STSAT-2 - KSLV-I - 25.08.2009 12:00 ЛМВ - Naro

Автор Salo, 16.07.2009 20:51:52

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Пуск 30 июля между 4:40 p.m. and 6:40 p.m.
ЦитироватьThe objective of the STSAT-2 (Science and Technology Satellite-2) program is to develop a low earth orbit 100 kg satellite which will be launched on a Naro-1 (KSLV-1) launch vehicle from the Naro Space Center in 2009.

The STSAT-2 payloads are:
LIST (Lyman- alpha Imaging Solar Telescope) which acquires full disk of sun's atmosphere in the hydrogen Lyman alpha spectrum range and
SLR (Satellite Laser Ranging) which measures the precise distance between a ground station and the satellite.
ЦитироватьSTSAT (Science and Technology Satellite)

The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Satellite Technology Research Center [SaTReC] was founded in 1989 as Korea's first research organization dedicated to education and research in satellite engineering, space science and remote sensing. It was selected in 1990 as an Engineering Research Center by the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation, which marked the beginning of space activities in Korea. SaTReC developed: Korea's first two satellites: KITSAT-1, KITSAT-2; Korea's first earth observation satellite: KITSAT-3 (13.5m Multi-spectral GSD); and Korea's first space science satellite: STSAT-1 (Other names: KITSAT-4 or KAISTSAT-4).

Science and Technology Satellite STSAT-1 was launched by Cosmos 3M on Sept. 27, 2003 with the main payload of Far Ultra-violet Imaging Spectrograph (FIMS). STSAT-1, the fourth satellite developed by Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology and the first under the Korean national scientific satellite program, was launched into a sun-synchronous orbit at 685 km altitude on September 27, 2003.

The mission of FIMS is to observe universe and aurora. A simple and reliable strategy was adopted in STSAT-1 to synchronize time between On-board Computer(OBC) and FIMS. For the characteristics of STSAT-1, this strategy is devised to maintain reliability of satellite system and to reduce implementation cost by using minimized electronic circuits. Far-ultraviolet IMaging Spectrograph would determine which of the highly contentious global models best describes the behavior of the hot, highly ionized interstellar medium in the Milky Way be creating the first-ever maps of the far-UV sky, including CIV and OVI emission. FIMS would therefore determine the impact of high-mass stars on the surrounding, star-forming ISM, known as "feedback". FIMS would also map superbubble emission, constraining hot gas breakout models, which also determine feedback effects.

While the primary objective of the STSAT-1 mission is to perform spectral sky survey of hot Galactic plasmas with Far Ultra-violet Imaging Spectrograph (FIMS, also known as SPEAR), a set of plasma instruments (Space Physics Package) on board the same spacecraft measures electrons of energies from below 1 eV to about 400 keV over the polar region to study the interaction of precipitating electrons with ambient plasmas. These instruments often operate simultaneously with FIMS which observes nightside auroras with the bandwidth 900 – 1175 A and 1335 – 1750 A, including important atomic oxygen lines and Lyman-Birge-Hopfield (LBH) emissions. The data of simultaneous observation of FIMS with SPP provide useful information on the precipitated electron energy associated with auroras.

FUV emission profiles of airglow and aurora were observed by Far-Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (FIMS) on the Science and Technology SATellite-1 (STSAT-1). The observations which almost were performed in 2004 include the prominent atomic oxygen lines, atomic nitrogen lines and the N2 Lyman-Birge-Hopfield bands. The limb profile in dayside airglow compared with simulation results from Atmospheric Ultraviolet Radiance Integrated Code (AURIC). The spectrum of tropical nightglow was executed for examination about the effects of the energetic neutral particles.

Science Technology Satellite-2 (STSAT-2) has been developed since October 2002 as a sequel mission to KAISTSAT-4 (STSAT-1). STSAT-2 was scheduled to be launched into an ellipsoidal orbit of 300km x 1500 km in December 2005 by the first Korea Satellite Launch Vehicle KSLV-1 from the domestic space center (NARO Space Center).

The objectives of STSAT-2 consist of three missions, which are the domestic development of a low earth orbit 100kg satellite which will be launched by KSLV-1 (Korea Space Launch Vehicle-1), the development of advanced technology for small spacecraft, and the development and operation of world-class space science payloads. STSAT-2 have two payloads: the main payload, DREAM (Dual-channel Radiometer for Earth and Atmosphere Monitoring) and the secondary payload, LRA (Laser Retroreflector Array). The DREAM mission objectives are to acquire brightness temperature of the earth at 23.8 GHz and 37 GHz, and to acquire physical parameters such as cold liquid water and water vapor after post-processing. The mission objective of spacecraft techologies is to develop a thermally, mechanically, electrically stable and radial resistant spacecraft system having high-precision attitude determination and control capability in a high eccentric ellipsoidal orbit.

For spacecraft technology experiments, STSAT-2 has the following instrumentations onboard:
Pulsed Plasma Thruster (PPT)
Dual-Head Star Tracker (DHST)
Fine Digital Sun Sensor (FDSS)
Compact on-board computer
High-speed data transmission (10Mbps)

The Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) mission objectives are to determine the more precise orbit of STSAT-2 than possible with S-band tracking data alone, to calibrate the main payload (DREAM), and finally to support the science research such as earth science and geodynamics. SLR technology will provide the unique opportunity to investigate the variations of an ellipsoidal orbit. Additionally, the precise orbit determination (POD) of STSAT-2 can be used to evaluate the performance of the first Korean launcher (KSLV-1).

Anticipated Launch Date: Two quarters (between April and June) of 2009 (STSAT-2A), December 2009 (STSAT-2B)

Expected Mission Duration: Two years
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


Цитировать17.07.2009 / 17:54    Первый полет корейской ракеты отложен по техническим причинам

     Как сообщает корейская газета Korea Herald со ссылкой на представителей правительства, первый пуск национальной ракеты-носителя Naro, намечавшийся на конец июля, отложен по техническим причинам. Новые сроки запуска пока не определены.
     - К.И.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"

ЦитироватьDelay expected in Korea's 1st space rocket launch
South Korea will highly likely postpone its first space rocket launch scheduled for late this month due to technical complications, the government said Thursday, according to Yonhap News.

Russian authorities responsible for the first-stage rocket of the Korea Space Launch Vehicle-1 will be able to conduct the vital pre-launch combustion test after July 27 at the earliest, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology said.

Because the original launch date was set for July 30, there may not be enough time to prepare the rocket for launch after conducting the test, the ministry said.
The ministry did not elaborate on details, but said it has yet to take care of technical matters that need to be handled.

"Russia's Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center sent an official letter calling for negotiations on the launch schedule once the combustion test is completed," a government official said.

He said the science ministry is examining all pertinent information related to the possible delay and is making necessary adjustments.

The rocket, developed at a cost of 502.5 billion won ($396.3 million), stands 33m tall, has a diameter of just under 3m and weighs 140t. The first stage rocket, made in Russia and flown into South Korea last month, has a thrust of 170t, while the smaller, second-stage indigenous rocket can generate 8t of thrust. The rocket is designed to deliver the 100kg satellite into orbit.

The government built the Naro Space Center, located 485km south of Seoul, to launch the KSLV-1 and future rockets.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


ЦитироватьСвежая новость
ЦитироватьThe Ministry of Education, Science and Technology said Russia's Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center sent an official letter notifying local authorities that the test date for the Korea Space Launch Vehicle-1 (KSLV-1) has been set for July 30.
ЦитироватьOriginally, Khrunichev planned to conduct the test on Monday, but called for a delay to upgrade the test control and evaluation programs needed for the experiment. This move affected the launch date, which had been set for next Thursday.
ЦитироватьThe ministry stressed that if all tests are conducted and there are no problems, South Korea's first space rocket can theoretically be launched 13-14 days after the "hot fire test" is conducted.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


Думаю, корейцы не упустят шанс приурочить запуск к годовщине освобождения Кореи от японско-фашистских оккупантов. Т.е. 15 августа.
Смотреть телевизор и читать газеты - моя работа.

ЦитироватьThe Ministry of Education, Science and Technology says launch preparations for the nation's first ever space rocket are running smoothly with the combustion test for the main booster successfully completed.

ЦитироватьThe ministry said South Korean and Russian scientists will discuss a potential launch date after the test results come out in two or three days.
Россия больше чем Плутон.


А где сейчас само изделие? Как я понял на всех фото возят и примеряют макет.


Изделие в Южной Корее
Южная Корея объявила дату запуска первой ракеты, сообщает новостное агентство YONHAP. Старт запланирован на 11 августа 2009 года.

В случае технических неполадок или неподходящих погодных условий южнокорейские инженеры заявили, что могут перенести дату на любое время между 11 и 18 августа. На борту ракеты KSLV-1 (Korea Space Launch Vehicle-1 - корейская ракета-носитель-1) в космос отправится небольшой научный спутник.

Изначально старт был запланирован на 30 июля 2009 года, однако российские специалисты, которые принимали активное участие в создании ракеты-носителя, попросили дополнительное время на проверку и усовершенствование всех систем. В строительстве южнокорейской ракеты, в частности, участвовал Научно-производственный центр имени Хруничева.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"

Цитировать(LEAD) S. Korea's first space rocket launch may be postponed
By Lee Joon-seung
SEOUL, Aug. 4 (Yonhap) -- South Korea said Tuesday it may have to again postpone the launch of its first space rocket because further examination of a critical combustion test conducted last week is needed.

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology said that while Russia successfully completed the "hot fire test" last Thursday, some "technical issues" still have to be clarified, requiring more time.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


SEOUL, Aug. 10 (Yonhap) --- South Korea was having talks with Russia to
set a launch schedule for the country's first space rocket, and the consultation process might be finalized "within two or three days," government officials said Monday...
Пишут, что замечаний по ОСИ нет и  ...  консультации по уточнению даты пуска могут быть завершены "в течение двух или трех дней"...
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


ЦитироватьОбъявили дату пуска-19 августа :)
ЦитироватьBy Lee Joon-seung
SEOUL, Aug. 11 (Yonhap) -- South Korea's first space rocket will be launched on Aug. 19 following repeated delays caused by the Russian-made first stage booster, the government said Tuesday.

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology said engineers concluded that the Korea Space Launch Vehicle-1 (KSLV-1) could be launched safely following the successful "hot fire test" conducted late last month.
Будем ждать 8)
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


ЦитироватьВ связи с пуском 19 августа новости посыпались, как из рога изобилия :) :
1.  Время пуска 16:40-18:20.
Стадии подготовки и циклограмма полёта
ЦитироватьFour days before launch - Battery cells are on board Korea Space Launch Vehicle-1 (KSLV-1) and Science and Technology Satellite-2 (STSAT-2) is recharged

Three days before launch - Weather conditions on launch date are checked, with all systems examined

54 hours before launch - KSLV-1 with STSAT-2 payload is moved to launch pad and fastened to erector arm assembly with final check conducted on all vital mechanical systems

24 hours before launch - Launch rehearsal is carried out to check all rocket systems and to conduct final check prior to blast off. Weather conditions around Naro Space Center are checked for strong winds, lightning

Four hours before launch - All launch systems and preparations are checked with controllers to determine "go or no-go" for the injection of fuel and high pressure oxidation agents into rocket

18 minutes before launch - Chief technical controller is to make final decision to move forward or abort launch

15 minutes before launch - Automatic launch sequence begins for final countdown

Launch - Thrust from main booster engine sends rocket into space with land-based tracking radars and highspeed cameras following its assent and collecting data

20 second after launch - KSLV-1 veers south 900m above launch pad after making vertical assent

55 seconds after launch - Rocket exceeds speed of sound 7.4km from the ground

215 seconds after launch - Fairings at tip of rocket are ejected 245km from launch pad at an altitude of 177km to permit separation of second stage rocket from main booster. Fairings fall to earth

229 seconds after launch - Engine for the first stage main booster is turned off

232 seconds after launch - First and second stage rockets separate 316km from Naro Space Center at an altitude of 196km, with main booster falling near the Philippines

395 seconds after launch - Kick motor of second stage rocket ignites at an altitude of 303km to help position satellite into proper orbit. Rocket 1,052km from Naro Space Center

453 seconds after launch - Second stage rocket turned off after STSAT-2 reaches correct trajectory for stable orbit

540 seconds after launch - Scientific satellite separates from second stage rocket 2,055km from launch pad, at an altitude of 302km to deploys solar panels and align itself into proper orbit

13 hours after launch - STSAT-2 to make first contact with controllers at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in Deajeon
2. О возможных сложностях с погодой
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


Агентство Йонхап говорит теперь о запуске в 17:00 по местному (12:00 летнего московского):

ЦитироватьS. Korea to proceed with launch despite ex-president's death
NARO SPACE CENTER, South Korea, Aug. 18 (Yonhap) -- South Korea will move forward with the launch of its first space rocket as scheduled, despite the death of former President Kim Dae-jung, the government said Tuesday.

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology said the six-hour rehearsal to check the Korea Space Launch Vehicle-1 (KSLV-1) revealed no problems that could delay the liftoff tentatively set for 17:00 Wednesday.
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2 часа 30 минут до пуска.


А где же Старый?
Его "любимая" Ангара вот-вот должна наконец полететь.
Не прошло и 17-ти лет.  :roll:


А прямой эфир где-нибудь в интернете будет?

ЦитироватьСЕУЛ, 19 августа. Республика Корея в связи с кончиной экс-президента страны Ким Дэ Чжуна отложила запуск первой отечественной ракеты-носителя «Наро-1». Как передают «Вести», власти республики планировали осуществить запуск 19 августа.
Тем не менее, Сеул не исключает, что запуск «Наро-1» может состояться еще в августе.
Россия больше чем Плутон.


ЦитироватьСЕУЛ, 19 августа. Республика Корея в связи с кончиной экс-президента страны Ким Дэ Чжуна отложила запуск первой отечественной ракеты-носителя «Наро-1».

Для тех, кто не в танке, сообщаем, что, по данным южнокорейского агентства Йонхап за 10:07 московского, идет заправка ракеты, и старт по-прежнему назначен на 12:00 московского времени.

ЦитироватьS. Korea's first space rocket being fueled for launch

By Lee Joon-seung

NARO SPACE CENTER, South Korea, Aug. 19 (Yonhap) -- South Korea's first space rocket is being fueled for blast-off, effectively starting the countdown to the historic launch, the government said Wednesday.

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology said fuel and oxidation agents are being injected into two separate tanks in the Korea Space Launch Vehicle-1 (KSLV-1) that is expected to blast off at 5 p.m. (Seoul Time) from the Naro Space Center 485km south of Seoul.

Сказанное выше выражает личную точку зрения автора, основанную на открытых источниках информации


"Йонхап" сообщает, что заправка займет примерно час и что автоматический предстартовый отсчет начнется в 11:45 московского времени, за 15 минут до пуска. Включение ЖРД 1-й ступени состоится за 3.8 сек до расчетного момента старта.

Сообщается также, что вторая KSLV-1 будет запущена в апреле 2010 г.
Сказанное выше выражает личную точку зрения автора, основанную на открытых источниках информации