Суборбитальные пуски (научные и экспериментальные)

Автор Salo, 05.07.2011 20:10:32

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ЦитироватьASA Wallops  @NASA_Wallops
Level 1:
Rocket photo time
A Terrier Improved Orion sounding rocket launched at 8:32 a.m. EDT from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility carrying 40 student experiments for the RockOn/RockSat-C mission.
Camera with flash : NASA Wallops/Allison Stancil
red, green, white and yellow rocket launching against cloudy sky.


ЦитироватьNASA Wallops  @NASA_Wallops
LIFTOFF  A Terrier Improved Orion sounding rocket carrying 40 student experiments launched at 8:32 a.m. EDT. The mission provides students with real-world, hands-on opportunities building and launching an experiment. Standby for first photos!


ЦитироватьПуск геофизической ракеты в США

8 ноября 2021 г. в 09:25 UTC (12:25 ДМВ) с полигона Уайт-Сэндс (шт. Нью-Мексико, США) специалистами NASA осуществлён пуск геофизической ракеты Black Brant IX. Целью миссии, имевшей обозначение SISTINE 2 [Suborbital Imaging Spectrograph for Transition region Irradiance from Nearby Exoplanet], являлось наблюдение за экзопланетами. Максимальная высота подъёма ракеты составила 257 км.
... геофизическая ракета ... наблюдение за экзопланетами  ::)  :o  8)
У меня - сдвиг мозга!


Цитировать  Andøya Space  @AndoyaSpace
Yet another successful launch!
Today we launched CREX-2 as the 12th and final research rocket in the Grand Challenge Initiative Project Cusp.
Read more: https://andoyaspace.no/articles/crex-2-successfully-launched...
@NASA @NASA_Wallops


ЦитироватьThe CREX-2 sounding rocket mission was successfully launched from Andøya Space December 1st, 2021.
NASA's Cusp Region Experiment-2, also known as CREX-2, is the final research rocket to launch in the international project Grand Challenge Initiative Project Cusp.
– The project consisted of 12 rockets from three nations, says Kolbjørn Blix, Director of Sounding rockets at Andøya Space. – USA, Norway, and Japan. The Japanese mission successfully launched about a month ago from our launch facilities at Svalbard.
The main objective of the project is to investigate the polar cusp region, a region formed by Earth's magnetic field.
– The magnetic field forms a kind of a funnel stretching from our atmosphere down towards Earth's core, and inside this funnel the air is noticeable denser than elsewhere, says Kolbjørn. – This affects polar orbiting satellites, as they hit a kind of speed bump when they pass through this area.

Earth's magnetic field (in blue) creates a funnel in the polar areas. These funnels are referred to as the cusp-regions.

The participants in the Grand Challenge-project share all their research data with each other, making it possible to achieve greater insight into this highly interesting cusp region.
CREX-2 is led by Professor Mark Conde from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and the vehicle was built at NASA Wallops.
– The rocket carried 20 canisters of vapor tracers which was released into the atmosphere, says Kolbjørn. – Each of these canisters created a small cloud which was then observed by two ground stations at Svalbard and by an airplane flying out from Iceland.

– The movement of these tiny clouds observed from multiple angles will help scientists understand more about the physics in the cusp area, says Kolbjørn.
The sounding rocket was launched from Andøya on December 1st, at 0925 UTC, and reached an apogee at about 634 kilometers.
– The flight was nominal, and they launched into perfect scientific conditions, says Kolbjørn. – The scientists are very, very happy today.
Read more
Read more about the Grand Challenge project here: grandchallenge.no


Цитировать  Jonathan McDowell  @planet4589
NASA suborbital flight NASA 49.004UE, with the C-REX 2 payload to study the polar cusp atmosphere, was launched from Andoya at 0825 UTC Dec 2 to an apogee of 631 km.  Here's a rough reconstruction of the trajectory using a -6364 x 631 km x 94.2 deg orbit.
The rocket used was an Oriole IV, whose 4 stages are Talos, Terrier, Oriole and Nihka.
  My trajectory reconstruction was a rough fit to the NOTAM impact area and the reported apogee.
I show this to emphasize that even a very high apogee sounding rocket has an extremely negative perigee - they are not remotely close to being orbital.


Цитировать  Jonathan McDowell  @planet4589
Huayi Hongda Keji, a company based in Xi'an (Shaanxi), launched a suborbital sounding rocket "Huayi-1" to 250 km apogee at 0630 UTC Dec 17. https://cn.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202112/17/WS61bc7cf9a3107be4979fdb4c.html...


ЦитироватьJonathan McDowell  @planet4589
The rocket was launched from "a test site in the Northwest", probably Jiuquan Space Center? Payload was a 'smart satellite' (albeit suborbital) from  Xingzhong Kongjian with a microgravity/life science payload
More details on Huayi-1 at https://finance.sina.com.cn/tech/2021-12-17/doc-ikyakumx4775135.shtml
- It is 9.1m long 0.45m  dia, a two stage solid rocket.
The bio payload on Huayi-1, called Huozhong-1, is from a company called RocketPi (http://rocketpi.cn, 火箭派(湖州)航天科技有限公司, Huojian Pi (Huzhou) hangtian keji YG).  Their website gives a Beijing address  despite the callout to Huzhou in the name


Цитировать 2:18
14 Suborbital Launches in 2021 | 2021年度亚轨道发射
  China Space Exploration, CNSpace
China has set a new national record of orbital launches: 51 so far and more to come. What you may have not seen are the 14 suborbital launches (according to Wikipedia) China made in the past year. They were 5 missile tests by PLA, 6 suborbital test flights of Tianxing-1 and 2 spaceplanes by Space Transportation, 1 test flight of the reusable suborbital carrier by CASA, 1 suborbital flight of the new OS-X6B rocket and 1 microgravity research launch of Huayi-1 carrying the Sparkle-1 biology experiment module.


ЦитироватьNASA Wallops  @NASA_Wallops
LIFTOFF❗A Black Brant IX sounding rocket carrying the DXL mission launched at 12 a.m. ET. The mission will study the origin of soft x-rays in our galaxy that impact technology in Earth's atmosphere. 

Did you see the rocket? Share your pictures below!

ЦитироватьJonathan McDowell  @planet4589
LAUNCH at 0500 UTC of NASA 36.363UH from Wallops Island with the DXL-4 X-ray astronomy suborbital payload


ЦитироватьВ Европе и в США запущены геофизические ракеты
На текущей неделе в Европе и в США выполнены пуски геофизических ракет.

24 апреля в 05:20 UTC (08:20 мск) со шведского полигона ESRANGE специалистами Европейского космического агентства и Шведской космической корпорации по программе TEXUS-58 была запущена ракета VSB-30. Основной задачей миссии являлось проведение экспериментов в условиях микрогравитации. Максимальная высота подъема ракеты составила 250 км. Не обошлось без проблем – траектория полёта ракеты не соответствовала расчётной, в результате чего контейнер с экспериментами приземлился на территории Норвегии с отклонением в 40 км от точки посадки. Причины выясняются.

25 апреля в 23:15 UTC (26 апреля в 02:15 мск) с полигона на о. Уоллопс (шт. Вирджиния, США) специалистами NASA был выполнен пуск ракеты Terrier Imp.Mal. по программе SubTEC-9. Основной задачей миссии являлось проведение технических экспериментов. Пуск успешный, максимальная высота подъёма ракеты составила 137 км.


Цитата: Pirat5 от 15.06.2023 11:06:30https://nextspaceflight.com/launches/details/7197
Fri Jun 16, 2023 00:45 GMT
First launch of Rocket Lab's HASTE program.
Rocket Lab LC-2 (LP-0C), Wallops Flight Facility, Virginia, USA
По той же ссылке


ЦитироватьSpace Intelligence  @SpaceIntel101
Suborbital mission no.34 of 2023
Dynamo A | Rocket Lab | June 16 | 0045 UTC

@RocketLab's 1st Suborbital mission.
Rocket Lab is using a modified #Electron for suborbital mission #HASTE able to launch up to 700 kg to 80+ km altitude in suborbital hypersonic trajectory.
#HASTE1 mission carries classified #DYNAMOA payload launching from @NASA_Wallops, Virginia.
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Перенесено на 18-е
ЦитироватьSun Jun 18, 2023 03:45 GMT+3
00:45 UTC


ЦитироватьRocket Lab  @RocketLab
Mission success for the launch of our new suborbital launch vehicle! HASTE took to the skies from Rocket Lab LC-2 in Virginia for a suborbital mission at 21:24pm Eastern. Congratulations to our mission partners, and welcome to a new era of hypersonic test launch capability!
Запуск успешный.