Союз МС-09 (№739) – Союз-ФГ – Байконур 1/5 – 06.06.2018

Автор Olaf, 21.02.2018 18:48:53

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ЦитироватьS. Auñón-Chancellor‏Подлинная учетная запись @AstroSerena 2 ч. назад

Simply one word...wow! Got to see our rocket today and imagine the power. L-6 days and counting...




ЦитироватьHuman Spaceflight‏Подлинная учетная запись @esaspaceflight 30 мая

Almost four years to the day separate these two images. Same place, new trees!  @Astro_Alex and his crewmates during the tree -planting ceremony at the Cosmonauts Alley in Baikonur #Horizons #countdown More on the blog: http://blogs.esa.int/alexander-gerst/2018/05/30/tree-planting-revisited/ ...

Posted on 30 May 2018 by Nadjejda

Tradition has it that all astronauts plant a tree before their first flight to space fr om the world's first and largest spaceport in Baikonur, Kazakhstan.

Alexander Gerst helps his crewmates during the tree-planting ceremony. Credits: Roscosmos

ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst had the opportunity to revisit the Cosmonauts Alley, wh ere he planted a tree in 2014 as part of Expedition 40/41 to the International Space Station.

On 29 May, eight days before his second spaceflight, Alexander helped his crewmates, first-time flyers Sergei Prokopyev and Serena Auñón-Chancellor during the tree-planting ceremony.

Expedition 56/57 walks down the Cosmonauts Alley in Baikonur. Credits: Roscosmos

The long-standing tradition began when Yuri Gagarin, the first person to orbit Earth, planted a poplar near the Cosmonaut Hotel in Baikonur in 1961. Yuri's tree, 57 years old and one of the largest, dominates the avenue.

All ESA astronauts launched from Baikonur have a tree in this avenue that leads to the banks of the Syr Darya river. Beyond this small oasis, an endless desert stretches to the horizon.

The trees face extreme weather and large temperature variations found in desert climates – some trees are doing better than others. During the year, there is virtually no rainfall in Baikonur.

Alexander took the chance to water his young poplar in the run-up to his second launch into space.

Water for Alexander's young poplar at the Cosmonauts Alley. Credits: Roscosmos

Alexander Gerst plants his tree in 2014. Credits: ESA


ЦитироватьAlexander Gerst‏Подлинная учетная запись @Astro_Alex 2 ч. назад

5 Tage bis zum Start. Letzte Kontrolle des Raumschiffs #SoyuzMS09 bevor es auf der Trägerrakete montiert wird. Sieht gut aus, alle Knöpfe noch dran. @AstroSerena #horizons (Danke @Astro_DavidS fürs Foto)



2 ч. назад

5 days until launch. Last check of the space ship #SoyuzMS09 before it will be mounted on the rocket. She looks great, ready for launch. #Horizons @AstroSerena (thanks Sergey for the photo)



ЦитироватьAlexander Gerst‏Подлинная учетная запись @Astro_Alex 2 ч. назад

L-5 Days: Final assembly of the launch vehicle stages starts today. 26 Million horse power almost ready to go. #SoyuzMS09 #horizons @AstroSerena

2 ч. назад

Frage ans @DFB_Team - was haltet ihr von unserer Speziallackierung?  ;)  #SoyuzMS09




ЦитироватьРакету "Союз-ФГ" украсили символикой чемпионата мира по футболу

18:47 31.05.2018

© Фото : ЦПК имени Ю.А.Гагарина

МОСКВА, 31 мая — РИА Новости. На ракету "Союз-ФГ", которой предстоит запустить 6 июня корабль "Союз МС-09" с экипажем к Международной космической станции, нанесли символику чемпионата мира по футболу-2018, фотографии ракеты опубликованы на сайте Центра подготовки космонавтов (ЦПК) имени Гагарина.
На станцию должны отправиться россиянин Сергей Прокопьев, немец Александр Герст и американка Серина Ауньон. В составе дублирующего экипажа – космонавт Роскосмоса Олег Кононенко, канадец Давид Сен-Жак и астронавт NASA Энн МакКлейн.
На ракету нанесены надпись на синем фоне с узорами и эмблема, символизирующая освоение космоса, русскую иконопись и любовь к футболу.

Герст выложил фотографии экипажа на фоне третьей ступени ракеты в своем аккаунте Twitter и обратился к сборной Германии с вопросом: "Что вы думаете о нашей специальной раскраске?".

Ранее российские ракеты уже окрашивали особенным образом перед масштабными событиями. Так, головной обтекатель ракеты "Союз-ФГ", под которым располагался корабль "Союз ТМА-11М", запущенный 7 ноября 2013 года, был украшен символами зимней Олимпиады в Сочи. Последняя запущенная к МКС в 2017 году ракета была украшена портретом прославленного советского конструктора Сергея Королева, а также надписью о его 110-летнем юбилее.

В честь 55-летия первого полета человека в космос на обтекатель ракеты "Союз-ФГ", был нанесен портрет Юрия Гагарина, выполненный в синем и белом цветах. Тогда, в 2016 году, к МКС запускали корабль "Союз ТМА-20М".


ЦитироватьКосмический корабль «Союз МС-09» отправлен на сборку с ракетой-носителем

Сегодня, 1 июня, транспортный пилотируемый корабль (ТПК) «Союз МС-09» разработки и производства РКК «Энергия» в составе головного блока был отправлен на общую сборку с ракетой-носителем «Союз ФГ».

Транспортировка выполнялась железнодорожным транспортом. Комплекс технологических операций по общей сборке запланирован на 3 июня в монтажно-испытательном корпусе ракет-носителей в рамках подготовки к старту по программе Международной космической станции (МКС).
Пуск РН «Союз-ФГ» с ТПК «Союз МС-09» состоится 6 июня 2018 года в 14:12:41 мск с площадки № 1 («Гагаринский старт») космодрома Байконур.



ЦитироватьНа космодроме Байконур состоялась контрольная «примерка» ТПК «Союз МС-09»

Центр подготовки космонавтов имени Ю.А.Гагарина

Опубликовано: 1 июн. 2018 г.

31 мая 2018 года на 254-й площадке космодрома Байконур в соответствии с планом предстартовой подготовки основной (космонавт «РОСКОСМОСа» Сергей Прокопьев, астронавт ЕКА Александр Герст, астронавт НАСА Серина Ауньён-Чэнселлор) и дублирующий (космонавт «РОСКОСМОСа» Олег Кононенко, астронавт ККА Давид Сен-Жак и астронавт НАСА Энн МакКлейн) экипажи 56/57-й длительной экспедиции на МКС приступили к контрольному осмотру транспортного пилотируемого корабля (ТПК) «Союз МС-09».


ЦитироватьExpedition 56-57 Crew Prelaunch Activities - May 31, 2018

NASA Video

Опубликовано: 1 июн. 2018 г.
(30:59, фактически 12:51, с 1:23 по 14:14)



ЦитироватьAlexander Gerst‏Подлинная учетная запись @Astro_Alex 9 ч. назад

Last night breathtaking thunderstorm above Baikonur, my absolute favorite weather. Lightning across entire sky. Stood out there in the rain for 2 hours & watched the storm sweep across the dark steppe, towards launch pad. Last rain for 1/2 yr? I will miss this planet. #horizons



ЦитироватьЗАПУСК ТПК «СОЮЗ МС-09»
6 июня 2018

Программа МКС
В соответствии с программой полета Международной космической станции 6 июня 2018 года в 14:12:41 мск с площадки №1 («Гагаринский старт») космодрома БАЙКОНУР запланирован запуск транспортного пилотируемого корабля (ТПК) «Союз МС-09».
ЦитироватьПрямая трансляция мероприятий пусковой кампании - на сайте РОСКОСМОСА (online.roscosmos.ru) или на официальной странице РОСКОСМОСА ВКонтакте.

6 июня - 11:30 - 14:30 мск - подготовка ракеты-носителя, посадка космонавтов в ТПК «Союз МС-09» (пуск в 14:12:41 мск);
8 июня - 15:00 - 16:07 мск - стыковка ТПК «Союз МС-09» с МКС (модуль МИМ-1 «Рассвет»);
8 июня - 18:00 - 19:00 мск - открытие переходных люков, первая видеоконференция экипажа МКС-56.

Состав экипажей



8 июня 2018
Программа МКС
В соответствии с программой полета Международной космической станции 8 июня 2018 года в 16:07 мск планируется стыковка транспортного пилотируемого корабля (ТПК) «Союз МС-09» с МКС. Корабль доставит членов длительных экспедиций МКС-56/57 космонавта РОСКОСМОСА Сергея ПРОКОПЬЕВА, астронавта ESA Александра ГЕРСТА и астронавта NASA Серину  АУНЬЁН-ЧЭНСЕЛЛОР. 

Ракета-носитель «Союз-ФГ» с ТПК «Союз МС-09» стартовала с космодрома БАЙКОНУР 6 июня 2018 года в 14:12:41 мск. Сближение и стыковка ТПК «Союз МС-09»  с МКС проводилась по двухсуточной схеме:
ЦитироватьПрямая трансляция - на сайте РОСКОСМОСА (online.roscosmos.ru) и на официальной странице РОСКОСМОСА ВКонтакте

8 июня - 15:00 - 16:07 мск - стыковка ТПК «Союз МС-09» с МКС (модуль МИМ-1 «Рассвет»);
8 июня - 18:00 - 19:00 мск - открытие переходных люков, первая видеоконференция экипажа МКС-56.


ЦитироватьOne station crew heads home, another preps for launch
June 2, 2018 | William Harwood

With three space station fliers heading home Sunday after a 168-day mission, three fresh crew members made final preparations for launch three days later to boost the lab's crew back to six in a rapid-fire rotation that will prevent any major interruption of research activity.


With the departure of Shkaplerov and his crewmates, Feustel, Arnold and Artemyev, launched to the station March 21 aboard the Soyuz MS-08 spacecraft, will have the lab to themselves for just five days before a fresh crew arrives.

Soyuz MS-09/55S commander Sergey Prokopyev, German flight engineer Alexander Gerst, representing the European Space Agency, and NASA physician-astronaut Serena Auñón-Chancellor are scheduled for launch fr om the Baikonur Cosmodrome, 250 miles southwest of Dzhezkazgan, at 7:12 a.m. (5:12 p.m. local time) Wednesday.

NASA astronaut Serena Auñón-Chancellor, Soyuz commander Sergey Prokopyev, and European Space Agency astronaut Alexander Gerst are set for launch Wednesday fr om the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Credit: NASA/Victor Zelentsov

Climbing directly into the plane of the space station's orbit, the Soyuz will be released from its carrier rocket eight minutes and 45 seconds after liftoff. Over the next two days, Prokopyev and Gerst will monitor an automated rendezvous, catching up with the space station early Friday. They plan to dock at Rassvet around 9:07 a.m.

After a traditional video chat with friends and family back in Moscow, the new arrivals will be given a safety briefing before all six crew members get down to work.

Gerst spent 165 days aboard the station in 2014, but Prokopyev and Auñón-Chancellor will be making their first flights.

Auñón-Chancellor, a veteran flight surgeon, originally was assigned to a mission later this year, but she was moved up to the Soyuz MS-09 crew after one of its original crew members, astronaut Jeanette Epps, was suddenly bumped from the Prokopyev-Gerst crew in January.

NASA provided no explanation for the late crew swap, Epps had no public comment and Auñón-Chancellor would only say she planned to be ready for launch despite an accelerated training schedule and that she already was on good terms with her new crewmates.

"It's a relatively short amount of time from the crew assignment, but I've known these guys for a very long time," she said. "Alex and I were sel ected in the very same (astronaut) class and even from the beginning, when I started training in Russia, I'd also met Sergey. So, for us, in all honesty, this is like one big family. It was not uncomfortable at all, it was extremely smooth.

"I feel like I've been working with these guys forever," she added. "It's been very easy. ... Our families have gotten together several times. It's been a lot of fun."

Auñón-Chancellor came to NASA in 2006, working as a contract flight surgeon. She spent more than nine months in Star City supporting medical operations with space station crew members and participated in water survival training in Ukraine.

After selection as a NASA astronaut in 2009, she spent two months in Antarctica searching for meteorites as part of a scientific expedition and later served as an aquanaut aboard the Aquarius underwater laboratory.

In a satellite interview with CBS News during final training in Moscow shortly before departing for Baikonur, Auñón-Chancellor said she was well prepared and looking forward to launch.

"The Soyuz is a wonderfully robust and redundant vehicle," she said. "The great thing is the Russians have been flying a very long time, just like we have, and we've been flying together for a very long time. They do a great job here in Star City preparing an international crew ... to act in an operational environment and follow all the same rules and procedures to make sure that mission is successful."

As for the safety and reliability of the Russian ferry ship, "I have complete faith in the Soyuz," she said. "It is a wonderfully robust vehicle."

Gerst said he was excited about getting a second chance to fly in space.

"Everybody who's flown to space wants to go back," he said. "Being in space is such a special feeling, you can't even put it down to only one thing. It's not only the floating, it's not only the looking out at this beautiful planet, it's not only the perspective that we have, it's more knowing wh ere we are."

Before his first flight, he said, "I saw space as something very special, I thought this is a very special place to go to. When I was up there, I actually learned it was the opposite. Space is everywhere out there, the universe is gigantic, it's black and empty. Of course, there are quite a few interesting places to go, like moon and Mars, and we will go there, but most of it is empty."

"So the real special place, and that's what you realize in space, is actually our planet Earth," Gerst said. "Seeing that from the outside, seeing that from a step back, made me realize that. That was a very beautiful thought."

Auñón-Chancellor said she looked forward to conducting a variety of medical research to find out how she personally is affected by the rigors of the space environment.

"You hear all these stories about how people feel, the fluid shift they feel in their bodies, everything in those first few days of flight," she said. "So the first kind of big experiment is almost my own case study wh ere I look at myself and see how I react and maybe compare that with those of my colleagues."

She also is interested in studying vision changes in astronauts who spend long periods in weightlessness, a relatively recent discovery.

"I think we don't give the body enough credit for how well it does with very low-level chronic insults," she said. "What I mean by that is how well the body is with adapting to low-level radiation, levels of carbon dioxide that are maybe a little higher on station than they are on Earth, a change in nutrition, microgravity itself. The body does a fantastic job adapting, but you still see markers of that. So what markers are we missing?"

Gerst, who holds a Ph.D. in geophysics, also is a fan of biological research, especially an experiment designed to chart changes in brain structure before, during and after a long-duration space flight.

"When we're up there in the space station it's a little bit like what people suffer after having a stroke, which is certain regions of the brain are not working properly anymore," he said. "For us up there in space, that's the sense of balance, our orthostatic senses are not completely working anymore, the brain has to compensate for that."

It compensates by getting orientation cues fr om the eyes.

"That switch over is very similar to what people experience when they have a stroke and have to re-learn how to walk, to speak, all those things," Gerst said. "The processes are similar, and we hope to study them. ... For us, luckily, (those changes are) reversible, but we hope we can use that to develop a treatment for people on Earth."


03.06.2018 13:43



3 июня 2018 года в монтажно-испытательном корпусе ракеты-носителя площадки 112 космодрома БАЙКОНУР специалисты предприятий РОСКОСМОСА завершили операции по общей сборке ракеты космического назначения (РКН) «Союз-ФГ». К космической головной части была пристыкована система аварийного спасения, а сам головной блок с транспортным пилотируемым кораблем (ТПК) «Союз МС-09» вместе с третьей ступенью состыкован с пакетом ракеты-носителя «Союз-ФГ» на транспортно-установочном агрегате.

После завершения общей сборки РКН состоялось заседание технического руководства и Государственной комиссии по проведению лётных испытаний пилотируемых космических комплексов. На совещании было принято решение о готовности РКН в составе ракеты-носителя «Союз-ФГ» и ТПК «Союз МС-09» к вывозу на стартовый комплекс ранним утром 4 июня 2018 года.

Старт ракеты космического назначения «Союз-ФГ» запланирован на 6 июня в 14:12:41 мск с пусковой установки площадки №1 («Гагаринский старт»). Ракета-носитель выведет на орбиту искусственного спутника Земли транспортный пилотируемый корабль «Союз МС-09». На борту космического корабля участники длительных экспедиций МКС-56/57 космонавт РОСКОСМОСА Сергей ПРОКОПЬЕВ, астронавт NASA Серина АУНЬЁН-ЧЭНСЕЛЛОР и астронавт ESA Александр ГЕРСТ.


ЦитироватьCrew Returns to Earth as Another Prepares for Launch

Mark Garcia
Posted Jun 3, 2018 at 9:41 am

The Expedition 56 crew – Commander Drew Feustel and Ricky Arnold of NASA, and Oleg Artemyev of Roscosmos – will operate the station and prepare for the arrival of three new crew members on Friday, June 8. Serena Auñón-Chancellor of NASA, Alexander Gerst of ESA (European Space Agency), and Sergey Prokopyev of Roscosmos are scheduled to launch Wednesday, June 6, from Baikonur, Kazakhstan. NASA Television will broadcast the launch and docking. NASA Television will broadcast the launch and docking.

Coverage of Expedition 56 launch activities will be as follows (all times EDT):
Wednesday, June 6
  • 6:15 a.m. – Soyuz MS-09 launch coverage (launch at 7:12 a.m.)
Friday, June 8
  • 8:15 a.m. – Docking coverage (docking scheduled for 9:07 a.m.)
  • 10:30 a.m. – Hatch opening and welcome coverage
A full complement of video of the crew's prelaunch activities in Baikonur will air on NASA TV in the days preceding launch.


ЦитироватьAlexander Gerst‏Подлинная учетная запись @Astro_Alex 7 ч. назад

This is the ignition key for our #Soyuz rocket. No joke. The only difference to a car is that it will not be used in the space ship, but in the launch bunker  ;)  Similar one was used for Gagarin's launch (see photo with his actual launch sequencer) #horizons




ЦитироватьРакета с транспортным пилотируемым кораблём «Союз МС-09» допущена к установке на старте

Сегодня, 3 июня, представители технического руководства и государственной комиссии на космодроме Байконур выдали заключение о готовности ракетно-космического комплекса в составе транспортного пилотируемого корабля (ТПК) «Союз МС-09» и ракеты-носителя (РН) «Союз-ФГ» к вывозу и установке на стартовом комплексе.

Общая сборка ракетно-космического комплекса сегодня успешно завершена. В течение дня головной блок с кораблём был пристыкован к третьей ступени ракеты в монтажно-испытательном корпусе ракет-носителей.

В работах на космодроме принимают участие специалисты РКК «Энергия» и других ведущих предприятий ракетно-космической отрасли, задействованных в создании и подготовке к пуску ракетно-космического комплекса РН «Союз-ФГ»/ТПК «Союз МС-09», а также в обеспечении эксплуатации наземной инфраструктуры.

Вывоз ракеты-носителя с ТПК «Союз МС-09» из монтажно-испытательного корпуса и её установка на стартовом комплексе площадки № 1 «Гагаринский старт» космодрома Байконур запланированы на 4 июня, понедельник.
Пуск РН «Союз-ФГ» с ТПК «Союз МС-09» состоится 6 июня 2018 года в 14:12:41 мск с площадки № 1 («Гагаринский старт») космодрома Байконур.



ЦитироватьSpace station crew closes out 168-day mission
June 3, 2018 | William Harwood


A Russian cosmonaut, a NASA flight engineer and a Japanese physician-astronaut strapped into their Soyuz ferry ship early Sunday, undocked from the International Space Station and plunged back to Earth, landing on the steppe of Kazakhstan to close out a 168-day mission.

With the Soyuz MS-07 crew safely back on Earth, engineers 250 miles away at the Baikonur Cosmodrome will press ahead with plans to launch three fresh crew members to the space station Wednesday, a rapid-fire turnaround that will prevent any slowdown in science aboard the lab complex.

Soyuz MS-09/55S commander Sergey Prokopyev, German flight engineer Alexander Gerst and NASA astronaut Serena Auñón-Chancellor are scheduled for takeoff from Yuri Gagarin's launch pad at 7:12 a.m. Wednesday, the moment Earth's rotation carries the firing stand into the plane of the space station's orbit.

If all goes well, Prokopyev and Gerst will monitor an automated two-day rendezvous with the space station, docking at the Rassvet module around 9:07 a.m. Friday. Standing by to welcome them aboard will be Expedition 56 commander Drew Feustel, flight engineer Ricky Arnold and cosmonaut Oleg Artemyev, commander of the Soyuz MS-09/55S spacecraft that carried them into orbit March 21.
Gerst spent 165 days aboard the station in 2014, but Prokopyev and Auñón-Chancellor will be making their first flights. Auñón-Chancellor, a veteran flight surgeon, originally was assigned to a mission later this year, but she was moved up to the Soyuz MS-09 crew after one of its original crew members, astronaut Jeanette Epps, was suddenly bumped from the crew in January.

NASA managers, citing privacy issues, would not discuss what triggered the crew swap. Auñón-Chancellor said only that she planned to be ready for launch despite an accelerated training schedule and that she already was on good terms with her new crewmates.

"It's a relatively short amount of time from the crew assignment, but I've known these guys for a very long time," she said. "Alex and I were sel ected in the very same (astronaut) class and even fr om the beginning, when I started training in Russia, I'd also met Sergey. So, for us, in all honesty, this is like one big family. It was not uncomfortable at all, it was extremely smooth.

"I feel like I've been working with these guys forever," she added. "It's been very easy. ... Our families have gotten together several times. It's been a lot of fun."


Posted on 1 June 2018 by Nadjejda


(Video 11:29)
Horizons launch day is set for 6 June 2018. For ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst, NASA astronaut Serena Auñón-Chancellor and Roscosmos commander Sergei Prokopyev it will be a long day with an early start. Below is a detailed timeline of the run-up to launch for their two-day voyage to the International Space Station.

All times are in GMT and are indications. Launch is scheduled at 11:11:57 GMT, 17:11:57 Baikonur time.
Time L-

02:10:00 9:01 Crew wakeup at Cosmonaut Hotel

05:25:00 5:46 Crew departs Cosmonaut Hotel

05:25:00 5:46 Batteries installed in booster

05:55:00 5:16 Crew arrives at Site 254

06:11:00 5:00 Tanking begins

06:41:00 4:30 Crew suit up

07:07:00 4:04 Booster loaded with liquid Oxygen

07:40:00 3:31 Crew meets family members on other side of the glass

08:06:00 3:05 First and second stage Oxygen fueling complete

08:11:00 3:00 Crew walkout from Site 254 and boards bus for the launch pad

08:16:00 2:55 Crew departs for launch pad (Site 1)

08:36:00 2:35 Crew arrives at launch pad (Site 1)

08:46:00 2:25 Crew boards Soyuz; strapped in to the Descent module

09:36:00 1:35 Descent module hardware tested

09:51:00 1:20 Hatch closed; leak checks begin

10:11:00 1:00 Launch vehicle control system prep; gyro activation

10:15:00 1:00 ESA TV launch coverage begins

10:26:00 00:45 Pad service structure components lowered

10:27:00 00:44 Clamshell gantry service towers retracted

10:34:00 00:37 Suit leak checks begin; descent module testing complete

10:37:00 00:34 Emergency escape system armed

10:56:00 00:15 Suit leak checks complete; escape system to auto

11:01:00 00:10 Gyros in flight readiness and recorders activated

11:04:00 00:07 Pre-launch operations complete

11:05:00 00:06 Launch countdown operations to auto; vehicle ready

11:06:00 00:05 Commander's controls activated

11:07:00 00:04 Combustion chamber nitrogen purge

11:08:00 00:03 Propellant drain back

11:08:00 00:03 Space Station flies over Baikonur

11:09:12 00:01:45 Booster propellant tank pressurisation

11:10:27 00:01:30 Ground propellant feed terminated

11:11:57 00:01:00 Vehicle to internal power

11:11:22 00:00:35 First umbilical tower separates

Auto sequence start

11:11:27 00:00:30 Ground umbilical to third stage disconnected

11:11:42 00:00:15 Second umbilical tower separates

11:11:45 00:00:12 Launch command issued

Engine Start Sequence Begins

11:11:47 00:00:10 Engine turbopumps at flight speed

11:11:52 00:00:05 Engines at maximum thrust

11:11:57 00:00 LAUNCH OF SOYUZ MS-09

11:19:42 +08:45 Third stage shutdown and orbital insertion

11:22 Soyuz spacecraft separates and is flying free


After 34 orbits of Earth, ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst will arrive at the International Space Station on 8 June at 13:07 GMT (15:07 CEST). His Soyuz spacecraft will dock with the Station's Rassvet module. The hatch will open about two hours later, marking the start of the Horizons mission.

8 June 2018
12:15 ESA TV docking coverage begins

13:07 Docking

13:20 Docking hooks close

13:23 Pressure-check for leaks

14:30 ESA TV hatch opening coverage begins

15:05 Hatches open for greetings and safety briefing

(video 21:06)



ЦитироватьТрансляция мероприятий пусковой кампании «Союз-ФГ»/«Союз МС-09»

5 июня - 14:45 - 16:00 мск – предстартовая пресс-конференция экипажей;

6 июня - 11:30 - 14:30 мск - подготовка ракеты-носителя, посадка космонавтов в ТПК «Союз МС-09» (пуск в 14:12:41 мск);

8 июня - 15:00 - 16:07 мск - стыковка ТПК «Союз МС-09» с МКС (модуль МИМ-1 «Рассвет»);

8 июня - 18:00 - 19:00 мск - открытие переходных люков, первая видеоконференция экипажа МКС-56.