Хайнань-1, Цзилинь-1, Minospace,...(всего 22 спутника)– CZ-8 Y2 – Вэньчан(WSLC)– 27.02.2022 03:06UTC

Автор Liss, 11.01.2022 17:12:01

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A0387/22 NOTAMN
Q) ZJSA/QRTCA/IV/BO/W/000/999/1917N11057E005
A) ZJSA B) 2202270254 C) 2202270319
CREATED: 23 Feb 2022 15:19:00
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Цитировать  Cosmic Penguin  @Cosmic_Penguin
It's interesting to note that the LM-8 is roughly on par in capability as the now-very-much-talked-about Soyuz (this one w/o boosters is at 3t @ 700 km SSO so closer to a Delta II) - except that of course this is not an option to almost everyone outside of the Chinese.
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ЦитироватьChina's new-generation rocket sends 22 satellites into space
Source: XinhuaEditor: huaxia2022-02-27 12:02:59
WENCHANG, Hainan, Feb. 27 (Xinhua) -- China launched a Long March-8 rocket to place 22 satellites in space on Sunday, setting a domestic record for the most spacecraft launched by a single rocket.
The rocket blasted off at 11:06 a.m. (Beijing Time) at the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in the southern Hainan Province before sending the satellites into preset orbits.
These satellites will be mainly used for commercial remote sensing services, marine environment monitoring, forest fire prevention and disaster mitigation.
The mission marked the 409th flight of the Long March carrier rockets.


ЦитироватьChina Spaceflight  @CNSpaceflight
List of 22 satellites from 7 customers
9    Jilin1-GF03D10-18
1    Jilin1-MF02A01
1    Taijing3-01
1    Taijing4-01
1    XD-1
2    Wenchang1-01/02
2    Hainan1-01/02
1    Chaohu-1 (Tianxian)
1    Chuangxingleishen (Tiansuan)
1    Qimingxing
1    Dayun (XSD-17)
1    Tianqi-19


Цитировать  China Spaceflight  @CNSpaceflight
Launch success officially confirmed by CASC. Here is the mission patch.
The 22 satellites weigh ~1.7ton in total, while the entire payloads weigh ~2.6ton including the satellite dispenser


Цитировать 1:49
2 Launches in 4 Hours. China kicks off orbital launches in the year of the tiger
After one month of silence, China restarted orbital launches with 2 successful launches within 4 hours.
The first launch, which is also the first in the year of the tiger, was from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.
Liftoff at ~23:44 UTC on Feb.26, a Long March 4C successfully sent LT1-01B (L-SAR-01B) to a sun synchronous orbit.
The sat will join the 01A which was launched one month ago to work together on providing high-quality SAR sensing data.
About 3 hours and 22 minutes after the Long March 4C launch, a Long March 8 soared high into the air from Wenchang.
This is the first flight of Long March 8 without strap-on boosters.
The rocket successfully put 22 commercial satellites from 7 customers into sun synchronous orbits.


ЦитироватьКитайская ракета-носитель нового поколения отправила в космос 22 спутника
2022-02-27 13:58:48丨Russian.News.Cn
Вэньчан /пров. Хайнань/, 27 февраля /Синьхуа/ -- В воскресенье в Китае с помощью ракеты-носителя "Чанчжэн-8" /Long March-8/ запустили 22 спутника. Таким образом был побит отечественный рекорд по количеству космических аппаратов, запущенных с помощью одной ракеты-носителя.

Ракета-носитель стартовала в 11:06 утра по пекинскому времени с космодрома Вэньчан в южной провинции Хайнань и все спутники были выведены на заданные орбиты.

Эти спутники будут использоваться в основном для предоставления коммерческих услуг в таких сферах, как дистанционное зондирование, мониторинг морской среды, предотвращение лесных пожаров и уменьшение последствий стихийных бедствий.

Это 409-й по счету запуск ракет-носителей серии "Чанчжэн".


Цитировать 1:29
Long March-8 Y2 launches 22 satellites
The Long March-8 Y2 launch vehicle launched 22 small satellites from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site, Hainan Province, China, on 27 February 2022, at 03:06 UTC (11:06 local time). Long March-8 Y2 is the second Long March-8 launch vehicle and the first one to be launched without boosters. According to official sources, the 22 satellites "will be mainly used for commercial remote sensing services, marine environment monitoring, forest fire prevention and disaster mitigation".
Credit: China Media Group(CMG)/China Central Television (CCTV)/China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC)


Цитировать  Cosmic Penguin  @Cosmic_Penguin
Note the smaller fairing than the one used during the 1st LM-8 launch:
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ЦитироватьКитай вывел на орбиту 22 спутника для слежения за поверхностью Земли
       Пекин. 27 февраля. ИНТЕРФАКС - Китай вывел на низкую околоземную орбиту 22 спутника для дистанционного зондирования Земли (ДЗЗ) с помощью ракеты-носителя "Чанчжэн-8", сообщила в воскресенье Китайская глобальная телевизионная сеть (CGTN).
       Ракета стартовала с космодрома Вэньчань, расположенного на острове Хайнань в 11:06 по пекинскому времени (06:06 мск). Через пятнадцать минут после старта все 22 спутника были успешно отправлены на намеченные орбиты.
       На орбиту были выведены десять спутников дистанционного зондирования Земли "Цзилинь-1". Аппараты этой серии обладают инструментарием для съёмки земной поверхности в высоком разрешении (до 0,75 метра) и могут получать гиперспектральные данные для наблюдения за окружающей средой и природными ресурсами.
       Всего в спутниковую группировку "Цзилинь-1", по плану компании заказчика Changguang Satellite Technology, войдут 138 аппаратов. Их основная задача - постоянный мониторинг земной поверхности. На её создание предприятию было выделено финансирование в размере около 2,4 млрд юаней (27 млрд рублей).
       Помимо них на орбиту были выведены космический аппарат "Тянсянь", использующий технологию радиолокационного синтезирования апертуры для съёмки Земли в высоком разрешении независимо от высоты аппарата, погодных условий и освещённости снимаемого объекта, а также два ДЗЗ спутника серии "Тайсин", один из которых использует ту же, что и "Тяньсянь" технологию.
       Были также запущены отдельные спутники ДЗЗ: аппарат "Даюнь", нано-спутники "Циминсин" и "Тяньци-19", "XD-1", "Тяньсуан" и по два спутника серий "Хайнань" и "Вэнчань", разработанных Китайской академией наук.
       Ракета-носитель "Чанчжэн-8" была разработана Китайским исследовательским институтом ракетной техники (CALT), дочерним предприятием CASC. По информации Национального космического управления КНР, она способна выводить на солнечно-синхронную орбиту высотой 700 км полезную нагрузку массой около 4,5 тонн.
       Планируется, что первая ступень двухступенчатой ракеты-носителя "Чанчжэн-8" в будущем станет многоразовой благодаря технологии управления ракетной тягой, схожей с той, что используется при посадке на плавучую платформу первой ступени ракеты-носителя компании SpaceX Falcon 9.


ЦитироватьJonathan McDowell  @planet4589
The Chang Zheng 8 Y2 launch reportedly placed 22 satellites in orbit (waiting for independent confirmation via TLEs, probably tomorrow).  Here's what the 22 are (a thread):
Many of the satellites are part of the Jilin-1 imaging constellation operated by Changguang Weixing Jishu YG  (Changguang Sat Tech Co Ltd) of Channgchun in Jilin province. They include 9 satellites in the Jilin-1 GaoFen 03D series, which are about 40 kg each.
The 9 are Jilin-1 GF03D 10 to 18. However, the last 4 of these were purchased or sponsored by others and have alternate names. J1 GF03D 15 ( 吉林一号高分03D15) is  韶关一号  'Shaoguan 1', to be used by the City of Shaoguan in Guangdong province.
J1 GF03D 16 and 17 are sponsored by Wenchang Chaosuan (the Wenchang Aerospace Supercomputing Center) and are called 文昌超算二号 and 文昌超算三号 (Wenchang Chaosuan 2 and 3)
J1 GF03D 18 is called 安溪铁观音一号卫星 (Anxi Tieguanyin 1). I don't know who the sponsor is, except that Anxi Tieguanyin is a famous variety of Oolong tea from the Anxi area.
An additional Changguang satellite of a different design is the 30 kg 吉林一号魔方02A01 (Jilin-1 Mofang 02A 01), which is named 厦门科技一号 (Xiamen Keji 1) and operated for the company Xiamen Tianwei Keji YG in Fujian province.
Four of the satellites on the launch are for the Sanya Research Institute, a Hainan outpost of the Academy of Sciences' RADI remote sensing group.  Shenzhen DFH built two of the sats, Hainan 1-01 and 1-02, with maritime surveillance payloads combining imagers and AIS receivers
Wenchang-1 01 and Wenchang 1-02 were built for Sanya RI by Weina Xingkong Keji YG (MinoSpace) and have wide field multispectral imagers for oceanography and resource monitoring.
MinoSpace also built the Xidian-1 satellite 西电一号 for Shaanxi Silu Tiantu Weixing Keji YG of Xi'an, with a hyperspectral Earth imaging sensor.  And MinoSpace has two sats of its own on the mission:
Taijing 3-01 is a high resolution (0.5m res) imaging satellite, and Taijing 4-01 is a 1-meter res. X-band SAR radar imaging sat with a 5 metre long antenna. These are probably the largest two sats on the mission, using the MN-200 bus with a mass around 200 kg.
Another SAR radar imaging satellite on the flight is Chaohu-1 巢湖一号 built by Tianyi Kongjian Keji (SpaceTy) of Changsha for the Tiandi Xinxi Wangluo YJY YG of Hefei. This is the first sat in a constellation called Tianxian.
TIanyi also have a research sat on the flight, 创星雷神号卫星 (Chuangxing Leishen) which carries a distributed software protocol experiment for the Beijing Univ. of Post and Telecoms (Youdian Daxue) as well as three GRID gamma ray burst detectors and the Jiguang-2 XR polarimeter
星时代17 (Xingshidai-17) is a remote sensing satellite from Guoxing Yuhang keji YG of Chengdu. It has the alternate name 'Dayun' after the Chinese name for the Universiade sports event to be held in Chengdu this summer.
启明星一号  (Qimingxing-1, which translates as Venus 1) is an experimental remote sensing satellite with hyperspectral and multispectral sensors from Wuhan University. It has a mass of 19 kg.


По фотографии впечатление что полезной нагрузкой является большой ГВМ, а спутники навешаны на него в качестве дополнительной ПН.
1. Ангара - единственная в мире новая РН которая хуже старой (с) Старый Ламер
2. Назначение Роскосмоса - не летать в космос а выкачивать из бюджета деньги
3. У Маска ракета длиннее и толще чем у Роскосмоса
4. Чем мрачнее реальность тем ярче бред (с) Старый Ламер


К #33
ЦитироватьJonathan McDowell  @planet4589
Finally (unless I missed one) is 天启星座19星 (Tianqi-19), one in a series of small comm satellites from Guodian Gaokeji YG relaying Internet of Things (IoT) data.


Цитата: Старый от 27.02.2022 10:54:13большой ГВМ
ЦитироватьThe 22 satellites weigh ~1.7ton in total, while the entire payloads weigh ~2.6ton including the satellite dispenser
900 кг. Как хотите - так и назовите.


ЦитироватьChina Focus: China's new-generation rocket sends 22 satellites into space in record-setting mission
Source: Xinhua  Editor: huaxia  2022-02-27 14:31:31

The Long March-8 rocket carrying 22 satellites blasts off from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in south China's Hainan Province, Feb. 27, 2022. (Photo by Tu Haichao/Xinhua)
WENCHANG, Hainan, Feb. 27 (Xinhua) -- China launched a Long March-8 rocket to place 22 satellites in space on Sunday, setting a domestic record for the most spacecraft launched by a single rocket.
The rocket blasted off at 11:06 a.m. (Beijing Time) at the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in the southern Hainan Province before sending the satellites into preset orbit.
These satellites will then be released in 12 groups. They will be mainly used for commercial remote sensing services, marine environment monitoring, forest fire prevention and disaster mitigation.
The mission marked the 409th flight of the Long March carrier rockets.
The Long March-8 used for Sunday's launch is a modified version of the medium-lift carrier rocket and is 48 meters long with a takeoff weight of 198 tonnes. It uses non-toxic and pollution-free propellants with a 3-tonne capacity for sun-synchronous orbit.
Compared with the original model, the modified model does not have side boosters but can launch multiple satellites with different orbital requirements.
The Long March-8 is the new generation of China's carrier rocket. Research and development started in 2017. The original model performed its debut mission at Wenchang coastal launch site on Dec. 22, 2020.
Designed and built by the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, a subsidiary of the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp., the rocket fills a gap in China's launch capability to the sun-synchronous orbit and meets the needs of more than 80 percent of launch missions for medium and low-orbit spacecraft.
Xiao Yun, chief commander of the rocket, said an assembly and test plant for the Long March-8 family is being built outside the Wenchang launch site. Once completed, it is expected to shorten the launch interval of the Long March-8 rocket to seven days, enabling 50 launches a year. 
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The Long March-8 rocket carrying 22 satellites blasts off from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in south China's Hainan Province, Feb. 27, 2022. (Photo by Tu Haichao/Xinhua)

The Long March-8 rocket carrying 22 satellites blasts off from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in south China's Hainan Province, Feb. 27, 2022. (Photo by Tu Haichao/Xinhua)

The Long March-8 rocket carrying 22 satellites blasts off from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in south China's Hainan Province, Feb. 27, 2022. (Photo by Tu Haichao/Xinhua)

The Long March-8 rocket carrying 22 satellites blasts off from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in south China's Hainan Province, Feb. 27, 2022.
China launched a Long March-8 rocket to place 22 satellites in space on Sunday, setting a domestic record for the most spacecraft launched by a single rocket. (Xinhua/Zhang Liyun)

The Long March-8 rocket carrying 22 satellites blasts off from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in south China's Hainan Province, Feb. 27, 2022.
China launched a Long March-8 rocket to place 22 satellites in space on Sunday, setting a domestic record for the most spacecraft launched by a single rocket. (Xinhua/Zhang Liyun)

The Long March-8 rocket carrying 22 satellites blasts off from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in south China's Hainan Province, Feb. 27, 2022.
China launched a Long March-8 rocket to place 22 satellites in space on Sunday, setting a domestic record for the most spacecraft launched by a single rocket. (Xinhua/Zhang Liyun)

The Long March-8 rocket carrying 22 satellites blasts off from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in south China's Hainan Province, Feb. 27, 2022.
China launched a Long March-8 rocket to place 22 satellites in space on Sunday, setting a domestic record for the most spacecraft launched by a single rocket. (Xinhua/Zhang Liyun)


Цитировать  China Spaceflight  @CNSpaceflight
Updated table of Long March 8 Y2 payloads
#CZ8 #长征八号
Forgot to mention part of the mass data are from @PhilLeafCN Weibo post


Цитировать  CNSA Watcher  @CNSAWatcher
Pictures of payloads and CZ8 Y2 rockets. Credits watermarked.
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