Китайская компания OneSpace

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ЦитироватьВ Китае успешно запущена вторая коммерческая суборбитальная ракета
2018-09-07 14:09:58丨Russian.News.Cn

Цзюцюань, 7 сентября /Синьхуа/ -- В пятницу в 12:10 с космодрома Цзюцюань на северо-западе Китая был произведен успешный запуск коммерческой суборбитальной ракеты "Чунцин лянцзян чжисин" /OS-X1/.

Ракета разработана компанией космических технологий One Space, базирующейся в Пекине.

Первая в Китае коммерческая суборбитальная ракета "Шуанцюйсянь-1" /SQX-1Z/ была успешно запущена с космодрома Цзюцюань 5 сентября этого года.


ЦитироватьРакета-носитель OS-X1 «Звезда Чунцин Лянцзян» является второй ракетой серии OS-X. Общая длина ракеты составляет 10,2 м, диаметр - 0,85 м, взлетная масса - 8,1 т, взлетная тяга - 35 т, а скорость полета до Mach 4,5 - для полезной нагрузки заказчика. Ракета летела в атмосфере с максимальной высотой полета около 35 км, временем полета 200 секунд и дальностью полета 169 км.


ЦитироватьSuborbital rocket successfully launched
Source: Xinhua | 2018-09-07 17:25:06 | Editor: zh

JIUQUAN, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- A suborbital rocket developed by a private Chinese company was successfully launched at 12:10 p.m. Friday from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China.

The OS-X1, developed and produced by One Space, can reach a speed of Mach 4.5 in load flight.

Suborbital rockets usually have a flight path of less than one complete orbit of the Earth. They can reach an altitude of more than 100 km above sea level and then fall back to Earth. Suborbital rockets or satellites are primarily used for scientific experiments.

This was the company's second launch this year.


Цитироватьdafeng cao‏ @dafengcao 28 мин. назад

Truly god view, Jilin-1 video satellite shot @OneSpace01 OS-X1 suborbital rocket's launch at JSLC this noon.

Video (0:29)


ЦитироватьChinese startups OneSpace, iSpace succeed with suborbital launches
by Andrew Jones — September 7, 2018

HELSINKI — Chinese launch startup OneSpace successfully performed its first launch from a national launch site Sept.7, following a similar feat by competitor iSpace days earlier.

The 9-meter tall, 0.85-meter-diameter OS-X1 solid rocket lifted off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center at 12:10 a.m. Eastern Sept. 7 (04:10 UTC), reaching an altitude of around 35 kilometers and traveling 169 kilometers during its 200-second flight.

Liftoff of the OneSpace OS-X1 suborbital rocket from Jiuquan on September 7, 2018 (Credit: Chen Yunyuan via OneSpace)

The company claims the OS-X1, also known as Chongqing Liangjiang Star, can reach an altitude of 500 kilometers, but the flight met requirements of an unnamed customer with the payload also remaining undisclosed.

OneSpace's launch followed a suborbital launch two days earlier by iSpace's Hypebrola-1Z rocke, which is t roughly the same size as the OS-X1 . Hyperbola-1Z lifted off 01:00 a.m. Eastern (05:00 UTC) Sept. 5 from the same site at Jiuquan, marking iSpace's second suborbital flight.

The 9-meter-tall, 1-meter-diameter rocket carried three small payloads developed by commercial companies. One of the payloads parachuted to Earth.

Both OneSpace and iSpace were founded following a 2014 Chinese government decision to open the space sector to private capital and encourage investment in areas including commercial launch vehicles and remote sensing satellites.

These and other actors will have gained approval and some level of backing from SASTIND, the state administration overseeing Chinese space activities, while a military-civilian integration strategy has promoted access to required technologies for space startups from defense contractors.

Lan Tianyi, founder of Ultimate Blue Nebula Co., Ltd., a Beijing-based space consulting company, told SpaceNews that the launches from Jiuquan, a national site, show support from the traditional space industry, allaying concerns from investors that the traditional space industry might close the door on startups.

The launches were also a big boost to the companies, as the flights, "showed that their supply chain and the development capacity were better than expected. The suborbital rockets cannot prove that they had the ability to send satellites into Earth orbit. But in first stage of China launch vehicle startup companies, it still a thing that can be praised," Lan said.

The big test for China's emerging space startups will now be orbital spaceflight, an achievement that would mark a major breakthrough.

Private race to orbit

OneSpace, founded in 2015, said its Sept. 7 flight has helped pave the way — by verifying key technologies including navigation, guidance, control, materials and transport —for a much greater challenge: an orbital flight of a larger, 19-meter-tall, four-stage OS-M1 rocket.

The OS-M1 will be able to carry a 205-kilogram payload to 300-kilometer low Earth orbit (LEO), and 73 kilograms to 800-kilometer Sun-synchronous orbit (SSO). On Aug. 24, second and third stage separation and third-stage engine tests for the were successfully performed.


ЦитироватьLaunch of the OneSpace OX-S1 'Chongqing Liangjiang Star' suborbital rocket

Andrew Jones

Опубликовано: 7 сент. 2018 г.

Launch of the OneSpace OX-S1 'Chongqing Liangjiang Star' suborbital rocket from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre on September 7, 2018, courtesy OneSpace.


ЦитироватьAmazing satellite footage of Chinese rocket launch

People's Daily, China 人民日报

Опубликовано: 7 сент. 2018 г.


ЦитироватьAmazing footage of Chinese rocket launch captured by orbiting Chinese video satellite
by Andrew Jones | Sep 07, 2018 17:58 | JIUQUANCHINA'S SPACE PROGRAMGOBI DESERT

Screenshot of Jilin-1 commercial video footage of the OneSpace OS-X1 suborbital rocket launch from Jiuquan on September 7, 2018. Sina weibo/framegrab

A Chinese remote sensing satellite has captured stunning footage of a suborbital rocket launch taking place at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre in the Gobi Desert.

The Jilin-1 satellite was orbiting at around 535 kilometres above the Earth as the OS-X1 rocket lifted off from Jiuquan at 12:10 local time (04:10 UTC) on Friday.
The video satellite managed to capture the early moments of the 200-second flight, which reached an altitude of around 35 kilometers, showing the solid-fuelled rocket quickly climbing.
The footage was posted on Chinese social media and shared on Twitter by Dafeng Cao.
dafeng cao‏ @dafengcao

Truly god view, Jilin-1 video satellite shot @OneSpace01 OS-X1 suborbital rocket's launch at JSLC this noon.

4:59 - 7 сент. 2018 г.
The launch was the second for OneSpace, which is developing a number of suborbital and orbital solid-fuelled rockets to provide commercial launch services.

The Jilin-1 satellite, one of seven in orbit, were developed by Chinese commercial satellite maker Chang Guang Satellite (CGST), an offshoot of Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics (CIOMP), based in the northeastern province of Jilin, for which the satellites are named.

The company aims to establish a large constellation of Earth observation satellites to offer high-resolution imaging, video, multispectral coverage of the ground, providing remote-sensing data support to areas including land resources monitoring, land surveying, mineral resources development, agriculture yield estimation, environmental monitoring, disaster prevention and other areas.

Like OneSpace, the company emerged following a 2014 government decision to allow private investment in space companies.

OneSpace is aiming to launch its first orbital rocket, the OS-M, by the end 2018.

(video 0:26)
Launch of the OneSpace OX-S1 'Chongqing Liangjiang Star' suborbital rocket from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre on September 7, 2018.


ЦитироватьSuborbital rocket made by private Chinese company launched in northwest China


Опубликовано: 8 сент. 2018 г.

A suborbital rocket developed by Chinese company One Space was successfully launched at 12:10 Friday from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China. Suborbital rockets usually have a flight path of less than one complete orbit of the Earth and they are primarily used for scientific experiments.


ЦитироватьSuborbital Rocket Launched in northwest China


Опубликовано: 8 сент. 2018 г.

A suborbital rocket developed by a private Chinese company was successfully launched at 12:10 Friday from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China.


ЦитироватьLandspace of China to launch first rocket in Q4 2018
by Andrew Jones — August 2, 2018

OneSpace, others to follow into orbit

OneSpace, established in 2015, last month announced it had test fired the first-stage rocket motor for its OS-M1, the first of an orbital series of rockets, which is also now expected to fly around the end of 2018.

In an email to SpaceNews last month, a OneSpace representative said that a payload has been arranged for this first flight as it looks find its place in the market.

OneSpace, along with other emerging companies, have come a long way since their founding following a Chinese government policy shift to allow private enterprise into the space sector in 2014. Availability of talent and technology have been key to progress.

"OneSpace [has] already gathered 130 talents all from first-class universities and scientific institutes," according to Luo Zihao of OneSpace, who also said access to mature technology has been crucial.

"The launch success rate of China's rockets is at the international advanced level. Thus, China already have mature space technologies. What private enterprises do is to apply original military aerospace technologies into private rockets."

Luo explained that Chinese President Xi Jinping promoted military-civilian integration as a national strategy in 2015 and the Chinese government began to solicit opinions on commercial space industry from all stakeholders.

"Policies for Chinese commercial space industry have opened gradually, and private capital began to enter into this specific area, which raised a new development trend of the commercial space industry. All of the above have provided us with very good support," Luo said.

With its OS-M series rockets OneSpace, "aims to provide launch service to small and micro satellites, providing customers launch service with efficient, reliable and rapid response at a competitive price."

Coordination with the national launch sites – three inland at Jiuquan, Taiyuan and Xichang and the coastal Wenchang complex – and proving the reliability of OS-M1 rocket's components were stated as the major challenges OneSpace faces in establishing itself as a launch provider. Also in the road ahead will be competition from Landspace and others.


Ролик китайской серии «Мечта о мечтах» (1) Полет в небо 20181015 - Об истории создания компании OneSpace, ракеты OS-X и её первом запуске. С субтитрами на кит. и англ. яз.
Цитировать《走遍中国》系列片《逐梦太空》(1) 一飞冲天 20181015 | CCTV中文国际


Опубликовано: 15 окт. 2018 г.


ЦитироватьOneSpace‏ @OneSpace01 6 ч. назад

On October 23, One Space successfully completed the fourth-stage engine test and the third and fourth stage separation test of OS-M series launch vehicle

Video (0:16)


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Цитировать零壹空间首枚入轨运载火箭3月底发射 "重庆"有望进入太空
2019-03-12 (1:53)


ЦитироватьПервая орбитальная ракета-носитель "Чунцин" частной компании OneSpace будет запущена в космос в конце марта.

Согласно сообщению Chongqing Daily от 11 марта в конце марта OneSpace запустит на орбиту первую ракету-носитель OS-M (в дальнейшем именуемую ракетой серии M) из Центра запуска спутников Цзюцюань. Ракета получила название "Чунцин · Звезда двух рек".

Согласно сообщениям, ракета серии M представляет собой четырехступенчатую твердотопливную ракету-носитель тандемной схемы общей длиной 19 метров и взлетной массой 20 тонн. В отличие от суборбитальной ракеты серии X, запущенной в прошлом году, ракеты серии M могут достигать высот от 200 до 1000 километров, что позволяет вывести космический аппарат на замкнутую орбиту, поэтому техническая сложность ракет этой серии намного выше чем ракет серии X.
Согласно сообщению компании OneSpace, сборка ракеты и тестирование её систем завершены, закончены все подготовительные и испытательные работы перед отправкой ракеты на космодром.
В настоящее время ракета серии M отправлена на космодром Цзюцюань. ...


ЦитироватьChina's OneSpace completes rocket assembly ahead of first orbital launch
by Andrew Jones — March 12, 2019

The first OS-M series rocket in Xi'an, north China. Credit: OneSpace

HELSINKI — OneSpace has completed assembly and testing of its OS-M rocket in preparation for a launch at the end of March which, if successful, would make it the first Chinese private rocket firm to reach orbit.

Comprehensive tests on the OS-M1 solid propellant rocket began last week in Xi'an, north China, and the team is now preparing to transport the launch vehicle to the launch site in the northwest of the country, a OneSpace representative told SpaceNews.

Consisting of three solid propellant stages and a liquid propellant fourth stage, the 19-meter-tall, 20 metric ton OS-M1 is capable of carrying a 205-kilogram payload to 300-kilometer low Earth orbit (LEO), and 73 kilograms to 800-kilometer sun-synchronous orbit (SSO), according to OneSpace.

The company test-fired engines and performed stage separation tests during the second half of 2018 before comprehensive electrical systems, fairing separation and other tests early this year.

The launch will take place at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the Gobi Desert late in March, with the timing to be confirmed following coordination with launch site authorities and the customer.

While neither customer nor payload for the launch have been disclosed, ZeroG Lab, a Beijing-based developer of micro- and nanosatellites and components established in late 2016, earlier this week posted on its Sina Weibo microblogging account that its Lingque-1B technology verification satellite will be launched March 25 from Jiuquan. Though the launch vehicle was not stated, the announcement prompted Chinese aerospace watchers to suggest that this will be the payload for the OS-M1, which appears to be on schedule for launch in late March.

ZeroG Lab is backed by Huaxun Fangzhou Technology Co., and last month also received investment from Yinxinggu Capital. ZeroG Lab plans to establish a remote sensing constellation named 'Lingque' which will consist of 132 6U CubeSats with a resolution better than 4 meters. A first tech demonstration satellite, Lingque-1A, was launched as a secondary payload on a Long March 11 rocket.


ЦитироватьOneSpace‏ @OneSpace01 26 мин. назад

I am very pleased to say that the OS-M launch vehicle has completed assembly rehearsal and is currently in the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center for final preparations. Thanks to all who've worked so hard on it!


OS-M Series Rocket
OS-M series rockets aim to provide launch service to small and micro satellites, providing customers launch service with efficient, reliable and rapid in respond at a competitive price. It can provide customized and integrated solutions to meet customers' various orbit and heights needs.

OS-M is the first type of OS-M family, able to provide cost-effective launch services to nano and small satellite customer worldwide with high quality.

Orbital Type
Height: 200km~1000km 
Inclination: 42°~100°

Mechanical Interface and Separation System
660 bandage
973 bandage standard interfaces for satellite
-3 pin or 4 pin low impact separation interface
-(Cubesat) multi-satellite interfaces
-Providing satellite interface and separation equipment according to customer requests.

Launch Method
Vertical Thermal Emission

Preparation Time
Less than 48hrs

[TH]Height(km)[/TH][TH]Payload mass LEO(kg)[/TH][TH]Payload mass SSO(kg)[/TH]
Envelope of Rocket Fairing


Ждём пуск 27-го (по пекинскому). О ПН OneSpace пока молчит, но предположительно - это мКА LingQue-1B
ЦитироватьOneSpace‏ @OneSpace01 10 ч. назад

Counting down: 3 days to space!