Perseverance (Mars 2020 rover) - Atlas V 541 - Canaveral SLC-41 - 30.07.2020

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Александр Репной

Поздравляю с успешным пуском! Теперь к Марсу и мягкой посадки в будущем!
ЛА с 2003 года.
"Я рос с мыслью о том, что круче работы астронавта ничего не бывает..."© Дэйв Браун, астронавт NASA, миссия STS-107.


Цитировать30 ИЮЛ, 20:39
Глава NASA сообщил, что система дальней космической связи налаживает контакт с марсоходом
Джим Брайденстайн отметил, что запуск марсохода Perseverance был успешным

НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 30 июля. /ТАСС/. Запуск марсохода Perseverance был успешным, система дальней космической связи налаживает контакт с аппаратом, вышедшим на траекторию полета к Марсу. Об этом сообщил в четверг на видеоконференции директор NASA Джим Брайденстайн.

По его словам, вопросы, связанные с налаживанием связи с марсоходом, "носят обычный характер". "Такие вопросы возникали и ранее, - пояснил он. - Наша система дальней космической связи обладает очень чувствительными приемниками, а аппарат сейчас находится на таком расстоянии от Земли, когда сигнал может быть очень сильным. Мы адаптируем нашу систему к этому сигналу".

Со своей стороны заместитель руководителя программы полета Мэтт Уоллес отметил, что система дальней космической связи установила связь для получения телеметрической информации с марсохода. "Мы должны получить информацию о температуре аппарата, о состоянии батарей, - пояснил он. - Для окончательной проверки состояния бортовых систем потребуется от 30 до 60 минут, однако все указывает на то, что они исправны". Он отметил, что до первой коррекции траектории полета еще 15 дней, у центра управления есть время на решение всех вопросов, касающихся связи.

Ракета-носитель Atlas V с марсоходом стартовала в четверг в 14:50 мск с космодрома на мысе Канаверал (штат Флорида). По расчетам, аппарат достигнет поверхности Красной планеты 18 февраля 2021 года и после посадки в кратере Йезеро займется поисками следов микроорганизмов в осадочных породах. Шестиколесная научная лаборатория массой 1 025 кг оснащена радиоизотопным термоэлектрическим генератором, работающим на двуокиси плутония, и двумя литий-ионными батареями. На марсоходе закреплен также вертолет Ingenuity, который может совершить за весь период исследований до пяти непродолжительных полетов на высоте до 10 метров от поверхности. Кроме того, на Perseverance установлены научные инструменты, созданные учеными из Франции, Испании и Норвегии.

С помощью дистанционного манипулятора длиной 2,1 м марсоход соберет 40 образцов грунта, которые, как надеются в NASA, в 2031 году будут возвращены на Землю другим аппаратом.


ЦитироватьUnited Launch Alliance Atlas V Successfully Launches Mars 2020 Mission for NASA

Launch Marks ULA's 20th Mission to the Red Planet 

Mars 2020 Launch Blog
Mission Photo Album

Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla., (July 30, 2020) 
– A United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V rocket carrying the Mars 2020 mission with the Perseverance rover for NASA, lifted off from Space Launch Complex-41 on July 30 at 7:50 a.m. EDT. 

ULA and its heritage rockets have launched every U.S. led mission to Mars, beginning in the 1960s. The launch of this mission marks ULA's 20th trip to the red planet and the 85th successful launch of an Atlas V rocket. The Atlas V has previously launched four missions to Mars, including the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter in 2005, the Curiosity rover in 2011, the MAVEN orbiter in 2013 and the InSight lander in 2018.

"Thank you to the ULA team and our NASA mission partners for diligently working through an ever-changing environment to successfully launch this historic mission," said Gary Wentz, ULA vice president of Government and Commercial Programs. "The complexity of the Mars 2020 mission proves ULA's acceptance of the most challenging launch requirements and we work together with NASA to achieve them. Our guidance accuracy for interplanetary missions is unmatched, and the Atlas V is the only vehicle certified to launch payloads with nuclear power sources."

One of the most powerful rockets in the Atlas V fleet, the 541 configuration, with four solid rocket boosters, provides optimum performance to precisely deliver a range of mission types. In addition to three national security and two weather satellites, an Atlas V 541 rocket launched NASA's Curiosity rover on its 10-month, 354 million-mile journey to the surface of Mars.

This Atlas V 541 configuration vehicle included a 5-meter payload fairing (PLF) and stood at 197 ft. tall. The Atlas booster for this mission was powered by the RD AMROSS RD-180 engine. Aerojet Rocketdyne provided the four AJ-60A SRBs and RL10C-1 engine for the Centaur upper stage.

NASA's Launch Services Program (LSP) at the agency's Kennedy Space Center in Florida selected United Launch Alliance's (ULA's) proven Atlas V vehicle for this mission and is responsible for management and oversight of the Atlas V launch services. LSP selected this rocket because it has the right liftoff capability for the "heavy weight" requirements for NASA's Mars 2020 Perseverance rover launch.

To date ULA has launched 140 times with 100 percent mission success.

With more than a century of combined heritage, ULA is the world's most experienced and reliable launch service provider. ULA has successfully launched more than 135 missions to orbit that provide Earth observation capabilities, enable global communications, unlock the mysteries of our solar system, and support life-saving technology.

Игорь Годунов


Цитата: tnt22 от 30.07.2020 20:04:22Зарегистрированы два объекта запуска

Т.е. "у них" автомат тоже не умеет работать с гиперболическими траекториями...
Пропитый день обмену и возврату не подлежит


Цитировать NASA's Perseverance Mars Rover @NASAPersevere 51 мин. назад

I now have good signal strength with my team back on Earth.  They're tracking my location and will keep talking to me as I cruise to Mars.

ЦитироватьMars 2020 Perseverance Healthy and on Its Way

Tony Greicius
Posted Jul 30, 2020 at 6:36 pm

The team controlling NASA's Mars 2020 Perseverance rover has received telemetry (detailed spacecraft data) down from the spacecraft and has also been able to send commands up to the spacecraft, according to Matt Wallace, the mission's deputy project manager. The team, based at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, has confirmed that the spacecraft is healthy and on its way to Mars.

Wallace provided a more detailed update on two issues during launch operations:

"First, the proximity of the spacecraft to Earth immediately after launch was saturating the ground station receivers of NASA's Deep Space Network. This is a known issue that we have encountered on other planetary missions, including during the launch of NASA's Curiosity rover in 2011. The Perseverance team worked through prepared mitigation strategies that included detuning the receivers and pointing the antennas slightly off-target from the spacecraft to bring the signal within an acceptable range. We are now in lock on telemetry after taking these actions.

"The second issue was a transient event involving temperature on the spacecraft. The mission uses a liquid freon loop to bring heat from the center of the spacecraft to radiators on the cruise stage (the part that helps fly the rover to Mars), which have a view to space. We monitor the difference in temperature between the warm inlet to the radiators and the cooler outlet from the radiators. As the spacecraft entered into Earth's shadow, the Sun was temporary blocked by Earth, and the outlet temperature dropped. This caused the difference between the warm inlet and cooler outlet to increase. This transient differential tripped an alarm and caused the spacecraft to transition into the standby mode known as 'safe mode.'

"Modeling by the team predicted something like this could happen during eclipse – the time when the spacecraft is in Earth's shadow – but we could not create this exact environment for tests prior to launch. Nor did we have flight data from Curiosity, because its trajectory had no eclipse. We set the limits for the temperature differential conservatively tight for triggering a safe mode. The philosophy is that it is far better to trigger a safe mode event when not required, than miss one that is. Safe mode is a stable and acceptable mode for the spacecraft, and triggering safe mode during this transitional phase is not problematic for Mars 2020.

"With the understanding of the causes of these issues, we are conducting the operations necessary to move the spacecraft back out of safe mode and into normal cruise mode."


Цитировать31 ИЮЛ, 03:28
Специалисты NASA подтвердили исправность марсохода Perseverance

НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 31 июля. /ТАСС/. Специалисты Национального управления США по аэронавтике и исследованию космического пространства (NASA) смогли получить данные телеметрии с марсохода Perseverance. Об этом сообщается в четверг на сайте NASA.

"Команда специалистов NASA <...> подтверждает, что космический аппарат исправен и продолжает полет к Марсу", - указывается в опубликованном заявлении. Согласно распространенному заявлению, экспертам удалось получить и обработать данные телеметрии. Ранее отмечалось, что этот процесс может занять от 30 до 60 минут.

Заместитель руководителя программы полета Мэтт Уоллес указал на то, что специалистам также удалось решить проблему, связанную с чересчур сильным сигналом, поступающим с аппарата. Ранее директор NASA Джим Брайденстайн указывал, что подобная ситуация возникала в 2011 году при запуске марсохода Curiosity. По словам Уоллеса, специалисты изменили настройки приемников, а также отвернули немного в сторону антенны, получающие сигнал с марсохода таким образом, чтобы получать стабильный сигнал без перегрузок.

Ракета-носитель Atlas V с марсоходом стартовала в четверг в 14:50 мск с космодрома на мысе Канаверал (штат Флорида). По расчетам, аппарат достигнет поверхности Марса 18 февраля 2021 года и после посадки в кратере Йезеро займется поисками следов микроорганизмов в осадочных породах. Шестиколесная научная лаборатория массой 1 025 кг оснащена радиоизотопным термоэлектрическим генератором, работающим на двуокиси плутония, и двумя литий-ионными батареями. На марсоходе закреплен также вертолет Ingenuity, который может совершить за весь период исследований до пяти непродолжительных полетов на высоте до 10 метров от поверхности. Кроме того, на Perseverance установлены научные инструменты, созданные учеными из Франции, Испании и Норвегии.

С помощью дистанционного манипулятора длиной 2,1 метра марсоход соберет 40 образцов грунта, которые, как надеются в NASA, в 2031 году будут возвращены на Землю другим аппаратом.


ЦитироватьРОСКОСМОС ретвитнул(а)

Государственная корпорация РОСКОСМОС
Двигатель РД-180 производства НПО "Энергомаш" обеспечил успешный запуск миссии
к Марсу. Поздравляем Игоря Александровича Арбузова и коллектив этого предприятия
с качественной работой!
А кто не чтит цитат — тот ренегат и гад!


M2020 и Centaur на отлётной траектории
Телескоп АТ-64, КрАО РАН, п. Научный
Пропитый день обмену и возврату не подлежит



ЦитироватьMars 2020 Perseverance Exits Safe Mode, Successfully Heading to Mars

Tony Greicius
Posted Jul 31, 2020 at 11:26 am

Flight controllers for NASA's Mars 2020 mission have returned the spacecraft to nominal flight operations.

Launched on July 30 at 7:50 a.m. EDT (4:50 a.m. PDT), Mars 2020 entered a state called safe mode soon after it was placed on an interplanetary trajectory because a sensor indicated that part of the spacecraft was slightly colder than expected. When a spacecraft enters safe mode, all but essential systems are turned off until it receives new commands from mission control.

"With safe mode exit, the team is getting down to the business of interplanetary cruise," said Mars 2020 deputy project manager Matt Wallace of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. "Next stop, Jezero Crater."

Managed by JPL, a division of Caltech in Pasadena, California, the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover is part of a larger program that includes missions to the Moon as a way to prepare for human exploration of the Red Planet. Charged with returning astronauts to the Moon by 2024, NASA will establish a sustained human presence on and around the Moon by 2028 through NASA's Artemis program.



Цитировать Jonathan McDowell @planet4589 30 мин. назад

All good today aboard Mars 2020...  now beyond the orbit of the Moon, range to Earth 450,000 km

Цитировать NASA's Perseverance Mars Rover @NASAPersevere 47 мин. назад

It's back to normal operations for me as I cruise to Mars. I put over a million miles on the odometer yesterday. Roughly 290 million miles to go in my #CountdownToMars .

Latest status:
Follow my flight path:


Объекты пуска идентифицированы

45983 MARS 20202020-052APAYLOADUS2020-07-30AFETRTLE | OMM




Zhilinsky Valerij

Не знаю, было ли здесь:
This video shows Jezero crater, the landing site of the @NASA Mars 2020 Perseverance rover on the Red Planet, based on images from ESA's Mars Express mission. The planned landing area is marked with an orange ellipse.

Scheduled for launch from Cape Canaveral, Florida on 30 July 2020 on board an Atlas V rocket, the Perseverance rover will land on 18 February 2021 in Jezero crater.

An impact crater with a diameter of about 45 km, Jezero is located at the rim of the giant Isidis impact basin. Morphological evidence suggests that the crater once hosted a lake, some 3.5 billion years ago.

Jezero possesses an inlet- and an outlet channel. The inlet channel discharges into a fan-delta deposit, containing water-rich minerals such as smectite clays. Scientists believe that the lake was relatively long lived because the delta may have required 1 to 10 million years to reach its thickness and size. Other studies conclude that the lake did not experience periods of important water-level fluctuations and that it was formed by a continuous surface runoff. This makes Jezero crater to a prime target for the search for potential signs of microbial life, because organic molecules are very well preserved in river deltas and lake sediments.

A recent study of the ancient lakeshores, diverse minerals and violent volcanism of Jezero crater based on data from ESA's Mars Express mission is available here:

The animation was created using an image mosaic made from four single orbit observations obtained by the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) on Mars Express between 2004 and 2008. The mosaic combines data from the HRSC nadir and colour channels; the nadir channel is aligned perpendicular to the surface of Mars, as if looking straight down at the surface. The mosaic image was then combined with topography information from the stereo channels of HRSC to generate a three-dimensional landscape, which was then recorded from different perspectives, as with a movie camera, to render the flight shown in the video.

Animation: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO
Music: Björn Schreiner
Soundtrack logo: Alicia Neesemann
Счастливого пути, Perseverance!
Спорить с Дремучим Ламёром всё равно, что играть в шахматы с голубем. Он насрёт на доску, разбросает фигуры, и улетит к другим хвастаться, как он "тебя сделал" бегая кругами по манежу.


Цитировать Tory Bruno @torybruno 5 ч. назад

Another ULA Bullseye.  #MarsPerseverance is on its way to the Red Planet after a great start.


ЦитироватьAug. 13, 2020

NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter Recharges Its Batteries in Flight

The Ingenuity Mars Helicopter can be seen between the left and center wheels of the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover. The image was taken in the vacuum chamber at JPL on Oct. 1, 2019.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech

NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter received a checkout and recharge of its power system on Friday, Aug. 7, one week into its near seven-month journey to Mars with the Perseverance rover. This marks the first time the helicopter has been powered up and its batteries have been charged in the space environment.

During the eight-hour operation, the performance of the rotorcraft's six lithium-ion batteries was analyzed as the team brought their charge level up to 35%. The project has determined a low charge state is optimal for battery health during the cruise to Mars.

"This was a big milestone, as it was our first opportunity to turn on Ingenuity and give its electronics a 'test drive' since we launched on July 30," said Tim Canham, the operations lead for Mars Helicopter at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. "Since everything went by the book, we'll perform the same activity about every two weeks to maintain an acceptable state of charge."

The 4-pound (2-kilogram) helicopter – a combination of specially designed components and off-the-shelf parts – is currently stowed on Perseverance's belly and receives its charge from the rover's power supply. Once Ingenuity is deployed on Mars' surface after Perseverance touches down, its batteries will be charged solely by the helicopter's own solar panel. If Ingenuity survives the cold Martian nights during its preflight checkout, the team will proceed with testing.

"This charge activity shows we have survived launch and that so far we can handle the harsh environment of interplanetary space," said MiMi Aung, the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter project manager at JPL. "We have a lot more firsts to go before we can attempt the first experimental flight test on another planet, but right now we are all feeling very good about the future."

The small craft will have a 30-Martian-day (31-Earth-day) experimental flight-test window. If it succeeds, Ingenuity will prove that powered, controlled flight by an aircraft can be achieved at Mars, enabling future Mars missions to potentially add an aerial dimension to their explorations with second-generation rotorcraft.

In this illustration, NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter stands on the Red Planet's surface as NASA's Perseverance rover (partially visible on the left) rolls away.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech
Full image and caption

More About the Mission

Managed by Caltech in Pasadena, California, JPL built and manages the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter for NASA. Lockheed Martin Space provided the Mars Helicopter Delivery System.

Perseverance is a robotic scientist weighing just under 2,300 pounds (1,025 kilograms). The rover's astrobiology mission will search for signs of past microbial life. It will characterize the planet's climate and geology, collect samples for future return to Earth, and pave the way for human exploration of the Red Planet.

The Mars 2020 Perseverance rover mission is part of a larger program that includes missions to the Moon as a way to prepare for human exploration of the Red Planet. Charged with returning astronauts to the Moon by 2024, NASA will establish a sustained human presence on and around the Moon by 2028 through NASA's Artemis lunar exploration plans.


Last Updated: Aug. 13, 2020
Editor: Tony Greicius