LADEE - Minotaur V - 07.09.2013 -- Wallops/MARS

Автор instml, 01.07.2012 19:06:12

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НАСА: лунный зонд LADEE случайно "забрал" с собой в космос лягушку

ЦитироватьМОСКВА, 12 сен — РИА Новости. Любители космонавтики заметили на одной из фотографий запуска американского лунного зонда LADEE утром 7 сентября маленькую лягушку, которая при старте ракеты тоже взлетела в воздух, фотография опубликована американским космическим агентством НАСА.

Ракета "Минотавр-5" (Minotaur V) с лунным зондом успешно стартовала в 07.27 мск субботы со Среднеатлантического регионального космопорта (MARS) на острове Уоллопс, штат Виргиния. Это был первый полет новой ракеты, созданной корпорацией Orbital, а также первый запуск аппарата за пределы околоземной орбиты с космодрома на острове Уоллопс.

На одном из снимков старта рядом с ракетой, которая уже оторвалась от земли, на фоне дыма от двигателей видна маленькая лягушка, которая тоже как бы "взлетает". Официальный представитель космодрома Джереми Эггерс подтвердил интернет-изданию Universe Today, что фотография подлинная и не подвергалась какой-либо обработке.

Как отмечает Universe Today, "дальнейшая судьба лягушки неизвестна".

Другая знаменитая "встреча" животного и космического корабля произошла в 2005 году, когда гриф-индейка, распространенная в штате Флорида птица, врезалась в топливный бак шаттла "Дискавери". Кроме того, совсем недавно в ходе тестовых испытаний инновационная ракета Grasshopper, которую разрабатывает компания SpaceX, сильно напугала стадо коров, которое в полном составе пробежало перед одной из камер, снимавших испытания.

:) фото здесь


Ради справедливости и приоритета надо отметить что первую в мире фотографию лягушки пострадавшей при космическом запуске опубликовал на этом форуме Вован. Лягушка зажарилась при пуске Зенита.
1. Ангара - единственная в мире новая РН которая хуже старой (с) Старый Ламер
2. Назначение Роскосмоса - не летать в космос а выкачивать из бюджета деньги
3. У Маска ракета длиннее и толще чем у Роскосмоса
4. Чем мрачнее реальность тем ярче бред (с) Старый Ламер


Это казнили таким способом политического противника Обамы :)
И куда Greenpeace смотрит?...


"The AM-1 maneuver was successfully performed at 4 p.m. PDT today, Sept. 11. This was an engineering test of the main Orbital Control System (OCS) thruster, which is the big main thruster sticking out of the bottom of the spacecraft. It will be critical for our big Lunar Orbit Insertion (LOI-1 burn) on Oct 6"

В 4 утра по москве 12-го 1-ый успешный маневр.


ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Ради справедливости и приоритета надо отметить что первую в мире фотографию лягушки пострадавшей при космическом запуске опубликовал на этом форуме Вован. Лягушка зажарилась при пуске Зенита.
А где можно глянуть?


Помнится, у них ещё летучая мышь на Шаттле улетела.


ЦитироватьЛуноход пишет:
ЦитироватьСтарый пишет:
Ради справедливости и приоритета надо отметить что первую в мире фотографию лягушки пострадавшей при космическом запуске опубликовал на этом форуме Вован. Лягушка зажарилась при пуске Зенита.
А где можно глянуть?
Гдето в сообщениях Вована. :)
1. Ангара - единственная в мире новая РН которая хуже старой (с) Старый Ламер
2. Назначение Роскосмоса - не летать в космос а выкачивать из бюджета деньги
3. У Маска ракета длиннее и толще чем у Роскосмоса
4. Чем мрачнее реальность тем ярче бред (с) Старый Ламер


Лягушка-путешественница наконец-то полетела на Луну!  :D


ЦитироватьЛуноход пишет:
Помнится, у них ещё летучая мышь на Шаттле улетела.
И жук на лобовом стекле!


Вообще, исследовать солнечную систему автоматами - это примерно то же самое, что посылать робота вместо себя в фитнес, качаться.Зомби. Просто Зомби (с)
Многоразовость - это бяка (с) Дмитрий Инфан

che wi

LADEE successfully completes First Perigee Maneuver

ЦитироватьAfter overcoming initial trouble early in its Mission, NASA's LADEE spacecraft has completed its first major Perigee Maneuver on Friday - climbing up in its Lunar Transfer Orbit around Earth, on track for its arrival at the Moon on October 6.

Following its spectacular launch last Saturday (UTC), LADEE was delivered to its planned orbit with an apogee of about 260,000 Kilometers and a period of 6.4 days. After starting initial orbital operations, LADEE ran into trouble with its reaction wheels that drew more power than expected, resulting in an unplanned safe mode which was successfully resolved shortly thereafter. The reaction wheels were in proper condition and the fault protection limit that caused the system to be disabled was inhibited for the re-start.

The initial checkout of the vehicle was successfully completed by September 10 and showed that LADEE was in good condition as it passed apogee and began its trip down to perigee.

On the 11th, LADEE entered safe mode again due to an alignment error between the two star tracker camera heads, affecting the rate estimator when the sun occludes one of the cameras. Mission Controllers at NASA's Ames Research Center studied the situation and corrected the error later that day to resume nominal mission operations.

Later on Wednesday, the spacecraft performed its AM-1b maneuver – a short test of its Orbital Control System (OCS) thruster. The burn took place at 23:00 UTC and provided a change in velocity of 9.34 meters per second. The engine was burned 90 degrees out of plane to adjust the right ascension of the ascending node and move the Lunar Orbit Insertion Maneuver back by 30 minutes to avoid a gap in Deep Space Network Coverage on October 6.

With the engine checked out, LADEE was ready for its next maneuver – the first major engine burn of the mission taking place at perigee, the low point of its elliptical orbit around Earth. The OCS thruster was ignited at 16:38 UTC on a 17m/s burn to boost the apogee of the orbit.

Initial indications are that the burn was performed successfully, placing LADEE in a 7.6-day orbit ahead of the next Perigee Maneuver, planned for September 21 to increase the orbital period to 10 days for the final orbit around Earth that will set the vehicle up for a small Trajectory Correction Maneuver when passing perigee on October 1.

At that point, LADEE enters a Lunar-Transfer Trajectory that will take it to the moon in 5.3 days, setting the stage for the first of three Lunar Orbit Insertion Maneuvers.

While LADEE completes its second orbit around Earth, in-depth spacecraft testing is underway.


Цитироватьpkl пишет:
Но до "братской могилы" им далеко.
Планы пусков. Обновление по выходным.


Вечером 17-го по Москве LADEE достигнет апогея своей орбиты высотой свыше 300 тыс.км.


Цитироватьche wi пишет:
 НАСА: лунный зонд LADEE случайно "забрал" с собой в космос лягушку
ЦитироватьНа одном из снимков старта рядом с ракетой, которая уже оторвалась от земли, на фоне дыма от двигателей видна маленькая лягушка, которая тоже как бы "взлетает". Официальный представитель космодрома Джереми Эггерс подтвердил интернет-изданию Universe Today, что фотография подлинная и не подвергалась какой-либо обработке.

Как отмечает Universe Today, "дальнейшая судьба лягушки неизвестна".
:)  фото здесь
Да, эффектно...

Сказанное выше выражает личную точку зрения автора, основанную на открытых источниках информации

che wi

LADEE aces 2nd Perigee Maneuver to begin final Phasing Loop around Earth

ЦитироватьNASA's LADEE Spacecraft has completed its second Perigee Maneuver on Saturday as it made its second close approach to Earth. This second Perigee Maneuver marked the final major engine burn ahead of the first Lunar Orbit Insertion Maneuver planned for October 6, 2013.

The first Perigee Maneuver performed on September 13 after one orbit around Earth put LADEE into an orbit with a duration of 7.6 days. Over the course of its second orbit, LADEE underwent electrical checkouts of its instrument payload. While making its Phasing Loops and during Orbit Insertion, the instrument covers remain in place to avoid contamination as a result of the large engine burns.

LADEE's Neutral Mass Spectrometer (NMS) completed its aliveness and electrical check and the Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrometer (UVS) dark calibration test was also completed. Both instruments were awarded a clean bill of health after their first checks.

On September 17, the Lasercom Spacecraft Terminal (LLST) underwent electrical checkouts to make sure it was ready for operation. These initial tests did not yet involve optical transmission to or from Earth.

On September 18, the Neutral Mass Spectrometer completed its cap ejection preparation, as well as peak spectra calibration. The Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrometer performed more dark calibrations before instrument heaters were adjusted to higher temperatures to complete the instrument bake-out. NMS Argon and Helium Baseline calibration was completed on the 19th to fully prepare the instrument for cap ejection later in the mission.

On Friday, the Perigee Maneuver 2 sequence was uplinked to the spacecraft  and verified to ensure the maneuver is performed as planned. The PM2 main engine burn took place at 11:53 UTC on Saturday and provided a change in velocity of 10 meters per second to increase the apogee of LADEE's Orbit to match the orbital altitude of the Moon. The orbital period was increased to roughly ten days.

Now in its third orbit, LADEE will swing around Earth one last time to pass perigee on October 1. The third perigee passage does not feature a major engine burn - an optional Trajectory Correction Maneuver may be performed at Perigee #3 should it be necessary. After passing its final perigee, LADEE will set sail for the Moon, entering a hyperbolic Trans-Lunar Trajectory as the Moon's gravity pulls the vehicle in. Another Trajectory Correction is performed 36 hours after Perigee #3.

On October 6, LADEE will conduct its first Lunar Orbit Insertion maneuver to enter an elliptical orbit around the Moon that is circularized at a lower altitude by two additional burns that take place over a period of about a week to set the stage for initial commissioning activities in Lunar Orbit.



Sept. 23, 2013: Analysis of the perigee maneuver main engine burn performed Saturday, Sept. 21, confirms that the burn was extremely accurate. This means that some of the later maneuvers, such as the last perigee burn (PM-3), may not be needed at all. The LADEE Flight Dynamics team is currently assessing the possibilities, and will make their recommendation soon.

Sept. 22, 2013: After the successful perigee engine burn maneuver yesterday, the LADEE spacecraft continues outward from Earth in its third phasing loop orbit.  The final science instrument, the Lunar Dust Experiment (LDEX), has completed its initial activation tests, so all of the LADEE instruments have now been checked out after launch.


LADEE Project Manager Update: Instrument Checkout Complete, Cruising to the Moon
Sept 25, 2013

NASA's Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) Observatory continues the phase of the mission where it is cruising on its way to the moon. LADEE currently is in its third and final elliptic orbit around Earth – performing what we call phasing loops. After the final perigee pass around Earth on Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2013, LADEE will travel to the point at which it will be captured around the moon using an initial Lunar Orbit Insertion (LOI-1) burn of the onboard main engine. After that, LADEE will be in lunar orbit.

The major activities accomplished since the first perigree maneuver (PM-1) Sept. 13, 2013, involved instrument checkouts with their covers closed. These tests ensure that the instruments are operational, and survived the stresses of launch. All three science instruments, as well as the laser communication experiment, successfully completed their tests and look healthy.

After the instruments were checked out, it was time for LADEE to perform the second perigee maneuver (PM-2), designed to raise its orbital altitude to match where the moon will be when it arrives. This maneuver was completed very early in the morning Saturday, Sept. 21. The tracking data after the PM-2 shows that the burn was very accurate. This means that the final perigee maneuver (PM-3), scheduled for Oct. 1, may be a very small adjustment, if needed at all. After the final perigee burn, then the spacecraft will only will make small course corrections prior to the lunar orbit insertion on Sunday, Oct. 6.

Butler Hine

LADEE Project Manager

NASA's Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif.


Страницы истории:
20 сентября исполнилось 50 лет предложению США  СССР о совместном полете на Луну.


 final perigee maneuver (PM-3), scheduled for Oct. 1
Когда жизнь экзаменует - первыми сдают нервы.