Бразильский космос

Автор Salo, 06.10.2011 21:30:42

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Космические планы Бразилии на 2011-2015 годы на португальском:

"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


Цитироватьhecata пишет:

Интересный плакат, по двигателю Л75 гугль дает, что в конце 2010 по нему был только макет

и такое краткое описание (автоперевод португальский -> английский)
ЦитироватьThe L75 engine aims to enable professionals to team activities in liquid propulsion and its main features are: liquid propellant rocket engine with thrust of 75.0 kN in vacuum for use in an upper stage of satellite launch vehicle, the system admission of propellants (liquid oxygen and kerosene) in the combustion chamber is a turbopump in open cycle, the chamber pressure is 7.0 MPa and the vacuum specific impulse of 324 s.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


Цитироватьhecata пишет:

Вообще есть замечательный блог http://brazilianspace.blogspot.com , где куча инфы по бразильскому "космосу".
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


Португальский текст:
ЦитироватьO Instituto de Aeronautica e Espaco (IAE) tem urna historia de sucesso no desenvolvimento de veiculos langadores e foguetes de sondagem. utilizando propulsao sуlida.
Esta tecnologia permitiu que varios experimentos cientificos e tecnolуgicos fossem concretizados. garantindo o inicio da era espacial no Brasil. Mas para atender missуes espaciais com requisitos de desempenbo e precisao cada vez mais rigidos e necessario desenvolver novas tecnologias em propulsao de foguetes. A tecnologia de propulsao liquida e a sucessora natural para equipar lanzadores de satelites, demonstradas com excelentes resultados por diversos paises que hoje detem a capacidade de lancar satelites com altaconfiabilidade.
Sob esta уtica, o IAE planeja para os prуximos Veiculos lanzadores a utilizacao de propulsao liquida e obter o completo dominio desta tecnica. Conforme o capitao engenheiro e coordenador da area de propulsao liquida. Marco Fabius de Carvalho Torres, foram adotadas tres acуes para consolidar a propulsao liquida no IAE: a formacao de recursos humanos na area; a construcao de mstaiacуes de testes; e o desenvolvimento de tecnologias de fabricagao.
"Os recursos humanos estao sendo 'ormados por mcio de um programa de mestrado profesionalizante em Engenharia Aeroespacial voltado ao projeto de motor-foguete com propelente liquido", comenta o capitao. Carvalho explica que o programa tem a parceria do Instituto Tecnolуgico de Aeronautica (ITA). que conta com professores do Instituto de Aviacao de Moscou (MAI). Desde 1996,40 especialistas ja concluiram este curso e mais 40 profissionais devem participar do programa nos prуximos tres anos.
Ainda segundo o capitao, no campo de instalacуes de testes foi construido um banco hidraulico para caracterizado do funcionamento do motor, de forma a determinar a perda de carga de componentes e sistemas do motor. Atualmente, encontra-se em operacao um banco com capacidade de testes de motores ate 20 kN, e em fase de especificagao bancos com capacidade de ensaios de motores ate 400 kN, "A tecnologia de fabricagao de MFPL (Motor Foguete a es
P'opclentedo Liquido) esta sendo desenvolvida em tres projetos: L5, L15 e L75, respectivamente motores de empuxo da 5 kN. 15 kN e 75 kN". diz Carvalho. "Todo® 03 projetos, a formacao de recursos humanуse as instalacуes de testes, ate o presante momento, totalizam investimentos na orCtem de RS15milhуes".
O motor L5 foi o primeiro motor desenvolvido em 2003. no IAE, utilizando propeienTe liquido. Este motor foi projetado para gerar 5 kN de empuxo no vacuo e funcionar com sistema de alimentagao por tanques pressurizados utilizando querosene e oxigenio liquido como propelentes. "Inicialmente este motor foi testado com alcool como combustivel por apresentar beneficios em relacao a seguranca de operagao". comenta o coordenador. Este projeto ira ate 2010, com previsao para ensaios de queima com urna nova camara de combustao em Inconel e objetivando pesquisas de fenуmenos tisicos e quimicos no processo de combustao. O projeto L5 ainda possibilitou o desenvolvimento do P'ocesso de brasagem aplicado ao cabecote, bem como a utilizacao de laser para a furacao e soidagem dos injetores,
Ja o motor L15, em desenvolvi mentу com urna empresa privada ъesъe 2007, foi projetado para operar com aicool e oxigenio liquido e gerar 15 kN de empuxo ao nivel do mar. O L15 utiliza tanques pressurizados como sistema de alimentacao. Em 2008 loram realizados ensaios a friу e o primeiro ensaio do modelo de desenvolvimento. Esse ano sera concluida a fabricacao do modelo de engenharia e estao programados varios ensaios em banco. A fabricacao do LI5 permitira o desenvolvimento dos processos de fabricacao e integracao das partes da camara de combustao para a refngeracao regenerativa.
O motor L75, que esta em sua fase de projeto preliminar, tera capacidade de gerar 75 de empuxo no vacuo. Este motor operara com querosene e oxigenio liquido e tera um sistema de alirnentacao por turbobomba de ciclo aberto, em vez de tanques pressurizados
Para o capitao Carvalho, essa turbobomba representara um salto tecnolуgico dcvido a complexidade de operar com rotacao acima de 30.000 RPM, alem de estar submetida a gradientes de temperatura da ordem de 1000 K. entre a bomba de oxidante e a turbina. "E um projeto desafiador e diferente dos demais do ponto de vista tecnolуgico", comenta Torres. O desenvolvimento do L75 abre portas para que a industria nacional participe como parceira e fornecedora do selor espacial brasileiro. "E este o nosso anseio", comenta Carvalho.
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"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


Бразильцы взялись за разработку радиационностойкой электроники.

Цитироватьbaldusi пишет:

This article states that Santa Maria Design House has completed the design of a red hard process.
This is the Google Translation:
Restricted technology

Brazil belongs to a sel ect group of countries capable of producing radiation tolerant chips, as well as equipment, satellites, missiles and spacecraft, within the same system.
This technological leap has been guaranteed by the company Santa Maria Design House (SMDH), headquartered in Santa Maria-RS, according to an announcement of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) of Brazil, through which the state has funded projects in this high-tech company.
The Santa Maria Design House, coordinated by Professor João Baptista Martins dos Santos, is the result of a competition launched in 2008 by the CNPq for financing development projects with integrated components (chips) for the Aerospace, Defence and Communications.

Autonomous research

One of the four released so far by the technology group is the radiation-tolerant circuit. According to the National Research Council, for this type of circuit is necessary to have a library of cells to radiation tolerant. Since neither the U.S. space agency (NASA) and European Space Agency (ESA) provide such libraries (because they are considered strategic for the countries that have them), the Brazilian company is planning to develop a library of cells tolerant to radiation in Brazil .
In addition to radiation tolerant chips for use in satellites, spacecraft, or guided missiles, the Santa Maria Design House has also developed a radiation-tolerant electronic switch.

INPE order

This equipment was commissioned by the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) to ensure the proper functioning of the devices subject to the effects of electromagnetic radiation or cosmic, like the circuits on board satellites. The INPE is responsible for the satellites in Brazil that the country has developed, launched and operated in partnership with China.
The Brazilian radiation-tolerant circuit will begin to be tested by SMDH the first quarter of 2012.
According to the coordinator Martins, after several years away fr om areas of research and development, Brazil is redeeming the delay, because of their current economic situation and high rate of growth.
"More and more foreign companies coming to Brazil in search of partnerships and strategic projects. The Brazilian community can expect major advances in microelectronics, particularly in the field of electronics technology," said the entrepreneur SMDH.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


Компьютерный перевод с португальского:
Цитировать22 июня 2011 - 0:00
Отправляясь в космос
Хайме Sautchuk

На полу соединений на земной план, который теперь переходит в пространство не ракета, но очень бразильской космической программе, под давлением в течение десятилетий. Этот камень был спет здесь, в красном, прежде чем облака взрыва SLV (Satellite ракеты-носителя) на базе Алькантара, в Мараньян, в 2002 году.
Новый президент Бразильского космического агентства (AEB), Марко Антонио Raupp, и министр науки и технологии, Aloisio Меркаданте, уже дали зеленый свет, чтобы положить технологического контроля этой области в частных руках. И это мы знаем, что это такое.

Хорошо известно, что Соединенные программ пространства государства всегда был против стран, не входящих в круг империализма. Но Бразилия всегда имела особое внимание, о чем свидетельствуют несколько попыток вмешиваться в бразильский проект, который сейчас, похоже, принесли плоды.

Аргументы, которые начинаются с бразильской ракеты "спровоцирует военной нестабильности в Южной Америке." Но в спину, который весит экономический аспект, больно интересы промышленности США, которая является крупнейшей базой структуры власти этой страны, что и объясняет свой военный бюджет, который выше, чем остальные мир вместе.

Кроме того, страна, которая способна запуск спутников для невоенных целей будет иметь шанс войти направления бизнеса, что движется года в размере 7 миллиардов долларов. И Бразилия будет уже довольно близко, если бы не попустительство некоторых наших лидеров, особенно FHC, отношений и практики бойкота и принуждения, здесь и на международном уровне.

На международном уровне мы использовали Договора контроля за ракетными, многостороннее соглашение, введенные США в остальном мире, истоки которой находятся в холодной войне.

Бывший президент Кардозо подписал договор, в первый год его первого правительства введения правила для сектора. Обоснование было то, что, ну, избавиться от санкций, которые были наложены на там, потому что мы не подписали этот документ.

В то же время, его правительство покинули бразильской космической отрасли на хлебе и воде, во много раз, особенно после неудачи 97 и 99, когда две ракеты взорвались в небе. В то время казалось, что несчастные случаи приветствовали власть имущих.

Затем, прежде чем третья попытка запуска VLS-1, произошел взрыв на земле, в результате которого погибли 21 человек, в том числе люди из первой линии проекта, но все бразильцы. Иностранных технических специалистов, которые были там, в том числе У. С. NASA, не были вокруг во время взрыва.

Наконец, Кардозо подписал Соглашение о гарантиях технологии, которые практически не дали базы Алкантара к янки. Доносу, как он в настоящее время утвержден хитрый, соглашение застопорился в Конгрессе.

По соглашению, подписанному с США, деятельность Алькантара пространство будет контролироваться ими. Под покровом "процедурных гарантиях технологий", документ утверждал, например, правительство Бразилии "держать доступно на CLA (...) запретные зоны и позволит лицам, уполномоченным правительством США для контроля доступа к этим областям ».

Также установлено, что бразильский техников должны будут использовать значки и определили их деятельности. В одном случае, например, не мог коснуться бразильских или фотографию развалин американцев без разрешения. Оборудование и другие грузовые контейнеры приходят запечатаны в США, который будет открывать только американцы.

Это был действительно вид аренды базы Алькантара, Бразилия ограничение доступа к технологии, разработанные и используемые здесь.

В 2001 году соглашение будет одобрено Конгрессом в кустах, как еще один из тех протоколов, которые Министерство иностранных дел направляет все время. Тот факт, сообщалось, однако, затем заместитель Сокорро Гомес (PCdoB / PA) и вступил в оценке. Затем докладчик заместитель Waldir Пирес (PT / BA), обзор предлагаемого соглашения.

Последующие попытки были прерваны. Но сейчас же идея снова, тонко и графиков, минуя Конгресс. Все очень просто: просто положить частных компаний в ключевых функций процесса и проблема решена.

Ракет и нагрузки они несут оставят только для удобства алькантары и стратегическое расположение по отношению к положению в пространстве.

Кроме того, бразильские ученые, национальные учреждения, участвующие и бразильской космической программы само по себе будет в затруднительном положении.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


ЦитироватьAEB President Wants to Triple Brazilian Space Budget
Posted by Doug Messier
on July 18, 2011, at 5:30 am
in Brazilian Space Agency and News

Brazilian Space Agency (AEB) President Marco Antonio Raupp wants his budget tripled from 300 million reals ($191 million) to 900 million reals ($573 million) as part of an ambitious overhaul of the nation's space effort.

In an address last week to the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Science (SBPC), Raupp said the increased budget is necessary to carrying Brazil's National Program of Space Activities (PNAE), a five-year plan now being revised.

In addition to boosting funding, Raupp is also pursuing a merger of AEB with the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) to create a NASA-style organization that would be managed by a single body. Raupp also is focused on increasing the involvement of private industry in the space program and expanding the space workforce through better recruitment and STEM education.

Since assuming the AEB presidency in March, Raupp has had a series of four meetings with government agencies, industry, academia and other stakeholders on revising the PNAE and revamping the nation's space effort. According to an AEB press release, the meetings have helped to define a set of priorities for the nation:

It was decided that the country needs a national system of prevention and disaster warning, a national defense strategy, an improved environmental monitoring and food and water security. To meet them, the new PNAE propose that we create a new portfolio of projects, greater participation by industry and academia in the program, the field of critical technologies, a new budget and improving the National System Development of Space (Sindae). Some of the existing satellite projects, such as the China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite (CBERS, acronym in English) continue. Others, such as geostationary satellite communication and weather appear as a priority in the new PNAE.

Brazil also is seeking to become autonomous in space launches. AEB is working with Ukraine to launch the Cyclone-4 rocket from its Alcântara Launch Center (CLA). The nation also has an ambitious effort with the Russians called Southern Cross to develop a family of five new rockets by 2020.

"We have big challenges for the development of these vehicles. We have mastered the technology of liquid propellant, for example," Raupp said.

In a separate address to the SBPC meeting, AEB's director of Satellite, Applications and Development Thyrso Villela echoed Raupp's call for Brazilian autonomy in space.

"We need access to space. No use without being able to build satellites put them in orbit," he said.

Thyrso noted that Alcântara is located near the equator, making it ideal for competing in the lucrative communications satellite market. This location allows for up to 30 percent fuel savings on launches.

Thyrso identified attitude and orbit control, high-resolution imaging, and synthetic aperture radar as some of the key technologies that Brazil must master in order to become autonomous. AEB is deepening ties with universities to better train space engineers, technicians and scientists.

"We need skilled labor. We have about three thousand people working in our space program, which is small compared to other countries," Thyrso said. "AEB will implement in the near future, a program in the field of critical technologies, a program for quick access space and a training program and attracting human resources for the space."

Sources: AEB press releases
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"



Цитировать Alcântara: The Spaceport of the Future?
Posted by Doug Messier on September 6, 2011, at 6:06 am

Charles de Gaulle -- not one of Brazil's biggest fans.

"Brazil is the country of the future...and always will be."
So wryly observed Charles de Gaulle decades ago, marveling at how South America's largest country, blessed with enormous resources and an industrious population, was forever failing to live up to enormous potential.
Brazil seems to be on the verge of ending that cycle. Economic and political reforms of the past decade have put the nation firmly on the path to becoming a regional and global power. During the next five years, Brazil will shine on the global stage as it hosts two of the world's greatest sporting events, the Summer Olympics and the soccer World Cup.
And yet amid the optimism, the nation's future is clouded by a lack of trained workers, a critical shortage of investments in key areas, and an often disorganized government. Nowhere are these shortcomings more apparent than in the nation's space program and, in particular, its efforts to turn its sleepy Alcântara Launch Center into a world-class spaceport.
If Brazil can achieve its space goals over the next decade, Alcântara could become one of the busiest launch sites in the world, and one of the most lucrative. Located just two degrees from the equator, the spaceport is ideal for launching geosynchronous orbit communications satellites.
However, before it can join the ranks of the world's space powers, Brazil will have to greatly expand its small and fragmented space program, train a new generation of engineers and technicians, and successfully execute on a series of projects with foreign nations. And it will need to spend money—lots of money.

The Ukrainian connection

Ukraine's Cyclone rocket

The Alcântara Launch Center (Centro de Lançamento de Alcântara, or CLA, in Portuguese) currently has a severe shortage of one essential thing: rockets. The nation has sounding rockets, but nothing that can send a payload into orbit. Brazil is remedying this shortfall by undertaking cooperative programs with Ukraine and Russia to build six rockets that could launch everything from small satellites into low Earth orbit (LEO) to heavy geosynchronous communications satellites.
The Ukrainian joint venture involves launching the Cyclone-4 rocket from a new launch site in Alcântara. The booster is an upgraded version of a Soviet-era Cyclone-3 rocket that was built in the Ukraine. It will be capable of lofting payloads weighing 5,500 kilograms (12,000 pounds) into LEO and 1,700 kilograms (3,700 pounds) to geosynchronous transfer orbit (GTO).
The effort, which is being overseen by the Alcântara Cyclone Space joint venture, has seen many delays over the years as the global economic crisis created funding problems. In addition, Brazil had to identify a launch site that did not impinge upon the lands of native peoples.
Ukrainian Space Agency head Yuriy Alekseyev said recently that more funding is required to complete the project. "Today around $280 million has been spent and around $260 million more will be required. Unfortunately, Brazil has invested $50 million more in the project compared to Ukraine," he said.
The wisdom of continuing the project is questioned by some critics in Brazil, who say the billion dollar effort is too expensive and blame Ukraine for failing to live up to its financial commitments. Disagreement over continuing the project is reported to be one of the reasons that Gilberto Câmara, head of the National Institute for Space Research (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, INPE), announced that he would be stepping down two years before the end of his term.
"Câmara has been a leading critic of the Brazil-Ukraine project, which competes for resources with satellite program developed by INPE. It is estimated that Brazil still need to put $600 million in the partnership," according to the newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo.
When the rocket will make its inaugural flight is uncertain. Officially, the date still remains 2012. However, Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov was recently quoted as saying that partners are looking to complete a new launch complex at Alcântara by 2014.
"Last month, however, a space agency mission led by Raupp visited Ukraine and concluded that the design of the Cyclone-4 is '60% to 70% ready,'" Falha de Sao Paulo reports.

The Russian angle


The Russo-Brazilian Southern Cross family of rockets. (Credit: CLA)
Brazil's collaboration with Russia, known as Southern Cross, began back in 2005. It is a much more ambitious effort than the Cyclone-4 program, involving the creation of a family rockets capable of lifting payloads of 400 kilograms to four tons into orbit.
The program involves:  the Russian space agency, Roscosmos; the Brazilian Space Agency (Agência Espacial Brasileira, or AEB); and the General-Command for Aerospace Technology (Comando-Geral de Tecnologia Aerospacial, or CTA), which is the national military research center for spaceflight and aviation.
The rockets in the Southern Cross family are named:
  • Alpha (light)
  • Beta (light)
  • Gamma (light) – >1 ton to GEO
  • Delta (medium) – 1.7 tons to GEO
  • Epsilon (heavy) – 4 tons to GEO.
The first project in the partnership is Alpha, which is an upgraded version of Brazil's Satellite Launch Vehicle 1 (VLS-1). Brazil worked on the four-stage solid fuel rocket in the early 2000s; however, it put the effort on hold for several years after an explosion killed 21 workers in 2003. Under the revived program, the Russians are helping AEB with improving the reliability of its solid fuel engines. Two of VLS-1's stages will be replaced with liquid-fueled ones.
The heavier Southern Cross rockets will be based on Russia's new Angara rocket and include the RD-191 engine in the first stage. The second stage will be based on the engine for Russia's Molniya rocket, with the third stage consisting of the upgraded VLS-1 (Alpha) rocket.
One advantage of the Southern Cross rockets is that they will use relatively benign fuels. The Ukrainian Cyclone-4 uses toxic fuels (nitrogen tetroxide and unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine), which is one of the reasons that its Cyclone-3 predecessor is no longer launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome.
The Southern Cross program is a continuation of Russia's efforts to fund Angara development through foreign partnerships. Angara's first stage has already flown twice in modified form as part of South Korea's KSLV-1 rocket program. The French have funded the development of Angara's upper stage as part of the Soyuz-ST rocket, which will begin flying from the European spaceport at Kourou in October.
Like the Cyclone-4 collaboration, the Southern Cross program appears to have suffered some delays over the past few years. Online research indicates that the Alpha project is running behind schedule. And it appears that an earlier prediction of completing the entire Southern Cross program has slipped about two years to 2022.
The precise causes of the delays are unclear, although it's likely that the global economic recession has had an impact on progress. The Russians also have suffered years-long delays on its own Angara rocket program upon which the Brazilian rocket series is based.

The challenges
To be able to take advantage of these collaborations, Brazil needs to make some major changes to its small, fragmented space program that is hamstrung by a shortage of resources, money and talent.
"We have big challenges for the development of these vehicles, admitted AEB President Marco Antonio Raupp. "We have to master the technology of liquid propellant, for example."
Raupp, who took over in March, has an ambitious plan to wants triple the space agency's budget from 300 to 900 million reals (US$185 to $555 million), streamline management, boost private sector involvement, and educate and train more aerospace workers.
The labor force is one of the biggest things holding back Brazil's space program. The country has a small, aging workforce of about 3,000 people that will see almost a complete turnover during the next decade. AEB finds it difficult to attract the next generation of engineers and scientists into a space program with a small budget.
"Unattractive salaries, lack of public tenders for the renewal of the framework, discontinuation of actions generate low motivation and self-esteem among professionals and are the causes of this deficit," said Fernando Moraes, president of the Union of Civil Servants in Science and Technology (SindCT).
To deal with its weak technical and scientific workforce, the Brazilian government wants to award scholarships to 75,000 students to study abroad over the next four years under the Brazil Without Borders program. About 30,000 students are set to go to the United States and 10,000 apiece to England and Germany. Officials also have invited Canada and Belgium to participate in the program, which features student exchanges in both directions.
Raupp's organizational changes include combining AEB and the INPE under a second single organization to better manage and coordinate space activities.
Raupp is also seeking to have private sector companies take a greater role in building hardware and managing projects in a manner similar to the way NASA operates. Raupp believes the changes will be more efficient and help Brazil to catch up in space technology.
"The development of the industry with innovation, competition, is one of the objectives of the policy," he said recently.

Disagreement over combining AEB and INPE is reportedly to be one of the reasons why Câmara is leaving as director of the latter organization. However, he cited his exhaustion with having to struggle constantly to obtain resources for INPE.
"I left the space agency is due to the exhaustion caused by the daily struggle with legislation and institutional structures totally inadequate to institutions of S & T. Adding to the frustration at the lack of renewal of the staff by INPE," Câmara said in a statement.
The effort to bring more commercial firms into the space program is also facing opposition from SindCT [Sindicato dos Servidores Públicos Federais na Área de C&T], the union that represents AEB workers. SindCT President Moraes said a key concern is that private contractors will supplant space agency employees, who have long suffered from a lack of resources, low salaries, and poor morale. The union could seek an injunction against the move and hopes to also engage in a dialogue with Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff.

A South American Space Agency?

An intriguing development that could have a major impact on Brazil's space effort involves a recent proposal from Argentina to establish a South American space agency. The proposal was made recently by Argentina's Defense Minister Arturo Puricelli to his Brazilian counterpart, Celso Amorim.
"Our communications are dependent on services that are satellite data from countries in other regions and so we must join efforts to reach space with a South American space agency," Puricelli said. "What keeps us from having a satellite launcher South American? The challenge for ministers is to create a South American space schedule and have own satellite in 2025."
It's not clear precisely what Puricelli has in mind for this space agency. Would it be simply a joint effort of Brazil and Argentina? Or would it be open to all in the style of the European Space Agency?
Alcântara would be an obvious launch base for any continent-wide space agency. The support of Argentina and neighboring nations could give Brazil's rocket programs the funding and impetus they need to succeed.

The Spaceport of the Future?
Brazil certainly has grand ambitions for its space program. It also has enormous challenges in finding the funding and resources to accomplish these tasks. If it succeeds, Brazil could rise to the ranks of the world's major space powers. If not, Alcântara will remain the spaceport of the future.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


ЦитироватьVLS-1 Launch Complex Readied at Alcantara

Posted by Doug Messier on September 30, 2011, at 5:45 am in Brazil, Brazilian Space Agency and News

IAE PR – System Platform Release VLS-1 (SISPLAT) is nearing completion at the Alcantara Launch Center (CLA). The panels are already physically installed, the installed lighting, cameras installed Closed Circuit TV system, air conditioning and pressurization installed, Detection and Alarm Fire Fighting in the final stage, a protection system against lightning strikes in the final stage. According to the schedule of the Consortium JARAGUÁ / LAVITTA, will start next October to start tweaking and testing the installation of the automation system.

These activities will take place until late December or early January 2012. Concluded this phase is planned to integrate the mock-up (MIR), to receive the final piece in the months of March and April. This integration is only possible in March because it is the same mock-up that is in separation tests.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


Видео теста отделения боковых блоков VLS-1:

"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


ЦитироватьBrazil: IAE Conducts VLS Qualification Tests
by Doug Messier on October 11, 2011, at 5:50 am

IAE PR – The Aeronautics and Space Institute (IAE) has successfully, the test of separation of the four engines of the first stage of the Satellite Launching Vehicle (VLS). The event was successful and simulated a situation that will occur about 32 km altitude when the vehicle is in flight. The test was carried out yesterday (29/09) in the laboratory of Integration of the IAE propellants and had a team of 45 technicians and engineers between servers. The main objective was the qualification system of separation of the first stage of the VLS.

In total, 167 measurements were made from mechanical shock, vibration, quasi-static deformation, pressure, displacement, separation symmetry, as well as photo coverage, video (HD and high speed). The data collected will be analyzed and used as a basis for understanding the phenomena occurring in the vehicle during this important phase of flight. Among these phenomena are the simultaneous ejection of the engines, the tensions at the interfaces between the second and third stage and mechanical shock loads in the central body and embedded devices. Will also made a comparison between the signals acquired with the telemetry system and ground systems, an important procedure for the qualification of the measurement system in flight.

The VLS is capable of putting into orbit a satellite of 115 kg at 750 km altitude. The vehicle is separated into subdivisions, which include four stages, and ejection Hood, Power Lines and Networks Pyrotechnics.

"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


Из далёкого 1998 года:
ЦитироватьКонверсия двигателя советской боевой ракеты

И.Афанасьев "Новости космонавтики"

13 марта. Бразилия стремится войти в «мировой космический клуб» – стать страной, обладающей технологией вывода спутников на околоземную орбиту, для чего под руководством Министерства аэронавтики разрабатывается твердотопливная ракета-носитель VLS. В конце 1997г. при старте прототипа этой РН произошла авария, связанная с незапуском одного из РДТТ первой ступени. Для зажигания двигателей применялась пиротехническая система Malla Pirotecnica разработки Аэрокосмического технического центра СТА, использующая небольшие парные детонаторы. Одна из таких пар не сработала. Военные специалисты планируют решить эту проблему, используя в запуске основного варианта VLS в октябре 1998 г. систему непосредственного электрического воспламенения каждого двигателя.

Министерство аэронавтики планируетт пригласить голландскую фирму Fokker Space к участию в переговорах о производстве и продаже носителя VLS. Черновик окончательного соглашения должен быть готов 19 марта 1998 г., сразу после запуска зондирующей ракеты VS40 (VEICULO DE SONDAGEN) с космодрома Алькантара, несущей измерительное оборудование массой 500кг, поставленное компанией Fokker Space.

Этот запуск является частью программы доработки механического и электрического оборудования, используемого на бразильских ракетах. В ракетах VS40 частично применены системы третьей и четвертой ступеней носителя VLS. По сообщению полковника Антонио Чавеза (Antonio Chaves), директора института аэронавтики и космоса (IAE), VS40 имеет массу около 7т, диаметр 1 м и высоту 9.4 м и должна достигнуть высоты 553 км при полете на дальность 641 км.

Fokker хочет получить при запуске VS40 информацию по вибрации и температурам, а также провести эксперименты по микрогравитации. Кроме того, германская компания Mercedes Benz и французская компания Aerospatiale также интересуются этой бразильской ракетой. Министерство аэронавтики хочет применить элементы ракеты при проектировании семейства носителей для запуска спутников на различные орбиты. Центр СТА изучает для этого двигательную установку на жидком топливе.

Военные запланировали проведение большого числа испытаний для усовершенствования стартовой базы, носителя и тренировки команды техников, отвечающих за эксплуатацию ракеты. Полковник Чавез сказал: «Этот полет будет служить для оценки элементов нашей системы сопровождения, наземная инфраструктура которой расположена в Баррера-До-Инферно (Barrera Do Inferno) и Алькантаре».

Министерство аэронавтики готовит национальную промышленность к использованию новых технологий, разработанных при создании носителя. В случае успеха Бразилия сможет поставлять на международный рынок услуги по коммерческому запуску спутников.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


Цитировать20:58 18.10.11 » №:125 (общественно-политический выпуск)
Самба и гопак в космосе[/size]
Наличие технологий по освоению космоса в современном мире является показателем значительного потенциала государства на международной арене. Во время визита Виктора Януковича в Бразилию речь будет идти о совместном украинско-бразильском проекте по покорению неземных орбит. ...

В конце сентября 2011 года, во время встречи министров обороны Бразилии и Украины, Михаил Ежель подтвердил способность и желание нашего государства инвестировать крупные финансовые ресурсы в реализацию совместного космического проекта. Будущее   отечественной космонавтики во многом зависит от запланированного на 21-24 октября визита Президента Украины в Бразилию. ...
А кто не чтит цитат — тот ренегат и гад!


"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


Старые планы:
ЦитироватьCurrent schedule

Current VLS-1 V4 current schedule is as follows:
2010 - electrical tests with a mockup rocket
2010 - VLS-XVI 01 / VLS-1B (only first two stages active)
2011 - VLS–VT 01 (with only the 4 first stage engines will fire, separation of the second and third stages will be tested)
2012 - VLS–VT 02 (complete rocket test)
2012 - VLS-1 V4 (satellite launch)

VLS Configurations

The VLS-R1 test vehicle had two stages, arranged in the following configuration:

    Stage 1 - four S-20 rocket engines
    Stage 2 - one dummy S-20 rocket engine

The VLS-R2 test vehicle had two stages, arranged in the following configuration:

    Stage 1 - four S-20 rocket engines
    Stage 2 - one S-20 rocket engine

The VLS-XVI 01 sub-orbital test vehicle has three solid fuel rocket stages and boosters, arranged in the following configuration:

    Stage 0 - four S-43 rocket engines
    Stage 1 - one S-43TM rocket engine
    Stage 2 - dummy S-40TM rocket engine
    Stage 3 - dummy S-44 rocket engine

The VLS-1 has three solid fuel rocket stages and boosters, arranged in the following configuration:

    Stage 0 - four S-43 rocket engines
    Stage 1 - one S-43TM rocket engine
    Stage 2 - one S-40TM rocket engine
    Stage 3 - one S-44 rocket engine

The rocket has four 400N RCS jets, located on the top of the third stage.


Main article: VLM (rocket)

Also, the VLM (Veículo Lançador de Microssatélites) based on the S50 rocket engine is being studied, with the objective of orbiting satellites up to 150 kg in circular orbits ranging from 250 to 700 km. A first three stage version is expected to launch the "Shefex 3" mission in 2015.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


ЦитироватьЯнукович в Бразилии будет говорить о космосе[/size]
24-10-2011 11:09 http://www.day.kiev.ua/3027881

Президент Украины Виктор Янукович прибыл в Федеративную республику Бразилия. По сообщению пресс-службы Президента, во время государственного визита Янукович проведет встречи с руководством Бразилии.

Планируется подписание двусторонних документов, в частности в отраслях сельского хозяйства и здравоохранения.

Особое внимание уделят совместному космическому проекту. Он предусматривает построение в Бразилии космодрома, с которого будут запускать украинские ракетоносители.

«Из-за финансового кризиса и нечеткой финансовой просчитанности проекта украинская сторона подчеркивала необходимость дополнительных средств на реализацию этого проекта. Из года в год старт ракетоносителя с этого космодрома переносился и сейчас говорится, что такой старт наконец состоится в 2012 году», - рассказал Радио Свобода военный эксперт Сергей Згурец.
А кто не чтит цитат — тот ренегат и гад!