Луна-Глоб, что это такое ?!

Автор Skeelton, 15.04.2005 10:30:39

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всетаки не понимаю я в чем именно проблема нашей космонавтики...финансирование вроде пошло....отсутствие молодых специалистов с желанием работать? а их ктото реально пробовал привлечь? чето я такого не замечал...хотя у многих есть желание поработать за идею, правДа не очень долго...но и это понятно почему человек работающий над интересным проектом пол учает в разы меньше чем тот кто пишет проги в банке и админит банковскую сеть? а с грамотным пиаром космической отрасли в своем институте я  не сталкивался хотя по идеи являюсь целевой аудиторией...человеком который возможно пойдет работать в эту отрасль. хотя институт у меня к космосу имеет слабое отношение(МИФИ может кто слышал) но у нас в принципе проводятся семинары...например не Так давно приезжали люди из церна рассказывали о проектах церна.....показывали свои разработки...было очень интересно...сделай тожесамое энергия былобы очень Интересно и не только мне.

Дмитрий Виницкий

Главная проблема - отсутствие осмысленной концепции с изложением целей и путей их достижения.


Compare these two images:



On the first is pictured lunar craft and on the second one is model of Luna-Glob. But which one is correct design of Luna-Glob?


ЦитироватьCompare these two images:
On the first is pictured lunar craft and on the second one is model of Luna-Glob. But which one is correct design of Luna-Glob?

На первой даже по ссылке видно что это Электро. На второй один из вариантов Лунного проекта (кроме Луны-глоб есть и другие). И это не похоже на Луну-глоб, по крайней мере на то изображение что есть у меня. :) Луна-глоб скоре напоминает Фобос-Грунт, только с другим видом антенн и больее большим посадочным модулем. Хотя кто знает, может опять уже все перекроили... :)


I meant picture behind Electro spacecraft. There is a spacecraft with lander. But it does not matter on your answer.


ЦитироватьI meant picture behind Electro spacecraft. There is a spacecraft with lander. But it does not matter on your answer.
Ааа... На первой фотографии, сзади на плакате, Луна-глоб в полном объеме. И перелетный и посадочный модуль. :)


Thanks, nice pdf!  :D  Now I understand, on both images is the same spacecraft in various configurations, firstly with lander, secondly without it and with deployed something - what is it - LORD? For gamma rays? Or something else?


Картинки по "Луне-Глоб":


ЦитироватьSee also - Polishchuk, G. (Lavochkin ) Program of the Moon exploration by automatic space complexes [pdf]
Ввау, вот это СУПЕР !  :shock:  :) :) :)
Всем настоятельно рекомендую скачать и прочесть! [/size]   8)
P.S. Johannes, Thank You VERY MUCH !  :)


Презентации, картинки... все то что так любит большое начальство.  :?


ЦитироватьПрезентации, картинки... все то что так любит большое начальство.  :?
Гм, а что вы предлагаете? Не делать картинок и презентаций?


Picture of lunokhod with Indian orbiter and another lunokhod with Russian orbiter and some other well known pictures from presentation



Yes, but pictures are not from Lavochkin?


Ну эту картинку все видели:


Потрошим материалы IAC'2008



Main tasks of the "Luna-Glob" project are the following:
– obtaining of scientific results of the world-wide importance about the internal structure of the Moon and a crater on the Moon Southern Pole;
– minerals reconnaissance;
– investigation of impact on the Moon of transmitted corpuscular and  electromagnetic radiation.


During the mission it is planned to carry out a wide spectrum of experiments both from the Moon orbit and on the surface during which it will be carried out a wide-range exploring of minerals in the near-pole areas and reconnaissance preparation for the future landing missions.
The following scientific equipment will be installed on-board the orbiter for carrying out the in-orbit investigations:
– complex of the surface remote sensing for mapping of the Moon mineralogical composition and dispersion of water ice on the Moon surface, investigation of the subsurface layers (up to several kilometers deep) and ice detection at a depth of several hundred meters (experiment: subsurface radar);
– exospheric complex (complex of the near-Moon space monitoring) for measurement of magnetic and electrical fields and investigation of the Moon exosphere and lunar dust;
– astrophysical wave detector "LORD" for investigation of space rays and neutrino of ultra-high energies >5х1019 eV, investigation of the Moon seismic activity, near-Moon space plasma, monitoring of micro-meteor and dust fluxes;
– equipment for experiment on investigation of the interstellar gas and geliospheric interface (TBD). For spacecraft development it is planned to apply the technical backlog of the "Phobos-Grount" project to maximum extent.

Spacecraft (SC) includes (see Fig.2):
– injection propulsion system;
– orbiter;
– penetrators;
– complex of scientific equipment for investigations from the near-Moon orbit and on the Moon surface.
Injection propulsion is intended for SC acceleration and also for SC pitch and yaw stabilization during active flight phases.
Fregat upper stage sustainer is used as injection propulsion.
Orbiter includes the following main systems:
– propulsion system;
– on-board control complex;
– communication system;
– antenna-feeder system;
– power supply system;
– thermal control system.

Orbiter dry mass is  470 kg.
Mass of the orbiter scientific equipment is 120 kg.

Penetrators are intended for carrying out of seismic experiments in order to investigate the internal structure of the Moon.
Penetrator is an autonomous descent vehicle, equipped with systems and units which provide its operation during:
- flight after separation from the orbiter;
- braking;
- penetration into the soil;
- carrying out of investigations and transmission of scientific information.
Nowadays it is considered a possibility to install on-board the "Luna-Glob" SC of the lunar penetrators deployed from the near-Moon orbit which were developed by Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (Japan).
Mass of the orbital penetrator is 45 kg including the penetrating part – 14 kg.
For communication with penetrators it is proposed to use the "Luna-Glob" orbiter.


The main mission task is investigation of one of craters on the Southern Pole of the Moon with the help of a mobile research laboratory – the moon rover and detailed imaging of surroundings.
Mission scientific tasks are the following:
– carrying out of in-situ contact investigations in the Southern Pole area (soil analysis), water ice detection with the help of a neutron detector drilled into the Moon surface;
– study of the Moon surface magnetic anomalies.
It is planned that the landing mission with the moon rover will be fulfilled within the framework of an international project. Thus the Russian side will develop the lander with the moon rover. Possible term of the project realization is 2012.

Standard operation program foresees the moon rover operation within 1 year from the moment of landing. Thus the main tasks are the following:
– scientific investigations;
– obtaining of three-dimension digital terrain panoramas;
– testing and refinement of the remote control system.
The moon rover has an all-wheel drive chassis and can maneuver with the help of a side-way turn.
The moon rover is equipped with systems providing a possibility of a long-term operation on the shadow areas of polar craters.
Average daily run of the moon rover is 100 m, velocity of moving is 360 m/h. Cruising range is 150 km.


Ровер тьфу! луноход какой-то китайский... Или мне кажется?
Вообще, исследовать солнечную систему автоматами - это примерно то же самое, что посылать робота вместо себя в фитнес, качаться.Зомби. Просто Зомби (с)
Многоразовость - это бяка (с) Дмитрий Инфан