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ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 12/11/2019

The crew swapped out the garment and stowed the old garment. Although the ISS is equipped with health and life sciences research tools, the existing instrumentation for continuous and simultaneous recording of several physiological parameters is lacking. To tackle this issue, the Bio-Monitor Commissioning activity tests the Bio-Monitor facility; a wearable garment capable of monitoring relevant physiological parameters for up to 48 hours in a non-invasive and non-interfering way.  The physiological parameters which can be monitored consist of heart rate, respiration rate, ECG (Electrocardiogram), skin temperature, peripheral blood oxygen saturation, etc.
The crew performed two Grip sessions in the Supine position. This completes the 3rd and last GRIP session objectives for this mission. ESA's Grip investigation tests how the nervous system takes into account the forces due to gravity and inertia when manipulating objects. Results from this investigation may provide insight into potential hazards for astronauts as they manipulate objects in different gravitational environments, support design and control of haptic interfaces to be used in challenging environments such as space, and provide information about motor control that will be useful for the evaluation and rehabilitation of impaired upper limb control in patients with neurological diseases.
Inertial Spreading:
The crew configured the hardware in the Micro-Gravity Science Glovebox work Volume and completed the droplet dispensing ops for the nine test discs. Inertial Spreading and imbibition of a liquid drop through a porous surface (Inertial Spreading) observes a drop of water spreading over and through a sponge-like metal object. When water touches a sponge-like material such as dry soil, it penetrates microscopic holes too small to see; widening these holes makes the water disappear too quickly. Microgravity slows down this process, allowing use of larger holes for more detailed observations to create a benchmark for computer simulations.
Rodent Research-19 (RR-19):
The crew initiated the first set of densitometer scans on subjects inside the exam box using the Life Science Glovebox (LSG). This study uses rodent models on the ISS to investigate the potential benefits of targeting the Myostatin (MSTN) and Activin signaling pathways to prevent skeletal muscle and bone loss during spaceflight and on the recovery of muscle and bone following return to Earth. This research could provide valuable preclinical data to support clinical trials for MSTN therapies for a wide range of conditions that affect muscle and bone health. Such research is particularly important for conditions that involve disuse muscle atrophy (muscle wasting due to immobility or lessened activity)—for example, patients recovering from hip fracture surgery, intensive care patients, and the elderly.
Waste Hygiene Compartment Maintenance:
During the past few months, the ground teams and the crew have been troubleshooting WHC Pre-Treat Bad Quality Light (PTBQL) indicator light. Today, the ISS crew removed the WHC Pre-Treat Tank and replaced it with a spare on-board. The crew also removed the existing WHC dose pump and replaced it with a spare. Today's remove and replace activity restored the WHC to nominal operations.
Mobile Support System:
Yesterday (GMT 344), the Robotic Ground Controllers powered up the Mobile Servicing System (MSS) and commanded the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) to release the Dragon Flight Releasable Grapple Fixture (FRGF). Then they maneuvered it to grapple the Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM) Payload and Data Grapple Fixture (PDGF) and released SPDM from the Mobile Base System (MBS) PDGF 2. Next, SPDM was positioned over the Dragon trunk to perform a survey of the external payloads using the SPDM Body cameras and the Dragon trunk cameras were checked out. Finally ROBO commanded the Mobile Transporter (MT) to translate from Worksite 2 to 6. MSS is now configured for the start of the SpX-19 cargo ops scheduled later today (GMT345).



ЦитироватьМаск отправит на МКС коноплю
12.12.2019 | 22:21

Космический корабль Space X Dragon Илона Маска прибудет на борт МКС с образцами конопли. Об этом пишет The Sun.
Как стало известно, это произойдет в марте 2020 года.
Отмечается, что растение на «красной планете» планируют применять только в научных целях. С помощью каннабиса исследователи хотят проверить теорию о мутации земной флоры в космосе.
Также сообщается, что конопля будет находиться на станции 30 дней, после чего ее скурят отправят на Землю.


ЦитироватьU.S. Crew Ship Launch Plans Proceed; Mind and Body Research on Station

Mark Garcia
Posted Dec 12, 2019 at 2:43 pm

A United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket, topped by the Boeing CST-100 Starliner spacecraft, stands at the launch pad in Florida. Credit: Boeing

NASA and Boeing are proceeding with plans for Boeing's Orbital Flight Test following a full day of briefings and a Flight Readiness Review that took place at the Kennedy Space Center.

Launch of the CST-100 Starliner spacecraft atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket is scheduled for 6:36 a.m. EST Friday, Dec. 20, from Florida. The uncrewed flight test will be Starliner's maiden mission to the International Space Station for NASA's Commercial Crew Program.

The Expedition 61 crew today is exploring how the brain, muscles and bones adapt to long-term exposure in weightlessness. The orbiting lab's communications systems are also being continuously maintained.

Astronauts Andrew Morgan and Luca Parmitano were back in the Columbus lab module today investigating how the central nervous system manages hand-eye coordination in space. The duo wore virtual reality gear using real-time visual and audible displays while coordinating a variety of body motions. The GRASP study explores how the brain adapts to the lack of a traditional up and down reference in space to ensure mission success farther away from Earth.

The musculoskeletal system also adjusts rapidly to the microgravity environment and studying mice aboard the orbiting lab helps reveal the impacts. Flight Engineers Jessica Meir and Christina Koch continued scanning rodents today in a bone densitometer before placing them back in their habitats. The new Rodent Research-19 study is investigating two proteins that may prevent muscle and bone loss while living off the Earth.

Cosmonauts Alexander Skvortsov and Oleg Skripochka ensured the upkeep of a variety of Russian space station systems. The duo connected a Progress cargo craft's thrusters to the Zarya module's fuel tanks. The veteran cosmonauts also checked out antenna gear, laptop computers and video recording equipment.

Japan's new high-resolution spectral Earth imager has been installed and activated on the Kibo lab module. HISUI, or Hyperspectral Imagery Suite, is a technology demonstration that will send data to agricultural and environmental industries for improved resource management.


Ионин вчера на что-то намекал

Туалетный вопрос на МКС будет решаться несколько месяцев
11 декабря 2019

Член-корреспондент Российской академии космонавтики имени Циолковского Андрей Ионин в эфире НСН призвал учитывать возраст МКС, а также специфику работы в космосе.

«Нужно понимать, что станции уже 20 лет, технологии через такой срок начинают постепенно ломаться. Если на Земле взял да выбросил, то в космосе так не происходит. Как минимум, нужно будет тут это сделать и потом отправить на очередном грузовике к МКС. А загрузка оборудования — это тоже длительный процесс. Надо согласовывать заранее по размерам, массе, другим характеристикам. Здесь решение проблемы может затянуться на несколько месяцев», - пояснил он.

Герой РФ, космонавт-испытатель Сергей Нефёдов в беседе с НСН уточнил, что в американском сегменте применяется модульная система ликвидации неисправностей, что также говорит о том, что рациональнее будет заменить АСУ полностью.
Поэтому, если будет невозможно решить проблему на МКС, то само устройство будет заменено ближайшим рейсом», - рассказал Нефёдов.
Ешки матрешки. Доставлен на STS-126 в ноябре 2008. НО все равно какие 20- лет?

От русскоязычной википедии все можно ожидать
ЦитироватьКосмический туалет
19 июля 2009 года — Вышел из строя туалет в модуле «Спокойствие» на МКС. Разделительный насос вышел из строя;
январь 2010 года — В модуле «Спокойствие» на МКС вышел из строя туалет. Большое содержание кальция в жидких отходах космонавтов вызвало засор системы водоочистки. В связи с поломкой содержимое туалета пришлось загружать в ТГК «Прогресс», который был сведён с орбиты Земли и затоплен в Тихом океане;

При этом Спокойствие - запуск осуществлён 8 февраля 2010 года

В этом году еще была утечка при модернизации, но в российских сми эту причину так и не назвали.


Цитировать13 ДЕК, 00:57
Партнеры США не высказали оговорок в связи с предстоящим запуском Starliner к МКС
Полет запланирован на 20 декабря

НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 13 декабря. /ТАСС/. Участники программы Международной космической станции (МКС) не высказывали возражений или озабоченности в связи с запланированным на 20 декабря первым полетом к МКС нового американского космического корабля Starliner в беспилотном режиме. Об этом сообщили в четверг представители NASA в ходе телеконференции, транслировавшейся из Центра управления полетами имени Джонсона в Хьюстоне (штат Техас).

"Наши международные партнеры - профессионалы высокого класса, - отметил представитель NASA. - Они хорошо осведомлены по поводу тех вопросов, которыми мы сейчас занимаемся. Они участвовали в обзоре этой программы, осуществляемой корпорацией Boeing. Никто из них не высказал какой-либо озабоченности или оговорок в связи с процедурой подготовки к запуску".

Запуск корабля Statliner ракетой-носителем Atlas V намечен на 06:36 по времени восточного побережья США (14:36 мск) 20 декабря, стыковка с МКС ожидается через 24-25 часов. В том случае, если запуск придется отложить, окна старта откроются 21, 23, 25 и 28 декабря. Контроль за сближением корабля с МКС будут осуществлять астронавты NASA Кристина Кук и Джессика Меир. Starliner оснащен стыковочной системой, которая будет использоваться при экспедициях на Луну и на Марс. Полет нового корабля продлится около восьми суток, а затем он вернется на Землю. По словам представителей NASA, пилотируемый полет может состояться в середине будущего года.
NASA прекратило пилотируемые полеты в 2011 году после завершения программы использования возвращаемых кораблей Space Shuttle. С тех пор астронавты доставляются на МКС российскими "Союзами".

Помимо Starliner, разработанного корпорацией Boeing, компания SpaceX создала свой корабль Crew Dragon, это модификация грузового корабля Dragon, который уже доставляет грузы для МКС. В автоматическом режиме этот корабль был отправлен к станции 2 марта нынешнего года и пристыковался к ней на следующий день.

На МКС сейчас работают россияне Александр Скворцов и Олег Скрипочка, американцы Эндрю Морган, Кристина Кук и Джессика Меир, а также астронавт Европейского космического агентства итальянец Лука Пармитано.


ЦитироватьЧебурашка написал:Маск отправит на МКС коноплю

Похоже Маск поставил себе задачу - умереть на Марсе в конопле :D


ЦитироватьАстронавты на МКС починили туалет, неисправный несколько месяцев
08:19 13.12.2019 (обновлено: 08:22 13.12.2019)

МОСКВА, 13 дек - РИА Новости. Астронавты отремонтировали туалет, сломавшийся на американском сегменте Международной космической станции (МКС), сообщил РИА Новости официальный представитель НАСА.

В среду из переговоров космонавта Александра Скворцова со специалистом подмосковного Центра управления полетами стало известно, что туалет на американском сегменте МКС не работает, и астронавты вынуждены использовать аналогичное устройство на российском сегменте.
Цитировать"Туалет был отремонтирован", - сказал собеседник агентства.
Как сообщается на сайте НАСА, на протяжении последних нескольких месяцев астронавты вместе с наземными специалистами пытались разобраться с причиной постоянного срабатывания сигнала о некачественном консерванте, использующемся в туалете. Проблема была решена заменой емкости с консервантом и насоса-дозатора.

В конце ноября командир МКС итальянец Лука Пармитано заявил наземным специалистам, что туалет в американском модуле Tranquility не работает из-за постоянных индикаций о неисправности. В связи с этим астронавты стали пользоваться пакетами для сбора мочи UCD, которые хранятся в европейском модуле Columbus. Позже экипаж сменил сепаратор и восстановил работоспособность туалета.
На МКС находятся два туалета российского производства - в российском модуле "Звезда" и американском Tranquility. Кроме того, туалеты имеются в двух пристыкованных к станции пилотируемых кораблях "Союз", но они используются в ходе автономного полета корабля и только в случае крайней необходимости во время пребывания на МКС.

Сейчас на МКС полет совершают россияне Александр Скворцов и Олег Скрипочка, американцы Кристина Кук, Эндрю Морган и Джессика Мейр, а также итальянец Лука Пармитано.


2 zandr - внимание на фалы карабины...

Цитировать Luca Parmitano‏ @astro_luca 16 ч. назад

AMS2: a detail of the APFR, the Adjustable Portable Foot Restraint that connects me to the robotic arm.
AMS2: un dettaglio dell'APFR, il sistema di aggancio dei piedi che mi connette al braccio robotico.

#TBT #SpacewalkForAMS #MissionBeyond


Цитироватьtnt22 написал:
Как сообщается на сайте НАСА, на протяжении последних нескольких месяцев астронавты вместе с наземными специалистами пытались разобраться с причиной постоянного срабатывания сигнала о некачественном консерванте, использующемся в туалете. Проблема была решена заменой емкости с консервантом и насоса-дозатора.
т.к. РИА дало ссылку в пустоту
Цитироватьtnt22 написал:
ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 12/11/2019
  Waste Hygiene Compartment Maintenance :  
During the past few months, the ground teams and the crew have been troubleshooting WHC Pre-Treat Bad Quality Light (PTBQL) indicator light. Today, the ISS crew removed the  WHC Pre-Treat Tank  and  replaced it with a spare on-board . The crew also removed the existing  WHC dose pump  and  replaced it with a spare .  Today's remove and replace activity restored the WHC to nominal operations ....

Если сделать поиск
то приблизительно с 1 января этого года упоминается WHC
In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Full Fill
In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Full Fill

WHC Urine Hydraulic Components R&R
Waste Hygiene Compartment (WHC) to Internal EDV
WHC Urine Hydraulic Components Stowage Gather

WHC Kabin Remove and Disassemble

WHC Urine Receptacle Operations Evaluation Part 5 [Completed GMT 87]

WHC-KTO Replace [Completed GMT 90]
WHC Urine Receptacle Operations [Completed GMT 91]

WHC KTO replace
In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Full Fill
In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Full Fill

In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Pre-Treat Tank Remove & Replace

In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Waste and Hygeine Compartment (WHC) Urine Receptacle (UR) and Insert Filter (IF) Remove and Replace

WHC Stall Removed before WRS-2 MF Bed Maintenance

Waste Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Separator Replacement: As part of routine maintenance, the crew completed the WHC Pump Separator replacement today. The Pump Separator is required to be replaced following 1 year of operation.

Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Pretreat Bad Quality Lights: Due to the ongoing instances of the bad quality light indications, the crew replaced the Pre-Treat Tank as a short-term solution. A WHC nominal functionality test was subsequently performed. Ground teams are developing a long-term forward plan.
WHC pre-treat tank R&R

WHC KTO Replace (GMT 272)

Waste Hygiene Compartment (WHC) operations: Today, the crew performed a partial fill of the WHC flush tank along with removing excess pressure by using a post-flight analysis bag to capture any fluid during the venting. This task was performed in an effort to troubleshoot and exonerate the Water Valve Block as the faulty component.
In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Partial Fill

Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Inflight Maintenance: Today's WHC IFM included the remove and replace of the Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Urine Receptacle and Insert Filter as well as a visual inspection of pre-treat and water lines.  The Urine Receptacle and Insert Filter replacement is part of regular preventative maintenance that occurs every 36 days.
In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Urine Receptacle (UR) and Insert Filter (IF) Remove and Replace

WHC Partial Fill


IFM WHC Pre-Treat Tank R&R

IFM WHC Pre-Treat Tank R&R

IFM WHC Pre-Treat Tank R&R

Inflight Maintenance (IFM) Waste Hygiene Compartment (WHC):  Recently, the ISS crew has observed multiple instances of a Pre-Treat Bad Quality Light (PTBQL). The PTBQLs is a response to the globules in the hose or high pressure on a degraded Dose Pump following flush tank fills. Partial tank fills are currently performed as a workaround in order to protect possible Dose Pump degradation. Today, the ISS crew completed a Waste Hygiene Compartment Pre-Treat Tank Remove and Replace (R&R) to mitigate the PTBQL issue and improve the WHC processing.
In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Pre-Treat Tank Remove & Replace
Waste & Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Water Container (ЕДВ-CB) Remove and Replace
Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Manual Fill Initiation
Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Manual Fill Termination

Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Fill Inspection:  The ISS crew performed a WHC full Flush Tank fill and observed the EK hose and burp bag during the transition phase of the Water Valve Block (WVB) diverting valves at the end of the fill. The crew monitored the hose and bag to assess the performance of the pre-treat dose pump by monitoring for off-nominal indications such as discoloration of pre-treat fluid, excessive pre-treat backflow, and/or debris. The crew also monitored the fill rate of the depressurization burp bag to ensure there is no blockage slowing down flow.
Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Flush Tank Full Fill With EK Hose And Burp Bag Inspection

Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) Operations: Today the crew performed a drain of the Waste Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Recycle Tank to ЕДВ-У serial #1226. Once the Recycle Tank drain was complete, the crew performed a visual check of the Recycle Tank quantity indicator to verify it was indicating empty. The crew then reconfigured the Recycle Tank valves to the "Fill" configuration and transferred the contents of ЕДВ-У serial# 1308 to the Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) Waste Water Storage Tank (WSTA). Finally, the crew configured the UPA drain/fill valves to "process" so that the pre-treated urine can be processed by the UPA.
IFM Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Full Fill

Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Operations: The crew performed WHC preventative maintenance today.  They gathered the necessary parts for EDV (Water Container [sic]) transfer hose replacement, then configured the Pre-Treated Urine T-Valve by depressurizing the installed EDV transfer hose and replaced the degraded transfer hose with a new hose.

WHC Flush Water T-Hose R&R
WHC Manual Fill
WHC water tank inspect

Waste Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Flush Water Hose Replacement:  On GMT 298, the T-hose (S/N 7) which connects the EDV-CB, the Waste Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Flush Water Tank Empty Pressure Sensor ("Empty Sensor"), and the Water Valve Block did not successfully mate to the empty sensor. Today, the crew performed a fit check with a new T-Hose (S/N 8) to the empty sensor and a new EDV.  The S/N 8 T-hose did not mate with the installed empty tank sensor so the crew continued with the remaining operations including EDV full flush tank fill and inspection.  The forward plan will be to swap the empty sensor with another spare on-board.
WHC KTO Replace (GMT 327)
Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Manual Fill Initiation
Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Manual Fill Termination

Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Urine Receptacle (UR) and Insert Filter (IF) Remove and Replace

Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Operations:  Overnight, the ISS crew noticed the WHC check pump separator light that was illuminated.  The crew used a WHC cue card and went through the troubleshooting steps that was not successful to clear the light.  After waking up this morning, the crew replaced the WHC pump separator and restored the WHC to nominal ops.  In addition, the crew completed In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Waste Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Urine Receptacle (UR) and Insert Filter (IF) Remove and Replace.
In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Urine Receptacle (UR) and Insert Filter (IF) Remove and Replace

WHC KTO Replace (GMT 333)

WHC KTO Replace Activity
Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Manual Fill Initiation
Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Manual Fill Termination

Waste Hygiene Compartment Maintenance:  During the past few months, the ground teams and the crew have been troubleshooting WHC Pre-Treat Bad Quality Light (PTBQL) indicator light.  Today, the ISS crew removed the WHC Pre-Treat Tank and replaced it with a spare on-board. The crew also removed the existing WHC dose pump and replaced it with a spare.  Today's remove and replace activity restored the WHC to nominal operations.
In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Pre-Treat Tank and Dose Pump Remove & Replace


ЦитироватьSpace to Ground: Holiday Traffic: 12/13/2019

NASA Johnson

13 дек. 2019 г.
https://www.youtube.com/embed/cE4XMWkPwjw (2:43)


ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 12/12/2019

The crew doffed and stowed the headband and Garment hardware. The crew then connected the data unit to the controller for data downlink. Although the ISS is equipped with health and life sciences research tools, the existing instrumentation for continuous and simultaneous recording of several physiological parameters is lacking. To tackle this issue, the Bio-Monitor Commissioning activity tests the Bio-Monitor facility; a wearable garment capable of monitoring relevant physiological parameters for up to 48 hours in a non-invasive and non-interfering way. The physiological parameters which can be monitored consist of heart rate, respiration rate, ECG (Electrocardiogram), skin temperature, peripheral blood oxygen saturation, etc.
Crewmembers performed Seated GRASP measurements. The purpose of the Gravitational References for Sensimotor Performance: Reaching and Grasping (GRASP) investigation is to better understand how the central nervous system (CNS) integrates information from different sensations (e.g. sight or hearing), encoded in different reference frames, in order to coordinate the hand with the visual environment. More specifically, the science team seeks to better understand if, and how, gravity acts as a reference frame for the control of reach-to-grasp.
Inertial Spreading:
The crew stowed the Inertial Spreading hardware. Inertial Spreading and Imbibition of a Liquid Drop through a Porous Surface (Inertial Spreading) observes a drop of water spreading over and through a sponge-like metal object. When water touches a sponge-like material such as dry soil, it penetrates microscopic holes too small to see; widening these holes makes the water disappear too quickly. Microgravity slows down this process, allowing use of larger holes for more detailed observations to create a benchmark for computer simulations.
Cell Biology Experiment Facility-L (CBEF-L):
The crew completed part 2 of the CBEF setup activities including swapping the IPU hard drive. CBEF-L is a Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) new subrack facility, which is an upgraded facility of the original CBEF currently aboard the International Space Station (ISS). CBEF-L provides new capabilities with additional new resources such as Full High Definition video interface, Ethernet, 24 VDC power supply, and a larger diameter centrifugal test environment. By using the original CBEF and CBEF-L as one facility for the same experiment, the payload user is provided with an upgraded experimental environment that can handle the processing of more experimental samples for a wider array of experiments.
NanoRacks Module-85:
The crew transferred the Module-85 tubes (3) and inserted them into cold stowage. Microgravity Effect on Entomopathogenic Nematodes' Ability to Find and Kill Insects (Module-85 Pheronym) tests the effects of microgravity on the movement and infection behavior of beneficial nematodes, which are used to control agricultural insect pests. The research looks at whether these nematodes can navigate through soil, infect insects and reproduce in space. It also looks at whether their symbiotic bacteria function normally in microgravity and has any effects on insect host physiology.
NanoRacks Zero-G Oven:
The crew installed samples into the oven for processing and cooling. Zero-G Oven examines heat transfer properties and the process of baking food in microgravity. It uses an oven designed specifically for use aboard the space station with a top temperature of 363.3° C. On future long-duration missions, fresh-baked food could have psychological and physiological benefits for crew members.
Rodent Research-19 (RR-19):
The crew continued to perform Bone Densitometer scans using the Experiment box in the Life Science Glovebox. This experiment uses rodent models on the ISS to investigate the potential benefits of targeting the myostatin (MSTN) and activin signaling pathways to prevent skeletal muscle and bone loss during spaceflight and on the recovery of muscle and bone following return to Earth. This research could provide valuable preclinical data to support clinical trials for MSTN therapies for a wide range of conditions that affect muscle and bone health. Such research is particularly important for conditions that involve disuse muscle atrophy (muscle wasting due to immobility or lessened activity)—for example, patients recovering from hip fracture surgery, intensive care patients, and the elderly.
Space Tango MultiLab Locker (TangoLab-2):
The crew swapped out the Payload Cards from slot 6 and 7. Also the Cubes were removed from Card 02 and 03. TangoLab-2 is a reconfigurable general research facilities designed for microgravity research and development and pilot manufacturing in the ISS.
SpX-19 Dragon Trunk Operations:
Overnight, JAXA's Hyper-Spectral Imager Suite (HISUI) payload was removed from the SpX-19 trunk with Space Station Remote Manipulator System - Special Dexterous Manipulator (SSRMS-SPDM) and handed to the Japanese Experiment Module Remote Manipulator System (JEMRMS). The JEMRMS will berth HISUI to the JEM Exposed Facility EFU #8. Next, the newly arrived Li-Ion batteries will be extracted from the Dragon trunk.


Цитировать14 ДЕК, 01:41
Экипаж МКС отметил 75-летие создания Международной организации гражданской авиации
Космонавты и астронавты подчеркнули, что технические и правовые стандарты этой организации широко используются в космической отрасли

ОТТАВА, 14 декабря. /ТАСС/. Космонавты и астронавты, работающие на Международной космической станции (МКС), поздравили Международную организацию гражданской авиации (ИКАО) с 75-летним юбилеем. Об этом в пятницу говорится в сообщении пресс-службы ИКАО.

На сайте организации размещено короткое видео на английском языке, записанное россиянами Александром Скворцовым и Олегом Скрипочкой, американцами Эндрю Морганом, Кристиной Кук и Джессикой Меир, а также астронавтом Европейского космического агентства итальянцем Лукой Пармитано. Экипаж экспедиции на МКС поздравил ИКАО с 75-летием и отметил, что технические и правовые стандарты, предлагаемые этой международной организацией, "широко используются в том числе и в космической отрасли, в частности, в системах навигации, связи и наблюдения".

В ИКАО также сообщили, что данный видеоролик был записан при участии Роскосмоса. Как отметил представитель России при Международной организации гражданской авиации Сергей Гудков, "Российская Федерация и Роскосмос вместе с экипажем МКС воспользовались такой возможностью и воздали должное важной роли ИКАО в гармоничном развитии международного воздушного транспорта".

ИКАО была создана в 1944 году для содействия безопасному и упорядоченному развитию международной гражданской авиации во всем мире и является специализированным учреждением ООН. Наряду со многими другими приоритетными направлениями деятельности она устанавливает стандарты и правила, необходимые для обеспечения безопасности полетов, авиационной безопасности, эффективности, пропускной способности и охраны окружающей среды. В организации состоят 193 государства, в том числе Россия.


ЦитироватьDec. 14, 2019

NASA to Provide Coverage of Boeing Orbital Flight Test for Commercial Crew

A United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket, topped by the Boeing CST-100 Starliner spacecraft, stand on Space Launch Complex 41 at Florida's Cape Canaveral Air Force Station on Dec. 4, 2019. The vehicle was in place on the launch pad for Boeing's wet dress rehearsal ahead of the upcoming Orbital Flight Test, an uncrewed mission to the International Space Station for NASA's Commercial Crew Program.
Credits: Boeing

The launch of Boeing's Orbital Flight Test (OFT) to the International Space Station, as part of NASA's Commercial Crew Program, is targeted for 6:36 a.m. EST Friday, Dec. 20. The uncrewed flight test will be the Boeing CST-100 Starliner's maiden mission to the space station.

Live coverage will begin on NASA Television and the agency's website Tuesday, Dec. 17, with prelaunch events.

Starliner will launch on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. About 31 minutes after launch, Starliner will reach its preliminary orbit. It is scheduled to dock to the space station at 8:08 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 21. Starliner will carry about 600 pounds of crew supplies and equipment to the space station and return some critical research samples to Earth with a parachute-assisted landing at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico at 5:47 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 28.

The flight test will provide valuable data on the end-to-end performance of the Atlas V rocket, Starliner spacecraft, and ground systems, as well as in-orbit, docking and landing operations. The data will be used as part of NASA's process of certifying Boeing's crew transportation system for carrying astronauts to and from the space station. NASA's Commercial Crew Program is working with the American aerospace industry through a public-private partnership to launch astronauts on American rockets and spacecraft from American soil for the first time since 2011.

NASA TV mission coverage is as follows (all times are Eastern):

Tuesday, Dec. 17

2 p.m. (no earlier than) – Prelaunch briefing from NASA's Kennedy Space Center. Participants include:

  • Kathy Lueders, manager, NASA Commercial Crew Program
  • Joel Montalbano, deputy manager, International Space Station Program
  • John Mulholland, vice president and program manager, Boeing Commercial Crew Program
  • John Elbon, chief operating officer, United Launch Alliance
  • Pat Forrester, astronaut office chief, Johnson Space Center
  • Will Ulrich, launch weather officer, 45th Weather Squadron
Thursday, Dec. 19

9:30 a.m. – NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine near the Countdown Clock with:

  • Robert Cabana, director, Kennedy Space Center
  • Mike Fincke, NASA Astronaut, Starliner Crew Flight Test
  • Nicole Mann, NASA Astronaut, Starliner Crew Flight Test
  • Chris Ferguson, Boeing Astronaut, Starliner Crew Flight Test
  • Suni Williams, NASA Astronaut, Starliner first operational mission crew
  • Josh Cassada, NASA Astronaut, Starliner first operational mission crew
Friday, Dec. 20

5:30 a.m. – NASA TV launch coverage begins for the 6:36 a.m. launch.

9 a.m. – Administrator postlaunch news conference. Participants include:
  • NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine
  • Jim Chilton, Boeing senior vice president, Space and Launch Division
  • Astronauts Chris Ferguson, Mike Fincke, and Nicole Mann
9:30 a.m. – Launch team postlaunch news conference
  • Steve Stich, deputy manager, NASA Commercial Crew Program
  • Boeing representative (to be determined)
  • ULA representative (to be determined)
  • Kirk Shireman, manager, International Space Station Program
Saturday, Dec. 21

5 a.m. – Coverage of rendezvous, docking and hatch opening

Friday, Dec. 27

8:15 a.m. – Coverage of hatch closing

11:45 p.m. – Coverage of undocking

Saturday, Dec. 28

4:30 a.m. – Coverage of deorbit and landing begins

The goal of NASA's Commercial Crew Program is safe, reliable and cost-effective human space transportation to and from the International Space Station and low-Earth orbit, which could allow for additional research time and increase the opportunity for discovery aboard humanity's testbed for exploration. Commercial partnerships are an important part of NASA's Artemis program, which will send the first woman and next man to the Moon by 2024.


Last Updated: Dec. 14, 2019
Editor: Karen Northon


ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 12/13/2019

Gravitational References for Sensimotor Performance: Reaching and Grasping (GRASP):
The crew performed GRASP quasi-free sessions. The hardware was then stowed. The purpose of GRASP investigation is to better understand how the central nervous system (CNS) integrates information from different sensations (e.g. sight or hearing), encoded in different reference frames, in order to coordinate the hand with the visual environment. More specifically, the science team seeks to better understand if, and how, gravity acts as a reference frame for the control of reach-to-grasp.
NanoRacks Zero-G Oven:
The crew installed additional samples into the oven for processing and then transferred samples to the POLAR in preparation for return on SpX-19. Zero-G Oven examines heat transfer properties and the process of baking food in microgravity. It uses an oven designed specifically for use aboard the space station with a top temperature of 363.3° C. On future long-duration missions, fresh-baked food could have psychological and physiological benefits for crew members.
Life Support Rack (LSR):
The crew performed steps to remove the H2 sensors one and two from the LSR manifold and installed safing caps in their place. Life Support Rack (LSR) is a Technology Demonstrator for Closed Loop Air Revitalization. LSR captures carbon dioxide from cabin air and recovers 50% of its oxygen for use by the astronauts. LSR operates for a minimum of one year on the International Space Station to demonstrate the robustness of the technology for future Exploration Missions.
Advanced Combustion via Microgravity Experiments (ACME):
The crew replaced the ACME Bypass Controller and the ACME Fuel Controller, in order to continue s-flame operations. The ACME experiment series being performed in the CIR includes five independent studies of gaseous flames. The primary goals of ACME are to improve fuel efficiency and reduce pollutant production in routine fuel combustion activities on Earth. Its secondary goal is to improve spacecraft fire prevention through innovative research focused on materials flammability.
SpX-19 Dragon Trunk Operations:
Overnight, the spare Li-Ion battery was transferred from the SpX-19 Dragon trunk to the Enhanced ORU Temporary Platform (EOTP), utilizing the Space Station Remote Manipulator (SSRMS). The new Li-Ion battery will be installed on the External Stowage Platform (ESP3) next week.
Boeing OFT Preparations:
Today, the ISS prepared for the Boeing OFT mission (uncrewed) arrival by completing On-board Training (OBT) that included reviewing procedures on such topics as rendezvous operations, docking, and ISS Motion Control Systems (MCS).


ЦитироватьBoeing Crew Ship Preps for Launch as Crew Studies Space Biology

Catherine Williams
Posted Dec 16, 2019 at 2:16 pm

Expedition 61 Flight Engineers Andrew Morgan and Christina Koch of NASA, ESA (European Space Agency) Commander Luca Parmitano and NASA Flight Engineer Jessica Meir pose for a portrait in the entryway into the cupola. Image Credit: NASA

Boeing is ramping up for the launch of its first commercial crew vehicle to the International Space Station this week. The Expedition 61 crew is preparing for the new U.S. crew ship's arrival while working human research and space biology today.

Boeing is targeting 6:36 a.m. EST Friday, Dec. 20, for the launch of its first CST-100 Starliner crew ship to the orbiting lab. It will dock to the forward-facing port of the Harmony module on Dec. 21 and return to Earth on Dec. 28. This will be an uncrewed orbital flight test of Boeing's new spaceship and sets the stage for launching crews once again from the United States.

NASA Flight Engineer Christina Koch activated communications gear that will link up with the Boeing Starliner when it arrives Saturday. The C2V2 device (Common Communications for Visiting Vehicles) transmits telemetry from the approaching spacecraft to crew and ground controllers. The C2V2, used by the U.S. Dragon and Cygnus resupply ships, also enables an astronaut to remotely control a spacecraft if necessary.

ESA (European Space Agency) Commander Luca Parmitano and NASA Flight Engineer Andrew Morgan started Monday with hearing checks. The duo set up gear for the Acoustic Diagnostics study that measures hearing before, during and after a mission and assesses the noisy environment aboard the orbiting lab.

NASA astronaut Jessica Meir began her day on an exercise bike for a study measuring her aerobic and cardiovascular output. She then joined Koch in the afternoon feeding lab mice and cleaning their habitats.

Russian cosmonauts Alexander Skvortsov and Oleg Skripochka focused on life support and lab maintenance today. Skvortsov synchronized computers and cameras to station time and serviced an oxygen generator. Skripochka also checked out Russian laptop computers and radiation detection gear.


ЦитироватьDec. 16, 2019

Solving the Challenges of Long Duration Space Flight with 3D Printing

The International Space Station has continuously been home to astronauts for more than nineteen years. Astronauts conduct scientific research using dozens of special facilities aboard the space station, which also provides them with a place to eat, sleep, relax and exercise. To make all of this possible requires sending more than 7,000 pounds of spare parts to the station annually. Another 29,000 pounds of spaceflight hardware spares are stored aboard the station and another 39,000 on the ground, ready to fly if needed.

This logistics support system works well for a spacecraft that is orbiting 250 miles above Earth and readily accessible to cargo resupply missions. It is not practical for future missions to the Moon and Mars, however. Astronauts on these long voyages need to be able to make their own spare parts, tools and materials essentially on demand – both for routine needs and to adapt quickly to unforeseen ones. In-space manufacturing (ISM) using 3D printing technology could be an answer.

The ISM project at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) and its commercial partners are using the space station to test various technologies to provide this capability. The NASA Ames Research Center physics-based modeling group provides additional analysis and modeling support.

The project sent the first 3D printer to the space station in 2014. Developed by Made in Space, this printer used a fused filament fabrication (FFF) process, feeding a continuous thread of plastic through a heated extruder and onto a tray layer by layer to create a three-dimensional object. The 3D Printing in Zero G investigation produced dozens of parts, which researchers analyzed and compared with those made on the ground. Analysis revealed that microgravity had no engineering-significant effects on the process, demonstrating that a 3D printer works normally in space and paving the way to new logistics systems for long duration missions.

NASA Astronaut Barry (Butch) Wilmore holds a ratchet wrench created in 2014 with the 3D printer aboard the International Space Station using a design file transmitted from the ground.
Credits: NASA

"Our current hypothesis based on work so far is that this particular 3D printing process is not affected in a significant way by microgravity," said co-investigator Tracie Prater, a materials engineer at MSFC. "There were some differences in the flight and ground specimen sets, which are likely attributable to the inherent variability in subsequent builds common with additive manufacturing processes. As with any process, it is important to have good process control. The idea with the technology demonstration was to show that you can do this in microgravity, and the only way to test that was operating over time on station."

ESA (European Space Agency) astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti working on the 3D Printer aboard the space station.
Credits: NASA

Made in Space then developed the Additive Manufacturing Facility (AMF), which can print using a variety of materials, including engineered plastics. A second investigation, AMF-ABS Design Values, created parts with this printer on the space station, again for comparison with those made on the ground. "We printed a number of specimens and are in the process of writing the analysis," Prater said. "We took a different testing approach, looking at the effect of filament layup on properties and consistency of the part. One challenge is that there really are not firm standards for how to test 3D printed materials, but various organizations, including NASA, are working on test procedures."

One of the first parts printed on the space station during 3D Printing in Zero G, a wrench, demonstrated it was possible to remotely send a design from the ground to a manufacturing system more than 200 miles above. In addition to its test runs, the AMF has printed several functional items, including an antenna part, an adaptor to hold a probe in an air outlet on the station's oxygen generation system, and a part to connect two SPHERES, free-flying robots used for research on the space station.

Using recycled material for printer feedstock could save future long-duration exploration missions from having to carry a large supply of material for 3D printing. Recycling also could make use of material that otherwise would represent a nuisance or a trash disposal issue on these missions. As a step toward that capability, the ReFabricator investigation demonstrates technology developed by Tethers Unlimited to recycle waste plastic materials, including previously printed items, into high quality 3D-printer filament. It began operations on the space station in February of 2019.

NASA astronaut Anne McClain installs the ReFabricator on the space station in Feb. 2019. The printer was developed to test technology for recycling waste plastic materials into high quality 3D-printer filament.
Credits: NASA

"That's an important part of the program, repurposing material you have rather than having to send up more feedstock," Prater said.

Recently, the Made in Space Recycler launched to the space station for an investigation into which materials are most effective for recycling into 3D printing filament and which ones can hold up over multiple uses without degrading. This investigation is funded and flown through ISS National Lab.

The Made in Space Recycler hardware prepared for launch to the space station to test reprocessing plastic into 3D printing filament.
Credits: Made In Space, Inc.

The ISM Project also is working on developing higher-strength plastics and scaling processes that use metal to the size and power constraints of the space station. "If you look at parts you might need for on-demand manufacturing of spares on exploration missions, many are metal, so that is the next big push," Prater said.

Another challenge is on-orbit inspection of parts made in space, she said. "If you're going to use a part, you need to know that it meets the requirements for its intended use."

Ultimately, ISM is critical for future exploration missions, and testing these manufacturing systems on the space station paves the way to allow those missions to be more independent of Earth. With the project's many commercial partners, it also represents an important aspect of NASA's low-Earth orbit commercialization initiatives. Not to mention it frees up all that space previously used to store spare parts.

Melissa Gaskill

International Space Station Program Science Office
Johnson Space Center

Last Updated: Dec. 16, 2019
Editor: Michael Johnson


Цитировать Jeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust 40 мин. назад

One note from after the briefing: Joel Montalbano said NASA will likely go ahead with two spacewalks in mid-January to complete ISS battery replacements, followed by the last AMS repair spacewalk.


ЦитироватьCrew Preps for U.S. Crew Ship, Tests New Zero-G Oven

Mark Garcia
Posted Dec 17, 2019 at 4:06 pm

NASA astronauts Christina Koch (left) and Jessica Meir work on science hardware aboard the International Space Station.

The International Space Station is gearing up for the arrival of Boeing's new CST-100 Starliner crew ship this weekend. Meanwhile, the Expedition 61 crew checked out a new baking oven, researched life science and replaced a treadmill belt.

Boeing's first Orbital Flight Test of its first commercial crew vehicle is moving ahead toward launch Friday at 6:39 a.m. EST from Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The uncrewed Starliner will approach the station for an automated docking on Saturday at 8:27 a.m. to the forward port of the Harmony module.

NASA Flight Engineers Jessica Meir and Christina Koch are getting ready for Starliner's arrival and its undocking planned for Dec. 28 at 12:44 a.m. The duo reviewed leak check, hatch opening and vehicle ingress procedures for the vehicle after its docking. Both astronauts also familiarized themselves with hatch closing, depressurization and leak check activities necessary before Starliner departs the station.

Commander Luca Parmitano of ESA (European Space Agency) tested the ability of the new NanoRacks Zero-G Oven to bake food in space today. He then joined Meir for eye exams in the afternoon.

A host of life science activities kept NASA astronaut Andrew Morgan busy all day Tuesday. Morgan first installed a new artificial gravity generator inside a Japanese incubator. Next, he removed a science freezer from the SpaceX Dragon resupply ship and installed it into the Columbus lab module.

Finally, veteran cosmonauts Alexander Skvortsov and Oleg Skripochka spent the day replacing a treadmill belt in the Zvezda service module. One of two treadmills aboard the orbiting lab, the other is the COLBERT treadmill located in the U.S. Tranquility module.


ЦитироватьОрбиту МКС скорректируют дважды за день до Нового года
12:24 18.12.2019

МОСКВА, 18 дек - РИА Новости. Две коррекции орбиты Международной космической станции в один день планируется осуществить 27 декабря, сообщило НАСА.

Предыдущая коррекция орбиты МКС была выполнена 8 ноября с использованием двигателей грузового корабля "Прогресс МС-12". В результате средняя высота орбиты станции увеличилась на 800 метров и составила 416,6 километра.

Как отмечается на сайте НАСА, коррекции орбиты МКС намечаются в 4.33 и 7.40 мск. Первая коррекция продлится около 10 минут, вторая - порядка 9 минут.
В настоящее время на МКС совершают полет россияне Александр Скворцов и Олег Скрипочка, американцы Кристина Кук, Эндрю Морган и Джессика Меир, а также итальянец Лука Пармитано.