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Цитировать29 АПР, 23:12
NASA: на МКС выявлена проблема в электроснабжении

Угрозы для экипажа нет

ТАСС, 29 апреля. Проблема в системе электроснабжения была зафиксирована в понедельник на Международной космической станции, однако угрозы для экипажа МКС нет. Об этом сообщило в Twitter американское Национальное управление по аэронавтике и исследованию космического пространства (NASA).

"Сегодня была выявлена проблема в системе электроснабжения Международной космической станции, - отмечает NASA. - Команды работают над тем, чтобы установить причину и восстановить полное электропитание в системе. В настоящий момент нет непосредственной причины для беспокойства за экипаж станции".
Сейчас в составе экипажа МКС - российские космонавты Олег Кононенко и Алексей Овчинин, астронавты Энн Макклейн, Кристина Кох и Ник Хейг (NASA) и Давид Сен-Жак (Канадское космическое агентство).


Эмблема экспедиции-61
ЦитироватьAstronautiCAST‏ @AstronautiCAST 26 апр.

Avevate notato la patch dell'#Expedition61 sulla polo di @astro_luca, @AstroDrewMorgan e Alexander #Skvortsov durante l'intervista della scorsa settimana?


ЦитироватьNASA STEM Presents: The Future of Space

NASA Video

Опубликовано: 29 апр. 2019 г.

NASA's Office of STEM Engagement (OSTEM) hosted a "Future of Space" forum April 29 at NASA Headquarters, to engage college students interested in learning more about NASA's Moon to Mars exploration plans. The event featured senior NASA officials discussing the agency's approach for going forward to the Moon, video profiles that provide behind-the-scene looks at what it is like to work at NASA, and a live talk with astronauts aboard the International Space Station. NASA's vision for STEM engagement is to help nurture a highly qualified future STEM workforce – so that next generation of explorers can develop the technical skills needed to help advance NASA's missions.


Перенос пуска Дракона SpX-17 не ранее чем на пятницу
Цитировать04/30/2019 04:28 Stephen Clark

The launch of SpaceX's next cargo resupply mission to the International Space Station is expected to be rescheduled for no earlier than Friday morning, according to multiple sources.

The delay will allow time for NASA flight controllers in Houston to continue troubleshooting an issue with a distribution box in the space station's electrical power system. Engineers detected an issue with the Main Bus Switching Unit on Monday morning, and ground teams may elect to replace the component later this week, ahead of the SpaceX cargo launch.

The unit is one of several that routes power from the space station's U.S. solar arrays to the research outpost's electrical channels. The suspect unit distributes power to two of the eight electrical channels on the station.

Ground teams have replaced a failed Main Bus Switching Unit using the station's robotic arm before, eliminating the need for astronauts to conduct the work on a spacewalk.


ЦитироватьSpace station power glitch could delay SpaceX launch plans

APRIL 29, 2019 / 6:20 PM / CBS NEWS

An electrical distribution unit aboard the International Space Station malfunctioned Monday, taking down two of the lab's eight power channels. The crew is in no danger while engineers troubleshoot the problem, officials said, but if it can't be resolved, the electrical box in question might have to be replaced with a spare, possibly prompting NASA to delay launch of a SpaceX Dragon supply ship Wednesday.

Assuming an on-time launch atop a Falcon 9 rocket, the Dragon cargo capsule, loaded with nearly 5,500 pounds of equipment and supplies, is expected to catch up with the station early Friday and then stand by while the lab's robot arm locks on and pulls it in for berthing.

The Canadian-built robot arm can be operated with a single power source, but NASA flight rules require two for redundancy. As it turns out, one of the two power circuits supporting arm operations was knocked out by the main bus switching unit problem that cropped up Monday.

During a 2012 spacewalk, Sunita Williams, seen here, and Aki Hoshide, out of view, completed installation of a replacement main bus switching unit, or MBSU, one of which is visible at lower right. Four MBSUs distribute electrical power from the station's solar arrays through eight power channels. An MBSU malfunctioned Monday, taking down two of those channels. Engineers are studying how to re-route that power in the near term. Spares are available if the MBSU has to be replaced.

A NASA official said power from the two channels fed by the main bus switching unit, or MBSU, could be re-routed using jumpers, but it was not clear whether that included power to the robot arm. NASA flight rules require redundant power for robot arm operations. If secondary power to the arm cannot somehow be re-routed or otherwise restored, and if the flight rule remains in force, the Dragon launch presumably would be delayed until after the MBSU could be replaced, either robotically or during a spacewalk.

The space station's primary solar power system consists of four rotating solar wings, two on the right side of the outpost's pressurized modules and two on the left. Four MBSU's, mounted in the center of the station's solar array truss, distribute power from the arrays downstream to various electrical circuits. The MBSU that malfunctioned took down power channels 3A and 3B. The system was designed so channels can be "cross tied" as needed to work around failures.

In 2017, an MBSU powering channels 2A and 2B suffered a malfunction, prompting flight controllers to replace it using the station's robot arm. Another MBSU was replaced during two spacewalks in 2012.

First published on April 29, 2019 / 6:20 PM

© 2019 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Цитировать"Роскосмос" рассказал о графике космонавтов на МКС в майские праздники

МОСКВА, 30 апр – РИА Новости. Российские космонавты Олег Кононенко и Алексей Овчинин, находящиеся сейчас на борту Международной космической станции, практически не будут отдыхать в первые майские праздники, сообщили РИА Новости в пресс-службе Роскосмоса.

"Майские праздники практически не отразятся на плотном рабочем графике российских космонавтов на МКС ... Небольшой отдых и общение с семьей запланированы только на 4 и 5 мая", - говорится в сообщении.

Экипаж российского сегмента в праздники будет занят ежедневными операциями – проведением экспериментов, сбором данных, наблюдением и фотосъемкой. Также Космонавтам предстоит подготовить несколько репортажей для сайта Роскосмоса и социальных сетей.


Цитировать30 АПР, 10:35
Проблемы с энергоснабжением на МКС не повлияли на работу российского сегмента

Все системы функционируют в штатном режиме, заверили в Роскосмосе

МОСКВА, 30 апреля. /ТАСС/. Поломка системы энергоснабжения в американской части Международной космической станции (МКС) не сказалась на работе российского сегмента. Об этом сообщили во вторник ТАСС в Роскосмосе.

"На американском сегменте МКС были зафиксированы некоторые проблемы с энергоснабжением. Поломка не сказалась на работе российского сегмента МКС. Все системы работают штатно", - отметили в госкорпорации.

В Роскосмосе также подчеркнули, что экипаж чувствует себя хорошо.

Американское Национальное управление по аэронавтике и исследованию космического пространства в понедельник сообщило о проблеме в системе электроснабжения на МКС, пояснив, что угрозы для экипажа нет.
Сейчас в составе экипажа МКС работают российские космонавты Олег Кононенко и Алексей Овчинин и астронавты Энн Макклейн, Кристина Кох, Ник Хейг (все трое - NASA) и Давид Сен-Жак (Канадское космическое агентство).


ЦитироватьChris B - NSF‏ @NASASpaceflight 5 мин. назад

Electrical issue on Station delays Dragon launch -

https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2019/04/electrical-issue-station-dragon-crs-17/ ...

Warning, technical - so expect a bowl of acronym soup.


ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 4/29/2019

Main Bus Switching Unit (MBSU) 3 Failure:
This morning, a critical bus loss occurred on MBSU 3 that brought down loads on channels 3A and 3B. Major impacts included KU-band, Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS), Control Moment Gyro (CMG)-3 and Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) redundancy. Troubleshooting was not successful and teams are assessing the possibility of a power supply failure. A Flight Investigation Team (FIT) is meeting this afternoon to discuss a forward plan. Console teams are working through jumpering plans and alternate power strings to maintain key loads. KU-band communication has been regained. AMS swapped loads to channel 4A and has resumed nominal operations.
Remote Power Control Module (RPCM) Z14B_B Remote Power Controller (RPC) 12 Trip:
In response to the MBSU 3 failure and loss of operational power to Control Moment Gyro (CMG)-3, teams attempted to close RPCM Z14B_B RPC 12 to provide survival heater power to CMG 3. Upon closure attempt, the RPC tripped open. This is a Type V external RPCM and is susceptible to hybrid Field Effect Transistor (FET) issues. Teams are working within thermal clocks and discussing mitigation plans.
Fiber Optic Production:
Crewmembers performed the Fiber Optic Production setup. Physical Optics Corporation's (POC's) Fiber Optic Production investigation creates optical fibers with high commercial value aboard the International Space Station (ISS) using a blend of zirconium, barium, lanthanum, sodium, and aluminum called ZBLAN (ZrF4-BaF2-LaF3-AlF3-NaF). Fiber Optic Production operates within the Microgravity Science Glovebox (MSG). Extensive theoretical studies along with a limited number of experimental studies suggest that ZBLAN optical fibers produced in microgravity should exhibit far superior qualities to those produced on Earth. The resulting optical fiber from Fiber Optic Production is expected to help verify these studies and guide further engineering efforts to manufacture high value optical fiber in large volume aboard the ISS.
The crew installed a data cable inside Cygnus in support of the Slingshot deployable system. SlingShot is a small satellite deployment system that fits inside the Cygnus spacecraft's Passive Common Berthing Mechanism (PCBM). SlingShot can accommodate up to 18 satellites that are deployed post Cygnus unberth.
Cryo Chiller:T
he crew stowed the Cryo Chiller tools into the Cryo Chiller facility. Cryo Chiller is a single Expedite the Processing of Experiments to Space Station (EXPRESS) locker replacement unit that provides rapid freezing capability in support of biological sciences, as well as temperature-controlled transfer to/from the ISS on visiting vehicles.
The ISS Experience:
A crewmember performed an ISS Experience Log recording today. The ISS Experience creates a virtual reality film documenting daily life aboard the ISS. The 8 to 10 minute videos created from footage taken during the six-month investigation cover different aspects of crew life, execution of science aboard the station, and the international partnerships involved. The ISS Experience uses a Z-CAM V1 Pro Cinematic Virtual Reality (VR) 360-degree camera with nine 190° fisheye lenses.
Thermal Amine System:
Thermal Amine Scrubber passed its leak checks over the weekend and rack and locker power were applied this morning. Verification of proper connection to the Adlink Mini-PC and activation steps have been delayed due to the MBSU failure this morning. Thermal Amine System tests a method to remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from air aboard the International Space Station, using actively heated and cooled amine beds. Controlling CO2 levels on the station reduces the likelihood of crewmembers experiencing symptoms of CO2 buildup, which include fatigue, headache, breathing difficulties, strained eyes, and itchy skin. The system includes elements that reduce loss of water vapor, and recover CO2 for use in electrolysis to produce oxygen.
Remote Power Control Module (RPCM) S01A_B Remote Power Controller (RPC) 2 Trip:
On Sunday, RPCM S01A_B, RPC 2 tripped. This trip removed power from RPCM S31A_A and its downstream loads which include the S3-1 Multiplexer/Demutliplexer (MDM), Starboard (Stbd) Solar Alpha Rotary Joint (SARJ) Rotary Joint Motor Controller (RJMC) 1, S3 Aft Wireless Video System (WVS) External Transceiver Assembly (WETA), Stbd SARJ RJMC 2 Heaters, S3-1 Payload Attach System (PAS) 1 Umbilical Mechanism Assembly (UMA), and the S3 PAS 4 UMA. S3-2 MDM assumed bus control and the SARJ was recovered and is in autotrack. No overcurrent was seen in the latched Direct Current to Direct Current Converter Unit (DDCU) 50Hz data. RPCM S01A B is a type VI RPCM, which is not susceptible to hybrid Field Effect Transistor (FET) issues. A FIT held today recommends loading RPCMs S01A_B and S31A_A with the 1kHz firmware and reclosure of RPCM S01A_B, RPC 2 and repower of downstream loads.
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) Filter Screen Repair:
The crew noted during a weekly housekeeping activity that the OGA intake screen was broken. After reviewing downlinked images taken by the crew, it was determined the upper left corner of the front screen was pushed inward, allowing for a partial by-pass of the screen through a corner gap. Today the crew repaired this damage by prying the corner forward and applying aluminum tape over the edges.
Node 3 (N3) Charcoal HEPA Integrated Particle Scrubber (CHIPS) Filter Install:
The crew removed four existing bacteria filters in N3, cleaned two area smoke detectors, and replaced the filters with the new CHIPS filters that were delivered on Cygnus. By adding charcoal to the filter system, experts hope to scrub volatile siloxanes from the air before they can affect other ISS systems. Installing these filters on ISS is a key objective for NASA's exploration vehicle programs because data collected after the install will determine how charcoal affects the life of the Water Processor Assembly (WPA) and other downstream hardware. N2 filters were replaced last week.
Cargo Operations Conference:
In preparation for SpX-17 arrival, currently scheduled on May 4, the crew participated in a conference with ground teams today to discuss the cargo transfer plan.
Public Affairs Office (PAO) Live Event:
Today Nick and Christina participated in a live PAO event with NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine, Associate Administrator Bill Gerstenmaier, and Deputy Associate Administrator Steve Clarke. This event was geared toward college students. NASA has partnered with American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS) and NASA STEM's Space Grant Consortia to bring students together so they can learn more about the lunar exploration plans and how they fit into the picture. This event hopes to engage college students as they determine majors and make plans to enter the work force.


ЦитироватьDragon Cargo Mission Launch No Earlier than May 3

Mark Garcia
Posted Apr 30, 2019 at 11:23 am

The International Space Station was pictured by an Expedition 56 crewmember aboard a departing Soyuz crew ship on Oct. 4, 2018.

NASA has requested SpaceX move off from May 1 for the launch of the company's 17th commercial resupply mission to the International Space Station.

On April 29, the space station team identified an issue with one of the station's Main Bus Switching Units that distributes power to two of the eight power channels on the station. There are no immediate concerns for the crew or the station. Teams are working on a plan to robotically replace the failed unit and restore full power to the station system. Additional information will be provided as it becomes available. The earliest possible launch opportunity is no earlier than Friday, May 3.


ЦитироватьSpaceX CRS-17 Launch No Earlier Than Friday, May 3

James Cawley
Posted Apr 30, 2019 at 11:49 am

CRS-17 is SpaceX's 17th Commercial Resupply Services Mission to the International Space Station. It will launch from from Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station no earlier than Friday, May 3. Photo credit: SpaceX image

NASA has requested SpaceX move off from May 1 for the launch of the company's 17th commercial resupply mission to the International Space Station.

On April 29, the space station team identified an issue with one of the station's Main Bus Switching Units that distributes power to two of the eight power channels on the station. There are no immediate concerns for the crew or the station. Teams are working on a plan to robotically replace the failed unit and restore full power to the station system. Additional information will be provided as it becomes available. The earliest possible launch opportunity is no earlier than Friday, May 3.


ЦитироватьSpaceX resupply launch delayed by malfunction on space station
April 30, 2019Stephen Clark

EDITOR'S NOTE: Updated at 12 p.m. EDT (1600 GMT) with NASA's confirmation of the delay.

A portion of a solar array wing on the International Space Station is visible in this image. Credit: NASA

A SpaceX Dragon supply ship packed with nearly three tons of experiments, crew provisions and supplies will remain on the ground until at least Friday morning to allow more time for NASA flight controllers to troubleshoot a problem with an electrical distribution unit on the International Space Station.

Multiple sources said Monday that the commercial resupply launch from Cape Canaveral, previously scheduled for Wednesday, will be pushed back at least two days to no earlier than Friday at 3:11 a.m. EDT (0711 GMT).

NASA confirmed the launch delay Tuesday.

The delay will allow time for NASA flight controllers at the Johnson Space Center in Houston to continue troubleshooting an issue with a distribution box in the space station's electrical power system. Engineers detected an issue with the Main Bus Switching Unit on Monday morning, and ground teams plan to replace the component later this week, ahead of the SpaceX cargo launch.

"Teams are working on a plan to robotically replace the failed unit and restore full power to the station system," NASA said in a statement Tuesday. "The earliest possible launch opportunity is no earlier than Friday, May 3."

The Main Bus Distribution Unit is one of several that routes power from the space station's U.S. solar arrays to the research outpost's electrical channels. The suspect unit distributes power to two of the eight electrical channels on the station, including a power supply for the space station's robotic arm, which the station astronauts will use to capture the Dragon cargo craft as it approaches the complex.

While the robotic arm remains powered through a separate channel, NASA flight rules require redundant power supplies for the arm during critical operations, such as the grapple of a free-flying spacecraft.

Ground teams have replaced a failed Main Bus Switching Unit using the station's robotic arm before. The capability to robotically replace the power distribution box means astronauts will not have to conduct a spacewalk for the task.

The electrical system glitch does not pose any immediate concern to the station or its six-person crew, NASA said.

NASA's Orbiting Carbon Observatory-3 (OCO-3) and the U.S. military's Space Test Program-Houston 6 (STP-H6) payloads are in view installed in the trunk of SpaceX's Dragon spacecraft inside the SpaceX facility at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida on March 23, 2019. Credit: NASA

"Flight controllers have been working to route power through the remaining six power channels," NASA said in a previous statement released Monday. "Electrical power generated by the station's solar arrays is fed to all station systems through these power channels."

If the Dragon spacecraft had launched Wednesday, it was due to arrive at the station early Saturday. Assuming a launch from Cape Canaveral on Friday morning, the Dragon cargo freighter is scheduled to reach the complex early Sunday.

Forecasters with the U.S. Air Force's 45th Weather Squadron predict a 60 percent chance of favorable conditions for Friday's predawn launch opportunity, which is timed for when the space station's orbital plane passes over Cape Canaveral.

An outlook issued Tuesday identified concerns that weather at Cape Canaveral could violate weather rules relating to cumulus clouds, thick clouds and flight through precipitation.


ЦитироватьSpace Research Continues on Station as NASA, SpaceX Move Off May 1 Launch

Mark Garcia
Posted Apr 30, 2019 at 12:43 pm

The Gulf of Mexico, Galveston Bay and Houston, Texas, the home of NASA's Johnson Space Center, are pictured from the International Space Station 256 miles above the Lone Star State.

NASA has requested SpaceX move off from May 1 for the launch of the company's 17th commercial resupply mission to the International Space Station.

On April 29, the space station team identified an issue with one of the station's Main Bus Switching Units that distributes power to two of the eight power channels on the station. There are no immediate concerns for the crew or the station. Teams are working on a plan to robotically replace the failed unit and restore full power to the station system. Additional information will be provided as it becomes available. The earliest possible launch opportunity is no earlier than Friday, May 3.

Meanwhile, the Expedition 59 crew explored a wide variety of microgravity science today including human research, robotics and space manufacturing techniques.

Flight Engineer David Saint-Jacques jotted down his impressions of space life in a private journal this morning for the Behavioral Core Measures study. Later he installed new incubator hardware inside the Space Automated Bioproduct Lab for the Kidney Cells experiment that seeks innovative treatments for humans on Earth and in space.

Astrobee, a new free-flying robotic assistant, is being readied for testing today inside Japan's Kibo lab module. NASA astronaut Anne McClain inspected and checked out the cube-shaped mini-robot's components then activated the device to perform a flyaround. Astrobee could save the crew time performing routine maintenance duties and providing additional lab monitoring capabilities.

Engineers are also testing the feasibility of producing fiber optic cable in space. Microgravity reveals physical processes hidden by Earth's gravity that may prove the superiority of space manufacturing. Flight Engineer Christina Koch contributed to that study today working on fiber samples in the Microgravity Science Glovebox that will be examined back on Earth for quality.


ЦитироватьJeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust 3 мин. назад

Gerst: planning robotic changeout of faulty main bus switching unit on ISS on Thursday. If successful, move ahead with SpaceX Dragon cargo launch on Friday.


Новое расписание трансляций НАСА (SpX-17)

ЦитироватьNASA Television Upcoming Events

All times Eastern

May 3, Friday
2:45 a.m. – Coverage of the launch of the SpaceX CRS-17 Dragon Cargo Craft Mission to the nternational Space Station; launch is scheduled at 3:11 a.m. ET (All Channels)
4:30 a.m. – SpaceX CRS-17 Post-Launch News Conference (time subject to change) (All Channels)

May 5, Sunday
5 a.m. - Coverage of the rendezvous and capture of the SpaceX CRS-17 Dragon Cargo Craft at the International Space Station; capture scheduled at 6:45 a.m. ET (All Channels)
9 a.m. - Coverage of the installation of the SpaceX CRS-17 Dragon Cargo Craft to the International Space Station (All Channels)
UTC = EDT + 4 h (ДМВ = EDT + 7 h)


Цитировать30 АПР, 19:43
Запуск корабля Dragon с грузом для МКС состоится не ранее 3 мая

Его перенесли из-за неполадок энергооборудования Международной космической станции

НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 30 апреля. /ТАСС/. Запуск ракеты-носителя Falcon-9 американской компании SpaceX с кораблем Dragon и грузом для экипажа МКС перенесен из-за неполадок энергооборудования станции и состоится не ранее 3 мая. Об этом говорится в заявлении, размещенном во вторник на сайте NASA.

"NASA запросило SpaceX перенести с 1 мая запуск 17-й коммерческой миссии по пополнению запасов на Международной космической станции", - говорится в документе. Согласно опубликованным данным, 29 апреля на МКС были обнаружены неполадки в энергооборудовании. Астронавты, находящиеся на станции, работают над их устранением. "Ближайшая возможная дата запуска [предвидится] не ранее пятницы, 3 мая", - сообщили в NASA.
Ранее сообщалось о том, что в американской части Международной космической станции была выявлена поломка, не сказавшаяся на работе российского сегмента. "На американском сегменте МКС были зафиксированы некоторые проблемы с энергоснабжением. Поломка не сказалась на работе российского сегмента МКС. Все системы работают штатно", - отметили в госкорпорации Роскосмос.

В последний раз запуск Dragon к МКС осуществлялся 5 декабря прошлого года. Он доставил на станцию свыше 2,5 тонны грузов, в том числе продовольствие, материалы для исследований и приборы, предназначенные для изучения явлений в атмосфере Земли. 14 января корабль вернулся на Землю, доставив с МКС результаты научных экспериментов. Он приводнился в Тихом океане у южного побережья штата Калифорния, причем это впервые произошло в темное время суток.
Цитировать30 АПР, 20:47
В NASA назвали причину отсрочки запуска корабля Dragon к МКС

Это обусловлено неполадкой в блоке питания на Международной космической станции, отметили в Национальном управлении по аэронавтике и исследованию космического пространства США

НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 30 апреля. /ТАСС/. Перенос запуска ракеты-носителя Falcon-9 с космическим кораблем Dragon и грузом для экипажа Международной космической станции (МКС) на более поздний срок обусловлен неполадками в системе энергообеспечения американского сегмента МКС. Об этом сообщается во вторник на сайте Национального управления по аэронавтике и исследованию космического пространства США (NASA).

"Команда, отвечающая за космическую станцию, 29 апреля выявила проблему с одним коммутационным блоком, распределяющим электроэнергию на две из восьми энерголиний станции. Оснований для тревоги за экипаж или станцию не имеется. Команды работают над планом, предусматривающим замену неисправного элемента с помощью робота и полное возобновление подачи электроэнергии в систему станции", - пояснило космическое ведомство США.

Ранее NASA объявило о третьей по счету отсрочке запуска Dragon к МКС. Теперь ориентировочное время старта ракеты Falcon-9 с пускового комплекса базы ВВС США на мысе Канаверал (штат Флорида) - 3 мая в 03:11 по времени Восточного побережья США (10:11 мск).
Сейчас в составе экипажа МКС работают российские космонавты Олег Кононенко и Алексей Овчинин, астронавты Энн Макклейн, Кристина Кох, Ник Хейг (все трое - NASA) и Давид Сен-Жак (Канадское космическое агентство).


ЦитироватьPaxi on the ISS: Moving in space

European Space Agency, ESA

Опубликовано: 28 апр. 2019 г.

Our alien friend Paxi, went to visit American astronaut Anne McClain on board the International Space Station. Anne explains to Paxi how astronauts move around in weightlessness on the ISS.

Credits: ESA/NASA


ЦитироватьNick Hague‏Подлинная учетная запись @AstroHague 1 ч. назад

Last week @AstroAnnimal & I prepared 3 new sample containers to be installed outside @Space_Station. The Materials ISS Experiment Flight Facility exposes these samples to the harsh environment of space so that stronger materials can be developed on Earth.


Опять пробки перегорели?
1. Ангара - единственная в мире новая РН которая хуже старой (с) Старый Ламер
2. Назначение Роскосмоса - не летать в космос а выкачивать из бюджета деньги
3. У Маска ракета длиннее и толще чем у Роскосмоса
4. Чем мрачнее реальность тем ярче бред (с) Старый Ламер


ЦитироватьChris B - NSF‏ @NASASpaceflight 21 мин. назад

ISS update per CRS-17: "(Installed) Node 1 Y-Jumper & Node 1 Contingency Power Jumper and removal of the Node 1 Channel 2 & 3 isolation. This jumper plan recovered all loads except those on DDCU P13A." Thursday for the key robotic MBSU changeout.

https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2019/04/electrical-issue-station-dragon-crs-17/ ...