WorldView 2- Delta II 7920 - 8.10.09 22:51 ЛМВ-Vandenberg

Автор Salo, 19.09.2009 16:02:19

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Цитировать1837 GMT (2:37 p.m. EDT; 11:37 a.m. PDT)
NEW LAUNCH TIME. Liftoff is being retargeted for 11:51 a.m. local time (2:51 p.m. EDT; 1851 GMT).

1836 GMT (2:36 p.m. EDT; 11:36 a.m. PDT)
The issue under discussion involves a battery on the second stage, a United Launch Alliance spokesman says.

1835 GMT (2:35 p.m. EDT; 11:35 a.m. PDT)
The launch team is working to confirm all is in readiness to proceed into the last four minutes of the count. A new liftoff time has not yet been established.

1833 GMT (2:33 p.m. EDT; 11:33 a.m. PDT)
Hold extended. Countdown will continue to hold at T-minus 4 minutes.

1832 GMT (2:32 p.m. EDT; 11:32 a.m. PDT)
The WorldView 2 spacecraft has been configured for launch.

1831 GMT (2:31 p.m. EDT; 11:31 a.m. PDT)
Final instructions are being read to the launch team. A final "go/no go" call whether to resume the countdown will be made shortly.
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Перенесли пуск на 22:51 ЛМВ.
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Цитировать1842 GMT (2:42 p.m. EDT; 11:42 a.m. PDT)
The launch team and management team members who had not yet voiced "go" status during the earlier poll have now given their approvals to proceed.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


Цитировать1847 GMT (2:47 p.m. EDT; 11:47 a.m. PDT)
T-minus 3 minutes, 45 seconds. The Delta 2 rocket's systems are now transferring to internal power for launch. And the launch pad water system is being enabled.

1847 GMT (2:47 p.m. EDT; 11:47 a.m. PDT)
T-minus 4 minutes and counting! Clocks are ticking through the final segment of the Delta 2 rocket's countdown to liftoff. Launch is set for 11:51 a.m. local time from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California.

Following liftoff, the vehicle will head southward as it climbs into orbit on a 62-minute flight to deploy its satellite payload.

1846 GMT (2:46 p.m. EDT; 11:46 a.m. PDT)
Now five minutes from launch! The "go" has been announced to resume the countdown for 11:51 a.m. PDT liftoff.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


Цитировать1850 GMT (2:50 p.m. EDT; 11:50 a.m. PDT)
T-minus 30 seconds. SRB ignitors will be armed at T-minus 11 seconds.

The launch ignition sequence will begin at T-minus 2 seconds when a launch team member triggers the engine start switch. The process begins with ignition of the two vernier thrusters and first stage main engine start. The six ground-lit solid rocket motors then light at T-0 for liftoff.

1850 GMT (2:50 p.m. EDT; 11:50 a.m. PDT)
T-minus 1 minute. All remains "go" for today's launch of a new satellite to view the world.

1849 GMT (2:49 p.m. EDT; 11:49 a.m. PDT)
T-minus 75 seconds. First stage liquid oxygen topping to 100 percent is underway.

1849 GMT (2:49 p.m. EDT; 11:49 a.m. PDT)
T-minus 1 minute, 45 seconds. The launch pad water suppression system is being activated.

1849 GMT (2:49 p.m. EDT; 11:49 a.m. PDT)
T-minus 2 minutes. The first stage liquid oxygen vents are now being closed so the LOX tank can be pressurized for launch. Puffs of vapor from a relief valve on the rocket will be seen in the remainder of the countdown as the tank pressure stabilizes.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


Цитировать1855 GMT (2:55 p.m. EDT; 11:55 a.m. PDT)
T+plus 4 minutes, 50 seconds. The rocket's 10-foot-diameter nose cone enclosing the WorldView 2 spacecraft has been shed. The fairing is no longer needed, now that the Delta has climbed above the atmosphere.
1855 GMT (2:55 p.m. EDT; 11:55 a.m. PDT)
T+plus 4 minutes, 41 seconds. The Delta's second stage engine has ignited!

1855 GMT (2:55 p.m. EDT; 11:55 a.m. PDT)
T+plus 4 minutes, 35 seconds. MECO and staging confirmed. The first stage main engine cutoff, followed moments later by shutdown of the twin vernier steering thrusters. The spent stage then jettisoned.

1854 GMT (2:54 p.m. EDT; 11:54 a.m. PDT)
T+plus 3 minutes, 30 seconds. The first stage main engine still firing well. The Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne powerplant consumes kerosene fuel and liquid oxygen to produce about 200,000 pounds of thrust.

1853 GMT (2:53 p.m. EDT; 11:53 a.m. PDT)
T+plus 2 minutes, 45 seconds. The Delta 2 rocket is 34.2 miles in altitude, 42.5 miles downrange and traveling at 4,675 mph.

1853 GMT (2:53 p.m. EDT; 11:53 a.m. PDT)
T+plus 2 minutes, 22 seconds. The trio of ATK-made solid rocket boosters ignited inflight have burned out of propellant and separated. The Delta 2's first stage RS-27A main engine will be providing the sole thrust for the next few minutes.

1852 GMT (2:52 p.m. EDT; 11:52 a.m. PDT)
T+plus 1 minute, 39 seconds. The ground-lit boosters have jettisoned from the first stage. They remained attached until the rocket cleared off-shore oil rigs.

1852 GMT (2:52 p.m. EDT; 11:52 a.m. PDT)
T+plus 1 minute, 12 seconds. All six ground-start solid rocket boosters have burned out and the three air-lit motors were just lit.

1851 GMT (2:51 p.m. EDT; 11:51 a.m. PDT)
T+plus 50 seconds. The rocket has flown through the area of maximum aerodynamic pressure in the lower atmosphere. Coming up on ignition of the remaining three strap-on boosters.

1851 GMT (2:51 p.m. EDT; 11:51 a.m. PDT)
T+plus 35 seconds. Delta has broken the sound barrier, rapidly accelerating on the power of its first stage main engine and the six ground-lit strap-on solid-fuel boosters.

1851 GMT (2:51 p.m. EDT; 11:51 a.m. PDT)
T+plus 15 seconds. The launch vehicle is departing Vandenberg Air Force Base along an initial flight azimuth of 196 degrees, heading south for the trek downrange over the Pacific.

1851 GMT (2:51 p.m. EDT; 11:51 a.m. PDT)
LIFTOFF! Liftoff of the Delta 2 rocket boosting to orbit WorldView 2, a commercial imaging satellite to see the true colors of planet Earth!
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


Цитировать1902 GMT (3:02 p.m. EDT; 12:02 p.m. PDT)
T+plus 11 minutes, 8 seconds. SECO 1 has been confirmed from the instrumented tracking aircraft. The second stage's Aerojet-made engine completed its initial burn for the launch. Delta and WorldView should be in that preliminary parking orbit.

1900 GMT (3:00 p.m. EDT; 12:00 p.m. PDT)
T+plus 9 minutes. About two minutes remain in this burn of the second stage engine to achieve the intended parking orbit. The targeted orbit should be 435 nautical miles at apogee, 106 miles at perigee and inclined 98.6 degrees.

1859 GMT (2:59 p.m. EDT; 11:59 a.m. PDT)
T+plus 8 minutes. The Delta rocket rocket has flown out of range from the ground tracking station network. An instrumented aircraft positioned over the Pacific will acquire the rocket's telemetry signal as the Delta travels away from Vandenberg.

The mobile assets get outfitted with equipment needed to receive the stream of data from the Delta 2's second stage after the rocket flies beyond the horizon of Vandenberg's ground station and reaches a preliminary parking orbit around the planet.

1858 GMT (2:58 p.m. EDT; 11:58 a.m. PDT)
T+plus 7 minutes, 5 seconds.The Delta 2 rocket is 99.8 miles in altitude, 671 miles downrange and traveling at 13,237 mph.

1857 GMT (2:57 p.m. EDT; 11:57 a.m. PDT)
T+plus 6 minutes, 20 seconds. The second stage is firing normally as the rocket passes 93 miles in altitude.

1856 GMT (2:56 p.m. EDT; 11:56 a.m. PDT)
T+plus 5 minutes, 40 seconds.The Delta 2 rocket is 83.5 miles in altitude, 425 miles downrange and traveling at 12,355 mph.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


ЦитироватьT-00:00   Liftoff
The Delta 2 rocket's main engine and twin vernier steering thrusters are started moments before launch. Six of the nine strap-on solid rocket motors are ignited at T-0 to begin the mission.

T+01:04.0   Ground SRB Burnout
The six ground-start Alliant TechSystems-built solid rocket motors consume all their propellant and burn out.

T+01:05.5   Air-Lit SRM Ignition
The three remaining solid rocket motors strapped to the Delta 2 rocket's first stage are ignited.

T+01:26.0   Jettison SRBs
The spent solid rocket boosters are jettisoned to fall into the Pacific Ocean. The spent casings remained attached until the vehicle passed into preset drop zone, clear of offshore oil platforms.

T+01:30.0   Begin Dog-leg
After initially flying from Vandenberg along a 196-degree flight azimuth, the rocket begins steering itself to obtain the desired orbital inclination. This dog-leg maneuver continues for 52 seconds.

T+02:11.5   Jettison Air-Lit SRMs
Having burned out, the three spent air-started solid rocket boosters are jettisoned toward the Pacific Ocean.

T+04:23.4   Main Engine Cutoff
After consuming its RP-1 fuel and liquid oxygen, the Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne RS-27A first stage main engine is shut down. The vernier engines cut off moments later.

T+04:31.4   Stage Separation
The Delta rocket's first stage is separated now, having completed its job. The spent stage will fall into the Pacific Ocean.

T+04:36.9   Second Stage Ignition
With the stage jettisoned, the rocket's second stage takes over. The Aerojet AJ118-K liquid-fueled engine ignites for the first of two firings needed to place the WorldView 2 spacecraft into the proper orbit.

T+04:41.0   Jettison Payload Fairing
The 10-foot diameter payload fairing that protected the WorldView 2 cargo atop the Delta 2 during the atmospheric ascent is jettisoned is two halves.

T+10:52.4   Second Stage Cutoff 1
The second stage engine shuts down to complete its first firing of the launch. The rocket and attached spacecraft are now in a long coast period before the second stage reignites. The orbit achieved should be 435 nautical miles at apogee, 106 miles at perigee and inclined 98.6 degrees.

T+53:34.0   Second Stage Restart
Delta's second stage engine reignites for a short firing to boost the elliptical orbit into a more circular one.

T+53:56.4   Second Stage Cutoff 2
The second stage shuts down after a 22-second burn. The orbit achieved should be 419 nautical miles at apogee, 413 miles at perigee and inclined 98.6 degrees.

T+60:30.0   Initiate Spin
The second stage begins a nine-degree per second spin in preparation for releasing the WorldView 2 spacecraft to fly on its own.

T+61:40.0   Payload Separation
The WorldView 2 commercial Earth-imaging satellite is released from the Delta 2 rocket, completing the launch.
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Цитировать1936 GMT (3:36 p.m. EDT; 12:36 p.m. PDT)
T+plus 45 minutes. Maps illustrating the rocket's flight carrying the WorldView 2 satellite can be viewed here.

1931 GMT (3:31 p.m. EDT; 12:31 p.m. PDT)
T+plus 40 minutes. The unique feature of the WorldView 2 satellite is its ability to image the planet in eight different color bands, which is twice as many as previous spacecraft of this type. So how will the colors benefit users? Here's what a company spokesperson says:

"First of all, it will represent the Earth in its truest natural color. The additional bands together with the traditional satellite bands more closely represent the world as would the human eye.

"Overall, the image detail from WorldView 2 improves the identification of more of the Earth's features, both man-made and natural, and provides more confidence in the classification of those objects. A good example is vegetation analysis. Today, with four-band multispectral imagery you are able to determine land that contains coniferous forest but WorldView 2 is expected to be able to determine the exact makeup of that forest by identifying down to the species level (e.g., pine, flatwood, longleaf pine, etc.) It will also be able to identify the condition of vegetation such as health and age.

"Not only will these bands help with vegetation but it will also allow for improved classification of man-made structures such as building, roads and infrastructure. With the increased level of detail, there any many uses such as helping to improve the understanding of global warming on sustainable land and resources, tracking the impact of pollution, improving natural resource management and exploration, and protecting and monitoring agricultural development and sustainability.

"With over 500 million square kilometers of new capacity, DigitalGlobe is able to deploy this capacity in numerous new ways with predictable, scheduled collections of major metropolis and key urban areas for digital mapping and location based services, large-scale regional coverage for base mapping and change detection references.

"WorldView 2 will also have a coastal blue band which aids in bathymetry but also helps in atmospheric corrections.

"Apart from the eight-band uses, the real-world uses of WorldView 2 will focus on wide-scale mapping and analysis that hasn't readily been available before."

1925 GMT (3:25 p.m. EDT; 12:25 p.m. PDT)
T+plus 34 minutes. A review of data collected aboard the tracking aircraft confirms the rocket reached the planned preliminary orbit.

1916 GMT (3:16 p.m. EDT; 12:16 p.m. PDT)
T+plus 25 minutes. The official liftoff time was 11:51:00.256 a.m. PDT.
1911 GMT (3:11 p.m. EDT; 12:11 p.m. PDT)
T+plus 20 minutes. The rocket is coasting until the second stage restarts its engine at T+plus 53 minutes, 34 seconds for a brief 22-second firing to put the vehicle into a near-circular sun-synchronous orbit above Earth. Deployment of WorldView 2 from the launch vehicle is expected to be confirmed nearly 62 minutes after liftoff.

1906 GMT (3:06 p.m. EDT; 12:06 p.m. PDT)
T+plus 17 minutes. Shortly after the rocket rocket enters this temporary orbit, it maneuvers itself into the proper orientation for the coast and begins a slow rolling motion to keep the thermal conditions even across the vehicle.

At T+plus 45 minutes, 20 seconds, the second stage will begin another maneuver get into the correct position for the next engine firing.

1903 GMT (3:03 p.m. EDT; 12:03 p.m. PDT)
T+plus 12 minutes, 30 seconds. The rocket is flying out of view from the tracking plane. The next communications from Delta is expected in about 40 minutes when it rises in the skies over the Malindi station in Kenya.
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"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


Цитировать1945 GMT (3:45 p.m. EDT; 12:45 p.m. PDT)
T+plus 54 minutes. The second stage engine has performed its approximate 22-second firing to propel spacecraft payload into the desired orbit.

1944 GMT (3:44 p.m. EDT; 12:44 p.m. PDT)
T+plus 53 minutes, 38 seconds. Ignition confirmed! WorldView is heading to its desired orbital perch.
1943 GMT (3:43 p.m. EDT; 12:43 p.m
. PDT)
T+plus 52 minutes, 20 seconds. Malindi has acquired the rocket's signal.

1942 GMT (3:42 p.m. EDT; 12:42 p.m. PDT)
T+plus 51 minutes. The next firing by the Delta rocket's second stage is coming up in just under three minutes. The Malindi tracking station in Kenya should acquire the rocket's signal momentarily as it flies northbound toward Africa.
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Цитировать1951 GMT (3:51 p.m. EDT; 12:51 p.m. PDT)
T+plus 60 minutes, 45 seconds. The second stage has entered the planned nine-degree per second spin in preparation for releasing the WorldView 2 spacecraft to fly on its own.

1951 GMT (3:51 p.m. EDT; 12:51 p.m. PDT)
T+plus 60 minutes, 20 seconds. Pitch, yaw and roll rates have gone to zero following the maneuver to the deploy attitude.

1951 GMT (3:51 p.m. EDT; 12:51 p.m. PDT)
T+plus 60 minutes. Deployment of WorldView 2 is about two minutes away.

1950 GMT (3:50 p.m. EDT; 12:50 p.m. PDT)
T+plus 59 minutes. The orbit achieved following this latest burn by the second stage is right on the mark.

1948 GMT (3:48 p.m. EDT; 12:48 p.m. PDT)
T+plus 57 minutes. At this point in the flight, the rocket is maneuvering itself to the proper orientation for release of the payload.
"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"


Цитировать1952 GMT (3:51 p.m. EDT; 12:51 p.m. PDT)
T+plus 61 minutes, 52 seconds. SPACECRAFT SEPARATION! The WorldView 2 commercial Earth-imaging spacecraft has been released from the Delta 2 rocket's second stage, completing today's launch!

The high-resolution imager will provide new views of the world and capture the planet in its truest natural color for government and civil users.
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ЦитироватьСледующим с этой площадки полетит WISE?
По текущему плану да, 7-го декабря.
Пропитый день обмену и возврату не подлежит


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ЦитироватьDigitalGlobe says WorldView-2 operational after "debris causing event"
by Mike Gruss — July 19, 2016
An image of downtown Oakland captured by DigitalGlobe's WorldView-2 satellite. Credit: DigitalGlobe.
WASHINGTON – DigitalGlobe released an hours-old photo of Oakland, California on July 19, hoping to squash questions about the operability of one of its high-resolution imagery satellites after the U.S. Air Force said it had been part of a debris-causing event earlier in the day.
The Joint Space Operations Center, which is the Defense Department's nerve center for space operations and tracks space objects from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, tweeted July 19 that it had identified a debris-causing event related DigitalGlobe's WorldView-2 satellite.
Цитировать JSpOC ‏@JointSpaceOps
19 Jul: JSpOC ID'd debris causing event related to @DigitalGlobe WorldView-2; 8 debris pieces but WV2 confirmed operational & maneuverable!
As a result, the JSpOC is tracking eight pieces of debris related to the incident. An estimated time of the event was not immediately available.
"Earlier today JSPOC issued a 'debris causing event' notification related to DigitalGlobe's Worldview-2 satellite," the Longmont, Colorado-based company tweeted. "WorldView-2 is currently operational and is performing standard maneuvering and imaging tasks."
Цитировать DigitalGlobe ‏@DigitalGlobe
[1 of 2] Earlier today JSPOC issued a "debris causing event" notification related to DigitalGlobe's Worldview-2 satellite.

  DigitalGlobe ‏@DigitalGlobe
[2 of 2] WorldView-2 is currently operational and is performing standard maneuvering and imaging tasks.
As if to underscore the satellite's health, the company tweeted an image of downtown Oakland, California from the satellite taken later that afternoon.
Цитировать DigitalGlobe ‏@DigitalGlobe  
@SpaceNews_Inc hot off the presses: WorldView-2 image of downtown Oakland captured 3-1/2 hours ago!
Air Force Capt. Nicholas Mercurio, a spokesman for U.S. Strategic Command's Joint Functional Component Command for Space and the 14th Air Force, said DigitalGlobe is conducting an investigation into what happened.
WorldView-2 prior to its 2009 launch.

WorldView-2, which launched in October 2009, provides 46-centimeter resolution imagery to commercial and government customers, including the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, which distributes and analyzes satellite imagery for both the military and intelligence community.
The U.S. government accounts for about 50 percent of WorldView-2 capacity. Ball Aerospace built the satellite.
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И что же от него отвалилось, панель СБ?