Земле. Аппарат займется поиском паров воды, поиском озона в атмосфере и углекислого газа на планетах.

Аппарат Echo был выбран из примерно 50 аналогичных научных предложений, выдвинутых европейскими учеными.
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Three OU space missions selected for study by ESA for a 2022 launch [/size]
ЦитироватьThe European Space Agency (ESA) has selected 14 space mission concepts (out of 47 submitted from the International Community) to go forward for further study for a Medium-size mission launch in 2022. Three of these missions with OU involvement are: the Exoplanet Missions, NEAT (Nearby Earth Astrometric Telescope) and EChO (Exoplanet Characterisation Observatory); and the European Venus Explorer (EVE).
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ЦитироватьMay 11    Ariane 5  •  ST 2 & GSAT 8
Launch time: TBD
Launch site: ELA-3, Kourou, French Guiana

Arianespace Flight 202 will use an Ariane 5 ECA rocket to launch the ST 2 and GSAT 8 communications satellites. ST 2 will provide fixed and mobile voice and Internet to Asia and the Middle East for ST 2 Satellite Ventures, a joint venture between companies in Singapore and Taiwan. GSAT 8 will serve India with a Ku-band communications payload. [March 1]
ЦитироватьFour MTG-I imaging satellites, with the first launched in the 2018 timeframe

Two MTG-S sounding satellites, with the first launched around 18 months after MTG-I
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Completed launches in 2011

Дата – КА – РКН/РБ – Время (UTC)

16 February - ATV-2 Johannes Kepler - Ariane 5 ES (V200) - 21:51:02

Planned launches

Дата – КА – РКН/РБ – Время (UTC)

TBD - Yahsat 1A & Intelsat New Dawn - Ariane 5 ECA (V201) - TBD
11 May - ST 2 & INSAT-4G (GSAT-8 ) - Ariane 5 ECA (V202) - TBD
second quarter - Astra 1N - Ariane
second quarter - BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R - Ariane 5 ECA
1 September - LARES & 9 Cubesats - Vega (qualification flight)
NLT  21 September - Galileo-IOV (2 sats) - Soyuz-STB/Fregat
third quarter - Arabsat 5C - Ariane 5 ECA
fourth quarter - SES-2 - Ariane 5
fourth quarter - Atlantic Bird 7 - Ariane 5
TBD - Pl
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Цитировать"Союз-СТ" со спутниками Галилео запустят до 21 сентября
ЦитироватьПАРИЖ, 4 мар - РИА Новости, Владимир Добровольский. Запуск ракет-носителей "Союз-СТ" с двумя спутниками европейской навигационной системы "Галилео" состоится до 21 сентября, точная дата будет определена 15 мая, заявил РИА Новости глава Европейского космического агентства (ЕКА) Жан-Жан Дорден.

Ранее пресс-служба россисйкого "ЦСКБ-Прогресс" сообщила, что на заседании консультативного комитета в Париже 27 января был принят график запуска первой ракеты-носителя "Союз-СТ-Б" с двумя спутниками "Галилео" - он запланирован на 31 августа 2011 года с экваториального космодрома на французской Гвиане.

"Точная дата будет определена 15 мая. Сейчас я могу сказать, что запуск произойдет летом, то есть до 21 сентября", - сказал Дорден.

По его словам, еще два спутника будут запущены ракетами "Союз-СТ" с космодрома во французской Гвиане в начале 2012 года.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


ЦитироватьLAUNCH DATE:    2013  
MISSION END:   The operational phase will last about 12 months
LAUNCH VEHICLE:   Vega launcher
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Washington, March 14, 2011
Arianespace today announced that it has signed a launch Service & Solutions contract with Argentine operator ARSAT (Empresa Argentina de Soluciones Satelitales Sociedad Anonima) to orbit its Arsat-2 satellite by the second half of 2013.
Weighing about 2,900 kg at launch, Arsat-2 will be placed into geostationary transfer orbit by an Ariane 5 or Soyuz launcher from the Guiana Space Center.



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Alphasat I-XL uses the protoflight model of new European Alphabus, which has been jointly developed by Astrium and Thales Alenia Space with ESA and CNES support to address the upper range of the communications satellite market. The Alphabus platform is qualified and now available on the commercial market to accommodate missions up to 18 kW of payload power, with ongoing developments to extend the range up to 22 kW. Weighing more than 6,000kg, Alphasat I-XL is planned for delivery end of 2012 and launch by Ariane 5.
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Ракета-носитель "Союз" взлетит из Южной Америки не ранее конца сентября
Первый пуск российской ракеты-носителя "Союз-СТ" с космодрома Куру во французской Гвиане перенесен на месяц, сообщили в пятницу в ракетно-космической отрасли.
"Запуск планировался на 31 августа, но теперь состоится не ранее конца сентября", - сказал собеседник агентства.
Он не уточнил причины, из-за которой был отложен старт.
Всё меняется, но ничего не исчезает.


ЦитироватьThe Franco-American Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT) satellite, tentatively scheduled for launch in 2019, was given a grant of 170 million euros. D'Escatha said NASA, which is paying two-thirds of the project's total cost, has estimated the entire SWOT mission will cost nearly 700 million euros, including launch and operations. He said NASA has assured France that SWOT is not one of the missions now facing review because of budget limitations.

SWOT will feature a 10-meter boom holding two radar altimeters and will follow on from the Topex-Poseidon and three Jason ocean-altimetry satellites.
Evolutions to the CNES-designed Myriade small-satellite platform, whose first generation has already led to 19 satellite projects, d'Escatha said. The next-generation Myriade will carry 120 kilograms of payload and generate 100 watts of power, compared to 50 kilograms of payload and 50 watts of power for the current generation.

The new Myriade product is receiving 40 million euros in grants. Its first satellite will be a Franco-German Merlin methane-monitoring satellite, to be launched in 2015.
A 42.5 million euro investment in technologies for future telecommunications satellites that will include co-investment by France's two principal satellite prime contractors, Astrium Satellites and Thales Alenia Space. The exact amount of their co-investment was not disclosed, but Rene Ricol, head of the General Investment Commission, said the state would receive a percentage of the commercial revenue generated by the new product line.

Jean-Francois Charrier, head of marketing at Astrium Satellites, said the new product line will streamline France's satellite supply work force by standardizing products ordered by the two prime contractors. He said the goal is to increase Europe's share of the commercial market, which is now 40 percent, to 50 percent.

The entire program of new telecommunications technologies is valued at about 300 million euros, Charrier said, adding that CNES and the European Space Agency will be making complementary investments in the project in the next two years. The goal, he said, is to increase the competitiveness of Europe's telecommunications satellite products by 30 percent when measured by the cost of delivering a megahertz of capacity into geostationary orbit.

Joel Chenet, director of business development at Thales Alenia Space, said more than 40 small and midsize component suppliers in France and Europe would be involved in the project.
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ЦитироватьCompleted launches 2011
16 February - ATV-2 Johannes Kepler - Ariane 5 ES (V200) - 21:50 UTC

Planned launches
TBD - Yahsat 1A & Intelsat New Dawn - Ariane 5 ECA (VA201) - 21:45-22:52 UTC
11 May - ST 2 & GSAT-8(INSAT-4G) - Ariane 5 ECA (VA202)
second quarter - Astra 1N - Ariane 5
second quarter - BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R - Ariane 5 ECA
1 September - LARES & 9 Cubesats - Vega (qualification flight)
end of September - Galileo-IOV (2 sats) - Soyuz-STB/Fregat (inaugural flight)
third quarter - Arabsat 5C - Ariane 5 ECA
third quarter - SES-2 - Ariane 5
fourth quarter - Atlantic Bird 7 - Ariane 5
TBD - Pl
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ЦитироватьCato Halsaa said Telenor expects Thor 7, which the company wants ready for launch in early 2014, will benefit from developments for London-based Inmarsat's global Ka-band project for maritime and other users, called Global Xpress.
ЦитироватьTelenor is building its own mixed Ku- and Ka-band satellite, called Thor 7, for launch in 2014 and expects to use its Ka-band capacity to compete directly with Global Xpress in its home region.
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ЦитироватьLiebig said the Sentinel 1A and Sentinel 2A satellites, now under development, will not be launched before 2013 and either late 2013 or early 2014, respectively.
ЦитироватьWhile extending Envisat's life another year is costly, delaying the launch of Sentinel 1A and 2A by six months will mean the launch of their identical follow-ons, Sentinel 1B and Sentinel 2B, also will be delayed by six months.

The launch of the B-model satellites was always intended to occur 18 months after the A-model spacecraft were successfully in orbit. That 18-month interval will remain, meaning that the European Commission, which is sharing GMES costs with ESA, need not finance the B-units' launch services until around 2014.

Those dates are important. The executive commission of the 27-nation European Union runs on seven-year budget cycles, with the next to start in 2014. Details of that budget will not be known until 2013, and no disbursements may be made until mid-2014 at the earliest.
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ЦитироватьPer my informations :

VA203 : 29th june
VA204 : 11th august
VA205 : 9th november (last launch in 2011)

ЦитироватьLong Beach, Calif.-based Sea Launch is planning two launches this year, which will punctuate the company's new ownership following the bankruptcy proceedings, Karlsen said. The first is the launch of Paris-based Eutelsat's Atlantic Bird 7 satellite, scheduled for September. A second launch, of the Intelsat 19 satellite, is scheduled for December.
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ЦитироватьArianespace Flight VA201; Ariane 5 ECA with Yahsat Y1A and Intelsat New Dawn: Liftoff is scheduled for Friday, April 22, 2011[/size]

Evry, April 11, 2011

With the additional checkout and verification now in progress on the Ariane 5 ECA launcher, Arianespace has decided to resume the operations for Ariane Flight VA201 with the Yahsat Y1A and Intelsat New Dawn satellite payloads.

Liftoff of the Ariane 5 launcher is now scheduled for:

    Friday, April 22 at 6:37 p.m., local time in Kourou, French Guiana
    Friday, April 22, at 5:37 p.m. in Washington D.C.,
    Friday, April 22, at 21:37 UTC,
    Friday, April 22, at 11:37 p.m. in Paris, and
    Saturday, April 23 at 1:37 a.m. in Abu Dhabi.

Arianespace also has set the following dates for its two subsequent Ariane 5 missions:

    Ariane Flight VA202, utilizing an Ariane 5 ECA to launch the ST-2 and GSAT-8 satellite payloads: May 19, 2011, and
    Ariane Flight VA203, with an Ariane 5 ECA carrying the ASTRA 1N and BSAT-3c passengers: June 29, 2011.
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