HTV-8 KOUNOTORI8 - H-2B (F8) - СК Йошинобу, КЦ Танегасима - 24.09.2019, 16:05 UTC

Автор tnt22, 27.06.2019 08:25:52

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ЦитироватьISS Daily Summary Report – 9/09/2019

H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV)-8 Offset Grapple Training:
The crew completed an offset grapple training session today. They performed several approaches with the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) to practice maneuvering over the grapple pin to simulate HTV capture. HTV-8 is scheduled to launch tomorrow, September 10th at 4:33 PM CT with capture planned for Saturday at 6:00 AM CT.


Цитировать MHI Launch Services‏ @MHI_LS 2 мин. назад

The radio frequency system between H-IIB F8 and the ground stations has been checked up.


Цитировать MHI Launch Services‏ @MHI_LS 40 мин. назад

第1段・第2段 各機体の、液体水素・液体酸素 各タンクが100%充てんされたことを確認しました。
It has been confirmed that the first- and second-stage liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen tanks are fully loaded.


Цитировать MHI Launch Services‏ @MHI_LS 21 мин. назад

Terminal countdown operation is proceeding smoothly as planned.

ЦитироватьSpacewalk Prep and Science Punctuate Launch Day for HTV-8

Catherine Williams
Posted Sep 10, 2019 at 12:10 pm

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's uncrewed cargo transfer craft, called HTV, will deliver supplies and new investigations to the International Space Station. Here, the HTV-7 resupply ship is pictured after its release fr om the Canadarm2 robotic arm as the space station orbited above the Pacific Ocean some 311 miles west of Baja California. Credit: NASA

Ten years after the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency launched its first H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) mission, today the HTV-8 "Kounotori" cargo craft will launch from the Tanegashima Space Center to the International Space Station. While launch is scheduled for 5:33 p.m. EDTNASA Television will start its coverage at 5 p.m.

Days after, on Saturday, Sept. 14, Expedition 60 Flight Engineer Christina Koch of NASA, backed up by her NASA crewmate Andrew Morgan, will operate the station's Canadarm2 robotic arm from the station's cupola to capture the 12-ton spacecraft as it approaches from below. Robotics flight controllers will then take over the operation of the arm to install HTV-8 to the Earth-facing port of the Harmony module, wh ere it will spend a month attached. Flight Engineer Luca Parmitano of ESA (European Space Agency) will monitor HTV-8 systems during its approach to the station.

Aboard the orbiting laboratory, preparations to receive the craft continue, with Koch and Morgan completing training to grapple the vehicle. They also performed several approaches with the Canadarm2 to simulate HTV capture. ...


1. Ангара - единственная в мире новая РН которая хуже старой (с) Старый Ламер
2. Назначение Роскосмоса - не летать в космос а выкачивать из бюджета деньги
3. У Маска ракета длиннее и толще чем у Роскосмоса
4. Чем мрачнее реальность тем ярче бред (с) Старый Ламер

Цитировать09/10/2019 20:32 Stephen Clark

The H-2B rocket arrived on its launch pad at the Tanegashima Space Center around 0600 GMT (2 a.m. EDT) as officials prepare for liftoff of Japan's eighth HTV cargo mission to the International Space Station.

The 186-foot-tall (56.6-meter) rocket is standing at Launch Pad No. 2 at Tanegashima, located on the southern flank of an island at the southwestern end of the Japanese archipelago. The 1,600-foot trip from the Vehicle Assembly Building atop a mobile launch platform took about a half-hour to complete, according to Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, the H-2B rocket's prime contractor.

After the rocket arrived at the pad, workers connected it to the launch pad's electrical systems and propellant supplies, in preparation for loading of liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen into the two-stage rocket.

Liftoff remains set for 2133:29 GMT (5:33:29 p.m. EDT), or 6:33:29 a.m. Japan Standard Time.

In the past few hours, launch teams at Tanegashima have loaded super-cold liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen into both stages of the H-2B rocket. The H-2B's twin LE-7A first stage engines and single LE-5B upper stage engine will consume the cryogenic propellant mix during today's 15-minute launch sequence.

Checkouts of the rocket's guidance and telemetry systems are also reported complete, according to Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, the H-2B's prime contractor.



Цитироватьネコビデオ ビジュアル ソリューションズ‏ @nvslive 5 мин. назад

なにかトラブルでしょうか? 火げ出ているように見えます ライブ配信中!  

ニコニコ生放送≫ ...

YoutubeLive≫ ...  

ЦитироватьЕсть проблемы? Похоже, он в огне.



Интенсивная проливка. Никаких объявлений. Наблюдатели в смятинии.


Было нечто похожее на огонь. Проливка корпуса РН продолжается. В настоящее время никакой информации в пресс-центр не поступало.

Цитироватьネコビデオ ビジュアル ソリューションズ‏ @nvslive 5 мин. назад

火のようなものが見えましたが、現在はほぼ消えています。ロケット本体に放水が続けられています。 現在のところ、記者室には情報は届いていません。




Есть объявление «В настоящее время подтверждаем происшествие».
Цитировать 柴田孔明‏ @koumeiShibata 2 мин. назад



Есть объявление, явление - пожар, место - площадка передвижной платформы ML.
Цитировать 柴田孔明‏ @koumeiShibata 1 мин. назад



Цитировать ネコビデオ ビジュアル ソリューションズ‏ @nvslive 3 мин. назад

H-2Bロケットより見えていた火は火災と確認されました。 公報よりコメント「3時10分ごろML開口部付近より火災が発生。現在消火活動中です」
ЦитироватьОгонь, видимый из ракеты H-2B, был подтвержден как пожар.
Комментарий из пресс-центра: "Около 3:10 JST произошел пожар возле отверстия ML."


Очень вероятно, что пуск будет отложен.  :( 


Цитировать Irene Klotz‏ @Free_Space 8 мин. назад

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries spokeswoman says no determination if HTV launch will be scrubbed. No reports of any injuries
Ну, как минимум, зрители - за 3-хкилометровой зоной безопасности...