Cygnus Orb-2 (CRS2) - Antares-120 - MARS LP-0A (о.Уоллопс) - 13.07.2014 16:52 UTC

Автор Salo, 10.08.2013 13:42:13

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che wi

che wi

Это вроде как последний пуск в конфигурации 120, затем пойдёт Антарес 130.

И немного статистики отсюда:

- 4th Antares rocket launch
- 10th orbital launch from the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport
- 3rd launch of a Cygnus spacecraft
- 2nd space launch from Wallops in 2014
- 11th U.S. space launch in 2014
- 39th global space launch attempt in 2014

che wi


ЦитироватьRange is green - Coasties cleared a sailboat that was in the launch zone. Beautiful day for a launch on the Eastern Shore!

che wi

1629 GMT (12:29 p.m. EDT)
Loading of more than 20,000 gallons of RP-1 kerosene fuel into the Antares Ukrainian-built first stage is complete. Liquid oxygen continues flowing into the rocket until the final few minutes.


Через несколько минут ракета взорвётся и упадёт где-то в Атлантическом океане :)


Как все таки Антарес водит при уходе со стола ...
