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Тематические разделы => Прикладная космонавтика => Тема начата: zandr от 21.07.2020 00:29:54

Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 (B1063.1) – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: zandr от 21.07.2020 00:29:54
ЦитироватьНовая полезная нагрузка для запуска SpaceX, спутник для наблюдения Земли Sentinel-6 проходит заключительные испытания
Команда инженеров из США и Европы провела ряд заключительных испытаний космического аппарата Sentinel-6, носящего имя Michael Freilich, чтобы подготовить его к запуску на ракете Falcon 9 в ноябре этого года. Спутник назван в честь бывшего директора научного отдела NASA по изучении Земли, Майкла Фрейлича (Michael Freilich). Новый космический аппарат отправится на орбиту вслед за спутником наблюдения за уровнем моря Jason-3, который был запущен в 2016 году, также на ракете Falcon 9.

Научный спутник Sentinel-6 будет собирать самые точные данные об уровне моря - ключевом показателе того, как глобальное потепление влияет на океаны, погоду и береговые линии. Но сначала инженеры должны убедиться, что космический корабль сможет выдержать нагрузки во время запуска и суровые условия космоса. Специально для этого аппарат подвергли тщательному тестированию.

"Если он сможет выдержать всё, чему мы намеренно подвергаем его на земле, значит он готов и к космосу", - сказал Джон Освальд (John Oswald), заместитель проектного руководителя миссии в Лаборатории Реактивного Движения (JPL) в NASA.

Тестирование включало в себя:
Вибротест, в котором спутник Sentinel-6 подвергался вибрационным нагрузкам, аналогичным тем, что он испытает при полёте на ракете Falcon 9.
Затем инженеры провели испытания в большой вакуумной камере и подвергли его воздействию экстремальных температур, с которыми он столкнётся в космосе, в диапазоне от +65℃ до -180℃.
Тест на акустические нагрузки помог удостовериться, что спутник может выдержать подъём на орбиту. Инженеры поместили спутник в специальную комнату, оснащенную огромными динамиками. Затем они направили на спутник четыре 60-секундных звуковых сигнала, с максимальным значением громкости ~140 дБ. Это всё равно что стоять рядом с реактивным двигателем во время взлёта самолёта.
Электромагнитный тест был проведён, чтобы убедиться, что датчики и электроника на спутнике не будут мешать друг другу и давать правильные данные.
В конце мая инженеры завершили серию испытаний космического аппарата, который строится в Германии.

"Испытания завершены, и предварительные результаты выглядят хорошо", - сказал Освальд. В течение следующих нескольких недель будет проведён анализ результатов, а затем спутник отправят на базу Ванденберг в Калифорнии для запуска этой осенью. Он станет первой полезной нагрузкой для запуска с Западного побережья США c декабря 2019, когда SpaceX запустили миссию RADARSAT с 3-мя канадскими спутниками.

Sentinel-6 является частью миссии Copernicus Sentinel-6 / Jason-CS, совместного американо-европейского проекта, в котором два одинаковых спутника будут запущены с интервалом в пять лет. Спутник создаётся сразу несколькими организациями: ESA, NASA, EUMETSAT (Европейская организация спутниковой метеорологии), NOAA (Национальное управление океанических и атмосферных исследований, США) и CNES (Национальный центр космических исследований, Франция).
Космический аппарат присоединится к группировке Copernicus, которая является частью Программы Европейского Союза по Наблюдению Земли (European Union's Earth Observation Programme). Находясь на орбите, каждый спутник будет собирать измерения уровня моря с точностью до сантиметра и покроет наблюдениями 90% мирового океана. Эти данные дополнят почти 30-летние исследования американских и европейских спутников, создав беспрецедентный набор данных по уровню моря за 40 лет наблюдений! Он также будет измерять температуру и влажность атмосферы Земли. Эти данные могут быть использованы для улучшения прогнозов погоды и предсказания ураганов.

Важность этих измерений объясняется крайне тесной связью между океаном и атмосферой. Более 90% тепла парниковых газов уходит в океан. Повышение температуры заставляет морскую воду расширяться, на что приходится примерно одна треть среднего глобального повышения уровня моря. Учёным важно знать уровень моря не только сегодня, но и, для сравнения, 20 лет назад. Необходимы более длительные наблюдения для понимания происходящих изменений, и запуск таких спутников поможет науке в этом.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 10.10.2020
Отправлено: zandr от 21.07.2020 00:41:24
Оттуда же:
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Акустические испытания спутника Sentinel-6  Credit: Airbus

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Спутник Sentinel-6 перед помещением в испытательную камеру  Credit: Airbus
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 10.10.2020
Отправлено: tnt22 от 01.09.2020 22:25:52
Цитировать NASA's Launch Services Program @NASA_LSP 3 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/NASA_LSP/status/1300827174602256384)

Launch Alert 🚀 We are targeting Nov. 10 for the launch of the newest ocean-observer, Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich, aboard a @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) Falcon 9 rocket from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 10.10.2020
Отправлено: tnt22 от 01.09.2020 23:39:06
Цитировать Stephen Clark @StephenClark1 33 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/StephenClark1/status/1300886213541453824)

This launch is set for 11:45 a.m. PDS (https://twitter.com/StephenClark1/status/1300886436045090822)T, and will include a first stage return to LZ-4 at Vandenberg.

Цитироватьhttps://twitter.com/NASA_LSP/status/1300827174602256384 (https://twitter.com/NASA_LSP/status/1300827174602256384)
10 ноября 2020 г. в 19:45 UTC / 22:45 ДМВ
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 10.11.2020
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.09.2020 20:32:26
https://blogs.nasa.gov/sentinel-6/2020/09/21/nasa-prepares-for-upcoming-launch-of-sentinel-6-michael-freilich-satellite/ (https://blogs.nasa.gov/sentinel-6/2020/09/21/nasa-prepares-for-upcoming-launch-of-sentinel-6-michael-freilich-satellite/)

ЦитироватьNASA Prepares for Upcoming Launch of Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich Satellite

Anna Heiney (https://blogs.nasa.gov/sentinel-6/author/aheiney/)
Posted Sep 21, 2020 at 12:56 pm

Illustration of the Sentinel-6/Michael Freilich satellite in orbit. Image credit: ESA

NASA is preparing for the launch of the Sentinel-6 (https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/missions/sentinel-6/) Michael Freilich satellite, an international partnership that is the first launch of a constellation of two identical satellites launched sequentially. Together, they will continue observations of sea level change for at least the next decade. The mission is targeted for launch Nov. 10 at 2:31 p.m. EDT (11:31 a.m. PDT) from Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) in California. Sentinel-6 will launch on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Space Launch Complex 4, and the launch is managed by NASA's Launch Services Program (https://www.nasa.gov/launchservices/), based at the agency's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

Named in honor of the former director of NASA's Earth Science Division, Dr. Michael Freilich, who was instrumental in advancing ocean altimetry, Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich follows the most recent U.S.-European sea level observation satellite, Jason-3, which launched in 2016 and currently is providing high-precision and timely observations of the topography of the global ocean.

Sentinel-6 is part of Copernicus, the European Union's Earth observation program managed by the European Commission. The Copernicus Sentinel-6 missions are being jointly developed by ESA (European Space Agency (https://www.esa.int/Applications/Observing_the_Earth/Copernicus/Sentinel-6)), the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), NASA, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), with funding support from the European Commission (EC) and support from France's National Centre for Space Studies (CNES).

NASA's contributions to the Sentinel-6/Jason-CS missions are three science instruments for each of the two Sentinel-6 satellites: the Advanced Microwave Radiometer, the GNSS-RO, and the Laser Retroreflector Array. NASA is also contributing launch services, ground systems supporting operation of the NASA science instruments, the science data processors for two of these instruments, and support for the international Ocean Surface Topography Science Team.

https://dateandtime.info/ru/country.php?code=US (https://dateandtime.info/ru/country.php?code=US)
Цитата: undefinedПереход на зимнее время в США в 2020 году ожидается 1 ноября 2020 года в 2 часа ночи по местному времени. Стрелки часов будут переведены на час назад.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 10.11.2020 19:31 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 26.09.2020 06:20:46
https://www.nasa.gov/feature/jpl/new-sea-level-satellite-arrives-at-california-launch-site (https://www.nasa.gov/feature/jpl/new-sea-level-satellite-arrives-at-california-launch-site)

ЦитироватьSept. 25, 2020

New Sea Level Satellite Arrives at California Launch Site

A shipping container containing the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite is transported on a truck to the SpaceX payload processing facility at Vandenberg Air Force Base after landing in California on Sept. 24, 2020.
Credits: 30th Space Wing

The Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich spacecraft will launch from the U.S. West Coast aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket in November.

The world's latest ocean-monitoring satellite has arrived at Vandenberg Air Force Base in Central California to be prepared for its Nov. 10 launch. The product of a historic U.S.-European partnership, the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich spacecraft touched down at Vandenberg in an Antonov 124 aircraft at around 10:40 a.m. PDT (1:40 p.m. EDT) on Sept. 24 after a two-day journey from an IABG engineering facility near Munich, Germany.

"The spacecraft had a smooth trip from Europe and is in good shape," said Parag Vaze, the mission's project manager at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. "Final preparations are under way to see the satellite safely into Earth orbit in a little under seven weeks."

The satellite is named after Dr. Michael Freilich, the former director of NASA's Earth Science Division and an instrumental figure in advancing ocean observations from space. Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich is one of two identical spacecraft that compose the Sentinel-6/Jason-CS (Continuity of Service) mission developed in partnership with ESA (the European Space Agency). ESA is developing the new Sentinel family of missions to support the operational needs of the European Union's Copernicus program, the EU's Earth observation program managed by the European Commission. The spacecraft's twin, Sentinel-6B, will launch in 2025.

"It has been a long journey of planning, development, and testing for the mission team," said Pierrik Vuilleumier, the mission's project manager at ESA. "We are proud to work with our international partners on such a critical mission for sea level studies and are looking forward to many years of Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich taking critical sea level and atmospheric data from orbit."

A shipping container containing the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite is removed from an Antonov 124 aircraft at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California on Sept. 24, 2020, after its two-day journey from an IABG engineering facility near Munich, Germany.
Credits: 30th Space Wing

Once in orbit, each satellite will collect sea surface height measurements down to the centimeter for more than 90% of the world's oceans. They'll be contributing to a nearly 30-year-long dataset built by an uninterrupted series of spacecraft that started with the TOPEX/Poseidon mission in the early 1990s and that continues today with Jason-3. Instruments aboard the spacecraft will also provide atmospheric data that will improve weather forecasts, help to track hurricanes, and bolster climate models.

Although Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich has already undergone rigorous testing (https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=7676), it will go through a final checkout at the SpaceX payload processing facility at Vandenberg to verify that the satellite is healthy and ready for launch.

Once tests are complete, Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich will be mounted atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket at Vandenberg Air Force Base's Space Launch Complex 4E. The launch is scheduled for 11:31 a.m. PST (2:31 p.m. EST) on Nov. 10.

"The Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite will extend our observation record of global sea level, advance our understanding of the Earth as a system, and inform decision-makers, from federal to local levels, who must manage the risks associated with rising sea level," said Karen St. Germain, director of NASA's Earth Science Division in Washington.

Sentinel-6/Jason-CS is being jointly developed by ESA, the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), NASA, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, with funding support from the European Commission and technical support from France's National Centre for Space Studies (CNES).

JPL, a division of Caltech in Pasadena, is contributing three science instruments for each Sentinel-6 satellite: the Advanced Microwave Radiometer, the Global Navigation Satellite System - Radio Occultation, and the Laser Retroreflector Array. NASA is also contributing launch services, ground systems supporting operation of the NASA science instruments, the science data processors for two of these instruments, and support for the international Ocean Surface Topography Science Team.


Last Updated: Sept. 25, 2020
Editor: Tony Greicius
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 10.11.2020 19:31 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 01.10.2020 18:51:03
https://blogs.nasa.gov/sentinel-6/2020/10/01/sentinel-6-satellite-arrives-at-vandenberg-for-preflight-checkout/ (https://blogs.nasa.gov/sentinel-6/2020/10/01/sentinel-6-satellite-arrives-at-vandenberg-for-preflight-checkout/)

ЦитироватьSentinel-6 Satellite Arrives at Vandenberg for Preflight Checkout

Linda Herridge (https://blogs.nasa.gov/sentinel-6/author/lherridg/)
Posted Oct 1, 2020 at 11:14 am

A shipping container containing the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite is transported on a truck to the SpaceX payload processing facility at Vandenberg Air Force Base after arriving in California on Sept. 24, 2020. Photo credit: NASA/JPL

The Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich (https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=7755) satellite, secured inside a shipping container, arrived at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California on Thursday, Sept. 24, aboard an Antonov cargo aircraft. It was offloaded from the aircraft and moved to the SpaceX Payload Processing Facility for checkout and preflight processing.

The mission is an international partnership and the first launch of a constellation of two satellites that will observe changes in Earth's sea levels for at least the next decade. Launching atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 Full Thrust rocket, Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich is targeted to lift off from Vandenberg's Space Launch Complex 4 on Nov. 10, 2020.

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (https://www.nasa.gov/centers/jpl/home/index.html) in Pasadena, California, manages NASA's contribution to the mission. The Launch Services Program (https://www.nasa.gov/centers/kennedy/launchingrockets/index.html), based at the agency's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, is responsible for launch management.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 10.11.2020 19:31 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 08.10.2020 11:28:23
ЦитироватьCopernicus Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich: preparing for launch

(https://www.youtube.com/user/ESA) European Space Agency, ESA (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIBaDdAbGlFDeS33shmlD0A)

29 сент. 2020 г.

A European satellite built to carry out precise measurements of sea level changes has arrived in California in preparation for launch. The Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite forms part of the European Union's Copernicus Earth Observation programme and will employ radar to map sea surface topography.

The mission will be used to monitor the height of the sea surface to understand long-term change. It will also measure wave height and wind speed. The satellite will provide fundamental data for climate science, policy-making and protecting the 600 million people who live in vulnerable coastal areas.

Data are provided to Copernicus services in near-real time to improve marine and weather forecasts used by maritime and coastal communities. 

The mission is a collaboration between ESA, the European Commission, EUMETSAT, NASA and NOAA, with support from the French Space Agency CNES.

It is named Michael Freilich after NASA's former Director of Earth Science and is scheduled for launch on 10 November on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from the Vandenberg Air Force Base.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTlTvk355eQ (3:20)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 10.11.2020 19:31 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 11.10.2020 17:31:38

Цитировать Falcon 9 Block 5 @Falcon9Block5 11 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/Falcon9Block5/status/1315128109306265600)

#SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hashtag_click) is targeting November 10th at 2:31PM EDT | 11:31AM PDT | 19:31 UTC for the launch of the #Sentinel6 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Sentinel6?src=hashtag_click) Mike Freilich satellite for @NASA (https://twitter.com/NASA), @esa (https://twitter.com/esa), @eumetsat (https://twitter.com/eumetsat), and @NOAA (https://twitter.com/NOAA) from launch pad SLC-4E, Vandenberg AFB in California. #Falcon9 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Falcon9?src=hashtag_click)

11 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/Falcon9Block5/status/1315130868164292608)

The booster supporting this mission, B1063.1, will be flying for its first time.

Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 10.11.2020 19:31 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 14.10.2020 05:54:57

ЦитироватьNews Update on Launch of the Sea Level-Monitoring Satellite, Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich


Начало трансляции - 16 октября 2020 г. в 14:00 UTC / 17:00 ДМВ
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 10.11.2020 19:31 UTC
Отправлено: Alex Immortal от 14.10.2020 10:59:22
Цитата: tnt22 от 14.10.2020 05:54:57АНОНС
О! сдвиг влево на 3 недели?

СпХ нужно показать, что с газогенератором Мерлина на новых Falcon9 все в порядке, до запуска Crew-1?
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 10.11.2020 19:31 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 14.10.2020 11:21:26
Цитата: Alex Immortal от 14.10.2020 10:59:22О! сдвиг влево на 3 недели?

 Это только прессуха экспертов

ЦитироватьTune in as experts from NASA, ESA (European Space Agency), EUMETSAT (European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites, and NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) discuss the upcoming launch of Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich, a satellite that will collect the most accurate data yet on global sea levels.  The satellite is targeted for launch aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket on Nov. 10 at 2:31 p.m. EST, from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.
Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich is a historic U.S.-European partnership that will continue the legacy of previous missions and extend our records of sea level into the fourth decade, collecting accurate measurements of sea surface height down to the centimeter for 90% of the world's oceans.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 10.11.2020 19:31 UTC
Отправлено: Alex Immortal от 14.10.2020 13:49:48
Цитата: tnt22 от 14.10.2020 11:21:26Нет.

 Это только прессуха экспертов
oh, sorry. OK. I was confused by the post's headline.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 10.11.2020 19:31 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 16.10.2020 18:34:28
ЦитироватьNews Update on Launch of the Sea Level-Monitoring Satellite, Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich

(https://www.youtube.com/user/NASAtelevision) NASA (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLA_DiR1FfKNvjuUpBHmylQ)

Трансляция началась 92 минуты назад


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1g7nEK2j1mk (1:19:06)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 10.11.2020 19:31 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 16.10.2020 19:33:32
Цитировать Jeff Foust @jeff_foust 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/1317116706356121602)

At the Sentinel-6 briefing, NASA's Tim Dunn says launch preparations on a Falcon 9 are going "incredibly well"; still scheduled for Nov. 10.

1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/1317118188044300288)

Dunn says the engine investigation after the Falcon 9 abort 2 weeks ago is ongoing, including taking the engines from that vehicle back to McGregor for testing; there is a "path forward" for any rework needed for the Sentinel-6 launch while keeping the Nov. 10 launch date.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 10.11.2020 19:31 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 17.10.2020 01:05:23
ЦитироватьBehind the Spacecraft – Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich – Sea Level Scout

(https://www.youtube.com/user/FollowNASA360) NASA 360 (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC55MqAQLf6S5tSphpOi_1PA)

7 окт. 2020 г.

Our planet is changing. Our ocean is rising. And it affects us all. That's why a new international satellite will continue the decades-long watch over our global ocean and help us better understand how climate change is reshaping our planet. Meet some of the talented people behind Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich and get to know the satellite: https://www.nasa.gov/sentinel-6 (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUJfV01aeHg2OTRaU285dThhYks2cFlMbFNiUXxBQ3Jtc0tuUWh4UFl0MjhGa1AyRGM5QmROa1ZmeVEyMGhjcE5fU2dpM3JtYXJBZ2RuSGdSaXhkbVZPemdtYTlPV3VFZVFERXN4SEZkVjNUUlJweGswQU1pR25qUkxsaGRMaFg0bDVnWklSZVhuTzR0Ni1OMFBTMA%3D%3D&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nasa.gov%2Fsentinel-6&event=video_description&v=3_lbADMwD7A)

The Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite is part of the Sentinel-6/Jason-CS mission, a collaboration among NASA, ESA, EUMETSAT and NOAA. Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich will launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California no earlier than Nov. 10, 2020.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_lbADMwD7A (2:06)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 10.11.2020 19:31 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 17.10.2020 01:06:32
https://www.nasa.gov/feature/jpl/us-european-sea-level-satellite-gears-up-for-launch (https://www.nasa.gov/feature/jpl/us-european-sea-level-satellite-gears-up-for-launch)

ЦитироватьOct. 16, 2020

U.S.-European Sea Level Satellite Gears Up for Launch

This animation shows the radar pulse from the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite's altimeter bouncing off the sea surface in order to measure the height of the ocean.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech

The Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich spacecraft will soon be heading into orbit to monitor the height of the ocean for nearly the entire globe.

Preparations are ramping up for the Nov. 10 launch of the world's latest sea level satellite. Since arriving (https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=7755) in a giant cargo plane at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California last month, Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich has been undergoing final checks, including visual inspections, to make sure it's fit to head into orbit.

Surviving the bone-rattling vibrations and sounds of launch atop a Falcon 9 rocket is just the start of the mission. Once in orbit some 830 miles (1,336 kilometers) above Earth, Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich has the task of collecting sea level measurements with an accuracy of a few centimeters (for a single measurement) for more than 90% of the world's oceans. And it will be making those measurements while repeatedly flying through an area of intense radiation known as the South Atlantic Anomaly, which can scramble electronics.

That's why engineers and researchers have put Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich through a battery of tests (https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=7676) to ensure that the spacecraft will survive launch and the harsh environment of space. But how will the mission pull the rest of it off? With sophisticated instruments, global navigation satellites, and lasers – lots of lasers. They'll all work in concert to enable the spacecraft to carry out its task of observing the ocean.

Given the challenges and goals of the mission, the satellite's moniker is appropriate: It's named after noted researcher Dr. Michael Freilich, the former director of NASA's Earth Science Division.

A second spacecraft identical to Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich, Sentinel-6B, will launch in 2025 to continue the work after its sibling's five-and-a-half-year prime mission ends. Together, the satellites make up the Sentinel-6/Jason-CS (Continuity of Service) mission, which is a partnership between NASA, ESA (the European Space Agency), the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Collectively, the satellites will add a decade's worth of the most accurate satellite data yet on ocean height to a nearly 30-year record documenting how our oceans are rising in response to climate change. Both spacecraft will also collect data on atmospheric temperature and humidity that will help to improve weather forecasts as well as atmospheric and climate models.

This is where those sophisticated instruments, global navigation satellites, and lasers come in.

The Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite undergoes final preparations in a clean room at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California for an early November launch.
Credits: ESA/Bill Simpson
How It Works

To accurately measure extremely small variations in sea level, Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich will rely on a suite of three instruments that provide scientists information to determine the spacecraft's exact position in orbit.

One component of this positioning package is the laser retroreflector array, a set of nine small, precisely shaped mirrors. Lasers are directed at them from ground stations on Earth, and they reflect the (harmless) beams right back to their point of origin. These laser-emitting ranging stations, as they're known, calculate how long the laser takes to bounce off the reflectors and return, which gives the distance between the satellite and the station.

Another instrument, the Global Navigation Satellite System – Precise Orbit Determination (GNSS-POD), tracks GPS and Galileo navigation signals. Researchers analyze these signals to help determine the satellite's position.

The third instrument in the positioning package is the Doppler Orbitography and Radioposition Integrated by Satellite (DORIS). It analyzes radio signals from 55 global ground stations, measuring the Doppler shift of the radio signals' frequencies to determine the 3D position of the satellite over time. When used together, these instruments provide the data needed to ascertain the precise position of the satellite, which in turn helps to determine the height of the sea surface.

On the science side are two instruments that work in concert to determine sea level and a third that collects atmospheric data. The Poseidon-4 radar altimeter measures ocean height by bouncing radar pulses off the water's surface and calculating the time it takes for the signal to return to the satellite. However, water vapor in the atmosphere affects the propagation of the radar pulses from the altimeter, which can make the ocean appear higher or lower than it actually is. To correct for this affect, an instrument called the Advanced Microwave Radiometer for Climate (AMR-C) measures the amount of water vapor between the spacecraft and the ocean.

"AMR-C is the next generation of AMR instruments, and it includes new components that will enable more accurate measurements along coastlines and throughout the mission," said Shannon Statham, AMR-C integration and test lead at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California.

Our planet is changing. Our ocean is rising. And it affects us all. That's why a new international satellite will continue the decades-long watch over our global ocean and help us better understand how climate change is reshaping our planet.

For information on the atmosphere, the Global Navigation Satellite System – Radio Occultation (GNSS-RO) instrument gathers data on temperature and humidity that can help to improve weather forecasts. GNSS-RO analyzes radio signals from global navigational satellites as they appear and disappear beyond the limb of the Earth – the hazy blue edge of the atmosphere that's visible when you look at pictures of our planet in space. As these radio signals travel through different layers of the atmosphere, they bend and slow by varying degrees. Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich and satellites like it use GNSS-RO technology to measure these changes, enabling researchers to then extract atmospheric characteristics like temperature and humidity at different altitudes.

All the instruments, power systems, telecommunications – everything that makes Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich tick – must work together to accomplish the mission's science goals, much like the international partners have worked together to get this satellite ready for launch.

"Copernicus Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich is a great contribution to climate change, environment monitoring, and to the Digital Twin Earth (https://www.esa.int/Applications/Observing_the_Earth/Digital_Twin_Earth_quantum_computing_and_AI_take_centre_stage_at_ESA_s_Ph-week). Sentinel-6 is a reference model of the cooperation between the U.S. and Europe on Earth Observation and represents a good foundation for future projects," said Josef Aschbacher, ESA director of Earth Observation Programmes.

In this illustration, the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich spacecraft – the world's latest sea-level satellite – orbits Earth with its deployable solar panels extended.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech
More About the Mission

Sentinel-6/Jason-CS is being jointly developed by ESA, EUMETSAT, NASA, and NOAA, with funding support from the European Commission and technical support from France's National Centre for Space Studies (CNES).

JPL, a division of Caltech in Pasadena, is contributing three science instruments for each Sentinel-6 satellite: the Advanced Microwave Radiometer, the Global Navigation Satellite System - Radio Occultation, and the Laser Retroreflector Array. NASA is also contributing launch services, ground systems supporting operation of the NASA science instruments, the science data processors for two of these instruments, and support for the international Ocean Surface Topography Science Team.

The Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich press kit:
https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/press_kits/sentinel-6/ (https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/press_kits/sentinel-6/)
To learn more about Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich, visit:

https://www.nasa.gov/sentinel-6 (https://www.nasa.gov/sentinel-6)
https://www.esa.int/Sentinel-6 (https://urldefense.us/v3/__https:/www.esa.int/Sentinel-6__;!!PvBDto6Hs4WbVuu7!bx9h7sDleWmSFq4WVVIuxji6BOMiwanJpdsDsIWVetGVYADw23si5IvMBUGBCXP3p4_SmA$)
https://www.copernicus.eu/en/documentation/information-material/general-factsheets (https://urldefense.us/v3/__https:/www.copernicus.eu/en/documentation/information-material/general-factsheets__;!!PvBDto6Hs4WbVuu7!cNPZwBnMLKo8jpRB2HDdpgySYOYTMu8JdtQ_mDQhh1kgSYcMgyPcrWMpvUAC8bncbllyCg$)

Last Updated: Oct. 16, 2020
Editor: Naomi Hartono
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 10.11.2020 19:31 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 19.10.2020 16:28:50
Цитата: undefinedCopernicus Sentinel-6 in action
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(https://www.youtube.com/user/ESA) European Space Agency, ESA (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIBaDdAbGlFDeS33shmlD0A)

17 сент. 2020 г.

The Copernicus Sentinel-6 Poseidon-4 dual-frequency (C- and Ku-band) radar altimeter uses an innovative interleaved mode that has improved performance compared to previous satellite altimeter designs.
A radar altimeter derives the height of the satellite above Earth by accurately and precisely measuring the time it takes for a transmitted radar pulse to reflect Earth's surface. The returned echo pulse from the sea surface provides a waveform that is processed to determine sea-surface height (from the radar range), the significant wave height (from the slope of the waveform leading edge) and the surface wind speed from the ocean roughness (determined from the strength of the power returns).
Sentinel-6 uses radar pulses that are transmitted and received using a timing arrangement that allows both conventional 'pulse-limited' (low-resolution mode) data to be acquired simultaneously with high-resolution 'delay-Doppler' measurements.

This arrangement allows unfocussed synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data processing to be performed where the altimeter synthesises a large antenna as it flies forward by exploiting the Doppler characteristics of the return echoes.

The processor then steers synthetic azimuth beams to specific locations on Earth's surface to build a 'stack' of waveforms that can be processed to achieve better performance. Unfocussed SAR processing improves the precision of sea-surface measurements by averaging the stack of waveforms to reduce noise and improves the along track resolution from several kilometres to about 300 meters. SAR processing requires a much larger amount of data than conventional altimetry and the satellite implements a dedicated onboard processor to reduce the data rate that will be sent back to ground by a factor of two.

The unique capability of the Copernicus Sentinel-6 Poseidon-4 altimeter is designed to ensure enhanced continuity with the long time series of measurements from the Topex Poseidon and Jason series of satellite altimeters.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7_43bsybYk (1Ж48)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 10.11.2020 19:31 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.10.2020 18:03:51
Цитировать Kathy Lueders @KathyLueders 55 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/KathyLueders/status/1318914963344379906)

We are making a lot of good progress with @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) on engine testing to better understand the unexpected behavior observed during a recent non-NASA launch. (1/5)

55 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/KathyLueders/status/1318915068025655299)

It's too early to report findings at this point, as @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) continues testing to validate what's believed to be the most credible cause. (2/5)

54 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/KathyLueders/status/1318915120051802112)

Based on our current analysis, @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) is replacing one Merlin engine on the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich launch vehicle and one engine for Crew-1 rocket that displayed similar early-start behavior during testing. (3/5)

54 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/KathyLueders/status/1318915153455247362)

We are still targeting the Sentinel-6 launch for Nov. 10 from Vandenberg Air Force Base as we expect to complete forward work in time. (4/5)

54 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/KathyLueders/status/1318915200741879809)

We are also still working towards a mid-November launch for Crew-1. We will want a few days between Sentinel-6 and Crew-1 to complete data reviews and check performance. Most importantly, we will fly all our missions when we are ready. (5/5) #LaunchAmerica (https://twitter.com/hashtag/LaunchAmerica?src=hashtag_click)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 10.11.2020 19:31 UTC
Отправлено: zandr от 21.10.2020 23:35:32
ЦитироватьЗаявление представителя NASA о проблеме с двигателями Falcon 9 и статусах предстоящих миссий
Кэти Людерс (Kathy Lueders), заместитель директора по исследованию космического пространства и полётам человека в NASA:

"Мы добились значительных успехов со SpaceX в тестировании двигателей, чтобы лучше понять неожиданное поведение, наблюдаемое во время недавней попытки запуска, не относящейся к NASA [ред. - GPS III SV04]. На данном этапе ещё рано сообщать о результатах, поскольку SpaceX продолжает тестирование, чтобы подтвердить то, что считает наиболее вероятной причиной отклонений в работе.
Согласно нашему текущему анализу, SpaceX заменяет один двигатель Merlin на Falcon 9 для запуска миссии Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich и один двигатель для ракеты Falcon 9 для запуска миссии Crew-1, которые показали аналогичное поведение во время ранее проведённых испытаний.
Мы по-прежнему нацелены на запуск Sentinel-6 10 ноября с базы ВВС Ванденберг и рассчитываем вовремя завершить все необходимые работы. Мы также всё ещё планируем запуск Crew-1 в середине ноября. Нам потребуется несколько дней между Sentinel-6 и Crew-1 для завершения анализа данных и проверки двигателей. Мы выполним все наши миссии, когда будем полностью готовы".
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 10.11.2020 19:31 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 25.10.2020 19:29:53
https://blogs.esa.int/eolaunches/2020/10/20/ramping-up-to-launch-sentinel-6/ (https://blogs.esa.int/eolaunches/2020/10/20/ramping-up-to-launch-sentinel-6/)

Цитата: ESA

20 October 2020

With less than a month to go before a SpaceX Falcon 9 takes Copernicus Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich into orbit, preparations are forging ahead at the launch site.

Sentinel-6 team during battery testing (Credits: ESA)

After the satellite was unpacked, it underwent a series of tests to make sure that nothing had been damaged during transportation. Then the capacity of the two batteries has been tested: they were charged and discharged in three shifts (day, late and night shift) for a total of 20 hours.

Once the team completed the capacity test, the spacecraft has been powered up to charge the batteries and update the software. The team has used the opportunity to also test telemetry links to ESA's European Space Operations Centre (ESOC) in Germany and to test the GPS connections.

[color=#607d8bChecking GPS signals (credits: ESA)[/color]

All in all a great achievement for the team with everything working.

The launch campaign team in front of the satellite (Credits: ESA)

After resting for the weekend, the team started with new energies for the important steps ahead.

First, the Poseidon instrument has been checked to ensure it would perform as expected. Meanwhile the launcher Payload Attach Fitting (PAF) has been brought into the clean room ready to be mated to the Payload Adapter (PLA), which will allow the team to perform the first umbilical line measurements.

Then it's been time for another big milestone on the way to launch: a performance check of the radar altimeter that actually measures the sea level. The main instrument has been switched off for the last time: next switch-on will be once the satellite is in orbit and it will stay on for the whole mission!

Performance check on the radar altimeter (Credits: ESA)

Tasks still to tick off the 'to do' list before Sentinel-6's 10 November launch date include the hazardous job of fuelling the satellite, as well as encapsulating it in the rocket fairing and rolling it out to the launch pad. 
We're getting closer!

From the ESA Sentinel-6 launch campaign team in Vandenberg.

Read more about the Copernicus Sentinel-6 mission (https://www.esa.int/Applications/Observing_the_Earth/Copernicus/Sentinel-6).
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 10.11.2020 19:31 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 30.10.2020 01:22:28
Цитировать ESA EarthObservation @ESA_EO 27 окт. (https://twitter.com/ESA_EO/status/1321013098535395329)

Great news from the @CopernicusEU (https://twitter.com/CopernicusEU) #Sentinel6 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Sentinel6?src=hashtag_click) Michael Freilich satellite's launch site: Saturday the fuelling team managed to both fuel the satellite and pressurise it in one day!!
Next step: mating the satellite with the payload adapter

Фотоаппарат со вспышкой Sentinel-6 being moved before fuelling

Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 10.11.2020 19:31 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 30.10.2020 01:30:08
Источник (https://www.esa.int/Applications/Observing_the_Earth/Copernicus/Sentinel-6/How_it_works)

https://dlmultimedia.esa.int/download/public/videos/2020/09/019/2009_019_AR_EN.mp4 (https://dlmultimedia.esa.int/download/public/videos/2020/09/019/2009_019_AR_EN.mp4) (1:32)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 10.11.2020 19:31 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 30.10.2020 16:33:43
Береговая охрана США опубликовала уведомление мореплавателям

Источник (https://www.navcen.uscg.gov/pdf/lnms/lnm11432020.pdf), стр 22


Hazardous operations will be conducted from Vandenberg AFB, CA from 2347-0209 through 10-16 Nov 20. Hazardous operation areas are bounded
by the following coordinates:

34-41-00N 120-37-00W
34-40-00N 120-40-00W
34-28-00N 120-39-00W
34-13-00N 120-29-00W
34-13-00N 120-14-00W
34-19-00N 120-18-00W
34-40-00N 120-18-00W

33-47-00N 120-13-00W
31-28-00N 118-54-00W
31-19-00N 118-57-00W
31-01-00N 118-45-00W
30-51-00N 118-34-00W
30-51-00N 118-17-00W
31-07-00N 118-13-00W
31-17-00N 118-23-00W
31-26-00N 118-36-00W
33-47-00N 119-59-00W

Mariners are advised to remain clear of these areas for the duration of operations. For more details or comments contact Thomas Chiavacci at 805-

Charts: 18700 18720
LNM: 43/20
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 10.11.2020 19:31 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 30.10.2020 16:55:29
к #21 (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/index.php?msg=2059891)

ЦитироватьSpinning and moving Sentinel-6 prior to fuelling
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(https://www.youtube.com/user/ESA) European Space Agency, ESA (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIBaDdAbGlFDeS33shmlD0A)

29 окт. 2020 г.

In preparation for liftoff on 10 November, the Copernicus Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite has been fuelled. The video shows the satellite being spun around on its frame and then moved out of the cleanroom. The satellite was subsequently fuelled. Everything went very smoothly, with the team completing this somewhat hazardous task in just one day. The fuelling team followed up to check that there were no leaks and then sealed the fill and drain valves.

The next task is to join the satellite to the launch adapter before it is finally encapsulated in the Falcon 9 rocket fairing. Liftoff from the Vandenberg Air Force base in California has been confirmed for 19:29:39 GMT (20:29:39 CET) on 10 November.
Once safely in orbit, Copernicus Sentinel-6 will continue the long-term record of reference sea-surface height measurements that were started in 1992 by the French–US Topex Poseidon satellite and then by the Jason series of satellite missions. The mission comprises two identical satellites launched five years apart. Firstly, Copernicus Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich launching in few weeks, and then Copernicus Sentinel-6B in 2025 to supply measurements until at least 2030.

Since sea-level rise is a key indicator of climate change, accurately monitoring the changing height of the sea surface over decades is essential for climate science, for policy-making and, ultimately, for protecting those in low-lying regions at risk.

The Copernicus Sentinel-6 mission is a true example of international cooperation. While Sentinel-6 is one of the European Union's family of Copernicus missions, its implementation is the result of the unique collaboration between ESA, NASA, Eumetsat and NOAA, with contribution from the French space agency CNES.
Credits: NASA


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Omy3iC7Ukuo (2:12)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 10.11.2020 19:31 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 30.10.2020 18:54:35
ЦитироватьCopernicus Sentinel-6 measuring sea-levels using radar altimetry
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(https://www.youtube.com/user/ESA) European Space Agency, ESA (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIBaDdAbGlFDeS33shmlD0A)

29 окт. 2020 г.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bcks8l-rcKE (5:58)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 10.11.2020 19:31 UTC
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 30.10.2020 22:15:22
ЦитироватьThe  Sentinel 6-Michael Freilich launch scheduled for Nov. 10 has been delayed until the end of the month. It's not clear if this will have implications for the Crew-1 mission  currently scheduled for November 14.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 10.11.2020 19:31 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 31.10.2020 02:20:14
К #26 (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/index.php?msg=2060295) - теперь из первых уст

Цитировать Kathy Lueders @KathyLueders 2 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/KathyLueders/status/1322315937568169985)

Update: @NASA (https://twitter.com/NASA) and @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) currently are reviewing the Nov. 10 date for the launch of Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich pending ongoing analysis of data from engines. We are looking at dates after the launch of Crew-1 on Nov. 14, which is still on track. (1/2)

2 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/KathyLueders/status/1322315939350806529)

We will have more on Sentinel-6 after the teams complete data review on the West Coast. More to come. (2/2)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – ХХ.11.2020 19:31 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2020 04:02:42
https://blogs.nasa.gov/sentinel-6/2020/11/03/sentinel-6-michael-freilich-launch-update/ (https://blogs.nasa.gov/sentinel-6/2020/11/03/sentinel-6-michael-freilich-launch-update/)

ЦитироватьSentinel-6 Michael Freilich Launch Update

Amanda Griffin (https://blogs.nasa.gov/sentinel-6/author/aagriffi/)
Posted Nov 3, 2020 at 6:37 pm

Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich team members from European Space Agency pose with the spacecraft during processing.

NASA and SpaceX now are targeting Saturday, Nov. 21, for the launch of the U.S.-European Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich ocean-monitoring satellite on a Falcon 9 rocket from Space Launch Complex 4E at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.

The additional time allowed SpaceX to complete Falcon 9 Merlin engine testing and inspections following an on-pad abort during a non-NASA mission.

After completing engine testing and inspections, teams from NASA and SpaceX have determined that two engines on the Sentinel-6 rocket's first stage would need to be replaced to ensure optimal performance during launch. Work is now progressing to implement the engine change and all engine hardware replacements will finish next week.

NASA's Launch Services Program, SpaceX, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and the European Space Agency continue the diligent work of preparing both the spacecraft and rocket as the launch campaign moves forward.

NASA and SpaceX continue to target Saturday, Nov. 14, for the launch of the agency's Crew-1 mission to the International Space Station.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 (?) UTC
Отправлено: zandr от 04.11.2020 13:27:03
ЦитироватьНазвана дата запуска миссии Sentinel-6
Кэти Людерс (Kathy Lueders), NASA:
— Мы нацелены на 21 ноября на запуск миссии Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich с базы ВВС Ванденберг, Калифорния. SpaceX заменяет 2 двигателя на 1-й ступени Falcon 9. Работы завершатся на следующей неделе.
— Мы всё ещё планируем запуск миссии Crew-1 на 14 ноября (15 по Москве).
Добавим, что Sentinel-6 уже готовят к заправке. После чего его ожидает интеграция под обтекатель ракеты Falcon 9.
 к заправке. После чего его ожидает интеграция под обтекатель ракеты Falcon 9.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 (?) UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 04.11.2020 15:59:28
Цитировать Josef Aschbacher @AschbacherJosef 5 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/AschbacherJosef/status/1323882456886448128)

Launch update for @CopernicusEU (https://twitter.com/CopernicusEU) #Sentinel6MichaelFreilich (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Sentinel6MichaelFreilich?src=hashtag_click) - Nov 21 Ракета The spacecraft is in its fairing, fully loaded, battery charged, safe. We are working  closely with @nasa (https://twitter.com/NASA) on launch preparations. I am very grateful for this excellent cooperation.
https://blogs.nasa.gov/sentinel-6/2020/11/03/sentinel-6-michael-freilich-launch-update/... (https://t.co/bPnMH5tFS9?amp=1)

Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 (?) UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 05.11.2020 05:51:33
Цитировать NASA's Launch Services Program @NASA_LSP 8 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/NASA_LSP/status/1324058103445217280)

NASA and @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) are targeting Nov. 21, at 12:17 p.m. ET | 9:17 a.m. PT for the launch of the U.S.-European Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich ocean-monitoring satellite on a Falcon 9 rocket from @30thSpaceWing (https://twitter.com/30thSpaceWing) 🌊

"Sea" the latest #SeeingTheSeas (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SeeingTheSeas?src=hashtag_click) updates here: http://go.nasa.gov/2TPvBqH (https://t.co/xn17v3jwJn?amp=1)

https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/El_9PuFVgAEWS8U.mp4 (https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/El_9PuFVgAEWS8U.mp4) (0:14)
Пуск 21 ноября 2020 г. в 17:17 UTC / 20:17 ДМВ
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 05.11.2020 19:45:51
Цитировать Falcon 9 Block 5 @Falcon9Block5 7 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/Falcon9Block5/status/1324390197119930371)

Earlier this week, #SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hashtag_click) teams completed payload fairing encapsulation of #NASA (https://twitter.com/hashtag/NASA?src=hashtag_click)'s #Sentinel6 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Sentinel6?src=hashtag_click) spacecraft. Liftoff is targeted for ~NET November 21st, 2020. A good look at the fairing halves does confirm that the teams will attempt to recover the #Falcon9 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Falcon9?src=hashtag_click) fairings.

Изображение Изображение Изображение
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 07.11.2020 01:29:21
Цитировать Pauline Acalin @w00ki33 30 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/w00ki33/status/1324833276989636608)

Little humans for scale on the Falcon 9 landing zone at Vandenberg AFB. This site will be utilized during the Sentinel-6 mission coming up later this month! Photo taken prior to launch of SAOCOM-1a. #spacex (https://twitter.com/hashtag/spacex?src=hashtag_click)

Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 08.11.2020 20:36:14
https://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/preparing-the-sentinel-6-michael-freilich-satellite-for-launch (https://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/preparing-the-sentinel-6-michael-freilich-satellite-for-launch)

ЦитироватьNov. 6, 2020

Preparing the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich Satellite for Launch


Inside SpaceX's Payload Processing Facility at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, the U.S.-European Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich (https://www.nasa.gov/feature/jpl/5-things-to-know-about-sentinel-6-michael-freilich) ocean-monitoring satellite is being encapsulated in its payload fairing on Nov. 3, 2020. Sentinel-6 is scheduled to launch on Nov. 21, 2020, at 12:17 p.m. EST, atop the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Space Launch Complex 4E at Vandenberg Air Force Base. 

A U.S.-European partnership, the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich spacecraft will begin a five-and-a-half-year prime mission to collect the most accurate data yet (https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=7695) on global sea level and how our oceans are rising in response to climate change. The mission will also collect precise data of atmospheric temperature and humidity that will help improve weather forecasts and climate models.

The spacecraft is named after Dr. Michael Freilich, the former director of NASA's Earth Science Division and a tireless advocate for advancing satellite measurements of the ocean. Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich builds on the heritage of the European Space Agency's Copernicus Sentinel-3 mission as well as the heritage and legacy of the U.S.-French TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason-1, 2, and 3 series of sea level observation satellites. Launched in 2016, Jason-3 is currently providing data initiated with the observations of TOPEX/Poseidon in 1992. 

The data from these satellites has become the gold standard for sea level studies from space over the past 30 years. In 2025, Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich's twin, Sentinel-6B, is scheduled to launch and advance these measurements for at least another half decade.

Image Credit: NASA/Randy Beaudoin

Last Updated: Nov. 6, 2020
Editor: Yvette Smith
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 08.11.2020 20:41:21
https://www.nasa.gov/feature/jpl/sentinel-6-michael-freilich-prepared-for-launch (https://www.nasa.gov/feature/jpl/sentinel-6-michael-freilich-prepared-for-launch)

ЦитироватьNov. 6, 2020

Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich Prepared for Launch

The Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite is encapsulated in a protective nosecone, or payload fairing, at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. The fairing will sit atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket that will launch the satellite into Earth orbit in the late-November 2020.
Credits: NASA/Randy Beaudoin

With a little over two weeks to go until its California launch, the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich spacecraft is undergoing final preparations. Technicians and engineers have encapsulated the satellite in the payload fairing – the protective nosecone that will ride atop the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. The launch is targeted for Nov. 21.

"We're almost there," said project manager Parag Vaze of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. "Soon, we'll be watching the satellite on its journey into Earth orbit 830 miles above our planet." Project manager Pierrik Vuilleumier of ESA (European Space Agency) echoed the sentiment.

About the size of a small pickup truck, Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich will play a central role in efforts to track sea level rise caused by climate change. What's more, the data that it collects on sea level variations near coastlines will provide information to support coastal management and with planning for floods, while its atmospheric measurements will enhance weather and hurricane forecasts.

Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich is one of two identical satellites that are a part of the Sentinel-6/Jason-CS (Continuity of Service) mission, a U.S.-European collaboration. The mission is part of Copernicus, the European Union's Earth observation program managed by the European Commission. Continuing the legacy of the Jason series missions, Sentinel-6/Jason-CS will extend the records of sea level into their fourth decade, collecting accurate measurements of sea surface height for more than 90% of the world's oceans, and providing crucial information for operational oceanography, marine meteorology, and climate studies. Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich's twin, Sentinel-6B, is scheduled to launch in 2025.

Technicians and engineers working on the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite pose in front of the spacecraft in its protective nosecone, or payload fairing, at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. Once closed, the fairing will sit atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, launching in late November 2020.
Credits: NASA/Randy Beaudoin

More About the Mission

Sentinel-6/Jason-CS is being jointly developed by ESA, the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites, NASA, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, with funding support from the European Commission and technical support from France's National Centre for Space Studies.

JPL, a division of Caltech in Pasadena, is contributing three science instruments for each Sentinel-6 satellite: the Advanced Microwave Radiometer (https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=7764), the Global Navigation Satellite System - Radio Occultation (https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=7742), and the Laser Retroreflector Array (https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=7764). NASA is also contributing launch services, ground systems supporting operation of the NASA science instruments, the science data processors for two of these instruments, and support for the U.S. members of the international Ocean Surface Topography Science Team.

The Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich press kit:
https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/press_kits/sentinel-6/ (https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/press_kits/sentinel-6/)

Jane J. Lee / Ian J. O'Neill
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.
818-354-0307 / 818-354-2649
jane.j.lee@jpl.nasa.gov (jane.j.lee@jpl.nasa.gov) / ian.j.oneill@jpl.nasa.gov (ian.j.oneill@jpl.nasa.gov)


Last Updated: Nov. 6, 2020
Editor: Tony Greicius
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 08.11.2020 20:48:42
Брошюра миссии (НАСА)

Sentinel-6_launch_press_kit.pdf (https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/press_kits/sentinel-6/download/Sentinel-6_launch_press_kit.pdf) - 4.9 MB, 29 стр, 04.11.2020 18:54:28 UTC
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 10.11.2020 22:15:18
ЦитироватьSentinel-6 Michael Freilich Satellite Family Tree

(https://www.youtube.com/user/JPLnews) NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCryGec9PdUCLjpJW2mgCuLw)

10 нояб. 2020 г.

The joint U.S.-European Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich is the next in a line of Earth-observing satellites that will collect the most accurate data yet on sea level and how it changes over time. It is the product of a partnership between NASA and ESA, who have joined forces for the first time on an Earth mission. Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich will join a long-standing family of Earth observing satellites from NASA and European partners including EUMETSAT and the French space agency CNES.

The Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite is part of the Sentinel-6/Jason-CS mission, a collaboration among NASA, ESA, EUMETSAT, and NOAA. Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich will launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base no earlier than Nov. 21, 2020.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyxMLrY2mkI (1:17)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 11.11.2020 22:57:27
Источник (

Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 13.11.2020 23:44:11
За неделю до, но...

О трансляции пуска (НАСА)

ЦитироватьWatch the Launch of the Ocean-Observing Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich Satellite


Начало трансляции - 21 ноября 2020 г. в 16:45 UTC / 19:45 ДМВ
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 17.11.2020 01:00:42
https://blogs.nasa.gov/sentinel-6/2020/11/16/sentinel-6-michael-freilich-go-to-proceed-toward-nov-21-launch/ (https://blogs.nasa.gov/sentinel-6/2020/11/16/sentinel-6-michael-freilich-go-to-proceed-toward-nov-21-launch/)

ЦитироватьSentinel-6 Michael Freilich 'Go' to Proceed Toward Nov. 21 Launch

Linda Herridge (https://blogs.nasa.gov/sentinel-6/author/lherridg/)
Posted Nov 16, 2020 at 3:33 pm

The Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite is in the SpaceX Falcon 9 payload fairing at the launch pad at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. Photo credit: NASA, JPL

The Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite is encapsulated in the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket's payload fairing on Nov. 3, 2020, inside SpaceX's Payload Processing Facility at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. Photo credit: NASA/Randy Beaudoin

The Flight Readiness Review (FRR) for the U.S.-European Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich ocean-monitoring satellite has concluded, and teams are proceeding toward a planned liftoff aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket at 9:17 a.m. PST (12:17 p.m. EST) on Saturday, Nov. 21, from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. 

This mission is an international collaboration between NASA and several partners. It is the first of two identical satellites to be launched this year and in 2025 to continue observations of sea level change for at least the next decade.

Live launch coverage will begin at 8:45 a.m. PST (11:45 a.m. EST), on NASA Television and the agency's website (https://www.nasa.gov/live), with prelaunch and science briefings the day before on Nov. 20. Click here (https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-tv-to-air-sentinel-6-michael-freilich-launch-prelaunch-activities) for ways to follow along with the mission.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: lev_g от 17.11.2020 16:39:30
(глядя на верхний снимок). А Фалькон уже прожигали или будут прожигать с ПН?
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 17.11.2020 23:00:18
Цитата: lev_g от 17.11.2020 16:39:30(глядя на верхний снимок). А Фалькон уже прожигали или будут прожигать с ПН?

Цитировать SpaceX @SpaceX 40 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1328779234945478663)

Static fire test completetargeting Saturday, November 21 for Falcon 9 launch of the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich mission and landing at SLC-4 at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 18.11.2020 02:54:54
Уведомление мореплавателям (обновлено)


ЦитироватьNAVAREA XII 515/20

    A. 1558Z TO 1758Z DAILY 21 THRU 25 NOV
            34-41N 120-37W, 34-40N 120-40W,
            34-28N 120-39W, 34-13N 120-29W,
            34-13N 120-14W, 34-19N 120-18W,
            34-40N 120-18W.
    B. 1558Z TO 1758Z DAILY 21 THRU 25 NOV
            33-47N 120-13W, 31-28N 118-54W,
            31-19N 118-57W, 31-01N 118-45W,
            30-51N 118-34W, 30-51N 118-17W,
            31-07N 118-13W, 31-17N 118-23W,
            31-26N 118-36W, 33-47N 119-59W.
    C. 1802Z TO 1950Z DAILY 21 THRU 25 NOV
            51-39S 102-06W, 49-47S 103-37W,
            41-13S 111-01W, 32-49S 117-26W,
            31-12S 118-28W, 30-59S 118-55W,
            31-09S 119-15W, 42-01S 113-04W,
            50-15S 104-56W, 51-48S 102-20W.
2. CANCEL THIS MSG 252050Z NOV 20.//

Authority: WESTERN RANGE 061804Z NOV 20.

Date: 170420Z NOV 20
Cancel: 25205000 Nov 20
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 18.11.2020 02:57:43
Цитировать Raul @Raul74Cz 5 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/Raul74Cz/status/1328772637892468738)

Launch Hazard Areas for #Sentinel (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Sentinel?src=hashtag_click)-6 MF mission from VAFB SLC-4E planned for Nov 21 17:17 UTC, altern. Nov 22-25. LZ-4 landing for B1063.1. Stage2 debris reentry on the second orbit in south Pacific. http://bit.do/LHA12 (https://t.co/p8iSCEUp1h?amp=1)

Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 18.11.2020 03:01:59
Цитировать Gavin - SpaceXFleet.com @SpaceXFleet 4 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet/status/1328781590894358537)

The booster will land at LZ-4 and the fairing...? Well, I suspect NRC Quest - the sole West Coast ship - will be deployed to recover it.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 18.11.2020 03:17:08
Видимо, теперь сия миссия будет юбилейной

Цитировать Falcon 9 Block 5 @Falcon9Block5 16 нояб. (https://twitter.com/Falcon9Block5/status/1328422195459133441)

When's my next launch? #SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hashtag_click) is targeting Nov 21st, at 12:17PM EST | 9:17AM PST | 17:17 UTC for the launch of the #Sentinel6 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Sentinel6?src=hashtag_click) Mike Freilich Mission from Vandenberg AFB, in Southern CA. This mission will be the 100th mission for #Falcon9 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Falcon9?src=hashtag_click) and the 108th mission for @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 19.11.2020 02:24:43
https://www.vandenberg.spaceforce.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/2420144/spacex-to-launch-sentinel-6-satellite-from-vandenberg-afb/ (https://www.vandenberg.spaceforce.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/2420144/spacex-to-launch-sentinel-6-satellite-from-vandenberg-afb/)

30th Space Wing Public Affairs / Published November 18, 2020

VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- Team Vandenberg and SpaceX are scheduled to launch the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite Saturday, Nov. 21 at 9:17 a.m., from Vandenberg Air Force Base. The Sentinel-6 is the first of two identical satellites to head into Earth orbit five years apart to continue sea level observations for at least the next decade.

Upon the re-entry of the vehicle, spectators and local residents from Santa Barbara, Ventura and San Luis Obispo counties can anticipate to hear multiple sonic booms, as the vehicle breaks the sound barrier.

A sonic boom is the sound associated with the shock waves from an aircraft or launch vehicle traveling faster than the speed of sound. Sonic booms generate a sound similar to an explosion or a clap of thunder. The sonic boom experienced will depend on weather conditions and other factors.

The Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite will head into orbit on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Space Launch Complex 4E at Vandenberg. The launch is managed by NASA's Launch Services Program, based at the agency's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory manages the agency's contribution to the mission.

In compliance with COVID-19 restrictions, the normal public viewing area on Azalea Lane off of Hwy 1 just a half mile south of Vandenberg Air Force Base's main gate will not be open to the public.

- 30 -
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.11.2020 01:04:29
https://www.nasa.gov/feature/jpl/sentinel-6-michael-freilich-satellite-prepared-for-launch (https://www.nasa.gov/feature/jpl/sentinel-6-michael-freilich-satellite-prepared-for-launch)

ЦитироватьNov. 19, 2020

Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich Satellite Prepared for Launch

This illustration shows the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket's nose cone, with the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite inside, shortly before launch.
Credits: NASA/JPL-CaltechSpaceX

The newest satellite to monitor global sea level is ready for its journey into space. Here's what to expect.

Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich, the latest in a series of spacecraft designed to monitor our oceans, is scheduled to launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base in central California on Saturday, Nov. 21, 2020. The satellite will be followed in 2025 by its twin, Sentinel-6B. Together, the pair is tasked with extending our nearly 30-year-long record of global sea surface height measurements. Instruments aboard the satellites will also provide atmospheric data that will improve weather forecasts, climate models, and hurricane tracking.

Launch Timeline

Named after former NASA Earth Science Division Director Michael Freilich, the U.S.-European satellite will be carried into space on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, with liftoff targeted for 9:17:08 a.m. PST (12:17:08 p.m. EST) from Space Launch Complex 4 East. If needed, backup launch opportunities are available on subsequent days, with the instantaneous launch window falling about 12 minutes earlier each day.

A little more than two minutes after the Falcon 9 rocket lifts off, the main engine will cut off. Shortly after, the rocket's first and second stages will separate, followed by second-stage engine start. The reusable Falcon 9 first stage will then begin its automated boost-back burn to the launch site for a propulsive landing.

The first cutoff of the second stage engine will take place approximately eight minutes after liftoff. It will fire a second time 45 minutes later, at which point the launch vehicle and the spacecraft will be in a temporary "parking" orbit. Several minutes later, the launch vehicle and the spacecraft will separate. The satellite will begin solar panel deployment about one hour and seven minutes post-launch and is expected to make first contact about 25 minutes after that.

Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech

More About the Mission

Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich and Sentinel-6B make up the Sentinel-6/Jason-CS mission, which was developed by ESA (European Space Agency) in the context of the European Copernicus program led by the European Commission, the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), NASA, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), with funding support from the European Commission and technical support from France's National Centre for Space Studies (CNES).

JPL, a division of Caltech in Pasadena, built three science instruments for each Sentinel-6 satellite: the Advanced Microwave Radiometer, the Global Navigation Satellite System - Radio Occultation, and the Laser Retroreflector Array. NASA is also contributing launch services, ground systems supporting operation of the NASA science instruments, the science data processors for two of these instruments, and support for the international Ocean Surface Topography Science Team. The launch is managed by NASA's Launch Services Program, based at the agency's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

Where to Find Launch Coverage

On launch day, Nov. 21, 2020, NASA TV coverage will begin at 8:45 a.m. PST (11:45 a.m. EST).

For live NASA TV programming on NASA's public channel, visit:

https://nasa.gov/live (https://nasa.gov/live)

For live programming on the NASA TV media channel, visit:

https://youtube.com/NASA (https://youtube.com/NASA)


Last Updated: Nov. 19, 2020
Editor: Tony Greicius
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.11.2020 03:24:37
Цитировать Gavin - SpaceXFleet.com @SpaceXFleet 4 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet/status/1329507474517397508)

Departure! The SpaceX Pacific Ocean recovery fleet is back in action after nearly 7 months!

Former Cargo Dragon recovery ship 'NRC Quest' has been reassigned to fairing recovery and is outbound for the Sentinel-6A mission.

Data from @MarineTraffic (https://twitter.com/MarineTraffic). File photo thanks to @w00ki33 (https://twitter.com/w00ki33)

Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.11.2020 04:02:17
Цитировать Gavin - SpaceXFleet.com @SpaceXFleet 4 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet/status/1329589084331909120)

In the Pacific Ocean, NRC Quest is en-route to the Sentinel-6A fairing recovery site.

Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.11.2020 20:04:51
https://blogs.nasa.gov/sentinel-6/2020/11/20/sentinel-6-michael-freilich-launch-readiness-review-televised-briefings-on-tap-today/ (https://blogs.nasa.gov/sentinel-6/2020/11/20/sentinel-6-michael-freilich-launch-readiness-review-televised-briefings-on-tap-today/)

ЦитироватьSentinel-6 Michael Freilich Launch Readiness Review, Televised Briefings on Tap Today

Linda Herridge (https://blogs.nasa.gov/sentinel-6/author/lherridg/)
Posted Nov 20, 2020 at 11:05 am

The Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich mission patch

Today, launch and mission managers are holding the final major review, called the Launch Readiness Review, for the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich mission that will launch from Space Launch Complex 4 at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. Launch is targeted for 9:17 a.m. PST (12:17 p.m. EST) on Saturday, Nov. 21.

Coming up today at 12:30 p.m. PST (3:30 p.m. EST) is a science briefing, live on NASA Television and the agency's website (https://www.nasa.gov/nasalive). Participants are:

  • Karen St. Germain, director, NASA Earth Science Division, NASA HQ
  • Josh Willis, Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich project scientist, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) (remote)
  • Craig Donlon, Sentinel-6 mission scientist, European Space Agency (remote)
  • Remko Scharroo, programme scientist for Sentinel-6 EUMESTAT (remote)
  • Deirdre Byrne, oceanographer, NOAA (remote)
  • Luanne Thompson, Walters Professor of Oceanography, University of Washington (remote)

A prelaunch news conference will be held today at 2 p.m. PST (5 p.m. EST), live on NASA Television and the agency's website (https://www.nasa.gov/nasalive). Participants are:

  • Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for Science Mission Directorate, NASA HQ
  • Johann-Dietrich Worner, Director-General, European Space Agency
  • Pierrik Vuilleumier, Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich project manager, European Space Agency
  • Parag Vaze, Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich project manager, JPL
  • Tim Dunn, NASA Launch Director, Launch Services Program, NASA's Kennedy Space Center
  • Julianna Scheiman, program manager, NASA Launch Services, SpaceX
  • Anthony Mastalir, commander, 30th Space Wing and Western Launch and Test Range
  • John Ott, weather officer, 30th Space Wing

NASA TV launch coverage will begin at 8:45 a.m. PST (11:45 a.m. EST) on Nov. 21.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.11.2020 20:12:30
Цитата: tnt22 от 20.11.2020 20:04:51Coming up today at 12:30 p.m. PST (3:30 p.m. EST) is a science briefing, live on NASA Television and the agency's website (https://www.nasa.gov/nasalive).

ЦитироватьThe Science of #SeeingTheSeas: Update on Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich Satellite


Начало трансляции - 20 ноября 2020 г. в 20:30 UTC / 23:30 ДМВ
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: zandr от 20.11.2020 20:12:56
ЦитироватьЗапуск миссии Sentinel-6 - 21 ноября в 20:17 МСК (17:17 UTC / 9:17 a.m. PST)

SpaceX запустят научный океанографический спутник Sentinel-6A Michael Freilich массой 1440 кг на полярную орбиту высотой 1336 км и наклонением 66°.

Запуск осуществляется в интересах ESA, NASA и NOAA. Спутник разработан Европейской организацией спутниковой метеорологии (EUMETSAT) и построен компанией Airbus.

Главная цель космического аппарата - предоставлять данные об уровне мирового океана с помощью набора инструментов, включая радар с синтезированной апертурой. В качестве вторичной миссии спутник будет собирать данные о температуре атмосферы Земли. Данные позволят с высокой точностью отслеживать повышение уровня мирового океана, а также помогут в прогнозировании погоды и моделировании климатической ситуации на Земле.

Sentinel-6A Michael Freilich - первый из двух спутников Sentinel-6, который будет работать на той же орбите, что и предыдущие научные спутники серии Jason, и в конечном итоге заменит их.

О запуске:
Старт: стартовая площадка SLC-4E базы ВВС Ванденберг, Калифорния
РН: Falcon 9 FT. 1-я ступень B1063 (новая). Обтекатель - новый
Спасение 1-й ступени: посадка на сушу, LZ-4

Корабль NRC Quest должен вытащить створки обтекателя из воды. Планируется ли их спасение, пока неизвестно...
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.11.2020 20:15:16
Цитата: tnt22 от 20.11.2020 20:04:51A prelaunch news conference will be held today at 2 p.m. PST (5 p.m. EST), live on NASA Television and the agency's website (https://www.nasa.gov/nasalive).

ЦитироватьPrelaunch News Update on Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich Satellite


Начало трансляции - 20 ноября 2020 г. в 22:00 UTC / 21 ноября 2020 г. в 01:00 ДМВ
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: zandr от 20.11.2020 20:36:10
Переносы, переносы...
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.11.2020 23:31:28
https://blogs.nasa.gov/sentinel-6/2020/11/20/sentinel-6-michael-freilich-go-for-launch-prelaunch-news-conference-at-2-p-m-pst-5-p-m-est/ (https://blogs.nasa.gov/sentinel-6/2020/11/20/sentinel-6-michael-freilich-go-for-launch-prelaunch-news-conference-at-2-p-m-pst-5-p-m-est/)

ЦитироватьSentinel-6 Michael Freilich 'Go' For Launch, Prelaunch News Conference at 2 p.m. PST (5 p.m. EST)

Linda Herridge (https://blogs.nasa.gov/sentinel-6/author/lherridg/)
Posted Nov 20, 2020 at 2:17 pm

An animated image of the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite in the SpaceX Falcon 9 payload fairing at the launch pad at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. Photo credit: NASA

Launch and mission managers have completed the Launch Readiness Review for the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich mission. At the conclusion of the review, NASA's Launch Services Program, SpaceX, the European Space Agency (ESA), and NOAA agreed to target the launch for 9:17 PST (12:17 p.m. EST) on Saturday, Nov. 21, from Space Launch Complex 4 at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.

Currently, the 30th Space Wing weather forecast is 80% "go" for launch, with a 20% chance of violating weather constraints. The primary concern is ground winds of 20 knots at the time of launch.

A prelaunch news conference will be held at 2 p.m. PST (5 p.m. EST), live on NASA Television and the agency's website (https://www.nasa.gov/nasalive). Participants are:

  • Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for Science Mission Directorate, NASA HQ
  • Johann-Dietrich Worner, Director-General, European Space Agency
  • Pierrik Vuilleumier, Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich project manager, ESA
  • Parag Vaze, Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich project manager, JPL
  • Tim Dunn, NASA Launch Director, Launch Services Program, NASA's Kennedy Space Center
  • Julianna Scheiman, program manager, NASA Launch Services, SpaceX
  • Anthony Mastalir, commander, 30th Space Wing and Western Launch and Test Range
  • John Ott, weather officer, 30th Space Wing

NASA TV launch coverage will begin at 8:45 a.m. PST (11:45 a.m. EST) on Nov. 21. You can follow the countdown milestones here on the blog and on NASA Television (https://www.nasa.gov/live).
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 20.11.2020 23:39:06
Цитировать Thomas Zurbuchen @Dr_ThomasZ 22 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/Dr_ThomasZ/status/1329880894606245888)

 Launch Update: Finished the Launch Readiness Review for Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich & the rocket, spacecraft & range are looking good. There are some upper level winds that may be a challenge, but we are all hoping for a picture perfect launch tomorrow morning! #SeeingTheSeas (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SeeingTheSeas?src=hashtag_click)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 00:04:08
Цитировать Gavin - SpaceXFleet.com @SpaceXFleet 57 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet/status/1329878575491772416)

West Coast fairing recovery ship NRC Quest is now in position at the Sentinel-6A fairing splashdown site.

The ship is 445 km downrange from the launchpad at VAFB.

Reminder: The booster will RTLS to LZ-4. SpaceX does not have a droneship in the Pacific Ocean anymore.

Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 00:25:19
К #52 (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/index.php?msg=2073951) - запись трансляции

ЦитироватьThe Science of #SeeingTheSeas (https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%23SeeingTheSeas): Update on Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich Satellite

(https://www.youtube.com/user/NASAtelevision) NASA (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLA_DiR1FfKNvjuUpBHmylQ)

Трансляция началась 51 минута назад


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p75CsgnnalE (45:10)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 02:37:50
К #54 (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/index.php?msg=2073954) - запись пресс-конференции

ЦитироватьPrelaunch News Update on Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich Satellite

(https://www.youtube.com/user/NASAtelevision) NASA (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLA_DiR1FfKNvjuUpBHmylQ)

Трансляция началась 91 минута назад


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hB6O4IDaWWY (55:00)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 04:01:22
https://blogs.nasa.gov/sentinel-6/2020/11/20/tune-in-tomorrow-for-sentinel-6-michael-freilich-launch-coverage/ (https://blogs.nasa.gov/sentinel-6/2020/11/20/tune-in-tomorrow-for-sentinel-6-michael-freilich-launch-coverage/)

ЦитироватьTune in Tomorrow for Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich Launch Coverage

Linda Herridge (https://blogs.nasa.gov/sentinel-6/author/lherridg/)
Posted Nov 20, 2020 at 6:35 pm

Tune in tomorrow, Nov. 21, for launch coverage of the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite here on the NASA blog, on NASA TV (https://www.nasa.gov/nasalive), and the agency's website (https://www.nasa.gov/nasalive). Live coverage begins at 8:45 a.m. PST (11:45 a.m. EST). Rollout of the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket with the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite was completed this afternoon.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 05:42:31
Цитировать Michael Baylor @nextspaceflight 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/nextspaceflight/status/1329949293298348032)

Falcon 9 on SLC-4 at Vandenberg ahead of launch at 9:17 am Pacific time Saturday morning.

 Pauline Acalin @w00ki33 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/w00ki33/status/1329954690239397888)

Falcon was horizontal while we set up our cameras, but we were permitted to take photos from this location. Launch of Sentinel-6 is still a go for tomorrow morning, 9:17 AM PST. #SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hashtag_click) #NASA (https://twitter.com/hashtag/NASA?src=hashtag_click)

Pauline Acalin for @SuperclusterHQ (https://twitter.com/SuperclusterHQ)

1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/w00ki33/status/1329959129981456387)

Falcon 9 resting at sunset ahead of its workout tomorrow morning from Vandenberg. Sentinel-6 is scheduled for a 9:17am liftoff, PST.  #spacex (https://twitter.com/hashtag/spacex?src=hashtag_click) #nasa (https://twitter.com/hashtag/nasa?src=hashtag_click)

Pauline Acalin for @SuperclusterHQ (https://twitter.com/SuperclusterHQ)

Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 06:22:07
Цитировать NASA's Launch Services Program @NASA_LSP 30 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/NASA_LSP/status/1329980182141145089)

Rollout of the @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) #Falcon9 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Falcon9?src=hashtag_click) rocket with Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich was completed this afternoon.

The Earth-observing mission is slated to launch tomorrow, Nov. 21, at 9:17 a.m. PT from @30thSpaceWing (https://twitter.com/30thSpaceWing) in California: http://go.nasa.gov/2Uvu60Q (https://t.co/siskEuAi9h?amp=1) #SeeingTheSeas (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SeeingTheSeas?src=hashtag_click)

Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 15:58:54
Цитировать SpaceX @SpaceX 5 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1330049014755168261)

Falcon 9 is vertical on SpaceX's West Coast pad ahead of tomorrow's launch of the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich mission. Weather forecast is 80% favorable for liftoff → http://spacex.com/launches (https://t.co/bJFjLCilmc?amp=1)

Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 16:00:18
Цитировать ESA @esa 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/esa/status/1330105529008582656)

The #Sentinel6 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Sentinel6?src=hashtag_click) sea-level monitoring satellite is in position and ready for liftoff! #SpaceCare (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceCare?src=hashtag_click)

https://esa.int/Applications/Observing_the_Earth/Copernicus/Sentinel-6/Sea-level_monitoring_satellite_in_position_for_liftoff... (https://t.co/YBlAZgGxF3?amp=1)

Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 16:37:56
https://www.spacex.com/launches/index.html (https://www.spacex.com/launches/index.html)


SpaceX is targeting Saturday, November 21 for Falcon 9's launch of the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich mission (https://www.spacex.com/static/images/patches/Sentinel-6.png) from Space Launch Complex 4E (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. The instantaneous launch window is at 9:17 a.m. PST, 17:17 UTC, and a backup opportunity is available on Sunday, November 22 with an instantaneous launch window at 9:04 a.m. PST, 17:04 UTC.

Following stage separation, Falcon 9's first stage will return to Earth and land on Landing Zone 4 at Vandenberg Air Force Base. The spacecraft will deploy approximately 53 minutes after liftoff.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 16:39:01
All Times Are Approximate
00:38:00SpaceX Launch Director verifies go for propellant load
00:35:00RP-1 (rocket grade kerosene) loading underway
00:35:001st stage LOX (liquid oxygen) loading underway
00:16:002nd stage LOX loading underway
00:07:00Falcon 9 begins engine chill prior to launch
00:01:00Command flight computer to begin final prelaunch checks
00:01:00Propellant tank pressurization to flight pressure begins
00:00:45SpaceX Launch Director verifies go for launch
00:00:03Engine controller commands engine ignition sequence to start
00:00:00Falcon 9 liftoff
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 16:45:38
All Times Are Approximate
00:01:01Max Q (moment of peak mechanical stress on the rocket)
00:02:171st stage main engine cutoff (MECO)
00:02:211st and 2nd stages separate
00:02:282nd stage engine starts (SES-1)
00:02:50Fairing deployment
00:06:551st stage entry burn complete
00:08:182nd stage engine cutoff (SECO-1)
00:08:191st stage landing
00:53:182nd stage engine starts (SES-2)
00:53:282nd stage engine cutoff (SECO-2)
00:53:29Sentinel-6 deployment
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 16:54:05
О трансляции пуска (SpaceX)


...the launch webcast ... will begin at 8:45 a.m. PST on launch day
Начало трансляции - 21 ноября 2020 г. в 16:45 UTC / 19:45 ДМВ

Адрес трансляции НАСА - #39 (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/index.php?msg=2068526)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 16:58:05
Источник (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/35168.jpg) (229.38 kB, 3840 × 2560 px)

Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 17:05:00
Источник (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/197905.png) (1.64 MB, 3000 x 3000 px)

Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 17:17:26
Цитировать ESA @esa 4 ч (https://twitter.com/esa/status/1330084789383090178)

#Sentinel6 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Sentinel6?src=hashtag_click) - What, who, why? Указательный палец, направленный вниз 6 key facts about the latest @CopernicusEU (https://twitter.com/CopernicusEU) Sentinel satellite, set for launch today at 18:17 CET (17:17 GMT). #SpaceCare (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceCare?src=hashtag_click)

Live coverage starts 17:45 CET (16:45 GMT) on https://esawebtv.esa.int (https://t.co/F3Y53FYVj6?amp=1)

Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 17:20:56
Цитировать Falcon 9 Block 5 @Falcon9Block5 3 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/Falcon9Block5/status/1330152989152174086)

#SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hashtag_click) #Sentinel6 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Sentinel6?src=hashtag_click) Countdown NET Update: The team has begun releasing weather balloons and the launch site has been evacuated. Weather is 80% go and the teams are tracking no issues on #Falcon9 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Falcon9?src=hashtag_click).

Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 17:23:01
Источник (https://img.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/35169.png)

Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 18:09:07
Цитировать Falcon 9 Block 5 @Falcon9Block5 36 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/Falcon9Block5/status/1330156915503095814)

#SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hashtag_click) #Sentinel6 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Sentinel6?src=hashtag_click) Countdown NET Update: T-2:45:00 Falcon 9 RF & Telemetry Checks. Weather is 80% go and the teams are tracking no issues on #Falcon9 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Falcon9?src=hashtag_click).
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 18:10:04
Цитировать Falcon 9 Block 5 @Falcon9Block5 22 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/Falcon9Block5/status/1330160789362274310)

#SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hashtag_click) #Sentinel6 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Sentinel6?src=hashtag_click) Countdown NET Update: T-2:30:00 Falcon 9 Launch Vehicle Release System Test. Weather is 80% go and the teams are tracking no issues on #Falcon9 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Falcon9?src=hashtag_click).
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 18:11:10
Цитировать Falcon 9 Block 5 @Falcon9Block5 19 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/Falcon9Block5/status/1330161876060303360)

#SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hashtag_click) #Sentinel6 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Sentinel6?src=hashtag_click) Countdown NET Update: T-2:25:00 TEA-TEB Bleed In. Weather is 80% go and the teams are tracking no issues on #Falcon9 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Falcon9?src=hashtag_click).
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 18:36:20
Цитировать Falcon 9 Block 5 @Falcon9Block5 4 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/Falcon9Block5/status/1330171960769323013)

#SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hashtag_click) #Sentinel6 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Sentinel6?src=hashtag_click) Countdown NET Update: T-1:45:00
RF Link & FTS Checks. Weather is 80% go and the teams are tracking no issues on #Falcon9 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Falcon9?src=hashtag_click).
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 18:39:53
Цитировать Falcon 9 Block 5 @Falcon9Block5 2 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/Falcon9Block5/status/1330173358340763650)

#SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hashtag_click) #Sentinel6 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Sentinel6?src=hashtag_click) Countdown NET Update: T-1:40:00
Data Flow Tests with Downrange Tracking Stations. Weather is 80% go and the teams are tracking no issues on #Falcon9 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Falcon9?src=hashtag_click).
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 18:51:11
Цитировать Falcon 9 Block 5 @Falcon9Block5 1 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/Falcon9Block5/status/1330176434564984843)

#SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hashtag_click) #Sentinel6 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Sentinel6?src=hashtag_click) Countdown NET Update: T-1:30:00
Blast Danger Area Clear, Roadblocks Established. Weather is 80% go and the teams are tracking no issues on #Falcon9 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Falcon9?src=hashtag_click). Learn more:
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 19:00:27
Цитировать Falcon 9 Block 5 @Falcon9Block5 1 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/Falcon9Block5/status/1330178573492232192)

#SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hashtag_click) #Sentinel6 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Sentinel6?src=hashtag_click) Countdown NET Update: T-1:20:00 Weather Briefing. Weather is 80% go and the teams are tracking no issues on #Falcon9 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Falcon9?src=hashtag_click).
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 19:01:33
Цитировать Falcon 9 Block 5 @Falcon9Block5 2 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/Falcon9Block5/status/1330178784520253440)

#SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hashtag_click) #Sentinel6 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Sentinel6?src=hashtag_click) Countdown NET Update:
Launch Readiness Poll Complete,
Final Tank Chill-In,
Tanks vented for Propellant Loading,
Launch Enable to Flight Mode.
Weather is 80% go and the teams are tracking no issues on #Falcon9 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Falcon9?src=hashtag_click).
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 19:05:14
Цитировать ESA Operations @esaoperations 58 с  (https://twitter.com/esaoperations/status/1330179795389440004)

The ESOC Flight Director Jose Morales has conducted the final #RollCall (https://twitter.com/hashtag/RollCall?src=hashtag_click) with all positions confirming 'GO' status for the #Sentinel6 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Sentinel6?src=hashtag_click) launch

ESOC is GO for launch! 🚀 ✅

Have a listen 👉 🕹️
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: PIN от 21.11.2020 19:27:37
Всё скучно номинально, потому снимаю :)  Здесь будет с небольшой задержкой https://www.flickr.com/photos/esa_events/ , оно же в Твиттер и Инсту отчасти
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 19:30:20
Цитировать Michael Baylor @nextspaceflight 9 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/nextspaceflight/status/1330184172527345667)

Beautiful morning at Vandenberg ahead of launch of Sentinel 6 on Falcon 9. #SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hashtag_click)

Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 19:31:23
Цитировать Michael Baylor @nextspaceflight 7 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/nextspaceflight/status/1330184862846885894)

Range is GREEN. #SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hashtag_click)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 19:32:17
Цитировать Falcon 9 Block 5 @Falcon9Block5 14 с (https://twitter.com/Falcon9Block5/status/1330187085924458506)

#SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hashtag_click) #Sentinel6 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Sentinel6?src=hashtag_click) Countdown NET Update: T-0:45:00
Flight Control System Setup. Weather is 80% go and the teams are tracking no issues on #Falcon9 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Falcon9?src=hashtag_click).
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 19:33:48
Аудиодорожка из ЦУП

Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 19:36:14
https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/11/21/falcon-9-sentinel-6-michael-freilich-mission-status-center/ (https://spaceflightnow.com/2020/11/21/falcon-9-sentinel-6-michael-freilich-mission-status-center/)

Цитировать11/21/2020 19:33 Stephen Clark

The Air Force's Western Range has confirmed it is currently "go" for today's Falcon 9 launch and landing.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 19:38:54
Вызов всех станций на опрос
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 19:39:29
SpaceX Launch Director verifies go for propellant load
RP-1 (rocket grade kerosene) loading underway
1st stage LOX (liquid oxygen) loading underway
2nd stage LOX loading underway
Falcon 9 begins engine chill prior to launch
Command flight computer to begin final prelaunch checks
Propellant tank pressurization to flight pressure begins
SpaceX Launch Director verifies go for launch
Engine controller commands engine ignition sequence to startt
Falcon 9 liftoff
All Times Are Approximate
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 19:41:46
Цитировать Falcon 9 Block 5 @Falcon9Block5 16 с (https://twitter.com/Falcon9Block5/status/1330189468872155154)

#SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hashtag_click) #Sentinel6 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Sentinel6?src=hashtag_click) Countdown NET Update: GO for prop load. Weather is 80% go and the teams are tracking no issues on #Falcon9 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Falcon9?src=hashtag_click).
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 19:43:34
Цитировать Falcon 9 Block 5 @Falcon9Block5 7 с (https://twitter.com/Falcon9Block5/status/1330189991163686916)

Prop load has started
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 19:48:53
Цитировать SpaceX @SpaceX 6 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1330189754990796804)

All systems and weather are go for Falcon 9's launch of the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich mission. T-35 minutes until liftoff → http://spacex.com/launches (https://t.co/bJFjLCilmc?amp=1)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 19:51:35
Репортаж FNSF - youtu.be/BlB_y4MuLfA
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 19:53:24
Цитировать11/21/2020 19:52 Stephen Clark

T-minus 25 minutes. Some statistics on today's launch:

  • 99th launch of a Falcon 9 rocket since 2010
  • 107th launch of Falcon rocket family since 2006
  • 1st launch of Falcon 9 booster B1063
  • 16th SpaceX launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base
  • 30th SpaceX launch for NASA
  • 7th launch of an Airbus-built satellite by SpaceX
  • 22nd Falcon 9 launch of 2020
  • 22nd SpaceX launch of 2020
  • 1st orbital launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base in 2020
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 19:55:49
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 19:57:56
Цитировать Falcon 9 Block 5 @Falcon9Block5 35 с (https://twitter.com/Falcon9Block5/status/1330193432975978497)

#SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hashtag_click) #Sentinel6 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Sentinel6?src=hashtag_click) Countdown NET Update: T-0:20:00
Spacecraft to Internal Power. Weather is 80% go and the teams are tracking no issues on #Falcon9 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Falcon9?src=hashtag_click). Teams will be watching the upper level winds today.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: Argo от 21.11.2020 20:00:35
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 20:05:28
Цитировать11/21/2020 20:04 Stephen Clark

T-minus 16 minutes and counting. Liquid oxygen is now loading into the second stage. The Falcon 9 countdown is proceeding toward launch at 9:17 a.m. PST (12:17 p.m. EST; 1717 GMT).
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 20:08:45
Цитировать Chris B - NSF @NASASpaceflight 8 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/NASASpaceflight/status/1330193809829982212)

T-20 minute vent, as per the usual good sign.

https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1330193766012088322/pu/vid/1280x720/gk39W7A7ywGLBxB4.mp4 (https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1330193766012088322/pu/vid/1280x720/gk39W7A7ywGLBxB4.mp4) (0:10)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 20:10:42
Цитировать Falcon 9 Block 5 @Falcon9Block5 32 с (https://twitter.com/Falcon9Block5/status/1330196683158859779)

M1D Engines to TVC (Thrust Vector Control)
NULL Position
Engine Chill Readiness
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 20:11:10
Началось захолаживание ДУ 1-й ст РН
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 20:12:04
Цитировать11/21/2020 20:10 Stephen Clark

T-minus 7 minutes and counting. Prevalves leading to the Falcon 9's Merlin 1D first stage engines are opening, permitting super-cold liquid oxygen to flow into the engines to condition the turbopumps for ignition.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 20:13:18
Цитировать Falcon 9 Block 5 @Falcon9Block5 10 с (https://twitter.com/Falcon9Block5/status/1330197444408250368)

Stage 2 Thrust Vector Control (TVC) Test

Stage 1 Helium Secured
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 20:14:02
Цитировать Falcon 9 Block 5 @Falcon9Block5 28 с (https://twitter.com/Falcon9Block5/status/1330197582002401280)

Vehicle Release Auto Sequence Initiated

Stage 2 TVC Motions Complete

Ground Hydraulics Securing
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 20:14:46
Цитировать11/21/2020 20:13 Stephen Clark

The strongback umbilical tower is being lowered to angle of 13 degrees from the Falcon 9 to clear the rocket for launch. The procedure begins with opening of cradles gripping the rocket at attach points, then hydraulics lower the tower into position for liftoff.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 20:15:20
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 20:16:14
Цитировать Falcon 9 Block 5 @Falcon9Block5 20 с (https://twitter.com/Falcon9Block5/status/1330198123201908738)

tStrongback Secure for Launch @88 (https://twitter.com/88) .5°degrees

Mvac Bleed Valve Motions

Stage 2 LOX Secure at Flight Level (Latest)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 20:17:05
Цитировать11/21/2020 20:16 Stephen Clark

Falcon 9 is on internal power.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 20:17:21
Цитата: undefined
Falcon 9 liftoff
Max Q (moment of peak mechanical stress on the rocket)
1st stage main engine cutoff (MECO)
1st and 2nd stages separate
2nd stage engine starts (SES-1)
Fairing deployment
1st stage entry burn complete
2nd stage engine cutoff (SECO-1)
1st stage landing
2nd stage engine starts (SES-2)
2nd stage engine cutoff (SECO-2)
Sentinel-6 deployment
All Times Are Approximate
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 20:17:27

Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: Argo от 21.11.2020 20:17:34
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 20:17:39

Цитировать SpaceX @SpaceX 43 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1330199043377688579)


https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1330198968182075392/vid/1280x720/HnR3Xh58cs9D03F8.mp4 (https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1330198968182075392/vid/1280x720/HnR3Xh58cs9D03F8.mp4) (0:43)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: Argo от 21.11.2020 20:17:53
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 20:18:22
Звуковой барьер

Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 20:18:35
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 20:19:45
Выкл ДУ 1-й ст РН
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 20:19:52
Отделение 1-й ст РН

Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 20:20:00
Вкл ДУ 2-й ст РН
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: Argo от 21.11.2020 20:20:03
Отделилась ступень
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 20:20:06
Boostback burn
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 20:20:21
Сброс ГО

Цитировать NASA's Launch Services Program @NASA_LSP 35 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/NASA_LSP/status/1330201896943050762)

REPLAY: Watch the Falcon 9 booster fall back to Earth after first stage separation!

https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1330199636267528192/vid/1280x720/TedGazlQDAoa_PFG.mp4 (https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1330199636267528192/vid/1280x720/TedGazlQDAoa_PFG.mp4) (0:41)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: Argo от 21.11.2020 20:20:47
Небо чистое,красота
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 20:20:48
Boostback burn - отработан
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: Argo от 21.11.2020 20:23:52
Сопло интересно цвет меняет от нагрева
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 20:24:02
Entry burn

Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 20:24:24
Entry burn - отработан

Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 20:25:07
Landing burn

Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 20:25:39
Есть посадка 1-й ст РН!

Цитировать SpaceX @SpaceX 32 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1330201338593095684)

Falcon 9's first stage has landed on Landing Zone 4

https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1330201180010516480/vid/1280x720/y8fGNH1RE4E03jq8.mp4 (https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1330201180010516480/vid/1280x720/y8fGNH1RE4E03jq8.mp4) (0:34)

Цитировать NASA's Launch Services Program @NASA_LSP 39 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/NASA_LSP/status/1330201254862184448)

The @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) Falcon 9 first stage has landed from launching Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich! #SeeingTheSeas (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SeeingTheSeas?src=hashtag_click)

https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/EnXS-3QW8AMKLyg.mp4 (https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/EnXS-3QW8AMKLyg.mp4) (0:07)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: Argo от 21.11.2020 20:25:42
Ступень села на землю
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 20:25:58
Выкл ДУ 2-й ст РН

Номинальная опорная орбита

Баллистическая фаза до 21:10:26 ДМВ
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 21.11.2020 20:27:20
На этот раз по соплу ползало уже целых две "мыши"  ;D
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: Argo от 21.11.2020 20:28:09
Первый раз как пикник с опенаира устроили,красиво
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: opinion от 21.11.2020 20:30:16
Ведущие думают, что они не в эфире :)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: Argo от 21.11.2020 20:36:52
Ни одной тульи,ни одного автомата,бабы красивые в в белых пальто.Загнивают.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: тавот от 21.11.2020 20:40:23
Цитата: Argo от 21.11.2020 20:36:52Ни одной тульи,ни одного автомата,бабы красивые в в белых пальто.Загнивают.
Самая красивая Джессика - в серой шубке и бордовых кроссовках. :P
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 20:40:51
https://www.militarynews.ru/story.asp?rid=1&nid=542111 (https://www.militarynews.ru/story.asp?rid=1&nid=542111)

ЦитироватьРакета SpaceX стартовала на орбиту с американо-европейским спутником для изучения океана
21.11.2020 20:18:07

Вашингтон. 21 ноября. ИНТЕРФАКС - Ракета-носитель Falcon 9 американской компании SpaceX в субботу стартовала на орбиту с научным океанографическим спутником Sentinel-6A Michael Freilich, сообщило NASA.

Запуск был осуществлен в 12:17 по времени Восточного побережья США (20:17 мск) с авиабазы Ванденберг в штате Калифорния.

Космический аппарат Sentinel-6A Michael Freilich через 53 минуты после старта ракеты будет выведен на полярную орбиту высотой 1,3 тыс. км.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 20:42:24
https://www.militarynews.ru/story.asp?rid=1&nid=542112 (https://www.militarynews.ru/story.asp?rid=1&nid=542112)

ЦитироватьПервая ступень ракеты SpaceX совершила успешную посадку на наземную площадку после запуска спутника
21.11.2020 20:26:11

Вашингтон. 21 ноября. ИНТЕРФАКС - Многоразовая первая ступень американской ракеты Falcon 9, стартовавшей в субботу на орбиту с американо-европейским научным океанографическим спутником Sentinel-6A Michael Freilich, совершила успешную посадку на наземную площадку в Калифорнии, сообщила компания-разработчик носителя SpaceX.

Запуск ракеты со спутником был осуществлен в 12:17 по времени Восточного побережья США (20:17 мск) с авиабазы Ванденберг в штате Калифорния. Через 8 минут 19 секунд после старта отделившаяся первая многоразовая ступень села на ее посадочной площадке.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 20:45:02

youtu.be/hTZF3sY4CQ4 (6:03)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: zandr от 21.11.2020 20:47:39
ЦитироватьSpaceX запустила метеорологический спутник нового поколения
НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 21 ноября. /ТАСС/. Американская компания SpaceX в субботу осуществила запуск ракеты-носителя Falcon 9 с метеорологическим спутником Sentinel-6 нового поколения. Трансляция ведется на сайте компании.
Ракета стартовала с базы ВВС США Ванденберг (штат Калифорния) в 09:17 по времени западного побережья (20:17 мск).
Специалистам SpaceX удалось вернуть на Землю первую ступень носителя. Она опустилась рядом с пусковым столом на базе Ванденберг через восемь минут после старта. Многократное использование ступеней ракет позволяет компании Илона Маска удешевлять стоимость запусков аппаратов на орбиту.
Sentinel-6 является совместным проектом Национального управления по аэронавтике и исследованию космического пространства (NASA) США и Европейского космического агентства (ЕКА). Спутник предназначен для отслеживания изменения уровня Мирового океана. Срок эксплуатации составляет пять с половиной лет. Бортовые инструменты обладают высоким разрешением, что позволяет аппарату вести наблюдения, например за атлантическим течением Гольфстрим и за мельчайшими участками береговой линии.
NASA и ЕКА планирует использовать данные, поступающие со спутника, для более точных прогнозов погоды, отслеживания перемещения ураганов и формирования моделей изменения климата. Парный спутник Sentinel-6B будет выведен на орбиту в 2025 году.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 20:52:18
Есть приём сигнала 2-й ст РН станцией Тролль (Антарктида)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: Argo от 21.11.2020 20:55:01
Цитата: тавот от 21.11.2020 20:40:23
Цитата: Argo от 21.11.2020 20:36:52Ни одной тульи,ни одного автомата,бабы красивые в в белых пальто.Загнивают.
Самая красивая Джессика - в серой шубке и бордовых кроссовках. :P
Да ну она низкопопая,там была одна модель
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 21:11:04
Повторное вкл ДУ 2-й ст РН
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 21:11:11
2-е выкл ДУ 2-й ст РН

Цитировать Spaceflight Now @SpaceflightNow 28 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceflightNow/status/1330212254852255747)

The Falcon 9 rocket's second stage engine has completed a second firing to place the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich oceanography satellite into a targeted 830-mile-high (1,336-kilometer) orbit.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 21:11:25
Номинальная орбита
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 21:13:50
Есть приём сигнала 2-й ст РН станцией о-ва Диего-Гарсия
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: Чебурашка от 21.11.2020 21:14:08
Ну что, можно поздравить фигляра Маска с сотым запуском Flacon-9 - самой массовой ракеты-носителя современности и рабочей лошадки мировой космонавтики.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 21:15:51
Есть отделение КА Sentinel-6A

Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 21:18:36
Цитировать NASA's Launch Services Program @NASA_LSP 2 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/NASA_LSP/status/1330213351960481794)

We have spacecraft separation! The Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite has successfully separated from the second stage bringing us one step closer to #SeeingTheSeas (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SeeingTheSeas?src=hashtag_click)!
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 21:20:30
Цитата: undefined SpaceX @SpaceX 2 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1330213906640465920)

Deployment of Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich confirmed
https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1330213758602420224/vid/1280x720/HnkDSrX3XszDGySW.mp4 (https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1330213758602420224/vid/1280x720/HnkDSrX3XszDGySW.mp4) (0:15)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 21:22:58
https://www.militarynews.ru/story.asp?rid=1&nid=542113 (https://www.militarynews.ru/story.asp?rid=1&nid=542113)

ЦитироватьРакета SpaceX успешно вывела на орбиту американо-европейский спутник для изучения океана
21.11.2020 21:17:07

Вашингтон. 21 ноября. ИНТЕРФАКС - Ракета Falcon 9 в субботу успешно вывела на штатную орбиту научный океанографический спутник Sentinel-6A Michael Freilich, сообщила компания-разработчик носителя SpaceX.

"Вывод спутника подтвержден", - сообщила компания.

Запуск ракеты со спутником был осуществлен в 12:17 по времени Восточного побережья США (20:17 мск) с авиабазы Ванденберг в штате Калифорния.

Через 53 минуты полета космический аппарат Sentinel-6A Michael Freilich вышел на полярную орбиту высотой 1,3 тыс. км.

Он является частью совместной программы NASA, Национального управления океанических и атмосферных исследований США (NOAA) и Европейского космического агентства (ESA) по отслеживанию уровня мирового океана и сбора данных о влиянии глобального потепления на изменение береговых линий. Аппарат войдет в состав действующей американо-европейской спутниковой орбитальной группировки Copernicus по мониторингу окружающей среды.

Тем временем первая многоразовая ступень ракеты Falcon 9 через 8 минут 19 секунд после старта совершила управляемую вертикальную посадку на площадке на базе Ванденберг.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: sas от 21.11.2020 21:26:23
Ну что, дело Топекс-Посйедон живет и процветает. Ясен пень, главное, это нахождение локальных искривлений гравитационного поля земли, что проявляется вспухлостью или впадинами в океане. Сии данные нужны для более точного наведения Трайдентов. У нас хотели делать аналогичный спутник, мы на Авиамоторной для него мастрячили квантовый дальномер 2А332 Зверолов с зенитным измерением. Планировалось, что уголковый отражатель будет на излучателе антенны радиовысотомера, а светодальномер на мысу морского (или озерного) берега. Таким образом, измеряя зенитную дальность и сравнивая с показаниями со спутника, высотомер можно поверить с нулевой ошибкой цели. У нас не полетел, СССР свалился с моста в речку, а они вот летают. Где, кстати, у него уголковые отражатели, как поверять высотомер и поддерживать эфемериды орбиты будут?
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: тавот от 21.11.2020 21:27:37
Цитата: Чебурашка от 21.11.2020 21:14:08Ну что, можно поздравить фигляра Маска с сотым запуском Flacon-9 - самой массовой ракеты-носителя современности и рабочей лошадки мировой космонавтики.
Рогозин так не считает.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: Sam Grey от 21.11.2020 21:27:40
Цитата: zandr от 21.11.2020 20:47:39https://tass.ru/kosmos/10066267
Цитата: undefinedSpaceX запустила метеорологический спутник нового поколения
НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 21 ноября. /ТАСС/. Американская компания SpaceX в субботу осуществила запуск ракеты-носителя Falcon 9 с метеорологическим спутником Sentinel-6 нового поколения. Трансляция ведется на сайте компании.
Ракета стартовала с базы ВВС США Ванденберг (штат Калифорния) в 09:17 по времени западного побережья (20:17 мск).
Специалистам SpaceX удалось вернуть на Землю первую ступень носителя. Она опустилась рядом с пусковым столом на базе Ванденберг через восемь минут после старта. Многократное использование ступеней ракет позволяет компании Илона Маска удешевлять стоимость запусков аппаратов на орбиту.
Sentinel-6 является совместным проектом Национального управления по аэронавтике и исследованию космического пространства (NASA) США и Европейского космического агентства (ЕКА). Спутник предназначен для отслеживания изменения уровня Мирового океана. Срок эксплуатации составляет пять с половиной лет. Бортовые инструменты обладают высоким разрешением, что позволяет аппарату вести наблюдения, например за атлантическим течением Гольфстрим и за мельчайшими участками береговой линии.
NASA и ЕКА планирует использовать данные, поступающие со спутника, для более точных прогнозов погоды, отслеживания перемещения ураганов и формирования моделей изменения климата. Парный спутник Sentinel-6B будет выведен на орбиту в 2025 году.

Специалистам SpaceX удалось вернуть на Землю первую ступень носителя. 8)  
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: Dr.Cox от 21.11.2020 21:32:42
Цитата: Sam  Grey от 21.11.2020 21:27:40
Цитата: zandr от 21.11.2020 20:47:39https://tass.ru/kosmos/10066267
Цитата: undefinedSpaceX запустила метеорологический спутник нового поколения
НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 21 ноября. /ТАСС/. Американская компания SpaceX в субботу осуществила запуск ракеты-носителя Falcon 9 с метеорологическим спутником Sentinel-6 нового поколения. Трансляция ведется на сайте компании.
Ракета стартовала с базы ВВС США Ванденберг (штат Калифорния) в 09:17 по времени западного побережья (20:17 мск).
Специалистам SpaceX удалось вернуть на Землю первую ступень носителя. Она опустилась рядом с пусковым столом на базе Ванденберг через восемь минут после старта. Многократное использование ступеней ракет позволяет компании Илона Маска удешевлять стоимость запусков аппаратов на орбиту.
Sentinel-6 является совместным проектом Национального управления по аэронавтике и исследованию космического пространства (NASA) США и Европейского космического агентства (ЕКА). Спутник предназначен для отслеживания изменения уровня Мирового океана. Срок эксплуатации составляет пять с половиной лет. Бортовые инструменты обладают высоким разрешением, что позволяет аппарату вести наблюдения, например за атлантическим течением Гольфстрим и за мельчайшими участками береговой линии.
NASA и ЕКА планирует использовать данные, поступающие со спутника, для более точных прогнозов погоды, отслеживания перемещения ураганов и формирования моделей изменения климата. Парный спутник Sentinel-6B будет выведен на орбиту в 2025 году.

Специалистам SpaceX удалось вернуть на Землю первую ступень носителя. 8) 
Цитата: Sam Grey от 21.11.2020 21:27:40Специалистам SpaceX удалось вернуть на Землю первую ступень носителя. 8) 
Тогда уж так, по-рогозински: "Неспециалистам (ТМ) SpaceX удалось вернуть на Землю первую ступень носителя. 8)"
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 21:40:46
Перерыв в трансляции до приёма сигнала КА Sentinel-6
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: PIN от 21.11.2020 21:43:28
Цитата: sas от 21.11.2020 21:26:23у что, дело Топекс-Посйедон живет и процветает. Ясен пень, главное, это нахождение локальных искривлений гравитационного поля земли, что проявляется вспухлостью или впадинами в океане. Сии данные нужны для более точного наведения Трайдентов. У нас хотели делать аналогичный спутник, мы на Авиамоторной для него мастрячили квантовый дальномер 2А332 Зверолов с зенитным измерением. Планировалось, что уголковый отражатель будет на излучателе антенны радиовысотомера, а светодальномер на мысу морского (или озерного) берега. Таким образом, измеряя зенитную дальность и сравнивая с показаниями со спутника, высотомер можно поверить с нулевой ошибкой цели. У нас не полетел, СССР свалился с моста в речку, а они вот летают. Где, кстати, у него уголковые отражатели, как поверять высотомер и поддерживать эфемериды орбиты будут?
Это научная миссия, причём EUMETSAT. Не пудрите людям мОзги. Отражатель есть, куда он денется
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: PIN от 21.11.2020 21:43:52
Выведение идеальное по ошибкам
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 21:51:18
Цитировать ESA Operations @esaoperations 15 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/esaoperations/status/1330217953250463745)

We're now waiting for 'acquisition of signal' (AOS) from #Sentinel6 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Sentinel6?src=hashtag_click), the moment we hear the spacecraft's first words, start receiving data and can begin sending up commands

Solar array deployment happens automatically shortly after separation, but we wont know for sure til AOS!
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: ZOOR от 21.11.2020 21:52:24
Цитата: PIN от 21.11.2020 21:43:52Выведение идеальное по ошибкам

Поздравления Маску и долгой жизни КА

За 10 лет 100 пусков - впечатляющий результат
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 21:52:35
Есть сигнал с КА Sentinel-6A!
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 21:52:46
Цитировать ESA Operations @esaoperations 2 мин (https://twitter.com/esaoperations/status/1330221928179769344)

#Sentinel6 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Sentinel6?src=hashtag_click) we hear you!

The North Pole Satellite Station in Alaska has caught the spacecraft's first signals from space and is locked on to the new mission. Transmission coming into #ESOC (https://twitter.com/hashtag/ESOC?src=hashtag_click) #missioncontrol (https://twitter.com/hashtag/missioncontrol?src=hashtag_click) loud and clear.

#SignalAquired (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SignalAquired?src=hashtag_click) 📶

#AOS (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AOS?src=hashtag_click)
#AcqusitionOfSignal (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AcqusitionOfSignal?src=hashtag_click)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 21:53:06
Цитировать ESA Operations @esaoperations 51 с (https://twitter.com/esaoperations/status/1330222475758743558)

Telemetry is now streaming into the systems at the main control room at #ESOC (https://twitter.com/hashtag/ESOC?src=hashtag_click) #MissionControl (https://twitter.com/hashtag/MissionControl?src=hashtag_click).

#Sentinel6 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Sentinel6?src=hashtag_click) is talking to us.

A delighted Flight control team are examining what the spacecraft is saying
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 21:56:30
Цитировать Dr. Niamh Shaw ☘️ @Dr_Niamh_Shaw 2 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/Dr_Niamh_Shaw/status/1330223005058949121)

Woo hop! Signal received! #sentinel6 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/sentinel6?src=hashtag_click) has sent back the long-awaited signal. Congrats @esaoperations (https://twitter.com/esaoperations) @esa (https://twitter.com/esa) @ESA_EO (https://twitter.com/ESA_EO) @NOAA (https://twitter.com/NOAA) @NASA (https://twitter.com/NASA) & all teams involved. And fab #scicomm (https://twitter.com/hashtag/scicomm?src=hashtag_click) too! Wishing you continued success in keeping an eye on our sea levels, #earthobservation (https://twitter.com/hashtag/earthobservation?src=hashtag_click) & #climate (https://twitter.com/hashtag/climate?src=hashtag_click) monitoring.

https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1330222962864250892/pu/vid/1280x720/ki3Wa3MEUlfZ4xi6.mp4 (https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1330222962864250892/pu/vid/1280x720/ki3Wa3MEUlfZ4xi6.mp4) (0:15)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 21:57:25
Ведущие трансляции попрощались со зрителями
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: PIN от 21.11.2020 22:01:37
Первая телеметрия - номинал
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: Astro Cat от 21.11.2020 22:03:18
Цитата: Чебурашка от 21.11.2020 21:14:08Ну что, можно поздравить фигляра Маска с сотым запуском Flacon-9 - самой массовой ракеты-носителя современности и рабочей лошадки мировой космонавтики.

Почему это сотый? 99й же?

https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%BF%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%BA_%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%BF%D1%83%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2_%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%8B-%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8F_Falcon_9 (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%BF%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%BA_%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%BF%D1%83%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2_%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%8B-%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8F_Falcon_9)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 22:03:39
Запись трансляции (SpaceX)

ЦитироватьSentinel-6 Michael Freilich Mission

(https://www.youtube.com/user/spacexchannel) SpaceX (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtI0Hodo5o5dUb67FeUjDeA)

Трансляция началась 2 часа назад


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVFPzTDCihQ (2:17:16)

Запись трансляции (НАСА)

ЦитироватьWatch the Launch of the Ocean-Observing Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich Satellite

(https://www.youtube.com/user/NASAtelevision) NASA (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLA_DiR1FfKNvjuUpBHmylQ)

Трансляция началась 2 часа назад


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vm5FnJSIYkw (2:12:09)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 22:07:50

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t085vPHqnHY (1:52)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: shiro от 21.11.2020 22:12:01
Цитата: Astro Cat от 21.11.2020 22:03:18
Цитата: Чебурашка от 21.11.2020 21:14:08Ну что, можно поздравить фигляра Маска с сотым запуском Flacon-9 - самой массовой ракеты-носителя современности и рабочей лошадки мировой космонавтики.

Почему это сотый? 99й же?

https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%BF%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%BA_%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%BF%D1%83%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2_%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%8B-%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8F_Falcon_9 (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%BF%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%BA_%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%BF%D1%83%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2_%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%8B-%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8F_Falcon_9)
99 или 100-й запуск — зависит от того, считать ли Амос-6, потерянный во время static fire.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: Astro Cat от 21.11.2020 22:19:31
Цитата: shiro от 21.11.2020 22:12:0199 или 100-й запуск -- зависит от того, считать ли Амос-6, потерянный во время static fire.

Ну так он до пуска бабахнул. Никуда не улетел. Зачем его считать?
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 22:20:45
Цитата: shiro от 21.11.2020 22:12:0199 или 100-й запуск -- зависит от того, считать ли Амос-6, потерянный во время static fire.
Формально 99-й запуск и 100-я пусковая миссия.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 22:24:23
Цитировать ESA Operations @esaoperations 17 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/esaoperations/status/1330225964970881026)

Our two favourite words: Everything's nominal.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 22:30:17
Цитировать Michael Baylor @nextspaceflight 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/nextspaceflight/status/1330207901382828038)

Launch and landing of Falcon 9 during the Sentinel 6 mission. More to come.

Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 22:34:19
Цитировать NASA's Launch Services Program @NASA_LSP 6 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/NASA_LSP/status/1330230834641707010)

🚀 🌊 Thanks for the lift, SpaceX!

This completes our #SeeingTheSeas (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SeeingTheSeas?src=hashtag_click) coverage for the launch of Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich, @NASA_LSP (https://twitter.com/NASA_LSP)'s 94th mission!

Follow @NASAEarth (https://twitter.com/NASAEarth), @NASAJPL (https://twitter.com/NASAJPL) & @esa (https://twitter.com/esa) for all mission details and @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) for #Falcon9 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Falcon9?src=hashtag_click) details: http://blogs.nasa.gov/sentinel-6/ (https://t.co/ZWXuuEwB71?amp=1)


Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 21.11.2020 23:08:34
https://www.vandenberg.spaceforce.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/2423931/spacex-launches-sentinel-6-satellite-from-vafb/ (https://www.vandenberg.spaceforce.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/2423931/spacex-launches-sentinel-6-satellite-from-vafb/)

Цитата: 30 SWSpaceX launches Sentinel-6 satellite from VAFB

By 30th Space Wing Public Affairs, 30th Space Wing Public Affairs / Published November 21, 2020

(U.S. Space Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Brittany E. N. Murphy)

(U.S. Space Force photo by Senior Airman Hanah Abercormbie)
Members at Vandenberg Air Force Base launched the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite Saturday, Nov. 21, 2020, at 9:17 a.m., from Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif. The Sentinel-6 is the first of two identical satellites to head into Earth orbit five years apart to continue sea level observations for at least the next decade. The 30th Space Wing's primary responsibilities include maintaining and operating the Western Range, providing mission assurance, safeguarding the public and ensuring minimal environmental impact so we can provide services, facilities and range safety control for the execution of Department of Defense, civil and commercial launches.

Team Vandenberg launched the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite Saturday, Nov. 21, at 9:17 a.m., from Vandenberg Air Force Base. The Sentinel-6 is the first of two identical satellites to head into Earth orbit five years apart to continue sea level observations for at least the next decade.
Col. Anthony Mastalir, 30th Space Wing commander was the space launch commander for this mission.
"The Western Range is excited to provide the opportunity for this unique launch," said Col. Anthony Mastalir, 30th Space Wing commander. "Working together with NASA and SpaceX to provide a successful launch takes planning and team work and I am proud of the work my 30th Space Wing members have done today. The technology from this satellite will provide critical data for scientific research and lay the framework for future generations to study the ocean."
The 30th Space Wing's primary responsibilities include maintaining and operating the Western range, providing mission assurance, safeguarding the public and ensuring minimal environmental impact so we can provide services, facilities and range safety control for the execution of DoD, civil and commercial launches.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: Pirat5 от 21.11.2020 23:28:19
Третий пуск месяца и третий пуск новой ступени. Значит ждать их повтора в этом году, вероятно, не стОит
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 22.11.2020 00:04:56
Обнаружены два объекта запуска

1 46984U 20087A   20326.79587644 -.00000062  00000-0  00000+0 0  9999
2 46984  66.0595  38.9583 0012422 245.9402 248.4903 12.85875952    09

1 46985U 20087B   20326.78989565 -.00000062  00000-0  00000+0 0  9997
2 46985  66.0641  38.9884 0008855 248.1195 218.6024 12.85399585    01
По идее должен быть номер 2020-086, а не 2020-87

46984 / 2020-87A : 1308 x 1327 km x 66.060°, 111.98 min, 2020-11-21 19:06:03
46985 / 2020-87B : 1313 x 1327 km x 66.064°, 112.20 min, 2020-11-21 18:57:26
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 22.11.2020 00:16:27
Цитировать Michael Baylor @nextspaceflight 55 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/nextspaceflight/status/1330244267307114497)

Falcon first stage returning to SLC-4 after a successful launch of Sentinel 6 from Vandenberg, Calif. #SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hashtag_click)

I will be adding this to my list of top five best remote camera images.

Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 22.11.2020 01:22:11
https://blogs.nasa.gov/sentinel-6/2020/11/21/sentinel-6-michael-freilich-satellite-in-earth-orbit-mission-begins-to-map-sea-levels/ (https://blogs.nasa.gov/sentinel-6/2020/11/21/sentinel-6-michael-freilich-satellite-in-earth-orbit-mission-begins-to-map-sea-levels/)
https://blogs.nasa.gov/kennedy/2020/11/21/sentinel-6-michael-freilich-satellite-in-earth-orbit-mission-begins-to-map-sea-levels/ (https://blogs.nasa.gov/kennedy/2020/11/21/sentinel-6-michael-freilich-satellite-in-earth-orbit-mission-begins-to-map-sea-levels/)

ЦитироватьSentinel-6 Michael Freilich Satellite in Earth Orbit, Mission Begins to Map Sea Levels

Linda Herridge (https://blogs.nasa.gov/sentinel-6/author/lherridg/)
Posted Nov 21, 2020 at 4:10 pm

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket with the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite launches on Nov. 21, 2020, from Space Launch Complex 4E at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. Photo credit: SpaceX

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, carrying the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite, launched at 9:17 a.m. PST (12:17 p.m. EST) on Nov. 21, 2020, from Space Launch Complex-4 at Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) in California.

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rockets climbs upward after launching on Nov. 21, 2020, from Space Launch Complex 4E at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. Onboard is the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite. Photo credit: SpaceX

Following launch, the SpaceX Falcon 9 first stage separated and returned to Earth for a vertical landing at VAFB. After arriving in orbit, the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite separated from the rocket's second stage and unfolded its twin sets of solar arrays. Ground controllers successfully acquired the satellite's signal, and initial telemetry reports showed the spacecraft in good health. Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich will now undergo a series of exhaustive checks and calibrations before it starts collecting science data in a few months' time.

Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich is a U.S.-European collaboration and one of two satellites that compose the Copernicus Sentinel-6/Jason-CS (Continuity of Service) mission.

Agencies participating in this mission include the European Space Agency, the European Commission, the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), SpaceX, NASA, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The launch was managed by NASA's Launch Services Program (https://www.nasa.gov/launchservices/), based at the agency's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

"NASA is but one of several partners involved in Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich, but this satellite speaks to the very core of our mission," said NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine. "Whether 800 miles above Earth with this remarkable spacecraft or traveling to Mars to look for signs of life, whether providing farmers with agricultural data or aiding first responders with our Disasters Program (https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdisasters.nasa.gov%2F&data=04%7C01%7Clinda.m.herridge%40nasa.gov%7C4988d6f91f284920bcd308d88e5017b3%7C7005d45845be48ae8140d43da96dd17b%7C0%7C0%7C637415822703423693%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=P9O5XbhWALCuhuDQsCpTa3JJbWYjbdMlojMFsgoBLLw%3D&reserved=0#_blank), we are tirelessly committed not just to learning and exploring, but to having an impact where it's

The Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich spacecraft separates from the SpaceX Falcon 9 second stage on Nov. 21, 2020. The spacecraft launched aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Space Launch Complex 4# at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. Photo credit: NASA

The spacecraft is named in honor of the late Michael Freilich (https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nasa.gov%2Fpress-release%2Fnasa-administrator-statement-on-the-passing-of-mike-freilich&data=04%7C01%7Clinda.m.herridge%40nasa.gov%7C4988d6f91f284920bcd308d88e5017b3%7C7005d45845be48ae8140d43da96dd17b%7C0%7C0%7C637415822702955747%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=ZBAbu8moxh4kEdtLMq5RCwjVk96CJVin3GSMBlv37bM%3D&reserved=0#_blank), former director of NASA's Earth Science Division, who was a leading figure in advancing ocean observations from space. Freilich passed away Aug. 5, 2020. His close family and friends attended the launch of the satellite that now carries his name.

Now in orbit, the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich will collect sea level measurements down to the centimeter for 90% of the world's oceans. The world's latest Earth-observing satellite will begin a five-and-a-half-year prime mission to collect the most accurate data yet (https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=7695) on global sea level and how our oceans are rising in response to climate change. The mission also will collect precise data of atmospheric temperature and humidity that will help improve weather forecasts and climate models.

"The Earth is changing, and this satellite will help deepen our understanding of how," said Karen St. Germain, director of NASA's Earth Science Division. "The changing Earth processes are affecting sea level globally, but the impact on local communities varies widely. International collaboration is critical to both understanding these changes and informing coastal communities around the world."

Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich contains a suite of instruments to support its science goals. A Radar Altimeter will bounce signals off the ocean surface. Sea surface height will be determined based on the time it takes each pulse to travel from the satellite to the ocean and back again.

An Advanced Microwave Radiometer will retrieve the amount of water vapor between the satellite and ocean, which affects the travel speed of radar pulses. Radio Occultation Antennas (https://www.nasa.gov/feature/jpl/sea-level-mission-will-also-act-as-a-precision-thermometer-in-space) will measure the delay of radio signals between Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich and global navigation satellites as they slice through different layers of the atmosphere.

Other onboard instruments will be used to precisely determine the satellite's position, such as the Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite (DORIS) instrument. DORIS measures the radio signals from 55 global ground stations that compose the International DORIS service. The DORIS instrument aboard Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich measures the Doppler shift of the radio beacons' frequencies to precisely determine its line-of-sight velocity. A Laser Retroreflector Array located on the Earth-facing plate of the spacecraft includes nine precisely shaped mirrors that reflect laser beams back to their point of origin on the ground. Also on the spacecraft are S-band and X-band antennas, and Solar Array supply power.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 22.11.2020 01:47:38
https://www.spacex.com/updates/sentinel-6-michael-freilich/index.html (https://www.spacex.com/updates/sentinel-6-michael-freilich/index.html)

ЦитироватьNOVEMBER 21, 2020

On Saturday, November 21 at 9:17 a.m. PST, SpaceX launched the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich mission (https://www.spacex.com/static/images/patches/Sentinel-6.png) from Space Launch Complex 4E (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.

Following stage separation, Falcon 9's first stage returned to Earth and landed on Landing Zone 4 at Vandenberg Air Force Base. The spacecraft deployed approximately 58 minutes after liftoff.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 22.11.2020 02:11:46
https://www.esa.int/Applications/Observing_the_Earth/Copernicus/Sentinel-6/New_Copernicus_satellite_to_monitor_sea-level_rise_launched (https://www.esa.int/Applications/Observing_the_Earth/Copernicus/Sentinel-6/New_Copernicus_satellite_to_monitor_sea-level_rise_launched)

Цитата: ESANew Copernicus satellite to monitor sea-level rise launched

The Copernicus Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite has been launched into orbit around Earth on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. Using the latest radar altimetry technology, this new satellite is set to  provide a new overview of ocean topography and advance the long-term record of sea-surface height measurements that began in 1992 – measurements that are essential for climate science, for policy-making and, ultimately, for protecting the lives of millions at risk of sea-level rise.

Carrying the 1.2 tonne Sentinel-6 satellite, the Falcon 9 rocket lifted off from the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, US, at 17:17 GMT (18:17 CET, 09:17 PST) on 21 November. The satellite was delivered into orbit just under an hour after liftoff and contact was established at the ground station in Alaska at 19:49 CET.

https://dlmultimedia.esa.int/download/public/videos/2020/11/029/2011_029_AR_EN.mp4 (https://dlmultimedia.esa.int/download/public/videos/2020/11/029/2011_029_AR_EN.mp4) (2:23)
Copernicus Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich liftoff replay
Access the video (https://www.esa.int/ESA_Multimedia/Videos/2020/11/Copernicus_Sentinel-6_Michael_Freilich_liftoff_replay)

ESA's Director of Earth Observation Programmes, Josef Aschbacher, said, "I'm extremely proud to have seen Copernicus Sentinel-6 liftoff this evening and know that it's well on its way to starting its mission of continuing the measurements of sea level that are so needed to understand and monitor the worrying trend of rising seas. I would not only like to thank the ESA teams that have worked so hard to get to this point, but also the EC, Eumetsat, NASA, NOAA and CNES, and, of course, we very much look forward to further fruitful cooperation between our respective organisations."

With millions of people living in coastal communities around the world, rising seas are at the top of the list of major concerns linked to climate change. Monitoring sea-surface height is critical to understanding the changes taking place so that decision-makers have the evidence to implement appropriate policies to help curb climate change and for authorities to take action to protect vulnerable communities.

Over the last three decades, the French–US Topex-Poseidon and Jason mission series served as reference missions, and in combination with ESA's earlier ERS and Envisat satellites, as well as today's CryoSat and Copernicus Sentinel-3, they have shown how sea level has risen about 3.2 mm on average every year. More alarmingly, this rate of rise has been accelerating; over the last few years, the average rate of rise has been 4.8 mm a year.

Measuring sea-level change (https://www.esa.int/ESA_Multimedia/Images/2020/09/Measuring_sea-level_change)

Now in orbit, Copernicus Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich will soon pick up the baton and extend this dataset – a dataset that is the 'gold standard' for climate studies. The mission comprises two identical satellites launched sequentially – so in five years, Copernicus Sentinel-6B will be launched to take over. The mission as a whole will ensure the continuity of data until at least 2030.

Each satellite carries a radar altimeter, which works by measuring the time it takes for radar pulses to travel to Earth's surface and back again to the satellite. Combined with precise satellite location data, altimetry measurements yield the height of the sea surface.

The satellites' instrument package also includes an advanced microwave radiometer that accounts for the amount of water vapour in atmosphere, which affects the speed of the altimeter's radar pulses.

https://dlmultimedia.esa.int/download/public/videos/2020/09/019/2009_019_AR_EN.mp4 (https://dlmultimedia.esa.int/download/public/videos/2020/09/019/2009_019_AR_EN.mp4)
Copernicus Sentinel-6 in action
Access the video (https://www.esa.int/ESA_Multimedia/Videos/2020/09/Copernicus_Sentinel-6_in_action)

While heritage has been key to the mission's design, Sentinel-6 brings, for the first time, synthetic aperture radar into the altimetry reference mission time series. To ensure that no bias is introduced into the time series, the radar instrument operates in a continuous burst mode, simultaneously providing conventional low-resolution mode measurements and the improved performance of synthetic aperture radar processing.

To ensure that the data time series is continuous despite the change of instrument technologies, Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich is spending its first year in orbit flying just 30 seconds behind Jason-3.

Copernicus Sentinel-6 orbital tracks (https://www.esa.int/ESA_Multimedia/Images/2020/11/Copernicus_Sentinel-6_orbital_tracks)

Orbiting at an altitude of over 1300 km and reaching 66°N and 66°S, Sentinel-6 provides sufficient measurements to map the height of the sea surface over 95% of the world's ice-free oceans every 10 days.

While Sentinel-6 is one of the European Union's family of Copernicus missions, its implementation is the result of a unique cooperation between the European Commission ESA, Eumetsat, NASA and NOAA, with contribution from the CNES French space agency.

The European Commission's Director-General for Defence Industry and Space, Timo Pesonen, said, "We are very pleased to welcome this newcomer to the EU's fleet of Copernicus Sentinel satellites. Copernicus Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich will enable delivering enhanced products and information concerning the oceans and the atmosphere to improve the daily lives of our citizens. The arrival of this satellite is another success for Copernicus, for Europe, for all mission partners and worldwide."

ESA has been responsible for the development of the Poseidon-4 radar altimeter and development of the Copernicus Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich, as a whole. It is also responsible for the procurement of Copernicus Sentinel-6B on behalf of the European Commission and Eumetsat.

Copernicus Sentinel-6 on its way (https://www.esa.int/ESA_Multimedia/Images/2020/11/Copernicus_Sentinel-6_on_its_way_to_measure_sea-level_rise)

Transfer of ownership goes to the EC at the point of liftoff. ESA takes care of the early orbit phase as well as in-orbit verification planning, and supports flight operations performed by Eumetsat.
Eumetsat is responsible for the development of the ground segment and for operations after the launch and early orbit phases. Eumetsat processes the data and delivers the data products services to European users.

Eumetsat's Director General, Alain Ratier, said, "Data from Copernicus Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich will be the most accurate yet and will be used to gain a deeper understanding of global sea-level rise, a key indicator of climate change. The data will also be used for weather forecasting, from improving the accuracy of seasonal forecasts to predicting the tracks of hurricanes and cyclones."

NASA has the responsibility for the launch services, the development of the microwave radiometer, the laser retroreflector and GNSS radio occultation receiver. It also provides ground segment support and contributes to the operations and data processing in the US. NASA and NOAA share responsibility for the distribution of data products to users in the US.

"Mike Freilich helped ensure NASA was a steadfast partner with scientists and space agencies worldwide, and his love of oceanography and Earth science helped us improve the understanding of our beautiful planet," said Thomas Zurbuchen, NASA's Associate Administrator for Science at the Agency's Headquarters in Washington. "This satellite, so graciously named for him by our European partners, will carry out the critical work Mike so believed in – adding to a legacy of crucial data about our oceans and paying it forward for the benefit of future generations."
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 22.11.2020 02:18:34
К #179 (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/index.php?msg=2074753)

Цитировать Jonathan McDowell @planet4589 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1330269493319389186)

Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich and the Falcon 9 second stage are now cataloged in the targeted 1308 x 1327 km x 66.1 deg orbit,  similar to the orbit used by the previous Jason oceanography satellites
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: lev_g от 22.11.2020 02:23:34
Цитата: Pirat5 от 21.11.2020 23:28:19Третий пуск месяца и третий пуск новой ступени. Значит ждать их повтора в этом году, вероятно, не стОит
Судьба 1061 и 1062 известна - повезут следующую экспедицию на МКС и следующий Навстар, так что их повтора в этом году ждать точно не стоит. 1063 в теории еще не зафрахтована, но конечно вероятность повторного полета за оставшееся время - исчезающие мала.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 22.11.2020 10:32:01
Цитировать NOAA Satellites - Public Affairs @NOAASatellitePA 8 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/NOAASatellitePA/status/1330288850833432578)

#SATELLITE (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SATELLITE?src=hashtag_click) SPOTLIGHT: As the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite blasted off from Vandenberg Air Force Base this morning, another satellite—@NOAA (https://twitter.com/NOAA)'s #GOES17 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/GOES17?src=hashtag_click)Спутник—caught the launch from its perspective in orbit; 22,300 miles up. http://go.usa.gov/x7vfx (https://t.co/sxQY1VDFt2?amp=1) #SeeingTheSeas (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SeeingTheSeas?src=hashtag_click) #Sentinel6 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Sentinel6?src=hashtag_click)

https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/EnYhLg-WMAY6BVd.mp4 (https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/EnYhLg-WMAY6BVd.mp4) (0:04)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 22.11.2020 10:45:05
Цитировать Gavin - SpaceXFleet.com @SpaceXFleet 5 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet/status/1330338325887131648)

Sentinel-6: NRC Quest appears to have finished fairing recovery operations and has departed the splashdown site.

Expected to arrive at the Port of Los Angeles around 7:30 am local time tomorrow (22nd) but might to be a little later.

We won't know the outcome until they arrive.

Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: Air от 22.11.2020 12:32:39
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: sas от 22.11.2020 13:32:32
Цитата: PIN от 21.11.2020 21:43:28Это научная миссия, причём EUMETSAT. Не пудрите людям мОзги.
Да кто спорит-то. Но данные-то, обработанные учеными для научных задач, берут для прикладного применения...
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: zandr от 22.11.2020 15:53:45
ЦитироватьЗапуск миссии SpaceX Sentinel-6
Немного статистики:
— 1-й полёт ускорителя Falcon 9 B1063
— 3-я посадка на площадку LZ-4
— 16-й запуск SpaceX с площадки SLC-4E
— 21-я успешная посадка ускорителя на сушу
— 22-й запуск этого года для SpaceX
— 66-я успешная посадка 1-й ступени
— 74-я успешная миссия компании подряд
— 99-й пуск Falcon 9
— 100-я миссия для Falcon 9 (включая Amos-6 и IFA)
— 107-й запуск компании SpaceX.

— Самое большое количество запусков компании SpaceX осуществлённых за год (22). Продолжение следует...
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: Старый от 22.11.2020 16:43:25
Джентльмены, а Флакон вывозят с плитой потому что СК рассчитан на Хэви Флакон и плита закрывает две боковые дырки?
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: DYF от 22.11.2020 16:46:43
Цитата: Старый от 22.11.2020 16:43:25Джентльмены, а Флакон вывозят с плитой потому что СК рассчитан на Хэви Флакон и плита закрывает две боковые дырки?
Хэви тоже вывозят с плитой
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: Старый от 22.11.2020 16:55:17
Цитата: DYF от 22.11.2020 16:46:43
Цитата: Старый от 22.11.2020 16:43:25Джентльмены, а Флакон вывозят с плитой потому что СК рассчитан на Хэви Флакон и плита закрывает две боковые дырки?
Хэви тоже вывозят с плитой
А на эту площадку хоть раз вывозили?
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: lev_g от 22.11.2020 20:27:16
Цитата: Старый от 22.11.2020 16:55:17
Цитата: DYF от 22.11.2020 16:46:43
Цитата: Старый от 22.11.2020 16:43:25Джентльмены, а Флакон вывозят с плитой потому что СК рассчитан на Хэви Флакон и плита закрывает две боковые дырки?
Хэви тоже вывозят с плитой
А на эту площадку хоть раз вывозили?
На эту - нет. Единственная площадка приспособленная под FH - LC–39A в KSC
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: lev_g от 22.11.2020 20:29:42
Цитата: lev_g от 22.11.2020 02:23:34
Цитата: Pirat5 от 21.11.2020 23:28:19Третий пуск месяца и третий пуск новой ступени. Значит ждать их повтора в этом году, вероятно, не стОит
Судьба 1061 и 1062 известна - повезут следующую экспедицию на МКС и следующий Навстар, так что их повтора в этом году ждать точно не стоит. 1063 в теории еще не зафрахтована, но конечно вероятность повторного полета за оставшееся время - исчезающие мала.
Оказывается уже (по слухам) - повезет DART в след. июле. (https://twitter.com/SpaceflightNow/status/1330544871661334533)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: DYF от 22.11.2020 20:32:23
Цитата: Старый от 22.11.2020 16:55:17А на эту площадку хоть раз вывозили?
Нет. Heavy только на 39A. Остальное - фотошоп :)

Но военные по NSSL 2 контракту в августе перечислили уже $127млн из $152млн планируемых на "Launch Service Support"

Тут в статье со слов Шотвелл пишут в том числе и про "апгрейд площадки на Ванденберге"

Вполне возможно будут готовить под Хеви. Там же не только сама плита, но и хранилища топлива x3, трубопроводы всякие. Дополнительная площадка для первой ступени.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 22.11.2020 21:27:45
Цитировать Pauline Acalin @w00ki33 16 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/w00ki33/status/1330574141372526593)

NRC Quest is docked at Port of LA if anyone wants to grab some pics of fairing recovery! I can't make it today. :(

Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: Старый от 22.11.2020 21:35:22
Цитата: lev_g от 22.11.2020 20:27:16
Цитата: Старый от 22.11.2020 16:55:17
Цитата: DYF от 22.11.2020 16:46:43
Цитата: Старый от 22.11.2020 16:43:25Джентльмены, а Флакон вывозят с плитой потому что СК рассчитан на Хэви Флакон и плита закрывает две боковые дырки?
Хэви тоже вывозят с плитой
А на эту площадку хоть раз вывозили?
На эту - нет. Единственная площадка приспособленная под FH - LC–39A в KSC
Мне интересно: площадка 4Е рассчитана и под ХэвиФлакон или три дырки это лишь наследие Титана-3/4?
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 22.11.2020 21:36:31
ЦитироватьSentinel-6 Launch and RTLS with an 11-inch telescope

(https://www.youtube.com/user/tomfelker) Tom Felker (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi6btr1S72NaWrI1xcxpxWA)

21 нояб. 2020 г.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKZOXaEHOIY (5:50)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: DYF от 22.11.2020 21:47:18
Цитата: Старый от 22.11.2020 21:35:22Мне интересно: площадка 4Е рассчитана и под ХэвиФлакон или три дырки это лишь наследие Титана-3/4?
Ферма и сама плита явно форм-фактора FH, но плита без нужных дырок. Нужно будет менять.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: Старый от 22.11.2020 21:50:32
Цитата: DYF от 22.11.2020 21:47:18
Цитата: Старый от 22.11.2020 21:35:22Мне интересно: площадка 4Е рассчитана и под ХэвиФлакон или три дырки это лишь наследие Титана-3/4?
Ферма и сама плита явно форм-фактора FH, но плита без нужных дырок. 
Имел в виду три дырки в стартовом столе.

ЦитироватьНужно будет менять.
Интересно есть ли и предусмотрена ли такая возможность - пускать ХэавиФлакон с 4Е?
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: DYF от 22.11.2020 22:27:21
Цитата: Старый от 22.11.2020 21:50:32Интересно есть ли и предусмотрена ли такая возможность - пускать ХэавиФлакон с 4Е?
SpaceX еще с 2012-го года неоднократно говорила, что 4E в том числе и под Хэви. Очевидно, что они под это закладывались.

Также очевидно, что площадка в данный момент не готова под FH

Военные дали денег. Шотвелл говорит, что будут "модернизировать" 4E

Кажется, что это как раз доработка под Хэви.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 22.11.2020 22:55:44
Продолжают упорствовать - 2020-087

Объекты запуска идентифицированы и внесены в каталог

46984 (https://www.space-track.org/basicspacedata/query/class/satcat/NORAD_CAT_ID/46984/format/html/emptyresult/show) S6 MICHAEL FREILICH2020-087APAYLOADTBD2020-11-21AFWTR112.0266.0713291310TLE (https://www.space-track.org/basicspacedata/query/class/gp/NORAD_CAT_ID/46984/format/tle/emptyresult/show) | OMM (https://www.space-track.org/basicspacedata/query/class/gp/NORAD_CAT_ID/46984/format/xml/emptyresult/show)
46985 (https://www.space-track.org/basicspacedata/query/class/satcat/NORAD_CAT_ID/46985/format/html/emptyresult/show) FALCON 9 R/B2020-087BROCKET BODYUS2020-11-21AFWTR112.0266.0713291310TLE (https://www.space-track.org/basicspacedata/query/class/gp/NORAD_CAT_ID/46985/format/tle/emptyresult/show) | OMM (https://www.space-track.org/basicspacedata/query/class/gp/NORAD_CAT_ID/46985/format/xml/emptyresult/show)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 23.11.2020 00:20:09
Цитировать Gavin - SpaceXFleet.com @SpaceXFleet 6 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet/status/1330619509468704773)

NRC Quest has recovered two intact fairing halves from the Sentinel-6 mission!

Цитировать SpaceX Pad SLC4_LZ4 @SLC4_LZ2 17 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SLC4_LZ2/status/1330616896878592000)

Best pics I could get of #Sentinel6 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Sentinel6?src=hashtag_click) fairings SpaceX Paparazzi!!
@SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet)

 Gavin - SpaceXFleet.com @SpaceXFleet 2 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet/status/1330620706393034753)

The fairing was recovered from the water. SpaceX does not have a catcher ship in the Pacific Ocean.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 23.11.2020 02:58:04
Цитировать Code Curmudgeon @CodeCurmudgeon 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/CodeCurmudgeon/status/1330638558252568576)

The SpaceX fairings from yesterday's launch @SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet) thanks for the tip @thejackbeyer (https://twitter.com/thejackbeyer)

1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/CodeCurmudgeon/status/1330641434018340865)

A few more from SpaceX launch fairings @thejackbeyer (https://twitter.com/thejackbeyer) @spacexfleet (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet)

38 мин. назад (https://twitter.com/CodeCurmudgeon/status/1330650710736740353)

faring prep continues after yesterday's successful launch @SpaceXFleet (https://twitter.com/SpaceXFleet) @SpaceX (https://twitter.com/SpaceX) @thejackbeyer (https://twitter.com/thejackbeyer)

Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: PIN от 23.11.2020 11:31:28
Аппарат, тем временем, уже начал маневрировать.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: cross-track от 23.11.2020 17:21:19
интересно, что на первой странице этой темы был приведен постер с солнечно-синхронной орбитой, и высотой орбиты 600 км.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.11.2020 01:53:46
К #203 (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/index.php?msg=2075301)

В каталоге по прежнему 2020-087, но в базе TLE уже исправили

1 46984U 20086A   20328.55617927 -.00000062  00000-0  00000+0 0  9992
2 46984  66.0603  35.2378 0011678 239.1139 120.6910 12.85378498   232

1 46985U 20086B   20326.92241646 -.00000062  00000-0  00000+0 0  9993
2 46985  66.0694  38.6876 0011650 241.1823 118.8027 12.85515475    18
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.11.2020 04:34:12
Цитировать Jonathan McDowell @planet4589 1 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/planet4589/status/1331030619099459584)

The second stage of the Falcon 9 that launched Sentinel-6 has been deorbited from its
1330 km insertion orbit, according to the decay notice on Space-Track
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 24.11.2020 20:25:05
К #208 (https://forum.novosti-kosmonavtiki.ru/index.php?msg=2076350) - теперь и в каталоге исправили

46985 (https://www.space-track.org/basicspacedata/query/class/satcat/NORAD_CAT_ID/46985/format/html/emptyresult/show) FALCON 9 R/B2020-086BROCKET BODYUS2020-11-21AFWTR2020-11-22112.0266.0713291310TLE (https://www.space-track.org/basicspacedata/query/class/gp/NORAD_CAT_ID/46985/format/tle/emptyresult/show) | OMM (https://www.space-track.org/basicspacedata/query/class/gp/NORAD_CAT_ID/46985/format/xml/emptyresult/show)
46984 (https://www.space-track.org/basicspacedata/query/class/satcat/NORAD_CAT_ID/46984/format/html/emptyresult/show) S6 MICHAEL FREILICH2020-086APAYLOADESA2020-11-21AFWTR112.0366.0613291311TLE (https://www.space-track.org/basicspacedata/query/class/gp/NORAD_CAT_ID/46984/format/tle/emptyresult/show) | OMM (https://www.space-track.org/basicspacedata/query/class/gp/NORAD_CAT_ID/46984/format/xml/emptyresult/show)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: PIN от 25.11.2020 03:20:16
Управление аппаратом передано сегодня EUMETSAT.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 26.11.2020 11:24:34
Цитировать Eric Ralph @13ericralph31 13 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/13ericralph31/status/1331673068066930688)

Some seriously epic views of #SpaceX (https://twitter.com/hashtag/SpaceX?src=hashtag_click) Falcon 9 B1063's first launch and landing courtesy of the USAF's Sentinel 6A B-roll. The booster's angle of attack between reentry burn cutoff and landing burn startup is almost unbelievable, easily looks like 30+ degrees at points.

https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1331671906487992320/pu/vid/1280x720/Y92PqiyGh_ycoemp.mp4 (https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1331671906487992320/pu/vid/1280x720/Y92PqiyGh_ycoemp.mp4) (2:00)

13 ч. назад (https://twitter.com/13ericralph31/status/1331673105689788417)

And a bonus uncut view of B1063 landing back at LZ-4.

https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1331672130753228802/pu/vid/1280x720/M2ACSX6lKwbdi3kV.mp4 (https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1331672130753228802/pu/vid/1280x720/M2ACSX6lKwbdi3kV.mp4) (0:30)

Источник (https://images.nasa.gov/details-KSC-20201121-MH-MAT01-0001-Sentinel_6_Live_Launch_Coverage_USAF_30th_SW_Isolated_Views-3263265) (НАСА, 30-е КК, 14:08)
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: tnt22 от 12.12.2020 23:03:50
https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-us-european-partner-satellite-returns-first-sea-level-measurements (https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-us-european-partner-satellite-returns-first-sea-level-measurements)

ЦитироватьDec. 10, 2020
RELEASE 20-129

NASA, US, European Partner Satellite Returns First Sea Level Measurements

The data in this graphic are the first sea surface height measurements from the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich (S6MF) satellite, which launched Nov. 21, 2020. They show the ocean off the southern tip of Africa, with red colors indicating higher sea level relative to blue areas, which are lower.

Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich, a joint U.S.-European satellite built to measure global sea surface height, has sent back its first measurements of sea level. The data provide information on sea surface height, wave height, and wind speed off the southern tip of Africa.

"We're excited for Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich to begin its critical work studying sea level and helping us understand the many aspects of our planet's global ocean," said Thomas Zurbuchen, NASA's associate administrator for science at the agency's headquarters in Washington. "I know Mike would be thrilled that the satellite bearing his name has begun operating, but he'd also be looking forward to studying the data from this important mission, as we all are."

Since the successful Nov. 21 launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California aboard a Space-X Falcon 9 rocket, engineers and scientists have spent several weeks switching on and checking out the satellite and its instruments, making sure everything is operating as it should.

"Christmas came early this year," said Josh Willis, project scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. "And right out of the box, the data look fantastic."

Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich will continue a decades-long effort to measure global ocean height from space, which started in the early 1990s. Since then, the rate of sea level rise has doubled with a current rate of 0.16 inches (4 millimeters) per year. The rise is caused almost entirely by a combination of meltwater from land-based glaciers and ice sheets and the fact that seawater expands as it warms.

"Data from Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich will help us evaluate how the Earth is changing," said Karen St. Germain, director of NASA's Earth Science Division. "When we combine the data from instruments like the altimeter on Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich with data from other satellites like GRACE-FO and IceSat-2, we can tell how much of the sea level rise is due to melting ice and how much is due to expansion as the oceans warm. Understanding these underlying physical mechanisms is what allows NASA to improve projections of future sea level rise."

The initial orbit for Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich was 11.4 miles (18.4 kilometers) lower than its ultimate operational orbit of 830 miles (1,336 kilometers) above Earth. Engineers plan to move the satellite into its operational orbit by mid-December, where it will trail the Jason-3 (https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/missions/jason-3/) satellite by 30 seconds. During this tandem flight, scientists and engineers will spend the next six to 12 months cross calibrating the data collected by both satellites to ensure the continuity of measurements between the two. Once assured of the data quality, Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich will then become the primary sea level satellite. The first publicly available sea level data will be available in about six months, with the rest available within a year.

"We are now gearing up the operational systems supporting the processing of the instruments' data by EUMETSAT and partner organizations, as they are all contributing to this complex process," said Manfred Lugert, program manager for the Sentinel-6/Jason-CS (Continuity of Service) mission at the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT). "This will keep us busy for the next few months, as the independent scientific validation and fine tuning need to be undertaken very carefully." Lugert expects the first operational products from the mission would be available to those who need them by mid-2021.

In addition to measuring sea level, Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich is monitoring atmospheric temperature and humidity, which will help improve weather and hurricane forecasts. Engineers and scientists turned on that instrument Nov. 27, and the initial data look good.

More About the Mission

Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich is named in honor of the former director of NASA's Earth Science Division, who was a leading figure in advancing ocean observations from space. Freilich passed away Aug. 5, 2020. "I think he would be proud," said Willis. "Like Mike himself, we expect great things from the satellite that bears his name, and so far, it's looking good."

The spacecraft is one of two identical satellites that will extend a nearly 30-year sea level record collected by an ongoing collaboration of U.S. and European satellites by another decade. That record began in 1992 with the TOPEX/Poseidon satellite and continued with Jason-1 (2001), OSTM/Jason-2 (2008), and Jason-3, which has been observing Earth's oceans since 2016. Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich will pass the baton to its twin, Sentinel-6B, in 2025.

Both spacecraft are a part of the Sentinel-6/Jason-CS mission, which will collect accurate measurements of sea surface height for more than 90% of the world's oceans. The satellites will also monitor atmospheric temperature and humidity, as well as wave height and wind speed, which will provide crucial information for operational oceanography, marine meteorology, and climate studies.

ESA (European Space Agency), EUMETSAT, NASA, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are jointly developing the Sentinel-6/Jason-CS mission, with funding support from the European Commission and support from France's National Centre for Space Studies (CNES). The mission is part of Copernicus, the European Union's Earth observation program, which the European Commission manages.

NASA's contributions to the Sentinel-6/Jason-CS mission are three science instruments for each of the two satellites: the Advanced Microwave Radiometer for Climate (https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=7764), the Global Navigation Satellite System - Radio Occultation (https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=7742), and the Laser Retroreflector Array (https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=7764). NASA also contributed launch services, ground systems supporting operation of the NASA science instruments, the science data processors for two of these instruments, and support for the U.S. members of the international Ocean Surface Topography Science Team. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena manages the agency's contribution to the mission.

Last Updated: Dec. 10, 2020
Editor: Sean Potter
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: zandr от 08.02.2021 23:48:13
ЦитироватьSentinel-6 passes in-orbit tests with flying colours
In November 2020, the Copernicus Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite was launched into orbit from the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, US. Now, months later, the satellite has successfully passed what is known as the 'in-orbit verification phase', where its equipment is switched on and the instruments' performance is checked.
The Copernicus Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite is the first of two identical satellites to provide critical measurements of sea-level change. The satellite carries a new digital altimeter, Poseidon-4, that uses dedicated onboard processing to return even more precise measurements of the height of the sea surface.
In the satellite's early days post-launch, the dedicated flight control team at ESA's Operations Centre in Darmstadt, Germany, took meticulous care of the new Sentinel in what is known as the Launch and Early Orbit Phase (LEOP). Once completed, ESA's mission control team handed over command and control of the satellite to Eumetsat – Europe's weather and climate satellite organisation – who took over responsibility of commissioning, routine operations and distribution of the mission's vital data.
On 27 January, ESA along with Sentinel-6's key partners, including Airbus, Thales Alenia Space, Eumetsat, NASA, French Space Agency CNES and NOAA, completed the satellite's 'in-orbit verification phase'.
One of the tests performed included cross-calibrating the satellite's altimeter data with measurements from the Copernicus Sentinel-3 and Jason missions. These tests are completed at ESA's Permanent Facility for Altimetry Calibration (PFAC) in Crete, Greece, where the use of transponders are used to receive and re-transmit radar pulses back to the satellite in space to verify its performance.
These measurements have been used to demonstrate that the altimeter measurements are performing to expectation.
Robert Cullen, Copernicus Sentinel-6 Payload and System Manager at ESA, said, "From our preliminary analyses, the altimeter significant wave height and range uncertainty are significantly better compared to the previous Sentinel-3 and Jason-3 missions."
Luisella Giulicchi, Copernicus Sentinel-6 System Manager at ESA, responsible for coordinating the satellite's in-orbit verification phase, added, "We found all satellite subsystems to be working in perfect order. The satellite's newly-deployed GNSS Precise Orbit Determination receiver, which combines both GPS and Galileo constellations signals, shows an outstanding preliminary performance, along with the rest of the navigation systems on board the satellite."
"Since 18 December, Sentinel-6 has been in its final orbit, trailing just 30 seconds behind Jason-3. This particular trailing formation is required for 12 months before Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich will take over from Jason-3 as the operational reference mission."

More about Copernicus Sentinel-6
Rising seas are top of the list of major concerns linked to climate change. Monitoring sea-surface height is critical to understanding the changes taking place so that decision-makers have the evidence to implement policies to help curb climate change and so that authorities can take action to protect vulnerable communities.
The first sea-surface height 'reference' measurements were supplied by the French–US Topex-Poseidon satellite, which was followed by three successive Jason missions. They show that since 1993 the global sea level has risen, on average, by just over 3 mm every year. Even more worryingly, over the last few years the global ocean has risen, on average, by 4.8 mm a year. Copernicus Sentinel-6's role is to continue this legacy of critical measurements.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: zandr от 09.02.2021 07:38:20
Цитироватьhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Im-Ask8cQDI 1:29
Spazio, satellite Copernicus Sentinel6 supera verifiche in orbita
  Quotidiano.net (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB3e_9sPf7whZA4PfGXrIMQ)
Milano, 8 feb. (askanews) - Il satellite Esa Sentinel-6 "Michael Freilich" del programma di osservazione della Terra dallo Spazio Copernicus della Commissione europea, ha superato con successo la fase di verifica in orbita, cioé la fase in cui le sue apparecchiature vengono accese e vengono controllate le prestazioni degli strumenti.
Lanciato in orbita dalla base americana di Vandenberg in California, nel novembre del 2020, il Sentinel-6 è il primo di 2 satelliti gemelli concepiti per fornire misurazioni del cambiamento del livello del mare, grazie all'altimetro "Poseidon-4", costruito in Italia da Thales Alenia Space. Italiani sono anche i pannelli fotovoltaici costruiti da Leonardo.
Dopo le prime operazioni realtive all'immissione in orbita, il team di controllo di volo al Centro operativo dell'ESA a Darmstadt, in Germania, ha passato il controllo del satellite a Eumetsat, l'organizzazione europea dei satelliti meteorologici e climatici che ha iniziato i test di calibrazione dell'altimetro del Sentinel-6, attraverso dati incrociati forniti da altri 2 satelliti: il Sentinel-3 e il Jason-3 che sostituirà entro un anno.
L'aumento del livello del mare, calcolato in circa 3,2 millimetri in media all'anno è in cima alla lista delle principali preoccupazioni legate al cambiamento climatico. Si ritiene che stia accelerando e il suo monitoraggio è fondamentale per comprendere i cambiamenti in atto, in modo che le autorità politiche possano prendere decisioni che aiutino a frenare il cambiamento climatico e proteggere le comunità più vulnerabili.

Прошёл тесты успешно.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: zandr от 09.02.2021 20:46:19
ЦитироватьКА Sentinel-6 успешно прошел орбитальные испытания
Завершены орбитальные испытания КА Sentinel-6 'Michael Freilich', запущенного в ноябре 2020 года с Базы "Ванденберг" в Калифорнии, США, передает Ecoruspace. Прошедшие испытания состояли в выполнении операций по проверке работоспособности инструментов и включению оборудования. Один из выполненных тестов включал перекрестную калибровку данных высотомера спутника с измерениями, полученными с миссиями Copernicus Sentinel-3 и Jason. Эти испытания проводились в Постоянном центре калибровки альтиметрии (PFAC) Европейского космического агентства (остров Крит, Греция) и в ходе их проведения использовались транспондеры для приема и ретрансляции импульсов радара обратно на спутник.
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 (B1063.1) – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: zandr от 22.06.2021 01:03:10
ЦитироватьNASA  @NASA
Water waveSatellite After a flawless #SeeingTheSeas launch six months ago, the U.S.-European Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich ocean-monitoring satellite is starting to provide science data, with the first streams available to the public beginning tomorrow, June 22: https://go.nasa.gov/3qjsS87
Название: Sentinel-6A (Michael Freilich) – Falcon 9 (B1063.1) – Vandenberg SLC-4E – 21.11.2020 17:17 UTC
Отправлено: ОАЯ от 24.02.2022 15:10:17
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