RLV-TD – демонстратор индийского многоразового носителя с крылатой ступенью

Автор Salo, 07.01.2015 00:26:28

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Цитата: zandr от 22.03.2024 20:41:59The Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV), called Pushpak
Подумал, не стёб ли это в сторону Пакистана, но оказалось, что это 
Мифический летадл  :)


Множество слов в новостях, но суть проскальзывает только в официальном заявлении ISRO:

Цитата: triage от 23.06.2024 10:59:00cross range of 500 m against 150 m for LEX-02

Наиболее существенным отличием от предыдущего броскового испытания является отработка увеличенного бокового манёвра - со 150 до 500 м (при высоте сброса 4,5 км на удалении 4 км от ВПП).


Цитата: Arzach от 24.06.2024 11:11:19при высоте сброса 4,5 км на удалении 4 км от ВПП).
не, сейчас 4,5 и 4,5, а раньше было 4,5 и 4

RLV-LEX-02 ... The winged vehicle, called Pushpak, was lifted by an Indian Airforce Chinook helicopter and was released from 4.5 km altitude. After release at a distance of 4 km from the runway, Pushpak autonomously approached the runway along with cross-range corrections.

RLV LEX-03 ..., The winged vehicle, named 'Pushpak', was released from an Indian Air Force Chinook Helicopter at an altitude of 4.5 km. From a release point 4.5 km away from the runway, Pushpak autonomously executed cross-range correction manoeuvre




Updated: June 29, 2024

Speaking to NDTV, ISRO chief S Somanath talked about
The Pushpak Reusable Launch Vehicle

When asked about the Pushpak, the un-crewed, autonomous winged reusable launch, Mr Somanath said, "The first phase of Pushpak's scaled-down version is over, with three successful safe landings, we are in the process of building a bigger version, which would be 1.6 times the scaled-down model. It will be tested on similar lines with landing first and it will be launched through a rocket to orbit. The focus has shifted there now."

Mr Somanath added that it will be launched on a three-stage to the orbit. The ISRO chief also explained the value of the Pushpak vehicle and said, "It can take the payloads up and bring them back. The payload is more valuable than the rocket itself and because of that it is cost-effective. Deploying a satellite using Pushpak is not cost-effective, then you can use SSLV, PSLV, LMV-3 or GSLV. Using the reusable launch vehicle the endeavour would be to send a payload conduct experiments in orbit and bring it back then it has a lot of value."


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