Hayabusa 2 (Хаябуса-2), Procyon – H-IIA F26 – Танэгасима – 03.12.2014 04:22:04 UTC

Автор Космос-3794, 13.08.2010 10:49:07

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ЦитироватьApproach to the 2nd touchdown –Part 1: observations near the touchdown point–

Our first touchdown took place this year on February 22. Then as a new challenge for the Hayabusa2 Project, we succeeded in creating an artificial crater using the Small Carry-on Impactor (SCI) on April 5. The last big operation left at asteroid Ryugu is the collection of subsurface material exposed with the creation of the artificial crater. In order to collect this material, we need a second touchdown for which the project has been steadily preparing. At this point, it has not yet been decided whether or not to go ahead with a second touchdown, but here we will introduce our preparations in the "Approach to the second touchdown".

After the operation to form the artificial crater, the spacecraft descended a total of four times above or near the crater site. These descent operations allowed us to obtain detailed data of the region near the artificial crater. In addition, we succeeded in dropping a target marker in the area close to the artificial crater on May 30. Combined, these operations mean that the situation around the artificial crater is now well understood.

Figure 1 shows an image taken during the low altitude descent observation operation (PPTD-TM1B) conducted fr om June 11 – 13. The target marker was captured in the image and you can get a handle on the state of the surface.

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Figure 1: Image taken on June 13, 2019 during the operation PPTD-TM1B. This is a composite of 28 images taken at 7 second intervals starting from 10:58 JST (upper left) to 11:01 (lower right) using the Optical Navigation Camera – Telescopic (ONC-T). The image altitude is about 52m at the start and 108m at the end. The white point in the upper-left center is the target marker. You can see that detailed images have been acquired continuously from the target marker to the edge of the artificial crater, located in the lower-right of the image. (Image credit ※: JAXA, Chiba Institute of Technology, University of Tokyo, Kochi University, Rikkyo University, Nagoya University, Meiji University, University of Aizu, AIST.)

As you can see in Figure 1, asteroid Ryugu is covered with boulders. If we go for a second touchdown, we need to aim for a point close to the target marker which has no obstacles. The project is currently examining this area in detail.

※ Please use the displayed credit when reproducing these images. In the case wh ere an abbreviated form is necessary, please write "JAXA, Chiba Institute of Technology & collaborators".

Hayabusa2 Project


ЦитироватьEmily Lakdawalla‏ @elakdawalla 11 ч. назад

Hayabusa2 will land on Ryugu on July 11 to grab a second sample!
Цитироватьはやぶさ毎日‏Подлинная учетная запись @mai_hayabusa

はや2くんの2回目のタッチダウンがGOになりました。着陸予定は7月11日午前11時ごろ。クレーター近くを目指します。速報です。 #はやぶさ2 はやぶさ2:はやぶさ2 7月11日に2回目のリュウグウ着陸へ - 毎日新聞

11:00 JST 11.07.2019 (02:00 UTC 11.07.2019)


Цитировать25 ИЮН, 15:09
Японский зонд "Хаябуса-2" совершит вторую посадку на астероид Рюгу в июле

Предполагается, что аппарат приземлится в созданном им в апреле кратере или поблизости от него

ТОКИО, 25 июня. /ТАСС/. Японский зонд "Хаябуса-2" ("Сокол-2"), находящийся вблизи отдаленного астероида Рюгу, в июле совершит вторую по счету посадку на это космическое тело с целью взять с него образцы пород.

Об этом сообщило во вторник Японское агентство аэрокосмических исследований (JAXA).

Предполагается, что аппарат приземлится в созданном им в апреле кратере или поблизости от него, поскольку в этом месте забор грунта осуществить наиболее легко. Снижение зонда с орбиты на расстоянии 20 км от астероида начнется 10 июля и займет около 25 часов. Сама посадка, соответственно, запланирована на следующий день.


ЦитироватьHAYABUSA2@JAXA‏ @haya2e_jaxa 52 мин. назад

Today is June 27, 2019 and just one year ago, Hayabusa2 arrived at asteroid Ryugu! There are so many things to look back on that form just a series of surprises. This illustration commemorates the first anniversary of our arrival; thank you all for your support!


ЦитироватьHAYABUSA2@JAXA‏ @haya2e_jaxa 49 мин. назад

The second touchdown will be on July 11. The location is about 20m north of the artificial crater formed by the Small Carry-on Impactor (SCI). Currently, the team is carefully examining & checking the touchdown operation plans so that we can collect subsurface material from Ryugu


ЦитироватьHayabusa 2 cleared for second touchdown on asteroid
July 3, 2019Stephen Clark

Artist's concept of the Hayabusa 2 spacecraft touching down on asteroid Ryugu. Credit: JAXA/Akihiro Ikeshita

Ground teams have approved plans for Japan's Hayabusa 2 sample return mission to briefly land on asteroid Ryugu for the second time July 11, aiming for a targeted touch-and-go to gather material exposed by an explosive impactor released by the robot explorer in April.

Officials fr om the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, or JAXA, announced the decision June 27 after weeks of surveys, practice approaches and deliberations to ensure the Hayabusa 2 spacecraft can safely touch down at the rugged site, which is strewn with boulders and rocks that could pose hazards to the probe.

The objective of the July 11 touch-and-go landing is to collect a second set of samples fr om the carbon-rich asteroid for return to Earth.

Hayabusa 2 is in the final stretch of a nearly 18-month exploration campaign at asteroid Ryugu before firing its ion thrusters late this year for the return trip to Earth. So far, the mission has accomplished a pinpoint landing and takeoff from the asteroid, deployed three daughter probes to hop around Ryugu's surface, and carved a new crater on the asteroid after dropping an explosive charge.

One more touch-and-go landing and the release of the mission's final mobile surface scout are planned in the coming weeks.

Hayabusa 2 gathered a first batch of samples from Ryugu's surface in February after executing a pinpoint touchdown on a different part of the half-mile-wide (900-meter) asteroid.

The robot explorer's sampling mechanism works by firing a metal bullet into the asteroid once the probe's sampler horn, which extends from one side of the spacecraft, contacts the surface. The projectile is designed to blast away rock and dust on the asteroid's surface, then direct the material through the sampler horn into a collection chamber inside the Hayabusa 2 spacecraft.

While there is no direct way to measure how much sample Hayabusa 2 collected in February, scientists said telemetry data broadcast back to Earth suggested the sampling system worked as designed.

In early April, Hayabusa 2 released the Small Carry-On Impactor, an explosive device that drove a copper mass into the asteroid to create a new crater, uncovering rocks that were buried underneath Ryugu's surface, perhaps for billions of years.

Scientists will target the July 11 landing a short distance from the fresh crater, wh ere they believe material ejected by the impact fell. The new samples may include pristine subsurface specimens that have escaped radiation and other asteroid weathering affects from sunlight and extreme temperature swings.

Hayabusa 2's optical navigation camera captured this view of asteroid Ryugu from a distance of 6 kilometers (4 miles) on July 20, 2018. Credit: JAXA

A second successful sampling attempt would make Hayabusa 2 the first mission to collect a subsurface specimen from an asteroid for return Earth.

Assuming the July 11 touch-and-go snags a sample that was exposed by the mission's explosive impactor, scientists expect the material will contain information from the early formation of the solar system 4.6 billion years ago, such as organic molecules that became the building blocks for life.

"Subsurface materials are particularly valuable for sensitive organics," scientists wrote in a mission upd ate last month.

Engineers designed Hayabusa 2 to collect samples from up to three locations on the asteroid, but mission managers have ruled out gathering a third sample. The mission only needed one sample to meet minimum success criteria.

During preparations for the second sampling attempt, Hayabusa 2 dropped a target marker onto the asteroid May 30 to help the spacecraft guide itself toward the landing zone. The probe also took high-resolution images of the area to help scientists decide if they should press ahead with another touchdown.

Officials mulled the scientific merit and safety risks of a second landing attempt, and the ground team ultimately elected to go ahead with the touchdown July 11.

Hayabusa 2 had until this month to try for a second touchdown. Ryugu is nearing the point in its orbit closest to the run, and rising temperatures on the asteroid will prohibit the spacecraft from landing later this year, officials said.

While Hayabusa 2 explores Ryugu, NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission is surveying asteroid Bennu before moving in to collect a sample there in 2020 for return to scientists on Earth in 2023.

OSIRIS-REx is designed to bring home at least 60 grams, or 2.1 ounces of samples from Bennu, significantly more than Hayabusa 2. But OSIRIS-REx is only expected to collect a single sample from one location on Bennu's surface.
Once the second sample collection is complete, Hayabusa 2 is expected to deploy the last of its four daughter probes to hop around the asteroid's surface.

Hayabusa 2's return journey to Earth is scheduled begin in November or December, with re-entry of the mission's sample-carrying descent capsule se t for late 2020 over Australia, wh ere recovery teams will pick up the specimens for analysis in laboratories in Japan and the United States.


Опубликованы материалы пресс-конференции 25.06.2019

Hayabusa2_Press20190625_ver5_en2.pdf - 2.6 MB, 28 стр, 2019-07-05 01:17:09 UTC












Команда Hayabusa-2 планирует проведение трансляции 2-й посадки на астероид Рюгю, а также пресс-конференции по итогам операции
ЦитироватьПрямой эфир из комнаты управления миссией. Начало - 00:30 UTC 11.07.2019

Пресс-конференция. Начало - 05:00 UTC 11.07.2019


ЦитироватьApproach to the 2nd touchdown –Part 2: details of the touchdown point–

In 'Part 1' of this article on June 19, we looked at images fr om observations of the asteroid surface near the planned site for the second touchdown to collect a sample. In this article, we examine the details of the touchdown site.
First, let's recall the separation of the target marker. On May 30, 2019, one of Hayabusa2's target markers was successfully dropped during the PPTD-TM1A operation (figures 1- 6 fr om our press briefing in June ).

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Figure 1: Description of the target markers (2019.6.11 press briefing material)

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Figure 2: Images of the target marker separation (2019/6/11 press briefing materials). These images were captured on May 30, 2019 (credit ※ left: JAXA, Chiba Institute of Technology, right: JAXA).

[open in a separate window]  (Animated GIF, 8.4MB)
Figure 3: Timelapse movie of the right side of Figure 2.

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Figure 4: Images taken by CAM-H. (credit ※: JAXA)

[open in a separate window]  (Animated GIF, 1.9MB)
Figure 5: Timelapse movie of CAM-H.

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Figure 6: Image of the target marker on the surface of Ryugu after landing (2019/6/25 press briefing material). Taken on May 30, 2019 (credit ※1: JAXA, Chiba Institute of Technology, University of Tokyo, Kochi University, Rikkyo University, Nagoya University, Meiji University, University of Aizu, AIST).

Figure 7 shows a comparison with the first target marker drop (TD1-R3 operation, 2018/10/25). In TD1-R3, the position error (distance fr om the target drop point) was 15m. This was reduced to 3m for the second target marker dropped during PPTD-TM1A.

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Figure 7: Comparison between the two target marker drop operations (2019/6/11 press briefing material). (Credit ※2: JAXA, University of Tokyo, Kochi University, Rikkyo University, Nagoya University, Chiba Institute of Technology, Meiji University, University of Aizu, AIST).

Once the target marker was successfully dropped, the project team proceeded with a detailed examination of the potential touchdown points close to where the target marker now lay.
In Figure 8, we can see area C01-Cb, which is a region modified from the earlier identified region, C01-C.

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Figure 8: The area C01-Cb wh ere touchdown is planned (from the 2019.6.25 press briefing material).
The area surrounding C01-Cb, captured by the Optical Navigation Camera – Telescopic (ONC-T), taken on May 16 (before the target marker was dropped).
A mosaic of multiple images taken on June 13 with the ONC-T. (Credit ※2: JAXA, University of Tokyo. Kochi University, Rikkyo University, Nagoya University, Chiba Institute of Technology, Meiji University, University of Aizu, AIST.)[/SIZE]

The left-hand image in Figure 8 shows the area surrounding C01-Cb, which includes the artificial crater generated with the SCI. The background to this image is the same as the right-hand image in Figure 6, but differently annotated. The red ovals indicate the location of large rocks that pose a danger to the spacecraft. On the right of Figure 8, you can see a high resolution image close to wh ere the target marker landed. The rocks indicated by the pink ovals were examined particularly carefully by the team for potential danger to the spacecraft, and the numbers alongside these in light blue are the estimated height of the rock. These interesting rocks have been given names, although these are just nicknames used for this study and not official names approved by the IAU. The names "Styx" and "small Styx" come from the name of the River Styx; the river that forms the boundary between life and death in Greek mythology. The "rock mass" is, as the name suggests, a place wh ere several rocks have piled up.

In addition to these high resolution images, digital topographic maps of the area were created using the observational data obtained during the previous descent observation operations. Figure 9 shows this digital topographic map.

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Figure 9: Digital topographic map near the C01-Cb area (from the 2019/6/25 press briefing materials). (Credit ※:JAXA)
The C01-Cb region was selected for the site of the second touchdown on the basis of this detailed study. Details on the decision for the touchdown itself will be covered in another article.

The second touchdown is planned for July 11. 
Thank you for all your support!

Hayabusa2 Project

※ Please use the displayed print the credit when reproducing these images.
※1 If an abbreviated form is needed, please write "JAXA, Chiba Institute of Technology & collaborators".
※2 If an abbreviated form is needed, please write "JAXA, University of Tokyo & collaborators".


ЦитироватьЯпонский зонд в четверг совершит вторую посадку на астероид

МОСКВА, 8 июл – РИА Новости. Зонд "Хаябуса-2" попытается в четверг осуществить повторную посадку на поверхность астероида "Хаябуса-2" в окрестностях рукотворного кратера, порожденного взрывом бомбы в конце весны. Об этом сообщает пресс-служба JAXA.
Цитировать"После того, как мы успешно сбросили маячок на астероид в конце апреля, мы начали детальное изучение всех возможных точек посадки, расположенных рядом с ним. Мы остановили свой выбор на точке C01-Cb, расположенной и рядом с ним, и неподалеку от кратера. Число крупных булыжников, угрожающих зонду, здесь минимально", — отметили ученые.
Автоматическую станцию "Хаябуса-2" запустили в космос в декабре 2014 года для изучения и забора проб на астероиде Рюгю. Как надеются ученые, она привезет на Землю первые абсолютно чистые образцы первичной материи Солнечной системы.

Японский аппарат достиг цели в начале июня прошлого года и начал длительную процедуру торможения и сближения с астероидом. Получив первые снимки и данные по устройству поверхности и недр небесного тела, зонд начал готовиться к процедуре по забору грунта.

Первая часть этой задачи - "обстрел" астероида и сбор его обломков – была успешно решена в конце февраля этого года, когда "Хаябуса-2" опустилась в точку L08E1 и выстрелила в нее пятиграммовой танталовой пулей. Ученые назвали эту точку "Таматебако" в честь волшебной шкатулки из сказки про подводный дворец Рюгю.

В первых числах апреля пилоты и научная команда миссии успешно реализовали вторую фазу "бомбардировки" астероида – сброс на его поверхность достаточно увесистой "бомбы", чья масса составляет примерно 15 килограмм. Она содержала в себе 4,5 килограмма октогена и была устроена таким образом, что вся сила взрыва оказалась направлена вниз, в сторону поверхности астероида.

После того, как камеры зонда локализовали новорожденный кратер, руководство миссии приняло решение совершить несколько повторных сближений с поверхностью Рюгю для забора образцов "чистой" материи астероида. Для этого "Хаябуса-2" должна была сбросить специальный светоотражающий маячок, который поможет ему осуществить посадку в кратер в ходе последующего сближения.

© JAXA, University of Tokyo. Kochi University, Rikkyo University, Nagoya University, Chiba Institute of Technology, Meiji University, University of Aizu, AIST
Фотография точки, где "Хаябуса-2" совершит посадку. Красным отмечены опасные булыжники

После первой неудачной попытки, зонд успешно исполнил эту задачу в конце мая, после чего участники миссии потратили примерно три недели на получение детальных фотографий кратера и выбор места для посадки.

Недавно, как сообщает пресс-служба космического агентства Японии, ученые остановили свой выбор на точке C01-Cb, одновременно и относительно безопасной для посадки аппарата, и расположенной неподалеку от кратера.

Как рассчитывают ученые, "Хаябуса-2" начнет спуск к этой области в этот четверг и заберет первые пробы "чистой" астероидной материи, дожившей до нашего времени в первозданном виде с момента рождения Солнечной системы.

Для реализации всех этих планов у японского зонда не так много времени. Сейчас Рюгю сближается с Солнцем, и в конце июля, как показывают расчеты пилотов миссии, его поверхность станет слишком горячей для безопасного приземления аппарата. Если "Хаябуса-2" не успеет забрать образцы грунта, то, скорее всего, руководство миссии откажется от этой идеи.