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Запись трансляции EVA-58 US
ЦитироватьNASA Astronauts Complete All-Woman Spacewalk


17 окт. 2019 г.

On Friday, Oct. 18, NASA astronauts Christina Koch and Jessica Meir completed NASA's first all-woman spacewalk. During the 7-hour, 17-minute spacewalk, the pair replaced a failed power controller and completed several other tasks in preparation for future spacewalks.
https://www.youtube.com/embed/Iji5hTQ3CUo (7:52:38)


Цитироватьtnt22 написал:
Запись трансляции EVA-58 US
ЦитироватьNASA Astronauts Complete All-Woman Spacewalk  


 17 окт. 2019 г.

On Friday, Oct. 18, NASA astronauts Christina Koch and Jessica Meir completed NASA's first all-woman spacewalk. During the 7-hour, 17-minute spacewalk, the pair replaced a failed power controller and completed several other tasks in preparation for future spacewalks.

Железные леди!)
Не все у нас еще хорошо, кое-что - просто замечательно!


Цитироватьuncle_jew написал:
А почему после возвращения астронавтов из откытого космоса другие члены экипажа были в респираторах? Вроде, раньше такого не было. Это из-за возвращённого на станцию контроллера аккумуляторов?
На перчатках была замечена какая-то субстанция, и решили перестраховаться.


Цитироватьanik написал:
Цитироватьuncle_jew написал:
А почему после возвращения астронавтов из откытого космоса другие члены экипажа были в респираторах? Вроде, раньше такого не было. Это из-за возвращённого на станцию контроллера аккумуляторов?
На перчатках была замечена какая-то субстанция, и решили перестраховаться.
Штамм Андромеда?:)
Будет не до космонавтики (С) Ронату.


ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 10/18/2019

The crew performed a routine plant check. This includes the assessment of individual plant pillows, the addition of water as necessary, and photography of the Mizuna plants. With earlier versions of the Veggie experiments, the root mat is typically filled when the experiment is initiated. The research of Veg-04B focuses on the impact of light quality and fertilizer on leafy crop growth for a 56-day grow-out, microbial food safety, nutritional value, taste acceptability by the crew, and the overall behavioral health benefits of having plants and fresh food in space. A healthy, nutritious diet is essential for long-duration exploration missions, which means that the typical pre-packaged astronaut diet needs to be supplemented by fresh foods during flight; the Veggie Vegetable Production System (Veggie) has begun testing aboard the space station to help meet this need, and validation tests have demonstrated that leafy greens can be grown in spaceflight.

US Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Battery Charging Discharging Unit (BCDU) 2B2 Replacement (USOS EVA#58):
Over the past weekend, when activating the new Li-Ion 2B2 battery BCDU, the converter close command failed. Ground teams have determined that performing an EVA to replace the failed BCDU with a new spare will restore full functionality to the Channel 2B.

Therefore, today's USOS EVA#58 has the primary goal to remove the failed Channel 2B BDCU and replace it with a new spare that is currently stored on the Express Logistics Carrier (ELC) #1. EV1 (Koch) and EV2 (Meir) egressed the Airlock around 6:38 CT for total EVA duration of 07 hours and 17 minutes. The CDR (Parmitano) and FE-9 (Morgan) provided intravehicular (IV) support controlling the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) to assist EV1 to remove the spare BCDU from the ELC#1 location. Overall, EV1 and EV2 completed the following EVA tasks:
  • Replace Failed 2B2 BCDU with the spare BCDU
  • TSOP installation
  • CP13 Ethernet Cable Routing (partial)
  • EXT MDM Ethernet Cable disconnect
  • BCDU MLI removal/tie back
  • P6 2B Clean-Up/4B Setup
Furthermore, during the EVA, EV1 (Koch) and EV2 (Meir) spoke with the President of the United States Donald Trump who congratulated them on the first historic all-female EVA.


ЦитироватьEye Checks and Maintenance During Spacewalk Cleanup Today

Mark Garcia
Posted Oct 21, 2019 at 1:21 pm

Spacewalkers Christina Koch and Jessica Meir are pictured during the first all-woman spacewalk that lasted seven hours and 17 minutes. View more spacewalk photos.

The Expedition 61 crew is cleaning up today after the first all-woman spacewalk at the International Space Station. Eye checks and lab maintenance also kicked off the workweek as two cosmonauts took the day off.

NASA astronauts Christina Koch and Jessica Meir are stowing the tools they used on Friday during a seven-hour and 17-minute spacewalk. Koch is also packing a failed power controller for return to Earth after replacing it with spare unit during last week's excursion. Meir recorded how she felt about the first spacewalk of her career for a 3-D virtual reality film.

During the afternoon, Meir joined Commander Luca Parmitano and fellow Flight Engineer Andrew Morgan for eye exams. The trio took turns peering into Optical Coherence Tomography hardware so ground doctors could check the astronauts' retinas.

Morgan partnered with Koch in the morning transferring hardware from the Permanent Multipurpose Module to Japan's HTV-8 resupply ship. The HTV-8 will complete its 34-day cargo mission at the station's Harmony module on Nov. 1.

Cosmonauts Alexander Skvortsov and Oleg Skripochka are relaxing today after a busy week of space research and maintenance over the station's Russian segment. The veteran space duo are each on their third long-duration mission at the orbiting lab.


ЦитироватьOct. 16, 2019

High Definition Earth-Viewing payload reaches end-of-life on station, surpassing life expectancy

The International Space Station's High Definition Earth-Viewing (HDEV) payload officially reached end-of-life Aug. 22, 2019, after delivering live Earth views to more than 318 million viewers across the globe.

HDEV was delivered to the International Space Station in the trunk of SpaceX Dragon on April 19, 2014. Nearly two weeks later, four commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) high definition video cameras were installed and activated on the External Payload Facility of the Columbus module on the International Space Station April 30, 2014.

The HDEV installation was notable because it was the first large payload to be delivered and robotically maneuvered from the SpaceX Dragon's unpressurized trunk section and installed on the International Space Station. No spacewalks, crew interaction or Extra Vehicular Robotics maintenance was required for this external payload.

Until HDEV, the International Space Station flew with standard definition external cameras and internal high definition cameras, which downlinked a combination of six independent video streams to flight controllers on Earth. HDEV provided four high definition cameras continuously operating on the exterior that cycled automatically to provide near-constant live views of the Earth from space to anyone with an internet connection.

High school students helped design some of the cameras' components and through the High Schools United with NASA to Create Hardware (HUNCH) program. The four cameras chosen were from Panasonic, Sony, Hitachi and Toshiba.

"It was a new way of getting payloads to station," said Susan Runco, co-principal investigator of HDEV. "The payload went from design to delivery in nine months. We had a truly incredible team that paved the way for this agile process without compromising safety."

One of the experiment goals was to evaluate the longevity of COTS cameras in the space environment. The entire payload was enclosed in a pressurized box to provide a level of protection to the electronics from the space environment. Originally anticipated to last one to three years, HDEV surpassed its life expectancy and operated continuously for five years.

HDEV's secondary goal was to provide high definition video of Earth to the public. Over a period of five years, the HDEV Ustream delivered Earth views to more than 318 million viewers across the world, including students participating in the Columbus Eye Project.

"When HDEV first came on line, we were surprised and amazed to learn about the thousands and thousands of people around the globe who discovered and embraced this wonderful Earth imagery," said Carlos Fontanot, co-principal investigator of HDEV. "The fan base grew rapidly and sent in many comments about the positive impact that it had on their lives, in classrooms as teaching material, and in general as an uplifting and optimistic view of our home planet."

In addition to live Internet streaming, HDEV views were used by several media outlets during hurricanes to deliver unique views of the storms.

Now that the payload has reached end-of-life, a continuous loop of previously recorded views from HDEV will continue to stream on available public sites. Future opportunities for utilizing the live stream will be assessed. The payload itself will be retrieved on a future spacewalk to be loaded onto a cargo vehicle for a destructive re-entry into Earth's atmosphere next year.

Courtney Beasley
Johnson Space Center, Houston

Last Updated: Oct. 21, 2019
Editor: Mark Garcia


ЦитироватьExpedition 61 Crew News Conference with Jessica Meir and Christina Koch - October 21, 2019

 NASA Video

21 окт. 2019 г.


Aboard the International Space Station, Expedition 61 Flight Engineers Christina Koch and Jessica Meir of NASA discussed their historic first all-woman spacewalk Oct. 18 during a news conference conducted from orbit on Oct. 21. Koch and Meir replaced a faulty battery charging unit during their x hour, xx minute spacewalk Friday. It was the 221st spacewalk in support of space station assembly, maintenance and upgrades, the fourth for Koch and the first for Meir. Koch and Meir are both in the midst of long-duration missions on the orbital outpost.
https://www.youtube.com/embed/Q1_hefKt45g (30:51)


Цитировать21 ОКТ, 23:21 Обновлено 22 окт, 00:11
NASA не хочет допускать ситуации, когда на МКС не будет американских астронавтов
Джеймс Брайденстайн отметил, что "Россия тоже хочет, чтобы российский космонавт был на МКС"

ВАШИНГТОН, 22 октября. /ТАСС/. NASA не хочет допускать ситуации, при которой астронавтов США не будет на Международной космической станции (МКС). Об этом заявил в понедельник директор Национального управления по аэронавтике и исследованию космического пространства Джеймс Брайденстайн на пресс-конференции в рамках 70-го Международного астронавтического конгресса в Вашингтоне.

"Мы хотим, чтобы на МКС всегда был американский астронавт, и Россия тоже хочет, чтобы российский космонавт был на МКС", - сказал он, отвечая на вопрос корреспондента ТАСС о вероятности того, что на МКС не будет американских астронавтов из-за отсутствия, с одной стороны, нового контракта с Россией на их доставку на российских кораблях "Союз", а с другой стороны, отсутствия у США своих собственных космических кораблей.

"Если коммерческие корабли [разрабатываемые американскими компаниями SpaceX и Boeing] не будут готовы в первой половине следующего года, наши американские астронавты вернутся домой в октябре следующего года", - отметил Брайденстайн.

Директор NASA подчеркнул, что космические ведомства двух стран ведут переговоры по поводу доставки американских астронавтов на МКС на российских кораблях, однако он пока не обсуждал этот вопрос с участвующим в конгрессе в Вашингтоне исполнительным директором Роскосмоса по пилотируемым космическим программам Сергеем Крикалевым.

"Мы пока не обсуждали это, но люди, которые работают в наших ведомствах, проводили обсуждения по поводу того, что произойдет, если мы будем не готовы, и как нам получить доступ к дополнительным местам на "Союзах", - заявил глава NASA. - Мы определенно заинтересованы в этом, но на текущий момент это зависит от России, чтобы она помогла нам, и мы договорились по поводу того, как мы достигнем этого результата. У них есть свой график, которого они тоже должны придерживаться. Я думаю, цель обеих стран - сохранить постоянное присутствие наших граждан на МКС".

"Что касается предыдущего контракта, то он был продлен, и он покрывает период до середины следующего года, до октября. Мы надеемся, что коммерческие корабли полетят к этому моменту, так как потом мы планируем отправить трех российских членов экипажа на МКС, но если что-то пойдет не так, мы будем вести переговоры", - сказал в свою очередь Крикалев.


ЦитироватьПавел73 написал:
Цитироватьanik написал:
Цитироватьuncle_jew  написал:
А почему после возвращения астронавтов из откытого космоса другие члены экипажа были в респираторах? Вроде, раньше такого не было. Это из-за возвращённого на станцию контроллера аккумуляторов?
На перчатках была замечена какая-то субстанция, и решили перестраховаться.
Штамм Андромеда?
В карантин! Всех!! Срочно!!! На 3 месяца!... с половиной ;)


ЦитироватьOct. 21, 2019

Astronauts to Test Drive a Lunar Robot fr om the Space Station

Astronauts could one day remotely control Moon and Mars rovers fr om orbit. An upcoming test aboard the International Space Station could help make this a possibility. In November, the ESA (European Space Agency) will conduct an experiment in orbit known as ANALOG-1 to see if station crews, scientists on the ground and new technology can work together to guide a rover on a simulated lunar mission.

ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano prepares for ANALOG-1 experiment operations on the ground in the European Astronaut Center in Cologne, Germany. The investigation will require him to remotely control an Earth-based rover from the space station.
Credits: ESA

This project investigates how effectively an astronaut on the International Space Station can operate a rover on a Moon-like terrain on Earth. The rover is tasked with collecting rock and soil samples, then remotely investigating the samples.

"This is a potential scientific scenario during future missions to the Moon and Mars," said William Carey, ESA scientist and principle investigator for the ANALOG-1 experiment. "Space is such a harsh place for humans and machines. Future exploration of the solar system may involve sending robotic explorers to test the waters on uncharted planets before sending humans."

Remotely Close

ANALOG-1 is the final step in ESA's ongoing METERON (Multi-purpose End To End Robotics Operations Network) project, which is an initiative to develop and test robotics, communications and operations innovations that astronauts could use to explore the solar system.

Historically, rovers exploring other planets have been controlled with preprogrammed software and by scientists sending commands from Earth that take long periods of time to reach the robots. These approaches worked well enough to greatly advance our knowledge of other worlds, but they can make it difficult to work fast, change plans or quickly adapt to unexpected situations.

Carey and his ESA team suspect a better method may be placing astronauts in orbit around exploration sites wh ere they could quickly communicate with the rover. With a nearby astronaut at the rover's controls, scientists could more efficiently explore a planned target, take advantage of a surprise opportunity or rapidly manage a problem.

"A number of space agencies have looked at such a scenario for the exploration of planetary bodies – particularly for Mars," said Carey. "The approach could greatly increase the scientific return on those missions, as well as offer a way to avoid potential contamination from humans landing on the surface before we can answer questions about existing or previous life on Mars."

The results of the experiment could be of particular value to NASA as it prepares to explore the Moon from the planned Gateway spaceship as part of the Artemis program, wh ere NASA will be going forward to the Moon and on to Mars.

Within Arm's Reach

During the two-hour experiment, ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano will use a workstation aboard the orbiting laboratory to attempt to command a remotely controllable rover and its arm while it traverses a Moon-like surface near Noordwijk, a town in the Netherlands. Parmitano will drive the robot using a specialized computer system and will be guided by scientists communicating with him on the ground. He will also use a state-of-the-art Sigma 7 "joystick" that will allow the astronaut to sense what the rover's arm encounters.

The ANALOG-1 Interact rover located near the European Space Research and Technology Centre in the Netherlands is controlled by a surrogate astronaut based at the European Astronaut Center in Germany. The cones mark out a route that the rover has to follow to get to the sample site.
Credits: ESA

"The force feedback enables the operator to feel what the robot feels," said ESA robotics lead engineer Thomas Krueger. "For example, if the robot touches a fragile object, it measures and transmits information back to the user, who then feels its delicateness on the Sigma 7 joystick. They can then operate the arm more carefully than with a normal joystick."

Parmitano will use the joystick to direct the robot's arm to take samples of rock and soil back on Earth. Scientists expect he may face additional difficulty because of how the human body responds to space. Research has shown that microgravity can impair an astronaut's sense of touch or feel, as well as the ability to track moving objects – both of which are critical in this investigation's task.

Evaluating the Task At Hand

When the experiment is done, researchers on the ground will evaluate how well the robotic control systems functioned and examine Parmitano's ability to operate the rover under the effects of microgravity. They will also observe how well Parmitano and the science team back on Earth were able to communicate to make decisions and plans for controlling the rover.

The rover that will be used as a part of the ESA ANALOG-1 experiment moves cones inside of the sample box which will contain rocks during the experiment.
Credits: ESA

"Robots have the ability to extend our presence on other worlds and increase our exploration efficiency," said ESA project manager Kjetil Wormnes. "The results of ANALOG-1 will help us determine the most effective way to collaborate with robots in order to prepare for our future exploration of the Moon."

Charlie Plain

International Space Station Program Science Office
Johnson Space Center

Last Updated: Oct. 21, 2019
Editor: Michael Johnson


Цитироватьtnt22 написал:
ЦитироватьOct. 21, 2019
Astronauts to Test Drive a Lunar Robot fr om the Space Station
 Что за фигня???  :evil:  Почему робот не антропоморфный???  :evil:  Почему Пармезано не в экзоскелете???  :evil: 
 Почему не используют бесценный опыт робота Феди, бесценное мнение нашего дорогого Дмитрия Олеговича и бесценную компетенцию и компетентность создателей Феди (забыл фамилии)???  :evil: 
1. Ангара - единственная в мире новая РН которая хуже старой (с) Старый Ламер
2. Назначение Роскосмоса - не летать в космос а выкачивать из бюджета деньги
3. У Маска ракета длиннее и толще чем у Роскосмоса
4. Чем мрачнее реальность тем ярче бред (с) Старый Ламер


Кто вобще допустил чтобы Пармезано управлял роботом елозя одним пальцем по тачпаду?  :evil: Неправославно это!  :evil: 
Когда я объяснял Ноту как надо управлять роботом я честное слово ещё не видел этой картинки. 
1. Ангара - единственная в мире новая РН которая хуже старой (с) Старый Ламер
2. Назначение Роскосмоса - не летать в космос а выкачивать из бюджета деньги
3. У Маска ракета длиннее и толще чем у Роскосмоса
4. Чем мрачнее реальность тем ярче бред (с) Старый Ламер


ЦитироватьНа МКС сломались американские чайник и плита
13:02 22.10.2019 (обновлено: 14:15 22.10.2019)

МОСКВА, 22 окт — РИА Новости. Астронавты Международной космической станции не могут пользоваться кухней в американском сегменте и вынуждены подогревать пищу в российском модуле.

Об этом командир МКС Лука Пармитано сообщил во время переговоров со специалистами Хьюстонского центра управления полетами, трансляцию которых ведет НАСА. По его словам, ночью на кухне в американском модуле Unity произошло короткое замыкание, из-за чего отказал нагреватель воды. В результате астронавтам приходится пользоваться кухней российского модуля "Звезда".

Пармитано отметил важность работы американской кухни и попросил специалистов как можно быстрее решить проблему с ней.

На космической кухне имеются нагреватель воды, который также используется для приготовления сублимированной (в виде порошка) пищи, и плита для разогрева консервированных продуктов.
Сейчас на МКС совершают полет россияне Александр Скворцов и Олег Скрипочка, американцы Кристина Кук, Эндрю Морган и Джессика Меир, а также итальянец Лука Пармитано


Цитироватьzandr написал:
  В карантин! Всех!! Срочно!!! На 3 месяца!... с половиной
на 9...
ради читаемости и содержательности форума в настройках аккаунта отключено отображение всего, что можно отключить; я не вижу ваши (и свои) юзерпики, подписи, посты персонажей из блеклиста  ("старый", "бендер","аникей", "nonconvex" "alexandru" "streamflow" etc ) и т.п. бесполезности


Цитироватьtnt22 написал:
ЦитироватьНа МКС сломались американские чайник и плита  
 13:02 22.10.2019 (обновлено: 14:15 22.10.2019)
cherchez la femme!
Не все у нас еще хорошо, кое-что - просто замечательно!


Цитироватьcross-track написал:
Цитироватьtnt22 написал:
ЦитироватьНа МКС сломались американские чайник и плита  
 13:02 22.10.2019 (обновлено: 14:15 22.10.2019)
cherchez la femme!
Две бабы на одной кухне не уживутся. 
1. Ангара - единственная в мире новая РН которая хуже старой (с) Старый Ламер
2. Назначение Роскосмоса - не летать в космос а выкачивать из бюджета деньги
3. У Маска ракета длиннее и толще чем у Роскосмоса
4. Чем мрачнее реальность тем ярче бред (с) Старый Ламер


Цитировать Intl. Space Station‏ @Space_Station 5 мин. назад

One of the first things astronauts do when they get to the space station is set up their ActiwatchPlus, a device that monitors body movement, sleep-wake cycles & light intensity. NASA's Human Research Program will use the data from these watches for future lunar & Mars missions.


ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 10/21/2019

The crew performed a routine plant check. This includes the assessment of individual plant pillows, the addition of water as necessary, and photography of the Mizuna plants. The Pick-and-Eat Salad-Crop Productivity, Nutritional Value, and Acceptability to Supplement the ISS Food System (Veg-0404A, Veg-04B, and Veg-05) investigation is a phased research project to address the need for a continuous fresh-food production system in space. A healthy, nutritious diet is essential for long-duration exploration missions, which means that the typical pre-packaged astronaut diet needs to be supplemented by fresh foods during flight; the Veggie Vegetable Production System (Veggie) has begun testing aboard the space station to help meet this need, and validation tests have demonstrated that leafy greens can be grown in spaceflight. The research of Veg-04B focuses on the impact of light quality and fertilizer on leafy crop growth for a 56-day grow-out, microbial food safety, nutritional value, taste acceptability by the crew, and the overall behavioral health benefits of having plants and fresh food in space.
The ISS Experience:
The crew recorded Astronaut logs for the ISS Experience study. The ISS Experience creates a virtual reality film documenting daily life aboard the ISS. The 8 to 10 minute videos created from footage taken during the six-month investigation cover different aspects of crew life, execution of science aboard the station, and the international partnerships involved. The ISS Experience uses a Z-CAM V1 Pro Cinematic Virtual Reality (VR) 360-degree camera with nine 190° fisheye lenses.

Resupply Stowage Rack (RSR) Transfer to HII Transfer Vehicle (HTV)8:
Today, the crew continued with HTV8 cargo transfer operations and transferred the first of three racks that will be disposed with HTV8 at the completion of its mission. This week the crew will continue to focus on HTV8 cargo operations in preparation for HTV8 close out and departure late next week.
Nitrogen/Oxygen Recharge System (NORS) tank swap:
Today, the crew removed an empty Oxygen tank from Nitrogen/Oxygen Recharge System (NORS) in the airlock, and then installed a fully pressurized Nitrogen tank. Ground controllers then started a transfer of nitrogen from the new tank to the external Airlock High Pressure Gas Tanks. The Nitrogen gas remaining in the NORS tank after the airlock transfer is completed will be used to re-pressurize the nitrogen portion of the ISS atmosphere later in the week.


ЦитироватьК #22486
 NASA‏ @NASA 1 ч. назад

Test-driving a lunar robot from @Space_Station! In an @esa experiment, @astro_luca and scientists on the ground will work together with new technologies to guide the rover. This approach could be used for future exploration of the solar system. Details: https://go.nasa.gov/2qBr8MP