Индия возвращается в пилотируемый космос

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Flight test of crew escape system - Technology Demonstrator Lift of video

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ЦитироватьИндия намерена проводить по два космических запуска ежемесячно

Космос | 13 августа, 9:33 дата обновления:13 августа, 9:50 UTC+3

НЬЮ-ДЕЛИ, 13 августа. /ТАСС/. Индийская организация космических исследований (ИСРО) планирует произвести в течение ближайших 16 месяцев 31 космический запуск, что составит примерно по две миссии ежемесячно, начиная с сентября. Об этом сообщил журналистам в Бангалоре глава ИСРО доктор Кайласавадиву Сиван.


Пилотируемый полет

Индийская организация космических исследований также не отказалась от планов пилотируемой космической экспедиции и ведет работы, которые позволят отправить на орбиту национальный экипаж на собственном индийском корабле.

Кайласавадиву Сиван рассказал журналистам, что уже разработаны обитаемый отсек корабля, в котором должен находиться экипаж, а также системы спасения экипажа в случае чрезвычайной ситуации - ее испытания были проведены в начале июля. Уже создан прототип космического скафандра. По мнению главы ИСРО, дело за принципиальным решением правительства.

"ИСРО разрабатывает технологии для индийской пилотируемой космической программы. Если правительство захочет, программа запуска индийского астронавта может быть начата", - цитирует NDTV слова Сивана. По его мнению, если такое решение будет принято, для подготовки индийской пилотируемой миссии потребуется 5-7 лет. Эскизный проект индийского космического корабля на трех членов экипажа был представлен еще в 2009 году.


ЦитироватьMission "Gaganyaan": An Indian Will Be Sent To Space By 2022, Says PM

It would be the biggest challenge that the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has ever undertaken: to put an Indian in space fr om Sriharikota using an Indian rocket. And do so with an ambitious deadline of five years.
Written by Pallava Bagla | Updated: August 15, 2018 10:16 IST

NEW DELHI: The 370-year-old Red Fort today played venue for a colossal announcement, the ramifications of which perhaps for the first time extend beyond earth itself. India will become the fourth nation to send man to space, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced on India's 72nd Independence Day - his fifth and final address ahead of the next general elections

"Today, from the ramparts of the Red Fort, I want to give the country a good news," Prime Minister Modi said. "India has always advanced in space science but we have decided that by 2022 when India completes 75 years of Independence, or before that, a son or daughter of India will go to space with a tricolor in their hands," he added.

Exhilarated at the announcement, top scientists at ISRO exuded their optimism for the challenge. Dr K Sivan, Chairman of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) said it was a "very, very tight schedule but ISRO will do it by 2022."

"ISRO sought manned mission for a decade... Vyom will be a national effort, not just an ISRO project. It will boost national pride," he added.

ISRO hopes to deploy its biggest rocket, the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark III (GSLV Mk III), to send three Indians into space from Sriharikota in the next few years.

The space agency plans to spend Rs. 9,000 crore and hopes to launch the first mission within 40 months. The plans in the "demonstration phase" includes undertaking two unmanned flights and one human flight using Indian technology to catapult a crew of three into a low earth orbit for 5-7 days.

India plans to call its astronauts "Vyomnauts" since "Vyom" in Sanskrit means space.
Till date, ISRO has spent Rs. 173 crore developing critical technologies for human space flight. The plan was first pitched in 2008 but was put on the backburner as the economy and Indian rockets experienced setbacks.

India tested its re-entry technology through the Satellite Recovery Experiment in 2007 when a 550 kilogram satellite was sent into orbit and then safely brought back to earth.

The experiment tested the lightweight silicon tiles that can protect any spaceship as it re-enters the earth's atmosphere.

Later, in 2014, India tested a Crew Module Atmospheric Re-entry Experiment (CARE), wh ere a 3,745 kg space capsule - a prototype of the crew module that will be used by the Indian astronauts - was launched into the atmosphere on the first flight of the GSLV Mk III and then safely recovered from the Bay of Bengal.

Since then, ISRO has also mastered the art of making a spacesuit which will be used by Indian astronauts when they get sent into space from Sriharikota.
Earlier this year, ISRO carried out a crucial Pad Abort Test on July 5, when a 12.5-ton crew module was tested to make sure in case of an accident on the launchpad, the crew can be rescued safely.


ЦитироватьIndia will put man in space for seven days: ISRO Chairman

IANS | Chennai
Last Upd ated at August 15, 2018 13:30 IST

For the first time, India's space agency is planning to put an Indian astronaut for seven days in space at a cost less than Rs 10,000 crore as part of its manned mission by 2022, ISRO Chairman K. Sivan said on Wednesday.

With Prime Minister Narendra Modi giving the Indian Space Research Organisation the target to be achieved in the next four years, Sivan told IANS: "Our plan is to have a human being in space for seven days and not less than that.

"He will be in a spacecraft, 300-400 km above earth," Sivan said, as he explained that the rocket to be used for the manned mission would be a Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark III (GSLV-Mk III).

He said the first unmanned flight as part of a manned space mission will happen two years from now.

"There will be two unmanned space missions before the actual manned space mission," Sivan added.

In his Independence Day address to the nation, Modi said: "In space technology, we have dreamt something; our scientists have dreamt something. And I am happy to announce that by 2022, the 75th Independence year, we are planning a manned space mission.

"We will put an Indian in space by 2022 or earlier," Modi said.

Asked about the first animal flight before the actual manned mission, Sivan said those things have to be discussed.

Queried about the target date set by Modi and the steps to be taken by ISRO, Sivan said: "We will have to get a formal approval for the project. The manned mission project cost will be less than Rs 10,000 crore.

"We are in the process of developing some of the technologies and already have some. Our idea is to develop everything within India," he added.

According to him, ISRO has already tested the crew module and crew escape systems.

The space agency on July 5 carried out a successful maiden pad abort test at its spaceport Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh for the safe escape of the crew in an emergency.

"The technology is very essential for our manned missions in the future," Sivan had said at an event on July 7.

The critical technology is designed to quickly pull the crew module along with the astronauts to a safe distance from the launch vehicle in the event of a launch abort.

"We are in the process of developing the life support system for the astronaut, space suit and other things. ISRO is doing this with the support of industries," Sivan had said.

The ISRO Chairman had then said that the space agency was "not close" to a human spaceflight yet.

"We are not close to that. We need to work a lot towards achieving the dream of putting a man in space."

According to him, the selection of astronaut to fly the spacecraft would be done by the Indian Air Force (IAF) and the spaceflight training would be given overseas.

Sivan said ISRO has to se t up necessary infrastructural facilities like the control centres for the proposed manned mission.

He said Modi's announcement was a big kickstart and as a whole the nation's science and technology sector would benefit.

So far, only the US, Russia and China have launched human space flights.

(Venkatachari Jagannathan can be contacted at v.jagannathan@ians.in)



ЦитироватьQueried about the target date set by Modi and the steps to be taken by ISRO, Sivan said: "We will have to get a formal approval for the project.


ЦитироватьИндия планирует к 2022 году самостоятельно отправить человека в космос

Космос | 15 августа, 7:00 UTC+3

Премьер-министр Индии Нарендра Моди
© AP Photo/Markus Schreiber

НЬЮ-ДЕЛИ, 15 августа. /ТАСС/. Индия собирается к 2022 году направить в космос первую собственную пилотируемую миссию. Об этом заявил премьер-министр страны Нарендра Моди по случаю празднования Дня независимости, передает в среду телеканал NDTV.

"Индия всегда была продвинутой в области космической науки. Но мы решили, что к 2022 году, когда исполнится 75 лет с момента обретения Индией независимости, или раньше, сын или дочь Индии направится в космос с триколором в руках", - приводит телеканал его слова.

Ранее сообщалось, что Индийская организация космических исследований ведет работы, которые позволят отправить на орбиту национальный экипаж на собственном индийском корабле.

Комментируя заявление премьер-министра, глава Индийской организации космических исследований (ИСРО) доктор Кайласавадиву Сиван добавил, что ИСРО готова отправить к 2022 году корабль с тремя членами экипажа на околоземную орбиту.

"Это очень-очень плотный график, но ИСРО сделает это к 2022 году", - приводит телеканал NDTV слова Сивана.

По данным представителей ИСРО, первая индийская пилотируемая миссия будет готовиться в течение 40 месяцев. Сначала предстоит демонстрационная фаза, в ходе которой планируется произвести два запуска корабля в беспилотном режиме. Затем в космос отправится индийский экипаж.

Предполагается, что первый национальный индийский экипаж из трех человек будет отправлен на низкую околоземную орбиту, на которой проработает пять-семь суток. В качестве ракеты-носителя планируется использовать самый мощный индийский носитель GSLV Mk III (Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark III).

"ИСРО мечтала о пилотируемой миссии в течение 10 лет. "Вйом" ("пространство", "космос" на санскрите - прим. ТАСС) станет национальной целью, а не просто проектом ИСРО. Это поднимет национальную гордость", - добавил доктор Сиван.

Gaganyaan готовится в полет

Имя космического корабля и всей программы уже озвучено самим премьер-министром - Gaganyaan (от санскритского "гагана" - небеса), то есть "небесный корабль". Так же образованы названия и других индийский космических миссий - Chandrayaan ("лунный корабль" ) и Mangalyaan ("марсианский корабль" ) - так называются аппараты, отправленные к Луне и Марсу.

Ожидается, что члены экипажа индийского космического корабля получат название вйоманавты. Однако в Индии уже предлагают и другие варианты: "акашагами" (тот, кто ездит по небу), "гаганавт" и "антарикша ятри" (от "антарикша" - небо над Землей и "ятри" - "паломник", "путешественник" ).

Пока, однако, чаще используется слово "вйоманавт", местная пресса предполагает, что оно станет окончательным.

Работа над пилотируемой миссией в Индии идет давно. В июле текущего года ИСРО провела первое испытание системы спасения экипажа космического корабля в случае чрезвычайной ситуации. Эскизный проект корабля на трех членов экипажа ИСРО представила еще в 2009 году, ранее сообщалось, что уже идет работа над скафандрами, другим необходимым оборудованием и даже над космическим питанием.

ИСРО работает и над многоразовым космическим кораблем: в мае 2016 года организация провела испытательный запуск прототипа первого многоразового корабля RLV-TD - это уменьшенная в шесть раз копия "индийского челнока" Avatar, работу над которым Индия намерена завершить ориентировочно к 2030 году.


ЦитироватьИндия отправит первый экипаж на околоземную орбиту как минимум на семь дней

13:49 15.08.2018

НЬЮ-ДЕЛИ, 15 авг — РИА Новости. Индия планирует отправить первый национальный экипаж на низкую околоземную орбиту, на которой астронавты проработают не менее семи суток, заявил в среду глава Индийской организации космических исследований (ISRO) Кайласавадиву Сиван.

"Наш план состоит в том, чтобы продержать человека в космосе по меньшей мере неделю. Члены экипажа будут находиться в космическом аппарате примерно в 300-400 километрах над Землей", — сказал агентству IANS Сиван, находящийся в Ченнаи.

Он добавил, что в качестве носителя Индия планирует использовать самую мощную из имеющихся в ее распоряжении ракет — GSLV-Mk III. "В рамках подготовки к отправке первой пилотируемой миссии мы планируем произвести два беспилотных космических пуска", — рассказал глава ISRO.

Ранее в среду, выступая перед соотечественниками по случаю празднования Дня независимости, премьер-министр Индии Нарендра Моди заявил, что правительство планирует до 2022 года произвести запуск первой национальной пилотируемой миссии в космос. Космический корабль уже получил имя "Гаганьян", что в переводе означает "небесный корабль". Его эскизный проект был представлен еще в 2009 году, сейчас же ведется работа над скафандрами и другим необходимым для отправки астронавтов оборудованием.

Индия развивает собственную космическую программу с 1947 года, когда получила независимость. Работа ведется под руководством правительственного департамента космических исследований. Непосредственная организация работ по координации деятельности различных организаций и фирм в рамках комической программы, а также по созданию ракетно-космической техники возложена на ISRO (до 1969 года — Индийский национальный комитет космических исследований).


ЦитироватьIndia's future astronauts' training centre to be on Bengaluru outskirts

Chethan Kumar | TNN | Upd ated: Aug 20, 2018, 10:27 IST

Representative image

BENGALURU: India's future astronauts training facility, plans for which have been on the drawing board since 2008-09 awaiting official clearance of the Human Spaceflight Programme (HSP), will finally be realised on a land located about eight to ten kilometres fr om the Kempegowda International Airport (KIA) on the outskirts of Bengaluru city, as per current plans.

The facility, likely to be named Astronaut Training and Biomedical Engineering Centre, will be developed on the land owned by the Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) around its guest house in Devanahalli (Bengaluru Rural) and is expected to resemble the one in Russia where cosmonauts or astronauts from around the world undergo training. The centre is likely to be spread across 40-50 acres.

However, the astronauts—Gaganauts as Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in his speech—selected for India's first human space mission will be undergoing training either in Russia or the US given the tight schedule.
On the plans for the training centre in Devanahalli, Isro Chairman Sivan K told TOI: "Yes, but that will be for future missions, as it won't be possible to train astronauts for the present mission at our facility given the tight schedule. So we will be training them at a foreign facility, and subsequently, for future missions, we will have our own here."

To be built in collaboration with the Indian Air Force's (IAF) Institute of Aviation Medicine (IAM), located on Old Airport Road here, the astronauts facility will help prepare personnel for future manned missions in recovery and rescue operations, study of radiation environment and the long journey across space through water simulation.

The centre will also be equipped to train astronauts on surviving in zero gravity environments, something that most challenging according to Rakesh Sharma, the first Indian astronaut who went to space on a Soviet mission in 1984.

Aside of this, the centre will host a variety of chambers meant for thermal cycling and radiation regulation and also have centrifugals to train the astronauts on acceleration aspects when their module or vehicle is in space.

"The water simulators will be like swimming pools. Astronauts will go underneath the water and learn to live in zero gravity situations," one source had told this reporter earlier.

A senior official at the IAM told TOI that the institute has the ability to develop the astronaut training centre without any outside help, and that when the ball is se t rolling, there will be enough resources dedicated for the project.

Selection for Mission 2022

The first task at hand for the IAM so far as the human space mission goes, is the selection of 'Gaganauts' for the 2022 mission, several tests for which has already been conceptualised and developed at the institute, which already has a centrifugal system used to train pilots to handle G-force.

"There is an elaborate process and we also have all the simulators needed to select astronauts. The process had began as early as 2009 and we have developed these systems by 2011-12, but the project was not cleared then. Now, at least two of the simulators are ready to be used straight away while a few more would need minimal enhancements which will not take more than two-three weeks once we get the word," the official said.

Typically, the IAM would need anywhere between six months to a year to select the final few to go on India's maiden human space mission, following which their training will start which is also likely to take a few months.

"Initially, it took both Russia and the US one year to select their astronauts, subsequently the US now has a process wh ere it can pick them in six months. We'll need more than six months, but not more than a year," the official said.


"Гаганьян" значить... Я вначале прочел "Гагарьян" :)
Дрион покидает Землю


ЦитироватьRifkat пишет:
"Гаганьян" значить... Я вначале прочел "Гагарьян"  :)
Это будет первый армянский космонавт


Судя по всему, натренировать гаганавта к космическому полету индусы будут просить теперь Маска, а не Рогозина?


ЦитироватьHow ISRO is gearing up for the human space flight mission

By Malini Goyal, ET Bureau | Updated: Aug 26, 2018, 06.32 AM IST

The son of a farmer in Tamil Nadu, Sivan has risen up the ranks to head the country's apex space agency.

There is a lot of din and clutter at Antariksh Bhavan – the headquarters of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) in Bengaluru — which is in the midst of a major renovation work. Its chairman, K Sivan, 61, operates out of a makeshift spartan cabin these days as his office is getting renovated. The son of a farmer in Tamil Nadu, Sivan has risen up the ranks to head the country's apex space agency. The prime minister's August 15 announcement that India will undertake human space flight by 2022 has thrust both Sivan and the ISRO into the limelight, he admits. The organisation, with 17,000 employees of which 12,000 are scientists, is gearing up for the mission. Sivan speaks to ET about the ambitious mission and what India will gain fr om it. Edited excerpts:

On the importance of a human space mission
The mission is not just about sending a man to space. It will provide us opportunities to explore new technologies. New science will emerge out of it. It will enhance our scientific and technological capabilities. It will be an inspiring new national project, which will not be confined to just the ISRO but will include other institutions also, including industry.

On the new capabilities this project will help build
This project will have many parts. Astronaut training is one. Some institutions will have to build capabilities on how to recover the astronauts safely from the sea, wh ere they will land. We need to learn many things — like how to build a habitat module (in which astronauts will live and work), life support systems, space suits. It is not just an engineering pursuit but a big science project with a strong technological and biological component to it. This will be a national project that every Indian and India will feel proud about.

On the technological spin-offs of such projects
Most such projects bring in many technological spin-offs that one does not realise in the beginning. We developed lithium ion battery for our rockets and spacecraft. Now it is finding very good application in electric vehicles. We developed fire-resistant chemicals. They are critical — the chemicals protect the space vehicle from getting engulfed by fire, making it a fire-retardant vehicle. Such chemicals will be useful in the petroleum industry, safeguarding workers from the fire. A human space programme will involve many such technologies that will take our scientists to the next level.

On the critical steps to be taken for a human mission in 2022
Before sending humans to space, we will undertake two missions without humans. These two missions will be very important and will offer us a lot of learnings. We hope to undertake the two missions by 2020, and they will be six months apart. To keep humans safe inside the spaceship, environment control systems are being developed. We have already tested the crew escape system. The spaceship will see a lot of impact from micro-meteorites. We will have to develop systems that will protect it from this impact.

On the prime minister's surprise announcement
We were expecting the announcement to come someday. But it getting announced on August 15 was a big surprise.

On the project execution and the cost involved
I am confident that the project cost will be under `10,000 crore. We are now putting together a project management team. The system and the team leader have not been finalised. At this stage, it is very difficult to say how many people will be part of the project. But everybody here will contribute to make it a success.

On the challenges ahead
We have already crossed many milestones and surpassed many challenges. We have been working on the research and development and many difficult stages, like crew escape system, have already been crossed. We are not anticipating any further challenges. The question is now of good and smooth execution.

On the role of industry & scope for global collaboration
Industry will have a lot of scope for participation, especially in building infrastructure like control centre, launch pad, etc. We see them playing an important role in many technologies that will go into the module. We have had a few discussions around global collaborations, but nothing has been finalised. Everything that is required can be done by ourselves. But we also have to reduce the time and cost of development. We are still exploring this. And this is not limited to just the US, Russia and China (the only three countries that have sent human space missions so far).


Цитировать'Manned space mission 'Gaganyaan' as per schedule'
India has the knowledge and expertise required to successfully complete this mission
PTI | New Delhi | August 27, 2018 10:48 IST

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) will complete its first manned space mission on schedule, K Vijay Raghavan, principal scientific advisor to the government of India, said.

Since Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced on Independence Day this year that India will put a man or woman in the space on board 'Gaganyaan' by 2022, Raghavan said, ISRO has been moving ahead to complete the mission as per the schedule.
"This mission is not happening out of the blue, nor is it a coincidence. We were giving shape to this mission for a while," said Raghavan who is the topmost advisor to the government on scientific policy matters.

One of the most distinguished biologists, Raghavan, 64, was appointed the principal scientific advisor in March. The post of principal scientific advisor was created by the Atal Bihari Vajpayee government in 1999.

He, however, acknowledged that the project is a challenge, but added India has the knowledge and expertise required to successfully complete this mission.

Asked about scientists advising the government to take help from countries such as the US and Russia for 'Gaganyaan' mission, he said the nature of science and technology is of collaboration.

"Russia and the US are leaders in space and science and technology. Discussions with them are natural," he said.

Raghavan dismissed questions raised about the money spent on expensive space missions. He said these questions are not new, questions were raised even during ISRO's previous missions.

Initially people asked why India was investing so much to send rockets in space, but ISRO benefitted a lot from these investments, the principal scientific advisor said.

"We can anticipate the short-term and long-term benefits of this (Gaganyaan) mission," Raghavan said.

If India manages to link the manned mission with the startup sector and industry, it can become a leading technology mission anywhere in the world, he said.

India today has to import electronic spare parts and other equipment and "we can use this manned mission to promote domestic industry and science", he said.

Asked about training astronauts and developing the support system for the proposed manned mission, he said training is an important element as it helps in evolving the human psychology in challenging circumstances.

He stressed that the mission will propel India far ahead of others in the area of science and technology. It will also inspire the young generation and all Indians will be proud of it, he concluded.


ЦитироватьИндия в срок завершит подготовку к отправке пилотируемой космической миссии

09:11 27.08.2018 (обновлено: 10:06 27.08.2018)

НЬЮ-ДЕЛИ, 27 авг — РИА Новости. Индийская организация космических исследований (ISRO) рассчитывает в срок завершить подготовку к отправке собственной пилотируемой космической миссии — к 2022 году, заявил в интервью агентству PTI главный советник по науке при правительстве Индии Виджай Рагхаван.

"Эта миссия не появляется из ниоткуда, она же не является результатом случайного стечения обстоятельств. На то, чтобы сформировать ее, нам потребовалось значительное время", — сказал Рагхаван, подтвердив ранее озвученные планы по отправке миссии в 2022 году.

На вопрос о том, консультируется ли Индия со своими иностранными коллегами, имеющими значительный опыт в космической отрасли, прежде всего, из России и США, он ответил, что эти две страны являются общепризнанными лидерами в сфере науки и технологий. "Консультации с ними носят естественный характер", — указал собеседник агентства.
Выступая перед соотечественниками по случаю празднования Дня независимости 15 августа, премьер-министр Индии Нарендра Моди сообщил, что правительство планирует до 2022 года произвести запуск первой национальной пилотируемой миссии в космос. Космический корабль уже получил имя "Гаганьян", что в переводе означает "небесный корабль". Его эскизный проект был представлен еще в 2009 году, сейчас же ведется работа над скафандрами и другим необходимым для отправки астронавтов оборудованием.

Предполагается, что ракета-носитель с первым национальным индийским экипажем будет выведена на низкую околоземную орбиту (порядка 300-400 километров над Землей), на которой астронавты проработают не менее семи дней. В качестве носителя Индия планирует использовать самую мощную из имеющихся в ее распоряжении ракет — GSLV-Mk III.


Цитироватьsas пишет:
Судя по всему, натренировать гаганавта к космическому полету индусы будут просить теперь Маска, а не Рогозина?
Много астронавтов от Маска побывали в космосе?
Дрион покидает Землю


ЦитироватьFirst Indian to fly on India's spacecraft likely to be a woman

PM Modi had said India's human space mission would happen by 2022

  By Rekha Dixit August 27, 2018 18:24 IST

The first Indian in space aboard an Indian space shuttle could be a woman, said Jitendra Singh, Union minister of state for space. He was talking at an interaction organised by the Indian Women's Press Corps (IWPC) on Monday.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi had announced in his Independence Day address from the Red Fort that India's human space mission would happen by 2022.

Singh said that the mission date could be a little before or a little after 2022. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) would be in charge of the mission. The space agency has been getting its technologies ready towards this goal for the last several years.

India's first man in space was Wing Commander Rakesh Sharma, but he flew aboard a Soviet spacecraft in 1984.

Two women of Indian origin—Haryana-born Kalpana Chawla and Sunita Williams, born to an Indian father—have been spacefarers with NASA missions.

India has not sent a human aboard its own spacecraft, yet.

Singh said that the modality of the mission was still being worked out. At this stage, it is not clear whether the astronauts would be sel ected fr om the Indian Air Force (IAF). The IAF has a cadre of women pilots, and they have now also got inducted into the fighter pilot branch. Modi had also announced at the I-Day address that women would be given a permanent commission in military.


ЦитироватьIndia's First Manned Space Flight Gaganyaan to Send 3 Persons to Space

Published: August 28, 2018 3:58 PM IST

By India.com News Desk Email

New Delhi: India's first manned space flight – Gaganyaan – is expected to send three persons into space for seven days and the spacecraft will be placed in a low earth orbit of 300-400 km. The ISRO's is expected to complete this ambitious project by 2022.

Giving details of the programme at a press conference, Minister of State for Atomic Energy and Space, Jitendra Singh said GSLV Mk III, the three-stage heavy-lift launch vehicle, will be used to launch Gaganyaan as it has the necessary payload capability. He said two unmanned Gaganyaan missions will be undertaken prior to sending humans.

"The total programme is expected to be completed before 2022 with the first unmanned flight within 30 months. The mission will aim to send a three-person crew to space for a period of seven days. The spacecraft will be placed in a low earth orbit of 300-400 km. The programme is expected to cost less than Rs 10,000 crore," Singh said.

The Gaganyaan mission was announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his Independence Day address. He had said that by 2022 or even before that, some of the young boys and girls will unfurl the Tricolour in space.

Sing said the complex programme will truly be a national endeavour with the participation of ISRO, academia, industry as well as other government and private agencies as stakeholders.

"The mission will make India the fourth nation in the world to launch a Human Spaceflight Mission," Singh said. To accelerate the programme, ISRO may consider seeking collaborations with space agencies from friendly countries and advanced space programmes, he said.


ЦитироватьSaurav Jha‏ @SJha1618 57 мин. назад

These publicly released graphics show the workings of the Recovery Parachute System (RPS) developed by @DRDO_India's ADRDE, Agra for @isro's crew module related to India's human spaceflight mission, #Gaganyaan . Source: DRDO


Цитировать3 Indians will reach space within 16 minutes of launch: Isro chairman

Surendra Singh | TNN | Upd ated: Aug 29, 2018, 10:47 IST

NEW DELHI: Three Indians who will be chosen for the country's first human space flight programme "will reach space within 16 minutes of the launch fr om Sriharikota". They will spend "five to seven days in the low-earth orbit before the crew module makes a "splashdown in the Arabian Sea off the Gujarat coast", Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) chariman K Sivan said here on Tuesday. He said "Isro will certainly launch the Gaganyaan by 2022", the deadline se t by PM Narendra Modi during his recent I-Day speech.

Making a detailed presentation here, Sivan, accompanied by minister of state for atomic energy and space Jitendra Singh, said, "A crew module carrying three Indians will be attached with a service module. Together, these two modules will comprise the orbital module that will be integrated with an advanced GSLV Mk III rocket. The rocket will take the crew to the low-earth orbit (300-400 km) wh ere they will perform micro-gravity and other scientific experiments for a week."

For the return journey, Sivan said, "The orbital module will reorient itself. The crew and service modules will get separated at 120 km altitude. The crew module will apply aerobrake to reduce speed and parachutes will open just before the splashdown in the Arabian Sea off Gujarat. The return journey will take 36 minutes. In case of a technical problem, the module can land in the Bay of Bengal as a back-up." He said, "The module will be the size of a small cubicle (3.4 m diametre) with a mass of 7 tonnes." The Isro chief said the manned mission, whose preparation started way back in 2004, "will provide employment to 15,000 people".

Isro chief Dr K Sivan (second from left) with Union minister Jitendra Singh during a media interaction on Gaganyaan.

On mission preparations, Sivan said, "Isro will conduct the first unmanned test-flight within 30 months. The second unmanned test in 36 months. Finally, the first human spaceflight in 40 months. Most of the critical technologies needed for the mission like crew escape system have already been developed."

On crew selection and training, Sivan said, "The spacesuit is ready. The crew members will be jointly selected by the IAF and Isro after which they will be trained for two-three years. We will send them to a training facility in Bengaluru. We are also consulting Rakesh Sharma (first Indian cosmonaut to go to space in 1984) for the mission."

Minister Jitendra Singh said, "We won't call it a manned mission as the PM has said in his I-Day speech that a girl can also be sent to space. This programme will totally be an indigenous mission. However, we can send the selected crew for training abroad." The minister told TOI, "We are not sending robots or animals to space first. The reason being there are several advantages of sending humans to space. They can do several experiments in space and experience the changes in human behaviour, including psychological and biological changes."

On the mission budget, Singh said, "Less than Rs 10,000 crore will be allocated for the mission. This money will be in addition to the annual budget of Rs 6,000 crore earmarked for Isro. This will be a cost-effective budget as the money allocated will be much less than what other countries had spent on the manned mission."