ELaNa 20 ( Demo-2 ) - LauncherOne - Mojave, Boeing 747 - 17.01.2021 19.39 UTC

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ЦитироватьLaunch Demo 2's Payloads
A total of 10 CubeSats will be launched on LauncherOne for the Demo-2 mission, which are all part of NASA's Venture Class Launch Services. NASA's VCLS is enabling the 20th Education Launch of Nanosatellites mission (ELaNa 20). This program allows students to design, build, and operate small payloads to learn and conduct their own experiments. So far over 250 students have been reached with many more to follow.

CACTUS-1 consists of two 3U CubeSats built by undergraduate students from the Capitol Technology University, Laurel, Maryland. TrapSat will use aerogel to catch and collect micro debris, which has the potential to damage other spacecraft.

CAPE-3 will serve two main purposes. First it will enable grade-school students to access the satellite and perform an experiment in a simple way: a ground-station that can be self-assembled. Once the ground station is connected to the network, it can be accessed via a cellphone. After that, students can preform their own experiments and gather their own data. The satellites secondary function is Earth imagery and radiation detection.

ExoCube-2 aims to monitor and study atomic and ionic substances in the exosphere to better understand how they might affect space weather and satellite communications. To do this, ExoCube-2 will measure the density of hydrogen, oxygen, helium, and nitrogen.

MiTEE aims to demonstrate the electrodymic teather technology which will enable the linking of these tiny satellites, which will be cheaper to launch, but still be able to preform accurate Earth and space weather observations. These satellites are called pico and femtosats and will work together as part of a large network.

Consisting of a pair of CubeSats, PICs will assist other satellites with repair and maintenance while being able to return images of other satellites to Earth via a flyaway probe. The probe will safely take images of the satellite from all angles. Once these satellites are proven, they will be integrated onto larger satellites which will deploy them when necessary to take those external images.

Using its small radiometer and in combination with the SMAP satellite launched in 2015, PolarCube will observe Earths poles' ice sheets and collect atmosphereic temperature data.

This three-year mission will aim to study the outcomes and physics of microgravity collisions. Starting on a centimeter and smaller scale, Q-PACE will observe the early disk and particle clustering the begins in the early stages of celestial body formation.

The main goals of RadFXSat-2 are to observe the effects on various microelectronics, such as RAM, from solar radiation. All of the data from this short experiment will be transmitted by way of mature radio, a low-cost way of communications.

This satellite will test new CubeSat technology by using the "ExoBrake" when it re-enters the atmosphere after 60 days in orbit. The goal is to decrease satellite reentry time from a 500 km (310 miles) orbit from years to just 6-8 months. Researchers try to achieve that by using a high-efficiency drag device.


ЦитироватьНовый способ удержания крохотных спутников на орбите
Кубсат, собранный в основном силами студентов бакалавриата и запущенный в космос в минувшее воскресенье, предназначен для исследования возможности использования новой двигательной системы, которая позволит удерживать на протяжении долгого времени крохотные спутники на орбите вокруг Земли без использования топлива. Это, в свою очередь, позволит формировать из крохотных спутников постоянно действующие группировки для слежения, например, за бурями и природными катастрофами.
Кубсат размером с булку хлеба был отправлен в космос с площадки Воздушно-космического порта Мохаве, США, компанией Virgin Orbit.
Малые спутники являются важной современной тенденцией развития рынка спутниковых технологий, однако в отличие от их более крупных собратьев большинство крохотных спутников не могут противостоять сопротивлению разреженной земной атмосферы на орбите, и поэтому их орбита быстро деградирует, и обычно срок их работы составляет несколько дней или недель, реже – несколько месяцев. Как правило, масса крохотного спутника при запуске критична, поэтому такие модели не оснащают двигательными системами, использующими ракетное топливо.
Для решения проблемы корректировки орбиты малых спутников студенты и профессорско-преподавательский состав Мичиганского университета, США, предлагают создавать тягу, поднимающую спутники вверх, не за счет выбрасывания струи газа в противоположную сторону, а за счет использования электромагнитных сил. Идея состоит в соединении двух крохотных спутников, каждый размером примерно с сотовый телефон, при помощи провода длиной от 10 до 30 метров, через который в обоих направлениях может проходить электрический ток, подаваемый солнечными панелями, причем замыкаются концы этого провода в ионосфере Земли. Когда через провод, находящийся в магнитном поле, течет ток, то со стороны этого магнитного поля на проводник действует сила. Команда планирует использовать эту силу для создания необходимой тяги с целью корректировки орбиты спутников.
Первая экспериментальная версия такой пары спутников, носящая название MiTEE-1: The Miniature Tether Electrodynamics Experiment-1, запущенная в космос в воскресенье, включает два спутника, один размером с булку хлеба, другой – размером с крупный смартфон, соединенных при помощи жесткой развертываемой мачты длиной около 1 метра. По мере развития этого проекта планируется увеличить длину проводника до 10 метров, сообщили участники проекта.
Поправка к заметке: не "запущенная в космос в воскресенье", а готовящаяся к запуску в среду воскресенье!


ЦитироватьLaunch Lift Off Time
(Subject to change)     January 17, 2021 15:00 UTC | 7:00 AM PST


Крайний твит
ЦитироватьVirgin Orbit  @Virgin_Orbit
With weather looking favorable & our hardware in great shape, our team is on track for tomorrow's launch. But the real fun starts late tonight as we begin loading our fuel, RP-1, onto LauncherOne.
We'll see you all in the morning as we open the day with cryogenic LOX loading.
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10:04 PM · 16 янв. 2021 г.·Twitter Web App


Новое время:
ЦитироватьLaunch Lift Off Time
(Subject to change)      January 17, 2021 18:00 UTC | 10:00 AM PST
21:00 мск


ЦитироватьVirgin Orbit  @Virgin_Orbit  45 мин
With operations for our #LaunchDemo2 mission already in full swing, it's an exciting morning here at Mojave Air and Space Port!
LOX loading on the rocket has begun, and we're looking good to hit our target takeoff time of approximately 10:30 AM Pacific.
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ЦитироватьВ ответ @Virgin_Orbit
As we move through our major milestones today, we'll keep you in the loop right here on Twitter. But first, a quick recap for anyone who's unfamiliar...
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ЦитироватьVirgin Orbit  @Virgin_Orbit  37 мин
Our rocket is designed to be the most flexible, most agile, and most mobile launch system in the world.
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Thanks to our carrier aircraft Cosmic Girl, we can bring launch capabilities to places all over the world — even those that historically have never had the opportunity to take advantage of all the wonders and utility of space.
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Right now, we're mainly focused on uplifting small satellite makers & operators, who even today lack the same opportunities available to their larger peers.
The democratization of space is well underway, and we're proud to help fuel the expansion of inclusivity.

Our 1st Launch Demo allowed us to prove out our core air launch concept. Today we're aiming to build on that progress, further enhancing our knowledge & demonstrating LauncherOne's full capabilities.
It's important to note that as the mission name implies, this is still a test.

We're striving to achieve a number of firsts today, but in this business, firsts don't always work out exactly the way you'd like.
So we've done an immense amount of work to maximize our chances for success, and eagerly await to see what lessons the data can teach us.


ЦитироватьВ ответ @Virgin_Orbit
One of those "firsts" for today's mission is carrying customer satellites onboard LauncherOne, each sponsored by the undisputed heavyweight champion of the space world:
You can check out the full manifest in our recent blog. https://virg.in/RnY
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ЦитироватьVirgin Orbit  @Virgin_Orbit  1 мин
Alright, quick update on the action in Mojave: LOX loading is complete, and mission control has confirmed all systems continue to look healthy.


ЦитироватьVirgin Orbit  @Virgin_Orbit  3 мин
Getting ready to disconnect our transportable ground support equipment (TGOS) and preparing for the flight crew to board.
Like our previous flight, Chief Test Pilot Kelly Latimer will be the pilot-in-charge (PIC) on Cosmic Girl for this mission.
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Virgin Orbit  @Virgin_Orbit  44 с
Next to her in the cockpit will be Todd Ericson, who also helmed the aircraft during our first Launch Demo.

Virgin Orbit  @Virgin_Orbit  3 мин
New Chief Pilot Eric Bippert, the latest ace addition to our flight crew, will be onboard as well as he prepares to step into the role of PIC on upcoming LauncherOne missions.


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Момент: -12:00

UPD: -28:00


ЦитироватьVirgin Orbit  @Virgin_Orbit  7 мин
LauncherOne has been fully disconnected and our flight crew has settled into their seats onboard the aircraft. Let's wish them a smooth, safe flight out to our drop point today! Now targeting takeoff at approximately 10:50 AM Pacific (about 30 minutes from now).


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ЦитироватьVirgin Orbit  @Virgin_Orbit  27 с
A beautiful takeoff! Cosmic Girl and LauncherOne are officially airborne for our second orbital launch demonstration. #LaunchDemo2

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К #37

ЦитироватьVirgin Orbit  @Virgin_Orbit  5 мин
Our flight profile for this mission is identical to our first Launch Demo. Cosmic Girl is headed due southwest from Mojave to our drop point just south of the Channel Islands. Once there, we'll enter into a loop that we call the "racetrack" as we wait for final go/no-gos.