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Цитата: undefinedISS Daily Summary Report – 6/30/2020

Plant Habitat-02 Latch Evaluation:
Following issues experienced with the Environmental Control System (ECS) installation a few weeks ago, the crew performed a more detailed inspection of the failed locking mechanism on the new ECS. The inspection went well and the crew was able to lock and unlock the ECS system in the current configuration. The information gained will be used to develop a forward plan. This is part of a series of activities to get the facility ready for samples currently launching on NG-14. Assessment of Nutritional Value and Growth Parameters of Space-grown Plants (Plant Habitat-02) cultivates radishes as a model plant that is nutritious and edible, has a short cultivation time, and is genetically similar to Arabidopsis, a plant frequently studied in microgravity. Developing the capability for food production in space requires understanding cultivation conditions such as intensity and spectral composition of light and the effects of the culture medium or soil. This research could help optimize plant growth in the unique environment of space, as well as evaluation of nutrition and taste of the plants.
TangoLab-2 Cardcube Troubleshooting:
As a follow-up to the card 14 re-seat performed last week, the crew removed card 14 from its current slot and installed it in a different location. Once this was accomplished the ground team reported the telemetry still indicated an issue. As the next step of the troubleshooting, the crew removed the hexacube (experiment) from card 14 and reinstalled the card. The ground team subsequently reported off-nominal telemetry indicating the card itself may be the issue. A replacement card is planned for launch on NG-14. TangoLab-2 is a reconfigurable general research facility designed for microgravity research and development and pilot manufacturing in the ISS.
S6 Battery Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Preparations:
Today, the crew continued preparing for the S6 channel 1B battery upgrade EVA #2 by performing their equipment lock preps for Extravehicular Activity Mobility Units (EMU) 3004 and 3006. The crew also completed the EVA tool audit, incorporated the cuff checklists, completed EVA procedure reviews and participated in a pre-EVA procedure review conference. The second planned EVA to complete the changeout of the Channel 1B batteries is set for tomorrow, Wednesday, July 1, 2020. The crew is scheduled to egress the Quest Joint Airlock shortly after 6:40 am CT.



Цитата: undefinedISS Daily Summary Report – 7/01/2020

USOS Extravehicular Activity (EVA) #66/S6 Battery EVA #2:
Chris Cassidy (EV1) and Bob Behnken (EV2) performed a 6 hour 1 minute EVA that completed the following tasks in support of the S6 Channel 1B battery transition from nickel hydrogen (NiH2) to lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries:

  • Li-ion Battery D from EP to S6 IEA Slot 6
  • NiH2 Battery 5 from S6 IEA to External Pallet (EP)
  • Adapter Plate D from EP to S6 IEA Slot 5
  • 1B Worksite Cleanup and 3B Reconfigurations
  • S3 Power & Ethernet Cable Routing

The crew attempted to remove the H-Fixture from the S4 BGA 3A canister. They were able to successfully remove all 4 bolts but could not overcome the ball detents to remove the H-fixture. The task was aborted and the crew reinstalled 2 of the 4 bolts.



Цитата: undefinedAstronauts Check Suits Following Spacewalk

Mark Garcia
Posted Jul 2, 2020 at 11:20 am

Astronaut Bob Behnken works during a spacewalk to swap an aging nickel-hydrogen battery for a new lithium-ion battery.

Spacesuit checks were on the schedule today for the Expedition 63 crew following a spacewalk to replace aging batteries on the International Space Station. The orbital residents also juggled a variety of science activities.

NASA astronauts Chris Cassidy and Bob Behnken are back to work today after Wednesday's spacewalk to swap batteries and route cables on the station's Starboard-6 truss structure. The duo recharged batteries and refilled water tanks inside their U.S. spacesuits. Flight Engineer Doug Hurley also joined the pair in the afternoon for eye scans with an ultrasound device.

All three astronauts called down to Mission Control today and briefed specialists with the results of the mission's second spacewalk. Station managers will assess the orbital lab's upgraded power status before scheduling more battery swap spacewalks later this month.

Cassidy also configured cables on a specialized furnace before uploading new software to the high-temperature research device. Hurley worked with experiment hardware that seeks to better control the separation of blood cells and plasma to improve medical diagnostic devices.

Cosmonauts Anatoly Ivanishin and Ivan Vagner partnered up Thursday morning for cardiac research. The duo is studying how the heart reacts to a unique suit that reverses the flow of blood towards the head caused by weightlessness. The pair then split up for life support maintenance and radiation checks.




Цитата: undefined"Роскосмос" решил, когда затопит "Прогресс" с отходами экипажа МКС
03:30 03.07.2020

МОСКВА, 3 июл - РИА Новости. Грузовой корабль "Прогресс МС-13" отчалит от Международной космической станции 8 июля и спустя несколько часов будет сведен с околоземной орбиты, сообщил РИА Новости представитель пресс-службы "Роскосмоса".

Корабль "Прогресс МС-13" с грузами прилетел на МКС в декабре 2019 года. Экипаж разгрузил его и заполнил мусором.

"Расстыковка корабля "Прогресс МС-13" от модуля "Пирс" российского сегмента МКС намечается на 8 июля в 21.22 мск", - сказал представитель пресс-службы "Роскосмоса".

По его словам, 9 июля в 0.31 мск корабль включит свой двигатель на торможение для сведения с орбиты.

"По расчетам, в 1.05 мск "Прогресс МС-13" войдет в атмосферу и в 1.07 мск начнется его разрушение", - сказал собеседник агентства.

Ожидается, как отметил он, что несгораемые элементы конструкции корабля упадут в южной части Тихого океана в 1.13 мск примерно в 1 тысячи 810 километрах восточнее столицы Новой Зеландии - города Веллингтон.
В апреле начальник отдела баллистики Ракетно-космической корпорации "Энергия" Рафаил Муртазин рассказал, что на "Прогрессе МС-13" после ухода с МКС могут отработать элементы супербыстрой двухчасовой (одновитковой) схемы доставки экипажей на станцию.

В настоящее время пилотируемые корабли "Союз" с экипажами летают к МКС по быстрой шестичасовой (четырехвитковой) схеме. На четырех кораблях "Прогресс" была испытана сверхбыстрая трехчасовая (двухвитковая) схема полета к станции.


Цитата: konti от 03.07.2020 20:16:57https://www.roscosmos.ru/28767/
Цитата: undefinedВнеплановая коррекция орбиты МКС
Центр управления полетами ЦНИИмаш (входит в состав Госкорпорации «Роскосмос») 3 июля 2020 года в 18:53 мск провел внеплановую коррекцию орбиты Международной космической станции для уклонения от возможного столкновения с космическим мусором. Все операции прошли штатно в полном соответствии с расчётами российских специалистов баллистической службы.
Для данного маневра использовались двигатели грузового корабля «Прогресс МС-14», который пристыкован к агрегатному отсеку модуля «Звезда» российского сегмента МКС. Они проработали около 100 секунд и сообщили станции приращение скорости 0,5 м/с. В результате чего высота орбиты МКС увеличилась, по предварительным данным, на 900 метров.
В настоящее время экипаж длительной экспедиции МКС-63 в составе космонавтов Роскосмоса Анатолия Иванишина и Ивана Вагнера, а также астронавтов NASA Кристофера Кэссиди, Дугласа Херли и Роберта Бенкена работает по запланированной программе. Обстановка на околоземной орбите находится под постоянным контролем Центров управления полётами в Королёве и в Хьюстоне (США).


ЦитироватьSpace to Ground: New & Improved: 07/03/2020

 NASA Johnson

3 июл. 2020 г.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANjyApJx8X0 (2:27)


Цитата: undefined Bob Behnken @AstroBehnken 3 ч. назад

During our spacewalk from @Space_Station on Wednesday, we set the camera to automatically take shots every few seconds. This one that captured a sunset is my favorite!



Цитировать Bob Behnken @AstroBehnken 3 ч. назад

When I started at @NASA_Johnson, John Young was the senior astronaut. When asked about moon walks, he would remind people that it was working, not walking. Here are some "spaceworking" shots from Wednesday's spacewalk in memory of Captain Young.


Цитата: undefined Chris Cassidy @Astro_SEAL 3 июл.

Yesterday @AstroBehnken and I completed a second spacewalk to continue to upgrade the @Space_Station batteries. The view below my feet was pretty spectacular!



Цитата: undefined Ivan Vagner @ivan_mks63 2 ч. назад

Несколько минут назад запечатлел с #МКС сразу два редких события: #СеребристыеОблака на рассвете и одновременно с этим входящий в земную атмосферу #метеор. Завораживающее зрелище!

Сейчас, кстати, в самом разгаре сезон видимости серебристых (или по-другому — мезосферных) облаков.


2 ч. назад

Друзья, уточняющий момент: на фото запечатлена самая яркая за последние 7 лет комета C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE)!

1 ч. назад. назад

На следующем витке попробовал чуть ближе сфотографировать самую яркую за последние 7 лет комету C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE).

Довольно хорошо видно ее хвост из космоса, с борта Международной космической станции!
#МКС #комета #NEOWISE


ЦитироватьБортжурнал Ивана Вагнера

 Роскосмос ТВ

Трансляция началась 2 часа назад

Новая встреча  с космонавтом.  Минуло два месяца, как  Иван Вагнер работает на орбите Земли.  В сеансе прямой связи с МКС на вопросы из соцсетей отвечает космонавт-испытатель Роскосмоса, бортинженер экспедиции МКС-63 – Иван Вагнер.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPWmUTUtVHM (24:20)


Предположительно, внеплановая коррекция орбиты МКС 3 июля 2020 года в 18:53 мск была вызвана необходимостью уйти от столкновения с объектом 27923 / 1987-079AG - фрагментом РН Протон, выводившей на орбиту КА Космос-1883 (Глонасс). После коррекции орбиты ожидалось наименьшее расстояние между объектами 500 м в 18:28:09 UTC 3 июля с.г.


Вы не можете просматривать это вложение.



Цитата: undefinedМКС уклонилась от обломка ступени российского "Протона"
02:02 05.07.2020 (обновлено: 02:03 05.07.2020)

МОСКВА, 5 июл - РИА Новости. Внеплановая коррекция орбиты Международной космической станции в пятницу была проведена для уклонения от возможного столкновения с обломком ступени российской ракеты "Протон", сообщил РИА Новости представитель НАСА.

Ранее в "Роскосмосе" сообщили, что высоту орбиты МКС увеличили на 900 метров с помощью двигателей пристыкованного к станции грузового корабля "Прогресс МС-14", чтобы избежать возможного столкновения с космическим мусором. При этом госкорпорация не уточнила, что из себя представляет и кому принадлежит данный мусор.

Цитировать"Это был обломок ступени российской ракеты SL-12 (западное обозначение ракеты "Протон" - ред.), запущенной в сентябре 1987 года", - сказал представитель НАСА.

Сейчас на МКС работают российские космонавты Анатолий Иванишин и Иван Вагнер, а также американские астронавты Кристофер Кэссиди, Дуглас Херли и Роберт Бенкен.

За все время эксплуатации МКС было выполнено 25 маневров для уклонения станции от космического мусора, при этом последний был в сентябре 2015 года (не считая пятничного).


Цитировать Chris Cassidy @Astro_SEAL 21 ч. назад

Happy Fourth of July from the Exp 63 crew of the @Space_Station!


МКСР «Луч» ретранслировала данные голосования с борта МКС

Система «Луч»

Многофункциональная космическая система ретрансляции (МКСР) «Луч», оператором которой является АО «Спутниковая система «Гонец» (входит в Госкорпорацию «Роскосмос»), успешно обеспечила передачу с борта Международной космической станции (МКС) данных о голосовании по поправкам в Конституцию Российской Федерации члена экипажа 63-й длительной экспедиции на МКС – космонавта Ивана Вагнера
Также посредством отечественного широкополосного канала связи состоялся первый сеанс видео-конференц-связи, в рамках которого генеральный директор Госкорпорации «Роскосмос» Дмитрий Рогозин и Председатель Центральной избирательной комиссии Российской Федерации Элла Памфилова обсудили с членами экипажа МКС важность и значимость поправок в Конституцию Российской Федерации.
Павел Черенков, генеральный директор АО «Спутниковая система «Гонец»: «Я рад, что в день общероссийского голосования система ретрансляции «Луч» обеспечила связь с требуемыми характеристиками».
В настоящее время в рамках испытаний МКСР «Луч» идет отработка широкополосного канала связи с российским сегментом МКС, по итогам которой система «Луч» должна стать надежной и современной альтернативой американской системе ретрансляции TDRS. АО «Спутниковая система «Гонец» работает над этой важной задачей совместно с АО «ЦНИИмаш» и ПАО РКК «Энергия», используя ресурсы космических аппаратов-ретрансляторов «Луч-5Б» и «Луч-5В».




Цитата: undefinedISS Daily Summary Report – 7/02/2020

The crew powered on both Astrobee free flier units and verified the LEDs were as expected. Following this, the ground team loaded the appropriate software/maps and adjusted settings. The ground then commanded one of the Astrobee free fliers to undock and maneuver in the JEM. These activities are preparation for the upcoming Kibo Robot Programming Challenge. Astrobee is made up of three free-flying, cube-shaped robots which are designed to help scientists and engineers develop and test technologies for use in microgravity to assist astronauts with routine chores, and give ground controllers additional eyes and ears on the space station. The autonomous robots, powered by fans and vision-based navigation, perform crew monitoring, sampling, logistics management, and accommodate up to three investigations.
Fluids Integrated Rack/Light Microscopy Module (FIR/LMM)/CDM changeout:
As a continuation of the CDM experiment, the crew installed the fifth of the ten experiment modules on the FIR/LMM. Capillary-Driven Microfluidics in Space (Capillary Driven Microfluidics) examines the drawing of fluids into a tiny narrow tube in microgravity. Results may improve current mathematical models and understanding of microfluidic systems and improve fluid control in various devices. Diagnostic devices require separation of blood cells and plasma, which have different densities, and the absence of sedimentation and buoyancy-driven convection in microgravity improves the efficiency of this separation.
ELF (Electrostatic Levitation Furnace) software update:
The crew performed the cable configuration necessary for an ELF software update. This software update will enable additional testing capabilities for the ongoing Round Robin investigation. The Round Robin – Thermophysical Property Measurement (Round Robin) investigation provides researchers with a better understanding of how to measure liquid metal properties to revolutionize how process modeling can support design, flight qualification and production of advanced spaceflight systems.
RADI-N2 detector retrieval and processing:
The crew retrieved the RADI-N2 dosimeters from the Cupola location and handed them over to the Russian crew for processing. The objective of this Canadian Space Agency investigation is to better characterize the ISS neutron environment, define the risk posed to the crew members' health, and provide the data necessary to develop advanced protective measures for future spaceflight. It's been recognized that neutrons make up a significant fraction (10-30%) of the biologically effective radiation exposure in low-Earth orbit. The bubble detectors used in the investigation are designed detect neutrons and ignore all other radiation.
Extravehicular Activity Mobility Unit (EMU) Water Recharge:
The crew performed water recharges on EMUs 3004 and 3006. The recharges ensure there is a full supply of fresh cooling water to each EMU suit.
Periodic Health Exam (PHS):
Today the crew completed a health evaluation. During the evaluation, vital signs are obtained and an ear examination is conducted by taking images of the tympanic membranes and the external ear. The data and imagery is then downlinked for review by a medical specialist. PHS exams are conducted within 24 hours of the conclusion of EVA.
Ultrasound Eye Exam:
Today the crew used an ultrasound device to perform an eye scan, the first of several routine ultrasound eye exams during their stay on ISS. Eye exams are performed regularly onboard in order to monitor crewmember's eye health.  Eyesight is one of many aspects of the human body affected by long-duration stays in a microgravity environment.
Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) Operations:
Today the crew performed a drain of the Urine Processor Assembly (UPA) Recycle Tank to an available liquid waste container (ЕДВ-У). Once the Recycle Tank drain was complete, the crew performed a visual check of the Recycle Tank quantity indicator to verify it was indicating empty. The crew then reconfigured the Recycle Tank valves to the "Fill" configuration and transferred the contents of a full ЕДВ-У to the Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) Waste Water Storage Tank (WSTA). Finally, the crew configured the UPA drain/fill valves to "process" so the pre-treated urine can be processed by the UPA.



Цитата: undefinedCargo and Science Operations Start Work Week

Mark Garcia
Posted Jul 6, 2020 at 12:12 pm

The SpaceX Crew Dragon and the Japan's HTV-9 resupply ship figure prominently in this photograph taken during the July 1 spacewalk.

A Russian cargo craft is due to depart the International Space Station in the middle of the week after seven months on orbit. The five-member Expedition 63 crew stayed busy all-day Monday continuing the upkeep of space research gear and life support hardware.

The Progress 74 (74P) resupply ship is being packed with trash and obsolete gear today ahead of its undocking on Wednesday at 2:23 p.m. EDT. The 74P has been attached to the Pirs docking compartment since Dec. 9 where it docked carrying nearly three tons of food, fuel and supplies for the orbital residents. After separating from the station, the 74P will fire its deorbit engines over the South Pacific and burn up safely in the Earth's atmosphere.

The Progress 76 (76P), the next cargo ship to replenish the crew, is scheduled to launch on July 23 and dock to Pirs just two orbits later. The station will slightly lower its orbit on Saturday to accommodate the approach and rendezvous of 76P. This follows last week's orbital maneuver to boost the station out of the way of a piece of rocket debris near its flight path.

Amidst the cargo craft operations, the space lab residents serviced a variety of advanced science equipment today. The operations are continuing the numerous space experiments benefiting humans on Earth and in space.

Commander Chris Cassidy stowed satellite deployment gear before cleaning a specialized furnace that enables observation of materials heated to extreme temperatures. Flight Engineers Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken juggled an array of orbital plumbing, computer maintenance, light installation and sensor battery swap tasks.

Cosmonaut Anatoly Ivanishin replaced fuel bottles inside the Combustion Integrated Rack to continue safe fuel and flame research. Fellow cosmonaut Ivan Vagner checked smoke detectors and photographed the Earth while wrapping up cargo operations in the 74P. The duo started the day measuring their body mass using a device that applies a known force to the crew member with the resulting acceleration providing a mass calculation.


Цитата: undefined Bob Behnken @AstroBehnken 3 ч

After assisting @Astro_Doug to suit us up during our 1st spacewalk, @ivan_mks63 captured shots of @Astro_SEAL and I removing a @Space_Station battery. #Teamwork!



Цитата: undefinedISS Daily Summary Report – 7/06/2020

Fluids Integrated Rack/Light Microscopy Module (FIR/LMM)/CDM change out:
As a continuation of the CDM experiment, the crew installed the sixth of the ten experiment modules on the FIR/LMM. Capillary-Driven Microfluidics in Space (Capillary Driven Microfluidics or more simply, CDM) examines the drawing of fluids into a tiny narrow tube in microgravity. Results may improve current mathematical models and understanding of microfluidic systems and improve fluid control in various devices. Diagnostic devices require separation of blood cells and plasma, which have different densities, and the absence of sedimentation and buoyancy-driven convection in microgravity improves the efficiency of this separation.
Electrostatic Levitation Furnace (ELF)/Round Robin Cartridge Clean:
As part of the on-going Round Robin investigation, the crew removed, cleaned and reinstalled the ELF sample cartridge. The Round Robin – Thermophysical Property Measurement (Round Robin) investigation provides researchers with a better understanding of how to measure liquid metal properties to revolutionize how process modeling can support design, flight qualification and production of advanced spaceflight systems.
JEM Airlock (JEMAL)/Kaber Removal:
In preparation for the NRCSD-18 installation on Tuesday, the crew removed the Kaber and associated hardware from the JEMAL slide table. Kaber was used for the recent Red-Eye satellite deploys, but is not needed for NRCSD (NanoRacks Cubesat Deployer) deploys. Each NanoRacks CubeSat Deployer accommodates up to eight launch cases. The NanoRacks CubeSat Deployer meets the growing demand to deploy CubeSat format satellites from the International Space Station for a variety of customers.
SCRAM Reorientation:
The crew repositioned the SCRAM in its current location to orient its detector inlet in a different position. The goal of this activity is to obtain better science data. SCRAM demonstrates the capabilities of a small, reliable, portable gas chromatograph mass spectrometer instrument aboard the ISS to conduct major and minor elements of air measurement (Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Water, etc). The instrument transmits data back to the ground research team every two seconds, providing a continuous analysis to the ground research team. It has a mass of less than 9.5 kg, and consumes less than 40 watts of power.
Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) Portable Emergency Provisions (PEP) Inspection:
Today, the crew performed the periodic PEP inspection, which involves utilizing a PEPs matrix and inspecting various emergency provisions such as the Portable Fire Extinguisher (PFE), Portable Breathing Apparatus (PBA), Quick Don Mask (QDM), and Extension Hose Tee Assemblies at multiple locations throughout the space station. The crew spends several minutes on each item and notes any visible damage.  Inspections are performed routinely to ensure the PEPs are in good operational condition.
Potable Water Dispenser (PWD) Sample Collection:
Today, the ISS crew collected water samples from the Potable Water Dispenser (PWD) to perform a Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOCA) analysis that measures the amount of organic constituents in the potable water. The crew also tested the water samples for the presence of Coliform bacteria utilizing a Coliform test bag. These two tests are used to determine if the drinking water is still safe for crew consumption.
Mobile Servicing System (MSS) Operations:
Remote Power Control Module (RPCM) P32B_A experienced a power on reset (POR) on GMT 183 due to a hybrid Field Effect Transistor (FET) failure on RPC 1, which provides downstream power to the P3-2 Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM). The RPCM will be removed and replaced (R&R)ed robotically this week. Today, robotics ground controllers (ROBO) began operations to replace the RPCM by stowing the HTV9 External Pallet (EP) on the POA, and then translating the MT from Workstation (WS) 1 to WS 5. Following the translation this afternoon, the SPDM will be unstowed from the LAB. ROBO will continue robotics ops into the evening translating the MT from WS 5 to WS7. Additional robotics will be executed tomorrow to proceed towards performing the RPCM R&R at the end of the week.