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ЦитироватьBehind the Scenes in Space During Historic SpaceX DM-2 Launch and Docking

 NASA Johnson

10 июл. 2020 г.

You saw history made with the first crewed launch and docking of the SpaceX Crew Dragon, but you didn't see the flurry of activity on board the International Space Station...until now. Join Expedition 63 Commander Chris Cassidy and his crewmates as they prepare their cameras to document the DM-2 launch, and look over their shoulders to witness the new American spacecraft dock to the station and deliver their new crewmates.





Цитата: undefinedSpace Physics and Biology Top Research Schedule Today

Mark Garcia
Posted Jul 10, 2020 at 8:11 pm

The International Space Station was orbiting off the Atlantic coast of the South American nation of Uruguay with the Progress 75 cargo craft in the left foreground.

The Expedition 63 crew spent Friday setting up advanced science hardware to explore a wide variety of space phenomena. The International Space Station residents also worked spacesuit maintenance and conducted more eye checks.

NASA Flight Engineer Bob Behnken spent the morning swapping furnaces inside the Materials Science Laboratory (MSL) research rack. Fellow NASA astronaut Doug Hurley joined Behnken and installed the specialized device, known as the Solidification and Quench Furnace (SQF), in the MSL. The SQF will enable scientists to discover new applications for metals, alloys, polymers and more, or design advanced materials for industrial usage.

Hurley started his day configuring a laptop computer for the Hyperspectral Imaging Suite (HISUI) from JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency). HISUI is located outside the Kibo laboratory module and images Earth in visible and infrared wavelengths providing valuable geological and environmental data.

Behnken then joined Commander Chris Cassidy for another eye exam at the end of the work day. Cassidy was in charge this time using optical coherence tomography to image his crewmate's retinas. Doctors on the ground monitor the exam in real-time to understand how microgravity affects eye health.

Just before lunchtime, Cassidy dumped water and purged gas from a pair of U.S. spacesuits ahead of two more battery swap spacewalks he and Behnken will embark on July 16 and 21. During the afternoon, the commander researched microfluidics to improve medical diagnostic devices and explored how astronauts visually interpret their microgravity environment.

Roscosmos cosmonauts Anatoly Ivanishin and Ivan Vagner juggled their set of lab upkeep and Russian science today. Vagner investigated how space impacts bone mass and the immune system to prepare for return to Earth's gravity. Ivanishin charged up laptop computer and camera batteries then spent the afternoon servicing the Zvezda service module's ventilation system.



Цитата: undefined11.07.2020 22:18
Скорректирована орбита МКС

Сегодня, 11 июля 2020 года, выполнена коррекция орбиты Международной космической станции. Двигатели  грузового корабля «Прогресс МС-14», с помощью которого была осуществлена коррекция орбиты, были включены в 22:15 мск на 262 секунды, в результате МКС получила импульс в 0,51 м/с. После проведения корректирующего манёвра средняя высота орбиты МКС уменьшилась на 900 метров.

Согласно данным службы баллистико-навигационного обеспечения Центра управления полётами ЦНИИмаш (входит в состав Госкорпорации «Роскосмос»), параметры орбиты станции после выполнения коррекции составили:

  • Период обращения: 92,87 мин;
  • наклонение орбиты: 51,66 град;
  • минимальная высота над поверхностью Земли: 417,7 км;
  • максимальная высота над поверхностью Земли: 436,8 км.

Данная операция проведена с целью подготовки рабочей орбиты перед запусками и стыковкой грузового корабля «Прогресс МС-15» и пилотируемого корабля «Союз МС-17».



Цитировать12.07.2020 12:00
20 лет со дня запуска модуля «Звезда»



20 лет назад, 12 июля 2000 года, с космодрома Байконур стартовала ракета-носитель «Протон-К». Она вывела на околоземную орбиту служебный модуль «Звезда» — третий элемент Международной космической станции. ГКНПЦ имени М.В. Хруничева (входит в Госкорпорацию «Роскосмос»), спроектировавший и изготовивший первый модуль — функционально-грузовой блок «Заря», является также одним из основных изготовителей служебного модуля «Звезда».

Спустя несколько дней, 26 июля 2000 года, состав Международной космической станции пополнился еще одним российским модулем — «Звезда». С прибытием служебного модуля на станции появилось место для жизни и работы экипажа.

Создание Международной космической станции непосредственно на орбите началась 20 ноября 1998 года запуском её первого модуля — функционально-грузового блока «Заря». В декабре того же года шаттл Endeavour (миссия STS-88) вывел на орбиту соединительный модуль «Юнити» (Unity — «Единство») и состыковал его с «Зарей». В июле 2000 года состав МКС пополнился третьим модулем. Им стал служебный модуль «Звезда».

По своему назначению модуль «Звезда» является основой российского сегмента МКС. Он обеспечивает деятельность экипажа и управление станцией с регулярно меняющейся конфигурацией. На этапе развёртывания станции «Звезда» служила базовым блоком всей станции, основным местом для жизни и работы экипажа. Служебный модуль выполнял функции жизнеобеспечения на всех модулях, контроля высоты над Землёй, энергоснабжения станции, вычислительного центра, центра связи, основного порта для грузовых кораблей семейства «Прогресс». Со временем многие функции были переданы другим модулям, однако «Звезда» всегда будет оставаться структурным и функциональным центром российского сегмента космической станции.

2 ноября 2000 года на пилотируемом корабле «Союз ТМ-31» прибыл экипаж первой основной экспедиции (МКС-1) — Уильям Шеперд, Юрий Гидзенко и Сергей Крикалёв. С этого дня Международная космическая станция стала постоянно обитаемой станцией. На её борту, сменяя друг друга, по несколько месяцев стали работать экипажи основных экспедиций.



Цитата: undefinedВ РАН рассказали, какой едой "порадуют" космонавтов на МКС
03:05 14.07.2020

МОСКВА, 14 июл – РИА Новости. Грузовой корабль "Прогресс МС-15", который 23 июля отправится к Международной космической станции, привезет российским космонавтам помимо стандартных рационов компоты и набор рыбных блюд, сообщил РИА Новости заведующий отделом питания Института медико-биологических проблем (ИМБП) РАН Александр Агуреев.

Цитата: undefined"Компот из яблок и груш, компот из слив, пюреобразный продукт из яблок, клубничный джем. Второй контейнер, для второго космонавта – осетр, судак, щука, напиток "Лесная сказка", "Северная вишня", муксун. Вот, один рыбку любит, другой – компотики", - перечислил Агуреев индивидуальные заказы космонавтов.

"Прогресс" также привезет экипажу традиционный набор свежих фруктов и овощей. В него вошли яблоки, грейпфруты и апельсины, а также соусы аджика и фруктовый яблочно-клюквенный. Кроме того, в наборе молоко сгущенное, брусника дробленая и пюре из кураги.

Среди продуктов, которые космонавты получат в основном рационе, есть баранина, белуга и осетр, говяжий язык, борщ с копченостями, щи зеленые, а также творог с орехами и со смородиновым пюре. Кроме этого корабль доставит на станцию имбирное печенье, крекер, миндаль и фундук, абрикосовый и яблочный соки, фруктовые концентраты, чай с сахаром и какао с молоком.

Запуск корабля "Прогресс МС-15" ракетой-носителем "Союз-2.1а" с космодрома Байконур намечается на 23 июля в 17.26 мск, а его стыковка со станцией - в 20.47 мск в тот же день. ...


Цитата: undefined ISS Research @ISS_Research 11 ч. назад

Last week, @Astro_SEAL worked on installing the Nanoracks CubeSat Deployer on the Japanese Experiment Module slide table. The deployer has allowed for numerous small satellites to be released from the @Space_Station. https://go.nasa.gov/303e6Wx




Цитата: undefinedSpacewalk Preps, Satellite Deployment During Bone and Heart Research

Mark Garcia
Posted Jul 13, 2020 at 6:47 pm

The southern tip of Brazil (upper left) bordering Uruguay was pictured as the International Space Station orbited off the Atlantic coast of South America.

Two NASA astronauts are setting their sights on the final pair of spacewalks to continue upgrading power systems on the International Space Station. The orbiting lab also deployed a pair of microsatellites today while the rest of the Expedition 63 crew explored how weightlessness affects the human body.

Flight Engineer Bob Behnken will lead the next two spacewalks to install new lithium-ion (Li-Ion) batteries on the station's starboard truss structure starting at 7:35 a.m. EDT on Thursday, July 16, and Tuesday, July 21. He will be joined by Commander Chris Cassidy for the two six-and-a-half-hour spacewalks that will finalize the swap of aging nickel-hydrogen batteries with the Li-Ion batteries.

The veteran spacewalkers spent a couple of hours today reviewing their spacewalk procedures step-by-step on a computer. They were joined afterward by Flight Engineer Doug Hurley for a conference with spacewalk specialists in Mission Control. Hurley also began charging the batteries that will power the U.S. spacesuits for the duration of Behnken's and Cassidy's spacewalk.

A pair of microsatellites were deployed into Earth orbit today outside Japan's Kibo laboratory module. The Deformable Mirror CubeSat will demonstrate the performance of a tiny but powerful exo-planet telescope. The TechEdSat-10 CubeSat will test returning small payloads safely into Earth's atmosphere.

On the Russian side of the station, the two cosmonauts focused on human biology as they conducted a hearing test and studied how diet and exercise can fight the negative effects of microgravity.

Cosmonaut Ivan Vagner, on his first space mission, documented his meals and drinks today to help doctors learn how to counteract the loss of bone mass that occurs during long-term spaceflight. He also joined three-time station resident Anatoly Ivanishin attaching sensors to themselves to monitor their cardiovascular system while working out on an exercise bike. The duo wrapped up the day wearing headphones plugged into a computer that exposed the cosmonauts to a variety of frequencies for a hearing test.


Цитировать Nanoracks @Nanoracks 14 ч. назад

We're starting today with the deployment of the @mit_starlab #DeMi #CubeSat from @Space_Station, the first of two today in our 18th mission! Deployment time was 13:40:25 GMT. Congratulations to the entire #DeMi team! #ISS

10 ч. назад

TechEdSat-10 has been released from @Space_Station! Deployment time of 16:55:25 GMT. The TechEdSat program from @NASAAmes shows how our commercial #ISS access allows for frequent opportunities to build #CubeSats, launch, deploy, test technology, and launch again. Congrats to all!


ЦитироватьWorld's First View of "Kibo" from HTV/HTV9 from "Kibo"

 JAXA | 宇宙航空研究開発機構

8 июн. 2020 г.

This is a video of a technical demonstration conducted during the approach of the International Space Station (ISS) supply vehicle HTV developed by Japan.

The objective of the demonstration was to test transmitting the video capturing the ISS from the camera fixed on the HTV9 to the crew inside the ISS for their situational awareness.

The result of this demonstration will be applied to the next generation transport vehicle HTV-X which is under development.





Цитата: undefinedA World's First Successful Demonstrative Mission of On-orbit Wireless LAN Communication and Transmission of Monitored Docking Images!
Last Updated: July 3, 2020

On May 25, 2020, videos taken by the camera installed on the H-II Transfer Vehicle "KOUNOTORI9" (HTV9) were successfully transferred to the ISS using wireless LAN (WLAN) in the vehicle's upward approaching phase for capture. This is the world's first successful image transmission using WLAN between two spacecraft in space.

The demonstrative experiment "Wireless LAN Demonstration" (WLD) comprises taking of videos of the ISS coming closer or departing with a camera installed in a spacecraft and transmission of these videos to the ISS on a real-time basis using WLAN so that onboard astronauts in the ISS can be aware of the spacecraft's current conditions. It is conducted with a view to achieving automatic docking in the future.

During the mission conducted on May 25, the WLAN communication with the ISS were established at around 600m beneath the ISS, earlier than initially planned (250m beneath), and the images taken with a camera installed on the HTV9 were uninterruptedly transmitted to the ISS in a stable manner for four hours.

When the HTV9 was positioned at 30m beneath the ISS, correct switching between the JAXA system on the tip of the robotic arm of the Japanese Experiment Module "Kibo" with which communication had been established and the NASA system was successfully performed as a demonstration test of switching of the WLAN access point on the ISS.

Thus, the targeted goal of the WLD mission has been attained: correct operation of the system required for the automatic docking experiment of the new ISS transfer vehicle "HTV-X2" has successfully been demonstrated.
A similar demonstrative experiment is planned for the HTV9 during its return journey from the ISS.

Schematic drawing of video acquisition with a monitor camera while KOUNOTORI9 (HTV9) is approaching the ISS (outward journey) (Credit: JAXA/NASA)[/font]

H-II Transfer Vehicle "KOUNOTORI" (HTV)

The H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) also known as "KOUNOTORI" is an unmanned cargo transfer spacecraft developed and operated by JAXA for delivering supplies to the International Space Station (ISS). KOUNOTORI is capable of delivering up to six tons of cargo and has the world's largest transportation capacity. It also has the world's unique capability of carrying foods, clothes and large-sized extra- and intravehicular experimental devices including ISS batteries on one flight.

World's First View of "Kibo" from HTV9 / HTV9 from "Kibo"


*All times are Japan Standard Time (JST. UTC + 9 hours)



Цитата: undefinedISS Daily Summary Report – 7/13/2020

NanoRacks External Cygnus CubeSat Deployer (NRCSD):
The crew took imagery photos of the NRCSD-18 Deploys. Two satellites were deployed: DeMi (Deformable Mirror) and TechEdSat-10 (Technology Educational Satellite-10). The NanoRacks CubeSat Deployer is a stackable, modular, ground loaded launch case. Each NanoRacks CubeSat Deployer accommodates up to eight launch cases and are stacked for each JEM Airlock opening. The NanoRacks CubeSat Deployer meets the growing demand to deploy CubeSat format satellites from the International Space Station for a variety of customers.
Sally Ride Earth Knowledge Acquired by Middle Schools (EarthKAM):
The crew performed the setup and activation of the EarthKam hardware in the Node 1 Nadir Hatch window. EarthKAM allows thousands of students to photograph and examine Earth from a space crew's perspective. Using the Internet, the students control a special digital camera mounted on-board the ISS. This enables them to photograph the Earth's coastlines, mountain ranges and other geographic items of interest from the unique vantage point of space. The EarthKAM team then posts these photographs on the Internet for viewing by the public and participating classrooms around the world.
Urine Transfer System (UTS):
The crew performed leak checks as part of the UTS installation. The crew reported no leaks. The UTS is part of a new toilet system that will serve as both a technology demonstration, and a capability to support additional crew members on the ISS. The UTS is used to collect pre-treated urine and connects to the ISS Urine Processor Assembly (UPA) for recycling. The UTS allows operation of both the existing Russian Toilet (ACY) located in the WHC rack and the new Toilet. The UTS consists of valves and controllers which open and close depending on the priority flow path from either the Toilet or WHC. Each toilet can deliver pretreated urine to the UPA or a Russian urine tank (EDV-Y).
The crew performed troubleshooting steps of the Mochii Microscope by monitoring and reporting the LED status while the unit was powered up. Mochii is a miniature scanning electron microscope (SEM) with spectroscopy to conduct real-time, on-site imaging and compositional measurements of particles on the International Space Station (ISS). Such particles can cause vehicle and equipment malfunctions and threaten crew health, but currently, samples must be returned to Earth for analysis, leaving crew and vehicle at risk. Mochii also provides a powerful new analysis platform to support novel microgravity science and engineering.
Channel 3B Battery Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Preparation:
The crew continued preparations for the upcoming battery upgrade EVAs by completing several prep tasks including battery charging ops, procedure reviews and a crew conference. The first of two EVAs to replace the aged nickel hydrogen batteries with lithium ion batteries on Channel 3B is scheduled for Thursday, July 16th.
Environmental Health System (EHS) Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOCA) Water Recovery System (WRS) Sample Analysis & Data Record:
Crew performed an analysis of the water processing assembly (WPA) using the TOCA. The TOCA unit oxidizes organic carbon species present in the water to carbon dioxide gas and measures the concentration using nondispersive infrared spectroscopy. Analysis of the potable water using the TOCA occurs on a weekly basis. The crew also replaced the TOCA Waste Water Bag (WWB) to preclude overfill.
H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV)9 Cargo Operations:
The crew continued to perform HTV9 cargo transfer operations. Ground teams estimate approximately 2.5 hours remain to complete available cargo ops. Total cargo ops time remaining will become better defined as additional disposal chits are processed.
Compound Specific Analyzer: Combustion Products (CSA-CP) Maintenance:
The crew completed this routine maintenance to zero calibrate and replace battery packs in all six units. The CSA-CPs are used by the crew to detect evidence of fire and/or a hazardous environment. Maintenance on the CSA-CPs is performed every 60 days.
On-Orbit Hearing Assessment (O-OHA):
Today the crew performed an auditory test as a mid-mission assessment conducted during their stay on the ISS. The assessment measures hearing function while crewmembers are exposed to noise and microgravity during long-duration spaceflight. The exam is performed in conjunction with the crew-worn acoustic monitor surveys also performed today.



Цитата: undefinedBusy Day of Spacewalk Preps and Human Research

Mark Garcia
Posted Jul 14, 2020 at 1:16 pm

This starry nighttime shot of Rio de Janeiro and surrounding cities on the Brazilian coast was taken as the space station orbited above São Paolo before going over the Atlantic Ocean.

Two astronauts are concentrating on the final set of power upgrade spacewalks on the International Space Station beginning this week. Meanwhile, their Expedition 63 crewmates continued focusing on biology research to ensure humans stay healthy in space during long-term missions.

Flight Engineer Bob Behnken and Commander Chris Cassidy for preparing for a pair of spacewalks to wrap up battery swaps and ready the orbiting lab for a new airlock. The duo collected and organized spacewalk tools then studied their tasks step-by-step on a computer during the afternoon. Fellow NASA astronaut Doug Hurley assisted the pair and installed their spacesuit batteries and metal oxide canisters to remove carbon dioxide from the suit.

Behnken and Cassidy will exit the station for the first spacewalk on Thursday. The spacewalk is scheduled to begin at 7:35 a.m. EDT. The spacewalkers will spend about seven hours removing aging nickel-hydrogen batteries and replacing them with new lithium-ion batteries on the Starboard-3 truss structure. NASA TV begins its live coverage at 6 a.m.

The second spacewalk is scheduled to start at the same time on Tuesday, July 21, for the final battery swaps to complete 3.5 years of external power upgrades on the space station. Behnken and Cassidy will then begin outfitting the Tranquility module for a new commercial airlock from NanoRacks. The airlock, designed to deploy public and private experiments, will be installed to Tranquility after its delivery later this year aboard the SpaceX Dragon cargo vehicle.

Meanwhile, a host of space science continues aboard the orbiting lab including human research to maintain healthy crews. NASA and its international partners are studying how the human body adapts to microgravity as they plan longer missions farther out into space.

The two cosmonauts from Roscosmos, Anatoly Ivanishin and Ivan Vagner, were once again exploring ways to stave off the negative effects of living in space. Vagner continued logging his meals and drinks and collected a blood sample for a study that seeks to reverse the loss of bone mass caused by microgravity. He later collected his saliva sample and attached a sensor to himself for an immune system investigation. Ivanishin exercised on a treadmill for a physical fitness evaluation and spent the rest of the day on communications and ventilation maintenance.



Цитата: undefinedISS Daily Summary Report – 7/14/2020

JEM Water Recovery System (JWRS):
The crew retrieved the JEM WRS and performed inspections of the left, top and rear inside of the unit as well as checking fitting and coupler connections. Photos were taken and downloaded to the ground for evaluation. The Demonstration of JEM Water Recovery System (JWRS) generates potable water from urine. In the past on manned spacecraft, urine and waste water were collected and stored, or vented overboard. For long-term space missions, however, water supply could become a limiting factor. Demonstrating the function of this water recovery system on orbit contributes to updating the Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) to support astronauts on the space station and future exploration missions.
MAND (Manufacturing Device):
The crew removed four calibration print wedges from the Manufacturing Device. The crew cleaned the extruder print nozzle. The print wedges were labeled, photographed and stowed. Power switches were set in preparation for the next print run. The Manufacturing Device enables the production of components on the ISS for both NASA and commercial objectives. Parts, entire experiments, and tools can be created on demand utilizing the MAND printer that is installed into an Express Rack locker location. MAND is capable of producing parts out of a wide variety of thermopolymers including engineered plastics.
Temperature and Humidity Control (THC) Common Cabin Air Assembly (CCAA) Swap:
Today, the crew swapped from the S6 to the P6 CCAA in the Lab. Recently the Lab cabin temperature has been drifting slightly above the cabin setpoint, even with maximum airflow through the starboard CCAA Heat Exchanger (HX). Ground teams have already calculated the heat transfer for the S6 heat exchanger. The swapover will allow the team to perform the heat transfer calculations on the P6 CCAA HX to compare with the S6 CCAA HX.
Emergency Mask Procedure Review On-Board Training (OBT):
The crew reviewed and practiced the emergency mask don/purge technique for an ammonia leak scenario. This is nominal training to maintain crew proficiency using emergency masks.
EVA Preparations:
In preparation for US EVA #67 (S6 Battery EVA #3), the crew completed their pre-EVA tool configurations. Tomorrow, the crew will perform a final tool audit to ensure all of the necessary tools and configurations needed have been prepared. The crew also setup the EVA GoPro batteries for charging and then setup the EVA GoPro cameras. A checkout of the nitrogen quantity was performed on the Simplified Aid for EVA Rescue (SAFER) as well as charging operations on the Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Long Life Batteries (LLB) and Battery Stowage Assembly (BSA) batteries. Lastly the crew performed a visual review of the EVA using the Dynamic Onboard Ubiquitous Graphic (DOUG) software. This session allowed the crew to view the step-by-step sequence of the upcoming EVA.



Цитата: undefinedCrew Completes Spacewalk Preps and Studies Human Biology

Mark Garcia
Posted Jul 15, 2020 at 11:10 am

Flight Engineer Bob Behnken (center) is pictured on July 1 during a spacewalk to swap an aging nickel-hydrogen battery for a new lithium-ion battery on the station's starboard truss structure.

Two NASA astronauts finalized their preparations today, ahead of Thursday's spacewalk, to complete battery swaps on the outside of the International Space Station. NASA Flight Engineer Bob Behnken and Expedition 63 Commander Chris Cassidy organized their tools and readied the Quest airlock for the spacewalk set to begin tomorrow at 7:35 a.m.

NASA astronaut Doug Hurley joined the duo Wednesday afternoon for a spacewalk review and conference with specialists on the ground. Hurley will assist the astronauts in and out of their U.S. spacesuits and monitor their spacewalk activities.

The trio will stay in readiness mode for a second spacewalk scheduled to begin at the same time on Tuesday, July 21. They will finish swapping the aging nickel-hydrogen batteries with new lithium-ion batteries on the station's truss structure that began 3.5 years ago. The veteran spacewalkers will then set up the Tranquility module for the upcoming installation of a NanoRacks airlock. The new commercial airlock will support public and private experiments exposed to the space environment.

All three astronauts started the day with standard health checks ahead of their spacewalk. Hurley took on the crew medical officer role and briefly examined his crewmates similar to a doctor conducting a checkup on Earth.

Meanwhile, cosmonauts Anatoly Ivanishin and Ivan Vagner were back on human research duty this morning. The Russian duo collected and stowed blood and saliva samples for a pair of studies looking into bone loss and the immune system. The pair then split up as Ivanishin checked out communications gear and Vagner worked on Progress 75 resupply ship cargo transfers.


ЦитироватьNASA продлило контракт Boeing на техподдержку МКС до сентября 2024 года
НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 16 июля. /ТАСС/. Американская аэрокосмическая корпорация Boeing продолжит оказывать техническую поддержку эксплуатации Международной космической станции (МКС) до 2024 года включительно. Как сообщила в среду на своем сайте Boeing, Национальное управление по аэронавтике и исследованию космического пространства (NASA) предоставило ей соответствующий контракт объемом $916 млн.
"Boeing, с 1993 года являющаяся ведущим партнером НАСА по МКС, продолжит оказывать поддержку орбитальной лаборатории до сентября 2024 года на основании контракта объемом 916 млн долларов. Срок действия контракта был продлен сегодня", - информировала корпорация.
После прекращения использования шаттлов американские грузы стали доставляться на МКС с помощью кораблей Dragon компании SpaceX и Cygnus компании Northrop Grumman. Кроме того, для отправки астронавтов на станцию SpaceX создала пилотируемый корабль Crew Dragon, а Boeing в настоящее время разрабатывает корабль Starliner.

В августе 2019 года глава Роскосмоса Дмитрий Рогозин сообщил о решении создать комиссию, которая должна будет изучить состояние МКС, чтобы в случае продления работы станции после 2024 года иметь представление о ресурсе всех ее блоков. В следующем месяце из материалов на сайте госзакупок стало известно о намерении госкорпорации заключить контракт на определение остаточного ресурса конструкции и корпусов российского сегмента Международной космической станции. Работы планировалось провести в 2019-2021 годах.



Цитата: undefinedАстронавты NASA в четверг выйдут в открытый космос с борта МКС для продолжения модернизации ее энергосистемы
16.07.2020 00:00:00

Вашингтон. 16 июля. ИНТЕРФАКС - Американские астронавты Крис Кэссиди и бортинженер Боб Бенкен в четверг выйдут в открытый космос с борта Международной космической станции (МКС) для продолжения работ по замене старых аккумуляторов ее солнечных панелей, сообщает NASA.

Выход в космический вакуум начнется в 07:35 по времени Восточного побережья США (14:35 мск). Он продлится около семи часов.

Астронавтам предстоит демонтировать пять из шести устаревших никель-водородных аккумуляторов на опорном сегменте S6 фермы МКС, которые накапливают и распределяют энергию от солнечных панелей, и установить вместо них три новых более мощных литий-ионных.

Новые аккумуляторы были доставлены на МКС в мае японским грузовым кораблем HTV.

Замена последнего старого аккумулятора на опорном сегменте S6 фермы МКС, к которой крепятся пара солнечных панелей, будет осуществлена в ходе еще одного выхода американских астронавтов в открытый космос 21 июля.

Обновление системы энергоснабжения станции началось еще в январе 2017 года. Сложные ремонтные работы проводились как по правому, так и по левому борту ферменной конструкции станции.



Цитата: undefinedBoeing to Support International Space Station Operations Through 2024

Contract extension takes NASA-Boeing partnership for orbiting laboratory into third decade

HOUSTON, July 15, 2020 — Boeing [NYSE: BA], NASA's lead industry partner for the International Space Station (ISS) since 1993, will continue supporting the celebrated orbiting laboratory through September of 2024 under a $916 million contract extension awarded today.

Boeing will provide engineering support services, resources, and personnel for activities aboard the ISS and manage many of the station's systems. Work will be done at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center in Houston; the John F. Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral, Florida; and Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, as well as other locations around the world. The contract is valued at about $225 million annually.

"As the International Space Station marks its 20th year of human habitation, Boeing continues to enhance the utility and livability of the orbiting lab we built for NASA decades ago," said John Mulholland, Boeing vice president and program manager for the International Space Station. "We thank NASA for their confidence in our team and the opportunity to support the agency's vital work in spaceflight and deep-space exploration for the benefit of all humankind."

Congress, NASA and its international partners have agreed to extend ISS operations to at least 2024. Recent structural analysis shows that the spacecraft continues to be safe and mission-capable.

NASA selected Boeing as the ISS prime contractor in 1993. Throughout development, assembly, habitation and daily operations aboard ISS, Boeing has partnered closely with NASA to help the agency and its international partners safely host astronauts and cosmonauts for months at a time. The astronauts conduct microgravity experiments that help treat disease, increase food production, and manufacture technology impossible to produce on Earth's surface.

Boeing people have contributed to human spaceflight for more than 50 years, including the Mercury and Gemini capsules; development of the Saturn V rocket; Apollo command and service modules; and space shuttle fleet, in addition to the ISS. Boeing is building on this legacy with its CST-100 Starliner, a spacecraft developed in partnership with NASA's Commercial Crew Program. The company is also building the core stage of NASA's Space Launch System, a rocket powerful enough to lift astronauts and spacecraft to destinations beyond Earth orbit, such as lunar orbit and Mars.

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Трансляция выхода в открытый космос EVA-67 по американской программе (НАСА)

ЦитироватьSpacewalk Outside the International Space Station

Начало трансляции - 16 июля 2020 г. в 10:00 UTC / 13:00 ДМВ


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