Ариана-5 лучшая тяжелая РН?

Автор byran, 15.12.2005 15:18:26

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Да, нет ничего приятнее, чем хорошие новости в течение Рождественского сезона, как :

1- Заказ на 18 носители, наверно и последные успешной серии Ariane 5 ECA.  .
2- Успешное завершение Verification Keypoints в Ariane 5 ME "Мidlife Evolution" программа развития.

3- Кроме того "Keypoint" подтвердил также, что Ариан 5 в новой конфигурации может достичь еще больше грузоподъемность, чем первоначально требуется. Ариан 5ME будет иметь возможность запуска полезных нагрузок до 12,5 т на ГПО.  

4- Строительство завода для новых баков криогенной верхней ступени в Бремене, картинка. Пока  производство было в Европе разбросано, теперь через концентрацию в городе Bremen позволит значительное увеличение эффективности и значительное ценовое преимущество. Фабрика будет в концe 2014 года в эксплуатации.

ЦитироватьAriane 5 – erfolgreiche Meilensteine am Jahresende 19. 12. 2013

Nichts ist erfreulicher, als mit guten Nachrichten in die Weihnachtszeit zu gehen! So hat das Ariane 5-Programm der Europäischen Weltraumorganisation ESA in den letzten Tagen des gehenden Jahres noch einige wichtige Hürden genommen: die Bestellung von 18 weiteren Ariane 5 ECA-Trägerraketen für den laufenden Ariane-Betrieb, den erfolgreichen Abschluss des "Verification Keypoints" im Ariane 5 ME "Midlife Evolution"-Entwicklungsprogramm und den Beginn der Bauarbeiten am neuen Oberstufen-Tankzentrum in Bremen.

Im Zuge der Vorbereitungen auf die ESA-Ministerratskonferenz Ende 2014 in Luxemburg, in deren Rahmen auch Entscheidungen bezüglich der Trägersysteme getroffen werden, wurde im Ariane 5 ME-Entwicklungsprogramm ein Meilenstein zur Bewertung des aktuellen Status eingeführt. Ein Expertengremium, bestehend aus Vertretern der Raumfahrtagenturen ESA, CNES, DLR sowie der Industrie, hatte das Projekt zwei Wochen lang intensiv geprüft. Es sollte festgestellt werden, ob die technischen, planerischen und wirtschaftlichen Projektziele einzuhalten und die Kosten des Programms unter Kontrolle sind.

Das Ergebnis der Evaluierung war überaus positiv und attestierte sowohl dem Ariane 5 ME-Projekt einen exzellenten Zwischenstand, als auch den Projektteams der ESA und der Industrie eine überzeugende Leistung. Demnach ist die Ariane 5 ME auf bestem Wege, 2018 zu ihrem Qualifikationsflug zu starten, und dabei bereits die Flexibilität der neuen Oberstufe aus Deutschland einem umfangreichen Test zu unterziehen. Auf dem "Keypoint" wurde darüber hinaus bestätigt, dass die Ariane 5 in der neuen Konfiguration sogar mehr Nutzlastkapazität erreichen kann als ursprünglich gefordert. Ariane 5ME wird in der Lage sein, Nutzlasten von bis zu 12,5 Tonnen Gesamtgewicht in den geostationären Transferorbit zu starten. Damit besteht ausreichend Spielraum, um die Rakete bis ins nächste Jahrzehnt weiterhin effizient im Doppelstart zu betreiben und flexibel auf Entwicklungen im Telekommunikationssektor zu reagieren.
Eine der wichtigsten Empfehlungen der Expertenkommission war es, schnellstmöglich die neuen Fertigungsanlagen in Betrieb zunehmen, um frühzeitig mit den Tests der neuen Oberstufe und ihren Komponenten beginnen zu können. In diesem Zusammenhang sind die aktuellen Fortschritte auf der Baustelle der neuen Oberstufen-Tankfabrik in Bremen besonders erfreulich. Die beiden Industriefirmen MT Aerospace und Eurocryospace bauen für die Produktion der Ariane 5 ME-Oberstufentanks zwei neue Fertigungshallen in unmittelbarer Nähe der Oberstufenintegration bei Astrium. Die bisher in Europa verstreute Produktion wird nun am Standort Bremen gebündelt und erlaubt so eine deutliche Effizienzsteigerung und damit einen erheblichen Kostenvorteil. Die Erdarbeiten in Bremen haben jetzt begonnen. Die Tankfabrik soll bereits Ende 2014 in Betrieb sein.
Damit könnten die 18 Träger des am 14. Dezember 2013 bestellten Produktionsloses die letzten Raketen der überaus erfolgreichen Ariane 5 ECA-Baureihe sein. Sie sollen im Zeitraum von 2017 bis 2019 starten. Danach kann die Ariane 5 ME in Serie gehen und dem Ariane-Programm neue Innovation und Zukunftsfähigkeit bereitstellen.
Земля - это колыбель разума, но нельзя вечно жить в колыбели. Ц.К.Э



Закон французский мусора могут представлять проблему для Arianespace и Ариане-5, 10.04.2014
Последняя ступень носители нужна получить гарантию на падение в нежилые регионы. Это уменьшает ПН на около несколько 100 кг полезной нагрузки.

Цитировать"We in France seem to have a talent for shooting ourselves in the foot with regulations that hurt our industry and have no effect on the worldwide market, which is where we compete," one French industry official involved in Ariane 5 production said.
The law, which takes effect gradually in the coming years, will be applicable to all new vehicles, including the Ariane 5 Midlife Evolution rocket now midway through development, according to the French space agency, CNES.
Europe's Guiana Space Center spaceport is on French territory, making France the "launching state" in terms of regulatory responsibility for vehicles operated there.
The 20-nation European Space Agency, of which France is a member, has said it will follow the law's requirements even though it is under no legal obligation to do so.
The Ariane 5 ME is designed to increase the current Ariane 5 ECA rocket's power by about 20 percent, permitting the rocket to carry two satellites weighing a combined 12,000 kilograms into geostationary transfer orbit.
The new vehicle's actual performance will be about 12,700 kilograms to that orbit, which is the most popular destination for the commercial telecommunications satellites that account for the vast majority of Arianespace's business. 
Subtracting the weight of the structure that keeps the two satellites from banging into each other on liftoff leaves 12,000 kilograms of actual satellite payload-carrying capability for Ariane 5 ME, according to industrial estimates of the vehicle's performance. A first flight is scheduled for 2018, pending ESA governments' approval of go-ahead financing late this year.

But carrying sufficient fuel to assure a controlled re-entry of the upper stage reduces the vehicle's performance to between 11,200 and 11,500 kilograms.
For Evry, France-based Arianespace, the difference is important. The company's Ariane 5 business model is based on finding two compatible satellites to fill as much of the Ariane 5 as possible. The company already has problems finding two payloads for its Ariane 5 ECA.
"The difference between 12 and 11.2 or 11.5 [metric] tons is the difference between carrying two large satellites at a time or having to match one large and one medium-size satellite," said another industry official whose company is involved with Ariane 5 rockets.
Christophe Bonnal, a manager in CNES's launcher directorate and an expert on space debris, declined to comment on the space law but made the case for its adoption.
"In 2013, 83 rocket upper stages or large satellite pieces re-entered the atmosphere," Bonnal said here during the Space Access conference organized by Astech Paris Region, adding that sooner or later one of these objects is going to cause serious injury.
Bonnal is a French representative on the 12-nation Inter Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee (IADC), which includes most nations with active space launch capabilities. "The IADC members have agreed that if there is a greater than 10 to the minus 4 [1 in 10,000] chance of a stage re-entering — and this is the case for all large rocket upper stages — then it should be ordered on a controlled re-entry. The United Nations has adopted similar guidelines, as has ISO."
Земля - это колыбель разума, но нельзя вечно жить в колыбели. Ц.К.Э



ЦитироватьWith Revenue Looking Up, Arianespace Seeks To Bring Ariane 5 Costs Down
by Peter B. de Selding — October 21, 2015

In testimony to the French Senate's economic affairs committee, Arianespace Chief Executive Stephane Israel said the company has booked nearly 2 billion euros in new orders this year, bringing its backlog to more than 5 billion euros and maintaining its market share at 50 percent. Credit: Arianespace
PARIS — The chief executive of launch service provider Arianespace on Oct. 21 said the company is likely to finish the year with revenue of 1.4 billion euros ($1.56 billion), slightly ahead of 2014, having conducted a record 12 launches.
In testimony to the French Senate's economic affairs committee, Stephane Israel said Evry, France-based Arianespace has booked nearly 2 billion euros in new orders this year, bringing its backlog to more than 5 billion euros and maintaining its market share at 50 percent.
The backlog is composed of launch contracts for 21 Ariane 5 heavy-lift rocket missions, 21 medium-lift Soyuz launches — for startup OneWeb's Internet constellation — and 10 orders for Vega light-lift rockets, including a commercial order fr om Google's Skybox for its Earth imaging satellite constellation.
Israel said the health of Arianespace, coupled with the commitment of European governments, led by France, to inject some 800 million euros per year into the launcher sector through 2024, makes it a good time for Ariane 5's work force to reduce costs.
The 800-million-euro commitment from member governments of the European Space Agency, made in December 2014, is divided into ongoing price supports and other financing of the Ariane 5 and current Vega rockets, and development of the new Ariane 6 and upgraded Vega C rockets to fly starting at the end of this decade.
To keep competitive with Hawthorne, California-based SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket and the future Falcon Heavy, Arianespace has reduced prices for lighter satellites occupying the lower berth on an Ariane 5. Heavier satellites, wh ere Arianespace has faced less competition in recent years, are placed into the upper berth.
A corresponding reduction in Ariane 5 costs — rocket production, launch activities and ground network — is necessary to avoid having Arianespace's financial accounts plunge again into the red, Israel said. The goal: a 5-6 percent cost reduction in total Ariane 5 costs by 2017.
The current Ariane 5 costs 150-170 million euros to build and launch.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


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Цитировать Peter B. de Selding ‏@pbdes
Arianespace CEO: ILS is selling Proton launches at 'extremely aggressive prices, < SpaceX Falcon Heavy. We wont follow them down that path.'
 3:16 - 5 янв. 2016 г.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


Цитировать Peter B. de Selding ‏@pbdes
Arianespace CEO: In 2015 we cut our CSG spaceport cost by 7% by offering longer-duration contracts to our ground-segment contractors.
 3:19 - 5 янв. 2016 г.

Peter B. de Selding ‏@pbdes 10 часов назад
Arianespace CEO: 2015 rev ~ EUR 1.4B ($1.54B): 6 Ariane 5, 3 Euro Soyuz & 3 Vega launches. Higher rev 2016 w/ 8 A5, 1 Soyuz, 2 Vega planned.

  Peter B. de Selding ‏@pbdes 10 часов назад
Arianespace CEO: We wont change course 'one iota' after SpaceX reusability advance. 'Economics of reuse very complicated. We like Ariane 6.'

Peter B. de Selding ‏@pbdes 10 часов назад
Arianespace CEO: No need for us to be 'SpaceX-centric.' India, China, Russia all in market one way or another.
  Peter B. de Selding ‏@pbdes  10 часов назад  
Correction: Arianespace CEO: In 2014 we & SpaceX tied in commercial GTO sat orders. In 2015, we won 14 & SpaceX, 9. ILS & ULA each got 1.
  Peter B. de Selding ‏@pbdes   10 часов назад  
Arianespace CEO: 36% of our 2015 commercial GTO sat launch contracts were for all-electric sats, causing big return of small & midsize sats.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"



ЦитироватьArianespace may add 2017 launch slot in wake of SpaceX, Proton issues
by Peter B. de Selding — September 8, 2016
Arianespace CEO Stephane Israel contrasted his company's deliberative -- and higher-cost -- approach to launch services to what he said was competitor SpaceX's constant iteration. Reusable rockets? The argument for them is not yet persuasive, he said. Credit: SpaceNews file photo  
PARIS — Europe's Arianespace launch-service provider — the only one of the three principal commercial launch operators not grounded by rocket problems — might be able to add a supplemental heavy-lift Ariane 5 vehicle to its 2017 manifest if market conditions demand it, Arianespace Chief Executive Stephane Israel said Sept. 8.
In an interview, Israel said the Evry, France-based company would finish this year with a seventh Ariane 5 campaign, not eight as originally planned. The company's 2016 Ariane 5 manifest was upset by the non-availability of Japan's DSN-1/Superbird-8 satellite, which was damaged en route to the launch site.
Israel said the company would be able to catch up on its backlog by early 2017 and was already planning seven Ariane 5 campaigns for the year. Earlier plans were to launch six Ariane 5 rockets in 2017.
"We are now looking to see whether we can add an eighth launch in the event an upper-berth passenger is available given the evolution of the market," Israel said.
By "market evolution" Israel was referring to the Sept. 1 failure of competitor SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket during a static firing, and to the fact that Russia's Proton rocket will be grounded until at least mid-November following a June anomaly.
The June event did not result in a mission failure, but was judged serious enough by Proton manufacturer Khrunichev Space Center of Moscow to suspend launches since then.
Ariane 6: Expendable and not ashamed of it
In a Sept. 7 interview with France Info radio, Israel reiterated his confidence  in what he portrayed as Arianespace's more plodding, deliberative — and higher-cost — approach to launches when compared to SpaceX.
Arianespace does not want a reusable rocket for the moment, he said, because it's not certain that reusability can reduce costs and maintain reliability. The Ariane 6 rocket, to operate starting in 2020, will not be reusable. The company also is wary of the Silicon Valley ethos that champions constant iteration, which he said has been a feature of Hawthorne, California-based SpaceX as well.
"We think that the more a launch resembles the preceding launch, the better we are for our customers because we remain in the 'explored domain' where everything is understood," Israel said.
Unlike its two principal competitors, Arianespace's Ariane 5 business model depends mainly on pairing lighter and heavier satellites for its launches.
The Evry, France-based company struggles in periods when the commercial market favors one or the other satellite model. For now, the stand-down of Falcon 9 and Proton could cause owners of heavier satellites to seek a slot on Ariane 5's upper berth.
The rocket's lower berth is reserved for the higher of the two spacecraft.
Building heavy-lift rockets is not like building automobiles. A manufacturer cannot react quickly to market opportunities created by a competitor's failure.
Soyuz option for small telecom satellites
For very light telecommunications satellites, Arianespace has a second option, which it has not used so far, in the Europeanized Russian Soyuz rocket. Operating from Europe's equatorial Guiana Space Center on the northeast coast of South America, the Europeanized Soyuz can carry a satellite weighing around 3,300 kilograms, and perhaps a bit more, into geostationary-transfer orbit.
Israel stressed that whatever fresh capacity the company made available in 2017 would not provoke launch delays for customers that have already booked with Arianespace.
In his largely diplomatic remarks on SpaceX's failure — "failures? Everyone has had them, including us," he said — Israel sought to distinguish Arianespace from SpaceX's corporate culture from that of Arianespace and its industrial contractors.
"It is very difficult to do innovate with each launch, increase launch cadence and avoid failure all at the same time," Israel said.
Falcon 9 Full Thrust is a new vehicle; Ariane 5 was once, too
It is not clear how much near-term tinkering SpaceX plans for the current Falcon 9 Full Thrust vehicle, which has made only eight flights, all successful, since it was introduced in December 2015. Its first flight to geostationary transfer orbit was in March.
The June 2015 Falcon 9 failure was of the vehicle's earlier version, since discontinued. The Sept. 1 failure, which destroyed the $200 million Amos-6 satellite owned by Spacecomm of Israel, was not during a launch but during a prelaunch test firing.
It is not yet clear whether that failure was due to ground support equipment, or the rocket, or some combination of the two. If the investigation points to a rocket issue, the Falcon 9 could be grounded for several months. It took nearly six months after the June 2015 failure for SpaceX to resume flights.
The Ariane 5 rocket was introduced in 1996 and suffered a spectacular low-altitude failure on its inaugural flight. A partial failure occurred in 1997, and still another in 2001 before a full failure in 2002. Since then the rocket has racked up 73 consecutive successes.
Looking back, European government and industry launch officials agree that it took nearly six years for them to fully stabilize the Ariane 5 launch system.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


Цитировать Peter B. de Selding ‏@pbdes  10 ч.10 часов назад  
Ariane 5 is expected to fly until ~ 2023, assuming success of Ariane 6 starting in 2020, then 3 yrs of dual operations.
  Peter B. de Selding ‏@pbdes  10 ч.10 часов назад  
Ariane 5 success equals the 74 straight successes of predecessor Ariane 4, which was then retired, in 2003, to make way for Ariane 5.
  Peter B. de Selding ‏@pbdes  2 ч.2 часа назад  
Sat insurance: Launch+1st yr in orbit. Ariane 5 (~4-5%), Falcon 9 (a bit higher) & Proton (12-13%); available volume up.#satechrevolution
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


ЦитироватьNov 21, 2016
An Arianespace focus on Ariane 5's impressive 75 in-a-row launch record

Ariane 5 has marked a new chapter of operational service with its 75th launch success in a row, and Arianespace is celebrating the milestone – achieved this month – with a dedicated website page that brings together videos, key facts and mission highlights underscoring the heavy-lift vehicle's track record of reliability and service.                            
Among the features of Arianespace's dedicated website page are interactive "tiles" with details on each flight in Ariane 5's consecutive string of on-target missions, including liftoff images and launch team photos, plus information on the payloads.

Arianespace's dedicated website page includes interactive "tiles" with details on each mission in Ariane 5's 75 consecutive launch successes.
"The Ariane 5 story is one of shared success involving Arianespace, its customers, the European Space Agency (ESA) and member states, along with European industry – including prime contractor Airbus Safran Launchers – all our partners and our great staff," explained Stéphane Israël, Chairman and CEO of Arianespace. "This has been a key part of fulfilling Arianespace's mission of using space to make life better on Earth, and we are pleased to be highlighting Ariane 5's track record with our special focus on www.arianespace.com."
With its latest launch achievement, Ariane 5 now holds the record for consecutive missions accomplished among Arianespace's launcher family operating from French Guiana – surpassing Ariane 4's string of 74 in a row from 1995 to 2003.
And "75 in a row" is far from Ariane 5's only impressive figure. During the 13-year period that began in 2003, the launcher deployed 149 spacecraft for commercial and institutional operators, with over 623 metric tons (1.4 million pounds) delivered to orbit.
Billions of people have benefited from the space applications deployed via Ariane 5 – confirming this heavy-lift vehicle's unrivaled reliability in the commercial market, along with its availability and flexibility for a wide range of missions to various orbits.
For photos, videos and other multimedia content that captures Ariane 5's ongoing achievements, visit the Arianespace website's dedicated page, and follow Arianespace on Twitter and Instagram.

Then get ready for the next success!
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"



ЦитироватьAriane 5 enhancements: + 300kg performance, and more room under fairing
To increase the Ariane 5 flexibility, Arianespace is investing in two improvements that should be available n 2019. The first, comprising a series of small modifications to the rocket, will add 300 kilograms to its payload-carrying capacity to GTO. The second is the addition of a structure under therocket's 17-meter fairing to add 1.5 meters of additional volume.
Israel said these two enhancements will broaden Ariane 5's ability to carry two medium-size satellites at a time, just as today it can house one large and one small satellite under the fairing.


Цитировать24. April 2018
Press Release
MT Aerospace awarded contract for the production of ten Ariane 5 sets

Augsburg/Bremen, April 24, 2018 MT Aerospace will be producing the metallic booster housings, tanks and other lightweight structures for the final ten Ariane 5 ECA launch vehicles. Orders from Europropulsion (boosters), ArianeGroup (structures) and Eurocryospace have been placed to the Augsburg-based space company.
Jobs in Augsburg secured in transition phase to Ariane 6
In two years' time, launch operations for the future European Ariane 6 launch vehicle are to commence at the Kourou space center in French Guiana, South America. To ensure a smooth transition between 2020 and 2022, contracts for the last batch of ten Ariane 5 launchers were announced by ArianeGroup and Arianespace in January.
MT has already started with the production of the first components under the new contract. This ensures deliveries until 2020 as well as a smooth migration from Ariane 5 to Ariane 6. At the same time, jobs at MT Aerospace in Augsburg will be secured during the transition phase until production of the components for the Ariane 6. By the time it ships the final set in mid-2020, MT Aerospace will have worked on a total of 93 Ariane 5 launch vehicles. In operation since 1996, this Ariane 5 is the most reliable and successful launcher to date.
MT Aerospace is playing a crucial role in the development and industrialization of the Ariane 6 launcher system. With an industrial work share of around 10 percent, MT Aerospace is developing technical innovations for metal structures for enhancing the competitiveness of this future launch vehicle in its capacity as a risk share partner and cluster prime.


MT Aerospace
 Nivart Holsworth// PR & Communication // 
 Tel.: +49 821 505 1033 // E-Mail: pr@mt-aerospace.de

About MT Aerospace
 MT Aerospace is an internationally respected company in the aerospace industry with around 700 employees at sites in Augsburg, Mainz (Germany), Cagliari (Italy) and Kourou (French Guyana). As a member of the listed European space and technology group OHB SE (Prime Standard, ISIN: DE0005936124), it develops and produces key components for the European Ariane launch vehicle, the Airbus fleet, space vehicles and flights. MT Aerospace is the technological leader in light-weight metal and composite engineering and, with a work share of around 10 percent, is the largest non-French components supplier for the Ariane program. www.mt-aerospace.de
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


испытание двигателя 2 ступени в вакууме.


Ариаша хорошо а Флакоша - лучше.
1. Ангара - единственная в мире новая РН которая хуже старой (с) Старый Ламер
2. Назначение Роскосмоса - не летать в космос а выкачивать из бюджета деньги
3. У Маска ракета длиннее и толще чем у Роскосмоса
4. Чем мрачнее реальность тем ярче бред (с) Старый Ламер