NPP-Bridge, AubieSat, попутчики - Delta II 7920 - Vandenberg SLC-2W - 28.10.11 09:48 UTC

Автор Salo, 24.07.2011 01:15:27

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February 29, 2012

Northrop Grumman... Radiant Streams Collection

Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES), the Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC)-built instrument aboard...
...NASA's Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership satellite (Suomi NPP), was activated and has delivered its first images. The CERES model on Suomi NPP is known as Flight Model 5 (FM5). It is the sixth CERES instrument to be launched on a variety of NASA platforms, which include the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM), Earth Observing System (EOS) TERRA, and EOS AQUA. TERRA and AQUA each carry two CERES instruments. CERES instruments are broadband radiometers that measure the amount of reflected sunlight and thermal energy emitted by the Earth and its atmosphere.

CERES allows scientists to collect data to monitor the temperature of the planet and validate models that calculate the effect of clouds in driving planetary heating or cooling. Science teams around the world use CERES data to understand the Earth's radiation budget which helps compute global temperature changes over the long term. These temperature changes can be enough to increase or shrink arable land, lengthen growing seasons and enlarge cold zones or deserts.

CERES FM5 will carry forward the long-term Earth radiation budget measurements for the next several years. The CERES Flight Model 6 (FM6) instrument, currently in final testing, will be delivered in June as the first completed instrument for the next-generation of operational polar-orbiting environmental satellites called the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS). Maintaining the accuracy of the long-term data record started in the early 1980s requires overlap between CERES instruments on orbit. It was important that FM5 overlap the other CERES instruments on the EOS platforms, which are well beyond their design life, and that FM6 launches in time to overlap with FM5.

A cross-section of the Earth's ozone layer as measured by the limb profiler, part of the Ozone Mapper Profiler Suite that's aboard the Suomi NPP satellite. A new instrument, the limb profiler makes high vertical resolution measurements of of the ozone layer, a shield that protects the Earth's surface from the sun's dangerous ultraviolet radiation. Smaller amounts of overhead ozone is shown in blue, while larger amounts are shown in orange and yellow. Suomi NPP is a partnership between NASA, NOAA and the Department of Defense.
Credit: NASA/NOAA[/url]
С уважением, Павел Акулаев

ЦитироватьRELEASE: 12-079


GREENBELT, Md. -- NASA has completed commissioning of the Suomi
National Polar-orbiting Partnership satellite (NPP), which is now
making global environmental observations. The satellite will provide
scientists with critical insight into the dynamics of the entire
Earth system, including climate, clouds, oceans, and vegetation. It
will also gather enhanced data for improving our nation's weather
forecasting system.

The mission, launched in October 2011, is the result of a partnership
between NASA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA) and the Department of Defense. All five of the satellite's
instruments now have been activated for science data collection.

"By providing cutting-edge measurements of important Earth system
processes, the Suomi NPP mission will increase researchers' knowledge
of our home planet, and provide direct societal benefit through more
accurate predictions," said Michael Freilich, director, Earth Science
Division at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "This satellite mission,
which could only have come to fruition through a close interagency
partnership, is multifaceted and its data will be used by a multitude
of stakeholders in the U.S. and worldwide."

With the completion of commissioning activities, operation of the
Suomi NPP has now been turned over to a Joint Polar Satellite System
(JPSS) team. NOAA's JPSS Program provided three of the five
instruments and the ground segment for Suomi NPP. A government team
from the NOAA Satellite Operations Facility in Suitland, Md., will
operate the satellite.

"NOAA is thrilled with the performance of Suomi NPP," said Mary Kicza,
assistant administrator for NOAA's Satellite and Information Service
in Silver Spring, Md. "NOAA will be using the advanced data NPP
provides to improve life-saving weather forecasts and track volcanic
eruptions, and to improve our understanding of long-term weather and
climate patterns. Suomi NPP is an important mission for the nation."

The Suomi NPP mission is a bridge between NOAA and NASA legacy Earth
observing missions and NOAA's next-generation JPSS. Suomi NPP flies
for the first time the groundbreaking new Earth observing instruments
that JPSS will use operationally. The first satellite in the JPSS
series, JPSS-1, is targeted for launch in 2016.

NASA scientists have already begun creating consistent, multi-decade
Earth science data sets by combining the new NPP observations with
measurements from many of the legacy NASA and NOAA missions. These
long-term observations are critical to improving our understanding of
the Earth system and quantifying any changes.

"With the successful completion of commissioning, Suomi NPP is now
ready to provide the world with remarkable Earth observations," said
Ken Schwer, NPP project manager at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
in Greenbelt, Md.

Goddard managed the Suomi NPP mission for the Science Mission
Directorate's Earth Science Division at NASA Headquarters in

For more information about the Suomi NPP mission, visit:

Suomi NPP data will be available at:

For more information about the JPSS program, visit:




Спутник Suomi NPP начал высокоскоростную передачу данных в реальном времени
ЦитироватьШироковещательная передача данных съемочной аппаратуры нового спутника Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (NPP) успешно началась 23 февраля. Результаты наблюдений переданы в режиме прямого вещания в реальном масштабе времени по радиолинии высокоскоростной передачи данных HRD (High Rate Data). Для доступа пользователей к данным, передаваемым по радиолинии HRD со скоростью 15 Мбит/с на бесплатной основе, необходимо лишь наличие приемной станции X-диапазона. Большая часть станций «УниСкан» разработки и производства ИТЦ «СКАНЭКС» не требует аппаратных доработок для приема данных с Suomi NPP — необходима только установка программного обеспечения, которое сейчас находится в процессе тестирования.

Об особенностях функционирования и приема радиолинии HRD можно узнать на веб-портале лаборатории Direct Readout Laboratory (DRL, ). Благодаря общедоступным информационным ресурсам DRL пользователи имеют доступ к технологиям и данным космической съемки Земли, включая информацию о спутнике, средства получения и обработки данных, передаваемых в режиме непосредственного широкополосного вещания, а также образцы и шаблоны данных для правильного приема, обработки и анализа пользователями данных, передаваемых в режиме HRD.

На спутнике установлены приборы для измерения температуры, влажности и давления атмосферы — CrIS и ATMS, сбора данных о вертикальном и горизонтальном распространении озона в атмосфере — OMPS, изучения электромагнитного излучения — CERES. Особый интерес для съемки земной поверхности представляет 22-канальный радиометр VIIRS, который создан с учетом опыта эксплуатации сканеров MODIS на спутниках Aqua и Terra и по характеристикам существенно превосходит датчики AVHRR спутников серии NOAA. Первые снимки земной поверхности с помощью прибора VIIRS получены 21 ноября 2011 г.

Аппарат Suomi NPP был выведен на орбиту 28 октября 2011 г. и предназначен для получения оперативной информации о состоянии облачного покрова и поверхности Земли, концентрации взвешенных частиц и распределения водяного пара в атмосфере, мониторинга опасных атмосферных явлений, лесных пожарах, изменений ландшафта, ледовой обстановки в северных морях и сбора других данных. Первоначально спутник имел наименование NPP. Но в конце января управление NASA приняло решение переименовать спутник в Suomi NPP, в знак признания заслуг Вернера Э. Суоми (Verner Edward Suomi) — метеоролога из университета штата Висконсин (умер в 1995 году), считающегося «отцом спутниковой метеорологии».

Дополнительная информация о спутнике Suomi NPP и лаборатории DRL представлена соответственно на интернет-сайтах и .


Blue Marble 2012 - Arctic View

Fifteen orbits of the recently launched Suomi NPP satellite provided the VIIRS instrument enough time (and longitude) to gather the pixels for this synthesized view of Earth showing the Arctic, Europe, and Asia.

Suomi NPP orbits the Earth about 14 times each day and observes nearly the entire surface. The NPP satellite continues key data records that are critical for climate change science.

Image Credit: NASA/GSFC


Hurricane Isaac at Night

ЦитироватьEarly on August 29, 2012, the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite on the Suomi-NPP satellite captured this nighttime view of Hurricane Isaac and the cities near the Gulf Coast of the United States. The image was acquired at 1:57 a.m. local time by the VIIRS "day-night band," which detects light in a range of wavelengths from green to near-infrared and uses light intensification to enable the detection of dim signals. In this case, the clouds of Isaac were lit by moonlight.

Issac, a slow-moving storm, made landfall as a category 1 hurricane near the mouth of the Mississippi River in southwestern Louisiana at about 6:45 p.m. local time on August 28, 2012.