Cygnus COTS Demo - Antares-110 - 18.09.2013 - Wallops/MARS LP-0A

Автор Salo, 03.09.2012 19:29:15

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Александр Ч.

Цитировать1448 GMT (10:48 a.m. EDT)
 T-minus 10 minutes and counting. The next step in the engine chilldown procedure is now beginning. And final vehicle arming is underway.
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Александр Ч.

Цитировать1505 GMT (11:05 a.m. EDT)
 T+plus 7 minutes. Motor pressure is nominal.

1504 GMT (11:04 a.m. EDT)
 T+plus 6 minutes, 20 seconds. Attitude, power and steering all nominal aboard Antares.

1504 GMT (11:04 a.m. EDT)
 T+plus 6 minutes. Systems are reported to be in good shape as the Castor 30A fires with 90,000 pounds of thrust.

1503 GMT (11:03 a.m. EDT)
 T+plus 5 minutes, 35 seconds. Orbital Sciences reports a good separation of the payload fairing and ignition of the Antares second stage Castor 30A motor built by ATK for a 155-second burn to inject the rocket into orbit.

1502 GMT (11:02 a.m. EDT)
 T+plus 4 minutes, 30 seconds. A smooth flight being reported by launch control.
 1502 GMT (11:02 a.m. EDT)
 T+plus 4 minutes. First stage cutoff confirmed, and the Ukrainian-built stage has separated from the Antares second stage. The flight is now entering a coast phase lasting approximately 98 seconds, in which the rocket will ascend to an altitude of 189 kilometers, or 117 miles. In the last few seconds of the ballistic coast, the Antares rocket will jettison its 12.8-foot-diameter payload fairing and an interstage adaptor around the second stage motor.

 1501 GMT (11:01 a.m. EDT)
 T+plus 3 minutes, 30 seconds. Altitude 250,000 feet, Pressure and steering are nominal.

1501 GMT (11:01 a.m. EDT)
 T+plus 3 minutes. The rocket's guidance system continues flying the rocket on course, and all systems are reported to be in good shape. The first stage engines will shut down at T+plus 3 minutes, 53 seconds, followed a few seconds later be separation of the liquid-fueled first stage.

1500 GMT (11:00 a.m. EDT)
 T+plus 2 minutes, 15 seconds. Altitude about 100,000 feet.

1500 GMT (11:00 a.m. EDT)
 T+plus 2 minutes. The first stage's twin AJ26 main engines are powering the rocket into the upper atmosphere with about 750,000 pounds of thrust.

1459 GMT (10:59 a.m. EDT)
 T+plus 90 seconds. Power is nominal, engines are nominal.

1459 GMT (10:59 a.m. EDT)
 T+plus 60 seconds. The rocket is flying steady and accelerating near the speed of sound, sending a thunderous roar across the Eastern Shore.

1458 GMT (10:58 a.m. EDT)
 T+plus 30 seconds. The 13-story Antares booster is rising into the sky from Wallops Island and beginning to pitch on a southeast trajectory - at an initial azimuth of 107.8 degrees - over the Atlantic Ocean.

1458 GMT (10:58 a.m. EDT)
 LIFTOFF of the Antares rocket, boosting 1,500 pounds of supplies on a four-day journey to the International Space Station and demonstrating the Orbital Sciences Cygnus cargo delivery spaceship.
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