Dragon SpX-15(CRS-15), ECOSTRESS, LEE (Ground Spare)- Falcon 9 (B1045.2)- Canaveral SLC-40 -29.06.18

Автор tnt22, 01.06.2018 16:27:11

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ЦитироватьJonathan McDowell‏Подлинная учетная запись @planet4589 34 мин. назад

Dragon's trunk section will be discarded after the deorbit burn and will burn up during reentry. It carries the old HICO/RAIDS payload launched in 2009 and the empty attach fixture for the LEE ORU

31 мин. назад

Meanwhile inside the Dragon cabin is the old LEE S/N 202 Canadarm hand, being returned to Earth to be refurbished. There are probably also old @Nanoracks NRCSD cubesat deployers but they don't tell us when those come down.


ЦитироватьКосмический корабль Dragon возвращается с грузом на Землю

20:04 03.08.2018 (обновлено: 20:17 03.08.2018)

© Фото : Twitter/Thomas Pesquet

ВАШИНГТОН, 3 авг – РИА Новости. Грузовой космический корабль Dragon покинул Международную космическую станцию (МКС) и возвращается с грузом на Землю, сообщила президент SpaceX Гвин Шотуэлл (Gwynne Shotwell).

"Сегодня в 11.27 мы отстыковали грузовой корабль Dragon от Международной космической станции, и он вернется домой сегодня после обеда в 15 часов", — сказала президент компании, выступая на торжественной церемонии представления будущих экипажей строящихся американских космических кораблей, которая прошла в космическом центре имени Джонсона в Техасе. Трансляцию церемонии вело НАСА.

Ожидается, что Dragon приводнится в Тихом океане у побережья Калифорнии. Грузовой корабль доставит на Землю отработанные материалы и результаты экспериментов с МКС.

Грузовик оставался на орбите один месяц после того, как в начале июля доставил на станцию несколько тонн провианта, предметов первой необходимости и материалы для научных опытов.




ЦитироватьMichael Baylor‏ @nextspaceflight 46 с. назад

NRC Quest is still in route to the Dragon. She's going 10 knots now which is around her top speed.



ЦитироватьOleg Artemyev‏Подлинная учетная запись @OlegMKS 5 ч. назад

В пятницу от нас улетел... «Дракон» Кажется, только недавно я вам показывал репортаж о прибытии на станцию очередного грузового корабля @SpaceX #Dragon, как на днях он улетел от нас. Возможно, скоро снова вернется?




ЦитироватьДракон улетел

Oleg A

Опубликовано: 5 авг. 2018 г.


ЦитироватьSpaceX Marine Updates‏ @SpaceXFleet 2 ч. назад

[NRC Quest] - ARRIVAL - Port Of LA. Just under 2 days after splashdown, Dragon has arrived home safely.


ЦитироватьPauline Acalin‏ @w00ki33 6 мин. назад

SpaceX's Dragon capsule is back at Port of LA, full of science, after a month spent at the International Space Station. #spacex #nasa


ЦитироватьSpaceX's Cargo Dragon spacecraft returns to Earth after second orbital mission

By Eric Ralph
Posted on August 5, 2018

SpaceX's workhorse Cargo Dragon spacecraft has returned from its 16th successful mission to orbit, in this case as the fourth flight-proven Dragon capsule.

CRS-15 carried several thousand pounds of cargo to the International Space Station on June 29 and transported a roughly equivalent amount of invaluable cargo and scientific experiments from orbit back to Earth – incredibly, SpaceX's Cargo Dragon is currently the only operational spacecraft in the world able to return an appreciable amount of (non-human) cargo back to Earth.

The toasty-looking vehicle was captured after a soft landing in the Pacific Ocean and transported back to Port of San Pedro aboard SpaceX vessel NRC Quest between August 3rd and 5th.

Pauline Acalin@w00ki33

SpaceX's Dragon capsule is back at Port of LA, full of science, after a month spent at the International Space Station. #spacex #nasa

11:12 PM - Aug 5, 2018
Cargo Dragon is the only commercial orbital spacecraft in history that has been reused and stands in the company of a tiny handful of reusable orbital vehicles built or procured by countries, including the Space Shuttle, a one-off Mercury capsule reflight, and a few others. While most of each Cargo Dragon can be reused, the rear segment (known as a trunk) will always be expended, and the vehicle's parachutes and heatshield also have to be replaced after each ocean recovery.

Still, the vast majority of the cost and effort that goes into producing and operationalizing Cargo Dragon is contained within the capsule itself, including extremely sensitive electronics, docking equipment, aluminum, titanium, and carbon composite structures, and its 12 Draco thrusters for maneuvering on orbit, as well as propellant tanks and many dozens of other long-lead components.

SpaceX's CRS-15 Cargo Dragon (capsule C110) seen docked to the International Space Station on July 14th. (NASA)

According to CEO Elon Musk and COO Gwynne Shotwell, Cargo Dragon was certified from the start with a spacecraft lifespan of three orbital missions, and SpaceX now has four Cargo Dragon capsules in various states of storage or refurbishment, some readying for their third and final launches over the next eighteen months. Aside from those twice-flown Dragons, three once-flown capsules remain in the flight-proven Dragon roost – more than enough to complete the five cargo missions remaining in SpaceX's CRS-1 (Commercial Supply Services) contract. CRS-1's last (20th) contracted mission is currently scheduled for early 2020, after which a modified version of Cargo Dragon (Dragon 2) will take over all future SpaceX resupply missions to the ISS.

SpaceX's CRS-15 Cargo Dragon returns to Port of San Pedro, 08/05/18. (Pauline Acalin)

SpaceX's CRS-15 Cargo Dragon returns to Port of San Pedro, 08/05/18. (Pauline Acalin)

SpaceX's CRS-15 Cargo Dragon returns to Port of San Pedro, 08/05/18. (Pauline Acalin)

Cargo Dragon C110 is craned from NRC Quest to SpaceX's Port of San Pedro berth, 08/05/18. (Pauline Acalin)
Back at the docks, Teslarati photographer Pauline Acalin managed to capture some gorgeous noon-lit photos of Cargo Dragon capsule C110's (Dragon 1, serial #10) return from the Pacific to Port of San Pedro, even catching a rare glimpse of the capsule's extra toasty rear and parachute compartment as SpaceX vessel NRC Quest sailed by. Patience further paid off, and she was able to watch as the capsule was craned from Quest to dock and later caught a few close-ups of the spacecraft before it was rushed under cover to extricate dozens of time-sensitive scientific experiments and offload several thousand pounds of miscellaneous cargo.

SpaceX's next Cargo Dragon launch is targeting the end of November 2018 and will mark the spacecraft's first launch atop Falcon 9 Block 5, likely with both a flight-proven booster and capsule.


ЦитироватьPauline Acalin‏ @w00ki33 2 мин. назад

Amazing that there are currently two spacecraft sitting at the same port right now, each back from space within days of each other. Dragon capsule from CRS-15, and Falcon 9 B1048 from Iridium-7. #SpaceX


ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 8/03/2018

SpaceX-15 Dragon Unberth and Release:
Early this morning, the crew removed power connections, utility jumpers and completed closeout of the Dragon vehicle prior to depressurization of the Node 2 (N2) Nadir vestibule. Robotics ground controllers used the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) to unberth Dragon at 9:37 AM CDT and the crew released the vehicle at 11:37 AM CDT. Once the vehicle was clear, specialists maneuvered the SSRMS to a park position and provide video support of the Node 2 Nadir Active Common Berthing Mechanism (ACBM) petals closure. Dragon is scheduled to splashdown in the Pacific Ocean at 5:17 PM CDT this afternoon.


ЦитироватьReleasing the Dragon

European Space Agency, ESA

Опубликовано: 31 авг. 2018 г.

This timelapse video shows still pictures taken from the International Space Station of the departing #Dragon supply spacecraft. Played in quick succession the video displays faster than real life but in 4K resolution.

The Dragon spacecraft was released from the Station's robotic arm at 18:38 GMT on 3 August 2018. Thrusters fired to increase its distance from the Space Station and the spacecraft started its deorbit and return to Earth, splashing down in the Pacific Ocean less than seven hours after release.

The International Space Station flies at 28 800 km/h above our planet doing a complete orbit in around 90 minutes – during release operations the sun set and rose above the horizon many times.

As Dragon faded into the distance it flew over a stormy part of Earth – lightning flashes can be seen many kilometres below.

Dragon is the only spacecraft that can return to Earth with scientific cargo aside from the Soyuz spacecraft that ferries astronauts to space and back – this flight carried over 1700 kg of cargo.
(2:28 )