Peregrine Mission One & Enterprise Flight – Vulcan Centaur VC2S / VC001 – CCSFS SLC-41 – 08.01.2024 07:18 UTC

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погода Vulcan CERT1 Peregrine L-1 Day Launch Forecast
 8 Jan 2024 = 85%
 9 Jan 2024 = 30%
10 Jan 2024 = 45%


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Цитата: zandr от 03.01.2024 10:02:51
Jan. 8 LIVE Broadcast: Vulcan Cert-1
  United Launch Alliance
A United Launch Alliance (ULA) Vulcan VC2S rocket will launch the first certification mission from Space Launch Complex-41 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida. The Cert-1 flight test includes two payloads. The first is the Peregrine Lunar Lander, Peregrine Mission One (PM1) for Astrobotic as part of NASA's Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) initiative to deliver science and technology to the lunar surface. The second payload is the Celestis Memorial Spaceflights deep space Voyager mission known as the Enterprise Flight.
Join us for live coverage in partnership with NASA.
Launch Date: Jan. 8, 2024
Launch Time: 2:18 a.m. ET
GO Vulcan! GO Centaur! GO Cert-1!


ЦитироватьULA  @ulalaunch  ·  2h
 #VulcanRocket's liquid oxygen ground- and airborne-chilldown is complete, allowing the launch team to proceed with filling the booster stage. This is the third of four steps in fueling the rocket for its #Cert1 mission.
Захолаживание завершено.
ЦитироватьULA  @ulalaunch  ·  2h
Passing L-4 hours from the inaugural #VulcanRocket launch at 2:18amEST (0718 UTC). Fueling operations are proceeding as planned at Space Launch Complex-41 to prepare Vulcan for its trek into interplanetary space.
Идёт заправка
ЦитироватьULA  @ulalaunch  ·  1h
Liquid hydrogen propellant is now flowing into Centaur V upper stage for launch. This is the final commodity to be loaded into the vehicle during tonight's #VulcanRocket #Cert1 countdown. All activities continue to go well.
Заправляют вернюю ступень - последний этап.


Кнопка "ВКЛ." просто давала сигнал к запуску с Марса. Кнопка "ВЫКЛ." вообще ни к чему не была подсоединена. Ее поставили на пульте по настоянию марсианских психологов, которые утверждали, что человек всегда чувствует себя спокойнее, имея дело с машинами, которые можно выключить


ЦитироватьULA  @ulalaunch  ·  32m
T-minus 7 minutes and holding. The countdown has entered the planned 60-minute built-in hold as we prepare for today's launch opportunity. Liftoff is scheduled for precisely 2:18:38amEST (0718:38 UTC) from Space Launch Complex-41 at Cape Canaveral.
Удержание на Т-7 мин.


20 минут до Пуска.
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Тори Бруно (отрастил усы, кстати) выступил, совершенно спокоен


ЦитироватьULA  @ulalaunch
Weather balloon data indicates high altitude winds are acceptable for #VulcanRocket today. The rocket's flight computer is being loaded with the best steering parameters based on those conditions aloft.
Высотные Ветры дают добро!  ;)


Все системы "go"
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ЦитироватьULA  @ulalaunch
#VulcanRocket is ascending on the power of its methane-fueled main engines and twin solid rocket boosters. The east-southeasterly flight path will take #Cert1 to an initial parking orbit before moving to a trans-lunar injection orbit and then deep space.



Цитата: amster от 08.01.2024 10:24:48Есть отделение 1й ступени!
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