Euclid – Falcon 9 (B1080.2) – Cape Canaveral SLC-40 – 01.07.2023 15:12 UTC

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Телескоп Euclid получит модуль-"охотник" за темной материей - ЕКА

МОСКВА, 11 июн — РИА Новости. Компания Astrium заключила с Европейским космическим агентством (ЕКА) контракт на постройку одного из ключевых модулей телескопа Euclid ("Евклид"), в состав которого будет входить 1,2-метровый инфракрасный телескоп, что поможет астрономам найти следы невидимой темной материи, сообщает пресс-служба ЕКА.
Телескоп Euclid, рассчитанный на шесть лет работы, будет искать следы существования темной материи и темной энергии — гипотетической субстанции, которая, как считается, ответственна за "ускоренное" расширение Вселенной. Запуск Euclid запланирован на 2020 год с космодрома Куру во Французской Гвиане, телескоп выведет на орбиту ракета "Союз".
Как сообщает пресс-служба компании, Astrium заключила контракт с ЕКА и начала постройку одного из ключевых модулей космической обсерватории — 1,2-метрового инфракрасного телескопа на базе фотоэлементов из карбида кремния. В сообщении говорится, что данный прибор сможет фиксировать тепловое излучение, исходящее даже от самых тусклых и далеких галактик.
Данные, собранные этим телескопом, будут обработаны учеными при помощи камеры высокого разрешения VIS и спектрофотометра NISP. Эти сведения помогут ученым составить каталог так называемых гравитационных линз, возникающих в результате искривления света под действием массивных объектов, в том числе скоплений темной материи. Как полагают специалисты ЕКА, длительные наблюдения за такими линзами прольют свет на некоторые свойства темной материи и темной энергии.
"Мы рады тому, что постройка Euclid перешла к этому столь важному этапу, что позволяет нам начать подготовку к его запуску в 2020 году и приближает нас к раскрытию самых "темных" секретов Вселенной", — заявил ведущий научный сотрудник проекта Джузеппе Ракка (Giuseppe Racca) из Европейского космического агентства.


8 July 2013

The construction of ESA's Euclid space mission to explore the 'dark Universe' will be led by Italy's Thales Alenia Space as prime contractor, beginning the full industrial phase of the project.

The announcement follows that of last month when Astrium Toulouse was confirmed to build the payload module – the telescope and optical bench carrying the science instruments.

Euclid will be launched in 2020 to explore the roles played by dark energy and dark matter in the evolution of the Universe since the Big Bang and, in particular, in its present accelerating expansion.

Dark matter is invisible to normal telescopes, but acts through gravity to play a vital part in forming galaxies and slowing the expansion of the Universe.

Dark energy, on the other hand, causes a force that overcomes gravity and that is accelerating the expansion seen around us today.

Together, they are thought to comprise 95% of the total amount of mass and energy in the Universe, with 'normal' matter – from which stars, planets and we humans are made – making up the remaining small fraction. But their nature remains a profound mystery.

"We are pleased to confirm the prime contractor for this exciting mission. With the support of European space industry, we are a step closer to revealing the darkest secrets of the Universe," says Professor Alvaro Giménez, ESA's Director of Science and Robotic Exploration.

"This is a long-awaited milestone after the mission concept was first proposed to ESA in 2007, and we are delighted to see that the spacecraft construction can now begin," says Yannick Mellier, who leads the Euclid consortium, comprising scientists from 13 European countries and the US.

The consortium will provide Euclid's two state-of-the art scientific instruments: a visible-light camera and a near-infrared camera/spectrometer. Together, they will map the 3D distribution of up to two billion galaxies spread over more than a third of the whole sky.

Light from the most distant galaxies streaming towards Earth is slightly bent by gravity as it interacts with matter along the way. This is dominated by dark matter, whether associated with galaxies and galaxy clusters, or in isolation. Thus, by measuring distortions in the shapes of those background galaxies, astronomers can construct a 3D map of the dark matter in the Universe.

Furthermore, by assessing how the distribution of galaxies and galaxy clusters has changed over cosmic time, scientists can infer the role and evolution of dark energy from the dawn of the Universe until today.

The results will help to answer one of the most important questions in modern cosmology: why is the Universe expanding at an accelerating rate today, rather than slowing down due to the gravitational attraction of all the matter in it?

By charting the expanding Universe from the Big Bang to the present day, Euclid will also test theories for the fate of the Universe.

In order to achieve its goals, Euclid has to deliver extremely high quality images. In turn, that requires a novel attitude system to control the stability of the spacecraft while making its precision observations.

"Euclid will be able to hold its sight on these galaxies with an accuracy and stability equivalent to aiming a handheld laser pointer at a €1 coin 200 km away," says René Laureijs, ESA's Euclid Project Scientist.

 The spacecraft will also employ a fast data link allowing Euclid to collect and download at least 260 gigabytes worth of images each day – the equivalent of taking more than 50 000 colour JPEG images per day with a 16 megapixel consumer digital camera.

"With Thales Alenia Space at the helm of constructing Euclid, Astrium preparing the payload module, and a consortium of scientists developing the science instruments, we are confident that we will launch on schedule in 2020, ready for at least six years precisely mapping the dark Universe," adds Giuseppe Racca, ESA's Euclid Project Manager.

Notes for Editors

Euclid is an ESA survey mission to investigate the nature of dark matter and dark energy. It was sel ected as the second Medium-class mission in ESA's Cosmic Vision programme in October 2011 and formally adopted in June 2012. The mission will be launched in 2020 and will orbit around the Sun–Earth L2 point located 1.5 million km from Earth. Science and spacecraft operations will be conducted by ESA.

More than 1000 scientists from over 100 institutes form the Euclid Consortium building the instruments and participating in the scientific harvest of the mission. The consortium comprises scientists fr om 13 European countries: Austria, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, and the UK. It also includes a number of US scientists, including 40 nominated by NASA.


Ох уж эти универсальные инструменты. Лучше бы отдельного полноценного охотника за темной материей запустили. Благо в планах он есть.

Andrey Samoilov

Румыния присоединилась к проекту:
Pe 29 noiembrie 2013, Agenţia Spaţială Română (ROSA) a semnat acordul multilateral pentru Misiunea Euclid, în cadrul Comitetului pentru Programe Ştiinţifice al ESA, desfăşurat la Paris. Euclid este un satelit- observator spaţial care va fi lansat în anul 2020, cu scopul de a realiza o hartă 3D a două miliarde de galaxii, urmărind să identifice rolul materiei întunecate în evoluţia şi expansiunea Universului. Chestiunea expansiunii accelerate a Universului se numără printre cele mai importante provocări ştiinţifice ale secolului XXI, mărturie stând şi faptul că premiul Nobel pentru fizică din acest an a fost decernat unor cercetători care au studiat tocmai acest fenomen.
Se presupune că această materie întunecată este o proprietate a vidului, care asigură formarea spaţiului în care există tot ceea ce vedem. Altfel spus, materia întunecată, a cărei existenţă este doar bănuită teoretic, este cea care dilată Universul.

Andrey Samoilov

30 September 2014 – QinetiQ has been awarded an initial contract worth up to €2.3 million, to supply a critical component of the Euclid space telescope developed by Airbus Defence and Space in Toulouse and due to be launched in 2020. QinetiQ will be supplying a baffle, which sits on top of the telescope and which prevents stray light to enter into the optics. The baffle will as such increase the effectiveness of the telescope.

The baffle, developed by QinetiQ, is a black cylindrical structure at the front of the telescope that prevents stray light out of the instrument's optics, making it possible to achieve the very stringent image quality requirements that will allow the investigation of the nature of dark energy and of the dark matter.

Engineers used their expertise to develop a unique aluminium round structure capable of resisting temperatures as low as -200˚C and weighing less than 60 kilograms.

Malika De Ridder, project manager for QinetiQ said "The combination of the volume, mass and temperature in space requires a specially adapted model. The module is 2.60 metres long with a diameter of 1.80 metres, so a lot of technological ingenuity was needed to keep the weight down, which our engineers were able to achieve".

QinetiQ started building a prototype in May this year and is due to be completed by the end of 2016. The launch of the Euclid module is scheduled for 2020, and the module will remain in space for six years, sending 800 gigabytes of data back to Earth every day.

QinetiQ developed its first telescope baffle ten years ago and has developed an unrivalled reputation for its unique, lightweight design. QinetiQ is also currently developing a telescope baffle for the Cheops satellite, which will detect and analyse planets in other solar systems in 2018.


17 December 2015

Euclid, ESA's dark Universe mission, has passed its preliminary design review, providing confidence that the spacecraft and its payload can be built. It's time to start 'cutting metal'.

"This is really a big step for the mission," says Giuseppe Racca, Euclid's project manager. "All the elements have been put together and evaluated. We now know that the mission is feasible and we can do the science."


Приятно, что Euclid будет выводиться Союзом. Еще одно достижение этой РН. Таким образом за последние годы к списку выводимых Союзом КА Венера-Экспресс и Марс-Экспресс добавится Эвклид.

ЦитироватьKey milestone for Euclid mission, now ready for final assembly

18 December 2018
ESA's Euclid mission has passed its critical design review, marking the successful completion of a major phase in the progress of the project. The review verified that the overall mission architecture and detailed design of all its elements is complete, ensuring that it will be able to perform the unprecedented galaxy survey needed to tackle the mysteries of the dark Universe, and clearing the way to start assembling the whole spacecraft.

Artist's impression of Euclid. Credit: ESA/ATG medialab

The critical design review (CDR) board meeting took place on 21 November in Noordwijk, the Netherlands. While the individual elements of Euclid – the spacecraft, scientific instruments, launcher, and the operational and science ground segments – had already passed their independent CDRs, the mission-level review focussed on the ensemble of all these elements and ascertained their capability to function together to accomplish the mission's goals. The review verified that the most realistic predictions of the combined performances are compliant with the mission requirements.

The review also assessed the feasibility of Euclid's survey with the designed flight hardware, which will image billions of galaxies across the cosmos at unprecedented sharpness and sensitivity during a nominal mission period of six years.

With the completion of this milestone that validated the whole project – from the spacecraft development to launch and operations, including also the observational methods and data analysis strategy – the assembly, integration and testing of the spacecraft flight model can begin. Immediately after launch, scheduled for June 2022, the ground segment will be ready to take over and start the operations to perform the groundbreaking sky survey.
Integration of Euclid secondary mirror support structure. Courtesy of Airbus Defence and Space

Euclid is a medium-class mission in ESA's Cosmic Vision programme to investigate the expansion of our Universe over the past ten billion years, probing cosmic epochs from before the expansion started to accelerate, all the way to the present. To this aim, Euclid will survey galaxies at a variety of distances from Earth, over an area of the sky covering more than 35 percent of the celestial sphere.

By making use of both weak gravitational lensing, which measures the distortion of distant galaxies caused by intervening matter, and baryonic acoustic oscillations, based on measurements of the clustering of galaxies, the mission will capture a 3D picture of the evolving distribution of both dark and ordinary (or baryonic) matter in the cosmos. This will enable scientists to reconstruct the past few billion years of the Universe's expansion history, estimating the acceleration caused by the mysterious dark energy to per-cent-level accuracy, and possible variations in the acceleration to 10 percent accuracy.

Integration of Euclid service module. Courtesy of Thales Alenia Space

The spacecraft consists of a service module – comprising all conventional spacecraft subsystems as well as the instruments' warm electronics units, sunshield and solar arrays – and a payload module. On the payload module, Euclid's telescope – a 1.2 m-diameter three-mirror 'anastigmatic Korsch' configuration – will direct the cosmic light to two instruments: the wide-field visible imager (VIS) and the near-infrared spectrometer and photometer (NISP).

Notes for editors

Euclid is an ESA medium class astronomy and astrophysics space mission. ESA selected Thales Alenia Space as prime contractor for the construction of the satellite and its Service Module, with Airbus Defence and Space chosen to develop the Payload Module, including the telescope.

The Euclid Consortium is a collaboration of nationally funded institutes responsible for the definition of the scientific mission and the provision of the scientific instruments and data processing.

For further information, please contact:

Giuseppe Racca
Euclid Project Manager
Directorate of Science
European Space Agency

René Laureijs
Euclid Project Scientist
Directorate of Science
European Space Agency

Images And Videos
Last Update: 18 December 2018

ЦитироватьРакета "Союз" отправит телескоп Euclid на поиски темной материи
МОСКВА, 29 сен - РИА Новости. Запуск европейского космического телескопа Euclid, предназначенного для поиска темной материи и темной энергии, ракетой-носителем "Союз СТ" с космодрома Куру во Французской Гвиане намечается в конце 2022 года, сообщило Европейское космическое агентство (ЕКА).

"Euclid будет запущен с европейского космодрома во Французской Гвиане, стартовое окно открывается в конце 2022 года", - говорится в сообщении на сайте ЕКА.

Контракт на запуск Euclid ракетой "Союз СТ" с Куру был подписан между ЕКА и компанией Arianespace в январе 2020 года. Тогда старт намечался в середине 2022 года, а в качестве резервной ракеты рассматривалась европейская Ariane 6.
Телескоп Euclid, рассчитанный на шесть лет работы, будет искать следы существования темной материи и темной энергии - гипотетической субстанции, которая, как считается, ответственна за "ускоренное" расширение Вселенной.

ЦитироватьJosef Aschbacher @AschbacherJosef
Heads of Agencies Plenary is a highlight of IAC, being a chance to summarize for the audience where we are & where we are going. Today was particularly special for me, my 1st as DG. We have huge milestones coming up: JWST, Galileo, JUICE, Vega-C, Ariane-6 and much more.
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"Были когда-то и мы рысаками!!!"

Цитировать  Airbus Space  @AirbusSpace
EUCLID 🔭 is coming together!
Airbus-built payload module – 🔭 & instruments - will collect high res images by pointing the 🛰️ to a new field in deep space once every 80 minutes to measure the shapes of, and distances to, more than 1 billion galaxies.🌌


Цитата: ESA Euclid, 14.07.2022Полностью интегрированный космический аппарат ЕКА Euclid был упакован в контейнер и вчера вечером покинул Турин для проведения заключительных испытаний путем моделирования условий эксплуатации на заводе Thales Alenia в Каннах, Франция, перед началом пусковой кампании.
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Запуск обсерватории был запланирован на 2023-й год на РН "Союз СТ-Б". Однако, в связи с известными событиями использование этого носителя стало невозможным, и для запуска стали рассматривать доступные альтернативы. Официального объявления пока не было, но ожидается, что миссия Euclid будет перенесена на новую ракету Ariane 6 компании Arianespace, которая в настоящее время готовится к своему дебютному полету в конце этого года. Для запуска Euclid, скорее всего, будет использоваться конфигурация Ariane 62.


Цитата: Arzach от 14.07.2022 17:46:39Официального объявления пока не было, но ожидается, что миссия Euclid будет перенесена на новую ракету Ariane 6 компании Arianespace, которая в настоящее время готовится к своему дебютному полету в конце этого года.

Первый пуск РН Ariane-6 перенесли на 2023 год.
Генеральный директор Европейского космического агентства (ЕКА) Йозеф Ашбахер сообщил о том, что первый пуск РН Ariane-6 перенесен с конца 2022 года на начало 2023 года.


Цитата: Harder от 15.07.2022 19:19:18Генеральный директор Европейского космического агентства (ЕКА) Йозеф Ашбахер сообщил о том, что первый пуск РН Ariane-6 перенесен с конца 2022 года на начало 2023 года.

Перенос на дебютный полет -- тот еще геммор.
Я зуб даю за то что в первом пуске Ангары с Восточного полетит ГВМ Пингвина. © Старый
Если болит сердце за народные деньги - можно пойти в депутаты. © Neru - Старому


Цитата: ZOOR от 15.07.2022 21:59:25Перенос на дебютный полет -- тот еще геммор.
Это перенос дебютного полёта, а не перенос Евклида на него, если вы это имели в виду. Для первого пуска берут мелочь по Rideshare. А Евклид - среди 5-6 других ПН, запланированных на 2023.

ЦитироватьВ Европе определились с заменой российского «Союза»
Европейское космическое агентство (ЕКА) определилось с наиболее вероятной заменой российской ракеты «Союз», которая должна была запустить космический телескоп Euclid. Об этом пишет со ссылкой на SpaceNews.
В публикации со ссылкой на НАСА сообщается, что наиболее вероятной заменой российского носителя станет американская ракета Falcon 9. Утверждается, что запуск Euclid может состояться в середине — конце 2023 года.
Издание напоминает, что изначально космический телескоп планировалось запустить на российской ракете «Союз» с космодрома Куру во Французской Гвиане.

ЦитироватьESA Science  @esascience
Also this year, #Euclid sets sail for L2, where it will observe and help map the dark Universe


ЦитироватьESA Science  @esascience
Our @ESA_Euclid mission is undergoing the final test before launch in July 2023
Here it is standing in a special room in the @Thales_Alenia_S test facilities in Cannes, France, where it successfully underwent electromagnetic compatibility testing