Китайская космическая станция

Автор ronatu, 03.10.2008 13:35:18

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Ничего про припасы ни в этих статьях англоязычного Синхуя
Consisting of a cargo capsule and a propellant capsule, Tianzhou-1, the first cargo spacecraft independently developed by China, has a take-off weight of about 13 tonnes, up to six tonnes of which is payload. It can remain in space on its own for as long as three months.

It is capable of docking with the Tiangong-2 space lab and refueling it in addition to carrying out experiments and tests.
Китайский http://www.chinanews.com/gn/2017/01-13/8123539.shtml

Вон в теме грузовика
Цитироватьzandr пишет:
ЦитироватьПервый грузовой космический корабль Китая "Тяньчжоу-1" трижды состыкуется с космической лабораторией "Тяньгун-2"
Пекин, 4 марта /Синьхуа/ -- Первый грузовой космический корабль Китая "Тяньчжоу-1" /"Небесный челн-1"/, запуск которого запланирован на апрель этого года, совершит три стыковки с находящейся на орбите китайской космической лабораторией "Тяньгун-2" /"Небесный дворец-2"/, сообщили в субботу в канцелярии Китайской программы пилотируемой космонавтики.
Согласно плану, во время полета корабля будет трижды проведена дозаправка лаборатории "Тяньгун-2", а также эксперименты и тесты.
В ходе миссии "Тяньчжоу-1" будет находиться на собственной орбите около трех месяцев, а в состыкованном положении с "Тяньгун-2" - около двух месяцев.
После миссии "Тяньчжоу-1" сойдет с орбиты и будет затоплен в заданном районе в безопасной морской акватории. "Тяньгун-2" останется на орбите.
"Тяньчжоу-1" - первый грузовой космический корабль, созданный Китаем с опорой на собственные силы. На него возлагаются задачи по стыковке с орбитальной лабораторией "Тяньгун-2" и дозаправке топливом на орбите.

С большей вероятностью журналисткая придумка про припасы качует из статьи в статью.


ЦитироватьRifkat пишет:
Точно, 5B - сорри
А тут что-то пишут про 5B
Китайский http://www.cmse.gov.cn/art/2017/3/6/art_18_31586.html
гугло перевод на английский
According to the Xinhua News Agency reported on March 5, the National People's Congress, the military equipment development minister Zhang Yulin 5, told reporters in an interview with Xinhua, China's space station development and construction tasks progress smoothly. "We will be based on the Long March five technology, the development of Long March 5 B, specifically used to launch space stations, according to plan will be the first flight in 2019."
April 2017, the day on the 1st cargo spacecraft will be the first test "space refueling" to carry out on-track maintenance and propellant in orbit and other technical validation. This is also the last large-scale experiment in space before the construction of space station in China.
"The previous spacecraft take off the quality of only about 8 tons, each can only transport more than one ton of material.On the day off the quality of about 13 tons, you can transport about 6.5 tons of cargo, spacecraft transport capacity greatly improved. As China's manned space project deputy commander, Zhang Yulin introduction, the launch task is still carried out by the Long March VII carrier rocket. "The new generation of rockets fired the official load at the new launch site, and in a sense it was their real first appearance."
As the best platform for human exploration in space, space station is the highest goal of China's manned space project "three steps" strategy, China will build a space station around 2020.
The world has launched 10 space stations. The International Space Station is currently the only run-in space station, scheduled to be retired in 2024, when China may become the only country in the rail space station.
"If the space station construction compared to the relay race, Russia is the first bar, the International Space Station is the second bar, China's space station is the third bar. This bar we can not lose, or human in the near-space normal resident process Interrupted. "Zhang Yulin said that many countries have expressed the use of China's space station to carry out the international cooperation in manned space strong desire. "We will make a greater contribution to mankind through the cooperation of space stations."
In the open mind, embrace cooperation at the same time, Zhang Yulin said that China's space station construction will also better support the development of civil space and space industry, from the past to explore the development of science to the space industry, and vigorously promote the integration of military and civilian development, Through the space station and manned space, contribute to the economic and social development.
"World space for the development and utilization of space resources is now at a critical crossroads and is about to enter the 'post-space station' era." Zhang Yulin said, "standing on the future starting point for manned spaceflight development, we We must seize the opportunity, planning good, building a good space station in China, the only way we can in the next round of the task beyond the near space with the advantages of the late.From the space power to the space power in the process, we want Efforts to lead 'post-space station era'. "(Wang Yushan Wang Jinguo)

с английского на русский
ЦитироватьПо данным агентства Синьхуа сообщила 5 марта, Всекитайское собрание народных представителей, министр развития военной техники Чжан Юйнь 5, заявил журналистам в интервью Синьхуа, Китай космической станции развития и строительных задач прогресса плавно. «Мы будем опираться на технологию Long March Five, разработку Long March 5 B, специально предназначенную для запуска космических станций, согласно плану будет первый полет в 2019 году».


ЦитироватьХВ. пишет:
Только для кого вода, сжатый воздух и другие продукты функционирования СОЖ? Для перекачки - экипаж не нужен, но кто будет всё это потреблять?
Или потреблять в автоматическом режиме дистанционно?
Двигатели ориентации станции там не могут на азоте быть,  например? Его запас и пополнить. Тоже самое и с остальным, что можно перекачать автоматически. Потреблять будет либо ОС, либо важен сам факт возможности "дозаправки".
В оригиналы надо лезть.


Цитироватьpnetmon пишет:
разработка Long March 5 B, специально предназначенную для запуска космических станций, согласно плану будет первый полет в 2019 году.
Так, всё-таки в 19-м, а не в 18-м.


удалено ;(


ЦитироватьХВ. пишет:
Так, всё-таки в 19-м, а не в 18-м.
Ещё подтверждение
Цитировать ChinaSpaceflight‏ @cnspaceflight 5 ч. назад

Цитировать【Long March 5 B / CZ-5B】 first flight in 2019
Цитировать[Long March V B / CZ-5B первый полет в 2019 году]


Цитировать ChinaSpaceflight‏ @cnspaceflight 9 мин. назад
Цитировать[Space station] about three years of construction time, from 2019 to 2022 years
Цитировать[Космическая станция] около трех лет периода строительства, с 2019 по 2022 год


По видео с помощью манипулятора перестыкуют модуль.


Хотя кто знает этих журналистов....
Один ролик, а станция меняется в секунды времени



Кажется на последней картинке устаревший проект, на предыдущей странице темы модель станции больше похожа на первую картинку

Старые pdf со станцией и описанием на английском http://www.unoosa.org/pdf/pres/copuos2014/tech-24.pdf
 http://www.go-taikonauts.com/images/newsletters_PDF/GoTaikonauts18.pdf (январь 2016 года)

Какой-то музей с виртуальной реальность http://news.qq.com/zt2016/htvr/main.htm?pano_id=1342388  (утянуто отсюда)

(Можно рассмотреть с разных сторон, клавиатурой получается удобнее)

Astro Cat

Вообщем станцию "МИР" собрались лепить без зазрения совести! )))


Цитировать https://twitter.com/cnspaceflight/status/855981897263980544
7:09 - 23 апр. 2017 г.
Гуглоперевод на английский
ЦитироватьSpace station and the Long March VB carrier rocket, in the beginning of the development stage, is the system of integrated testing and testing. In 2019 or so to launch the various cabin, is expected to complete in 2022 manned space station construction. According to the mission arrangement, China's next manned flight is expected after 2019.
И с китайского на русский
ЦитироватьB ракеты-носителя Long March VВ космической станции и в стадии разработки прототипа, мы проводим интеграцию системы испытаний и испытаний. Запуск отдельных секций в окрестностях 2019 года, как ожидается, завершит строительство пилотируемой космической станции в 2022 году. В соответствии с расписанием задачи, следующий китайский пилотируемый полет, как ожидается, позже в 2019 году.


Гуглоперевод с китайского на английский
Цитировать http://www.cmse.gov.cn/art/2017/4/26/art_18_31697.html
Zhang Yulin: space station laying war started, 2019 to be fired core cabin
Posted: 2017-04-26 Views: 63 Times Font [Big Middle Small]
....China's manned space flight project official website hereby interviewed China's manned space project deputy commander, equipment development department Zhang Yulin deputy minister.
According to the plan, in 2019 or so to carry out the core capsule launch. "At present, there seems to be no problem," Deputy Minister Zhang said, "and for the launch of the space station, also developed the Long March 5 B carrier rocket, the development work are also planned. Long March 5 B carrier rocket is expected in 2019 first "We have not only moved the second step very well, but also the third step is to move forward by step by step."


ЦитироватьКитай выразил России благодарность за поддержку в освоении космоса
ПЕКИН, 28 апреля. /Корр. ТАСС Алексей Селищев/. Государственное управление космонавтики КНР благодарно России за оказание поддержки в освоении космоса. Об этом заявил глава программы пилотируемых космических полетов Китая Ван Чжаояо, отвечая на вопрос ТАСС.
"Начиная с 1992 года мы постоянно развиваем сотрудничество с Россией в области космоса. В этой сфере у нас много направлений сотрудничества, включая проведение разработок и развитие технологий", - заявил он, отвечая на просьбу прокомментировать успешную заправку модуля "Тяньгун-2" топливом при помощи первого китайского грузового космического корабля "Тяньчжоу-1".
"Мы очень желаем продолжать развивать сотрудничество с Россией и другими странами в сфере космоса", - добавил он.
"Тяньчжоу-1" произвел дозаправку в четверг 27 апреля в 19:07 (14:07 мск) по местному времени. Корабль способен доставлять в космос до 6 тонн полезного груза. Впоследствии данный аппарат должен будет регулярно совершать полеты к "Тяньгун-2", доставляя необходимое оборудование для работы космической лаборатории.
Китай последовательно реализует программу строительства собственной орбитальной станции, которая должна быть введена в эксплуатацию к 2020 году. Миссия "Тяньчжоу-1" является частью программы по отработке необходимых для создания китайской орбитальной станции технологий.
Строительство орбитальной станции
Китай рассчитывает приступить к процессу строительства собственной орбитальной станции в 2019 году, заявил Ван Чжаояо.
"Мы завершили период испытаний космической лаборатории и теперь приступаем к строительству орбитальной станции", - сказал он. "В соответствии с нашими планами, в период с 2019 по 2022 год будет вестись строительство станции, на этот период запланировано большое количество запусков", - добавил он.
Китай последовательно реализует программу строительства собственной орбитальной станции, которая должна быть введена в эксплуатацию к 2022 году. Отвечая на вопрос ТАСС Ван Чжаояо отметил, что на станции "будут постоянно жить космонавты". "Когда строительство будет завершено, то на станции будут постоянно находиться космонавты. Было бы жаль впустую терять такие возможности", - сказал он.


В Ох, умору - Откровения Life  ;)   
Пишут о двух новых станциях к 2022 году
Цитировать https://life.ru/1002422
Китай создаст орбитальную станцию к 2022 году
Михаил Котов
26 апреля, 19:02
Уже в 2018 году Поднебесная запустит модульную орбитальную станцию "Тяньгун-3", а к 2022 году — и более крупную, в которой космонавты смогут жить длительное время.
В 2022 году у китайцев будет своя орбитальная станция. В 2018-м запустят мини-вариант, а пока на орбиту выведен грузовой корабль для заправки будущих конструкций топливом
Китай активно работает над созданием модульной орбитальной станции "Тяньгун-3" (дословно "Небесный чертог" ) . Третий "Небесный чертог", запуск которого намечен на 2018 год, будет всего вдвое легче и меньше, чем была станция "Мир". Это позволит отрабатывать на нём многомесячное пребывание тайконавтов. Последнее необходимо в том числе и потому, что КНР планирует в ближайшее десятилетие совершить пилотируемые космические полёты к Луне, а затем и к Марсу. При этом доступ на МКС для Китая затруднён.
Первоисточник тоже хорош, но картинкой
China working on technology to allow astronauts to live long-term in space
(People's Daily Online) 15:35, April 25, 2017
China is working on technology to allow astronauts to live long-term in space, a space station is to be established by 2022, Wang Xiang, the head of space design department of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, said on Monday.
China takes another step forward towards its goal to put a space station into orbit in next five years by sending its first cargo spacecraft Tianzhou-1 on Thursday. It's an important step for China to establish its first space station by 2022. Once the space station is completed, China will become the third country along with Russia and the U.S. to master the techniques of refueling in space.

Astro Cat

Бестолковая трата сил и средств. Как и сейчас - глупые стыковки грузовика и пустой станции. Имхо.


ЦитироватьCrewed missions to Chinese Space Station to begin in 2019, so don't expect a Moon base soon

Andrew Jones

The crew of Shenzhou-10 ahead of launch in June 2013.
China is planning a number of human spaceflight missions starting in 2019 as the country begins to construct a large modular space station in low Earth orbit.

Wang Zhaoyao, director of the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA), outlined the plans on Friday at a press conference following the success of the Tianzhou-1 refuelling mission.

"Tianzhou-1, China's first cargo spacecraft, was the last flight mission of the country's manned space program before the construction of a permanent space station," Wang said at the State Council event.

According to our plans we will carry out the assembly and construction of China's space station between 2019 and 2022."

The next mission is expected to be the Chinese Space Station (CSS) core module, Tianhe. Construction of Tianhe has already been completed, and will be launched on a Long March 5B rocket around early 2019.

The 20 metric tonne core module, orbiting around 400 kilometres above the Earth, will then be visited by Tianzhou-2 cargo ship followed by the crewed Shenzhou-12 mission, according to Zhang Bonan, chief designer of the CSS.

Above: Tianzhou-1 (right) docks with Tiangong-2 on April 22, 2017 (CCTV+).

Tianhe will be joined by two experiment modules, named Wentian and Mengtian, also with a mass of around 20 metric tonnes, with construction complete around 2022.

Wang also reiterated that China has designed a large-scale optical space observatory, similar to the Hubble Telescope, which will co-orbit with the CSS and dock with it when necessary.
Spacewalks, cooperation on the horizon
"The space station program has been progressing steadily with its key technologies and plans already completed and its relevant flight products being tested," Wang said. "Chinese astronauts are preparing for the space station era. They are expected to stay in space for three to six months or even longer during future missions."

Wang added that Chinese astronauts would be engaged in more extra-vehicular activities (EVAs) during the construction of the space station, which could pose challenges, Xinhua noted.

Liu Yang, China's first female astronaut in space, in March stated that she and her colleagues were currently training for EVAs, or spacewalks, in preparation for the CSS missions.

Above: Liu Yang being helped from the Shenzhou-9 return capsule in June 2012.

China is also open to collaboration with other countries.

"We engage in international cooperation with an open mind. Over the past years, we have had wide cooperation with many countries, regions and institutions in the world, including the European Space Agency, France, Germany, Italy, Russia and also a slew of institutions and organisations.

"When we enter the space station in the future, we will, as always, uphold the principles of communication and cooperation," Wang said.

Early in 2016 CMSA and the United Nations signed an agreement that would open the CSS to experiments, equipment and potentially even modules and astronauts from countries around the world.

The Chinese Space Station project, which is stated to be fully operational for at least 10 years starting from 2022, means a great deal of Chinese resources will be tied up with low Earth orbit, rather than deeper into space.


ЦитироватьChina to conduct several manned space flights around 2020
Source: Xinhua| 2017-04-28 16:40:19|Editor: Mengjie
BEIJING, April 28 (Xinhua) -- China plans to conduct several manned space flights from 2019 to 2022, during which a 60-tonne space station will be assembled and built, said Wang Zhaoyao, director of China's manned space program office, Friday.

"Tianzhou-1, China's first cargo spacecraft, was the last flight mission of the country's manned space program before the construction of a permanent space station," Wang said at a press conference.

The spacecraft and Tiangong-2 space lab completed their first in-orbit refueling late Thursday, marking the completion of the country's space lab mission.
"The successful conclusion of the mission shows that China's manned space program has entered the space station era," Wang said.

"The space station program has been progressing steadily with its key technologies and plans already completed and its relevant flight products being tested," he said. "Chinese astronauts are preparing for the space station era. They are expected to stay in space for three to six months or even longer during future missions."

Two astronauts, Jing Haipeng and Chen Dong, completed their 33-day journey, the longest mission in the country's manned space program to date, onboard the Shenzhou-11 spacecraft on Nov. 18 last year.
Wang said the astronauts would be engaged in more extra-vehicular activities during the construction of the space station, which could pose challenges.


Цитировать"Chinese astronauts are preparing for the space station era. They are expected to stay in space for three to six months or even longer during future missions."


3 cargo vehicles to serve nation's space program
By ZHAO LEI | China Daily | Updated: 2017-04-29 06:16
China will produce two additional types of cargo spacecraft with different functions to service its future manned space station, according to a space program manager.

That will make a total of three, including Tianzhou 1, which is now in space, Yang Baohua, deputy general manager of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp, said at a news conference on Friday in Beijing.

That spaceship's cargo cabin is hermetically sealed because one of the spacecraft's tasks is to test in-orbit resupply technology, including the transportation of astronauts' necessities that require isolation from space.

"We will design two variants of Tianzhou 1," Yang said. The first variant will have a cargo area that is hermetically sealed like the Tianzhou 1 as well as a cargo area that is partly open to space to allow for more storage, he said.

The first variant will be used to transport astronauts' supplies and small spare parts needed at the space station.

The second variant will be open and will carry cargo that does not need protection from space conditions. It will haul large parts as well as any spacecraft to be launched from the station, he said.

In the case of all three types of spacecraft, the propulsion cabin will remain hermetically sealed like that of Tianzhou 1, Yang said. None of the craft will be designed to be reusable.


Tianzhou 1, China's first cargo spacecraft, has completed the country's first in-orbit refueling test with the Tiangong II space laboratory, the China Manned Space Agency said on Thursday. The success of the five-day test made China the third nation in the world to have in-orbit refueling technology after Russia and the United States, it noted.
Tianzhou 1, the country's largest and heaviest spacecraft, was launched at the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan province on April 20. Tiangong II has been in space since mid-September and carried two Chinese astronauts from mid-October to mid-November. It is now unmanned.
The agency said that after the first test, the two spacecraft would stay connected as they orbit Earth for about two months. After the two months, the cargo spacecraft will undock and dock again with the space lab. It will then undock again and start a three-month independent flight before a third docking.
The cargo craft will inject fuel into Tiangong II during the second and third dockings. After the third docking, Tianzhou 1 will depart from Tiangong II and will be directed by ground control to fall back to Earth.
In the future, the Tianzhou-series cargo spacecraft will be tasked with bringing supplies of fuel, spare parts and other necessities to China's planned manned space station, which will start construction around 2019 and is expected to enter service by about 2022.

The space station will consist of three parts-a core module attached to two space labs, each weighing about 20 tons-and will operate for at least 10 years, according to the manned space agency.

Zhao Guangheng, chief designer of scientific applications at the manned space agency, said on Thursday that the space station will conduct 30 research and experimental projects in eight major fields including life science, biology, and material science.