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На борту Международной космической станции впервые в истории состоялась командная спортивная игра. В орбитальном турнире по бадминтону приняли участие спортсмены из трех стран – России, США и Японии.

Командир МКС, космонавт РОСКОСМОСА Александр МИСУРКИН: «Экипаж 54-й экспедиции на МКС играл в бадминтон в парном разряде. И для меня это все-равно, что поставить флаг на Марсе.
Вы спросите почему именно в бадминтон? Потому что я его люблю. Потому что бадминтон для меня - это не спорт, и даже не хобби. Бадминтон - это стиль жизни».    
В первом сете играли спортсмены из России - Александр МИСУРКИН, Антон ШКАПЛЕРОВ, США - Марк ВАНДЕ ХАЙ, а Японию представлял Норишиге КАНАИ. Во втором сете Джозеф АКАБА заменил ВАНДЕ ХАЙЯ. Победила дружба!    
После игры астронавт NASAМарк ВАНДЕ ХАЙ поделился своими положительными эмоциями и отметил, что в будущем, «в кораблях, которые понесут нас к другим мирам, нужно обязательно предусмотреть отдельный модуль для такой игры, так как это очень полезно с точки зрения психологической разрядки и укрепления дружеских отношений в команде».    
Благодаря совместному проекту РОСКОСМОСА, телеканала RT и РКК «Энергия» «Космос 360» каждый может оказаться на «трибуне» МКС прямо сейчас, посмотрев видео в формате 360: .


ЦитироватьSpace Station Crew Discusses Life in Space with Massachusetts Media

NASA Video

Published on 5 Feb 2018

Aboard the International Space Station, Expedition 54 Flight Engineers Mark Vande Hei and Scott Tingle of NASA discussed life and research on the orbital outpost during a pair of in-flight interviews Feb. 5 with WHDH-TV, Boston and Bloomberg Bay State Radio. Vande Hei is in the final weeks of his five and a half month mission on the station, while Tingle, a Massachusetts native, will remain on the complex until early June.


ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 2/05/2018
Posted Feb 5, 2018 at 4:00 pm

Microbial Tracking-2 (MT-2):
Over the weekend, a 53S subject completed saliva sample collections in support of the MT-2 investigation. The MT-2 series continues the monitoring of the types of microbes that are present on the ISS. It seeks to catalog and characterize potential disease-causing microorganisms onboard the ISS. Crew pre-flight, in-flight, and post-flight samples and environmental samples from ISS surface and air locations are collected to identify any associations between the microbial content of the samples, as well as potential health effects.
NanoRacks DreamUp Xtronaut Crystal Growth (DreamXCG):
To track the progression of the DreamXCG formation that was initiated last week, over the weekend and today the crew took photo and video images of each pouch to show any visible sugar crystal growth. This investigation teaches students about the effects of microgravity on crystal formations using near-identical flight kits flown and operated aboard the International Space Station (ISS). With access to crew member videos and data on the same experiment, students are able compare crystal formations in space to those in their classrooms. The investigation aims to promote science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields to the next generation of students.
Lighting Effects:
A 52S crewmember completed a Visual Performance Test by stowing the hardware in their crew quarters, setting the light to the correct mode, turning all other light sources in the crew quarters off, and performing a Color Discrimination Test. The Lighting Effects investigation studies the impact of the change from fluorescent light bulbs to solid-state light-emitting diodes (LEDs) with adjustable intensity and color and aims to determine if the new lights can improve crew circadian rhythms, sleep, and cognitive performance.
Minus Eighty Degree Celsius Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI)–1 Electronics Unit (EU) Operations:
The crew installed the repaired EU into the MELFI-1 spare stowage location. The MELFI-1 EU failed in August of 2017 and returned on SpaceX-12. The MELFI is a cold storage unit that maintains experiment samples at ultra-cold temperatures throughout a mission.
Earth Imagery from ISS Target (EIISS):
Over the weekend, the crew took images of Japan using the Nikon camera, and images of the Iberian Peninsula and Nile Delta using the RED camera. Today the RED camera was used to take images of the Himalayas and the snowfields of Asia and Kamchatka. EIISS is used to support creation of a series of videos showcasing Earth views taken from space. The videos are taken with cameras on the ISS in 6K hi-resolution and are integrated into videos for screensavers for public enjoyment, exploration, and engagement.
Rodent Research 6 (RR-6):
To prepare for this week's RR-6 operations, the crew participated in a crew conference, gathered equipment and cleaned the animal access unit. The crew also removed the mice and restocked both of the rodent habitats with new food bars in addition to cleaning the lids and interiors cages of the habitats. The Rodent Research-6 (RR-6) mission uses mice flown aboard the International Space Station (ISS) and maintained on Earth to test drug delivery systems for combatting muscular breakdown in space or during disuse conditions. RR-6 includes several groups of mice selectively treated with a placebo or implanted with a nanochannel drug delivery chip that administers compounds meant to maintain muscle in low gravity/disuse conditions.
Education Payloads Operations (EPO):
To show children how astronauts conduct hygiene activities on the International Space Station (ISS), today the crew will demonstrate how astronauts clean themselves and wash their hair, highlighting the differences between doing these activities in zero-gravity on the ISS and in gravity on Earth. The video will also feature the European Space Agency's mascot for young kids.
Japanese Experiment Module Airlock (JEM A/L) Valve Box Remote Controller (VB-RC) Installation:
Today the crew attempted to install the JEM A/L VB-RC. Due to mechanical interference and alignment issues, they had to stand down on installation until ground teams are able to recommend a solution. Once installed, this new system will enable additional capability for ground controllers to perform JEM A/L operations without crew intervention.
Common Communications for Visiting Vehicle (C2V2) R2 Upgrade:
Today ground controllers began the upgrade of the C2V2 system to version R2. The C2V2 system is used to communicate with and control vehicles as they arrive and depart from the ISS. This upgrade package is needed to interface with upcoming missions.


ЦитироватьРОСКОСМОС представляет первые фотографии рекордного для российских космонавтов выхода в открытый космос.
Впервые за «космической прогулкой» Александра МИСУРКИНА и Антона ШКАПЛЕРОВА в прямом эфире следили пользователи социальной сети «ВКонтакте». Количество просмотров трансляции за время прямого эфира превысило один миллион!
Напомним, космонавты РОСКОСМОСА Александр МИСУРКИН и Антон ШКАПЛЕРОВ 3 февраля завершили первый в 2018 году выход в открытый космос по российской программе, проработав за пределами Международной космической станции (МКС) 8 часов 12 минут и побили рекорд по работе в российских скафандрах «Орлан», установленный в декабре 2013 года Олегом КОТОВЫМ и Сергеем РЯЗАНСКИМ. Он составлял 8 часов и 7 минут.
За время работы на внешней поверхности МКС космонавты демонтировали выводимое из эксплуатации приёмное устройство антенны и установили на приборный блок остронаправленной антенны новый приёмный модуль широкополосной системы связи. Установка нового устройства позволит в будущем обеспечить почти круглосуточную двустороннюю передачу информации с российского сегмента МКС на наземные пункты слежения через спутники российской многофункциональной ретрансляционной системы «Луч». Также космонавты провели ряд дополнительных работ с оборудованием на внешней поверхности станции.
РОСКОСМОС благодарит всех, кто любит космос также как мы. ПОДНИМИ ГОЛОВУ!! - и звезды станут ближе!



ЦитироватьEurope Nears 10 Years at Station; Crew Studies Mice and Plants

Mark Garcia
Posted Feb 6, 2018 at 2:52 pm

NASA astronaut Rex Walheim works outside Europe's new Columbus lab module shortly after it was installed in February of 2008

The International Space Station program is getting ready to recognize the 10th in year in space of its Columbus lab module from the European Space Agency (ESA). The Expedition 54 crew members, meanwhile, spent the day helping scientists on the ground understand the impacts of living in space.
ESA is getting ready to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the launch of Columbus. The European lab module blasted off inside space shuttle Atlantis on Feb. 7, 2008, for a two-day ride to the station. Canadarm2, the station's robotic arm, removed Columbus from Atlantis's cargo bay two days after its arrival and attached it the starboard side of the Harmony module.

A month after the installation of Columbus, ESA launched its first resupply ship to the station. The "Jules Verne" Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV-1) lifted off March 9, 2008, atop an Ariane-5 rocket from Kourou, French Guiana. The ATV-1 then took a month-long ride for a series navigation tests before to automatically docking to the station.

Astronauts Scott Tingle and Norishige Kanai continued studying mice on the space station for a drug study to potentially improve muscle health in microgravity and despite a lack of exercise. The rodents are housed in a special microgravity habitat for up to two months with results of the study helping scientists design therapies for humans with muscle-related ailments.

Flight Engineer Mark Vande Hei set up botany gear in the Columbus lab module for the Veggie-3 experiment. The long-running plant study is exploring the feasibility of harvesting edible plants such as cabbage, lettuce and mizuna for consumption during spaceflight. Samples are returned to Earth for analysis.


ЦитироватьJonathan McDowell‏Verified account @planet4589 5h ago

The ROSA Roll-Up Solar Array that was jettisoned from the ISS on Jun 26 last year reentered on Feb 4.


ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 2/06/2018

Posted Feb 6, 2018 at 4:00 pm

Common Communications for Visiting Vehicle (C2V2) R2 Upgrade:
Due to issues experienced yesterday while loading the C2V2 R2 upgrade, ground controllers were unable to complete the first day of R2 load operations. The attempt to load the software today was again unsuccessful. It was determined that a file mismatch was causing errors in the software load. In order to correct this, a new general configuration file will need to be re-delivered. The C2V2 system is used to communicate with and control vehicles as they arrive and depart from the ISS. This upgrade package is needed to interface with upcoming missions.
Rodent Research 6 (RR-6):
Today the crew performed the first of four consecutive days of RR-6 operations by setting up the refrigerated centrifuge and processing a series of blood samples from the rodents. The samples were placed in the Minus Eighty Degree Celsius Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI) for frozen storage until they can be returned to the ground for testing. The Rodent Research-6 (RR-6) mission uses mice flown aboard the International Space Station (ISS) and maintained on Earth to test drug delivery systems for combatting muscular breakdown in space or during disuse conditions. RR-6 includes several groups of mice selectively treated with a placebo or implanted with a nanochannel drug delivery chip that administers compounds meant to maintain muscle in low gravity/disuse conditions.
Veg-03 Initiation:
The crew installed the root mat and plant pillows into the Veggie facility to initiate the fifth Veg-03 experiment run. Veg-03 contains a total of six experiment runs with the fourth, 5th, and 6th sessions being the first of their kind because they contain a mixed harvest of cabbage, lettuce, and mizuna, which are harvested on-orbit with samples returned to Earth for testing. The overall goal of Veg-03 is to further demonstrate proof-of concept for the Veggie plant growth chamber and the planting pillows. Future long-duration missions into the solar system, finally culminating on Mars, will require a fresh food supply to supplement crew diets, which means growing crops in space. Previous investigations focused on improving productivity in controlled environments, but the limited quarters of the space shuttle and International Space Station made it difficult to conduct large-scale crop production tests. Veg-03 expands on previous validation tests of the new Veggie hardware, which crew members will soon use to grow cabbage, lettuce and other fresh vegetables in space.
Combustion Integrated Rack (CIR) Manifold #2 & #4 Bottle and Advanced Combustion via Microgravity Experiments (ACME) Controller Replacements:
To control the airflow over the flame, today the crew removed and replaced one ACME controller while the ACME chamber ins ert was fully installed inside of the CIR combustion chamber. After the ACME controller was replaced, the crew replaced the CIR manifold #2 and #4 bottles on the front of the optics bench. CIR provides sustained, systematic microgravity combustion research and it houses hardware capable of performing combustion experiments to further research of combustion in microgravity. This is for the ACME investigation, which is a se t of five independent studies of gaseous flames to be conducted in the CIR. ACME's primary goal is to improved fuel efficiency and reduced pollutant production in practical combustion on Earth. Its secondary goal is to improve spacecraft fire prevention through innovative research focused on materials flammability.
Microbial Tracking-2 (MT-2):
Two crewmembers performed MT-2 sample collection activities. The 52S crewmember collected surface and air samples to characterize the different types of microbial locations on the ISS and the 53S crewmember collected saliva samples. The samples will be placed inside a Minus Eighty Degree Celsius Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI) in support of the Microbial Tracking-2 investigation. MT-2 monitors the different types of microbes that are present on ISS over a 1-year period. After the samples are returned to Earth, a molecular analysis of the RNA and DNA will be conducted to identify the specific microbes that are present on ISS in order to understand the microbial flora diversity on the ISS and how it changes over time.
Earth Imagery from ISS Target (EIISS):
Using the Nikon camera, the crew will capture images of Hawaii at night and using the RED camera, they will capture images of the Iberian Peninsula. EIISS is used to support creation of a series of videos showcasing Earth views taken from space. The videos are taken with cameras on the ISS in 6K hi-resolution and are integrated into videos for screensavers for public enjoyment, exploration, and engagement.
On Board Training (OBT), Emergency Simulation:
Today the crew will review procedures and prepare for tomorrow's OBT, in which they will rehearse their responses to onboard emergencies.
68 Progress (68P) Leak Check:
Today ground controllers worked with the onboard crew to perform a leak check on 68P. The onboard crew isolated the vehicle by closing hatches and the ground teams performed the leak check. Progress leak checks were nominal and the hatches are now open with clamps installed.


ЦитироватьSpace Station Crew Marks the 10th Anniversary of the Launching of the European Columbus Module

NASA Video

Published on 7 Feb 2018

Aboard the International Space Station, Expedition 54 Flight Engineers Joe Acaba and Mark Vande Hei of NASA took time to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the launching of the European Columbus module during an in-flight event Feb. 7 with European Space Agency officials gathered in Noordwijk, Netherlands. The Columbus science laboratory was launched on Feb. 7, 2008 aboard the space shuttle Atlantis on the STS-122 mission commanded by former NASA astronaut Stephen Frick.


ЦитироватьJeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust 14m ago

Mulholland: we saw the damage done by retirement of the shuttle before replacements were ready. We should not advocate for a premature retirement of the ISS. #FAACST2018


ЦитироватьEurope's Station Lab in Space 10 Years; Crew Studies Eyes and Muscles

Mark Garcia
Posted Feb 7, 2018 at 1:41 pm

ESA's Columbus lab module is pictured (clockwise from top left) in the grips of the Canadarm2 before its installation at the station; being serviced during a spacewalk by astronaut Randy Bresnik; close-up of Columbus attached to the starboard side of the Harmony module; attached to Harmony.

The European Space Agency (ESA) is celebrating today the 10thanniversary of the launch of its Columbus lab module aboard space shuttle Atlantis to the International Space Station. Now Columbus is one of three lab modules supporting hundreds of advanced microgravity science experiments. The other two modules are Destiny from NASA and Kibo from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency.
To commemorate today's event, ESA's former Director of Human Spaceflight Feustel Beuchl called up to astronauts Joe Acaba and Mark Vande Hei today and asked about the status of Columbus operations. Scientists Lars Karlsson and Alexander Stahn inquired about a pair of ESA-sponsored experiments researching airway inflammation and circadian rhythms.

Wednesday's science onboard the station looked at how living in space affects vision and muscles. Two cosmonauts used special optical equipment to peer inside each other's eyes this morning. The astronauts on the U.S. side of the orbital lab observed mice being treated with a drug to combat muscle weakening in space and on Earth.

Commander Alexander Misurkin and Flight Engineer Anton Shkaplerov started their day checking the condition of their retinas using optical coherence tomography (OCT) gear. OCT uses light waves to measure and map the thickness of the retina's layers. Results will help doctors understand how living in space long-term physically affects the eyes and vision.

Astronauts Scott Tingle and Norishige Kanai were back in the U.S. Destiny lab module today studying a drug that may prevent muscle atrophy in space and help patients on Earth with muscle ailments. Mice living on the station for up to two months are treated with the muscle maintenance drug. The mice are returned to Earth aboard a SpaceX Dragon cargo craft for analysis to determine the drug's effectiveness.


ЦитироватьJeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust 1m ago

Mark Sirangelo, Sierra Nevada Corp.: NASA has given us authority to proceed for first Dream Chaser cargo mission to the ISS, planned for late 2020. #FAACST2018



First Launch to International Space Station Slated for Late 2020

SPARKS, Nev. , February 07, 2018 – Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) received NASA's Authority to Proceed for the Dream Chaser spacecraft's first mission, with a launch window for late 2020. The mission will provide cargo resupply to the International Space Station under the Commercial Resupply Services Contract 2 (CRS2).

"SNC has been successfully completing critical design milestones as approved by NASA, and having a timetable for the first launch is another important step achieved for us," said Fatih Ozmen, owner and CEO of SNC. "The team has worked so hard to get to this point and we can't wait to fulfill this mission for NASA."

Key Mission Capabilities:
  • Delivers up to 5,500 kg (12,125 lb) of pressurized and unpressurized supplies and scientific research payloads
  • Remains attached to the space station for extended periods so crew can transfer cargo and perform science laboratory operations
  • Flying laboratory that allows scientists to send commands, receive data in real-time
  • Powered payload science experiments can operate continuously during the mission
  • Critical science is conducted from the pressurized cabin (crew-tended or autonomous)
  • Unpressurized cargo/experiments are transferred to or from the space station via robotic operations
  • Returns up to 2000kg of cargo via pinpoint landing at NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC) Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF) for immediate post-landing handover to customer, maximizing the integrity of data collected on-orbit
"The Dream Chaser is going to be a tremendous help to the critical science and research happening on the space station," said Mark Sirangelo, executive vice president of SNC's Space Systems business area. "Receiving NASA's Authority to Proceed is a big step for the program. We can't wait to see the vehicle return to Kennedy Space Center to a runway landing, allowing immediate access to the science payloads being returned from the station."



Graphic rendering of Dream Chaser spacecraft on the space station (click to open in new window).


ЦитироватьJeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust 6m ago

Pace, on future of ISS: Congress asked for a transition plan, and that and the budget proposal will be out soon. We should utilize the ISS as much as we can in the remaining time it has. #FAACST2018


ЦитироватьSpace Station Crew Discusses Life in Space with the Peace Corps

NASA Video

Published on 7 Feb 2018

Aboard the International Space Station, Expedition 54 Flight Engineers Mark Vande Hei and Joe Acaba of NASA discussed life and research on the complex during an in-flight educational event Feb. 7 with members of the Peace Corps gathered in Washington, D.C. Vande Hei and Acaba are in the final weeks of a five and a half month mission on the orbital laboratory.


Record-setting spacewalk ends with antenna in wrong spot
A record-setting Russian spacewalk ended with a critical antenna in the wrong position Friday outside the International Space Station.
NASA's Mission Control reported that the antenna was still working. Nevertheless, Russian space officials were convening a special team to see whether further action would be necessary. The antenna is used for communications with Russia's Mission Control outside Moscow.
The trouble arose toward the end of the more than 8 hour spacewalk— the longest ever by Russians and the fifth longest overall—after Commander Alexander Misurkin and Anton Shkaplerov successfully replaced an electronics box to upgrade the antenna.
The pair watched in dismay as the antenna got hung up on the Russian side of the complex and could not be extended properly. The antenna—a long boom with a 4-foot dish at the end—had been folded up before the repair work.
Misurkin and Shkaplerov pushed, as flight controllers tried repeatedly, via remote commanding, to rotate the antenna into the right position. Finally, someone shouted in Russian, "It's moving. It's in place."
NASA Mission Control said from Houston that the antenna wound up in a position 180 degrees farther than anticipated.
The spacewalk dragged on so long—lasting 8 hours and 13 minutes—that Misurkin and Shkaplerov ended up surpassing the previous Russian record of 8 hours and 7 minutes, set in 2013. It was supposed to last 6 ½ hours.
"Are you kidding us?" one of them asked when they heard about the record.
NASA still holds the world record, with a spacewalk just shy of nine hours back in 2001.
Misurkin and Shkaplerov also asked flight controllers whether the antenna was operating "or have we just wasted our time?" The response: It's being evaluated.
Так или иначе мы всё-таки будем там.


ЦитироватьFeb. 7, 2018

NASA to Air Russian Space Station Cargo Ship Launch, Docking

The Progress 68 cargo spacecraft docked to the International Space Station is seen in the upper left of this image as the unique microgravity laboratory orbits above the Falkland Islands off the coast of the southern-most portion of Argentina on the continent of South America.
Credits: NASA

Loaded with three tons of food, fuel and supplies, a Russian Progress cargo spacecraft is scheduled to launch at 3:58 a.m. EST (2:58 p.m. Baikonur time) Sunday, Feb. 11, to resupply the International Space Station.

The launch from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan and docking to the space station will be carried live on NASA Television the agency's website beginning at 3:30 a.m.

NASA TV coverage will resume at 6:30 a.m., when the Progress 69 cargo vehicle, planned for a fast-track to the world's only orbital laboratory, will dock at 7:24 a.m. The three-and-a-half hour trip will demonstrate an expedited capability for potential use on future Russian cargo and crew launches to the complex.
If any technical issues are identified by Russian flight controllers in the early stage of the flight, the spacecraft will be capable of defaulting to a standard two-day rendezvous profile. The new Progress spacecraft will remain at the international outpost until late August.

Cheryl Warner
Headquarters, Washington

Gary Jordan
Johnson Space Center, Houston
Last Updated: Feb. 7, 2018
Editor: Karen Northon


Прямая трансляция запуска ТГК "Прогресс МС-08"

начало трансляции:11 февраля 201810:00:00 (Московское время)
время запуска:11 февраля 201811:58:45 (Московское время)
окончание трансляции:11 февраля 201812:10:00 (Московское время)


ЦитироватьRussian Cargo Ship Preps for Launch While Crew Studies Life Science

Mark Garcia
Posted Feb 8, 2018 at 1:40 pm

The Progress 69 resupply rocket is pictured in its processing facility at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Credit: Roscosmos

A Russian cargo craft is getting ready to roll out to its launch pad for a Sunday morning lift-off to resupply the International Space Station and the Expedition 54 crew. The astronauts and cosmonauts aboard the station are also preparing for the new space shipment and continuing a variety of life science studies.
Russia's Progress 69 (69P) resupply ship is in its processing facility preparing to roll out to the launch pad Friday at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. The 69P is due to lift-off Sunday at 3:58 a.m. EST (2:58 p.m. Baikonur time) reaching the International Space Station in record time just three and half hours later.

Cosmonauts Alexander Misurkin and Anton Shkaplerov trained today for Sunday's Progress' automated rendezvous and docking set for 7:24 a.m. The duo practiced using the station's telerobotically operated rendezvous unit in the unlikely event the Progress would need to be manually docked to the Zvezda service module.

Mice and plant studies are still under way this week to help researchers understand how organisms respond to living in space. Data collected from the space biology and botany studies may improve health treatments, benefit a wide variety of industry sectors and help NASA plan journeys farther into space.

Astronauts Scott Tingle and Norishige Kanai continued partnering together researching how a muscle maintenance drug affects muscle growth in mice living on the orbital lab. Results of the drug study may help combat muscle weakening in space and on Earth. Two-time station resident Joe Acaba processed and stowed samples for the Plant Gravity Processing experiment. The botany study is exploring how plants grow and how their roots orient themselves in outer space.


ЦитироватьJeff Foust‏ @jeff_foust 1h ago

Gerst said NASA's Soyuz access to ISS ends in Oct/Nov 2019. As for contingency planning if comm'l crew isn't ready by then, he said one option would be to use their test flights in a more operational role, but still brainstorming other options. #FAACST2018


ЦитироватьSpace Station Crew Discusses Life in Space with Idaho Students

NASA Video

Published on 8 Feb 2018

Aboard the International Space Station, Expedition 54 Flight Engineers Mark Vande Hei, Joe Acaba and Scott Tingle of NASA discussed life and research on the orbital laboratory during an in-flight educational event Feb. 8 with students from Boise State University in Idaho. Vande Hei and Acaba are in the final weeks of a five and a half month mission on the complex while Tingle will remain in orbit until early June.
(21:38 )