Perseverance (Mars 2020 rover) - Atlas V 541 - Canaveral SLC-41 - 30.07.2020

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Цитировать14 АВГ, 13:52
Инженеры NASA проверили работу батарей марсианского вертолета Ingenuity
Пока все работает в штатном режиме

ТАСС, 14 августа. Инженеры NASA успешно зарядили батареи вертолета Ingeniuity, который отправился на Марс вместе с ровером Perseverance, и подтвердили, что он благополучно пережил вывод в космос. Об этом Лаборатория реактивного движения NASA (JPL) пишет на своем сайте.

"То, что мы смогли зарядить батареи вертолета, говорит о том, что он успешно пережил запуск и хорошо переносит суровые условия межпланетной среды. Это придает нам дополнительный оптимизм, несмотря на то, что прежде чем первый полет на поверхности другой планеты станет реальностью, нам еще предстоит решить множество других проблем", – рассказала Мими Онг, научный руководитель проекта Ingeniuity.

На борту миссии Perseverance, которая стартовала с Земли 30 июля, находится два аппарата – одноименный марсоход и экспериментальный вертолет Ingeniuity. Главная задача этого аппарата состоит в том, чтобы показать, что полеты на поверхности Красной планеты в принципе возможны. Вдобавок он будет помогать Perseverance искать участки поверхности планеты со следами существования жизни.

Работоспособность этого аппарата начали проверять примерно через неделю после выхода Perseverance в открытый космос. В ходе этих тестов специалисты NASA зарядили батареи вертолета до оптимального уровня в 35% и проверили работу всех ключевых электронных компонентов летательного аппарата.

"Эта процедура очень важна для нас, так как только в этот момент мы впервые смогли включить бортовые системы вертолета и проверить его электронику после запуска. Все проверки прошли штатно. Теперь мы будем каждые две недели проводить аналогичные процедуры для того, чтобы поддерживать заряд батареи", – добавил руководитель отдела управления полетом миссии Perseverance Тим Кэнхэм.

История марсохода
О планах на создание своего пятого марсохода представители NASA рассказали в декабре 2012 года. Он должен был стать своеобразным наследником ровера Curiosity, который сел на Марс в августе 2012 года и работает там до сих пор. Это заметно удешевило и ускорило бы сборку ровера. Главной задачей марсохода должны были стать не поиски следов пресноводных водоемов, как у его предшественника, а оценка обитаемости Марса в прошлом и поиски возможных следов жизни.

В марте 2020 года марсоход получил официальное имя – Perserverance ("настойчивость" по-английски). Запустить на Марс его планировали в середине лета 2020 года. Сесть аппарат должен будет в районе кратера Йезеро на экваторе Марса в феврале 2021 года.

Первоначально специалисты Лаборатории реактивного движения (JPL) NASA планировали отправить марсоход на Красную планету 17 июля. Но дату старта перенесли – сначала на 20 и 22 июля, а потом на 30 июля. Переносы были связаны со сложностями, которые возникли при стыковке капсулы с марсоходом и ракетой. Окончательно их решили только в середине июля.


Цитировать NASA's Perseverance Mars Rover @NASAPersevere 1 ч. назад

My first planned Trajectory Correction Maneuver was a success. I do TCMs on my journey to stay on target for a Feb. 18, 2021 date with Mars. I left Earth over 2 weeks ago and already put on 27+ million miles. Only ~265 million more to go! #CountdownToMars


Цитировать Jonathan McDowell @planet4589 1 ч. назад

Here's something I think you will find fun: the current location of Earth's Mars fleet. (1/2): wide view showing Earth, Mars, and (magenta) fleet, with box showing size of next zoom in:

1 ч. назад

And here is a zoom in showing Percy, a guess at its Centaur booster, Tianwen 1 and its CZ-5 rocket stage, and Al'amal (Hope) and its H2 second stage rocket.

1 ч. назад

My position calculations for the rocket stages are approximate. JPL could do a better job, and I wish they would...



ЦитироватьSept. 4, 2020

NASA Readies Perseverance Mars Rover's Earthly Twin

Technicians move an engineering version of the Perseverance Mars rover into to its new home in the Mars Yard, part of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech
› Full image and caption

As NASA's Mars rover Perseverance hurtles through space toward the Red Planet, the six-wheeler's twin is ready to roll here on Earth.

A full-scale engineering version of the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover – outfitted with wheels, cameras, and powerful computers to help it drive autonomously – has just moved into its garage home at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. This rover model passed its first driving test in a relatively tame warehouselike assembly room at JPL on Sept. 1. Engineers expect to take it out next week into the Mars Yard, where a field of red dirt studded with rocks and other obstacles simulates the Red Planet's surface.
A full-scale engineering model of NASA's Perseverance Mars rover now resides in a garage facing the Mars Yard at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech

"Perseverance's mobility team can't wait to finally drive our test rover outside," said Anais Zarifian, the mobility test bed engineer at JPL. "This is the test robot that comes closest to simulating the actual mission operations Perseverance will experience on Mars – with wheels, eyes, and brains all together – so this rover is going to be especially fun to work with."

Wait, Why Does Perseverance Need a Twin?

Perseverance isn't flying to Mars with a mechanic. To avoid as many unexpected issues as possible after the rover lands on Feb. 18, 2021, the team needs this Earth-bound vehicle system test bed (VSTB) rover to gauge how hardware and software will perform before they transmit commands up to Perseverance on Mars. This rover model will be particularly useful for completing a full set of software tests so the team can send up patches while Perseverance is en route to Mars or after it has landed.

Engineers test drive the Earth-bound twin of NASA's Perseverance Mars rover for the first time in a warehouselike assembly room at the agency's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech
› Full image and caption

And just like Perseverance has a fitting name – one that captures the hard work of getting the rover on its way to Mars amid a pandemic – its twin has a name, too: OPTIMISM. While OPTIMISM is an acronym for Operational Perseverance Twin for Integration of Mechanisms and Instruments Sent to Mars, the name is also a nod to the mantra of the team that spent two years planning and assembling it.

"The Mars 2020 Perseverance test bed team's motto is 'No optimism allowed,'" said Matt Stumbo, the lead for the VSTB rover on the test bed team. "So we named the test rover OPTIMISM to remind us of the work we have to do to fully test the system. Our job is to find problems, not just hope activities will work. As we work through the issues with OPTIMISM, we gain confidence in Perseverance's capabilities and confidence in our ability to operate on Mars."

Almost Identical

OPTIMISM is nearly identical to Perseverance: It is the same size, has the same mobility system and top driving speed (0.094 mph, or 0.15 kph), and features the same distinctive "head," known as the remote sensing mast. After a second phase of building at the beginning of the new year, it will have the full suite of science instruments, cameras, and computer "brains" Perseverance has, plus its unique system for collecting rock and soil samples.

But since OPTIMISM lives at JPL, it also features some Earthly differences. For one thing, while Perseverance gets its power from a multi-mission radioisotope thermoelectric generator (a kind of nuclear battery that has reliably powered space missions since the 1960s), OPTIMISM features an umbilical cord that can be plugged in for electrical power. That cord also provides an ethernet connection, allowing the mission team to send commands to and receive engineering data back from OPTIMISM without installing the radios Perseverance uses for communication. And whereas Perseverance comes with a heating system to keep it warm in the frigid environment of Mars, OPTIMISM relies on a cooling system for operating in hot Southern California summers.

Technicians move an engineering version of the Perseverance Mars rover into to its new home in the Mars Yard, part of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech
› Full image and caption

Welcome to the Family

OPTIMISM isn't JPL's only VSTB rover. NASA's Curiosity Mars rover, which has been exploring the Red Planet since it landed in 2012, has a twin named MAGGIE (Mars Automated Giant Gizmo for Integrated Engineering). MAGGIE has been helping the Curiosity team particularly with strategies for driving across challenging terrain and drilling rocks.

OPTIMISM and MAGGIE will live side-by-side in the Mars Yard, giving JPL engineers a two-car garage for the first time.

"Missions that are operating require high-fidelity replicas of their systems for testing," Stumbo said. "The Curiosity mission has learned lessons from MAGGIE that were impossible to learn any other way. Now that we have OPTIMISM, the Perseverance mission is well equipped to learn what they need to succeed on Mars."

The Perseverance rover's astrobiology mission will search for signs of ancient microbial life. It will also characterize the planet's climate and geology, pave the way for human exploration of the Red Planet, and be the first planetary mission to collect and cache Martian rock and regolith (broken rock and dust). Subsequent missions, currently under consideration by NASA in cooperation with the European Space Agency, would send spacecraft to Mars to collect these cached samples from the surface and return them to Earth for in-depth analysis.

The Mars 2020 mission is part of a larger program that includes missions to the Moon as a way to prepare for human exploration of the Red Planet. Charged with returning astronauts to the Moon by 2024, NASA will establish a sustained human presence on and around the Moon by 2028 through NASA's Artemis lunar exploration plans.
JPL, which is managed for NASA by Caltech in Pasadena, California, built and manages operations of the Perseverance and Curiosity rovers.


Last Updated: Sept. 5, 2020
Editor: Naomi Hartono


Цитата: tnt22 от 25.08.2020 09:36:19

Это лучшая картинка за всё мое присутствие нс этом форуме по сей день.


Цитата: Sellin от 06.09.2020 03:02:00
Цитата: tnt22 от 25.08.2020 09:36:19

Это лучшая картинка за всё мое присутствие нс этом форуме по сей день.
На этой картинке очень не хватает четвертого члена - Экзомарса 2020. Была бы целая земная флотилия к Красной планете, но увы не судьба...
Three, two, one, ignition, and liftoff !

Охотник утки, пьющий водки !

Это ещё не сверхтяж, но уже и не супертяж.© Д.О.Р.


Вы не можете просматривать это вложение.


Цитировать Space & Missile Museum Foundation @afspacemuseum 1 ч. назад

Celebrate the Mars 2020 mission with these unique patches by @KSCartist available in our online gift shop.


Цитировать Space & Missile Museum Foundation @afspacemuseum 2 ч. назад

New additions to our gift shop include ... Mars 2020 Perseverance patches.


Цитировать Jonathan McDowell @planet4589 3 ч. назад

Updated map of the Mars Fleet for Sep 21


Что-то молчание про очередную ТСМ - должна быть вот уже как: 28 или 30 сентября
Цитировать...Четыре оставшихся запуска двигателя запланированы на 28 сентября, 20 декабря, 10 и 16 февраля.
– А.Ж.

Цитировать...The next trajectory correction burns for Mars 2020 are scheduled for 30 September 2020, 18 December 2020, 10 February 2021, and 16 February 2021.


Цитата: Pirat5 от 29.09.2020 16:19:27Что-то молчание про очередную ТСМ
Получите - распишитесь  ;D

Цитировать NASA's Perseverance Mars Rover @NASAPersevere 4 ч. назад

I've just made my second in-flight course correction, to make sure I stay on target for my date with Mars. ~187 million miles (~300 million kilometers) left to go. Track my flight: (0:30)


Цитата: undefined Jonathan McDowell @planet4589 10 ч. назад

Meanwhile the 2020 Mars Fleet continues its trek

 Weltraum-Nerd @NicosPanoptikum 10 ч. назад

В ответ @planet4589

Why four pink dots?

 Jonathan McDowell @planet4589 10 ч. назад

Actually 6 but some are too close to separate out.  I need to update the orbital data, probably not very accurate anymore for the specific location of each of the 3 probes and their 3 rocket stages


Только что Perseverance Mars Rover достиг середины своего долгого пути к Марсу! На 4:38 PM (UTC) он равноудалён от Земли и Марса на 33.67 млн. км.

Продолжаем следить за полётом здесь:
Список и расшифровка ракетно-космических аббревиатур: А Б В Г ... Н О П Р ...



ЦитироватьOct. 27, 2020

NASA's Perseverance Rover Is Midway to Mars

Illustration of the Mars 2020 spacecraft in interplanetary space
This illustration of the Mars 2020 spacecraft in interplanetary space was generated using imagery from NASA's Eyes on the Solar System. The image is from the mission's midway point between Earth and Mars.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Sometimes half measures can be a good thing – especially on a journey this long. The agency's latest rover only has about 146 million miles left to reach its destination.    

NASA's Mars 2020 Perseverance rover mission has logged a lot of flight miles since being lofted skyward on July 30 – 146.3 million miles (235.4 million kilometers) to be exact. Turns out that is exactly the same distance it has to go before the spacecraft hits the Red Planet's atmosphere like a 11,900 mph (19,000 kph) freight train on Feb. 18, 2021.

"At 1:40 p.m. Pacific Time today, our spacecraft will have just as many miles in its metaphorical rearview mirror as it will out its metaphorical windshield," said Julie Kangas, a navigator working on the Perseverance rover mission at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. "While I don't think there will be cake, especially since most of us are working from home, it's still a pretty neat milestone. Next stop, Jezero Crater."

The Sun's gravitational influence plays a significant role in shaping not just spacecraft trajectories to Mars (as well as to everywhere else in the solar system), but also the relative movement of the two planets. So Perseverance's route to the Red Planet follows a curved trajectory rather than an arrow-straight path.

ЦитироватьNASA's Mars 2020 Perseverance rover has logged 146.3 million (235.4 million kilometers) of space miles – exactly half of what will be covered before reaching the Red Planet. View the full interactive experience at Eyes on the Solar System. Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

"Although we're halfway into the distance we need to travel to Mars, the rover is not halfway between the two worlds," Kangas explained. "In straight-line distance, Earth is 26.6 million miles [42.7 million kilometers] behind Perseverance and Mars is 17.9 million miles [28.8 million kilometers] in front."

At the current distance, it takes 2 minutes, 22 seconds for a transmission to travel from mission controllers at JPL via the Deep Space Network to the spacecraft. By time of landing, Perseverance will have covered 292.5 million miles (470.8 million kilometers), and Mars will be about 130 million miles (209 million kilometers) away from Earth; at that point, a transmission will take about 11.5 minutes to reach the spacecraft.

NASA's Mars 2020 Perseverance rover reached its halfway point
NASA's Mars 2020 Perseverance rover reached its halfway point – 146.3 million miles (235.4 million kilometers) – on its journey to Jezero Crater on Oct. 27, 2020, at 1:40 p.m. PDT (4:40 EDT).
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Work Continues En Route

The mission team continues to check out spacecraft systems big and small during interplanetary cruise. Perseverance's RIMFAX and MOXIE instruments were tested and determined to be in good shape on Oct. 15. MEDA got a thumbs up on Oct. 19. There was even a line item to check the condition of the X-ray tube in the PIXLinstrument on Oct. 16, which also went as planned.

"If it is part of our spacecraft and electricity runs through it, we want to confirm it is still working properly following launch," said Keith Comeaux, deputy chief engineer for the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover mission. "Between these checkouts – along with charging the rover's and Mars Helicopter's batteries, uploading files and sequences for surface operations, and planning for and executing trajectory correction maneuvers – our plate is full right up to landing."

More About the Mission

A key objective of Perseverance's mission on Mars is astrobiology, including the search for signs of ancient microbial life. The rover will characterize the planet's geology and past climate, pave the way for human exploration of the Red Planet, and be the first mission to collect and cache Martian rock and regolith (broken rock and dust). 

Subsequent missions, currently under consideration by NASA in cooperation with ESA (European Space Agency), would send spacecraft to Mars to collect these cached samples from the surface and return them to Earth for in-depth analysis.

The Mars 2020 mission is part of a larger program that includes missions to the Moon as a way to prepare for human exploration of the Red Planet. Charged with returning astronauts to the Moon by 2024, NASA will establish a sustained human presence on and around the Moon by 2028 through NASA's Artemis lunar exploration plans.

JPL, which is managed for NASA by Caltech in Pasadena, California, built and manages operations of the Perseverance and Curiosity rovers.

Last Updated: Oct. 27, 2020
Editor: Tony Greicius



Цитировать28 ОКТ, 17:06
Марсоход Perseverance преодолел половину пути к Марсу
Ему предстоить пролететь еще более 230 миллионов километров

ТАСС, 28 октября. Космический аппарат Perseverance успешно преодолел половину пути к Марсу, а его научные инструменты за последние две недели прошли все тесты и проверки. Об этом Лаборатория реактивного движения NASA (JPL) пишет на своем сайте.

Цитировать"Мы пролетели ровно половину пути, однако ровер сейчас расположен не посередине между Землей и Марсом. Сейчас Perseverance удален от Земли примерно на 43 млн км и находится в 29 млн км от Марса, если провести прямую линию между планетами", – рассказала Джули Кангас, представитель миссии из Лаборатории реактивного движения NASA (США).

Подобные разночтения связаны с тем, что Perserverance летит к Марсу не по прямой линии, а по специальной орбите, которая минимизирует расходы топлива и позволит марсоходу сблизиться с Красной планетой на оптимальной скорости. Сейчас аппарат пролетел около 235 млн км, то есть ровно половину от расстояния, которое ему нужно преодолеть.

За время полета научная команда миссии протестировали научные инструменты самого ровера и экспериментального марсианского вертолета Ingeniuity, который доставят на четвертую планету Солнечной системы вместе с Perserverance. Эти проверки подтвердили, что все инструменты сохраняют работоспособность и готовы к решению научных задач миссии.


Сегодня, если провести прямую линию между планетами, Perseverance Mars Rover расположен в 1/3 от Марса и 2/3 от Земли:

Список и расшифровка ракетно-космических аббревиатур: А Б В Г ... Н О П Р ...


ЦитироватьPreparing to Land Perseverance

 NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

10 нояб. 2020 г.

To prepare the Perseverance rover for its date with Mars, NASA's Mars 2020 mission team conducted a wide array of tests to help ensure a successful entry, descent and landing at the Red Planet. From parachute verification in the world's largest wind tunnel, to hazard avoidance practice in Death Valley, California, to wheel drop testing at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and much more, every system was put through its paces to get ready for the big day.

The Perseverance rover is scheduled to land on Mars on February 18, 2021. (2:11)


ЦитироватьNov. 10, 2020

NASA's Perseverance Rover 100 Days Out

To prepare the Perseverance rover for its date with Mars, NASA's Mars 2020 mission team conducted a wide array of tests to help ensure a successful entry, descent and landing at the Red Planet. From parachute verification in the world's largest wind tunnel, to hazard avoidance practice in Death Valley, California, to wheel drop testing at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and much more, every system was put through its paces to get ready for the big day.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Mark your calendars: The agency's latest rover has only about 8,640,000 seconds to go before it touches down on the Red Planet, becoming history's next Mars car.

A mere 100 days and 166 million miles (268 million kilometers) separate NASA's Mars 2020 Perseverance rover mission and the Red Planet's Jezero Crater. Landing will occur on Feb. 18, 2021, at 12:43 p.m. PST (3:43 p.m. EST), with confirmation being received back at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California about 11 1/2 minutes later.

The six-wheeled Mars car is tasked with prowling the crater – believed to be the site of a Martian lake billions of years ago – to search for signs of ancient microbial life, collect and cache Martian rock and regolith (broken rock and dust), and pave the way for human exploration of the Red Planet.

"While we call the six-and-a-half-month trip from Earth to Mars 'cruise,' I assure you there is not much croquet going on at the lido deck," said Project Manager John McNamee of JPL. "Between checking out the spacecraft, and planning and simulating our landing and surface operations, the entire team is on the clock, working toward our exploration of Jezero Crater."

NASA's Mars 2020 Perseverance is 100 days away from touchdown. View the full interactive experience at Eyes on the Solar System. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
On Nov. 9, the mission team confirmed that the propulsion subsystem of the descent stage, which will help lower the rover onto Mars, is in good working order. Today, Nov. 10, they turn their attention to the rover's PIXL and SHERLOC instruments. The Lander Vision System is scheduled to go under the microscope on Nov. 11; and the SuperCam instrument, the day after that. Down the road, on Dec. 18, the team plans to perform a trajectory correction maneuver, using the cruise stage's eight thrusters to refine the spacecraft's path toward Mars.

An electrical cable can be seen snaking its way along insulation material
An electrical cable can be seen snaking its way along insulation material in this in-flight image of the interior of the Mars 2020 spacecraft on its way to the Red Planet. The picture was assembled using three images taken by the Perseverance rover's rear left Hazcam during a systems check on Oct. 19, 2020.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech

The mission has already held several test scenarios to help evaluate procedures and train Mars 2020 mission controllers for important milestones to come. During some of these multi-day-long tests, the team encounters unexpected challenges thrown their way by colleagues who play the role of "gremlins." Even with the challenges introduced during a landing rehearsal back on Oct. 29, the team was able to successfully land a simulated Perseverance rover on Mars.

Another important mission milestone will be rehearsed starting next Monday, Nov. 16, when the team begins a five-day simulation of surface operations – including driving the rover and conducting a sampling. In December, the team is expecting a gremlin or two to make an appearance during another five-day simulation of the rover's transition from landing to surface operations.


Last Updated: Nov. 10, 2020
Editor: Tony Greicius